8, 1976 thence, rtherly vestern eet, -a undred ess, to g. \Il Or- of Or- t here- aled. is Or- ne ef- sed by OR- day of OUGH UNCIL der, 11 >sident ooth th day Devitt Mayor \ REBY INING f the y will IEAR- “ebru- m., in Build- treet, ar the lates, treet, esting nd on it the . The ry in amily gs on land near cer is tation 2.e as tional 'S are JUNT JOY RING )JARD , PA | ex- oper- nting nue, TTA ING ARD VE £ : 2 > & & - # 3 GRRE February 18, 1976 WHOLESALE Columbia Tobacco Co., Inc. 684-2710—Party Sup- plies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper Goods—438 Locust St., Columbia, PA. SALE All men’s and women’s Timex watches 20 per cent off. Furnace filters, 2 for $1.00. Donegal High School lined jackets, reg. $12.99— now $10.99. 8 oz. Elmer’s Glue-all, reg. $1.19, now for 60c. General Electric light bulbs, 40—100 watts, pkg. of 4, reg. 4 for $2.00, now 4 for $1.25. Offers good until Feb. 28. Columbia Hard- ware of Marietta, 12 W. Market St., Marietta. FOR SALE 9’ x 12’ Linoleum rugs. $8.99 each. Assorted styles and colors. Jim Roberts Western Auto, 18 W. Main St., Mount Joy. FOR RENT “Mount Joy, furnished rooms, central location. 653-5942. NOTICE Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4751. 821 Centerville Rd., Lancaster, 17601. FOR SALE Two goats, female, $75. Phone 426-1707. FOR SALE Columbian cook stove. Call Lester Hostetter, 653-1441 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 76-2 AN ORDINANCE REQUIR- ING THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS FRONTING ON OR ADJOINING ANY STREETS IN. THE BOROUGH OF MARIETTA AND PROVIDING PENAL- TIES FOR VIOLATIONS BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Borough of Marietta, Pennsylvania, and it is hereby enacted and ordained as follows: SECTION I. Each tenant, owner, or person in charge of any property fronting on or adjoining any street in the Borough, shall clear a path- way of at least three (3°) feet in width on the sidewalk in front of or adjoining such property within twelve (12) hours after the snow which is the cause thereof has ceased to fall, or after the same has been deposited thereon in any manner; provided, however, that if the snow shall have ceased to fall between dusk and - dawn, the pathway shall be cleared before dusk the same day. The snow cleaned from the pathway shall not be deposited in the street after the street has been plowed. As used herein, ““Snow’’ shall mean any precipitation depositing any accumulation on the streets NOTICE Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call—Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area). Welcome Wagon. NOTICE For your wedding invita- tions, accessories, engage- ments, or anniversary print- ing needs, visit Myers Gift and Printing Shop, Route 230 West, Mount Joy, phone 653-5080. Reasonable prices. Prompt efficient service. FOR RENT Mount Joy-3 rooms, pri- vate bath, modern, located 7 N. High St. Available now. $125.00 mo. Security depo- sit. References. Phone 426-3411. NOTICE Before buying carpet, see what we have to offer. Hies- tand Carpet Sales. - By appointment. 367-4290. FOR RENT Mount Joy, first floor, 3 rooms and bath. Exception- ally nice for reasonable adults. Open now. Contact manager, 210 E. Main, Mount Joy. SAVE HEAT-—Shenandoah Fire Grates save fireplace heat, help heat your home. Fuelmiser Furnace Heat- reclaimers put wasted heat into your home, not up the chimney. We also sell Wood Stoves. Hiestand Distribu- tors, Inc. 426-3286. and sidewalks, such as snow, sleet, hail, ice and freezing rain. SECTION 2. Any person or officer of any firm, association or corporation who shall violate any pro- vision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction there- of in a summary proceeding before a District Justice of the Peace, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 plus the costs of pro- secution, to be collected as other penalties and costs are by law collectible, and in fault of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the Lancaster County prison for a period of not more than five (5S) days. Each day's continuance of the offense shall constitute a new offense. SECTION 3. All Or- dinances or parts of Ordin- ances inconsistent herewith are herelby repealed. ENACTED AND OR- DAINED this 10th day of February, 1976. MARIETTA BOROUGH COUNCIL Oliver Overlander Il President ATTEST: Margaret Booth Secretary APPROVED this 10th day of February, 1976. Bernard R. McDevitt Mayor LEGAL NOTICL ORDINANCE NO. 75-9 WHEREAS, the Borough of Marietta, a Pennsylvania Municipal Corporation with its principal office in Mari- etta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Warner- CCC Inc., (hereinafter re- ferred to as ‘‘Franchisee’’) are desirous of establishing a franchise for the opera- tion, maintenance and con- struction of, and all related activities concerning, a cable TV system in the Borough of Marietta. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows: 1. The Borough of Mari- etta hereby grants to Fran- chisee a franchise for the operation, maintenance and construction of, and all related activities concerning a cable television system to be operated in the Borough of Marietta subject to the conditions set out herein and subject to all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. 2. All said applicable state and federal laws and regula- tions are incorporated into this Agreement as though set out in full and compli- ance therewith is made an express condition of the granting of the aforesaid franchise. Any non-compli- ance with the aforesaid laws and/or regulations shall be grounds for revoking the aforesaid franchise. 3. The effective date of the aforesaid franchise shall be December 13, 1975. The rights under this franchise are granted for a period of ten (10) years from the effective date hereof. Re- newal of franchise rights may be granted by the aforesaid Borough of Mari- etta after consideration of said renewal and a public hearing thereon. There shall be no obligaton upon either the Borough or the Fran- chisee to renew the fran- chise. In the event that re- newal rights are not award- ed pursuant to the aforesaid public hearing, Franchisee shall receive, prior to its termination of operations in the Borough, from its successor as designated by the Borough of Marietta, the fair market value of the cable system as a going business. If the Borough and the Franchisee disagree as tosuch value, it is hereby agreed that the matter will be submitted to arbitration, subject to Court review, prior to any payments upon termination. 4. The rates for regular subscriber services are at- tached hereto as Exhibit “A”. No increase in said rates for regular services shall be made by Franchisee except with the prior ap- proval of the Borough of Marietta. All requests for rate increases shall be made in writing to the Borough of Marietta and the aforesaid Borough shall consider any such request for increases in a public hearing. Any application for a rate increase shall be acted upon within sixty (60) days after submission thereof and consent shall be deemed given if the afore- said Borough has not acted within such time. Rates for regular subscriber services shall be just, reasonable and adequate and shall at all times be maintained con- sistent with the Fran- chisee’s increased capital and operating costs (includ- ing, but not limited to, increased costs resulting from inflation). S. Franchisee agrees to respond to and investigate all complaints received from its subscribers within the Borough of Marietta. Fran- chisee further agrees to resolve said complaints if at all technically and reason- ably possible. For the purpose of taking com- plaints from customers, Franchisee and the Borough of Marietta agree that the business office of the Fran- chisee shall be the person designated by the Borough of Marietta to receive said complaints. Notice of the person authorized to receive complaints and his or her telephone number shall be given by Franchisee to each new subscriber at the time of initial regular subscrip- tion to the cable system and shall be published in a newspaper of general circu- lation in the Borough of Marietta by the Franchisee during January of each year this franchise is in effect. Although all complaints are to be handled by the Franchisee’s local business office and/or their desig- nated agent, the Mayor of the Borough of Marietta shall be the official of the Borough of Marietta with primary responsibility for - the continuing administra- tion of the franchise and the implementation of the a- foresaid complaint proce- dure. 6. Any modification of the provisions of Section 76.31 of the Rules of the Federal Communication Commis- sion shall be incorporated into this franchise within one (1) year of adoption of the aforesaid amendments or modifications. or at the time of renewal of this fran- chise, whichever occurs first. 7. An annual franchise fee will be paid to the Borough of Marietta in the amount of three percent (3%) of the Franchisee’s gross sub- scriber revenues per year derived from regular cable television operations in the Borough of Marietta. 8. Franchisee shall in- demnify and save the Borough and its agents and employees harmless from all and any claims for personal injuries or property dam- ages and any other claims and costs, including attor- ney’s fees, expenses of in- vestigation and litigation of claims and suits thereon which may arise from the installation and/or oper- ation of Franchisee’s cable television system or any equipment of the company within the Borough of Marietta. For this purpose, the Franchisee shall carry SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 19 and at all times maintain on file with the Borough Secretary of the Borough of Marietta and at all times keep in force a public liability policy or policies in the name of the company and the Borough of Marietta as their respective interests may appear, insuring Fran- chisee and the Borough against any and all liability arising from the installation and/or operation of the aforesaid cable TV system 9. The Franchisee shall be subject to all street opening ordinances of the Borough of Marietta as they exist now or as they may be amended in the future. 10. FORFEITURE. The Borough of Marietta may at any time declare forfeiture of the grant of this franchise for violation or default by Franchisee of any of the terms hereof, provided that none of the terms of this grant shall be deemed to be violated so as to permit such forfeiture unless the Fran- chisee shall first be given a notice by the Borough of such violation or default and of the attempt to declare a forfeiture and thereafter if such violation or default shall continue for a period of more than ninety (90) days all the rights and privileges of said Franchisee under the provisions of this Agree- ment may be forthwith declared forfeited and re- voked provided, however, the Franchisee shall not be deemed to be in default for performance of this fran- chise, nor shall any for- feiture be invoked for any violation of failure to per- form any provision hereof due to strike, lock outs, insurrection, acts of God, or any cause beyond the control of the Franchisee. 11. It is understood by all parties that this Agreement shall be acted upon and have the effect of an Ordinance of the Borough of Marietta. If any part of this Agreement as it appears in ordinance form shall for any reason be declared void or invalid, the remainder of the aforesaid Agreement/ Ordinance shall not be effected thereby. 12. The Borough of Mari- etta hereby states that it has granted this franchise in 2 2 nbs ! duly advertised public hear Aviation Discover Fung | ing and it has investigated to its satisfaction at said public hearing the Fran- chisee’s legal, financial, technical and other relevant [50 issues per year] for: City or ToOWN..ccceeeerrecesennes State....ccccetercccreccenccanenes qualifications. ENACTED AND OR- DAINED this 9th day of December, 1975. MARIETTA BOROUGH : COUNCIL ATTEST: Margaret Booth Secretary By: John L. Parker President APPROVED this 9th day of December, 1975 Bernard R. McDevitt Mayor RATE SCHEDULE TELEVISION HOOK-UP --$6.25 per month. How- ever, it is expressly under- stood that if a higher rate is approved by the Boroughs of Elizabethtown and Mount Joy said rate for Marietta Borough will be the same as the rate charged by said Boroughs of Elizabethtown and Mount Joy. ADDITIONAL TELEVI- SION HOOK-UP--$2.00 per month FM RADIO CONNEC- TION--$2.00 per month EXHIBIT ““A”’ LEGAL NOTICE The Donegal Scheel Beard has changed its regular monthly meeting location te the District Office in the Washington building located on Scuth Market Avenue, Mount Jey on the third Thursday of each menth at 8:00 p.m. begin- ning February 19, 1976. Small Pets & Supplies § Mon.—Fri. 12— Sat. 10—5 BANK STREET AQUARIUM Marietta Phone 426-1669 Pilot Education for people who need to travel. n Smith | | Cessna b= piLoT CENTER | | J E-town Marietta Airport Marietta, Pa. Phone 653-8787 Please send me the Susquehanna Times weekly Lancaster County 1 year-$5.00 2 years-$8.00 3 years-$10.00 [outside Lancaster County] 1 year-$5.50 2 years-$9.00 3 years-$12.00 Outside USA-inquire about rates Mail to: Susquehanna Times Box 75A, R.D.1, Mariefta,PA 17547 0000000000000 EENNN0R0RERRREERsRRRRRRS 0000000000000 ENRN00RsOsRRRRERIOIRRSS 0000000 NTRENRRENNNNERREECRRRERRRRRRSTS esse eecscnens Zip sesesesssssenee sense
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