DRUGS MEDICINES, tiLl5) - 13. 3:17-4Ri/ IP ih7 S , ate, keg, Go to Fourthman s Tre , / wesboro - , Noy 24 , 1867 ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! n. WA LTER clt BRO. 'MANUFACTURERS A:sID DEALEI24 aluaurnents, Tombs, Headstones, 4c,, NlTlLeall_attention_to_our assortment of the a Love., comprising the newtst and most ap &roved st3le's Having the advantage of Water-power, and a lAng experience in the STONE CU UTING BUSINESS; we are able to fill orders at the shortest notice and CIO most reasonable terms Give u, a call at our Yird.near Antietam June ;ion, on the Wayne..b,ro' and Hagerstown Turn pike. two miles from the former place. l'oat Office adure:.s. Wavii aboro', Pa. N. U. Driers can be left with John Walter and ill reeeive prompt attention. IL W. & April 3—ti. 311... NC "ii. 7 - 1M 7 4.1 Ile_ Ire no THE undersigned would inform 'the public gen. orally tont he has purchased the Livery here , f)e owned by Franklin Weasley, arid is fully prepared to meet the *ants of the ecru ; mutiny in his line of business. ISt Ile has lin•i all his carriagr s neatly re• pa i re d a nd r efitted arid his horses are `vi? 1 6 fe. gentle 'and fast travel. rs. Par nes conve?,ed to any point desired, tic oamonnie 1 by FA catcall fltiCer. - Office one door west Of Llowden's Hotel, where an attentive hastier will be in attendance alail boll: al the night and day. No cfrort.wili be spared to accommodate all whc way patroniza tint. Oa 17 tf FORD, Boot and Shoemaker, I. \ Ft:lit Mr', the co i.z-ns of V. nynesihoo' and the pnh'ic gem roily that he i 4 now prepared to put up' to nr.h.r FAIR—STITCHED ANiy SCOTCII. 1307TO:11 WORK of an komts. Persons aantine work done in his line are rt quested to hand in their orders early so that he may he enabled to accent- Tnni lie 5)11 ent , ttnners promptly. He Witt use hia Ihlit endeaors to give saind,.etion, bath ns regards the ii ling, ns will ns the quitit v of woik made by lii . as non. , but the VENY BEST WORKMEN ttiell try hint. 4,the BEST 1114TE.RIdL will he _ e most rastp.elludy ‘olici . b a share et public patronage, at his place of business, in Dr. I. N. kinrvely's dwelling house, up :lairs july 21-1870. • , Soot . and Shoemakinng. rrtHE •tibscribor would informthe public that he is at all times preorcd to make to order Gents 4.f.oarse or tine Boots, also coarse or line work fur Ladies or Misses. itielwling the latest style ut last ing Gaiters:, Repairing done at short rouice, and 11) , UtitliC6 taken in private families if desired. Sleep nu East Maio Street, in the zoom tartiterly occupied 1)y J. Elden, as a flour and feed store. ;. HOLLINGSWORTH. july 23—If Fainting anti Paperliangling. i + HE subscril rrannouncee to, thelitizens Was-- .„k ueeboro' its lirdLity that iie is prepared to du ral ki.ods or bailee palutivir atirl parer. banging. l'ricett readduable. laud sAttatecuoa in all eases gtutr antred, spizE.NuLE. oct. 20-3 mos DR. J. A. IiUGH.E'S' Ritg Bone, none Spavin, Splint and Curt, fternedy , Awe cure or rstormy rciunded. Each package confitina full threcuous. Price stt AU orders ad, dressed to pit J. A BLGttS. july /9 Gm] Wcyucutomed. Pa. Ik:impale por _ . THE cub4:ri!ur veers nt private sales secore band six horse Steam Ergitii.,. Frick's inutse. %Vat lv multi very lei*. Eettutre tat tile pov1"21.1 Ettl LI4ING LOTS. wcovi , sdo (.11 tiro Ld orcet. Poiumis4tet t itopf..4o , .cu;:us 4 guoil Lot o,,tuld call oil lipwl7tf PALL LAnslivm the south•wrst corner of the Diamond, in %Varies boo', it largo and we selected stock of an d Cull cl Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cednrware, Shoos, Car pets, Oil Goths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Bruen es,Fish,-Srlt,and-ail kind of-Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are al new and fresh and have been bought for sash .t.t the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from eui long experi ence in Leisiness.,,nd a determination to sell - g' ods at aural prolita, we shall be able to offer unusual inducement., to a buyers who destre to APVe awns ey. Please call an,! see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock 01 eta ple and Limey Ltry Goods. anibiacing Sattinetts, leans, Tweeds, Cottonsdes, Cords, Don tem, Stripes, Checks, (I; ingheine, Linn) and Cotton Table I►tapers,. Crash lox Tuwels,Calicovs, Delains, A !paces", Trings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shurtings;Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, ►Losiery and Notions. We arc re ceiviug new goody every, week and will supply any articl6 wanted that we have not on bond in a • few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds 0. country produce such at, Racon,Latd, Butter, Egg' Dried Fruit, Rags, ate, Nov. 3 —lB2O. • • WM. H. FUNK Aurs. Its,. GOOD, GOOD & DzElle.A.Lr Who. are prepared to furnish and make to order, We 'are also prepared to do POST BOEING, and in shod anything in our • line of business.— Wishing to enjoy the success and sustain the rep utation of the former proprietor. we will try to sell or mkt: anything fur you, you want or need in our line make i las will as we can, and sell it as cheap i.e we Can;witb justice to you and us. Address GOOD at METCA W1111E44.1°10% Pa, 'l?;ictory miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. Feb'. 17,4870. • STOCEING ENZTTINCL VR,IIE subscriber would inform the public that he has commenced the buslnets of Stinting Knit ting in the Tinning establishment of C, M. Fry, in Waynesboro', Woolen and Cotton Stockings far men, women or children, always on hand, or man. ufactOred to order when the material is furnished, 'lir mutant) OA, - the glum wail; as by band, nov 10 3i1,3 - • THOS, 110DIAISON, i'lil,NT!3lt. The Vgbest cash price will be paid for Cast Iran seraiu delivered at the works tit .the - if GEISER M. CO. p z 10.4.55,14 t, LI. DIJNEBEIEE DEALER IN unluGs, Chemicals., PATENT MEDICINES. PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OiLS, PAINTS, VARNISHESES 4 . e. 4m. o,—• T'Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' note' Building, IVAYNESSOqO', PA. March 27, 1868 COON 8; STONEHOUSE OULD respectfay inform the public filet they have opened at their store roont.__ori- Dry 414°0(1,4 Groceriem, Hardware Cloths, Cassinieres, FINCI DRITISS GOODS, ANTIET•AM FACTOIIY AND MILLS A NEW FIRM Bash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Stairiog, Moulding, Scrolling, Flooring, Mantles ; &e., (to. —A LSO— Sawing, Plainiug, Turning and Grinding. A GREAT MEDICAL DISGOVERI.I Dr. WAIXZWItIMiIirIOtA. VINEGAR, 'BITTERS Hundreds of 'Thousands 0 new testimony to their *one* • - I N . • v, fal Curative Effects.— - 1 0 a WHAT ARE THEN?. Lea 17. ig pig , 3 4 a a g C 1-71 g 0 A E§, ap p.. Is pt.. ,Er ;Ira it k g o Tarr ARE NOT A VILE a oaFAN-CY DRINK. Fg• WO of Peter.Rnm. Whiskey, Proof BIOKO and Refuse Matters doctored, spiced and rWeo cued to please the taste, called ":Ronics,""Appetis• ere," "Restorers," se., that' lead thei-tikffer en to drnkennesa and riiin,lantere a true Medicine, male from the Native Roots and Rothe of Oallfonda, free freer all Alcoholic latimattlniatst--Thay-are - -ths— GREAT, BLOOD PERIFIER and 4 LIITIC GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can-take-those-Bitters-according-to Crew— . Eon and remain long unwell. 6100 wlllbo given for Inetirabla cate,ProVided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond Ea point of repair. Per Inflammatory and Chronic Rheum*. Clam and Gout, Dyspepsia, ur Indigestion. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney., and Bladder. these Bitters have been most suet:ass fel. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Dlood;which is generally produced by derangement of the Digbstive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION) Heed ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cotlghs, Tightness of the Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Ernetstiobs of .the Stomach. Pad taste in the Month, Bilious Attack*. PiIIPAIADon of the Ileart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the ?calorie of tho fildneys„ and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia.. • They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tot• phi liver and, bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new tiro and vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Mt Eheurn, Blotches, Spots, Simples, Pustules,Boils, Can b oscine, Bing-Worms, Sealdaead, Sore R.yee, End". elms, Itch, Scurf's, Blade'orations Of the Skin, Flume* and Diseases of the tAln, of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the systent in a short time by the nee of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases wilt convince the moat incredulous of their. curative edbet; Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you dad its impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, Eru Lions or Bores; cleanse It when you &alit obstructed end_ sluggish in the veins ; cleanse It when it 13 foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Keep - the blood -- pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPP. and other wounis,. lurking In tha System of so many thousands. are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printedfnfouPlan gaagcs—English,German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. E. H. 31cDONALD & CO., bruggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco _Cal far ot, PAWN , c 4 Ei E 4 WL 44 114 r. The merits nt this Machine cowist ti, part, in the sttnehmi nt of curved knives to the firm,. of the cut. tina.wheel 11w shenring cut nerwis the mouth-piece, the great rower and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less pow er than is required by any other NI acnino ; those combined with its duribility and simplieity of con. eta-146m s . command public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with a pock-t wrench. Persons in want of michines of. this description will do well by calling upon or addressing the un dersigned. Good unit responsible agents wanted to sell inschiner and territory. Thb nbove Nlnchirto is now on exhibition at the office (jibe Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compauy Persons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer should have. 11. U. GILBERT, •BEND. F. STOT:FFita, Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro', Pa. MATTLIES7 METCALF july 14-tf] SEW' STORE: tx7 S.TE WA ItT has been to the City If I and laid in a large supply of Ladies. Misses r end Children's Shoes, nt the most fashionable styles. Men and lioy'e shoes. both coarse and tine, Men's Congress Gaiters ; also Straw Hats. The public are generally invited to come and examine for them selves. All wt.o will buy of him will receive satis faction, as he will sew all rips gratis. He also keeps sugar, coffee, molasses and sirups, pepper, - alspice and merlon, mackerel, loiter paper, envelopes, steel pens, pen holders, kerosene, &c., &c. A lot of &he best leather on hand. Work manu• facrured to order ut short notice and upon reason able terms. lie returns thanks to the ptildic for past patron• age and hopes W bo abb.) to merit a continuance of, the same. may 5, 1870. WAYNESBORO' SELECT SCHOOL buthe : pes on o o f eineepdtebinyt,cl°rlrfs;rjtheErPencielEtioFau Having engaged rooms with every convenience for the corn fort of her scholar's, she hopes to receive the patronage of her friends. The course of edu• cation will be thorough such as to qu tlify her pu, pile foi the active duties of life. Private instruc tions given on the Pillt/O, if desired. aug 13-1870-6na GREAT BARGAINS FOR citsrf 1N PIA' A' SKILLE l Rovaga a FRANTZ intend doing a regular cash 'business. commencing the Ist day of April, They are determined to sell goods as cheep as they can be sold. All they ask is to give them a trial. They are very thankful for Fiat favors and hope a continuousa of the same. mir24if ROUZER & FRANTZ. Lumber' acc. MIIE subscriber has for sale Chestnut Shingles, Failings, Plastering, Laths Shingling Laths, Pine Lumber-from a halt to ono inch. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order Also Oak, Pine and Chestnut Woou by the load for sale on the ground. lichee also I C lot sale. 103-01 A S ISIOXN,, cirflat - Cotamereo Street, Now York. DY ALL DAUGOLSYS AND ZEALEgiI. %TED SE ril l . ti 9 RINGGOLD, Aid Wm. STE WART. NOTIQE.• WAKNBSji(IIIO' MIITEIL MEE FIRE INSURANCE P,MPANY, VtAfRESBOL.O , , PA., x ma . ss RE 15' AOAINiT LOSS, OB,DAM'AGZ BY 71111ErillEJlEiLlEllo Oa all safe aline property at reasonable rates OFFICERS: W. B. AM liEltiOX holdig. SIMON Lecaort, Vice President: r • Joe. DocraLte,Secr - etarv. Jog. W. Aimee, Toseuror. DIRECTORS: W: B. Amberson, " Simon Lecron,. Lewis S. Forney Jacob Carbaugh, Jos. Whales, ' ' ' ' Joe. Price, ' JacobJ.-Miller,-JosVV. Miller, . ,- Beni F.,_Funk s -- D. B. Russell Levi ?•anders, Jacob S. Good. DANIEL SNIVELY, Agent, June 10,'701 Waynesboro', Pa, URSINUS COLLEGE, Located at Freeland, Montgom ery county Pa. The Academic Depts.) Omen}: [FORMERLY FREELAND 'SEMINARY.] A First-!;lass English, ALithematioal and Classical Boarding School for YOIJNO MEN AND BOYS, , Under the immediate Tuition and 'Manage. meat of the factaty ofthe College. TERMS MODERATE. 17" All necessary expense., Mending Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Books, dfc., not exceeding e$,Q3 l O a year. THE COLLEGIATE. DEPARTMENT Will be distinct from the Academic and will afford all the advantages , of a full College course in the usual higher tranches of study, under the direction of a Faculty of six Professors IrrThe Academic rear fur loth Departments will be Odder] into the following three terms:—The school Opening with the Fall Term, septembs, 6, 1870 to December 22. Winter Terra. January 4, 1871 to April 6. Spring Term, April 12,. to July 7,1.871. Cr For further information apply to - H. A. BOMBERGER, D. D President of Ursinus Col ege, FEINELAND, MOM Go.iiEllY COUNTY, PA july 30—if] ALEX. LEEDS, dw — cirrktEo -, fine psortmont of JLOrKS Atle-todiby himself wlti) gr it mum a large and woll selected assortment o: \zav,illaa, SWi3B, English, and American Manufacture ; .JEWELRY :heaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest styles kept constantly on hand. Every variety of Cuf buttons. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons, Salt Cellars, and Buller Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPE CTACLE To suit everybody's eves. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches. and Jewelry promptly agd neatly repaired and warranted. 1 2 EV.DS, text oor to the Town 11a 11, under the Photograph GAlery July :H. NOTICE. A Chance for Bargains : THE subscriber is now offering the stock of READY MADE eLpTiMiG formerly kept by the late Gee. Bender, Esq., AT AND BELOW COST FOR CASH - ALSO A:new supply of men and boys' Clothing just re• celved from A. Jarrett of Baltimore, hfd. All goods warranted and made in'the beat . roan. tier. Those who eh sirs to purchase Clothing at the lowest figures will do well to call at the old stand S E. corner of the Diamond. aug 2b•tf A. E. WAYN ANT. Tailoring Establishment! c - A,HE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citipns of Wapneshone, and vicinity that he has commenced the Tailoring business in the dwelling house of Mrs. S. T. Hrotherten, opposite the Bowdrn Ht.ure, and is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to order, which he Will guar antee to give satisfaction. He risks a trial. nog 25-1 GEOItGE Barbering: Barbering; TII-Tlsitbseriber informs the pane . that be Man thaws the Barbering busine3sin the room nea door to Mr. iteicl's tiroce.ry Store, and is stall times popared to do hair. cu t ting, shaving, shampeoning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub io is respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. Aug 23 1867. WALL PAPLIL A great variety of Paiterns, Style and Price of Wall and Ceiling 'Paper. Also, Window Paper and Oil Blinds, at , „ . .inne g-tU Altt BERSON, BENEller er 4 Ca Ping; tear, AU • Ar 111 " 1 " . Mb* MMEti Verhapsnooneme4l. elite is so universally by eves . (my As a catharti, be was ever any e so universally Adopted into use, In eyery country end .ounongsill classes, a • - - this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The 'lshylons reason is, thatit is a more'relia ble and far more ea Aber. Those who hate trim it, *new that it ourea theist tholartelgo have not knoWthat it cures theirneighbors and lends; and all ,know that what it d oes-Once it does al ways —thqt It never lailatbrough any Milner neg. glect of its composition. We have thoneands upon thousand's of certificates of their remarkable cures of the Intimating cOmplaintaybut mien cures are known in every neighborhood* and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and'condltione In all climatee; containing neither inlets el nor any deleterious drug; they may be taken with Eialbty by anybodyii.,Tbele sugar-coating pteserves thorn ever fresh,aldsmilies them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise Peons their use in any 'ldentity. They ,operate by their poiverfal Influence on the internal Viscera to puti4r'the r ,idood and stimulate It Into healthy. action...rertioter the , cilistructions of the stomach, bonels, II vef; and other organs of the body 4 restoring theirirregultir action to bealthfi',.. and by clorrecting; wherever tbey, exist, such deo " rangements as are the first origin of disease, , Minute directions are given In the-1411%1er eft" the hot, for the following complaints; WM tatise, 'Pins rapidly curet-. ;. • rli'lLitilleei& ; ' /i7 For MlFlepsite or Swiftest 0 Ineseaal nor and Loss oirAppesite, they - ahead be en moderately to etimulate Meade. ach, Sit restore its healthy trine - and action. For Liter Complaint and its various symp toms, Hillbas /Meads/Am Pick .Head. ache, Jaundice or Green ' olloksisiss, Bit. tons Cone and Bilious Movers, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove.the OblitTUOtiOna Which cause It. • For Djainsierp or Diarrhoea, but ono mild dose is generally required. FOrilUsemaisitsin, Gout, Gravel, pittitioti of - the • ill'earti Pain in the side, Dock and Loins, they shonktbe eontin measly taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they shOuld be taken in large and frequent-doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. eceasioirial dose stimulates Me stomach and bowels Ento_healthy netion, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Nonce it It often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dinie'of these'POlis makes him feel decidedly bet ter, itorn.theis" cleansing, mai renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. • • .Dr. eV: C. AVER & CO., Practical Chemists, ZOW.ELL. .111A85.,..U. S. A. A P. BONI:BRAKE, llruggiet, Agent. "COMER DRUG STORE," DR. J. BURNS - ARIBERSON Constantly on baud a full lino of thugs, Chemicals, tPatent Medioices, Oils, Paints, 'Varnishes, (Muse, Putty, - tte. Spices ground or ungrouudi Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Farley Artie's', We sell you but uomls of - the hest quality em] at prices satisfactory to all consumers. Special attention given to the ccmpounilini of proscriptions. Remember the "Corner Drug Store" end give us a call. J. BURINS AMBERSON, AL D. • ep. 14 TEE IMPROVED BUCKEYE, AND WILSON:SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Is a tvontlurful achlelf ment of invention, gcnitus and For SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY zLd BEAUTY IL stands un riva ed. Stitch Alike on Both Sides• For Family sewing arid manufacturing. fte a gent deities competition. for F , INIC STITCHING, HEMMING, I FELLING, COEDIA (I, TUCKING, 818 DING, uri AIDING QUILT ING. BUFF' ING, GATHERING, 6LIC-GATUELING - 11114 SEW= ING ON at {he snake nine. Thesib machines are RAPID and LIGUT-RUNFING.-- They have the rawer SHUTTLE TENSION and the irraoisQ• EST and BEST FEEDING DL{ ICS ill USE. ' They can be furnished with plain cover, orna mrutal coyer,or full cabinet cover, and at prices ran ging from sgO to Agents wanted. A. E. Waynant. agent, ftr the counties of Franklin, part of Wasbinfitian and Fred rederick, Md. S t E t cos, Diamond, Waynesboro, Pa sep2g-tf ACCOMMODATION WAGON, 1-HE subscriber announces ,to the public that Ire is now running a Wagon regularly between Waynesboro' and Greencastle, and is prepared to do• all kinds of hauling or, reasonable ternas. He will he thankful for a share of public potronage. Orders left at the Ding Store of A. S. Donebralte will receive prompt attontiun. spr 28—tf D W. MINER. ONEAP"COONVYY BOOT AND SHOE STORE !, • lINHE subscriber has just returned from the city I and is now opening for examination a large and well selected stock of Boots and I.Shco:i. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and shoo trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. 'All ripe meqded free of charge. Give "Cooney" a cull. C. 147111e,5. sect 25-tf ' J. FILBEUT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. FOR SALE.—Corn' ' 'App!es, Fresh Lime; Lo coat Chestnut Nate. dce ALEN. HAMPTON.. T H E PROPRIETOR, T. C. RAilkSlEll,, eto. etc. etc mecLanical rkili - VAX2:RO W EIAS toceiv,od freak otoOk of goods . , and is dl mo. t io liIY stoOk . :: hat: , • • - PURE • SPICES, Prime Rio Coffee, Breit - flea, Coffee, . Brownoaliffetushed Sugar, Loaf Pruner, Pmedeteit While Sinter, Perolino Rice, , Syrups., superior in quality end low in pride; \ P. illeo,unil N. ()riming Melainiest, - Cofn'Siareli, Chocolate, esifeei do., .'"rl Pickled-CateUri, Mason's Crackers and..CsCes, (1. A. Salt, Pine Halt ß , &mei..ennui Hems. , ball'aini examine. toirouble 'to show ito - din irntte; ihe'•eheve et redneed"prieek - ,' notwiihstand• ing they are' on the "rise in'tho Best, • ; ' . • „ •••, • - : Covd OXSTl;llBl.fiTittiel eatte o `liiiiciays on hand s sold . b' the i warrants them . • : . , , , • or to the mountain* to ti s.itfrelocyntrlne• good °yawn; and crackers, Chats -;• ):-I'l-i,.; • . , •, k 2 . .'r F-41;tifr ,,, AND.,,CONFEUI'IO NERY. Layer ominerkstrichlurronts, tiontlie4,*9nurges, Ism ons;batssiCitron,Prunes, Apples, nuto of several kinds. ,:- - •. , 1 - 0 R BAKING A.ND ICE OREAIVI.—We have good and pure extracts of Orange, Vanilla, Strawberry; essences of I onion. Cinnamon, &c.. Get the tug. Soda for making Biscuit. 01, A SWA RO.—Loolt at our cheap gatlets,Oish ce, - i - astois,'ttimblets, flasks. molasses cans. lamps chimneys, &c. We pave the best null cheapest in lawn. tat/Et:NOVA RE.---An unrivaled assortmenl. full h stock. lower in piice than ever. Tea sets, cup* and saucers, meat flutes. soup do.,Tea, Dinner, and Breakfast do. We have the real granite, nu deeep• Lion in the quality.. We have the ,common ware, new stuck.. HOUSEKEEPERS ,-Are invited to look at our knives and forks, lintels., knives, largo spoons, common albate and siivet plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskcts, buckets tubs, market 4astp f le, school do. NOTlON:?..—Toilet rionps, perfumery, combs, pocket books, pencils 43: cap letter and cote pkee superior Whale Gii, ' .. , Best Kero.,ene Oil, ~. Clarnical Olive Soap, liar!owls- Blue-4mligo a ---- -- W la Yarn, Bashkir many useful articles always on ham', , Country produce and "greenbacks" tsktn in exchange f.r gods. I am l'iankfut past_pay. - miag - o — isnd hantit a con - rningtion Ut the FAMILY 1i1i01;E:11.Y store. Way urshoro',, June 2,1870 GEOUGE FA - quiet* TEIII. EACINE liOlllV WAYNE:3I3ORO', FRAN KLIN CO., MANUFACTURE. PORTABLE Atia STATIONARY STEAM EAMES. HA VINO increaced lacitities tpr Mal ufacturina Portable and Stationary atcarn Engines at abort notice, of sive twin two to ono hundred and fifty horce•power, I wuttld call the attcirtion of persona wanting portable tub - obeli; for ihie.hing grain, &c l ue 1 ant now' prepared to turz,i.ll them . at short notice. Intl/ also prepared to furnish shaft. ings, pu'leya, c'ke., and all work in nry huts ul Pe4BllllB it. want 01 auithing ur may linew i4 please call and examine :11,y wotb klcro buyiL elsewhere. Fur furity:r patticti lam send for riri uJn r. WA). 1 0 1:1CK, 1•V a y FIC FMIII.IIII Co., Pa. scp 10 tf] WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. FO. B. ILA WICEII 'having vvithil.:avvn from, Ti th e rum of Adams*. Wiwker. the subarriber. informs the pulite that he continues the Coachroak ing business in all its branches, at the old stand. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, different kinds, on hand ; 'also stcond-handed ve• h•cles. lfepniring done at short r circa. lie uses the hest material and employs good mechanics. H o returns his thanks to he public for their liberal pa tnMaite and by attention to basilicas and a dispo sition to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal shorn of the same in the !attire. jan 14 tf CENTRAL MARKET F TT A SITS(.; secured the services of a first-class r 'Butcher, Jlr. Chas. Bickel, who takes great pletsUre in pleariag customers, the sulherk,ers an. nounce to their customers and the public that they now occupy the Cellar on the corner, next 'door to the Town Ilan, where fresh Beef; Pork,Lamb and. Veal can be bad on ,Bunday, Weclneaki, and Sat urday,tvenings anJ mornings. Sausage and Pud ding tarnished regularly on Wednesday evening . " of: each week. Persons can rely on gettin4 the choicest meats . ttanone but the best stock will be slaughtered• Ylt 9 INK. W E GLEY, JOS. E. KIiRTZ. riour and Peed. A prime articleof Family Fleur from Amsterdam 21_ Mill, for sale in sacks, at reduced prices, at the Drug Store of Dr. J. 13. Amberson. Also of Lh!y Frick dc Co. He will also deliver Flourby the b.Jr.t rel, and Mill Stull' to any point desired. Ciders, may be hat at Ambersou's Drug Store, or at the Pest Wise. D Vlll 1.0311{. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY•AT.LAW, Waynesboro', Pa" lRA':'./TICES in the several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties. N. 0.. Heal Estate leased and sold and Fire Insurance 'fleeted on reasonable terms. dec 10 JOIN A. WITSSONd MOLINE! Ar LA • 9 lEAVING been adiuitte.l to practice Law at the reveral Courts in Franklin County, alt bnui t noes entrusted to his curu will be promptly attendwl to Unice address—Alercersburg, Pa. T 11, ANDERSON, Dl. 1). 1 tit PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - WAAYNV. , .I3ORO', PA. Office in IV silkces 'ding one door East c.(6•1 Bowden 1 10 1 12 e; [jUllt ag— II *lame Let A., JACOB ADAMS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers