Page 20 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES ni Hi DARE award winners at Riverview include, from left to right: Deane Portner, Theresa Smith, FL working far the Pam Herr, Michael Shewbridge, Melissa Hinkle, Tina Martin and Teresa Meszaros. photo by Corky Flick Rebecca Wenger, Timmy Orth and Denis Cizauskas display their DARE reading awards. Well-read students win awards Jodi Bixler, a third grader in Mrs. Bateman’s room at Maytown has qualified for the Reading Hall of Fame Award. Jodi makes the sixth child to receive the highest reading award at Maytown. Denise Cizauskas, Timmy Orth, and Rebecca Wenger have learned to read well enough to receive the first DARE reading award, the Reader’s club. Grace Snyder is the first Grandview student to re- ceive an award in project DARE. She is a fifth grader in Mr. Smith's class who just doesn’t do things in a small way. To achieve the project’s highest award Grace read 30 books, many of which were more than 200 pages long, and wrote a report for each one. Her reading was done in five categories and involved five book projects. Grace will have her picture placed in Grandview’s Reading Hall of Fame. Six of the first seven students at Riverview to receive DARE awards are from Mrs. Bowers third grade. Deane Portner, ho x3 photo by Corky Flick Fifth grader Grace Snyder displays her DARE award. Theresa Smith, and Pam Herr will receive the Avid Readers Club Award, while Michael Shewbridge, Tina Martin, and Melissa Hinkle will enter the Reading Hall of Fame. Teresa Meszaros in Mrs. Gingrich’s Sth grade re- ceived her Readers club award and will begin work- ing on her second certifi cate. Jr. musicians pile up points in elementary school classes by Hazel Baker At the close of the second marking period in the Donegal Elementary Schools, the total numer of points earned by the stu- dents who are enrolled in the instrumental music pro- gram are recorded; every- one who scores 100 or more points becomes a mem- ber of the 100 club. If 200 or more points are scored, the student becomes a member of the 200 club etc. The first listing for this school year contains thirty names, one of which made the 200 club, Tina Palmer of the Riverview School scored 225 points in 14 weeks. Following are the names, listed by schools: Grandview: Tom Pekarek, Phil Peters, Patty Kline, Pam Greider, Kelly Drohan, Lonnie Ear- hart, Debra Freed, Kevin Becker, Amy Geltmacher, Tina Becker, Keith Mueller, Lester Reiner, and Jessica Eidemiller. Maytown: Jan Hess, Ellen Endslow, Jill Kerscher, Donna Watto, Samantha Ackerley, Cheri Johnson, George Cezauskas Lynne Hart, Michelle Vogt, and Jennifer Wilson. Riverview: Tine Palmer, Whitney Kulman, Jennifer Swank, and Juanita Rex. Seiler: William Cox, Craig Roper and Allen Bubacz. Shields is the Morrell instructor. photo by Corky Flick Jodi Bixler February 18, 1976 WE RR iis Jackie Rapp (left) and Teresa Meszaros (right) sang ‘‘Paper Roses.’ Parents see talent on Riverview stage Students at Riverview Elementary School put on a talent show for parents last Tuesday. A few of the many performers are shown below. Om EE I BA MER 1 BORO © ee NaS Pe An ar th Mark Mengel performed at the piano. tal w
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