VILLAGE RECORD. iPITT - Tei t .lMllollllll a C)11. Thursday &Isar, 2,11070, *.Both liouses of Congress have adop ted a joint resolution to adjourn'On the 15th of July. s2r Win. L. Geary, son of governor Geary, has been appointed to a nantship at West Point by the President. liar Secretary Boutwell has directed the Bub• Treasurer at New York to sell five mil• lions of gold and purchase eight millions of bonds during the month of June. larThe receipts from internal revenue for ;the fiscal year ending June Ist will reach one hundred and seventylva millions of dollars. :'arop-Shupson will leave America on June Bth, to preside over the Germany and Switzerland Conference, whioh meets on June .I.6th. Wit is reported that President contemplates making a tour through Penn sylvania before long. iienktor Cameron and ether distinguished persons will . itooompain him. itet.A Maine woman applies to the State Legislature for a pension--Having sent all _her_male_descendants to the war, an left by their loss in the army with thirty-one orphan grsnd•children to take care of. ahe ---eortifirilbWireVepeetnexied. ium.Mrs, Stanton says that the Methodist Church was the first to strike out the word "obey" from the marriage ceremony, and un til the other churches did the same she hopes all the women would, see to it that they should be married only by Methodist o!ergy• IDOL to,..Noting the fact that Mr. Vallsndig. ham has espoused the cause of female suf frage, the Chicago Republican says: "What the women friends of this measure have done to have.such an affront put upon them is not reported. The same person recently lectur ed in favor of introducing the Bible into schools, but then the Wile is strong enough to stand it. Whether the suffrage can survive in such an alliance is a matter of muoh doubt. It will take a live cause to go safely through such an ordeal as that." A. sermon b Metropolitan Methodist Church at Wash ington on the suNact of pol s ygamy,delivered several weeks ago, having reached Brigham r , s - clureinimmTtire - re - ettrid — doctor has received a challenge to go to Salt Lake City and deliver the same discourse in the temple. It is proposed that one of the saints shall re• ply• A large audience and perfect security are guaranteed. Pr. Newman has accepted the challenge, and proposes to leave earls in August. 11:M==11:11 i3On the 25th ult., several hundred Fenians invaded Canada from St. Albans, - Vt., and attacked some Canada Militia, but while the Sght was going on, two U. S Marshals, acting under orders of the Presi• dent's Proclamation, arrested Gen. O'Niel, in the face of the enemy, conveyed him to Burlington and bad hire placed under 620.- 000 bail. The Fenians have become greatly denioratized on account of the loss of their leader, and the war is probably at. an end. The Proclamation of the President is as fol lows : Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant. Pres ident of the United States, do hereby ad monish all good citizens of the United States, and all persons within , the military jurisdic tion of the United States, against aiding, countenancing or abetting, or taking part in any such unlawful proceedings; and I do, hereby warn all persons that by committing such illegal ants they will forfeit all right to the protection of this Government or to its interference in their behalf to rescue them from the consequences of .their own acts; and I do hereby enjoin all officers in the service of the United States to employ all their law ful authority end power to prevent and de feat the aforsaid unlawful proceedings and to arrest and bring to justice ail persons who may be engaged tbetem. A NUISANCE ABOLISHED.—We announce with gratification, says an exchange, that the school book publishers of the whole country have agreed to cease sending out agents to in troduce books at cost and other mean devices long resorted to by rival publishers. This kind of competition has become the bane of the schools; and books were changed as often as teachers, while every head • of a family drew his purse. strings tighter when he beard to 1 of a book agent in his neighborhood.— The publishers themselves, if not admonish ed:by the inherent Meanness of the system, found it unprofitable . and, hare mutually agreed that after July, they will send out no agents' for the purpose of introducing books.. This must prove most acceptable news to all who have the true interests of education at heart. The constant changing of . books runt has so seriously embarassed sehbol oper itioics and prevented elineationsi * progress now bids fair to be abolished, we hope for., serThe Observer (Presbyterian organ) cordially endorees she measures adopted ,by the Presbyterian amnion Assetribly,in Phil. utielphia, look tog to . 11 renewal of fraternal relations with their brethren of the Presby terian Church South. •This is a style of re. coostruationthat ought •to' cows from the heart, tioding es - it does io eiMeat the hood of religious fellowship as well to the bead of onion among 43, the States, ucatton Dr. Newman of the Tu tsPE Wount.—The last Frederick (Md.) Pptsblicarksaya, the "Tape Worm" Railway track, projebted by Gov, Rituer and Thaddeus 'Stevens, which spans the foot. hills of the mountains and winds up Hemp. ton Valley, froni , llilletstown to near the Monterey' Springs, and.ean be seen from the Maryland Line in all its regal magnificence, we have the best autherity. for believing, will soon be brought into the great uses for which It was originally intended—to cement the great States of Penotiylvania, Maryland and Virginia-with:a ligament of iron.. This is a splendid structure„ the track, nequducts; Masonry and all. It *as built by the _ men of Tipperary and Enniskillen—whom the Duke of Wellington said made the finest soldiers in the British Army, and without whose aid ho would have never won the Battle of Waterloo—and cannot be excelled by any Railway track in 'the United States.. Thaddeus Stevens said he ma's' willing to let his reputation as a !statesman rest with posterity, upon the strength of this road, and but bill passed by the Legislature to ed. 'ate the poor people of Pennsylvania by taxing the rich and affluent. Theintelligeut people of Pennsylvania are-now enjoying the fruits of his sagacity, in receiving free the benefits of a liberal edpcation ; and if all we bear be true, that a wealthy company of N. 'York capitalism—men who have both brains i and money—are about purchasing the Get• tysburg Railroad, and, the "Tape Worm" go 6 with it, the public will see' in a few_l 1 -years th - nreat resulteTkifWty and enter. prise. fgr Despatches from Toronto say that eight Fenians were killed and ten wounded in the skirmish on Trout river on Friday, while by way of Malone it is represented that one was killed, two wounded and two-taken - Prisoners. At the principal points of concentration, St. Albans and Malone, the Fenian_ army is dis organized,and• demoralized, prevented only from returning home because they are not able to pay for transportation, and the GOv ernment has refused to provide it for them. At - Malone the town authorities ere raising money to, send the men home, who are al most famished and living on the citizens.— General Starr has given up his command, and the leaders in New York are asked - for money and not men for the front. Father McMahon, attached to the raiders at Malone, is still attempting to have more men sent to the border, and promises another. fight-soon.- O'Neil will be released on bail, and United States Marshal Foster is endeavoring to save the lives of the Fenian!, who were .ptured — by th - e — CtinTidiat They are five of them in jail at Montreal, and the feel. ing aginst them is so intense that it is feared that an attem,p.t• will htt made to lynch, them. A party of drunken Canadians tore down the flag from the American Consuls house at St. John's, Canada, on Saturday. The Cali fornia fenians hint of an attack on British Columbia, and a rising of the Irishmen in Canada is also feared. Sarin the House of Representatives on Saturday a bill to grant pensions to soldiers of 1812 was passed, with a proviso that no pension shall 'be paid to alders or sym pathizers in the late rebellion, The bil' to reduce internal taxes was. taken up and amendments made to define banks and bank ers, to increase the lottery tax to $5,000, and to impose a tax of 61,000 upon proprietors of banking garnet, such as faro, monte, &c., for each table used. ittrehemistry is furnishing us new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other impor tant aids over those we once possessed.— Ports from which commerce was driven dur• inn the hot months by their terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity now. Many localities in the south and West kept tenantless by their deleterious miasma are now filling up with populations under the protection of'Ayer's Ague Cure. Their af flicting, Chills and Fever are so effectually cured by this remedy that the disease no longer turns emigration aside or destroys the settler if he ventures upon its infected die. tricis.— Gazette, ludependence, £Tie consideration of the bill to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment was resumed in the House on Friday last and a number of Democrats delivered speeches against the messrtre. -- Mr. Davis, of New Yolk, and Mr, Bingham, of Ohio, replied, and at, the con clusion of Mr. Bingham's speech the 'House agreed to the report of the committee of.con ference by a vote of 133 yeas to 58 nays:— The bill baying passed both Houses, now goes to the President for his• signature. tar The Phrenological Journal . for June has been received. Among its valuable contents we. notice "Infittences ;" "Health and Diseases in Character;' "Yale .„Sketeh-. es;" "The Cathedral at Siena ;" "Insanity ;", "Our Government o"Seienoe.and - Religion "London Beggars ;" "is it Safe for , WoMen to appear alone in Public r" "Perional giena ;" 4c. $3 a year, 80 cents single copies. Address S. 8.. Wells, $B9 Broadway, New York. DIED FROM THE STING Or a, TEE Mr. .dward Embree, formerly of Marshalton, Chester co., bat lately of Lancaster county, met with a singular but fatal accident, on Sunday last. He was at lois storeroom, and stepped out to where some bees were flying around. One of them flew into his ear ant stung bim, from the effects of which he died i r i less thou half an hour— before medical as. e tam could be obtained. lie was A young 4n — unmerrieci. . - . , , LOCAL MATTERS. iltift'Clocks at Leeds'. Stir Summe r commences June 22d. BilirSee advt. Jacob Frobver f JUEIVREOEIVED—a large aesertment of Spectacles at Alex. Leede. wo, Brazilian Pebblo alines just received at Alex. Leeds'. ' • Ittßi-We nre told the early wheat in ,this taiigbborbood•is Oiling wear. leopsik—An axe on Maio streeto. The owner can get it by describing it. rir Convex. eoccave Spectacles at Alex Leeds': sva.,Sorne of our street crossings are stidly in wanTof repairs. Iffirßeid will have strawberries for sale on SattArday morning. • • NoT ONE:Wainesboro', with n \ popula; tion of not leis thin siiteeta hundred, has not one colered family within its corporate limits. gm,Loodon Spoked Spectacles, indispen sible_for_weak-eyeso-nelOoti-ust-received at Alex, Leeds'. Dows.—Mneh of the grain and grass has been prostrated by the late rains, and fears are entertained that dawage to some Went way tte tbussustaincd. S. S. Svamort .—T he Pastor, 13,ev. Weightman , will pseach_a—sartoo, Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening nest to the Sabbath School scholars. FESTIV:AI. —The Strawberry Festival for the benefit of the Reformed Church will be opened at the Town Halt on Thursday_ even ing next. ICE PREAM—Sleasernan & Mort, Bakers and Confectioners, opposite the Bowden _House, Waynesboro', furnish iee.eream reg ularly any hour during the day or evening. Se.. Young Wolf, committed to jail at Ha gerstown for attempting to pass counte4eit money,• was last week- relcased,-on bail for his appearance kt court. SeirWe notice that Vlarence Beaver has received this week a splendid lice of hats and shoes. You will do well by giving him a cal!. Itigt..We °beams that "porkers" big and little, eontinue_to-wander about town. Has the "hog lair been repealek or is that re sponsible official ; fife. High Constable, at fault? tte..Do the present Council purpose hiding their light under a bushel by adhering to thelogy—plan—of—publishing the Borough Statement through a oouplo of written no. tices ? We ask for information. wa.C. N. Beaver has received another fine lot of ladies hats._ Bear in wind, be will be receiving a new lot wee4ly during the 12'Squirrel shooting is prohibited between the first day of January and the first day of August, under a penalty of $5 far each squir rel so silled, the offender., provided he re. fuses to pay, to be imprisoned in the county jail tea days. STENM MILLS BURNEN-Mr. Christian D, Losher's Steam Saw Mill and Sorghum Mills situated near the State Line, was burn ed to the ground on last Friday night. The origin of the fire is unknown. Loss about $4.000. No insurance. FRESH ARRIVAL.--I have just received good and choice Syrups, piiwa Baking Mo lasses, Laguyra Coffee, Rio Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Carolina Rice, standard crushed Su gars, Brown Sugars, very handsome and very cheap. W. A. REID. NEW SUBSCRIBER.—The gentleman re. ferred to during oold seasons as the man with the "white hat" has become a subscri. ber to the Record. The .chap with the "big feet" continues however, incorrigible, refue ) . jag us his patronage. LOAFER.4.-Ditri - og the warm days, of late, a few "corner loafers,'' at times, have made their appearance on Main street. Onr town in this respect is snore fortunate than some other places whose bar-rooms and street cor ners, we notice, usually swarm with idle race and boys. A CETANGS.--S. W! flays, Esq., has dis solveti. • his, connection with the Franklin Repository, and has been succeeded by H. S. Stoner, Esq ► formerly associated with Col. McClure in the publication of that Paper. Mr. S. is to have exclusive control of the business department of the office. Rxrawous.—A Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church on next Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and sth. Preaching on Saturday evening at o'clock. Love feast on Sunday, morning at 9 o'clock; preaching at 10, folloWed by Sacrament of the Lord's supper, Preaching also in the evening. The Rev. Dr. Mnoil- ELL, Presiding Elder, is expected to officiate. QuiNov.—Mr. A. S. Moan is now prepar ing the foundation for the erection of a nue brick building in Quiney, on the corner lot, opposite the store of Mr. Winger. Within the last 107 sears this little village has been much improved by the addition of new build higa. It has now one liotel (and a clever Isiadlera, Mr. Minters,) two fine stores, stem sanely, tailors, shoern ore, blacksmitbs, OttEß.P.mname.—Several fine epeohnene of copper ore taken from the Watzon farm, ikear Monterey ' , .►rare exhibited to no the other day. 'Simliarapeeimeoe eent to Philo. dolphia list March yielded, eighty per cent copper. ' • TwerityLeight years ago, we are reliably Wormed ) a party from the East were pros pecting there fqr , ore, and -at a depth of forty feet reached a vein several feet in' thick ness. It appears the party failed to comply With the article between themselves and Mr. Watson, and the latter, being as peculiar in dividual, refused to lease or sell the land during his Medina. —Thoisame-party-eutticw second shaft, in which waa found copper, lead and silver ore. This land lies within about one hundred yards of the old "Tape Worm." That ore in large quantities abound there there is scarcely a doubt, D. B. Russell, Esq., of this place recently purchased' of the heirs the entire property, which contains upwa'rds of 00, acres,, out of which we.truet be may realize something handsome. Rzcsuvra:=—TlWfril Wfiing is a list of our subscription receipts for the month of May : Henry C. Hoover, • $4 00 Jacob M. Barr, 4 00 Aaron Harman, , 2.00 Biteabew, 2 002 Samuel Shank, of C. 2.00 W. B. Hunter, 2.00 John M. Funk, (Kansas) 6 00 Daniel H. Gkrv• I 1 — Lravid .i.CMiller (of Johri), 2.00 A. Leeds, ' 8.00 Peter Mowrer, 2.00 Rev. W. E. ltrebs, '2.00 'Mrs. A. Hoffman, 2.00 Tbos. Moorehead, 2.00 Wm. o,vereash, . 8.25 Simon Mickley, 2.00 Philip Morgal, 2 00 John Singer, . 2.00 Emanuel Robinson, , 1.00 Miss E. Baughman, 1 00 Henry, W. Whitmore, 2.00 ROBBERY-820.00 REWARD.-011 Friday night last the Cellar of Mr Abrtn, S. 01ler, omstown, was entare. iy un • Down , parties. The thieves carried off two cans of lard, each containing about eighty pounds, eleven halt-gallon jars of fruit, etc. They afterwards repaired to the chicken how and captured a couple dozen of his choicest fowls, making a loss of about $4O to M. O. The above reward is offered for the apprehension of the thieves. Quincy township has long, been infested with petty thieves, at whose hands the far. more and• Snow Hill Society, from time to time, have sustained serious losses. Every precaution should be taken by them to ap prehend and tiring tbe villaias to justice.— Vigilance and concert of action on the part of farmers and other good citizens would, we think, have a salutary effect, if it did not; in time, prove the moans of ridding entiyely their community of such•graceless scrips. TOWN IMPROVEMENT.—Since otir worthy '•Town Fathers" have made a yieve in the improvement line, we would suggest the ith portanee of certain improvements on Church street. From the corner of South street in the direction of the Diamond the pavement should be widened and the curbing straight ened. As it now is the curbing. is about fif teen or eighteen inches off of a straight line, inclining from the street in. This might easily be remedied and would certainly prove a convenience to the congregations worship ing in the Lutheran and M. E• Churches, by affording them more room to pass and re pass. While on this subject we would suggest the propriety of these congregations imita ting their brethren of the Reformed Church in the way of street lamps. Four would be ample to light up the street on dark evenings. SAVE, TUE PEActif.s.—We notice theleavea and young peaches are dropping off of many trees. An old fruit grower informs us that in order to arrest this state of things and save the fruit it is only necessary to remove the dirt from the roots of such trees and ap- ply a quantity of salt and cover over again with dirt. If the weather remains dry add a quantity of water occasiooly. This will stop the operations of the' worm which is gnawing at the vitals of the tree. THE. FEATHER RENOVATOR. —Messrs. F 4 berly & Crone, in nine days, up to Monday evening, had renovated one hundred and seven feather beds, pillows and bolsters in; eluded. The prospect now is that they will' increase this number to several hundred in. a few weeks.l:We advise those of our read ers who have old dt new feather beds tet call at the room over Miller Beaier's store and sand be confirmed of the impertanee of their beds oleansed while tho op. portunity is afforded., .Mr. J. S. Gift, Civil Engineer, of Oxford, Adams pounty, Pa., says that the moo who,get bold of the Gettysburg Rail road, and the "Tape Worm," pad turn their advantages to a right account, will find their pockets well lined with the proceeds. There Wu mint of money in it. AEGUED.—The application for of the Gettysburg Railroad was argued' before the Supreme Court at Harrisburg on Toes day a week. Mr. North for the sale, aad Mr. Wills against. telleaver, on the N. E. °or. or the Diamilitd; out this week with a 14sta new advertisement. ,Go and see his steek,of new hats, also shies for ladies, inisst.s, men and goys, and varieties in Foetal. GAPES IN CIIWKENs. —Thousands 'of fowls atonally ilia of gapes which *mild others lsefftnd their play to market. 40 hbres'ofteraedying the dieelee, we copy the followiag, by W. B. banal, of Bridgeport, Vonne_ctiOnt,.te thelartnere Club, said to . bo.a Oro : in a 4ablespoonfulit soft 8081)2:111 the, meal it Rill bold . ,eed give to a brood of ten or twelve ohioltens." Mr. B. adds: All that die from taking it, or all that die from the gapes after taking it, I will pay for at atiy expdose." Let some, of our readers isy it. , REraolotrs.—The Tankers, or German aptista, °owning the Middle Confareheci, extending:49m the Susquehanna to the Allegheny 'Mottutains, elmuneneed their an nual meeting:on Saturday the 14th (and which elosellol3 . Sunday "evening,) at Mammon's Meetiogilonse, tWo miles North of AbbottstowO,' - The 4ondenrse of people in attendattee on .Satur,daynigbkandliunday was very large..' The mostiMportant subject under cionacreration- dating , their delibera tions, was that of p'rovidiag an' edboated 'ministry. ‘Abatit-sizt_. , •.-- tendance.-iflianover . Spectator, The steam power employed io this country is equal to the ,labor of 130,000,000 men. Train 4.3tari".44Erh. At Mullan's Hotel, in this place,• on the 28th by Rev. H. Stonehouse, Mr. LEW. of Washingtou Co., Md. '4,PMPEI T034r,38. In Sabißeeville, on the 25th ult., JOHN HUGHES, aged 82 pears, 2 months and 14 days. Oa the 16th ult , near Buena Vista School House, in the LoiteraburgDietriet, Mrs. 8114. N K, consort of the late Henry Shank, deceased, in thti 83d year of her ago. On the 20th ult., in Bt. Thomas; JOHN RUNKLE, aged 80 yeamand 5 days. Near Hagerstown, 11d., on the 27th of January, Mr. JOSIA.H. F. WEEATE, aged 23 years, 11 months and 6 days. The_deceased—was-one-of the noblest and finest young men in our community. He was a joy and- comfort to his friends both old and young—a loving and interesting son. His parents, family and friends have sustained an irrepairable loss, for he will never again join their number bare. Just a few months be. fore he followed his oldest brother to his rest ing place. Our young friend was just about to settle his career in life owl make his joys complete. We deeply feel and sympathize , with his afflicted friends, but we do not mourn as those without hope, for ho was re , : into the fold of Christ a fevrl i pi: ore be bid his friends farewel_HStbus fellueleep in Jesus, with a fu).l-'rasurance of a glorious resurrection. (- Rio we see that "in the midst oil! life we a in death." How bard it is to think thuf one so loving and so fair is taken frut-ottir view, but with a hope to meet in that bright land. Brother, rest, thy warfare's o'er, Thou no more will join our number; Thou rio more our songs shall know, Jesus recalls his own. Yes, brother, thou bast left 1120, Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Brother, thou west mild and lovely,, Gentle as the summer breeze,. Pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among the trees. Brother, thou art gone to the grave, We will not weep. for thee, For the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfohl thee, And the lamp of His lore is thy guide through the gloom. Farewell, dear brother, a short farewell "Fill we shall meet again above In the sweet groves where pleasures well, And trees of life bear fruit of love. Brother, go to thy grave, take thy seat above, Be thy pure spirit present with the Lord, Where thou for faith and hope host perfect love ; Brother:, go home, with thee the fight is won. I . cA4 ib1~: T'~ iJ z BALTIMORE, Monday, May 30. 1870. BREA DSTUFFS.—Market for Flour quiet, but prices steady. Sales for export to-day of 500 bbls. choice Western Extra on pri vats terms, 200 do. Indiana do. at 65.75, and to the loca trade of some 400 to 500 bbls., viz : 100 bbls. Western Spring Fine at 54 50, 100 do. Extra at 5485, 100 do. Winter do. at 55.621, and 100 choice do. at $6 per bbl. WHEAT—Steady and Arm for prime varieties; no choice received, at market.— Sales 750 bushels Westerered at 127 cents; 2,000 do Maryland and Virginia do. at 125. @137 cents for fair to good, and 140@150 cents for prime, 300 to 400 bushels white at 135.. cents for fair, and 160 cents for choice; CORN.—Market steady for white, bit yellow dull and 1 'dent lower in price. Sales 5,000 to 6,000 bushels at 1.16@118 ()eats for white, and 112®114 cents for yellow. ItYß.—Zbi sales, quote for good to prime 11.0@1.18 cents., OATS--Dull; 3,000 bushels, in lots, at 62@63 seats. ' FOR SALE. SPeord,handed Frame Timber. Roofing, Window Sash and Frames. Inquire at june 2-2w] L MARI FO Sat LE. A fine brown Brood Maro, o good wagon and pion , leader. Enquire of the june -2tf A. K. BILANISHOLTS, SURGEON DENTIST, MECHANIC STREET, WAYNESBORO% PA. Willow Grove Mill. .lA RP OVER, PROMUSTON Runs a Mill Wagon to Waynesboro'. and is pre, pared to fill' orders for the best family Flo& and Mill Stuff of all kinds as cheap as the same can be bought elsewhere. All ordersieft at the •Pest Of fice will receive "prompt attention. june 2-4 t • A a ''',JUS Tr THE THING , 4 ; . • . 4 . • • • ATRIy is the time to, economize when olloy. , scarce. Yost should study your i _ M nteteet, bY supplying your. wants at the first class•stotn%of O. N. BEAVER. North•eaet corner of the , Diamond.. He does business on the only successful method, viz: by buying his goo& for cash. The old fogy idea of buying, goods „,at high prices. and on long credits is • Call and examine our fine stock and don't be by paying 20 per cent. too much for your goods else.. rT"'''''"`""- • e community to s forth a more complete stock of HATS, all of the very latest styles and to suit all, at C, N. BEAVER'S. BOOTS, all kinds and prices, at C., N, BEAVER'S. of every description, fez:Men'e, Ladies', Misses', and Ebildrer's wear, , at C. N,; BEAV ER'S, CLOCKS, every one:warranted ape sold • - - • ; BEAVER; TRUNKS.of all sizes. themry best,manufacturr4, also warranted and sold by C. N. BEAVER. VALISES, of eiery kind, also very cheap. at 9. N. BEAVER'S. HATS,Tor Ladies; Misses and Chigren, a &ash, supply received every week and sold by C. N. BEAVER. NOTIONS, a full line as follows, sold by ' C. N. B EAVER. PAPER COLLARS, for Men and Boys wee the awa i t complete andlpest assortment in town, by v ' " 'C. N.DEAVER.. • HOSIERY, of every kind, for sale, by C. N. BEAVER. ,oz,ovEe, for Men aria Boys wear, at C. N. BEAVER'S. SUSPENDERS, for gen and Boys wear, at C. N. BEAVER'S, CANES AND. UMBRELLAS, a Complete stock ; at BEAVER's. BROOMS•AND BRUSHES, of the very best, kind, at TOBACCO,tosnit the taste of ail, at C. N. BEAVER'S CIGARS, which cannot be beatjo.,,Tia • _ _by • eirli . BEA V' one to excel in, quality, for sale at C. N. BEAVER'S. INK and PAPER, o !,.t .4 every description, at C. N. BEAVER'S._ . CANTES, always fresh too, for sale, at G. Pi. ntiiAvaerar. - - SPICES, for sale, at C. N. BEAVER'S: CRACKERS, of every kind, et C. N. BEAVER'S INDIRO BLUE, at. C. N. BEAVER'S. CONCENTRATED LYE, for sale, at U. N. - BEA VTR'S. KEROSENE, of the ver , y beat.—Pine. Oil, at C. N. BEAVER'S. LA 11P-OLUXN-IE S : ~. at. C. N. BEAVER'S. And many other articles not necessary to mention. We now hope that .you will give us a share of your, patronage. We are indeed, thankful to youlor past patronage, and hope a continuance of the same, and remain pones truly, CLA RPINCE N. BEAVER, Waynesboro', June 2, 1870. MEXICAN RO i. HAS received a fresh stock of g code, and is al most daily making addition to his stock. He Prime Rio Coffee, Browned Coffee, Brown and Crushed Sugar, Loaf t'ugar, Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Rice, Syrups, superior superior in quality and low in price, F tw, P. Rico and N. Orleans MAjassee, Corn Starch, Chocolate, sweet do., Pickled, Catsup, Masort's,Crackers aid Cakea,at -- 03 G. A. Salt, Fine Salt,: aC Sugar cared Bann;. I offer the above at reduce() prices, notwithstand ing they nreian the "rise" in the t est.. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 21b. cans, always on band, bold by the can or dozen.. lie tverranta therm good. Wham you go to Picnics, or to the mountain,. come where you get good opters and crackers, cheese &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Layer Raisins, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem ons, Dates, Citron, riunes, Apples, nuts of several kinds. FOR BAKING AND ICE CREAM.--We have good and pure extracts of Lemon, Orange, Vanil la, Strawberry ; essences of Lemon, Cmnamon, citc. Get the Eng. Sada for mtking Biscuit. GLASSWARE.Look at our cheap goblets, dish es, castors, tumblers, flasks. molasses cans, lamps, chimney% Etc. We have the best and cheapest in town. ' QUEENPWA RE.—An unrivalled assortment, full stock, loiver in price than ever. Tea sets, cups and saucers, metl plates, soup de., Tee, liinner, and lirdakfast do. We have the real granite, no decep tion in the quality. . • We have the common ware. new stock. Are invited to look at our knives and forks, butcher knives, large spoons, common albata and silver plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do. _ THIS OFFICE. NOTIONEL—Todet ri.oapa. perfumery, combs, pocket books, Pencils ink cap letter and note paper PRINTER Superior Whale Oil, xlest.KeroSene Oil, Chemical °five Soap, Barlow's Blue indigo, . • Wick Yarn, geeiitlee many useful articles always on band. Country produce and !'greenbucks". taken in exchange for goods. I thariliglr part pa tionage, and solicit , a Continuation of Ih — e same at. the FAMILYY store. Waynesboro', June 2, 1870. EXPLODED. RUINED 4. REID PURE SPICES, Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. HOUSEKEEPERS W. A. !WI%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers