I, inswiransierr: :216 #SOI 1 . W s, ; e l I '' H c\ /\ ' ~. . I) .14((i , sr. m e p v — . p) ,- ~.. .4,_' 7" --- • - , - - , ........ -- N ~,,-= tadl 141 ke The merits of this Machine consist: in part, in the attachment of curved knives to the arras of the cut , ting-wheel, the shearing cut scrota the mouth-piece, the great power end directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of materiel is cut, with less pow ermu) than is 'red hye other Medd* ; those combined with it arability and simplicity of con struction, common public attention. Nothing lia ble. to get out of ord ; but what a boy could remedy with a pocket wrens . Persons in want o ma chi nes of this dm t ezipriart, will do well b y• • g upon or addressing the un dersigned. Good and responsible regents wanted to sell machines and territory. The above Machine is now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Mahufacturing Company Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer should have. . IL C. GILBERT, ~,, A ___:' Baia.V ..DTOCF 12, Proprietor, gent. Waynesboro', Pa july 14—If ] ______ _______ j. INTALIDS DON'T DESPAIR • CIF tle 4 .N Thottmulds bare found relief. and ^, • I,thousands wilt turn to this Medi. ciao, after expatiating their purses sod patience in search of health. titcldiness *Me head, dullness of the mind, colt th, coated tongue, loss of appetite. pains and week , nose In the Momaeb,unisrgeinent of the liver, yellow ----nosvof the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total 41.1srelish for business, pleasure or any kind of employ ment, FAIIANZV'EI PANACEA, If taken and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole class of symp toms. The fields of the body become pare, and mind clear, the stomach strengthened. the tongue clean, the _ _appetite improved, and the whole system so benefited that disease, in bad weather,, - is loss liable to Millet you. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated _OlOO4—C-Itainer—arrallateal As a medicine for children, tho Panacea Is, la well vs • , calculated to take the place of the endless varle • . . which are often very Injurious. A medicine which Dos. lasses the qualities of a cathartic as well es stolid alter at/ve, and which is capable ofarresting disease without the least injury to the child, la of Incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartic, it Is very effective, yet it does not, itglven In proper quantitiescause nausea or distress to the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very Important feature as a medicine for children. As a preventive of disease it is unprecedented, as it acts directly upon the digestive or gans anti the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, it Is the most effective medicine ever offered to thew bllc ; =dr-- itglven regularly and perserefin - gTrythiise eruptive eases so common to children may he entirely - eratilcuted. Prepared by P. Pabrnoy ' e Bros. & Co.,_Wavnasboro, Pa, and Dr : 10 . (9 . PaElltrißr, 10 Borth Dearborn • \,\ , : ti St., Cino•Go. Price $135 per bottle , for sale by Wholesale and Retail exam. .edui by F. -Fourthnoanil. ElTAmbersoni - M. A. S. Boncbrah3. Viayneebaro': E. B. Winger, -- / Quiticy; Rbuzer & Frantz, Pikesville. _ December 8-Iy. • Assignees' Notice. IstTOME is hereby given thatthe undersigned have been appointed Assignees of Conrad Mhs and voile, of Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa, under a deed volunatery assignment for the benefit of creditors. A ll persons indebted to said Conrad •Ruths will make payment, and those having claims will present the same_pruperly_euMenticated_foes dement, my IS-31 1118 MONK GLORY FOR '7l. ForsaM at W. A, TRITLE'd new Stove and Tin eters. He has on hand a large stock of the above stoves, all of the late improved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake ' Boil, Roast, Stew, and it does not interfere with the operatrena an a Parlor Stove. In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that their , particular stove takes less coal and gives more heat than the,Merning Glory, you can put that•kind Of talk down as a Btow4vd, as the Morning Wary has been sofa (in this pert of the country) for four years, end in that time I bare put outover three hundred of them, and never had to take one back because it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stave ever offered in•this mar het. That is the proof which is the stove. ; I have other style' or heating stoves for coal or , wood:, .Nesting Furnaces put up and warranted. My Cook/Shares are of the best in market for coal ii.or wood, aft warranted good Bakers. Mao a new Par/or:Gook eitoveosomething :that•can't be exalt. ed.. • • Call and me ma. Yon will find mintook of Tin Bheet•(ron and ,other mama of the beatilidde, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clotbes Wringer in market:— .Also stood and cheap Washing Machine. Roang and Opouting done of the beet Mock and at skort_notice: Job work of all Aldo in my hoe done at low rues,. The only plate in town where you can get your copper work ilone,:being the only Copper Smith in.the place. Oet ,11 :WOOS. 7b.M.IIOIIANT TAILOR, , , . ' AND AGNNT FOR SINGER'S SE "Arnlo RtiC/EiiNE. T. S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees W. A. TRITLE. Now oistN MILLER & , CO.'S ! .11 ai Et go ....t........1:1,. T W. MILLER 4 CO. have just opened their V •first stock of; Spring Goods, which was selected for the home trade, and consists of all the styles of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, dm. For the ladies they have a large stock of all• the late style Dress and Fancy Goods:. Poplins, Alpaccah Serges. Ple it'll, Mohairs, A nice assortment of Spring Shawls, Lace Collars Fans, Parasols, Corsets, Chignons, Switches, A full line of Gents Furnishing Goods of every style Rad:quality; FRENCH, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN CASSIMERES Coatings and Veatimze for spring and Bummer; also Shiite, Coitus, Li 'dk'fri, Bowe, Scarfs, Ties, Glover, Hosiery, Suspenders, Cuffs, &c. Carpetings, Inworted, Rag and Cottage (Carpet. Table.rloot and Stair Ott Cloths; beautiful styles Oil Window Shades., j - ~ -- fait — itae Hardware, eetitzwere. Ati•LALAr._ -- nati T soy (all colors) Lewis, and Beates & Miller's Mite Lead, Lin seed, TannPrs' and Coal Oil. Window Glass and Putty, and in tact everything that is usualiy-fonca in a first cliss country store. —Alt-persona-tlesiring - to - purchase arereted to call and examine goods and prices. No trouble to show goods. J. W. M. & CO. ap. 27. ALI•IS M. GOOD. , MATIIIW MaTCALY. ANTIETAM. • Sash and Door Factory ! ANT At Prices to, snit Times and Quality ! WORK WARRANTED. Morro ;--Quief — . Salea__and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our Zinc of business, Sash, Doors, Shatters, Mantles, Stairing, &o , Wholesale or Retail. We oteo contract for continued Rail stair Ways Newel's Ballusters, &c. &c., furnish to order or put into buildings by the best of workmen ; Sawing, Chopping, Post Boring, Grinding, Turning, &c. &e. In short, anything you want call for it, if not on hand we will make it As reference we can show you buildings in the country or in NC aynes. boro' where you can judge for yourselves, (we can't recommend material, it must recommend itself) also see the quality of our material as compared with MIA of other shops. TO TQ PUBItT.C. Thankful for past favors, we aßk you for a con tinuance of the same. Factory 1 j miles South of Wavnesboro%N. 0001) & METUALF, may 18, 1871. P. 8. We are also Teemed to furni-h Framirg materiel at comparatively low rates. G. &. M, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! MIRE subscriber announces to the citizens of Ringgold and vicinity that be bas returned from the East with a Stack of NEW SHOEWARE for Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing all styles; also gaiter., shoes, etc. for Men and Boys. He has also Groceries fur sale, such as Supra, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. lie continues to inannfsetnre to order men's Boots end Nimes and ladies and chiklren's work of all kinds, He returns thanks for past favors and asks a con tinuance of public patronage in the future. WM. STE WART. Ringgottl,-Mar U,'7l. - FUZZ'C sate. TEM undersigned assignee of Samuel Conde?, will sell at public isle at Pikadville, ou earns- DAY THE 2D OW Jima, 1871, the following described Neal Estate, viz : A NEW ONE AND A HALF STORY LOG HOME, 20 by 24, and lot containing one. half acre, more or lea--frame atabje, bake-oven, well of good water, good fencing, (new) .choice fruit tr.es, etc. Also a Sbop 15 by 25, at present occupied as a grocery and confectionery. The lot is • desirable one for building containing one-quarter acre, more or less. Bala to commence et 1 o'clock on said day when the terms which will betasy will be made known. PETER ROUZER, Assignee. O. V. Moss. suet. may 4 ts] • 111SSOCTION. MBE co-partnership heretofore existing between' Geiser dr. Madam in the Hardware business, was dim:deed by mutual consent on the tat inst.— The Istwks and accounts of the *mere in the bands of the subscriber, -wbo , will continue the - business as heretofore. upon whom all persons indebted are re quested to valuta peke early settlement. janl2lf 'SAM tin b. RINEFTART. LE IN - W.:DETRICK . s 'ATTOR.N.BIrAT LAW, . . ~.. ,WAreissose,p,,,, ~ , . .. WILL give prampt arid dose . attention to ell busingis intriisted to bis care. Office sesot door to the Bowden }louse is the Welker building . tog 25-0 - , • - . • X;AI LIM lit is • • A PENNY SINNED SAYS THE ,OLD ADAGE. Wen, how and where is the piece to do it ? Wherever von can use your money to thy, , ' beat advantage ; . and popular opinion lies long since • given the palm to • ' 'Stover4 , olff, for keeping ' the best and cheap est store ; all they wint is • for buyers to call and examine their stock end convince themselves Out stock consists in part of thelollowing articles LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SUCH ALPACAS, • REPS; MOHAIRS, POPLINS, ARMUNS, DELAINES, OPERA MATHS, REPELLANTS, ENGLISEI VELVETEENS; &o , eaCeet_liAir Partake. Lawns, P. K.'d, French Gingham, &rimer. Cloths, Doeskin Vaseline* Cords. &dinette, Cot tonades, Linens, Tweeds', &c., &e. We would call especial attention to our stock of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADE SHOES , in Lasting and Morocco, cheap. GROCERIES. •We have bought large, consequently bought cheap All our goods have been bought at penis prices, consequently we are enabled to undersell those who bought before the decline, gar CALL AN - D - SEE. - tar And we will prove to you what we say. All kinds of Country Produce BOUGHT AN D SOLD. ' Nov. 24, IWO. STOVER & WOLFF. MT. HOPE STORE! HE subscriber announces to his customers and 0-C-E-R-1 - El4 he-public-that-he-has-returned-froin—the—Esst Queeneware with a fine stock of tillassware. SPRING. AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, _Grciteries,_Queensware, Hardware, Glassware, Oils Paints, lists and Caps,, Boots onjd_Ohoes, Nations, and other goods such as are usually kept in well regulated country stores, all of which will be sold cheap for the C Ali H I Persons in want of and article in hieline - ere mvitett to call — and examine his stock end learn his prices, as bis object is to make "quick sales at short profits," His storkem braces Drugs and Patent Medicines, including the eelebrated Fahrney Panacea. - WM -H. BROWN• 1-1-opoi-ttp-B—tf. XLOALlarinEll.l:O AILL3VV.ICI The following record of one day's accidents, all from the same cause, viz: the use of inferior Coal Oil, is_takenirom_the Philadelphia Ledger of a re• cent date : "The alarm of fire, last evening. at 7 o'clock, wee caused by the burnih• of the dwelling, corner of 1 - 1 - 61 - ithil - Porip at, resulting from' he explosion of a coal oil lamp. Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story of the dwelling had retired to her apartment, a few momenta before the discovery of the fire. On entering her room, she was found lying on the floor, w:apped in flames." "About 7 o'clock yesterday morning, a coal oil lamp in the hands of Sarah Alexander, who lives on Cowslip Re,,_near_l6th-f3hewarreerertly hurried. "Margaret Colligan, residing in the rear of 618 South st„ was burned by . the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Her husband , while attempting to extin. guish the flames, was also severely burned. Two of the above named victims have since died of their injuries." All such fearful accidents, resulting in death and the destruction of valuable property. may be avoid ed by using"CARSON'S STELLER 01L," which is known to be a perfectly safe and reliable illumi nator. It is for sale by A whereon, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'; E. B. Winger, gunny. [fib 2-184 I. New Firm! New Goods! tag STILE ! LOW plas ! BOERNER & WA YNANT hare just npenea at the C (Mama ULOTHISO STaaa, a splendid line FRENCH. ENGLISH AND.AMERICAN GOODS, embracing Cloths of vatiaus grades and colon.— PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES, latest styles end best qualitiev, Doeskins. Cheviots, 'Tweeds, Linen and Orepe Voatings, stylish Vest Patterns, etc. AU of which will be made to order with the beet Trimmings and in the best wanner. A Goon FIT GurtaINTUSD ie every case or no sale. READYMADE CLOTH IN G Paper Collars. Ties. Bows, Suspenders, Hosiery etc. always on hand.. Gentlemen desiring stylish and good fitting cloth. ing should give us a trial. DGEHNDR & WA YNANT, B. B. Cor. Diamond, sp 27 NOTICE TO VIE LADIES ! MISIdEe BT/CICEL dr. GORDON • announce to the ladies of Wayr.esboro' and vicinity that they have just opened out is the • corner mai opposite the , Bowden House a complete assortment or new Miltinely goods. Their snick embrace* Hate and Frames of every variety, Flotiert, Ribbons and trimmings of every description, including white trimmings, ontsmped geode, illorsets, collars, fano, netts, jenelry, 'hostel , . die. Ladies areiriviteu call and examine lam styles and pricei. apf 27 THE subscriber oilers • for MORTICED' (MESTA:Er POSTS for Tog And Rail or. .Psiling fence. Also bocuss,Poste•• for either ' of fatale: ;Nei's alio prepared to supply the pub, JiO wise burnt Lime acia,turn• by the may 11— tf • ,A1,8.X. Htir,srfl.l'ol4. - ' • NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS NEW MILLINERY GOODS I FOR SALE. END hENS BF BEARD AT THE STORE OF IVs A I HAVE ju s t boUghi in the nasf a choice stock lofgeocie. A'fiill supply of COFFEES. TEAS, RICE, WHITE SUGARS." • (coffee, cracked loaf and . pulrorised) P. R. Ain) tY, O. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, DRIED FRUIT, SUJAR-CURED HANDS, SPAIN KED BEEF, &o. • In the way of Punt Seurne , and ,bakng articles generally and flavoring articles, etc. the qualirry stands unimpaired. Do not forget to look et o 10 cent and levy augers. 1 ant prepared to keep with the market. CHEESE.--The very beat quality on hand sum mer and sinter. . CiEL.A.CUS.3II.IEILIS. I get my goods fresh from the factory of lames Mason dr. Co. Have many ditlerent kinds. The newest thing out is the "Imperial." FRESH AND SALTED FISH. The fish department we 'keep up full, and will play second fiddler to none. All through the prop er season we get string fish, : iced shad and herring Wesel! sound fish and sell them right is the reason we sell themi fast. Customers wanting one shad or 100 waited on with the same elect it y.— Housekeepers wanting to lay in a supply for the summer should bay very soon. MACKEREL. I now have in store and for sale a choice lot of Mackerel in whole Ws., halves and quarters, at a. bout - one-half the put.° per pound of flacon. There othtfig—ehe_prolusiott_line—as—chea. Mackerel. Make a note of Ibis. GLASSWARE.—Look at the goplete. tumblers, seta, email dialler. etc. tIgENS WARE—Granite ware of the very best make imported in Tea seta a nd __by ther-dozetrand—hair-dozem- Iso a jugs stock of common Teas and dishes. NOTIONS AND SUNVBIES —Baskets, buck ots,brosras,tubs, brushes,soeps, liarloves blue, clothes pins, nukes boas,_essences;-dec— chewing tobacco and agars. I ask the public to cell and examine. Will al ways try to make the' prices suit cash buyers. W. A, HEW. april 20 SPRING ANNORCEMENT - - --o-- We would invite your attention to our FIRST ARRIVAL SPRING GOODS 'which is large and varied and consists in part of SILK FINISH 11101tAlliS, Black and Calored Alpaccas, Japanese Pop lins, Japanese Silk itnbes, • Black Gro Grain Bilks, Bethorse Clothes, CHENE BROWBAIX, BEAUTIFUL PLAID; Chelan Poplins, Pliid Toio, QUAKER CITY POPLINS, West End Mattelle Cloth. Troy Coon Eeppa, an elegant Rapper Goode. WHITE C . OOD . S and Embroideries, Flosiery and Gloves, Mil EEG GOIR 111013, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERS AND 4IU 31C4 lUD Ur' X-3C NW ft (new styles) Ladies' Lestini baits= and Morocco Shoes. G.ItOCYNEI .x s. Rio, Lay:tyre end Roasted Coffees, New Orleans Portoricco Sugars, Rice, Cheese; Iron, ritone and China ware, Queensware of all kinds, Glassware in endless- variety; Wood and Willow ware; Vela. tian, Ingrain and .Rag Carpets, Cocoa Matting. Floor and Table Oitelotbs, Oil and Paper Blinds, and 'in fact everything kept in a welregulated store. Mr Examine our prfces and judge for yourselves. Aprii 13, 1871. PRICE & HOEFLICII. 11._&111BERSON, ~ PHYS,IOEAN•.AND SURGEON, WIVONEBBORO`, PA • OMee inW•lker's building one door East of the Bowden /loose Ljune3o-1f REID • see Here' Read This:, NOTICE THE subseriber hes just returned from the knit with a huge stock of lioods, such as BOOTS: SHOES, GAITERS, BALMO RAI'S and all kinds Boots and Shoes for Men end Boys, Women,Misses add Children.. which he is selling &apices that will please. HATS OF . EVilitir STYLE far Men-and - noys, Caps' at an is leading styles to suit and nt. any•lisfatl. , ;.' , - , We tioright our stook cheep and ere Mori-lined to sell hccupliegly. -• , • , Nations Mona i IirOtiOUNI REA#.4Tlie LlB7. - - Shirts and Drawers Gruntlets • , Suspenders Driving dieves Paper Collars Fur top Gloves - Buck. Gloves, ' llosiery Sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit Ifs)/ Hose Lisle Tbreilid Gloves Cotton Hail Hose Wool-knitlnoves--Germentovrrrliolf flos - 0 13utterall.s - , ' Black Niilt Ties Fancy Silk Ties ' Broad End Ties . Ladies dr. GentsPa cull's Linen Handkerchiefs • Pocket,Books Portmonies Smite, Pocket Knives .. Veit h Brushes Pen Knives' Shaving Brushes Nail Knives Hair Brushes Fancy Soaps Tooth Brushes Perfumery Shoe Brushes Alloims Combs; Pine and Needles Razors-, , "Lead Pencile Gum Caps Slates Violin strings Ink :Vote Paper Pen Holders Envelopes 'Blacking flair Oils Memorsmiris Toys I;srpet tacks Crochet Needles ' Fancy toys, ikc Etc. &c. &c. and so fourth. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American; Swiss and English; Beth Thomas and o ther (,locks. Jewelry of eveiy description for La dies, Gents. Misses and Children at treacly reduced prices. Finger Rings, a largo stock, plain Gold, Fancy Sett. Chased and Fancy Finger Hinge; Silt , e nd other PlatedAings in yretto vsriety,----wat chains, Guards, Mims, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons. Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, dtc, Trunks, Canoe, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mate, Valises, Covet Bogs, K. B. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff: Candies, Fruits, Raibens. Nuts and Confectionatin of al l kinds. inn otneonsieonte-altfand—buyi-- Ttankful for past favors he hopes by a desire to please to merit a liberal share of.publio .patronage EZEKIEL ELDEN, Oct. 8. 1869. his ft) t----Highi JOHN FORD in returning thanks to the public for their patronage. announces that he intends removing his shop to the Basement of Walker's Building, (and nut leaving town as is the be ief of many) where he intends carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUr. 4 INES9 as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and - settle - their accounts, for I pay cash for my stock and must have my money.— Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi. tor, the Deputy from “Fort Fletcher," prowling a. Bout iwy_shop seeking wham he may devour, &c. —Ocatomere will therefore find me at the Vase• mont referred to after the first of April next jun 26] J. F. D. At. STOIJFFER, DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, Experienced in Dentistry. will insert you sets o teeth at prices to suit the times. lib 16-1871. NEW MILLINERY STORE, 1.11 KATE G. STOVER announces to the ladice or Waynesboro' and vicinity that she has commenced the Millinery business in the front room next door to the Hardware Store of S. B. Rinehart, and has opened out a full line of Spring and Summer goods, embracing rill the latest styles. Ladies are invited to call and examine her goods. nany 11—tf WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. F.O. B. 'HAWKER having withdrawn r from ‘..1( the firm of Adams & Hawker, the subscriber informs the public that he continues the Coachmak ing business in all its branches, at the , old stand. lie will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, different kinds, on hand ; also aecond.haelled se. hides. Repairing done at short notice. He noes the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns bra thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a dispot skim to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. jan 14 tf JACOB ADAMS. TUE NEW WILSON Underfead . Shuttle and SEWING MACHINES! 825 Cheaper than Any baler Tor Simplicity, Darahility and Beauty they stand unrivalled! FOrtilunaintoAl6.llllNO.Tl7oll24ll. Fat, LING, Quilting, COHDING.'BINDING, BRAIDING, OATH. enure, Gathering dr. sewing on gathers, they,are un excelled. WANIUNIND. A. E.:WA YNANT. 8. E. Cornea Diamond, Waynesboro; Pa. mar 311 . JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY•AT CAW, Waynesboro', Pa., TiIIiRACTICES in the several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties, N. B. • Noel fletate leased ;, and sold and Fire Insuiance etfectet) ressonablel terms. • dcc 10 • comma :,,NDFLITID EXTEaCT CAVAW.I3A GRAPE T. .• "Component ;e9l*—Flethl,Extract Rhubarb and Fluid It'xfttect . Calcite 8a Grape Juke. For Liver Complaintr, Jaundice. Billions affections, :Sick 'or 'Pierttous Cosiii,cness, ate.— ' Purely Vest tilde, colmining no Mercury, Miner , els or Deleterious Drugs. • 11 These Pali are the must 'delightfully entrant purgative, superseding cistor oil, saltS. .pignosia, ere. There,i4 nothing more acceptable tomee stom ach. They give tone, and came • neither hustups nor griping pains. They. are composed of the finest ingredients. Alter a few days' UHU of ?heat, such an invigoration of the entire xi/stem-takes place as to s priest miraculous to the 'weak and enervnter whether arising from,imprudence or disease. it. 'l'. Heltnbalge - VeiniPeniid 'Pliiid Detract Cato Witti Drape PHIS are not sugar-coated, from the fist thug sugar-coated Pills do novelise - Clio, but prise. ttrough— ttne stotunCh without dissolving. consequently do not produce the desired effect. Tits tiATAi9l3.O‘ G: , Ar s Pat!, being pleasant in taste end oder, do not twee.. mtate their being suer-uited. PRWEI FIF1'1" et;NI'S PER. BOX. 11 en ry T. liebbbold'i I! fltif.X CoNCENTBATMV COMPOUND - a, Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Will radically tzterininate "'wen the system Scrota hr. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sorer Eyea, Auto g s ,, $01:0 Mouth, Sore Head, "'tonalities, kin he eases, Sett Rheum, Cankers, liumeings horn the., Car, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous MET-. 61111 S. Nodeo, kick& te. Clanduter sweltinge, Night Sweats, Rash, 'fetter, Humors of all Hinds, Chr,rn ic•ttiteumatism, Dyepopeia, and all diseases that have been established in the eystetn for purse • Being prepared expressly for the above complaints its Illbod-puritying properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla Hi l levi the corn plexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state of Health and Purity. For puri fying the Mood, removinr all ()formic constitution al diseases arising from an impure st ate of the Blood, and the only reliable and ellectual known remedy for the cure of Paine tend swelling of the Ilunes,Ul - of the Throat and Legs, Bletehert, Pitni.les on the . Fac e, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and beautifying the complexion. DE ' 7 T. HIiLMBOLD'S HENR CoNCR FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every cage of Diabetes in which it has been given, Irritation of the neck of the Illathitr and inflammation of the Kidneys,_Ulmeration_of_the_Kblf -Heys-andladder, Retention of Urine, diseases o the Prostrate Glsnd, Stdne in the Bladder, Calcu lus, Gravel, liriekduet Deposit, and Mucous or Maki Itischarges.and for Enfeebled and Pelimits Consti tutions tor both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms : indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Pow er, Loss of Memort, - Dilliculty of Breathing, Week Nerves, Tumbling, Horror of Disoase, Wakeful— ness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Pock. Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Prvnesv of tho skin, Eruption on the Face. Pallid Countenance, Uni versal Lessitirde of the Muscular System, ate.__ Used by persons from the ifge - Tl - eighteen to twen • trfive, and from thirty-five to fifty-five or in the de cline or change of life ; after eunfinement or labor pains; beLwetting in children. frelniboles Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blond. purifying, end cures nil diseases arising from habits of Vissipation, and Excesses and imprudence in Life, Impurities of the Blood, etc, Stopersedinx Copaiba in Affections for which, it is used, and syphilitic Affections—in thesis diseases used in con mention with Reinitiates Rose Wash. • In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Ex inlet Buchu is unequaled by any other remit —as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain Riess or Suppression — of - Customary Evacuations. Ulcers , tad or Scliirrus state of the therm Leucorthcea sr Whites, Sterility. and for all complaints incident to ate Sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or habits of Dissipation. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for Enfee bled arid Delicate Constitutions, of both Sexes and all ages (attended with any of the above Diseases or Symptoms). 0 H. T. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MOM! CURES DIsEA.sES ARISINd FROM imPRUDENCN, lIADITS'OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their Stages, tit little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It cau ses a frequent desire, and gives Strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing end fu ting Strictutrs of the Uretha, allaying Pain and In flammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expel deg all Poiscmou s matter. • Use HEIXBOLD ' a EXTRACT Buena for All Afroc tions and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, • and no matter of how long standing. Price, $1.50 per Dottie. H. T. WELMIIOI,b'S IMPROVED ROSE • ASII cannot he surpassed as a Face Wash, and will bt found the only specifiefl remedy in every species of Cutmeens Affection. It speedily eradicates Pim ples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Induracians of the Cutaneous Alembrane, etc., dispels Redacts and In cipient Inflammation, Hives, Hash, Moth Fetches, Dryness of the Scalp or Skin, Frost Bitss, and all purposes for which Salves or Ointments sue used restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and insures continued he•ilucy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clear ness and 'vivacity of c opplexien so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for exacting defects in the skin. H. 'l'. Helatbold's Hose lit ash has long sustained its principle claim to un minded . 'patronage, fey possessing qua Ittie3 whichrenclet it a Toilet Appendage of the roost Su perlative and Congenial character, combining in ac elegant formula those prominent requisites, Safety, and Efficacy—the invariable accompaniment of its, use -es a Preservative and Ilefresber of the Com plexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases .•f the Urinary Organs. arising from habits of dissipa tion, used in connection with the Extracts Iluchu. Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Pills, in smelt dis eases as recommend, cannot be surpassed: • Full and explicit directions accompany the rnedn cin% Lenience of 'the most responsible and reliable character tarnished on application, with hundreds of thousands of living witnesses, aili/ upwards of 30,000 unsolicited certificates and rt commendatory letters, many of which aro from the highest sources, inclu ding eminent Physicians, Clergymen., statesmen, etc. Too ploprietor has never resorted to their pub 'lotion in the newipapera ; be does not do this trash the fact that his articles rank as - taitdaril Preprura. Lions, and du, not need to be propped up by certia— cater. BENI? Y 7'. f117.2118014D'S GENVIVE PREPARAVONS. " • Doll9ere4 to ony'address. tsreuro from obsorva. Established avast& at twenty_ years. HAI by Druggists oreryertisro: ' Address:lmam fur inform ► Iron, in euntikletion';ltlNit, , F , Tr , t1E14: 1 11iOLD Druggist and taieinist4 - Hwy Depots: T. Ht tmnoLtea Drug and Chemical Warehouse. No. 594 broadmi New ' York, " LU H 41..141101.1P.1 tiledicaly Dept, 1114 !South Tends Street, Philadelphia, ' BEIVeIItH OF COUNT.I3IO'N/Td.' Ask ; ':sk , • ' HENRY r. H l.\iLt- AAA S) ba.4116 March 2, 1871. ' ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers