, Ayer's' Ctitheitti — d Pills, roc ea *us razociii or s-tatieh• i!etitaishoonerriedi. Mna is bc so old t ness/1y , i = , lt,rra a nor weever awl*. tore so universally adopted into use, in every country am suriong_all classes, as this mild lmt efficient purgative Pill. The obvious remote is; I that kb amore reds ' bits and fax more ef. *cm._ itber. Those who has* tied lt, know tans them; those who have not, know Matit bares themeighbors and frimils and all knoll, that what it does once it does Ways—that it never fails through any fault orneg• glect of Its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates oftheirremarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are. known in every nolghberbood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions to all climates ; containing neither calomel varsity deleterious .Their vey may tal ta, ken with satiety by anybody sugar-coed)* presents there Elver freeh,and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can aritte front their use in any quantity. ; They operate by their poterial bilittenceroti the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate ft into healthy action --remove the obstrtictions Of the stomach, bowels, liver, awl ether organs of the body, reetokin g their irregalkr action to health, and by correcting; Wherever they exist, such de. rangementa alisre Cho first origin of disease. • Minute direction); are given in the wrapper oft; trio box,Tor. the follbWing complaints, which those .14/Is.rapirlly core; For asyspepais or Intligeitten, Listlemo , " nese, vAnotor and Moss of Appetite, they Should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom. Itch, and restore its healthy tone and action. • For Liver Complaint and ita various symp• toms, Billows Sick *Reads - aelte, - grabadtee - ne - Green - titelinessilill -- toms Collo and lEtniOUle Fevers, they should be judiciously, taken for each 0383, to correct the diseased action orreatovo the Obstructions which Cause it. For litynontery or niariliceit, but one ROM dose ie generally required. For Ithertmatism,Gova, Ctravoi . ;, l ll- pitation of sh.r. Ilemort", Pain to that nide, Back and lLtstois, they should be cottin- Rooky taken, as required c rings: the disingesl action of the system. With etich change ihoeb complaints disappear.. , For Prepay and ifileret•sitati they should ba taken in large find frequent dunes to produce the effect of a drastic purge. or !Suppressions a large dose SbOulil ho alien' as it produces the desired affect by syir, Why, . As a insfner Pill. take one or two Pttlii ti promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An oceabiOnal dose stimulates the stomach and bowels inso healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes hint feel derkledly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect out the digestive apparatus. 3)r. J. C. AXE?? & CO.,.Pracfieeti Ch ernisSß, L0WELL...714;95., V. S. A. A F. BONEBRAKE, DiuggiFt, Agent CISIELE'ETt I _CA,IWETS I. . WIL ITMORE teas jest reiurnvil from the cities with the hugest An.l Igist—icsortment—o C_ RP} OIL CLOTIFS, I,INEN WINDOW Sfl \DES, • DRUGGE7' .AND CRUJIBC . LO7 11S, RUGS .A.ND - MA.TS, toVEP.I.EI'S, COUNTERPAN-D..4,—lSts-,, ever oliereillin Greencattle. LACE CURTAINS, ... , ,ILthe fixtures for pulling up. 1tA.43. CARPETS constantly on band and made to order. "Selling lower than any other hokum in' county enll Etha heni Gree,neastio, Dee. t, 1'970. COACIIIIIIKINIG. HE subscriber announces to his friends and tho Folic that tae has purchased the Coach Factory Cormt-rly owned by ibrael Hasa, and is now ernpliced in the above business, on Main Street. at the Fast end ~ f Waynesboro'. itaving a knowl edge_of the husincss, and emyloy int; none but prxi. - 7 - 61 WOrkTilfil 11. and by kitri,..t attention to bum r - es 4 h bars to went 4 share of patronage. Ail Linds of now work on hand and orders frAed prongs: v. jail t 4 tf nArcx WANTED: FOII,N EY & SONS Will pay the highest ina;ket price ter 650 cords tif Rock ;Ind aides. k Balk delivered at their Tan nery in Waynesinlii% Hi( and Skins td ken;in and weighed at the Crikr of U. linthea store, for which the high est nil Art pike a itl be pant. apr :1,1-1870 ort SALE large Merchant Mill,. sit. 'ordeal in tiatto'rd County„ bid., about l 1-2 ;lilies from gdgcwood Station, on the Philn., Wii. & Dalt. R. R., has 4 ran cot "burrs," with capacity of 20,001) barrels which with a small outlay csn he it , - ell...owed to "30300 Parr+ Is Al , o, a fine farm ad joining fhe mi I, enotaitatog 140 acres. 200 acres of which is cleared and iu a high state of cnitivution, are three hou4es on the farm, nisi) Iwo, sta. life, corn house, &t . &c. For fort h* r information apply to E. J. NOW &CO,. No. 10 Spears Whorl, Bait., 1,1(1 may 4 —3m PLANTS, TEE subscr.her announces to the public that he has now for sale all the chomeat varieties of Plants, among which nro r'weeet l'otatoe plants, red, White grid yellow. uud Vegetable, early and lau , , nil of which will no said ut radioed press. A n iltrir promptly utrendoi: to arm shipments made to any point, (leaked by tuuusund, hundred ..r .10oeu. eliddrela JCIIIN L. NRIRGuki.; Way fie , bcrce, Frank. Go. P 3. may 4 tf DENTISTRY! 11),R. J. M. TIF:DVIC.6It lute of Nati Fi t inct s c o , _Meal., hat. locqed in Wayneseuro; and wail a t. trod to all the branches; of the profes.tutt. an thol bughly practic..l manner. Teeth extracted taiihoal pain hv Nitro's Oxide Gas, or it haghly improved freezing proce: r. intim, two ttount West of the Village Record 01 Orb utotll-tf 1110IVEY '‘W ANTED. lIE School Directors of tho Wnyneshoro' haul)! bionic!. Want to ilorrihr klialit Thou rot Doha as, for which they will issue Bends of,tize • hoof diairict hearing interest at the rate of Seven or cent. Per annum Mill free of bases. Ity order of the Board, mat 2-4t3 , J. U. H.Abilh.TON; Sec'r7.- Lumber, 846, TE. subscriber has for Baia entknut Shingles Pairings, Plinitetii.g Laths. elhingling Laths Vine.Luniber front a hall to one inch. • All other Sizes Ut Lumber furnished to order Also Oak, Pins and Chestnut Wouu by the load for sale °whit, ground. He has also .1 (4 Ei fora*. ars Z3—ttj DAIRY. 33IUSINESS. rrIIIE eutepriber respeofulir.aneetmeteeta, the eitizeitr‘ us Waynesoovo' that he' bee provided tiriimpit with firri-riagii much come, and to b t o s upply a w r h o will , yarn:mkt& him; regularly •eitt,ina the spring and aurttmer seiusona, awning and ' Arming. With ,roitck -urns cream at reasonable rates "itor:wa ealur • L;Pi UAW:MUG GEO. B. HAWKE'? PLANTS, A MONN. ALEX. LEEDS Pi mt. door to the t own Hall, has now on head / 1112 a iseortosent of CLOCKS &hilted by b innßelf with great cart', a tar& and well selected aesortrient of 4~.G~~~~~~.~► et Swiss, EMTRah, and Ameridan Mannlactate t JEWELRY • eligaper ihan ever brfore IVayneabord , all iba_lat eat_etyles, kept constantly 611 Every variety of Ciiti huttoip. A fine assort• ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS Gold—Engagement and' _WEDDING RINGS, Silber Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and 1310ons,Salt Collar', and Butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture,at reduced rates. SPECTACLES miiiL. j - :--P-•-•-_ To suit everybody's eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX. LEEDS, ,'lest oortothe Town Hall, under the Photograph Gallen! July 31. 1711,51 N C CoLLEG , Located at Freeland, Niontgom., ry countyvr'- The Academk Depattment.- [FORIIERLI FREELAND SEMINARY.] A First-Olase Eagiteh, Mathematical and - Clagsi - cal - 11-i - tardittg - Sehool - for • YOUNO MIEN AND BOYS, Under the immedrate Tuition and Itlanage meni of the faculty of the College, TERMS MODERATE .-r rFAII nrcessary exponasa; including - Tuition Boarding.,` Wastiarg, Hooka, .&c.) not axteedia e),30 a year. TUE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Will be distinct from the Academic and will afford ail the advantages of a full College course in the usual h ighe r branches tf study, under the direction of a Feculty of eir Professius KirThe Academic Year for both Departments will be divided into the following three terms:—Thu :school Opening with the Fall Term, Bcptember 6, 1870 to th.cember 22. Wilitei• Term, January 4, 1871 to April 5. Spring Term, April 12, , to July 7,1871. rr For further information apply to RAN.J. H. A. 15014 BERGER, D. D.,- President of Ursinus Corege, Fitelfussnd4ostwoutta-ljouterv,-Pa.— july 7U-tf..l WAYNESIIOII 0 5 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. C MPANY, WAYNESBOnV, PA., b X :N" 2E5.30. AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE DV' IiFojEJIILIL32I - 01, On all safe class property at reasonable rates. OFFICERS: • W. S. A M BERSON, Presijettt.• Sumer I.nciros, Vico President. ins. DOCGLAI, ;SeCretnrS . Joe, W. Ain't:se; Treasurer: DIRECTORS: IV. S. Amherson tsimon Lerroni LevOm S. Forney Jos. Douglas, Ilea A. Miller, M illeri Oen!. r. Funk, b. 13. Russell Levi :40uleta, 3 Raub Wad. DAN 1E T. SIVIVEIS, Agent, Jane 16, '7o] . "IN ay nraboro', Pa. PAINTING. Cr:lH firths cri be r s announce to the citizens of .11. VI, esti% noon; and viLitatty that they are now prepared to execute to onl cr. in goad style, House, eign and Ornainental Paituirtir. [Satisfaction soar inured. FOREMAN & WAtit..ONER. • mar., 23-3 m For 46112219, Ireiskiptife lilades;* Repairing Family Cora Shenem Can an dov 3.tf J. 191, JOENSTON6 Barbering I Barbering rrIHT eribacribor informs the public that ho con ' finites the Barbering business in the room Flea door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store ' and la at all tines peparail to do bair cutting, shav ing, obampooning ctc. in the_lies style. The vetoing° of the pub ie v respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. Ana 23 11367. I,ime ! ! T" subscribers announce to the public that they have now for sale at their Kilns, 2h miles Northeast of Waynesboro'. a superior article of Wood burnt Limo for ,Plastering, Whitewashing, &c.. which they will continue to hare on hand dur ing the season. Terms reasonable. 23—..6m1 HESS JOHN A. lITSSONG, • ATTottriET AT LAW, TTAVING been admitted to Practice Law at the several Courts it Franklia County. all Susi• wets entrusted to 1i ! e.. 1 .0 will be prompt 1 . , ottteuded 110 P. O. union len. taws, PC • A. CHEAT' MEDICAL Mat V I 1 0 - --,-- ~ G i 10.1 . . 14 Hundreds . of . Thone . 4da. .2g , .. . tair t... 44...... ...Athal. W...... " .. ° Ir t V, ~ ". Ce, , lit I i . 4 it a 2 5 p. , t • a A IS a To 1 g l i. c! 0 is P 2 I .4 PI ; r. la goy 0 2g . 2 g p. g 0 r ' f 4 P re a t P . ° r 0 .tr g O p p El; . fral . 1: a 1 131 .1 P_ Vl= i 1 t 1 la 0 2 •• 0 2- 'a Ayr til Sit to i' * 0 aE I eitticr emilier At vat a i 'a sFANCY D.RINK. i P 0 Alane or, poor Itmo, Whiskey, Prowl Spirit, cud Refuse' Liquors doctored, et icod cameo e nvi to picnic the taste., celled" Tacks," ...Appetit* crc," " Iteraorcre," So, that lead the tippler on to thinkennen and rain, but area true ldcfliciac, made I:cm the 'MAN° Boots and Herbs of Californta.ftua from' all Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the imativr BLOOD PUTLIFIZIC, and A- LIPS GI - V - INtl - MM. , %TM, E-a-perfect-ilenossator-sint In a the - System; currying off off p 01130110139 matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Z:o person can tako these Bitters according to dire°. Con and remain Wog unwell. 51110 willbo gi'ven loran favorable esso,provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other r.tear.s, and the vital organs wasted beyond the• point of repair. 4 For Inflammatory and Chronic Dhettma , • Slam and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion', Bilious, Been! tteat and Intermittent Fevers • Dioceses of the Blood, Liver," Kidneys. and Bladder, these Bitters have been moat success. Such Diseases are canted by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement• of tho Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA. OR INDIGESTION, Bead• ache, Pain la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eractations of tho Stomach,• Bad tooth• in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation• of the heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful. symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Thty invigorete the Stomach and stimulate the tor. _Did liver and bowels, rhich renderthom ofunequalled einatcy in cleansing the blood of 11111mm:trifles, aad• Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. von, SKIN D ISEIIBES, Eruptions, T otter, Sait' Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. .Pustules, Boils, Car. buncles,liingoiCorms, Scald•llead, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scarfs, Discoloration of the Shin, Humors and Diseases of the bkin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the nee of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their urativo-oge • Cleanse tho 'Vitiated Blood whenever you find ha Impurities bursting through the skin in PlutplestErcin tons or Sores ; cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish in the. veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell lon when. Keep tho blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIM TAPE arid other WORMS, butler _ _ 'stem of so many thousands. aro eirectnally destroy ed and removed. For fall directions, road carefully She circular aroand each bottle, printed fn fotir lan. finages—Eisslish,German, Freehand Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. U. McDOITALD do CO., Druggist* and Gen. Agents; Ban rzlontscs?, 1 c:~Y~3RrI:fV~-f~l~r)ttr[~:ei7aVa.C:(r~r]:d\~:A?:~ 1- e"U TILE subscribers announce to this public tha t they have opened a Bakery and Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Bow den House", where person% at all times can be sup plied with fresh -Itread - eltolls, Pretzels. all kinds of :Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail A fulltbupply of Candies, Nuts, Fr etc., always on hand. ICE CREAM re ularlv eu, lied (luring the season. Having erected at considerable expense a first. chn.s Bake House they feel confident that in this department of their husmeag they can give general satisfaction. Tug therefore solicit a quire of pub lic patronage. may s—ti BLE.A . ?SMAN & MORT. WAYNEBORO', FRANKLIN C0.,..PA. PORTABLE MO STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. - in .. : A VINCI- increased' facilities for maturieturing 11 - 1 Portable and Stationary Steam Engines at snort notice, of eizea from two to one hundred arid fifty horsepower, I would call the attention of persons wanting portable engines for threxhing grain, &c., as lam now prepared to furnish them at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish shaft ingst &c., and all work in my Ike of busi ness. Persons in want of anything in my line will please all and examine al.) , work before buyiLE elsewhere. J a c. J Price, cob Ucirbough, For further particular/4.nm) For circular , . . eep 10 tr] AL BRANISHOLTS, • RESI t DENT DENTIST, Can be Como' at ell times at hie office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the beet basis in used end at prices to suit the news. Teeth extracte, without pain by the use of chloroform, wither, ni trous oxide gas or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. IIIETE the Undersigned being acquainted with A. V V Branisholts t'or the past year, can recom mend him to the public gene(ally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all operations belonging to Dentistry in the moat skillful manner. Dm J. B. CUBE "MON, I. pl.s.rsuvEGYl, E. A. FiEttitlNq;* .14 . M. RIPPLE, J. J. ObLLIU. A'S. BONED HAKE, Sept 19tfJ T.D. FRF4N DISSOLIEJTION. THE rentriershiti heretofore etisting between Mil ler dt Beaver was dissolved March let,lB7l,by mutual consent, The books are at the old stand and will be sodded by J. W, Miller. All persons indobt• ed Oa requested to call and settle iminedint, ly. The business will hereafter be cundueted by mar 16-0 • J. W. MILLER dr, VO. SURVEYING AND CO NVEYANCING. ,THE undersigned baying hall some ten years ex. perienco as a practical durverr is prepared to do all kinds of .130r:eying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done ty deriver:ins. Parqo wishin; work deno,con call on, or address ?he underiqued at Woynesboro'. Pa. • Pb- 2-4 ti A. OLE R. . • and 82 and Si Commerce Street. New Fork MINEBORO' BIKREV. GEORGE P 2 ;MICK' S STEAM EI\GINg WORKS, MANUFACTURE GEO. F/411' IC, Waynesboro". Franklin Co., Pa. ' .''' - •• • ':""•% Th c' -.Uil'..?,ZW!ii..! -,-r• ,er&i;,,., ~ a i sat - 1,..t. WAYNESBORO', PA., tt. R. IP.Ullitt. 111 E.W. FIRM sigt lig Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a largo assortment of stoves and' Tinware. COOK STOVES! (worronted to Tinware. Stone Ware• Itrassware. Japanned Ware, Rouse Varnishing Goods Tubs, Thickets - , Churns . ,. Knives and corks' Spoons; • Ladies, Large iron and' Copper 'kettles Anil other meal artteles at the sign of the 1310 RED Ho RN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large as. eortment of COOK STOVES, NINE•PLA:IE - STI PARLOR. STOVE,S COAL STOVES Ste , of the latest improvements, the very best in the market at 1610 Cheap Tin end stovs stors—o D. H. RUSSELL dr. SON. EVERYBODY COME AND SEE THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL 13ACE BURNER". Rohl at Retailby 1). R. RUSSELL & SON,, Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pe TX'NWARE made of the hest Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the ` 4 131.g Mt.e•cll. MEaxerk." D: B. RUSSELL keeps constantly or. fiend a large assortment of Must) Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made' Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn". end getting the best Close Wringer ever made. far Persons itt want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Gonda, &c. &c., can get fell value for their money by calling on D. B Rlf SEi,I. & SON. Sign of the"BIG RED HORN" Waynesboro', Ps SAVE. YOUR FRUIT ! D R e lf • H i OU S E PATENTED JANUARY 218 T, 1888. This is the• best Dry Douse ever offered t. public. It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. The Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed.' It saves fuel. It is durable and portable. It has Rd feet of drying surface. • Call and see them at ate sign of lb. . BIG RED 110111; and taaireyans 811111111 for them Much $4, 1810, . so.ax t. Milts= ire satisfaction G 1.4. DONEBEE 614 ALER flit DILUGS, C he mi PATENT MEDICINE S. PHEPARATiONS FOR THE HAM, OILS, PAINT 5, SUESES ate. &e. -fl azrThysicians deait with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro! hotel Building. March 270868: Ti'LALL COON & STONEHOUE WOULD respvtftly inform the public the they have opened at their 'tore room, on southwest corner of the Diamond, in Wayusa tow', a large and we selected stock- of Dry Goods, Groceries,— Uardwaire and-etttle Iron, Steel; Nails, Coach-makers Goode of ever-. description, queensware, eedarware, Shoes, Cary pets, Oil Cows, Faints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Limon es, Fish, Salt, and ail kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods.are al new and fresh and have been bought for cash st the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that fruit our long snarl ence in business, and a determination to sell goads at weal profits; we shall ba able to offer unusual inducements to a buyers who desire SO owe mons PI. -all and r hiTyourselves. sy. :lease call and see We have a large and we assorted stock of eta• pis and limey . Dry floodlit embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts , Jeans, Tweeds, Clottonades, Corda,Den, tms, Stripes, Checks., Uinghams, Linin and Cotton Table Diapers, Craeb tor Towels,Catienes, Delaina Alpaccits, FANCY DRESS GOODS,. Tr;ings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached ' Sheetiniv„ , and Stuffings. Ticaings, ,Linens, Flannels. White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and biottons. We are re• ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds o, country produce such as Bacon, hard, Butter, Ilggi Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, I`Lov. 3 —lB7O D. S. 8 IVII I ir iti has a complete assortment of Ladies, Gentlemen's, Misses , Children's BOOTS. SIIOES DO CIITERS. Call and sae goods and get-prices. T [lO 3ON'S "GLOVE. VITTING COR szrs, SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY of all kiada as Smirn'a TORO nun Store. HATS • AND CAPS, A full stock now ready; consisting of all the latest styles, at PAPER OOLLA.RS, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, everything in that line, at SMITH'S • Town Hall Store, .11L.-.IIE 111117 111 M MEL • • undersigned 'would inform the publie gen. orally *battle bee purchased the Livery sere totem owned by Franklin Wenley, and is . prepared to meet the wants of the tom. • raunny ha his line of businese. He nen had all his cargiages neatly re paired and refitted . and his, horses are Atria- safe. o gentle and fast travelers. Par. ties conveyed to any poink desired, sc• oompanied by a careful hive?. Office one door wester Bowden'. Hotel, where in attentive Willer will be in attendance at all hours if the night arid day. No effort will be spared. to accommodate all whc may pstronise him. 409 17 tf W.Ji. H.FTINE. WAYNDSP 1i o', PA. SMITH'S. iwairita BRU-G1 MEDICINES, ICU 31..4. OW Q2IIATS, dke. &air Go to Fourthinan's ANTIETAM MARBLE WORM- IL WALTER &ARO. _MANUFACTURERS AND DEALER% Monuments, Tombs, Eaadatoriu, 4c„ 4c„ WE call attention to ear assortment of the a] bore, donsnising the nearest and aiost are proved styles. Havingthe advantage of Waterlamer, awl • long experience in the STONE, CUTTING SWIRL'S% we are able to fill orders at the 'holiest actin, and on most reasonable terms. Give us a call atour Yard, near Antietam Jane- Jearon-the-Wayneatiorosnd—Hrgereiowa Turn pike, two miles from the former place. Peat Other il tp address, ay n esboro' , ra. N. B. Driera Call be left with John Walter and ill receiv romptlettention. U. W. 4 J3lllO. April 3r-tf. NEW TIN STORE. THE undersigned would most. respectfully it— fora the citizens of Warneshoto' atitt vicinity that he has opened a new Tin idiom on East Mafia, street, opposite ;stover & Wolff's Vey tioods porium,- and keep coastal:44.os kaml a good sup—• ply of COOK Sc.. COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,* at prices to alit the times. All kin.), of work. done in- his, Ikea w;th neatness and di.peteh, such as roofing, spouting ant repairing. Y.ou.soill find it loyour nitres; to give. him a rail befoin purehasing.enswhera. Tke Aign is the thg Red Coffee Pot. Always on the Pest., Thankm tot pest•lavors he hopes fer.a continuance. of the same. . Yvarsa , tpretfolly, CLAYTON M. FREY. OMNI BU SI LINE!' rinHE subscriber informs the•public that he is sly I proprietor of the Buss line tanning daily a tom n Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore r,ua try Wolferaburger & Stoner. With good horses and a firet.class four-lions Omnibus he is enabled to convey passengers to nnti fro with comfort sae convenience. . His Huss will leave Waynesboro' as 6) arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick time and sure connection with the first Passenger train at 86, A. M. Leaves Greenceittle at 6 o'clock, P.M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 6 t 5. lie is himself Rut prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adarar- Express matter to and from Greencastle'. All Ex. , press matter expressed the same morning a n d through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing toga to Hagerstown should take this route. The train. leaves at 9lb making connection with Ike Wash.. ingten County Railroad. aug 20 tf j J K WOLFERBBERGBR. Boot and Shoemaktag. IHE subscriber would inform the public that be is at all times prepared to make to order Gents Goarse or fine Boots, also Coarse or fine av irk for Ladies or Moses, including the latest style et lut ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, and /assures taken in private families if desired. Bkop on East Main Street. in the room formerly ouepisd bi J. Elden, as a flour snd feed store. 0t;. IiriLLINUMOIIIII. • NI Y 23—tf DISSOLUTION. 111 HE co-partnership whicb heretofore existed be. tweon houses & FRANTZ, at Pikesville. was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist day of March, 1871. The books and accounts of the firm are in iny hands. AH persona indebted us mein's: ted to 4, 1 I and aettle immediately. ROMER. 2 4—SlPak L. Ci ARACILABILL, PHOTOGRAPHER, • S. E. Coma of 'tho Diamond, • WAiniassolo', Pa., ' gAll at ell times a line smonmont of Amore Prameo and Mouldings Call and imo nun, pictures. inns tf. ' CONVEX CON VS potlucks; at AL4X. LEEDS'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers