illffißiOa 1 LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, ZYPir PXRioArcAL ERops, ZPOPS PERIODICAL PROPS, Ism* PERIODICAL DROPS, TIM GARAT FEMALE REMEDY ! TUB GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! tag GREAT FEMALE REMEDY THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! Periodiasl Drops Lyork's%Periodical Drop. Lyon's .forioctici4 Drops Lyon i r• Petiodico Drops Are Better Mut Pile ! Ate Better Thau Pills! Are Better Than Pills! =TM Are Better Than Pills I Lyon's 'Periodical Dsops ,sr. TUE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION Tarr ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ONLY FLUID PREPARATION P 'H 4 big LY FLUID PREPARATION Over airought before the-public, and as a di Atql o icAsitepecitic for irregularities, challenges loiht to . ,produce an equal . ; they are, in ibliakaliktbitinote cases, I® Balletic, And Sure To Do Good !tenable, And Sure To Do Good ! .11111b,let And Suie To Do Good 1 ~ r e 'liable, And Sure To Do Good p4;IiNOT DO HARM, 40 - p. CANNOT DO HARM, ...AVT410 1 1" DO HARM, 1 .AIWIDATINOT DO HARM, The Directions Are Adhered To! The Directions Are =Adhered To fi " IP' 'l* 1. * The Directions Are Adhered To 1 if Ile Directions Are Adhered To! , talt AT ALL TIMES., '—'IAVIDIAT ALL .TIMES! :ItAREtAT ALL TiMESI ~AFEAT ALL TirviEst -eatteptowbert eipressly forbidden in the are wrapped around each bottle, .nd•bave the written signature of Da. Isio. L. LIMP obn-them. • . 3V . ifiiNE OTHERS ARE_GENUINE! ' IIII4 Ii6NkoiILERS ARE GENUINE! I.4 "VbNE'GTHERS ARE GENUINE! .111tarbi'HERS ARE GENUINE! ar4rAtk OF COUNTERFEITSI SOWARE OF OO'UNT,EIIFELTSf tOVIOAREOF fOgITERFEITS, 4RE OF COEAVT.ERFEITSI Arlii4iele:ll Om . .tie:ilia to which the female iyetoik is' iubjocted with dispatch and a de rrOf:cettaißty which nothing but a scienti- Aoropoundad .preparation could - vetO OTEER I USE NO OTHERI -17 . 'SSE -NO VFW ER I • USE N.O OVIER I m s t or Drope stand before the world as the to plus ultra of all remedies, for the cure of alLdissoses of the kidneys - and bladdet, Leu- ogrepi prolapens, and the mild, but positive UirOle.tion of all •irregularities. NQT BE. IMPOSED UPON! ; DID NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! r 'I3O'NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! BE IMPOS E D UPON ! Ite those Who' bait; other preparations, which l a isprdasire to palm off upon tke strength of . lalt,pOpularity of my Drops, and who recom -mend-their own nostrums, thus appropriating themselves the constant demand for my Pe -144104 I - lirOPS, as a medium for selling some -IttiqiiviV.lll is worthless and inefficient. But whiwthis Druggist you apply to has not got them, either, Flalre him buy them for you; or clpeuelpaeone Dollar to the nearest general Tr, *le agent, who will return you a Bottle liberetern katfiress. Vol will thus maze yourselves trouble and 14im relief front the greatest Female Itegu iatorteftte.Nineteenth Century. Aver 0/40 Bottles of this medicine have "Illiksolgi within the last six months, and every Leily titat beamed , them, but for the nature " 41 4 cure, Wotild furnish us with a sworn certificate of their efficacy. It takes but one WO to make .the experiment, and I appeal *those of your sex who are suffering—will you waste away when a single Dollar will giveyou instant relief? Preparet;solely.4—,Trac lielitAsPhysician. ' ' Pnce s(;pm boitl eg )i c." 4; MARK' Pc CO , WIROLESALM DRUGGISTS, , New Haven, Cons Apies for ti:tsitet!Stat,es Nidt44iP, daw „ h s4lo atrbglimake g.IIVMUS a CO, New York. df.O.S4,.GOP W IP / 84:1 sigltoP• xtotrivr,o,crlioww, . sciar .6th ki#4.o4lthia• SCHENCK'S PULAIONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CON bll NIP LION. SCIIRNCK'S PULAIONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. SCUENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. . WILL CURE CONhUMPTION, SCHENCVs PULMONIC SYRUP Wll.l. CURE CONS' /MPT lON. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC 1=1:3911 DYSPEPSIA. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC EEMEIM DISYBVSIA. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WiLL CURL: DYSPEPSIA SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC GM ERB DYSYEL - '6.IA. SOZIENCK'S 11IANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS WILL ctitta LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE 'PILLS WILL. CURE LIVER UOsAYLAINTS: DR, J. H. SCHENC'K has a large suit of rooms at No. 32 Bond at.. New-York, Where he can be found every Tueglay, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. in., and at No. 39 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Va., every Saturday. He keeps a large supply of medicines at his rooms; which can be had at all times. Those wishing advice or examination with the Res piroineter, his price is $3. Many persons are afraid to have their lungs examined by DR. SCHENCK for fear they will be found incurable, an l by that means it is put ow wait it is hid late. How much bet. ter it would be to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidence, Dr. S. has shown sufficient certificates in this city that he has cured advanced. stages of Consumption. DR. SCHENCK , z Principal Office is No. 39 North birth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where letters for advice should always be directed. la" PUCE of the Pulnicia.c Syrup and Sea Weed each $1 per bottle. or .$5 the dozen Mandrake Pills, 25c por box: For sale by all druyyists and storekeepers Uctobei :44, 1863. 12-3/us. A Fortune for All! EITHER MEN OR WOMEN!! NO HUMBUG, but an ENTIRELY NEW thing. Only three months in this country No clap-trap neration to gull the public, but a gem:Aare' money=inaking . thing ! Read the Circular of instruction once only, and you will understand it perfectly. A Lady has just written to me that, she is, making as high as TWENTY DOLLARS SOME DAYS-! giving in structions in this art. Thousands of Soldiers are making money rapidly at it. No person has to be urged to patronize it. It is a thing that takes better than anythipg ever before offered. You can make money with it home or abroad—on, steamboats or railroad cars, and in the,country or city. You will be pleased in pUrsuing it, not . only because 'it will yield a handsome income, but also in consequence of the general admiration which it elicits. It is pretty much all profit. A mere trifle is necessary to start with. There is scarcely one person out of thou sands who ever pays any attention to adver tiseinenfs of this kind, thinking they are hum bugs. Consequently those who do send for instructions wilt have a broad field to make money in. There Is a class of persons in this world who think because the have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that every thing that it advertised is a humbug. Conse quently they try no more. The person who succeeds is the one that keeps o.i trying until he hits something that pays him. This art cost me one thousand dollars, and I expect to make money out of it—and all who purchase the art from me will do the same.— One Dollar dent to me will insure the prompt return of a card of instructions in the alt.— The money uill be recurred to those who are'not satisfied. Address WALTER T. TINSLEY, No. 1 Park Place, New York. 0ct.24-3m [COMMUNICA TED.] PULMONARY CONSUMPTION A CURABLE DISEASE. A CARD. TO CONSUII4PTIVI S The undersigned having been restored to health in ,a few weeks, by a very simple remedy after having suffered severely for several years with lung affection, and that dreaedisease, Consumption--is anxious to make knoWn to his fellow sufferersthe means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy o the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure stile for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, 4c. The only object of the advertiser in rending the prescription, is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invi inside and he hopes ev ery sufferer will cost them'nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parses wishing:the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, No. 8-,l3tj ' Kings co., N. Y str a tta n , Bryant & Co's Chain of .IVatiol Commercial Colleges, LOCATED IN P H I LA DtE L P _ . $0.13T11-EA ST CORN ER OF SEVENTH ARD CHESTNUT STREETS Nino-T or's City, Brooklyn, Albany, :Buffalo, Troy, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and • Sand Louis. - . Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar rith metic ; Commercial Law, Forms, Cone pondence, &c., practically taught. These Colleges being under the same general apd local management, and uniting in each tbe -advantages of all, offer greater facilities for, iMpFtipg instruction than any other similar institutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is•good-in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently, enlarged and is now the largest most prosper ous Commercial liistitutioa in the State. -Bryant &- Ntrattan's series of Text Books, embracing Boollt4Ceeping, , Com mercial Arith metic, and Commercial-Law, for s, and sent by mail. ' "'For full parlicukes, sea() far a circular. Anciemss. STRATTAN, .ff.grANT "4. CO., Dec. 21' 1 62-lyi ' 14,13.1.LADELP,All rF4HE Largest and beat assortment of Pitney' cloth & C aisimeree and - vetting PT er 'i re nt in Ws awket,and-ieill Ve acddidit pueiiihnkhde ijeke en iimpia lle Ky 0/011b&A. r'itJaTIIE MA.BIETTIAN. T HE EARLY PHYSICAL DEGENERACY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE. . -0- JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. A TREATISE on the causes of early Phys ical decline of Aineri c a n people : The cause of Nervous Debility, Consumption and Mara,mus. This work is one of high moral tone, written in chaste, yet thrilling language, and appeals direct to the moral consciousness of ALL PARENTS and guardians especially. de tailing sriehtific and reliable aids and treat ment for cure. It will be sent by mail on the receipt of two three cent posiage stamps. . lEr Parents and Guardians! Fail riot to send and obtain this book: rp- Young men ! Fail not to send and get this book. Ladies you should at once secure a copy of this book. A word of solemn conscientious advice to those who will reflect. A class of maladies prevail to a fearful ex tent in the community, dooming at least 100,- 000 youth of both sexes annually, to an early grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestation, or symptoms are Nervous Debility Relaxation and Exhaustion ; Marasmus or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body ; shortness of breathing or.hurrielbreathing on ascending a kill or flight of stairs ; great pal pitation of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and sore Throat ; shaking of the Hands and Limhe; aversion to society and to business or study; dimness of eyesight, loss of Memory, dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia. Pain in various parts of the body ; Pains in the back or limbs, Lum bago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged secretions of the Kid-.' neys and other glands of the body, as Leuchor rbcer of Fleur Albus, dtc. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. . Now in ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred, all the above named disorders, and .a host of others not named, as Cousumpsion' of the Lungs and that most insidious and wily form of lanstimption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tubes Dorsales, and Tribes mesen teries, have their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success cin the part of old school practices in treating symptoins only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic l,stitution, is now en ! gaged in treating this class of modern insta -1 dtes with the most astonished success. The l treatment adopted by the institution is new ; ! it is based upon icientitic principles, with new discovered remedies, without minerals or poi sons. The redlines of cure are such that pa tients can be cured at their homes, in any part of the country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter; and have the medicines sent . by mail or express. Printed interrogato ries will be forwarded on application. li..?' Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of the throat cured as well at the Home of the Patients as at the Institution, by sending the Cold Medicated Inhaling Balsamic VisPors, with inhaler and, ample directions for their use, and direct correspondence. Patients applying for interrogatives or advice, must enclose return stamps, to meet attention. a - The •attending Physician will be found at the Institutiori for consultation, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. M., each. day. Sunday in.the forenoon. Address -. DR. 'ANDREW STONE, Physician to the Troy Luug and Hygienic In stitute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 96 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Soldiers in' the Army AND OUR PEOPLE AT HOME A RE now offered an opportunity by which J they can obtain a good and l a DURABLE TIME -PIECE, AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. OUR WATCHES ARE WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME One year, and the buyer is allowed the privi lege of examination before payment is required. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL. RUBY ACTIONS A first-class' Hunting Time-Piece of silver material, over which is etectro-fine plated 18k gold, Coast durable wrought, making the imi tation su faultless that it cannot be "detected from the solid material by the most experienced judges ; acids will not affect it. London made movement. Improved Duplex in fu:l ruby ac tion, has sweep seconds, and is not to be ex celled in general appearance. This is decided ly one of the best articles ever offered for trad ers and speculators. - EngineerS, emigrants and persons traveling, will find thi in superior to any other ; alteration of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, peeked in good shape and good running order, only $35, ur case of 6 for $2OO. Silber Doubie ispe Dwifing Lebehs, BEST QUALITY SILVER CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18 karat gold, similar to our improved Duplex, and superior aojusted movements, with "stop," to be used in timing horses, etc..; has Four Indexes for Washington and Greenwich time, sweep sec ond, and all the improvements. All in all, taking its beautiful and faultless appearance and its superior movement into consideration,_ we regard it as decidedly the cheapeat article of the kind in the in •rket. Price in good running order, $35, or case of 6 for $2OO. per' We ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible parties, to any part of the loyal States, with bill pay able to expressman when tne good's are deity cred, giving the buyer the privilege of exami nation, and, if nut satisfactory., the watch can be returned at. ur expense. The express companies refase making col lections on soldiers and other parties in the disloyal States, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the cash to insure at tention. We make a deduction of two dol lars on either when the payment is forwarded in advance. Money may be sent by express at our ex pense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO. 93 and'9s Broad street, opposite City Bank, Oct. 17-3m] Providence, It. I. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. corner of 7th 6- Chestnut Si:. PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which was establishe4 rn 1844, and is now consequently -in tge 'eight eenth year of its existence, nunribers among its graduates, hnndreds of the most suceessful Merchants and Business Men in our Country. The Object of the Institution is solely to afford young men facilities fur thorough prepa rations for business. The Branches taught are, Book-keeping, as applicable to the various deptirtmerrt4 of frade ; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental,;, Commercial 'Law, Mathematics, Nauigation„ Ciani - Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. The System of-Instruction is peculiar; no classes or set lessons are, made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that he may commence' at any time, and attend ,at what:- ever hours are most 'convenient. • ' • - Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the, staents for. the year, and full particuiars of - terms, .&c., and may be obtained at any time by address ing the Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the , leugthy expo' ience of the Principal, this Institution' Offers -facilities`-su perior to any other in the countrY; for young men , wishing to .preparelforlbusinestri ' and to' obtain A DIPLOMA, which will prove a reeern•:-. mendation-for them - to any Mercantile house. Crittindo& seer INV° f Itreatateakorußook- VP4Pinfl , 11918, 7,1 1 1E0Y ckcinfftell th atpr..c4hetmtplt:ggoLiaaypjest o; aire **ilex bfigrag ITTER,Dpr 4itt9niey_vg-Ait* Jaa. 18, 'B2-,lylv • . PAraterpaa. : c.i*i CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A PURE AND POWERFUL TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful efficat cy in disease of the Stomach. Liver and Bow els; cti res Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head- ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depres sion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermitten- Feveis, Cramps and Spasms, anilall complaints of either sex, arising from bodily weakness whetner inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in its4ntture enters into toe compo sition of Hostetter , s Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains- no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element ; ino fi ery excitant, but it is a combination of- die ex tracts of rare balsamic herbs and. plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu lants. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and so far as the human system , can be protec ted by human means against maladieS' en gendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, im pure water and other external causes, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS may be relied on MI a safeguard. In distriets infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found itifallib!e as a preventative and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attaek, escape the scourge and theusands who ne glect ro avail themselves °fits protective qual ities in advance, are cured by a very 'nisi* course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in•vain, until fairiy saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to health within a few days by the use of Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this:agreeable to nic; and hence - it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia and in less conlirtned.forms of Ind/- gay/lon. Acting as a gentle and painless appe rient, as well as upon the liver, it also invari ably relieves the Constipation supelinduced by irreAular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Peisons of feeble habit, Bahia to ner vous attacks, lowness of spirits and fits of lan gout', dud prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most.conclusive, and from oath sexes. The agony of Bilious Colic is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. Lust, but not least, it is The Only Safe Stisri ulgot, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely flee frein the acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stoinachics Of the day. -No faintly medicine has been so universally, and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular with. the- inteilig‘nt,portitm of the community, aS HOSTETT ER'S BITTERS. , Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburg., Pa. Sold uy all Druggists, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. BZITABOD'S Genuine , TIIPAiItiOBS. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Crave], and Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Coicareous de-. positions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflamatioo. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For weakness arising from 'excesses, habits of dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, at tended with the following symptoms : Indispositidu t!) exertion, Loss of Power, Difficulty of breating, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Trerobling Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, - 3 Dimness of Vission, Pam in the Back, Universal lassitude of the muscular system, Flushing of, the body, - Hot Hands, Eruptions on the• Face, Dryness of the akin. Palid Countenance These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fol lowed by•those " Direful Diseases,". "Insanity and Consumption." Many are aware of the cause of their suffer ing, but none will confess the records of the Insane Asylums. Melancholy deaths by Consumption bear am ple witiiess to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected:with Organic weakness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES. In many . affections peculiar to females the Extract Buchu is unesqualed by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu— larity, Painfulness or suppression of customa ry evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state ,of the Uterus, Leuchorrhoea ,or Whites, Ster rtlity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habitS cf dissipation, or in the decline or change of life. It causes a•frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and intlamation, an frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all poison ous, diseased and wornout matter. Thousands upon thousands.who have been the victims of quacks, and who.have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were , deceived,. and that the "Poison" has, by the use of "powerful astringents," been dried upin the system, to break: out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Mar riage, Use Hembold's Extract Buchu 'for all affec tions and diseases of the Urinary Otgans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how ling standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic ' Heimbold's Extract Buchu is the great Iliuretic, and is certain to have the de sired effect in all Diseases for which it is Rec ommended. Evidence of the most reliable and respensi- . ble character will accompany the medicine. PRICE .00 PER BOTTLE, or SIX for $5.00. Delivered to any Address, securely packed from. observation. Describe Symptoms _in all Communications.'! Cures Guaranteed Advice Gratii Address letters for information to H. T. - 11 ELM BOL D, Chemist. 104 South Tenth-st. ' bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELM BoLD's Medical Depot, .11ELm:BoLD's Drug and Chemical Warehouse. s k 594 Broadway. New York. -Bewlte of Counterfeits and Unprincipled Dealers' who . endeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by ~.44eitaboldle Genuine Preperations. Extract 'luau. =Minn WN01T4... ft lwved .1m W.., Dx-A.., r ts9hfrkke/g: A i - Tiit4o O Cte3ltmpdm*Fgni V.„ , and pond. Writ.. Aed avoldltripo4tion-Witi ixtosure. ' U. S. 5-20'S. The Secretary of the Treasury has not yet given notice of any intention to withdraw this popular Loan from sale at Par, and until ten dais notice is given, the undersigned, as "General Subscription Agent," will continue to supply the public. The whole amount of the Loan authorized is Five Hundred Millions of Dollars. .11 . early Four Hundred Millions have been already sub scrib.d for and paid into the Treuury, mostly within the last seven months. The large de mand from abro:..d, and the rapidly increasing home demand for use as the basis for circula tion by National Banking Associations now organizing in all parts of the country, will, iu a very short period, absorb the balance.— Sales have lately ranged from ten to filteen millions weekly,. frequently exceeding three millions daily, and as it is well known that the Secretary of the Treasury has ample and unfailing resources in the Duties on Imports and Internal Revenues, and in the issue of the Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is almost a certainty that he will not find it necessary, for a long time to come, to seek a market for any other long or perinanent Loans, the Interest and Principal of which are Prudence and self-interest must force the , minds of those contemplating the formation of National Banking Associations, as well as the minds of all who have idle money on 'their , hands, to the prompt conclusion that they should lose no time in subscribing to this most popular Loan. it will soon be beynnd their reach, and advance . to a handsome premium', as-was the result with the "Seven Thirty'' , Loan,, when it was all sold and could no long er be subscribed for at par. Ibis a Six Per Cent. Loan, the Interest and- Principal payable in Coin, thus , yielding, over Nine per Cent. per annum at the present rate of premium on coin. The Government requires all duties on im ports to be paid in Coin ; these duties have fir a long time past amounted to over a Quarter of a Million uf. Dollars daily, a sum nearly three times greater than that required in the payment of the interest on all the 5-20's and other permanent.Loane. So that it is hoped, that the surplus COM in•the Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the United States to resume specie payments upon all The Loan is called 5-20 from the fact that whilst the Benda may run for 20 yealk, yet the Government has a light to pay theta off in Gold at par, at any time after 5 years. the Interest is paid half-yearly, viz : on the first days of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds, which are payable to .bearer , . and are $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and 0 1000 ; Regiatered 'Bonds of same denominations, and iu addition, $5,000; and $10,000.. For Banking purposes and ,for in vestments of Trust-mei:des the Registered Bonds are preferable.. - These.s-20's cannot be taxed by States, ci. ties; towns or:counties, and the Government , tax on them is only one-and-a-haif _per cent., ) on the amount of income, whe4 the income of the holder,exceeds S,x Hundred dollars, per annum ; all other investments, such as income from Mortgages, Railroad Stock-add etc., must pay from three to five per cent, tax on the Income. Bank's and Bankers throughout the'ckuntv will continue to dispose of the 'Bonds; and all orders by mail, or otherwise promptly attend ed to. The inconvenience of a few day's' delay in the delivery of the Bonds is unavoidable, the lemand being so great; but as interest em inences from the day of subscription, no loss is o..casitmed, and every effort is being made to diminish the delay. JAY COOKE, SVES , ...RIPTION' AGENT, 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. NEW AND FRESH DRUGS. 00. ,1-t_ent , a. OaridLs, ZUrrelslsr to fir. Oranfain Aiutt R. LANDIS having purchased the entire J. interest and good w,ll of Dr.:T. Drug Store, would take tl is opportunity to in form the citizens of 'Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil. adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on band the best and most completa assortment of eve rything in the drug line. ft ILof of .fancy abo loilef ilrfietes, consisting in part of German, French and Eng. fish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and `'Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Bonin and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils, Pomities,etc._ • Port Monies, Pocket Books, .Puff and Powder Boa es, 4-c:,4c The celebrated Batchrlor's HAIR DYE, DeCosta's and otheiToOth Washea,lndia Cola • gogue, Barr Os Trscoperons, for the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot- tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of Rice, Corn Starch, Heckes's Farina; all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical trod, an excellent ar• tide for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sdmptive case, Rennet, Dr coagulating milk, au excellent . preperation for the table; Table - Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes: Pure Cod Liver• Oil. All of Hael , s perfumery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon ocl-lair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS AND STATiONARY. Sheet Music always on hand, and procore(t . by weekly orders from the city. Having secured the services of Mr. Harrison. Roth, formerly'of the firm of Grove & Roth, be feels confident that he can accommodate as well as please his numerous patrons and friends. • Old Poll', Sherry and Madeira Winea and Brandies for medical purposes. The Doctor can be protessionally consulted . at the store when not enened clsewnere. rir Remember the place, opposite the Post Office, formerly Doctor Hinkle's. TOBACCO, PEAR & SNUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys kotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersig ned would rospectfully inform the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross.lfeys Hotel, to keep on hind and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $.20 to $BO per thousand. TonAcco.---Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An# derson's best Fine-cut. , All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. Six HALF SPANI,SH. Rappee Snuff and all, kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, ,te. [Jan. 3o,,ris . . Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer. TH E undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manufacture of the eele ? brated Black Hawk Iron Ore Wisher. He has removed several objections to the old pat ern, and now feels certain of being able to wash one-third more • iron ore per, day, ,and much cl4aner. Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine guarran teed. 'He can refer, by permission, to Col. Jatnes Myers. of I regal Furnace, Marietta, and to James L. u. 4. Esq., adjoining Mari etta. Address '• • e. IniITT KR'S Celebrated Truse, Surgical' Ban dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for ormit), &c. These articles are ..... very highly recommended by Piofes sors'Pancoast and Gross of the Jeffereon Med , ical College , of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the best articles, at the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for ,Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious *pue rto. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soap Frangipannie an? other-Extracts.- • '.', , - 01 , via by Rat.,:li._ii4X-RXB-. Sarsaparilla eIHAMPA:%NIg" and' other Tapia - ' Wines j•gnailtoatorpnie =and,iliald ae Sow de can.lnellonetin..PhiladersweYnrit. 11. D. - Fir xi AM Piret af.100116. 7 -~~'e YA Y . A.BLE IN GOLD, JACOB A 'WISNER'S SAMUEL HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa: Dr. Brunon's Celebrated for delicate disease NO. 1. THE GREAT - E,IIFERi dily eradicates all the evil effects of - ► use, as loss of memory, shortness of brea liddi nese, palpitation of the heart, dimndittstkf via ion, or any constitutional deningenientef the system brought on by the unrestrainedsiidul gence of the passions. Acts alike on aithes seg. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE BALM.—Wiilcure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoriaelep)ii without tastt or smell and requires neftrutrie tian of action or diet; for either sex ; ieria $l. NO. 3. Trim TRIMS will cure Gleet tbei. shortest possible time, and I can show certifi elites of cures effected by this remedy, WhEtt. all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. Tut PtxITER IS the only known temedy that will positively cure strietures.,of the urethra, no matter of how longstanding or. neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. Tfi.r. SOLI/TOR will cilre any cue of Ocavel permanently and speeililtremov all diseases. from, the bladder sind-kittneya— Price one dollar. No. 6. Tut PREVENTOR is a surer/liven Lion against the contraction' of any dispau k A less expensive and far preferable to anything. in use. Adapted to either sex. Price sl.` NO 7. THE • Attati a will cure the whites. radically and in less time than they, eta bp ef fectually removed by any 'other` treat - Went ;"liti fact this .is the only remedy that otilionllyi cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price ..0/. NO. 8. THE Oaxtifral PasiMilifg Lain, safe anik speedy in .producmgmtkamtnestr tion or tweeting any irregujarities., • "Rf the m o nthly periods. Price tvi4 - &Bare' No. 9. ,THE FEMALE SA7EIWASIF - 4001W spring Regulator will last a lifetime, . Itricelp Either of the Rettiediea will itentliee mail on receipt, of the price annexed :I atm.- lars containing valua'ile information with flak description Of each Remedy,' inaY he ebilidur by enclosing one poststamp. Atldresi DR. FELIX BRUN ON, 110x.99 Pa';' ‘ These Remedies areaold JOHN JAY LIB HART, where ciri;, l3l l%.fßli: Mining a full description of each calm:ism pH obtained gratis, on application. ~-. General Depot,, North East Corner of ytilj. Avenue and CalloWhill street,Pliilidelphigpsc Its . In complicated cases Icon be , coninilt4 by letter, or peisonallya; my office.; exit:ante. No. 40; York Aienue. Dik.' F. liairritN. -AU,trulAntobon A Family and an Agricultura l .. DEVOTED , Choice 2,iteratut e . • ,t . Inclodipg Poetry, 141ovelettes, Trijal„iyA Moral and Eiiterunninelicidiyii getter...l44, In the Literary Department..wei , shaltptit sent the choicest,.varietie within th em e reastknk our extended means. Tie Tal4s, Poetry. aw., shall be supplied Alain .tha heatv„. -, ' 'and hig.est sources, and be equal t th . ' to be found in any journal or atiageefne. ' ,Agriculture and Hortie.ttture, Embracing FarraiN s r, Ga.rdiring ing &re. In alt theft' branders as eondunalosi the latest and stoat •approthd sy s tems; Our . la.burs in Luis department col. over thirty years, have met the cordial tiPpriibit. pprobs tion of the public. Our purpose bakueed to ; iurnish useful and reliable intorniation_upon these very important branches oftioilustrv, and to .protect them so far as withintour pow e^ against the false doctrines and seg ltish puF poses of the many empirics and sensation adventurers by which the Fanner Os' incest minty assailed. This portion of the,fli rat+rs-, town Tetegrapn will alone be worth the wools' price of subscription, as every Flintier and • Gardener, who has a pruper conceitiori Of his calling, will readily admit. lkit. NEWS DEPARTMENT.: : . 6. 4 The same industry, cake, and i,ndiscr, -illa tion, in gathering and preparing. the' 'Stirring Events of the Iniy, expressly tor this paper, which hitherto has been one of 'its nikrliert features and given so universal satisfaction, will be continued with redoubled eifortiato Meet the increasing deniands ot the' pu blic:4- The labor required in this,dcpartment ninevi. - . 4 er fully appreciated by the reader. It would be impossible to present. in the condensed ' and carefully made up form in which it ap .pears, a corrected 1111155 of all the most inter• eating news of the week, without - involving much physical labor, tam and, judgment. We annex the cash terms, to which we beg, leave to call the attention' of all vrho , thinikof 4 subscribing for a newspaper: 'A OV ANC E, CASH TERMS: One Copy, One Year, One Copy, Three Years, Three Copies, One Year, , Five Copiee 2 One Year,' Ten Copies, One Year, itlP - 'Subscriptions not paid within the rat, $2.50 Club of five subscribers, at ,aB, will entitle the person getting it up to a copy for six months; a Club of ten or more, to a copy' fur one year. All Club subscriptions las:pp - id at the end of the time paid for, unless re-eN den d. la- No order will leceire rattention unless, accompanied with the cash. Dl - specimen numbers sent tb applicants PHILIP It. 4PREAS, Editor and Proprietor. Germantoton, Philadelphia bhm. 4, 1863. tbiibetsal elotties . ~. No. I.—Large Family Wringer, $10: No. 2.l l dedium, ` 7:0 .• No. 24: .i lit . 6: No. 3.—Small g• 5:50 No. S.—Large Hotel Wringer, 14:00, / N0.18.-111edium Laundry, to run by 18:09 steam er ' • No. 22.—Large Laundry, 4 hand. . . 30:00 ; Nos. q and 3 have no cogs—all cithura an ',,- Warranted. •No.. 2 is the size generally used in-privates: families. Orange /add, of the American Agrietiltidist i ,` says of - g.he Mitattosal elates ":':iinstr "A child can.readily wring out a tubtall stia clothe's in a few minutes. It is really a ctothwt saver! A Time Sayer! The saving of OIL" meats • will alone pay a :large percentage ot its cost. We think the machine much mort than pays for itself every year in-thetavirig or" garments! There are several :kiwis, near]; 4. alike in general construction, but we conabil ; it important that the 'Wringer •be fitted' wit . Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may eau... the rollers, and the rollers upon the crap shaft slip and tear the clothes or the rubbef". break loose' from Abe shaft. Our own te apt,* the first make, and it is as good as neawnei' nearly four years constant use." Every:Wringet with Cog ranted in every parlieviap 9 No Wringer can be durable without Clig-volteeP. A-good' Canvassei-wauted in e'veiytOilti , 113 — On receipt of the price from pliiss-stlwet, no one is selling, we will send the Wringer free, of expense. For particulars and circulars, addr i t IL C. " BROW , ' r 347 Broadway, hevr-Yorki. TAR. WkiITTIER, 4 sD ST. CITADELS-BT., 1-?'" IvEz ; ( 8/YT/1 17D SEV E NTH fil7lE2 ; S alti ST. Lduls, C mrssoAr: EBPECIAt ATTENTION •TO CHRONIC D.I.,SEASES; Dyspepide.,,Conaumption, Uu,er . Col011414L: Diarrhea, "Piles, and ail Femater Complaints Eta. W. mill eg ad his Theory of Chronic t r* eases, for 6 cents, tor, pre-pay postagc Symptom lists for any disease; forwarded': Irir,lvledicides forwarded to any post Ogle* in the United States.: Post Office Box,' ; 3o9fi. St. Louis, Aug oat ), 1863.-Iy. • URNETT'S Coeoaine. A compolind” o ' Coeoa7,nut Oil, dm,, for dreasilig O,O I ON ' 'orefficapy and agreeableness, it is, Omit an equal., It prevents the hair from fal rplr... It promotes its healtby_aod vigor rib, It is not greasy or etioky- '..., , . j e t. It leaves 110 disagreeable odor. ~„ ' , ' It softens the hair when' - It dry. It soothes the irritated , lab. ‘ . ~ It AtlOP;lsetbe riehest It remains longest • e.itt . cf- Rea" 11. ft° ' . . . • .... nedies
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers