Page 18 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Good Front end alignments State inspections Arco pro prices on left-over winter tires GREINER'S GARAGE, INC. Your Full-Service Headquarters “We've always been friendly!” R. D. 2, Rt. 230 West, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Monaays thru Saturdays Telephone 653-465C OLD ROUTE 30 (462) in COLUMBIA SAMUEL G. ZUCH NEW YORK LIFE 16 E. MARKET ST., MARIETTA, PA. LIFE, HEALTH, GROUP INS., PENSIONS, ANNUITIES We have a life insurance plan that grows with inflation, but the premium remains level. Great for young families. For further information call Marietta 426-1613 or 426-3862 or write to the above address. SHARP'S DISTRIBUTORS CELE WA Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY —— NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ARNOLD PONTIAC-OLDSMOBILE New'& Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY CONTRACTORS Brick-Block-Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Call 393-6732 RAYMOND MILLER AUCTIONEER For complete auctioneering service call 665-4188 or 653-4355 MYER PRINTING SERVICE OFFSET PRINTING LOW PRICES 52 S. Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 367-6169 We Offer LOW COST, EFFECTIVE Advertising sokskolokk Susquehanna Bulletin 426-2212 List Your Business In This Directory FOR ONLY $25.00 FOR 10 WEEKS { | PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 76-1 AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING THE MARIETTA BOROUGH ZONING OR- DINANCE OF 1971, RE- PEALING CERTAIN SEC- TIONS AND ADDING NEW PROVISIONS; CREATING A NEW R-40 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; AND GEN- ERALLY REGULATING THE PLACEMENT OF MOBILE HOMES WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF MARI- ETTA. BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Marietta, Lancaster Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, and it is hereby Enacted and or- dained as follows: SECTION I. The Act of August 10, 1971, known as the Marietta Borough Zon- ing Ordinance of 1971 is hereby amended by repeal- ing Sections 502(7), 602(6), and 901(3). Said Sections are hereby repealed. SECTION II. The Act of August 10, 1971, known as the Marietta Borough Zon- ing Ordinance of 1971 is hereby amended by adding the following new Sections: A. SECTION 501(S)--Re- gardless of any provisions in this Ordinance to the con- trary, placement and use of a mobile home is specifically not a permitted use in an R-100 Residential District. B. SECTION 601(4)--Re- gardless of any provisions in this Ordinance to the con- trary, placement and use of a mobile home is specifically not a permitted use in an R-60 Residential District. C. SECTION 701(S)--Re- gardless of any provisions in this Ordinance to the con- trary, placement and use of a mobile home is specifically not a permitted use in an NC-Neighborhood Commer- cial District. D. SECTION 801(7)--Re- gardless of any provisions of this Ordinance to the con- trary, placement and use of a mobile home is specifically not permitted use in and GC-Commercial District. E. SECTION 901(3)--Sales ‘offices and sales lots for the retail sales of new and/or used automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, boats and farm equipment. F. SECTION 901(6)--Re- gardless of any provisions of this Ordinance to the con- trary, placement and use of a mobile home is specifically not a permitted use in an HC-Highway Commercial District. SECTION III. The Act of August 10, 1971, known as the Marietta Borough Zon- ing Ordinance of 1971 is hereby amended by adding the following new Article VI-A--R-40 Residential Dis- tricts as follows: ARTICLE VI-A R-40 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 650--Intended Purpose. The R-40 Resi- dential Districts, at the time of the enactment of this Article, are composed of largely undeveloped land within the Borough. The regulations for these Dis- tricts are designed to allow the orderly development of all types of residential uses, including the placement and use of mobile homes as dwellings. SECTION 651--Permitted Uses. Land and buildings in an R-40 Residential District shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Uses permitted in the R-60 Residential Districts subject to the regulations of the R-40 Residential Dis- trict. 2. Duplex, twin and semi-detached and multiple family structures. 3. Customary accessory uses and buildings in- cidental to any of the above permitted uses, including those specified in the R-100 Residential District and R-60 Residential District regulations. 4. Mobile homes may be placed in the R-40 Resi- dential District if compli- ance is made with all other regulations of this Or- dinance. SECTION 652--Special Exceptions. The following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board as provided for in Article XIX and other provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. 1. Uses which, in the opinion of the Board, of the same general character of those listed as permitted uses and which will not be detrimental to the intended purposes of those Districts. 2. Professional and non- professional home occupa- tions. 3. Private nursery and elementary schools; pro- viding, however, that the lot upon which located contains a minumum of one acre plus five hundred (500) square feet of land per pupil. 4. Recreational areas and structures operated by membership clubs for the benefit of their members and not for gain. S. Swimming pools. 6. Mobile home parks subject to Article XII. SECTION 653--Area and Height Regulations. The area and height regulations for the R-40 Residential Districts shall be the same as in the R-60 Residential Districts. SECTION IV. The Act of August 10, 1971, known as the Marietta Borough Zon- ing Ordinance of 1971 is hereby amended as follows: A. The introductory sen- tence of Section 1906 of said Ordinance is amended as follows: SECTION 1906-- Apartment dwellings in R-60 Residential Districts and R-40 Residential Dis- tricts. Apartment dwellings in R-60 Residential Districts and R-40 Residential Dis- tricts may be allowed as a special exception by the Board provided the follow- ing standards are adhered to. B. Section 1907 of said Ordinance is amended to make said Section applic- able to R-40, R-60, and R-100 Residential Districts. SECTION V. The Mari- etta Borough Zoning Map is hereby amended by chang- ing the following described areas from R-60 Residential District to R-40 Residential District. All that certain tract of land situated in the Borough of Marietta, County of Lancaster, and Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeast inter- section of Hazel Avenue and Furnace Road and con- tinuing in a southeastern direction along the northern edge of said Furnace Road to the southwest intersection of , Furnace Road and Pennsylvania Routh 441. Thence, continuing along the southern edge of said Pennsylvania Route 441 to the southeast corner of the intersection of Hazel Avenue and Pennsylvania Route 441; continuing then in a westerly direction along the southern edge of the aforesaid Hazel Avenue to the point of Beginning. SECTION VI. The Mari- etta Zoning Map is hereby amended by changing the following described areas from IND-Industrial to R-40 Residential District. All that certain tract of land situated in theBorough of Marietta, County of Lancaster and Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, bounded and des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwest intersection of Hazel Avenue and Jones Street and continuing in a westerly directon along the southern edge of the aforesaid Hazel Avenue to a point at the southeast intersection of the aforesaid Hazel Avenue and Decatur Street; thence, ex- tending in a southerly direction along the eastern edge of Decatur Street a distance of two hundred (200°) feet to a point; thence, continuing in an easterly direction to a point along the western edge of Jones Street; and, thence, continuing in a northerly direction a distance of two hundred (200°) feet more or less to the place of Begin- ning. SECTION VII. The Mari- etta Borough Zoning Map is hereby amended by chang- ing the following described areas from R-100 Resident- ial District to R-40 Resident- ial District. All that certain tract of land situated in the Borough of Marietta, Coun- ty of Lancaster and Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the southwest intersec- tion of West Market Street and Morris Street and con- tinuing in a westerly direc- tion along the southern edge of West Market Street, a distance of three hundred (300°) feet to a point; thence, in a southerly direction, a distance of two hundred twenty-one (221°) feet along the boundary line between East Donegal Township and the Borough of Marietta to a point, thence, extending in an easterly direction a distance of three hundred (300°) feet February 18, 1976 to a point; and thence, extending in a northerly direction along the western edge of Morris Street, a distance of two hundred (200’) feet more or less, to the point of Beginning. SECTION VIII. All Or- dinances or parts of Or- dinances inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. SECTION XI. This Or- dinance shall become ef- fective when advertised by law. ENACTED AND OR- DAINED this 10th day of February, 1976. MARIETTA BOROUGH COUNCIL Oliver C. Overlander, II President ATTEST: Margaret Booth Secretary APPROVED this 10th day of February, 1976. Bernard R. McDevitt Mayor PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the ZONING HEARING BOARD of the Berecugh of Mount Joy will conduct a PUBLIC HEAR- ING on Wednesday, Febru- ary 25, 1976, at 8:00 p.m., in the Bercugh Offices Build- ing, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, PA te hear the following petitions: 1. D. C. Gehn Associates, Inc., 24 East Main Street, Mecunt Jey PA is requesting a variance on lot size and on minimum let width at the building setback line. The variance is necessary in order to locate single family semi-detached dwellings on the 2.5 acre tract of land along Appletree .Alley near North Chestnut Street. 2. The Zoning Officer is requesting an interpretation of Section S04.e and 502.e as it applies to the conditional uses in and R-2 area. All interested parties are invited te attend. BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY ZONING HEARING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing ‘Board of the Borough of Marietta will conduct a Public Hearing on Thurs- day, February 26, 1976 at 7:00 p.m., in the Borough Office building, 111 East Market Street, Marietta, PA to hear the following peti- tions: 1. Jerry Martin, 258 West Front Street, Marietta, PA is requesting a special ex- ception to operate a Black- smith Shop at 270-272 West Front Street, Marietta, PA and a variance from side- yard requirements. 2. Ronald Wagner & Gregory Beears, 226 Mari- etta Avenue, Mount Joy, PA is requesting a special ex- ception to install and oper- ate a commercial printing shop at 30 Apple Avenue, Marietta, PA. BOROUGH OF MARIETTA ZONING HEARING BOARD Nikolaus & Hohenadel bd Na FT OTA NTA TS bed Ne r= OO rms
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