VILLAGE RECORD. 7 kArAirsiranis 0 cse. Thurodat, Juaiis t, 1671„ , . itidrA . boat eostatotog throe yottog m ots went, over %Agra Yalta on, the *.A _ .terrible lambus ettiete is Peres.-- Thousands of the inhabit - seed are 'dying. Or At Shigeo. Vi. ) last , Sunday night bliss , Mary Davidson was burned to death by the explecies of s kerosene Trio Rue% all the remaining lauded pro perty belonging to the Catholio-Oharoh has been declared the praperty of the Civil*. aikaroto ilouday to Thursday tainting of Etat week the do .-k Were of Baltimore City slaughtered nine, hundred dogs in that city terThe RepubliCan State Convention, at Harrisburg adopted a resolution endorsing r rant e A ministration and indicating him as 'the proper standard bearer of the party' in 1872' ihs.James Gordon Bennett has formaly wide over the N. Y. Harald newspaper to hie son, Valuing the entire property and good will at three millions of dollars. • *.Gen. Allen E, linrosidtr, -- G - oyernor of Rhode Island, bait been elected Grand Commander of the Grand Army of the re. Ni Major Davis, of Cincinnati, US issued an order prohibiting tousle in the various beer gardens of that city on Sundays, which has created a rare excitement among the large German e)ement•of the population. th — fDemooratio State Cbovention, which met al Harrisburg last week placed in nom- ination for Anditor•General Gen. Win. Ma (landless of Philadelphia, and for Surveyor- General Capt. John H. Cooper of Law ranee ono ty. em,lt is estimated that there are 9,000,. 000 cows in the country, the dairy products of which annually ie 800,000,000 pounds of cheese and 575,000,000 pounds of butter. IltfrOa Monday a week eleven oar loads of Germane passed through Cumberland, Md. via. the Balt. and 0. R R. on their way to the Far West. They were a reepeetable look ing body of people. So lays the News. twin the United States Circuit Court at Richmond James M. Simms, a colored mem ber of the Georgia Legislature, obtained a verdict for 61,800 damages against the Rich. _mood - , -- Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail road Company for ejecting him from the cab• in of a steamboat on the Potomac Jiier. Senate of the United States on Wednet day, tl e 2 ltb tilt, by a vote of 50 a gainst 12 ratified the Treaty of •Washington for the settlement of all claims growing out of he latetwir", - to — edations of the Alsbr between the 'United Statei—trid Great Britain PIN - The Methodist Book Concern coin• mittae on Satarday decided to simpeod Rev. Dr. Lanatan from the Assistant Agency, and appointed June Bth for an investigation Dr Linehan reiterates hie °barges of fraud in the management of the Book Concern, and offers to produce new evidence. mOn Saturday afternoon a shaft in one of the coal mines at Pittston, Pa., took fire and the flames out off the escape of thirty sev. en workmen, who were three hundred feet under ground. On Saturday the ruins of the woodwork were cleared away "and as• coss gained to the men, all of whom were brought to the surface during the afternoon. Eighteen were geed, and there are others who will probably not recover from the ter rible effects of their 24 hours' imprisonment amidst the noxious gases which caused the death of half those who were subjected to then.. Exoppt in the origin of the fire the calamity was a repetition of the Avondale di saster, and . like it illustrates the necessity of j having at least two openings to every mine. uggi,.,A.t last the long and horrible strug gle is over, and the authority of the French Government is established in every part of Paris. The final contests in the streets on Saturday night was the last stand of the Communism, and they fought more despot- ately than ever before. It was of no avail, however, the troops steadily drove thesn_b_wk and on Sunday planted the tricolor on the heights of Belleville and La Viitette. All accounts concur in saying that the slaughter among the insurgents was immense, while the soldiers suffered oomparatively little.— • Minister Waabburns, in his telegrams to the State Department, confirms the report of the •murder of Archbishop Darboy. Sixty nine other priests were shot at the same time. P. a The Frenob Government having finally conquered Paris, is getting rid of the Commnolats leaders by executing them as fast es they are caught. The streets are so filled with dead bodies that it is proposed to , barn thorn ao a sanitary : measure. Among the hostdgee murdered by tba Communists, were the noted Imperialist banker Jeoker, 4hbes Sins and Duguerry -and ten inns "The 1:161:436i army is placed Alet if= than three thousand, and thattof . titO Communists vt-froto laity to - fort.V•five thoueand.' The rooOTA of Pie .ers enthueiestio over. their rrineefteartbe ob, sod quiet hail beim t , ttowiged , utk, euforeerocat Of :military • , N4,16`4 , /- • . /*tot: • ••iso. - i-t.., goIt,DEU DABIACIZ HlLL;AetSeiredit be found 'tit. Border Damage Billis passed both Atiuseti.," . It proiltieti far judieatioif of the tie hum of catttiH~ Mee, and Wileinand on the General ,64Vern , meat for payment: • . Sim. I.—Be it enacted. tee,', - That Abe claims Of the citizens of the eoutitfet , York, °timberland, Adams, Fririklie, Fatten, Bede ford and Perry, for exiiitOrdiettry tabled during the rebellion, as adjudicated under the several sotkof Assembly, approve red 16th Apr ii, A. D. 18,63, 15th Fehruare. A. 1). 1806, and 9th Arisil, A , , D. 180, bi, subjected to a careful revision by: Oro eon:- EnisliOneis in dr: county. of York, tabu in the county of Adame. two in the impieties- of Cumberland Rod Perry, and two in the . coun 7 ties of Fulton and Bedford, Co iffieinted by the resident judges-of the courts of tom; won pleas of said several counties, and" the Governor shall appoint competent cannel to rrepresent-thet-State Government in the rot& ion of Said olaims before the weveral commis Mons shall reexamine and readjudiiiate:all of said claims, and may reject 'or diminish any noW on Weiss equity may require, bttl; not increase the amount of any excepting the claim of the Gerthan Befortned ohm% rep resented by S. It Fisher Mid eompitiy, *bieh shall be equitably adjested; and ,any claims which may have been assigned or transfer red by the original claimant, the. assignee or present owner of the same shall be ietuired to make satisfactory proof of the ameliht ac tually paid for the claim, and the amount so paid sliskh_e_otwarded a , d no more; .and—if soy owner of an assigned claim shall fail to make such proof satisfactorily the claim shall be rejected; and they shall endorse their ap. prove! thereon for the amount 'allowed and return the claims to the Auditor General. SEC. 2, The State 'shall issue to each claimant or to his, her or their proper rep. resentative, a certificate or certificates to the amount allowed on anon claim, in the follow ing form; COMMONWSALTII 01 PgriNSYLVANrA Certificate of Adjudicated Claim for War Damages. This is to certify that ------ bee on file in the office of the Auditor General a duly approved and registered claim for the sum of ------ dollars, as adjudicated under the lot entitled an lot to authorise the liqui lattim of damages sustained by the ettlZess : and payable only when said Maims shall be paid by the United statee Government. In testimony we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the State this. day of A. D. 1871. 'Which certificates shall be signed by the Governor and State Treasurer, and be regia tered and counters;gued by the Auditor • General. SEC. 3.. It shall be the duty of the Gov ernor of the State to demand the payment of maid claims by the General Government, a.. also the payment of the amount hereto -fore id by the State on said claims, and to appoin much agents for the impose as may be doeme. necessary, and any appropriation made by Cmgress to said claims shall be wholly applied to the certificates authorised by the second section of this act, as Congress may direct, until the same shall be paid in full: Provided, That this act shall pot —be construed to make the State in any wise res ponsible for or on account of said eertifleates. Sea. 4. That the commissions and counsel authorized to be appointed by the first see tion of this act shall be paid eight dollars for each day, not exceeding sixty days aotu ally employed in mrsuattoe of their appoint. meat, and their compensation, together with the necessary expenses of the said eertifi catea, shall be audited in the usual manner and be paid on the warrant of the Governor out of any money in the Treasury not other wise appropriated. Tbe latest advioos from Paris report that the London fire brigade had arrived in the city for the purpose of aiding in extin. guisbing the terrible fire whiob the Commin. nista have kindled in the unfortunate capital. Other foreign fire. companies were expected, and it was hoped that the united exertions of ail would prove successful in saving the yet unburned quarters. Already one fourth et Paris has been laid in ashes, Bed the in eurgenta continue their incendiary work by means of petroleum bombs—the most de• struotive, diabolical invention of modern days. THE GRAIN PROSPEdTB.—FAvorable ao. counts of the grain crops are coming in from all parts of the country, and there need be little fear of a scarcity at harvest time.— The west coast, California and Oregon, have all been blessed with a good seaaon.— From the grain belt of the West and north west the reports are equally cheering! The present appearance of the wheat crop indi. mites an abundant yeild. Of coarse there will be, during the season, the usual num. ber of unfavorable reports from InteTested quarters, put in circulation with a view to affect the market; but the indication now are that all such Will have to be manufactu.' red out of the whole cloth. litirßeware of counterfeits in purchasing Hall's Vegetable Sicilian• Hair Renewer.— The genuine has a private revenue stamp three inches long, with a likeness of Dr. Hall upon it over the cork. , The gross receipts of tie Hanover Branch Railroad during the past year was` 877,847,- 85, and she total expenditures $52,054,99, leaving a Qum as not profits of $25,792,.- 85. grA Ditchmanorbo was in Washington the other day, noticing a cumber of Indiana passing along the vice, exclaimed in tones of amassment: "Mein Got! Mein Got! :de tobaeoiisignsiis all let looser . • • no„,Ark imehabge says "ventilated garters for sale. • We don't think the subject,_ a proper one for vontilation, , . . . Most young ladies hove s etnnuin :pupil in their eye, but Ire have,heard of one who has a 'clittlige Student in ber'eye." •. —St.Lonia has chalky 11014 At the lut account aboutifibty habye rt. yelliop , le` the stalls. .4904 *Ayr pts. Pauli iron, BALE.—Tho Press the 'ltedOilt is piribted--ItseilpigtOO . - - -old, ityle--.10 86:26—is for sale: ' Deal good *Sot*. PridO sloo'oash. • se,,.Nei fishing commences so day. ots.,The , tnooth ofis to have. two tall MOOll4. Mr The eonsumption of tiger was very great in our town on Sitirklay. slyLltie a mistake to suppose tbat prinw tern can live bodily, by faith. •. .-The woman questiOnhow shall I trim my spring hat? • tagialature adjourned on 6athr• day last, - _ • 1 ' 4 PUBLIC VirANT.A Bath liana. in Waynesboro. DEATH.—Mr. H. P. L. Vsedersloot, Am tioimee. died in Chambersburg a couple weeks ago. Persona at this season should lime their pig stye, ete. Damp sellers would also be the better of a slight sprinkling. n_dent_of the Germantown _A corms Telegraph. says that fresh water, daily, with a lump of brimstone in it, is a sure sure of gapes in young obiek.eue. rir President Griot has accepted en in vitation to the Washington County Agricul tural Fair, Hagerstown, Did., to October next. F/fallr.—Pereoas who make our alleys places of deposits Itir waste water and all manner of filth show that they have very little regard for their own or the health and comfort of others. STRAWRERRIES:—Mr. Joseph Martin who -has,beert-supplying - outown , for_beveral_sea-, eons with choice strawberries will accept our thanks for s treat of very fine ones last week. Ohio paper tells of a. woman who washed bet ohildren's beads with modern whiskey to kill nits. Her boy's are well now but their beetle ate as smooth as billiard balls. - DANK DjVIDEND.--The First National Bank of this place declared a Semi meal Dividend of six per cent. for the past six. months, whichAvas_payable on and alter the 29th of May. • IMPROVEMENT. -011t Lutheran friends in this place have reeendiimproved the ground around their new Church by grading, level ing. eto., which contributes much to the ap pearance of things in that quarter. We understand it is their intention to surround the enclosure with iron fencing. REPAINO.—Three Herring were cangh one-morning-last-week-on-outlines in a mud dy branoh of the Aiitietatn,pear Frantz's Mill Upon examination the "setter" who exclaim ed as he raised the first line, "a bass," dis covered ,he was the 'Acetic' of some wag. The fisliwere salted. liffirThe Balt. American says the "Western Md. Extension Company" Will organize in a few dam and that there WO strong eviden oes that the road will be put under contract to Cumberland at no distant day by New York capitalists, a consolidated coal company. Oa opening the books they promptly. sub soribed to $1.800,000 of the stook. Tux WsentEß.—The weather continues dry• and ematively warm for so early in the season. The oats, grass, and potatoes are said to be suffering to some extent from the drought, but the wheat is filling finely. E. petionced farmers say continued dry weather will give us such a crop as has not been gath ered since 1841. The prospects are certainly cheering for an early harvest and an extra yield. MEAN.—On Tuesday night last our town had a "Calithumpian" turn out. Du►ing the progress of the rowdy performance, which continued (Mil after midnight, the Town Clock Bell was rang, which certainly does not• reflect any credit upon those hay ing the Hall in charge. Oar authorities sometimes arrest ;tipsy" Irishmen, fast horse teen, etc., but the quiet of town 'is thus dis tubed, with impuntty. If there is no law for the suppression of each disgraceful pro oeedings, it is high time, we think, one was enacted. • • ROBBERIIO3.—We at week neglected no. doing the fast that our Post Office bad been robbed on s the Wednesday night previous, the 17th. The thief or thieves entered by unlocking the front door. In the morning the letters were found torn open and about 84,50 is stamps and 81.50 in coppers miss. log. The store of D. S. Smith was entered in the same way the same night and goods to the amount of seven or eight dollars taken. The same morning the front dour of W. A. Bei& grocery store was found unlocked, bet nothing missing that he could discover. lit 'The Gettysburg Cumpiler. of Friday last says: - "Mr. David Reza, who was so severely iiijored hand by it circular, ea*, at s chingle mill, in the , Booth: Moon n few weeks ago, - died of lockjaw on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Eleagy was a nit icon of this pleettfor many years, and tho intelligenne Of tits death' moue& a geaorai feelieg of rorrow„ , Hisser/tains Were interred in the °mew here yesterday: 000,000*ons.-- / flhatobsrabutg ifetetni 610 Ts0101S! 'nether appropriation. This time 1800,0'00, *Oat' will make a total if 1800 i 000 eitibe the tittinitii Of , the; town by Bebe) VOW ' The minion in the genet* aPinitiniation Mail* Ittovision for pay mentotibis titim, 6ually ''passed the cob Friday bY'Xiote of 18 to 13 and 'the Bone - by it • vote of 6010 42i. Whilst the elf.- isens of our oonoty seat, wbo' suffered. so, terribly—many of than losing their itil t —are 'to benongratulatad upon their good foitune, a just retompense for iosseasustaiseit' is shameful that the claims of other Border enterers should so long have been kept in the back ground by our Stale authorities. Although these, perhape, ettetained no leases at, the bands of Rebelincendiariee, in many instances they were looms, pecuniarily, fully es much so as were many in the great conflagration at Chambereburg. These pit. laged Diatficts were required' to fill their quotas of men to the close of the war, and since to bare their 'share of the burden of 'taxation, but have the first oent to receive as a recompense fqr their losses. Viersethey have on two occaaions—"if our memory serves us right"—been required to go through prescribed routines of getting up - and proving claims, feeing agents, etc., involving both loss of time and money, to no purpose. Ac cording to the Border Damage Bill, to be found in another column, recently passed by the Legislature, they are to be put through a third process, with perhaps a like result. For the first time we advert to this wrong.— We say wrong, foe if it is right to oompen• este one class of citizens for losses thus sus• tained—and it certanly is right—is it not unfair to entirely ignore the ,claims of others similarly damaged? But the fall election is opprosehing, and politicians, as usual, will be flush with promises for the future. However stale these have become there will be plenty silly enough to credit them and expect some• thing to turn up by which they wia receive' at east partial pay for that stolen property It nothing wore, we trust mob way Mad con sohttion in=hope-defeired. • NUNNERY MEETING --The Snow Hill Sobiety held their annual meeting — st — the - Nunnery on Saturday last. The attendance 9f spectators wee large as tienal,_the_number_l of br' . persona on the ground at one time being estimated at• over four thousand. We are not advised of any miscoitinet during the day. A oolliesion ocoured between a couple parties near the Nunnery by which one per. son was thrown out and hid his fitce as well as the buggy considerably damaged. The buggy belonged to W. 11. Funk, Liveryman of our town. /dr. F.'s horse, the same that was hitched to the broken buggy, afterwa'ds ran off and jumping upon a fence ran a piece rail into his thigh, inflicting•a serious and it was at first feared fatal wound. Our streets were thronged until a late hour in the evening with pulsing vehltlea and horsemen,the — Lotele - and — resturante — the meantime reaping quite a harvest in furnish- , lug meals, horse feed, Balt. lager, ice cream, oysters, etc. FESTIVAL.—The Festival for the benefit of the Reformed Church will open in the Town Elan this evening and will continue Friday, and Saturday, afternoon and evening. A geteral invitation to extended., Open to all. ' Vir He that getteth tidies, and not by right. shall leave theta in the midst of his days, and at the end shall bo a fool. 7 Jer 18 11. 'Alabama Claims.—We are informed that the most persistent and unyeildieg of the private citizens who have claims against the British Government are Dr J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass., the Mannlacturers ot medicines. They will coneent to nothing :ens than that their demand for medicines destroyed by the British pirates shall be paid in gold and in dollars to the last cent. They are ombolded by the tact that the de struotion of their goods by the English in China and elswhere have hitherto been paid in full, and they now say that they shall be. They however propose this compromise.— give us Canada and we will call it oven, because we can then send our remedies their without duty. [Washington News. • CORNS, BUNIONS, iNGEOWINO NALIS, &O.—The enormously increasing sales of Brigge"Allevator and Curative for the pre vention and cure of the many painful diseas es of the feet, bear Witness to their wonder ful superiority over all other like prepara tions. For years they have been steadily growing in laver, until now the great major sty who are troubled with bad feet will use no other remedies.. The Curative,•for sore, tender and festered corps sad, bunions, bad 'nab, &0., is soothing and healing, perman- PlLE—Liternal, External, Bleeding or Itching. This distressing and. harrowing disease, is alarmingly' on the increase. , More so; perhaps, from the fan that those who are abated 'from a false akin of delicacy, are atradd to ask for a remedy, thereby making their condition known. llow wrong and fa tal is this neglect. At the first intimation of the appearance of this complaint they should procure Briggs' . Unrivaled Pilo Rem edy, and, using is according to directions, immediately check It and permanently cure it. It is easy of application. sod thorough in its effects. Bold by P. Fonrthruan._ COUGEIB,"' CADS, BRONOUITS ASTitMA, 03;,--Tbe- above obniplalnta seem to be in, ()teasing in prevalence, and if not taken in time, either one may lead to that dreadful and fatal disease—eonsumption, What crim inality to neglect them when the result may be so 'terrible l ' , l3riggs' Throat and Lung Healer is a positive remedy for all diseases of the - throat, lunge and ohest-onever failing when used in the morning of 'ailisolioo.— eold brdingsiets: isussMeas itOCALLs. dilly it . Miesizsitz..—Ailotiselquitio lot jiit oelved b W. A. Raw. CtiliAP.i:-For a °Map attiring thee - 111,1A all! Rainhogar i Taketi' ior deb t. Price; . Parties in seed of house painting materl al will find a !sills Slid fresh stook at Bone brake's Draa,Btatli.' , Call and esamine. reut.—Peisons wanting ice can have it delivered at their doors regularly evory Morn. tag, or other:Wise, by applyingta Bonebrake, druggist. . Catiat,..-44.-A. D. Gordon has fit ted up one of hit; frilist vicuna is a Ladies' ice cream saloon. ; Lie is also preparld to fur nish families by the pint, quart or gallon. AT 0 oBDON'l3.—.lle.ok's celebrated Balt!. more Lager can be had all hOurs dirk% the day or evening, ice cold, at•the Brew House Bar of A. D Gordon. OYSTERS =The BOWden House Resin• rant i$ now furnishing the fittest quality of Oysters the Eastern markets. afford, also clam soup, ice cream, .Beck's Baltimore la , ger, choice liquore,lemonado, etc. FAMILY FLoutt,--A prime article of fam ily flour (Garvet's manufacture) sin be bad in different sized,ssoks at the Bakery and Confectionary of EL C. Hennebetzer. roma SupPr.r.:-.-Itlre.o L. Elollinberger bas received her fourth supply of ladies and Children's hats, French Flowers, Ribbons laces, &,e., latest styles. Cheapest and best.— Ladies are invited to call examine her goods. LAsT - Notion.—C. N. Beaver requests very particularly (aa he is at present in town) that all indebted to him call and settle their ao counts on or before the third host., 'as suit will positively be brought after that time.— : .an_ba_faund_ahout_the_Dirunn REAP/ARS AND MOWERB.—Among the great variety of Reapers and Mowers which elaim the attention of our farmers, we notice the Dodge. This is a 03ml:dried machine, • ifelriali - er, with-aidedelivery.lThe_pt eon be raised or lowered trbile in motion. The-mach itte-cen-be-eoeo-is-the—Weyoes boto Hotel Yard. One of the egente, Mr. Wingert, will be in- town on- Saturday of each week. L. W. WINGERT, JACOB EIOCILERSMITIT, 2t Agents. THANlts.—The undersigned having been unfortunate by the burning cf his Barn with its contents (of Wheat, Corn, Oats, Hay, -Straw, Gears, Wagons, &a 4ke ) on the night of the 2nd of November last and not being able to return thanks personally to his don ore, avails . himself of the ealume of the pa per to return thanks to all those who eontri buted town& his 'oases' is any way whets° ever, hoping and trutAng_that-Ged will bless them-more-abundantly.---- SAMUEL 031 WAKE. May 26th 187 L Chambersburg papers please copy. ENTERPRISE BUILDING AB9O.OIATION.- The Repott of the Enterprise Building As. etiolation at its annual meeting, ending May 3d, .1871, is as follows: Receipts for dues, fines, trans fer fees, interest, &0., inclu ding 89 shares sold have been $18,562 . 80 The expenditures for printing, stationery, rents, shares with• drawn, taxes, secretary and attorney's salary, &o. inolud• jog 89 shares paid id full have been Balance on hand The present condition of the As. sociation is, 89 shares paid in tail, 817,800,00 lini. on hand 99,54 Dues, fines,' interost, Sco. un paid• 577,95 . . $18,477.49 Deduct amount overpaid 42,00 818,435,49 Assets, 818,435,40 Ain't paid on a share 24,00 Present value of each share 38,47 A ner gain of 61 per oorii. • on the amount paid in on a share. J. W. MILLER, T 1 8 19. A. D. .Morganthall, Seery.. [lt 17A Eris VEGETABIESICIUM R, -REKEWER. PHYSICIANS AND CLERGYMEN. Testify to its merits in restoring GRAY HAIR to its original color and promoting its growth It makes the hair soft and glossy. The old in appear.' ante are made younpagain. It is the nest • HAIR DRESSING ever used. It removes . Dandruff and . all Scurvy Eruptions. It does not 'stain the skin. Our Treaties on the Hair sent free by mat • Beware of the numerous preparations which • are sold upon our reputation. • R. P. HALL & Co. bashno, N. IL Proprietors. For sale by all druggists.' 11•1111til TIEIOI2OI INCOVIC.I3, At Mount Hope on the 19th WAL TER SCOT, eon of•Frisderick sad Rime N. Speak, aged .1 year, 9, months and 23 dare. ' Our son so dear, so nigh to us Has left these tower saner . ' He alarobers now beasath , the Lb now, how mad items: Dear Walter, we weir , shall see'you, recite While we on earth remain;' But on :he.resureotion morn We'll see thy five' W. ankh b• 1 04.1 • 11 0;,. „.• 011enwa MO - kkii , heaven'*. *or, : ty 14WlaZ t liaieni tiff fate, - na n it vil , ll,:ri; • 1 4:1 , vomit While in .0660 die , • Cada eye emelt the diyi tone by, " ' • nd'fie itift'Citairirce iiibie! • 06, could We hirit id* - • Out 101101s6 wojald 1» °Per, It can mst„b", aio 4te **Avner. Tby foini we eel Theh_Wilth.deer, deal eon. A ion* Ohm to theie S. IP. C. • • . • •• • _ At his residence neir Falling Springs, Msy 23d, Mr. GEORGE OVERO4Ba, aged 83 years, 11, month and 24 days'. ' 3!Mi!UM3Er.:IIITAS. PITGADELPHIS, May 29. FLOUR.—The flour market ie steady, without any great degree of afitivith 900 bbl.. changed hands; including superfine at $5.25 @5.50, extras at $5 62*®6, lowa and Wis. consiq extra family at, $6 75, .Pennsylvania do..doi at $6.25®6.5, Indiatia sod. Ohio do. do. at 67®7 50, and feat, brands at $7. 75@9, as in quality. Rye flour may be quo ! tad at $5 75®6. GRAIN —Prime *heat is , seam and de. mends full prices, and the absence of sup plies restricts operations; Sales of 2,000 bush els ladiana red at $l. 65®1.68, amber at $1 12 for southern. Cora inquiet at the recent decline; sales of yellow at 750, Westeren mixed at 74®750. Oats are firm; sales of Penasylvaaia and Western at 60®700. HAD AND HERRING.—Mesa shad and Po- Otornae Herring in bbl.. for sale by • , Juno 1 W. A. Rem. ASSIGNEE'S' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed assignee of feorge Mein ger of Pikeiville, Franklin Co. Pa., unden;ti deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors. MI persons indebted to said George Lisinger will make payment and those having claiais present the same properly authenticated for aetitement. PA'Y'ER ROUZEIG uno 1— St Assignee SECOND ARRIVAL! NEW GOODS AMEN MEM & 10.1 WE ARE NOW RECEIYINGOVR SECOND SUPPLY Or SPRING AND SUS lER GOODS, $18,463 26 99,54 To which we call your arrentiort.. We are new prepared to Belt all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queer:serare and NoVona, at a much lower prices than they have been sold for several years: 818,562,80 Alpacas, Drfaines, Calicos and Lorne, Men's wear of all defcriptiona. Roys' and Misses' eateneivrear, Everything needed in the clothing line; Rag, Imported - aed Girthing-Uarpet; Shoes. Boots and Bummer Hale; 4;loths for, Floor and Tat.le; Notions ql alt kinds. ,Breasts, Cuffs and Collars, Neabroideiy, Laces and Inserting', Neck Ties, Catwalks, &c. Elastic and Garter Braid; Domestic and French 44ingbam; Irish, Clay and Coat Linen, Gottonades, Jeans and T;reeds,; Table Diapers, nll.widtha, & Hosiery. Gloves, &a. Cessimeres,. Cloths; Our prices are low. • Give us a call and we will try to seroninsodate its everything. AMBERBON, BENEDICT & C 0... June 1, .871. BEEF; BEEF, :BEEF. 4HE subscriber announces to his cuslimune and me public that be will continue to furnish a prime article Of Beef at the Seller in the Welker Building on Monday, evening. Tuesday dunning, 'Thursday evening end Friday morning, regularly daring . the season. thistomars also supplied with Veal and-d:aur.when desired. Thankful for piat patronage behopeiby selling' nothing ,but the , choicest meats to merit a coatiaw sacs of the same.• , may 25—tf , TROS, L. CUNNINGHAM, ,MILLINERI GOODS ! TO ,TIIM LADMS ItArRS. C. L., ROLLIN MERGER ,bits jut re yjcehed a full supply: of new Millinery goods taunts arailllVit4 to' call and esymine bar stock.',: apr 20. CONVEY corw*V& peeael• at • ALEN, LEBOW!' , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers