Page 6 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES CES GRASSES GREEN ENSESB RR REE : EA . SERVICING OF ALL MAKES OF LAWN MOWERS THROUGHOUT ! THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. § BRANDT’'S MOWER SERVICE, Inc. DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD, MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 653-5795 Rohrer’s Seed Packets displayed Now Later—A full line of Rohrer’s bulk seeds ALSO GARDEN TOOLS—SUPPLIES & SPRAYS Apples: Red and Yellow Delicious, Stayman Starting at $2.00 1/2 bushel FARM FRESH EGGS Potatoes—Onions—Fresh Vegetables OUR OWN SHOO-FLY PIES 10X Brown Sugar 10 Ibs. $3.29 5 Ibs. $1.85 WILBUR’S COATING CHOCOLATE 10 Ibs $8.50 to $14.50 COCONUT 99c Ib. Frosty Acre Vegetables in 5 Ib bags or 20 Ib boxes SECONDS IN WEAVER’S CHICKEN in § Ib BAGS Mrs. Paul’s Fish in 3—5 & 10 Ib bags or 40 Ib boxes Just heat & serve LARGE NO. 10 CANS FRUIT, VEGETABLES, CATSUP WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. STORE HOURS: Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Fri. 8 a.m. t0.9 p.m. 4 mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 ED § >I GE GEE ER EE IR OSE EE GE IRE | EEO ERE OE ORE Or EER) SE Or ITO SEER» AE rR , Iz Do You Have a Home Built in the 1700’s or 1800’s — farm house, town house or estafe? We would like to advertise it for you in national circulation newspapers and publications like An- tique Magazine, directed at exclusive clients who can bring you top value. ENGLE-HAMBRIGHT & DAVIES, INC. Real Estate 115 E. King St. Lancaster, Pa. Phone 394-5681 Ask for Bob McMurtrie February 18, 1976 Mount Joy Leisure Club stuffs envelopes for library by Joe Shaeffer The Mount Joy Leisure Club met on Monday, February 9 at Hostetters Dining Hall with 92 mem- bers present. The meeting began at noon and the members stuffed envelopes for the Library Fund drive. The business meeting was called to order by president, Joe Shaeffer. After the pledge of allegiance to the flag, secretary, Nedra Brandt read her report followed by a treasurer's report by Kathryn Zink. George Groff reported that the directors of the Com- munity Council would con- tinue to function and to present programs in the park and other activities during the bicentennial celebration. Lena Eshleman of the Sunshine Committee report- ed 14 cards sent to shut-ins. The usual birthday and anniversary songs were sung to those celebrating in February. Two new mem- bers were introduced, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin LeVin. President Shaeffer ex- plained in detail what eligible members should do to get the $10.00 registra- tion fee instead of paying $24.00. He also explained the steps that would be necessary in getting the $14.00 refund for those eligible who already paid $24.00. He had the neces- sary forms to be used in both instances. A bus trip was discussed for May 12. President Shaeffer said that Golden Age Fellowship from the Chiques Methodist Church was planning a bus trip to the Maple Festival at Myersdale on March 31 and that some seats were avail- able for members of the Leisure Club. President Shaeffer an- nounced the activities and programs for the balance of the year, climaxed by a Christmas party and dinner on December 8. Hostesses for the March 8 meeting are Mildred Way, Agnes Weaver, Viola Anderson. Velma Braun, Elsie Bentzel, Harriet Brown, Edna Brown Sadie Breneman, and Nedra Brandt. The program will be several reels of the old home-town movies. These will be shown by President Shaeffer. The next meeting, which will be held March 8, will begin ‘at noon. The members will again stuff envelopes for the Bicen. committee. Following the adjourment of February meeting, the invocation was given by Arthur Braun and coffee and cake was served. The group then played bingo for a short time. Sarah 15 happy because. .-..she’s adding to her Union National Mount Joy Bank savings account. ....the bank gave her a dollar to start a savings account, just because she was smart enough to pick parents who already did their banking at Union National. ....she’s discovering how fast her savings account grows at Union National, her hometown bank, where anyone of any age can have a savings account suited to his or her own needs. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. 17552 Each Geposttor insured to $40 000 "HOMETOWN BANK" THE
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