ALEX. LEEDS, Next door to the Town Halt; hat u3W on hand Axe amortment of CLOCKS, Selected 14 himself with great 'care, a large and well selected assortment of uavtaiao 4 , ~ omavil--11--- t , - , ...,4. , ..,..i. ,mw? '--i - 19:4 - --- I;,,i* - :_: 24 . .--:- . ~,itia-oE.,_._:•-• of s w iss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY chesp_er_than_exer_before_sold_in__Wayn esbors', _a II _ the latest styles kept constantly on hand. Every variety of Cull buttons. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thinib'es and sheelels,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons, salt Cellars, and butter Knives of the cel ebrsted Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPECTACLES To suit everybody's eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired end warranted. • ALEX. LEEDS, Next door to the Town Hall, under the Photograph Gallery. July 31. L. 13BEEMME DEALER IN DRUGS, Chemicals, PATE N r MZfICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, PAINTS, VA R NISHESES, dm eke. - 0-- C"Physicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' hotel But[ding, March 27, 1368. 'WAS HIN (TON HOUSE, COZNER SECOND AND DIASICAT 81'., . CLIAMBEELSBUELO, PA. JOHN LANTZ, Proprietor. This Hoag, has been recently fitted up anew. th e Tables aro supplied with the best the market affords and the D.l supplied with the choicest Liquors. Travellers will find it convenient to the Railroad Depot may 28 3m. NEW TINNING ESTABUSHMENT. THE subscriber announces to the public that he has commenced business in the room adjoining Rattle's Shoe store,• on blast Main street, and will be supplied with Stover, l'inware,drc. ' House and Ham Spouting, Hoofing and all work in•his line done at short notice and Upon reasonable terms.— lie respectfully solicits a shire of public patronage nay 21--tf C. W. rimy. WAYNESBORO', PA . MOND ARRIVAL! TAE undersigned have just opened another large and carefully 'minted -dock of firiing Goode to which the attention of the community is directed, and'att those in search of good, durable and pretty .designa of all kinds of goods, will find it to their great advantage to call with the firm of 'PRICE & HtEELICK who have purchased their goods on suchterme that They can oiler superior ind ucementa to - all who are inlwant of DRY GOODS, Among their stock will be found the fo Homing lead" ing articles, beautiful designs and all qualities and widthat- - _ Cassimeres, Poplins, \ Cloths, Plaids, Marseilles,( Alpacas, Delains, Ducks, Ginghams, !Dtutims, LaCtas,-- - --,. Jeans; ~,, ----- Percales, Twills, Piquas, Challies, Coatings, Prints, Vestings, CP Is 3EII ,ThT X W GI- OF Caipets, • Oil Cloths', intlow_Shadoe,_ Paper Blinds, Baskets, Baoketp, Churns, ware anti Glassware of all descriptions, and a full line of Groceries, &c. Fruit Jars, a superior kind at PRICE & 110EFLICH'8 Harvest articles, Water Kegs, Shaking and Pitch Forks, Gr'ain _Rakes_&c., at DRESS COOL. White and gray (lurk Linens, Linen Coatings at P. &. H.'e Linen Coats, Ready made at P. & , Sugars, Syrups, Rice, Coffees just received at P. & H 's. The subscribers tender their thanks to the com munity for their very liberal patronage heretofore, and kindly able a continuance of the same. PRICE & HOEFLICH wwp EVERY BODY Come and see us—we are the ones to accommodate you in all kinds of HATS, SHOES, TRUNKS, NOTIONS, LADIES—We have on hand constantly all styles and kinds of Hats, Ribbons, ac., for the summer and tall, and we are do term ined to sell thein at ex. ceedingly . short proffits. We have also Bonnet Frames. GEIVTS—W e can also accommodate you —in allvtyles and prices of Hata, bhoes. paper collars cud's, &c , dm. Remember and give us a call be. foie buying elsewhere. We won't nor cannot be undersold and all of the best manufacture for one and all. BOYS—ltyou want a nice Hat or a Pair of shoes here is the place. Have your parents send you here—cannot be excelled anywhere in price or quality. _ E3o now come all families to the N. E. Corner of Diamond, %V ayneaboro', Pa , for your Soaps, Hair oils, Perfumery, Starches ' Indigo blue, put up in form of pepper box, Snu ff s Cigars k Tobacco, Can dies, Ink end paper, Suspenders, Canes and Um brellas, Kerosene, Lamp wicks and [turners. We now invite you lo call and see us whether you buy or not. Our stock is Inree and well selected. CLARENCE N. BEAVER 'LIFE IS UNCERTAIN!' PROCURE YOUR PICTURE, EITHER A PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, Oa FERREOTYPE, At the "DIABILOND" GALLERY. The undersigned having purchased Mr. Hamil ton's Gallery, is now prepared to make pictures in the highest style of the art. He will give special attention to large photographs for framing. FRAMES, CASES, , We will always have on halal a fine assortment of Frames, to which we invite attention. - - Pictures taken in olandy as well as clear weather. . N. B. Particular attention in taking pietnrea of children. - june 11—tf] L. C. BRACKBILL. HERO FRUIT JAR. HIS is undoubtedly the-best and most popular jar offered to the public. Mr. Et. L. Ryder Pres ident of the Ryder Nursery Association, eave."ll have used the '•Nero" Jar for three years for pre serving fruits of all kinds, wish entire success. My fruit has received the most unqualified praise for Natural Flavor and Freshness." The best Jar in the market. ' - Call on us and get them by .the drawn or single jar. I EID , &. WAYNANT. may 28 tf. . „ Flour and reeiL Arug• Fime article of Family Flcur from Amsterdam Mill. for sale is Backe, at reduced prices, at the Store of Dr. 3. R. Amberson. Also of Lidy, Frick & Co. He will also deliver Flour by the tin , rel, and Mill Stuff to any point desired. Orders may be left at - Ambersou'a Drag Store, or at the Post Office. DA VID LOH R. . . - Tune 18-tf - PROTHONOTARY.- W. H. NcDOWELL will again be a Candidate for Protionotary, sub ject to the declaim of the next Union Republican l:onvention. , 'Ctumberebturg, May I. NOTIONS, Sco. Sheetinga, Niue line, Tow lingo, I/ ispers, napkins, Crash, Osnahurci- Tickhigs, Pil. Muslin, Checks; Gingham'', Matting, Queens• CLOCKS, HOSIERY. uOOB 1910 b, G. 11P. LID; MACHINE SHOP LUMBER YARD ! THE sucsarihers having enlarged :their shops and added the latest improved machinery; for working Wood and Iron, are now prepared to do all kinds of Work in their Line and are manufac Wring the Willoughby's Gum-Spring Grain and Fer talizer Drill, Greatly Improved; The Cal ebrated Brinerhoff Cornsheller; Gibson's Champion Washing ,Maebine ; John Rid dlesberger's Paten!, Lifting Jack's. TEE PROPRIETORS OF THE WAYNESBORO" SASH AND Di C) fL4 .!LAglico having furnished their shops with the latestim. proved Machinery for this Branch of Business, they are now prepared to manufacture and furnish all kinds of BUILDING-MATERIAL, such as Sash, Doors, Frames, Shutters, Blinds, ould inga r some-E-ighteen-Differentz-Sty-leal-Cor—' nice, Siairing, Porticoes, &c. &c., Flooring, Weath erboarding, and . —furnished at short-notic We tender our thanks, to the community for their liberal pat?onage behtowed upon us and hope s nenft-Wiitio-n-to-Husiness-to-merit-a-continuance of the same. Also agents for the sale of Dodge & Stevenson's, Kirby. Valley Chief, and_ World_ Combined_ Reap._ ing and M moving Machines, and the celebrated Clipper Mower. may 7, 1869] =., =h",„,„, P it. 1 .1 - z ko =I P. ta 'JMI ? a. Cr 0 IMIZ il = -vi e n n -VI IMI "'------------ RP e n M C:= Are now receiving a fresh supply of Spring and Summer goods, to WI ich we invite the attention of our customers and all who wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. A full line of Ladle's wear at A full line of Men's wear at All kinis of Carpet at Matt ings and Floor oil cloths at A. B. & Co.'s. Oil Blinie and fixtures at Wall and Window Paper at Foil line of Drees Goods at A. B. & Co.'s. Ladies and 14 jams summer Shoes at LA. h C 0.15. Call and see our full assortment of goods of all kinds which we promise to sell as cheap as any iu the m tricot. _ A M BERS , BENEDICr & CO. npril 23 1869. FIRST ARRIVAL • OF SPRING AND SUMMER. GOODS! JUST RECEIVED BY 2j i 4 . &IVO WE take this method to inform oar friends and the public generally that we have again re ceived from the Eastern cities a full supply of new and seasonable goods, consisting of Dry. . Goods, Otani ware, Notions, - D. ugs. Groceries. Paiute, Oils, Hardware, . ' ' bledicifier, ' • 4/acclaimers. Etc. fira all of which will he sold at prices suit the times. We continue to discour.tlive•per tent.. all cash bills of vori dollar and over. A or_tel invitation• is ex tended to all to coma and give our stock an exam • inttion as we feet confident . that we can give them satisfaction • Vbankfor for past palionage, we hope by atlen tiSn. to business- and. tensing to please to merit a coutittuauce oflublie:f .vors. • • - • 111TEb11i•'W•& GEHL ' • ' ' Ritiggold. ~ op 39 N. H. We still have on hand a lot of Poplar Lumber. which we will sell at reasonable prices h. & G. CILAW! , W ARE.—We have fur eta o the largest assortment of Glassware ever offered hero We invite especial attention to our Goblets' sold at the price of good tumblers. The Wks will please call. We sell cheap. REID dr. WAYICANT. may 28 st :Agog snip V. B. 1111,53Fidea LIDY;FRICK - & CO; A. B. & Co.'s. A. B. & Co.'s. A. B. & Co.'s. A. B. & Co.'s. A. B. & Co.'d. I W. A.ARIDo LET THE PEOPLE COMB 11EID & WAYNANT TWA jriat-'"opened a well selected end fresh JOLatack of Family Groceries, to which they in vite the attention of the public. In leading articles they have . a hill line, Sins - • . PURE SP 1.0 El 3 Brow n-and—W-hi to-Sugars, Prime Rio Coffee, Blank and Green Carolina Rioe, Syrups common, good, extra floe, P. Rico and N. Orleans Molasses, prime; Corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Pickles, Catsup, Cheese, Fish, Mason's Water Crackers, best in town. _ _ . _„ - Glassiware_&_Queensware, Tumblerii, Goblets, Dishes, Lamps and Lamp goods, gobd assortment, and low in price; Granite mitre in sets, dozen, or smaller quantities, - handsome styles, and guaran teed to be of best quality; common dishes cups and saucers, cheap. Buckets, Tubs, Brooms. Baskets, Blushes, Ropes, Twine, etc. Fresh OYSTERS and fresh FISH regularly re ceived throughout the proper season. Canned 0• s ters,COni,_Peas.lelliettin_tumblers. - Best Family Flour, Buckwheat, Corn Meal. Country Produce bought and highest market pri ces allowed. Cats' We hope by fair dealing. and keeping a full and-fresh stock of goods to largely increase our sale Try us! Try us ! ! REID & WAYNANT. February 4, 1869 Restores gray and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hair grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. $l.OO ad $1,50 per Bottle. Beeti Bottle in a Neat Paper Bar. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY & CHENEY, Druggists, Bitable, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Sold by J. Burns Motown, Druggist, Warms oro' BEEF. BEEF. MHE subscriber having leased the Basement un- I der the Saddler Shop of John R. Sellers on West Main Street as a Butt her Shop, will be reg. ularly supplied with prime Beef, Veal, &c. He is determined to slaughter none hut the bebt cattle and small strck, and thus hopes to merit n liberal patronage. THOS., I LIIJNENCIL4HAM. ay 23—tf Priv - a - le Sale. HE subsaiber offers a Ovate Rale 13 acres of improved bind, best qualify limestone, lying close to the Mnr•h Run, adjoining lands of bomon Lcc• tone, :Samuel bhank and Henry Remley._ july 9 3'l County Treasurer. ri APT. JAS. C. PATTON will again be a can didate for the office of County 'Treasurer, sub jeer to the division of the next Republican Nomi nating Convention of Franklin county. Merersburg, June It. lc° . TAILORING T • WINE subscriber announces to his friends and the I public generally that he hai cammenced the Tailoring Business in the room 'base C. N. Beaver's variety store, where he is prepared to cat and make to order Garments of all kinds for Men and Boys. Latest - Oily fashions regularly. received. Give him a trial: - D 11. HAFLEICHI. june' It —tf • • • • Barbering! Barbering! THE subscriber informs the public that he con linnets the Barbering business in the room nes. Joor to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all trues peparnd to &their cutting, shaving. shampooning ctc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub ie is respectfully solicited. • Aug 23 1867. D R PETER FAn nNErs BLOOD SEARCUER, OR PANACEA- Con he hod at FOURTHMA nor' 0 - Drug store. D. th RIIEBILL4 ...., JOHN B. lIIISSELL. A. S. WAYNANT. NEW FIRM! D. B. RUSSELL & 80N at the Sign of ; the Dig Red Horn, will keep constantly on band and for sale a large assortment of stoves and Tin ware. EVERYBODY TELE IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, At-the Mei of the Big filed Hoiii, and von will be convinced that the Oriental is the best, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burning Coal Stove in the vsrCO_RIL for the truth is mighty and will prevail. We can furnish any number of references in testimony of the superiority of the ORIENTAL over all oth ers having been improved with an OVEN TOP, Thy Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better grate' makes more heat with lacrimal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prem iums at the State Fairs ofNew York, and the largo• Silver Meddle at the American Institute. and Bee at the sign of the - - "BIG RED HORN", Waynestoro'..Pa., where you can get any kind of Stoves you want.of D. D. RUSSELL & SON, who always keeps on hand and for sale Tinware made of the best tin and by good workman. Rotise furnishing goods &c. at the sign of the BIG RED HORN. Sold at Retail by COOK STOVES ! Tinware House Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks Spoons, • • Ladles, Large iron and Copper kettles And other useful fancies at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa, where a large as eortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR STOVE,S COAL STOVES, &c of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. TINWARE, made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "Big "JELeic2. H0r71." D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. • Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. Ilar Persons is want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. B RCT`ISET.f. & SON, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro', Pe SAVE YOUR FRUIT I 16AA C FOX. DRY HOUSE, PATENTED JANUARY 21ST tefis. This is the butt Dry House ever eirered to the public. It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly . The Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor.. • . . h is easily managed. It saves fuel. It is durable and portable. It. hat 14 feet of drying surface. Call and see them at.the sign of the HMI RED HORN" and lesveyonr ranters for thou . feb 5 —1869. . W.A. PRICE. COME AND SEE D. B. RUSSELL & SOFT, -- Sign of the Big Red Horn, -- Waynesboro', Pa (warranted to give satisfaction.) Ironware, _ _ Brassware, Japanned Ware, TEM L. A. OELLIG GROCERIES . C. H. DICEEL- WOULD respectfully announce to hie.lriesula y and the public generally that he is prepared to supply all who need COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS: — FISH, TOBACCO. CIGARS, SPICE, TEAS, RICE. SALT. 1111 BUCKETS • - TWINES, Abu a lull assortment of Confectionaries,' - -- Notions; StatleitlaY; r ae:: Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. ' Thankful for past favors he respectfully solicits a continuance of th-ci • g.-2r1867 FIRST "PE ARRIVAI!" WELSH bas just received a full assortment oy Goads, in his line of business. His stock consists in part; of all the latest styles of men's and boys HATS AND CAPS, Men's, Women's, Misses, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES and Slippers of every description. Ladies and Misses 1..z3 ZO' rt-t" Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowne . and flats. Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair ()oils, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Embersllas. Fans, &c. , School, Blank and Miscellaneous Elooks,Station ery of all kinds; Notions and Faricy Goods. ,All of which will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest. Sept. 20 J. IL WELSH CHAMBERSBURG, PA. REMOVAL OF CARPET , yTORE! BIERER & CO. hare removed their New —..- 4 °Strfls - rolt - _Queenratone7Adoorr — g: - IPlr former Room, and are now prepared to give cus tomers every advantage in setecting Carpets, and would respectfully call attention to our _extensive_ stock, viz : FLOOR, TABLE AND STAIR on, CLOTHS, RUGS, DOOR MATS, &c. All Wool Ingrain Carpets at 750, 85e,_9_0c, $l.OO, $1.15, $1.25, $1.30,- $l - .40,50. FLOOR 011, CLOTHS at 50c, 60c, 75c 90c, and $l.OO per yerd.- OIL CLOTH RUGS, neat patterns and very cheap. TABLE OIL CLOTHS,of all widths and patterns. SEA GRASS, Brush, Cocoa, Cane - Brussels and Velvet Door Mate. All kinds of Fan cy Rugs, for Buggies, Stoves, Sofas, 4c. Our Assortment of 'Oil and Paper Window Shades is complete, comprising every variety of styles and pattlrne. Also, the most extensive assortment of Wall and Corner Drsekets and Oval Privies, all sizes, ever brought to Charabersburg, and at the Lowest Prices. We are nom manufacturing all grades of RAG CARPET, and prepared to fill orders in this line promptly. CiE fhe highest price paid for GA PET RAGS! - - Call - and wake an'inspection of our Goods before purchasing. Prices Eight, and Satisfaction Guaranteed'. J. SIB IZ Ac Wcst Queen at., next door to H. I Sierer's Furniture Ware Chambersburg, Pa. April 23-3 m NEW FIRM! CARRIAGE MAKING! THE — subocribers would inform the public that. they have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an I that the blisiness hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & Hawrcen. They will have constantly on hand BUG. GIES of every description; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. 4Y - ®'Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in stir line will Jo well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. ' - JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. HA WEER, Church Street, neat 4 it•vsife fie tlf g Much lan 26 CHEAP "COONL'Ir• BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! THE suhscriber has just returned tram t he city and is now opening for examination a large_and well selected stock of Boots and NhOPP. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and `hoe trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Give i•l‘ooncy" a call. C. filifflES. wept PROTHONOTARIL To the Republicans of Franklin County : —At the solicit.tfon of numerous friends I am induced to again offer myself toyour consideration as a Caridt date for the office of Pitoramurraotv OF FRANKLIS CouNTy—oubject, however, to the deoizien of the Republican -Nominating Convention. No County ()River has deen elected In m this portion of tile ',county 'for a number of years, and being the oldest candidate for that position now offering, I hope that Ibis consideration may he allowed t) have duo weivitt, in the selection of those who are to be the Candidates of the party, at the ensuing eketpon, .1N O. A. 1.11":"SONGr, apr 23—fe Mercersburg. JOIIN D. 111eGOLILEIC, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAN, No. 104 Centre Square, • GREENCASTLE, PA. • Will attend promptly a - .d faithfully to all business entrusted to Ai; care. Count-el gwen in English and German. Office in the Rhodes' Building, on the corner of 'the Diamond. nov tf AdminiNtretor's Notice. 1. I°TICE IS hereby '4.tivere that lettuce of Admin -1 istration on the mite of (me e t. meraary lato et Guilti.,rd township: Franklin eouflty,dec'd. have been granted to the unders , gned. All persons know ing theinselves inde hied to said estate wilt pleame make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, present them properly authenti cated for settlement,. 1411.1eLL'11, june Administrator. STORE! RINGcIuLL), hia WILT,LANT sl' E WA fa haS been to the City and laid in a large supply of Latli s. Alismes. and Children's lehoea,l4l,l:o inui4 tesnionableatylee. 'Men and. )toy's bhoes. both coterie anti line, Men's Congress Gnome ; also straw fiats. The puielta are generally invited to come and a [amine tor them-, selves. All wto will buy of him wilt receive satie, faction, as he will sew alii:ipagrat ha. Ile also keepx sugar. cot:no, rriabutseei 'and maul. unacke r puce .. .nvelpl steel pens. Pen holder:, Iterex.ene.:Are4W - „A:heti iota examine his stock • . aptil ISatt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers