GEISER'S PATENT SEfF-REGIRATING GRAIN SEPARATOR MIR DIG iIIAID POWIIIS, No Implement more Imprensa tLe tarnmr then FIRST—ULASS GRAIN THRESHER AND ULEANER—for none pays him so well and epeedi- The above cut shown the ONLY GEISER Mt% CIiINE now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors_themseives,with_all-the_additional im provements made during the pest 18 years, and now with first class workmfn and material this machine justly stands high, up above all of its class. As a Thresher it is equal to the best, as a Cleaner it is su perior to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest competitors. Indeed it is the only machine that really can, by one operation, thorough ly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the tact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any other machine,settles the question of its superiority, as a cleaner over all others. Impartial ju 'gra at all the IState and County Fairs where it wis thoroughly and practically tested, in competi-_-_ lion withtother leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily understood and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dare hie,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with lees power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Horse Lever power; with prices ranging from $l9O to $350, without power. We also make the latest im 'proved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9O to $135, and ell fully and fairly warranted. For further infor mation send for Circular end Price List. Responsible Agents wanted in territory not intro duced. Address THE GEV Elt M.INUFACTIURING CO., Wavrisseoser% Frenklin Co , Penna. I jan . 2l—tfj NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! THE a ttention:of the community 14 now diteced to tl , e lama And well assorted s at k of FALL GOODS just OffllCd at PIiICE & 110EFLICIFS, Per the season's tradeocoru.Oing7of a l l_ the late noir, elites of the dry, and at very cheap prices t suit all ca•inkind. So just dr. , p in and see The varied col fiction of Dry tiobds, Groceries and Notions. - All the late styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, Such as • Alpaecas, Pop!iris, Empress Clothe, Itepps, fo;,0 , Cassimers, Cloths, Velvets, Vclveteens, Cords, Kerseys, - Tweeds, Jeans, Satine ts, Rub Reys, P►kes Peak Classimere, Paisley, Shawls, Plain Shawls, • Long Shawls, Square Shawls, Breakfast and Shoulder Shawls. Delains, :11erinos, Cashmeres, Twills, Mohairs, Chignons and Switches, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers. Carpets, wool and norne-male. 0.1 Cloths for tables and fl )or. Window Shades in Oil and ilullund, Blankets white and grey. Dec 8-1870. COON Skin and BuElio Robes at Pales Ilonnictis. SQUIRL, Coney and Mink Furs at Pawn & HOEFLI - IfS. HORSE and Buggy Blackets at PRICE & 110EFLICI3'8. rLOOR and Table Oil Cl ths at Pawn & llomaces. L ARGE Stqck of Shawl at PRICE # lioneucies.• , CAL 0') by the pound and yard at PUCE it l A A RGE stock of Gloves and Hosiery at Paws & HOEFLMB'S W ATER Proof and Beaver Cloths at Pim*: & "DLAIDS, A Iparcas and•Etapress Csoihs,.t # Boarticifs, FINE assortment of Knit Goads at PRICE & Romitnes OY AL Baking Powder and Nilver Gloss btarch Mk? ,t PRICE & Hosrbrcifs. NEW Orleans 141.1. sees, new crop, at Pawn & HOEFLII 11'8. nOLONG and Imperial Teas at Paten & R OASTED and Green Cork al PRICE & GRAIN and Ground Pepper at PEKE & HOEFLICEI 9 B. <J PRICE and Crackers, (mob, at • PRICE & Homan's. M it MILITARY Over and Dif s i; cs .t Coats at B OOTS and Shops, cheap, at PiacE # Hostrucu's. CARPETS and Carpet Chain at rum 4 Domains's. Doc 8 CARPETS : CARPETS': I. 11. 'WHITMORE Has just reiurned from the cities with the largest and best assortment of . C RPFTS, • OIL CLOTHS, OIL AND LINEN WINDOW IDES, DRUGGET .AND CRUJIIPCI,OTHS, RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES: drc, ever offered in Greent untie. bACE•C LIRTAIN S . , With all the fixtures for pouting up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order, ' rreelling lower than any other home in the ow)ty. Coll anti boar prices. Creciocastie a .I),.c t • I 1870. TIM MORNING GLORY FOR 'M. For sale at W. A, TRITLE'S neW Stove and Tin Store "He has on hand a large stock of the above stoves, all of the late imFroved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake. Boil, Roast, View, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove. In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that their particular stove takes less coal and gives more heat than the Morning Glory, you can put that kind of'talk down as a Blow-well, as the Morning try has been soh! (in this part of the country),for four years, and in - that - time - I - have - , put out over three hundred of th'em, and never had to t,ke one back because it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot _be_said-of-any-other-stova-ever - offrell - in - tliis - mar ket. That is the proof which is the-stove.' I have other styles or heating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted• Cook Stoves are of the best in market for coal er wood, all warranted good Bakers. Also a new Parlor Cook Stove, something that can't be excell ed. Call-and see mo. You 'willsfiTitl - m - y - stock3f Tin -- Sheet-Iron and ,other wares of the best kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a good and cheap Washing Machine. Roofing an i Spouting done of the•hest stock and at hli. , rt notice. Job work of nil kinds in my line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper work done, being the only Copper smith in the place. Oet 1] W. A. TRITLE. 41 I?LSIINY LILADE A PENNY SAVED SAYS THE OLD ADAGE Well, how:end where is the place to do it ? Why wherever you can use your money to•the best advantage; and popular opinion has long since given the palm to Stover 4.,, Wolff, for keeping the best and chenp est store ; all they want is . for buyers to call and examine their stock and cony:Jule themselves Our stot k consists in:part of the following ertices : LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SUCH AS ALPACAS, MOUAIRZ-7, POPLENS, ARNIUNS, DELAINES, 'OPERA MOWS, REPELLAN I'S. • ENGLISE! VELVETEENS, &c, &c, te , 3;1 7 S; Near, Cloths, Doe,kin Ctissinicrs, Conl4. 'Satinetta, Cot tonades, Linens, Tweede, &c., j We would call especial attention to our stock of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADE SHOES, in Laseng and Morocco, cheap GROCERIES. We,have bogglit large, consequently bought cheap All our goods have been bought at panic prices, consequently we are enabled to undersell Mose who bought berme the decline. CAILL AND SEE. — lOll And we will prove to you what we say. All kinds of Country Produce BOUGHT AND SOLD, Nov. 24, 1870. & WOLFF. -- - FAIRVIEW MILL ! FAMILY FLOUR, ETC. THE undersigned. having ratted and added ell the latebt improvements to his Mill, (formerly Fr .ntz's) announces to the public that he is now manufacturing a superior article of FA EEL Y Fl. 0 UR . which will' be delivered to persona at market prices. He hoe also on hand a supply of AM. 4, STUFF of all kinds, which he will wholesale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if desired, at the lowest market rates. Having refitted hie Mill with the most improved machinery he feels that be is'enabled to give general satisfaction. His Flour to sacks can be had at Rehrs Groce ry, where orders may be left. The highest market price paid for WE g 4 T delivered at the Mill.. COOPER STUFF wanted, • .mar DAVID PATTERSON. PRIVATE SAME: T" subscriber offers at Private Sale a tract or land, situated a short distance from Bear's Fac tory. adjoining lands of John Funk. Martin Hoover and ;Isaac Shockey. containing 5 acres, more or less. with Summer House, good Barn, Hog Pen, and oth er necessary buildings. thereon. There is - also on the promisee timber prepared to frame a dwelling haulm 22x24, and en orchard of choice fruit trees. A fine Spring convenient to the popetur. Pones *ion wit be given on the tat cf April next. .ogc, 1-tf Mia r rHEW hitrcium. 0. B.'utrresu, NEW. FIRM D. B. RU ELI. & SON at the sign of the Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES! (warranted to give satiafaction.) finware Iron ware, Souse Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks • Spoons, Ladles, Large iron and Copper kettles And other useful articles at the sign of the DIG RED IIoIPJ Waynesboro', Pa, where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, NINE•PLATE STOVE,S, PARLOR STOVE,S ' • COAL STOVES Ste , of Ilse latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap 'Pin and Stove Store of D. 11. RUSSELL & SON. EVERYBODY THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, t r : • w- Sold at Rani I ha, TINWARE made of the I,est Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "Sig "Etod. 1M'0r.13." REPS; D. B. R UsSI LI. keeps constantly on hand a large assortin'•nt of House Furnishing Goods for wile cheap. Puro No. I Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Mad Easy .! by calling at the sign of the "fig Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. ['Persons itt want of Stoves, Tinware, Timm Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by caLing on D. B RIT 4 SET,I. & SON, Sign of the"DIG RED HORN Waynesboro', Pe SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! THE L. A. OELTAG DRY HOUSE, PATENTED .1 tiVI.JARY 2IST, 1866. This it the beat Dry'House ever offered to the public. • It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly . The Fruit dried by it retailer) more of the natural Savor. Ii is easily manavd. • It saves fuel. • It is durable and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. • Call and see them at she sign of the BIG RED HORN and learoynur orders for theta• March 1810. JOHN B. arra ML. Brassware, Japanned Ware, COME AND SEE D. R. RUSSELL tlr PO V, sign of the Biz Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa EVERYJ3ODY READ TUTS AND REMEMBER TRAT MILLERA BEAVER Have received their FallZnnd Winter Goods, and are now ready to oiler great ist Itteements to all who _winhio_rave_tnoney_in_au%kitig k their_fad_ purchases- Their stock of Gi CI w) Lta tor Ladies and Gents consist of all the latestyles, such as • Silks, • Alpacas, Poplin Mohair, • licpps, • Delancs, arc. Cloths, Black and Fancy Cnssimeres, Overcoatlngs Velveteens, Cords, totinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, & •In the notion line they have Cuff-, collars, pins, ties, handkerchiefs, floiery, gloves, mitts, comforts, switches, -chignons, corset •, suspenders, !acts taper, trimmings, and Ladies and Gents underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings they have Long, Square, Shoulder and Breakfast *howls, Nubies, Hoods, etc. Their-stock of GROCERIES, 111AltIl1irA.RE, Queens-ware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpus, A c..- is large and was selected to suit the trade. MI they ask is an inspection - of their stock 1.6 be con %inceti of the truth. No trouble to show goods. • Fresh Butter Lard, Eggs, Rags, &c taken in ex change for goods [nov 10 See Here Read This NOTICE 1 THE subscriber has just returned from the East With a large stock of Goods, such as BOOTS. SIIOES, GAITERS, BAUM RALS and all kinds Boots and SLoes for Men and Boys, Women, Misses and Children. which he is selling .it prices that will please. RATS OF EVERY STYLE for Men and Boys, Caps of all the leading styles to suit and fit any head. We b tught our stock cheap and an determined to - self - accordingly. Notions ! Notions ! Notions ! • READ THE LIST. Shirts2anol Drawers Gauntlets, ttuspentlers Driving Gleves Paper Collars Fur top Gloves Duck. Gloves Hosiery Sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit I tali' Hefie — Lisle Thread Gloves Cotton Ha!' Hose Woot-knit Gloves Germantown Half Hose Butte , flies Black Silk Ties Fancy Silk Ties Broad End Ties- Ladies &. Gents Pa cuffs Linen 'Handkerchiefs Pocket Books Postmen ies Brushes Pocket Knives Cloth Brushes Pen Knives Shaving Brushes Nail Knives Hair Brushes Pape) , Soaps Tooth Brushes Pelrfumery Shoe Brushes Albums Combs Pitts and Needles Razors ', Lead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings Ink Note Paper Pen Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Memirandas Toys Itarpet tacks Crochet Needles ' Fancy toys, &c • die. etc; &c. and so fourth. • GOLD AND SILVER WATCUES, American,&vire and English; Seth Thomas mid thee bloc ks. dearehy of every description for La dies, Gents, Misses and Children at .sreatly rancid prices. Finger Rings, a large stock, plan Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Finger Binge; Silv er and other Plated - Rings - rn - gleit variety, watch chains, Guard., Rams, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pens and Pencil.; watch chain hooks keys. &c, Trucks, Canes, Umbrellas; Baskets, Math, Valises, Carpet Bags, It. 11. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and snuff Candies, Fruits. Rali•ena.Jlß and Confectionari-r of all kind,, Come one, come all, and—nly. $-"- TLankfulifor past favors ho hopes by a desire to please to merit a liberal share. of Pniki , c Patronage EZEKIEL ELDEN, Oct 8 IRG9 OMNIBUS LINE! rimlE subscriber ' informs the public that ho is now j proprietor of the Buss line running daily be tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore run by Wolfereburger & Stoner. With good horses and a firet.c lass four horse Omnibus ho is enabled to convey passenEers to and fro with comfort and convenience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro' at 61 A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quick lima and sure connection with the first Passenger train at 8i A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 6 45. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle. All Ex press matter expressed ti.e same morning an d through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrive.. Persons wishing to scud goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wtshtng to go to Hagerstown should take this route. The train leaves at 9 15 making connection with the Wash. inglon County Railroad. aug.2o;tf J J. R ih'CILFERBBERGER. A A K. I3RANISUOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST, %VAYNESBORO', PA., Can he found at all times nt his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in used end at prves to suit the times. .Teeth extreme. without pain by dm use of chloroform, cattier, ni trous oxide gin or the herring process„in a manner surpassed by none. WE the cmiersigned being acquainted with A. K. Dranisholts for the past year. can recom mend him to the public generally, to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all operations lbelongiiv to Dentistry in the most skillful manna r. Drs. J. B. 41111E11811N, I. N. SNIVE I. E. A. HE:RHIN% J. M. RIPPLE. .1 J. °ELMO. A • S. BONEDRAKE, Sept •.:9,f) T. D. FRENCH. MILLINERY GOODS TO THE LADIES! re 11ette?,..L . ,1r5'..LpX,U. 8 .(..E11.1342,4°;u0t d. Ladies are invited to call and ermine her stock. rov 3 tf • L. V. PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Comer of the Diamond, WAYSErnallo', PA., fr AS at ell limas a film mottinent of Picture ULFsin. , 9l and MouNino. Call and see speei- Wee eivt,ures. ititic 9 tf. THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two in number, situated at the upper port ot. the loin, surrounded by fat, and con s sting of three rafts, viz : 'Me Anterior, the in terior, and the Elite& r. The anterior ribald a. • Interior consists of tissues or vi ins, which serve as a deposit for the untie and convey it to the ex terir. The exterior is a con Mei nr a so. terminating in a rilfgle - tiThe, nnires - Usil - th - e - Treier. The ureteis are connected with tI e Wad d. r. The bladder is composed ni various coverings or tiprues, divided into pins. viz: the Upp , r. the sow er, the Nervous, and the Niacin's. tho urrr cx pelp,, the lover n tuin4. Many !we a i'e•ire to u'r!- mite ni:hout the shdily ; whets urinate wiyhout the ability to twain. 7 Ina frequently net urs in then To cure three aft etions, we must bring into se- tie° the musile , , which a e engaged in their rail . us rum:6olv. r - timy - ine — negketeitillira ref -or-Propsy may ensue. The reader must also I e made aware, how ever blight may she nil•lck, it is sure to e&T•ct the Isoaily health and useta4 uowesb, 11,4 PQY fle; It end b'ood are supported lirem three sources. GOUT, OR RHEUMA TISM. . Pain obscuring in the Wits is indirtire of the alone dineasea. They occur in !onion.; disposed to acid stomach and chaly ct tarn thine. THE GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat nit nt of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expelled finnt the bladder, but nl• lowed to remain; it become s &smelt, and sediment. forms. It is Isom this deposit tout the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. DROPSY is a collection of water in some :parts of the toiy, and.bears • iirerent names, according to too parts af fected, viz: when generally diffused over the bo,ly, it is called Anasorcn ; when Of — the abdomen, As• cites; when of the chest, Hydrothoraz. vuta ZIUTA highly concentrated compound Ex tract Lluchiz ia deodedly ONE OF THE 13 EST REMEDIES FOR DISEASES OF TH E BLADDER, KIDNEYS, CHIA I.: 1,, DROPSICA L IMBUING% RHEUM VI LAM, and gouty affections. Under this head we hive ar ranged I)yauria, or difficulty and pain in parsing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of water ; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody wine, Clout awl Rheumatism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, taut incredso in color, or dark water. It was always HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by the bte_Dr. Myrick, in these affections. 'fhb fordicine. INCREASES TIIE POWER OF DIGESTPIN, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or caleareau4 depositiorw, and unnatural enfant - cm( nts, as well as plan and ii,tlani elation, are reduced, and it is taken by men, Wa s ILO :Wren. llirectons for use and tti..t ac company. PRILATMLPIIIA, PA., Feb. 25, 1807. 11. T. Ifici,vanto, Druirgi DKAR FIR-1 have been a u re r, fir upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney af fection, Luring which lime I have used various me dicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the moat eminent Physicians; exper!encing but littl relief. Ravin; i.een your preparation rxtensir ly third, I consulted with my firmiTy' physician in re gard to using your Extract Bitch% I did this because I had used all kinds of Attu tised remedies, ant' had found them wutthless, and some quite injurious ; in fact I despaired of ever get hog well, and determined to use 11.1 remedies hero• alter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this thct prompted me to use your remedy. As you ad. vertised that it was composed of huehu, cubebs, and juniper berries, it occarred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice af ter an examination of the art•c'o.and consulting n• gain with the druggist, I coirctuded to try it. I com menced irs use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and giatified at the beneficial effect, and after using'it three weeks. was able to walk out. I telt much like writing you a full state meat of my case at that timo, but thought my hr.- provement might only be temporary, and its raf rre concluded to del; r and see if it would a p'r. feet cure, Ict.owing then it would ho of greater value to you, and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is efncted af ter using the remedy for five months. 1 have not used any now for three months and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Yuur liuchu being, devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OL THE SYSTEM, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may mune its use in such atr SIoCORMICK. • Should any doubt Mr. McCormiek's statement ho refers them to the following gentlemen lion. WM. lifoLsrt, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. Hon. 'Taos. IS. FroIiNNOR, Philadelphia. Hon. J. U. Knox: Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. BLACK, Judge, Phil.tdetpliia. Hon. D. H. Nunn, ex-Governor. Penit'a. Hon. &ids I.svis Judge, Philadelphia. lion. II V. Gittltii, Judge, United States court. Hon. C. W. Wool:mum, /trigs, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. PORTSIL, City Solicitor, Phil.. Hon. Joan BIGGER, ex Governor, California. Hon. E. RIMS. Auditor Lien , Washington. D C And manyothers if necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere:- De. ware of counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmbolo's.-% '1 eke no other. Pince— $1.25 per bottle. or 6 Nudes for 3k.50. pothered to any address. Deecribe toms in all communications. Address H. T. HEII.MIIOLD, Drag and Mewl cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UN• kiia alone up in steel-engraved wrapper, with lac-Anile of pay enerairal Warehonor, .and li T 11E1.15Pc'LD. ALMANAC MR 1871. -a. V.. a o 0 sg. a. - a a. a te4 0. 04 gt 6 0 • 0 to s, co 0 . r.) • 1 : .;1 4.1 ar - January, 1 2 8 74 5 0 7 i. 8 9 10 11 12 18 • 5_ lO 17_18_-19---20-2-1 22 23 9 1 9 5 10 27 28 29 30 31 February, _ 1 2 3 4 11 Jo 2(J blatob, II A prif,- 11; 23 34 16 ‘ , :t au 11; 23 3U August, 15 22 99 Sep , etcber, 16 23 30 :iovamhos, 13 2) 0- -i 14 21 28 Docembor, P 4 - ' IN DON'T DESPAIR I -V "`" , ~. '4'.• ' Illottqaed t ha7o footid-t•ellef, and 1 " I ;,. ‘,.... , thou and, i‘ ill mein to Mit Dicab .- 16;0 -......, , , el no, ai' or o‘tomi! ing chef r tames • .--.- liksl lc • V''' ' nod im it•ttee in scorch of broith. .' , -r - t , tllddlue o eft he head. dollne-s of ilio tnlntl. fail brew h, coaled tongue, tote; or 'll,l;v' c. pain.; nod 't-ra:: , ne:r In the to ontarn, enbr . goirter t of the liver, yellow. nes-1 of the shun, cont.:an t . ft, er and third. Hi h a lo:al db , relit,h for top.ine. , ,.. pletedtre or one land of employ. men t. FAITIZIkrErt3 PAKACEA, if telt( n and 'term; oreft in tier a few dart. 1 , 11 l roller% a thl; t‘ bole (1a..; of ay nr , tome. The fittith orate bed: become luxe. nod mm-i clear. the stomach wrong honed. the tongue clean. Or appot Ite int:me:ed. and the whole et item to bearqlted that die c, In bad weather, is lo t s liable. to afolet yon. I I Dr. P. FAHRNEY r S .- CoTetra - ea Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a triedaciac for children, the Panatela Is, to ovety W/17. calculated to take the platg of the eadle a a tidal,: of drugs which are annually sold for that run-;ere, and is Well are uf,cn vary iniurions. A medicine width po-- set(es the (mantle i of a ca• hart le as well at a lailid alter al 1,-e. anti whin 13 cal able of tarre,lag Mace c whin/et the lea .1 hal 17 to the child, i , of incalculable a 211,,e 1,, every mother. Ac a cathartic, it Is very e*.celive, yet ft does ttot. if elven to proper (legalities came MUM'S or di (tress to the stomach or boss cii. It Is very plesvant, to the taste, which Is a very Important foatiare as a actualise for children. Ac a prenent Ira of rit•en e It la mi.:met:dented, at it eels directly upon the diets, ire or gans and the blood. In all error:lion ;di exaes, it Is the moat c.loctive mediclue ever o:lereti to the ta.hlic ; and, Ifglven rage and pereveringic ' tho.,e erupt h e at, crises so common to ehildren may beentirelyergnimted. IvPrepared In- P, rahrney's liras. t::; ." , •• - .. ; Co., Wreme-boro, Pa.. and Dr le. - • rrl . fart RIMS% 110 Nor,h Dearborn . st., Crucacm. Price SI.:.:( per bottle, :n tor FlllO be ' Wholesale and Letall . '. , --" ' dealers. And by -' • 5 ,-..., December 8 —ly. INTIETIM WOOLEN FlUtOill, THE untlenignod reTre:fuly announce, to th, it StOiniqs and Iho public gcneratly th it ;hey have now on .hand a full stock of WOOLEN GOODS, MICR AS CASSIMERES FLANNELS, EL I .V. K ETS, COVERLETS, ate., oil ut which ore ht• ing a. , 1,1 at reduced prices. Carpeting, both woolen and cotton, made to or. der at short notice, end. alt other cu..tona work at tended to promptly. The highest markt t pr'ae paid P - r Wool. Pewits wanting anything i.t their lme era ieri teJ to call and examine their stock cf goods. The thank+ of the, firm are tend. red the publis for past potronigo and the hope entertain() I the they nt ty be enabled to merit a continuance of.til favors. .1. W. LIA & Cll ELLEN. oct 20— tf NEW TIN STORE. or LIE undersigned would most respectfully in• I forts the citizens of Wavneshoro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin More on Last 11/Lim street, opposite :Stover at Wodl s I , ry Goods em. porium,:and keeps constantly on hand a good rup pty of COOK & COAL STOVES. moßricsa uLuxIEB, etc,. at prices to suit thr times. All kinds of work done in his tine %Oa e,itness and dispatch, such as rooti•Jg. spouting 111111 repairing., You aid find it to your it.terest to giv, hun a rail before purchasing elseikbere. The .ign is the Big Red Cotf.e Pot Always en the Post. Thank:ul for past tsvura ho hopes for a continmititc of the saute. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY , PRIVATE SA:LE. 1 - a HE subscriber ears for sale a House and Lot 4 ,1 of Ground on North street, Waynesboro'. They, is on tho lot a wilt of good water parly completed/ Also 8 Building Lots on Broad street and LI on West Main street. On one of the latter there is Lime Kin and writ, ts:tune. Qualry. Money can be made upon this lot by Limo Burning. Also 6 Out Lots tangtnu in size from It to 4 acres. If it is desired purchssers of Bulling Lots cati get possession of them this ran. sepB•tt A I.EX. DENTIStrRIC: nft. L PE DDICORD, late of San Francisco% has looted in Waynesboro', soil will a.. tend to all the branches of the profess iom inn ear. oughly practical. manner. 'Paola es varied without pain by Nitrous Oxitle,Gas, or a highly improtott frecingprocess• Office two doors wea of. the Villsgo Record Of rice. - 044114 1(1 17. 2t 31 15 2.4 211 10 2;1 eat.) 1-1 21 ::8 15 49 1:. 2 1 2 7.- 15 22 ~ 11; 30 12 19 26 15 2.! 2'J 12 19 29 13 '3O '27 11; 9 ;; 3,) 1:5 2 : 3 `9 12 19 26 ]•3 20 ,7 11; 31.) 15 22 29 la 23 30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers