tale (:foral Oarititian. • WARSETIA CAR HOURS. The several pas- Ranger trains will leave the "Upper-staticm Depot" as follows: Morning tram, East, at ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 12: ; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 6:39 and the evening train West, at 1:02. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1861 or Our Carrier—and "The Marietti an" has never had one as attentive and punctual—will present his compliments in a neat pew Year's address, to his horough patrons, on New Year's morn ing. We •hope, as we believe he will, ise , oprdiallT`anil liberally received. Tug Cory BO6NTY EETING.- •• meeting r ealled by the Oommissioner&, on Saturday lust," says the Lanctister Exatnitier, "for the purpose of consider ifiethe.propriety of oll'eting a county iiilhnty was a failure, either 'as regards ov Oa 'number in attendance, or any prac v beat goodresulting from it. It par k telt more of the character of a political meeting, than one;called for the Purpose .c onside on g iOltiortant measures, and recommending. judicious action on the part: of the County Commissioners._ Under these circumstances, of- course, Piileti to ,accomplish the object for which. it assembled, and the Colt 111114ldriers . eery ptbp'ehly reinsed to reepond.. to .any recommendation . pro frotn had more .practical •attd more common sense councils, pre -41,141d, two'such preposterous resolution *mild have been passed us advising the 404iity'Cnint»isSiorers to engage in a project-involving the expenditure of.one onillion two latottlivd -thousand dollars, whe,n+hy law they }mire no right .to 'ap propriate a dollar. But it was scarcely to be expected that any 'audience could , raitit e'l'oquence of our elognent feipuii .and democratic statehman from MOte,CJ,oy, Henry Shaffner, under l 'lwhose.ieati the project was put through the .By' the way, 'Mr. Shalt 4vni for the,war is of such a recut traiteN l itat wez-are'giad, andhope he has changed his opinion of -this trigger war." "ilut l the 'action attic meeting was of oult.an . A, extravagant nature, that the f,'4 i ►?tnissioners concluded to postpone itr4tactioo lor the present, and await au- I hut in on authoritative way, by the Legislature to raise money by a.loau to tat►y a bott"nty. The bond of indemnity, otrett 14tiflicient in amount, is consid ered 4 -good legal authority invalid, be cuusni of the illegality of the proceeding te..boFrow money fur that purpose. "Per the present, therefore,it remains for tfie,districts take such individual action 841 they may deem best to raise their taota, In several or them we are grad to lam that the effort is being MAO." TowN BonsTv Msticris:o : him:hint • t.? an adjourned meeting held on Sat or. tiny, last, a meeting was held in the Thwo„o all on Monday evening test. J. J. Libhart in the Chair, G. tL'Ettla secretary. The dekgation to the_ Com missioners' Convention reported their course in that Convention, the proceed ings:of which (as published in the M on silty evening papers) were read, t'Oo motion, the -following resolutions were uutiOimously passed : - Regolett!, That this meeting urge the Totan - Conneil to ot& , r a :Monty" of one hondred4oo) dothirsito.every volunteer who volunteers,to fill the quota of the Borough.ofMarietta, and that the Coun cil Make a - loali or loans sufficient to meet the.-demands upon the Treasury .for that...purpose, • and that there he a tifientnittoe of 'ff . vie. witk i - the .President added, to procure the signatures of a sitilicient number of responsible citizens telindemnify the Council until the act hi legalized by the legislature. !toCbtnniittes : G. W. Mahaffey, Abra tiiie Sattlay, Amos Bowman; Barr Spang,lur, David Roth, and J. J. Lib hart,. Resolved, That this meeting recom mend the :County Commissioners to of fdr a liberal bounty for volunteers to free ,the quota of the County. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to secure to this Borough a jnat and correct credit- for all men Vit), entered, from this Borough ; the service for nine months and three years, 6 6 tosa o rif this is not to be obtained at Head Quarters, at Lancaster, to seek it at Washington. . 'Commotee: Geo. H. Ettla, W. H. Gi W. Mahaffey. AdjOuiped to meet at the call of the Tsident. ......... ..... • ... Gar A handsomely framed steel, por trait..of Washington Irving,-26 by 32 inch l es•-4 beautiful wall ornament—for sale &help. Call and see it at this of fipe.r- 1e have also for sale several co plea ori*ashington and Everett—same size, nut framed, which we will sell much below he usual price. These pictures sedultlite on the walls of every patriot's dwellitig. These pictures—or either of tAiiiiwould be a very handsome New Year's; present. • . t ,„..d.. idartiye . itave had prepared by an at. torney a carefully arranged and safe foray, a lease for dwelling, &c., and ltpleMl al -New Year's warning to ten- IC.. hese We httie, printed • add for single' opy or quire. They d.uP if4oeSiteit ‘r ec ' .'4 o:( the . White Swan d a.ChrigA ,, • s night Sour-kraut 1 • , w hi c h , i ,:prrifilei rpiiti a 711:: par 47 ' T., ''Tile entertainment at the Tem perance Hall, on Christmas evening, was truly entertaining and instructive.— Mrs. Henry Wolfe presided over the Melodeon ; the singing by William Girod, Harry Wolfe and eight or ten young ladies made the musical portion very fine ; recitations by Mr. J. P. Wafter and Master William McMichael and the German poem by Abraham Gi rod, were both instructive and amusing. whilst the lecture of Mr. Barr Span gler was a most finished historical pro duction. The subject—"Chivalry"— was ably handled, giving the origin and coming down through its various stages and periods to the South Carolina Chi valry—where "shirt collars and spurs are considered full dress"--drawing a sharp and caustic comparison bet Ween the real chivalry and the modern pre tender of to-day, administering to the latter a most scathing castigation. The hall . was crowded to.excess. Ell tfrr We understand that Mr. Henry Sawyer, at present teaching, one of our public schools, is about visiting-the city of Washington for the purpoSe of obtaining some kind of government em ployment. Mr S. is an 'uncompromising Republica i and hails from Me "land of steady habits," where they grow nothing but Unionmen. He was in the three and . nine months campaigns, and volun teered .to take charge of a colored cog. puny, but in consequence of physical dis ability could not passthe medielil board and hence this application. He is de serving and we.hope he may succeed in obtaining something. • tar A Christmas eve hop came off at Cummings' " Hermitage," at the Lower Station. Everything passed of very pleasantly. alar We are to have the great lecturer, Professor Walter Wells, in our glace next week. Bills will annonn.j.e the time and place cEr Gen. Glatz will offer some valua ble borough property on next Thursday evening-, the 31st. See advertisement. AIIIRRIF.II. On the 22d ultimo, at Marietta, by Rev. P. J. Timlow, H er:av SANDERS, of Matietta, to lazzi Jaa Ns; of Laticaste”. On the 20th instant, by, the same, Eerier, i 7 N,..AcE, of Columbia, to Louisa Et.tzAuvru. JUDY, of Marietta. On the 18th instant, by Rev. G. M. Clawges, Mr. WILLIAM KAYLOR, of. Marieda, to Miss ROSETTA 'GOSHEN, of Mifflin county. On Tuesday morning last, Mr. Jos. SWELTZEE, or this borough, aged about 30 years. SPECIAL NOTICES MMMIMIMMI New-Haven, December 11, 1862 Having been taught that medicines, in order to be valuable, must originate with some par ticumr faculty or schod, the considered pa tent medtchies, (so called) a humbug, until alter losing our beloved child With Coup, we were forced by the suffering of another, front the same disease, and the advice of friends to try Cough' But.uat. pttle bddis had gone, - and, though we loved him : we could'at call Min truth his quiet rest, to share, the sor rows of this unfriendly world. But Willie is there no remedy for thee'? We found it in Coe's Cough Balsam. it relieved him in 20 minutes to our great joy and the surprise of others. We cannot he lilted to dispense with this priceless blessing and we are glad to learn that Mr. Coe has made arrangements with parties whereby it may become more eXtvm sively known. In view of this let toe say to every pan ut, u hen your child is suffering with Croup, give this Balsam, give it freely, If we did not believe it to be the hest remedy for you, we certainly would net say it. 4 Yews, Elm Ann Cw.twi.i.L. MattcY For sale by HruggiSts everywhere. G. C. Cl..ttlia Si.' CO, PrOpliotOra, New-Haven, Coml. See advertisement in another lra . — If Alit YOU . A HEAL) or Hari, or Whis kers or Moustache; of an unbecoming color ! Do you wish to change that color to a hand- Swine deep brown, or a perfect and natural black, without injury to the fibres, without Trouble or inconvenience t If so, then you nitiSt use Cristailoro's Excelsior Dye; which is the only harmless, certain, instaatana - ..us and truly riuturd/ flair Dye in the world. - Xtioind you doubt thesestatements, try the article, and if fails denounce it. L'r4ladoro's Bair Preservative, is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the umiost softness and the most beautiful gloss and great vitality to the hair. Manufactured by J. CRISTA Dom), NO. 6 Astor. House, New-York. Sold every where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, 0:50, and $3 per box, according to size. [D-no. lye " DOCTOR TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment, has given universal satisfaction during the four teen years it has been introduced into the U. S. After being tried by millions, it has been proclaimed the pain destroyer of the world.— Rain cannot be where this liniment is applied. If used as directed it cannot and never has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and influenza, it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will cure all the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden aecidents, such as burns, cuts, se:aids, insect stings, It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and' can be given'to the oldest person or the young-. est child. Price 25 and 50c a bottla. Sold by all druggists. Ofßee, 56 Courtlandt street, New'-York. LD-lm. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bucuu. The Great Diuretic Helmbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic Heimbold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic. Heltribold's Extract Buchu, The Great Diuretic And a positive and specific remedy for dis eases of the Bladder, Gravel, Organic Weak ness, Kidneys, Dropsy, and all diseases of the Urinary organs. See advertisement in anoth er column Cut it out and send for the medi cine at once. Beware of- t7ountedetts. For sale bye Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. • , la— We assert, it boldlK, nut there are no other Mniiicines-ao ycliable,eilectual and con venient as :Ifollaway's , Pills and Ointment, al wais ready fox' urn; Thiy are invaluable to the soldier exposed, to tiwoundst sores, fevers] sulfamei Only 25erlier box' al prif. "' 1 3 I it 11 BIM f&T and aelatiites. OF TUE BRAXE SOL DIE IA S SAILORS OLIAT;MAY'S PiLLS ORTIVIENT A LL WHO HAVE FRIENDS AND 1 - 1 . Relatives in the Army or Navy, should lake special care. that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres- , cot can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing-Offend in the hour of need. Conghs and Colds affecting Troops Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using tbi:se admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the .DirectiMF which-tire attached to each Pot or Box:. ; Sick Headache and want of Appetite Incident lo Soldiers ! 'Thole feelings ivhiah'eo' sadden , tyt,Ataurally, arise from trouble or aiinoyarmea, obsqueted prespiratroir,''or eating , and dritiking .what'aver. is unwholesome„ thus disturbing the _healthful action of the liver and, stomach: These organs must lye , relieved,- - if4etydeeire to - do The Pins, taking according to . the minted instructions, willßuickly produce a healthy ac tion in both liver and stomach; and as a natu ral ceneep nonce a clear head and goiid appeiite. Weakness and Debility induced by - OVER FATIGUE Will soon disappear by the :uso of these valuable Pills, and the :Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be either confined or , unduly acted upon. it may seem strange .tha t Holloway's Pills. should' be .recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many: :persons supposing that they would ,increase the' :relaxation. This. - is a greatCmistake, for these Pills will. correct the liver , and. stomach and thus. remove all the acrid humours from. the system. This medi cine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system -however - deranged; while health and strength follow as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this famous'medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTOINI Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with certainty be radically cured 'if trie Piifs are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed nstruclions. If treated in any other manner they dry up in one part to break out in another. Where ts "this OLb t m en t will remove the humors from the sVstetn and leave the patient a vigorous acid, healthy man. It will require a little perseverarice in bad cases to insure a LASTING CURE For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet Sabre or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, To which every Soldier.and Sailor are liable there are no medicines so safe, sure and con venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.— The poor woufided and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he would only provide himself with this matchless - Ointment, which `should be 'hrust into the wound and smeared all around it, then cover 'twilit a piece of linen from his Knap sack and compressed with a handkerchief.-- Taking night and morning 6 or S Pills, to cool tho syston and prevent iutlamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided with these invalua ble Remedies. Lueoirrwrrr CAtrriort I—None are genuine unless the words " HOLLOWAY, NEW YORE and LONDON," are discernible as- a Watel mark in every leaf of the book of directions; around each pot Os box; the same may be plainly , seen , by holding the leaf to the light.— A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, .knowing them to be spurious. ' ; •Sold at-the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOWA Y, SO Maiden Lane, New York, mid by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine thioughout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and $1 each. ..N.B.—Directions for the gaidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot: Dealers in my well known medicines can have Snow C it DS, CIRCULARS. &C., sent them, vane: ,is V.XPENSC, by addressing ' THOMA Hoz, 1. 0 W AY,' 80 Maiden Lane, New-York. lC There is considerable saving by taking the huger sizes. ( - Dec 26-ly FINE RESIDENCE AND eB Staid, PO It SALE. The undersigned oilers for sale the following Desirable. Marietta Borough Property: TWO LOTS OF - GROUND,. situated on the most business part of Market street, on one of which is erected a LARGE TWO-STORY DaICIE DWELLING . ROUSE,, TWO-STORY BRICK KITCHEN, SMOKE HOUSE, ICE HOUSE, STABLE. PUMP AND CISTERN IN THE YARD AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS, ALSO, ONE LOT OF GROUND, Situated on Walnut Street, neat the new High School Building. The Market Street property will be sold sep arately or together and should any of them re main unsold, until THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31ST, will, on the eVenirg of that day he offered at Public AT HOUSEAL'S RAILROAD HOTEL, • Ira , ' For any further information, address the undersigned, at York, Pa. • A. RIESTAND . GLATZ. Marietta, December 19, 1864. ,$ - tribtrar MISE subscriber oilers his services to the 1 citizens of Marietta and vicinity, in CONVEYANCING, ENGROSSING AND COPYING. He has kindly been permitted to refer to James Dully, esq., S. S. Nagle, esq., James Mehatfey, esq., S. F: Eagle & Co., G. W. Mel:zany, esq., R. & R. 14.ifttand. Can be found at all times at his dwelling op posite. John W. Clark's residence, on Mar ket street, or at George W. MehafFey's Saw Alin, at the Upper Station. JACOB C. BURKABT. Marietta., Oct. 31, 1563-1 y• tX;3'LIST OF LETTERS Rentain ing in rue Post Office, at Marietta, Pa. 2 for the week ending Dec. 24. Budhanan, Sarah Heberling, Frederick Brenneman; S. W. l-liestand, Andrew Catfell, Rev. M. C. Knights, Joseph Dunn, Robert Kern, Sarah Eagle, David Leed, Mrs. Addy Gerlach, George Myers, John Green, Mrs. Catharine Nye, Bernard Green, Mis. Elizabeth Nissley, Joseph Grinner, , Barbara Nesley, Mrs. Mary Garver', enry' Pinckney, Moses Guiler, Christian Price, William G. Grove, Daniel Reinhold, Samuel Grande, Andrew Stahman, Mary Gratiot, S H. Shroll, Elizabeth 2 Gruel, John Sthith, Betsy Hog6ntogler, Harriet Steugh, Nancy Hollowell, G. W. Watson, Dr. N. Hall, 'Amon du White, Geo. W. Heftey; Balser young; James r.rPersons calling for letters in the above list will .please say they are advertised, a , One cent will be charged an each letter, t ay for advertising. A.. CASSEL, P. M. . . . CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wine guarranteed to, be pure, and , sold,us low as can be houghtirk Rhiladelphia or New-Arork. ' 11..1). BENJAMIN Picot Building. nail* one' of those beautiful ' 0 F 41A TA at ',tit th. 4 92 MaikeVit. 41+116 113.0 tITS'S la hi =ielibrated-Gilt; BEN:PA - MI N .1) . • EW WINTER 3..(:,;,(..?\1;,:k5gTLy,F,-, J. It. DFFENBACH, Market Street, Marietta, Pa Notwithstanding the scarcity of many kinds of Dry Goods, those wishing to purchase. Will had his usually large and.well assorted stock complete. Prints, • • Cloths, DeNines, Cassim eres, Flannels, Sal tinets, Bleached Shirting, Ken tocky Jeans, Brown SheeLings, Tickings, Diaper, • Domestic Ginghams, Heavy Denims, Hickory Stripes. • - Full assortment of Dress Goods. • Full assortment of Notions. Full assortment of White Goods. Full assortment of Blankets. • Full assortment of Shawls. Fell assortment of all seasonable Goods. • Largest and , best stock of Skeleton Skirts eyer offered in thisanarket, of all •sizes, front the smallest to the largest, and at all prices. Groceries of ,all kinds. Rio and Java Coffee, Teas , - Whi.e & Brown SugariFresh Spices, New Mackerel, Extra Syrups, • Salt, • Sugar-Cured Hants, &c. Miscellaneous. French Corsets, Traveling Over-Shirts, Neck-ties, Under- Sh i Handle rchiefs, Drawers, Shirt Fronts, Balmoral Skirts, A small lot of ready-made Winter Clothing, which - be sold at less than wholesale prices to close it out. • • ' Liquors. Ile also• continues. CO keep -on hand a large• supply of supetior Brandies, Wines', Gins, Schnidam's . Schnaps, Drakes; Plantation Bit ters, and that superior Old Nye, alt of which having been pufchased before the' recent ad vance have the advantageof being at nearly old prices.' • .tCH ighest - prices.given for country produce. Monongahela Whiskey by the barrel, at Pittsburg prices; with freight only added. The Grla.tz Formerly Keesey's, OPPOSITE MARIETTA. fIpIIIS old Petry—one of the oldest and most We crossings on the Susivehanna River— is now ui chai , >e of the under Signed, who has refitted the oleand built new boats, which will enable him to do ferrying with salety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and experienced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges As the fol lowing list will show : Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Llorses, per bead :25 Single horse and rider, :25 Two-horse. Carriage and two persor. s, 1:00 lluggv,,horse and two persons, :50 Foot Passengers, each, :12 Stock of all kinds at the old charges, Alt Luggage over filly pounds, 25 cents per 100 pounds extra. . July 15, 1863 S. S. RATLIVON, Nerehant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. KramplesOld Stand, on the Cor ner of North 'Queen an Orange Streets, Laneaster, Penn'a. R ATE)? U L to the Citizens of Marietta Ur and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore ek.tendect, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIHERES A N n VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and mannfactured to order, proniptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO,Ii.E.tDV-MA DE CLOTIIING, • • .• Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong. to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. GEO : W. I. VORRALL, StIiGEON DENTIST; Having removed t 9 the ROOMSArmerly occupied by Dr. . I .2ild_ , W:r.ct, adjoining Spangler 4- Pat lerson's Store, Market Street, where he is now t .•••• prepared to Wait on all who may feel ctSrir4disiiosed to - patronize him. lJantistry in all its branches car ried on. TheTv. inserted on the most approved principles of Dental scien , :,e. All operations on the mouth performed it a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY RI: A SONA BLE . TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this nlatP, would ask a continuation of the lit ronage heretofore extended to him, fol - 1.71 - .iell lie will render every possi ble sutisfaCtien Ether administered to proper persons DAVID COCHRAN, ; Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger. OULD most respectfully inform the cit y, inns of Marietta and tile public gener ally that he is prepared to do Hotise Painting, China Glossing, Pap& Ranging, 6.c., At very short notice and at prices,to suit the times. Ile tan be found at his mower's resi dence on the corner of Ch4nut and Second streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the old Oberlin Coach Waits. [Aug. 3-1 y: A T,EXANDER LYN MAY, Fashionable mCiatf Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET ,STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. dr,r,r,•04.4,•••• ..... , Would most respeettully inform the citizens of this Borough.and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his, line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKEIi himself,is enablea to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture. in the very best manner everything in the BOOT-AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good, fit. Catl and examine his stock before pur hasmg elsewhere. ati A iDbes ; -eloco v i a Idigsts P. ' IL L. Sr. E. T. T) EgPECTFULLY inform their ft.,friencis and the public that they u ,. • still continue the WATCH, CLOCK ND JE IV ELRY business at the old , stand, North-west - Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Ps. A full assortment of goods in out line of busi ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates. 133- Repairing attended to per sonalty by the proprietors. Lancaster, January I, 1859. First National Bank of Marietta HIS BANKING ASSOCIATION I,kLAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now pripared to transact all kinds of BANKING BUSINESS_ The Board of Directors meet weekly; o Wednesday, for discount and other business €l3Biiiik Hours : :From 9 A. Si CO 3 P. 111. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRESIDENT. AMOS :BOWMAN, Cashier. Marietta,Jiily 25,-1863.,1 DA.NIEL G. BAKER, • • ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, LANCASTER;. PA. .OFFICE :—No; 24• NORTH Dun.r. STREET, opposite .the. Court House, where he will at tend to, the practice of his profession in all its various.branches. Hammered and..aolled-Iron. dasbittnefif of llarilmered and Ail:Ro7ied.ltok'''lloßldßare, Narevayty l iii Rods, Aanntisan 40....epAnn Spring' -7 and Cast st6et, 3 witon , Boxes, Iron' .pe fdt Sinitha, am. • ' " lot "s"ale at PATTE/iSON' ft CO` ' , L•.( t OtIRT P ROCL A M ATION Whereas the Honorable HENRY A. LoNo, Pres ident • lion. A. L. RAyyts and Faunae limn ; 'TON- sq., Associate judg , 's ut the Court of CommehY Pleas in and for the county of Lan ;'caster, and Assistant Justices °trio , Courts of I Oyer and Tt , rminer and General Jail 'Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the LaficaSter, ii lye issued their Pre .cept to toe directed, requiring die, among other things, to mahe public ProClattation 'through 'out lay :baiiwick, that a Court of. Oyer and 'Terminer and a general Jail delivery, also a Court of General . Quarter Sessions,ofpie peace ,and Jail neliverY, Will commence in the Court 'House, in the city ol,Lancaster,in,the—Gotti ,mon'sealth of Pennsylvania, on the TAIRD 1D A yin J AN U ARV, phrsuance of which precept'iluth'it . Moice as hereby given, to the „Mayor, and .Alderman .of thesay of Lancaster; in the' card county, and alt ihet us- Gees of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persona with their roils, records and exahtina tions, and their other remembrances, to all those things which to their cakes appertaining. ;in their behalf to be done ; and also all those I 'who will prosecute against the prisoners ,who ! are, cir then shall be in the jail of said eon nty of ancaster, are to be then and there to pros mite against thein as'shall bejOst. Dated at Lancaster; the 1 lth day, of DE- C E APBE , 18631 F.' SMITH; 1863. FA L_ _ 1863. ifiLTS, 01202$ .gti) 11-035 , Shrultz, N0.'20 'North Queen-St., Lark6ilter A VE COMPLETED THEIR 'ASSORTMENT OF A : , We have now - connected. with our liasttiess . as Hatters , 'avery large, elegant and cornplete assortment 0f... . • Ladies' and Children's Furs, of every quality and all selected with care and judgment." Our stock comprises every de scription-of size and fashion- We would con sider it a favor if the ladies would call and examine Our stock comprising Furs of the first quality., Ladies and Misiei bearer, Silk and • 1 elt Hats, made in the latest fashion and trimmed in every variety of style and taste, such -as the neat COQUETTE and the jaunty SPANISH ; also Hats untrimmed. Tnankful for the liberal,patronage extended us in the past, we hope by a careful attention to the wants of the public, and keeping a large, excellent and complete assortment of goods on hand, to merit a continuance of popular favor. JOHN ECKERT &. LIQUOZIS. R. D. BIiiNJAIVIIN, DEA) ER IN DEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WIN E & Liguoit busi ness, in all its branches. lem/11 constantly keep on hand,all kinds of, Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, 4-e., • ICENJ A EN'S. • Justly Celebrated• Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. " A very surerier OLD RYE TVIIISICE? ust received; which is warranted pure. ' IL' All H. D. D. now asks of the public is a careful examination ~of his stock and pri ces, which is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and otheri finding it to their ad vantage to make their - purchases from I im CHEAP READY-MADE CLOTHPTG!! Having just returned from the city with a - nicelY selected fot or Ready-made Clfra.i.vg, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish et redueed,prices; havinglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which heda detere ined to sell Low; eon CA SU. Hisstock consists of ov FM-COATS, DRESS, PROCE AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, Ron NDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHADJS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERX j_ UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Everything in the Furnishing , Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing:elsewhere. Everything:sold at prices to suit the times. ,JOHN BELL. . (Amer of ElbOw Laneand A/ante? Si. DR: HENRY-LANDIS ,O,F.FERS hie professional.service& to the citizens. of Marietta and vicinity Can be - lobed at his Ding - Store, formerly Dr. Hinl:le's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. — To MY .Far2Nns : Having been called to a Position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign my profession to, the care and attention of Dr. Henry Landis, in whom I have every con fidence, having had ample opportunity of .as ceitainii4 his ability to fill My. plaCe— T,' C. FAIINESTOCK, GE Issas _ ESPECTFULLY oilers his prolessional services to. the citizens of Marietta and. vicinity, assuring them thal all operations in trusted to his care f either in Operative or Me chanical Dentistry, will be executed in a tho roughly scientifc manner. OrFice : On Main street, a few doors west of the Post Office. Ev9-35-Iy. MITE American Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H.L.§rE.J..ZAHDt Corner of North Queeu-st., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa, ) have them for sale at the v n eri lowest rattii•-eil erY 'Watch 'accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure Its gen uineness.. LATED WARE: A Large ancl.line stock P of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZAHN'S- Corner of North Queen street & Center Square Lancaster,- Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns. Pitcheis; - Goblets; San Stands, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks,itniies, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices. H. L. & E. T. ZAHM'S. Cor.-North Queen st. and Centre Square,-Lan caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all goods warranted to be as represented. REPLAT/Ica attended to at moderate rates. VITINE AND LIQUORS. VV Superior'Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin; Old Maderia, !ashen; Sherry and Pert Wines. Pittsburg Whiskey always on' hand at the lowest market prkes. Very Fine Brandy lit a very low figure ' -DR. 'WM. 1.3. FAHNESTOCK, OF4CE:—Main-ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Store. FROR 7 TO 8 A. PI. OFFICE HOURS. " 1 /TO 2. " 61.'17 r. m. Tt WELRY.—A large and selected stock of 0 fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the best factories in the country can be found at; . - H. L. 8( E. T. ZAHN'S: . .Corner of Center Square and North. Queen RreetgLancaster, Pa. . QOOSACO. OF SALT Por-gale cheap at Diffeythach'.a, NEWEST STYLES FOR FALL AND, WINTER. jranzg, Ours ! ;!ranq ! lIENRY A. SHULTZ JOHN A. SHULTZ. WINES & I,IQUOR.S, Picot Building. Marietta, Pa 0 next door to Cassel's Store F. HINKLE, M. D Etc .American Watches. J. R. DIFFTNBACI-1. Market-O. 1 C0411,11E4 Zo.; Of Columbia,..Lancagter_ County, Penn'a (114,4R:p.ER. PERPETUAL I v : This Company continues to insure Buildings Alcrchandiaenntai. nive,lNPertYratTift. loss anl 4111i - tinge' lry - fiTe . , oft fie inutuat pau either flr o.644o.praipluirßuitprewium.l,l:loll.ll The large add'iridreadtt 'tYpiraltr theTtizit= patty, consisting, of plemitwun2tes.giveu l Ly its members: adetasea uttoot LVSCRED O THE MUTUAL PLAN, Affords a reliable gairriinteaq'aqiiiillto ten times the average loss on the amount iimitred ; and the :.Directora nlifdge tliemi4l4.liiitilleal as liberally with those who may sustaipOoss or .d ritit'e'c'cis - flie`c:age" ce itl aarb Of;cdfigateut with justice to all parties concerned. Aatuv~r of PR EM 14111 V1A,41 , 4115 t/f),...00; Balance of Cash premiums un- expended, January' ittet; 186 . 2,44,668/7e es s'• Cash receipts thiri,g the year • '62, less Agents' com`nnisiads, 6,7814 T rc • Cash receipts in January, ISO% h9.580e.0•;,...1 —59,343 S 4 Losses. and expepses paid during the year 1862, $6,329 73 Italanct tinexpezidtd, ntify 2, 1863, 3,016 11 $9,345 S 4 A. S. GR EEN,'.. PR ESI rixarr, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., ;secrefory. MICHAEL S. S LIMAN Tteasureg. EffitEbidi; ': : " :441- "' at Robert 7'. Ryon, Abraham Brauer, Sr., A/W Fendrick, tolD 2::% Samuel F. Earl kin, Michael S. Shuman, Ephraim:Hervieyi. H-11kfair.ifIL George Young, Jr., .Wleholas Mc Donald.. • • Ailing S. 0 REFERnivcus:—The following personl,gre all meinbers of than Cohipani - : Bainbridge-11. H Jones, John it. Smith, Joseph _Kurtz, ilogtio;.Hirenti Wilson, P. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C. .Fentlersinithr./Ohn.Slihnbergiir,J,lll , Polletle, Frank Shillot, John Gans, J. .1. & P. S. Mc - Tagfie; 'Michael S. Shuman; John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel SlicieWt.. RebeitAitaibilitt4i; Ezkert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Marlin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraieii Hershey,' Philip Schalck, David Hanauer, John Krasner., J,acob Stacks, Jacob Stride, Benj. F. Ainioid,. - Wih. Whipper, John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester, V oglo, tiainuel Arms; A. Gray& Co. t ".Eirit llempfield Falmouth--Abraham lihb; 'Samuel floral, "Mie.hifel `ll6".sh. Lanca4 • ter—John Rankin, 13. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Wm-T. Cooper,. John Shealfor mt geo. Reese. MaflettaGed." - lAr. 'MehaffeY „Mho H. Sammy, Frederick Maliling, E. .D;Rvtli, Caivin A. Selnittner, jOhn "Naylor, kamuel Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. &T., ylpAch er. Mount :Toy—J'acob Myers, Isriel. Barn hart, Michael _Brandt,: John Brane,psan.— Alonheini—John lioeteter, J. E. Cross, Sam'l. Long, Geo. Weaver r -John M. Malan, Jibe Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Mayforon-.liirem Beatty, teorge B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon V. Albright.— S. Rowers. Illanor - Totonship -:-Jaeoh.l3. Shuman, Christien..Millhr, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Tuumship—Daniel Frey, Henry 13. Becker,Henry Nett",, olrn tlq.ken ner. Rapho Township—Christiam Greider, Edward Givens; :Michael' - Witmati. s a blest itempfield township—ll. E., Wolf, B. A. PLice, M. A. Reid, J. la Stfickler, Amoi S. BouTere, Jacob Hoffinan. Warwick Township-I_Diudel B. Erb. The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each .Township in Lancaster "CoantAz— perons wishing to take the Agency, can apply in person Or - by letter. Pla,m.c:sr Furs 1 v ItreolitE4 t 211 : 4 1011 5 4M of 4, 4 9 1 4- 4 1 iiieri ALL iirsor or FANCY FUR. Tor fL a e . ll eg and Cleildi en ;c .Wear I . ..visit to rctnin my Mantis to, Tx, trivo&vf Lancaster and'aitinundfni counties, fOr their _very liberal patronage- exVendetNoime dniing the last few years, and would say to them Vitt I now have in store, of my own imadrtilion and manufacture a very extensive assortment of all the different Itin4antlqqat e is-tspfrayncy furs for ladies and children, Una will be worn during.the Fall and Winior'sgaVotng Being the dtrect Importer of all my FURS from Europe, and bay th:diti Cal Ma die* tu - red under my own supervision—enables me to offer my customers and tfi Fluiliclaliniteh; HANDSOMER Srr OF FURS for tbe.sance Inoney, 4,adies please-4w Inks chit purchasingPleaie reatern6eCtfie name,, number and street. JOLIN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH -ST., Sept. .• - PuILADELent.C.., -DR. , T. - 74 4 :11•OPPER,Y— , 1 ~DAMISTia OF THE BALTIMORE Co OF' D.ENTA.4 SUN - MY, Rt 8 4 1.1' G. .LATt , OF H V.R 1 4.. E 4t FFIC:—b r nt street, ne. door to R. Ur Williams' Dreg ; Store, -betleen Loeigst end . Walnut streets, Columbia: 00JAL . 11EHUL A.R: TVCEEPERS 11 1 ,1 can be had of H. L. & E. . ZAHN, Col' North Queen T st., and, Center, Sqny&tw ter, Pa., in the shapeof 'E4tritibiziumso'ark— the best article' of:SwiaS levers riovaltallelmar ket. They, are lower in Trice than .. any "latch bfequarquality andj ust trile Yorlimeteeleing The best tibrid.eitl rp HE GUM CLOTH OVE.II. COAT is the very best thing ourfor *et weither-ribt Oil-Cloth—but something far supenor: c, war ranted not t 6 shrink. Call and exaMind Wein ' • • - ' AT DIFFENBAeI-PS.: . . . A' SU PP.RI.O R COOK STOVE:, — ash_. — ' Very *in s.ty/e,,each one c, oargonte4. to perform to the entire satisfaction .- - of m the purtliaSer • • • PArreasox 8.4 r. C 9,. A::Geheral" Assortment of all kinds of Burr nizrc HAATAn.E, Longs, , Screws, %Its, Cellar Grates, Oils, I;lass and ,Pulty,.very cheap.,:, PATTERSON ifc CO. RIME GROCERIES;--140,4nvai r Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized sin 4. Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black *A Rice, Cheese and,Spiees; Syrup and i pri44; king Moltissea; 'Excellent Pearl Barley at ' J. J. DIFFENRACHM VV. T/LCOX , S Celebrated' lini)eihst IV{:tension. Steel Spring Skeleton . Shirt, with self-adjuStible Bustle. The latest and best in uses just received at DIFFENBACJI'S. „ Ready Made: 'Clothing. J. R. DIFFENBACH having, e lnitlinA,„'very serviceable stock of strong and well-made WINTER CLOTIIING; such as Coats, -yaßyi tpikv.vits.. which will be r figure sold at a loWegure'than can be bought any wherisselse..:Co`me anithearAhe prices. BOARRELS , - 'APPLES. Northern Spy, , %Baldwia's Greeningo,,4l4 •lA;ufte best New=3.tildniit - , at SPANGLER 4 PATTERSONISi,S upRIME * '• , v'erchi N- •-0 i . , O MIA : -` • —the very best for Cakes:, 4usareevit,ed' . .. y SPANqLER et PATA" . It.S . 9 6 I-3 .3 .1-..2t) T -r 0.40.1 X ADTD NE gr , e4z.6144-4Ditup i k icirchliiiary . purpo'fies; wiritatn OnitTos .- •M. 41.119ertidkrinr rtr El Q MI plaSf JOHN FAREIRA 71S ARCH-ST below MOO, south side, PHILADEtPHIA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers