NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON--& STONEHOUSE , WOULD respectfully, inform the public dot they have now opened at their new room,on the south-west corner of the Diamond, in Wept's .bolo', a largo and well selected stock of -- Dry Goods, -- ,Groceries,. ~ ... „.._ liardware - and Cutlery, Iron, Steel,. Nails, Conch-makers Gouda of every —_- description, Queensware, Cedarwase, Shoes, Gar, pets, Oil Goths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush • es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goo& are all new and freeh and have been bought for cash qt the late decline in prices. We !later ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell gLotls at small profits, wo shall be able to, oiler unusual_ , inducements to all buyer v s2 i vh desire to love mon --ey-.---Please-call-and-see-fer-- urselves - -- - We have-a large anal , assorted_ sto,clt_of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, outlasting Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords,Den• tins, Stripes, Checks, liiiigharns, I.inin and Cotton Talde Diapers, Crach for Tow els, Calicoes, Delains, Algae es, . FANCY DRESS GOODS; Trintings, Shawls, Brown and Mouthed tiheetings and tihirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves; Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week antLwillsupply-any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest mart price for till kinds cf country produce such as Bacon, lard, Butter, Hggr Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. May 29,1868. --- ------ DRUGS MEDICINES, av it 1r.... ow__ PJAIJATS, etc. &Cop Co to Fourthnia.n s k~Ti Tyr Ye w Yr Waynesboro', lllay 24, 1807. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! EL WALTER it BRO. , MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Jlonuments, Tombs, Headstones, 4c., ere., WE call attention to our assortment of the a hove, comprising the , newest and most ap proved styles. Having the advantage of Waterpower, and a long expciience in the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, . • wc nre ablo to fill orders at the shortest notice and on most reasonable terms. Give us a call at our Yard, near Antietam "unc tion, en the Waynesboro' and Hagerstown Turn pike, two miles from the former place. Post Office address, %%jay n ,:sboro'. Pa. N. B. Driers can be left with John Walter and will receive prompt attention. H. W. &HBO. April 3—t4 ACCOMMODATION WAGON. rTIIHE subscriber having put a wagon and pair 1 of horses on the road between Waynesboro' and encastle, informs the public that he is well pre. pared to do all kinds of hauling regularly between the two places, and that he will be thankful fur a share of the public's patronage. Orders lett at the Drug dture of A. S. Donebrake will receive prompt attention. spr 2—tf ) GEO. FOREMAN. dEo. W. WELSH, ATTORNEY AT LA W. c oflice in the Town Hall Building, nest door to Post 011 ice. %."- Dec. 13 mu' 4/I" DEL JOILIN M. lIIIPIP.LE ~tasin. - • p..rmanctitly located in this place, °firm his ~profemdonsl stl*ViCol3 to the ,cotnniunity. OlGce it ' Zoe frot.t door to Bon claralie s Drug ISturo po 11, 1848. • Newest, Best, cheapest CLOTHING. h Ars 41 =Bp K -40 7 40 1 eit si!'4ll CEORCE BENDER j Has recently opens/ up_mentire-naw stock of Miii 111-' l ° MIL X 1W 41Eia- AND SUMMER CLOTAIIHt, All of which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore: Every article sold is WARRANTED to be of the best custom make, and the material just what it isserpresented to be. A lull assortment of GENTS FURNISHING COOPS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. - -All-we-ask - isi - tkrat - youTgive - ne - One trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the latest style. , GEO. BENDER. hlay 4—ly] W ayneshoro PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! la0"1"---1,01•T BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. It is the most - perfect vegetable compound of alter tires; tonienOkureties - nifd diaphoretics, making it the most effective, invigorating, renovating and blood cleansing cordial known to the world. For the CII resat SCROFULA °PRISM'S ETU, CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ERY ,PELAS, BOILS, PIMPLES and ' , -0-T-0-11-E - 8 - roß7the - PACIV:RORI IS, SCALD HEAD; TRITER An !TIMIS, OLD and STUBBORN IERS, RHEUMATIC DISORDERS, LLOW JAUNDICE, SALT - RIIEUM, -- lITE SWELLINGS, MERCURIAL -8 E-A-8 ES, GENERAL-DERILITY, .PITATION and FLUTTERING at HEART, CONSUMPTION, ERMA, SYPHILIS and SY MUM 'SECTIONS, INFLAMMATION Of the 1 DOER and KIDNEYS, PAINS in DACE, DROPSY, FEMALE CON iINTS, Am. To the broken down sale it gives life and energy by toeing the lost powers of nature, mn health again succeeds the sle form and pallid cheek of the feror. surprising than its invigorat• -Jan system. Persons all Weak miss and lassitude, by using the PANACEA, at. once become robust and full of energy under eta influence. Ladies who have pale complexions and are dark about the eyes, blotches and pimples on the face, rough skin or freckles, and are " out of spirits," should use a bottle or two of LONDON- BLOOD PANACEA. It will cleanse your blood, remove the fregkies_nnd____ - Motelfer -- m-rd give von aTa - rrd give you animation, sparkling eyes, tine spirits and a beautiful complexion. Try it. Price 81.00 Per Bot ile. The genuine. have LONDON BLOOD PANACEA, S. A. FOIITZ, BALTIMORE, BID., blown In the bottle, and my signature on the wrapper. S- A. POT.TT.Z . , litaitufacturer and Proprietor, BALTIMORE, ND. F o r sate by drirggists and storekeepers throughout the United states. ..7For sale by J. BURNS AMBERSON, Drug gist , Waynesboro'. [nov 20—ly CORNUCOPIA. Waynesboro' Bakery,.Confectionary OYSTER ISAL 0 ON. T H E:well known and popular Restaurant and Saloon formerly kept by Wm. B. Crouse. has been leased by the undersigned. They are devoting tteir entire time and attention to the business of ca tering for their friends and the public, and ready to supply the luxuries of the season. , OYSTERS, CRABS, LOBSTERS, TURTLES, T It I P E , CHICKENS, dte., Sic., will be served up at short notice and by the best of cooks. In fact and in short, we aim to keep a first class Eating House and to please the appetite of all who may favor us with a call. At all times the best ALE can be had on draught, for proof of which call and try the arti• ele. We have a saloon fitted up expressly for the Ladies. Thankful for the encouragement we have re• coivod thus far, wohope to merit a still greater share of public patronage. nov 20j HENNEBERGER & HOOVER. DR. T. D. FRENCH, 3coMN - TXIST", TN SE RTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mountet. on Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac lion of teeth without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. 8. LIVERY: LIVERY.: THE subscribers announce to the public that they still continue the Livery business. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicles to their Idstuck they are now better prepared than ever to accommodate persons wanting fine riding and driving horses and com fortable conveyances. An attentive Os. tier alwayf! in attendance and parties con. veyed to any point desired, night or day. cuPassengers conveyed daily to and from Green atstle Their Buss leaves at 6fr A. M. and returns 7, P.M. WOLFERSTIERGER & STONER. Aug, 30-11. $O3, gT. 0 R Eian S UNDERTAKER, INFORMS the public that he his constantly on hind Coffins "of all kinds, including. -- the Pitts burg Excelsior Coffins, and a Patent FREEZER, in which Corpses ciin be preserved for acy,. length of time desired. Ho will be in readiness at short notice_to convey. Corpses to any point desired. He returns his thanks to the public for the liber al patronage heretofore given him, and by„stnet at tention to business and fair dealing hopes to merit a continuance of the same. klay 29—tr Notice to the Public rpHE undersigned is running a Line of Stages _I from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving former place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eit 7 clock, A. M., passing by Leitersburg, Waynesboro', Monterey and Clermont Nprings, FOuntain Dale ane Fairfield, arriving at Gettysburg at half past four o'clock and returning from Gettysburg on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, arriving at Hagen. toy; n to make: Connection with the 5 o'clock train for Baltimore. ' ' APPI4 WABSEN. 14-TIV Ifmproved Thrifshiitg. Machine ! Daniel Geiser. D. E. Prlee._ _ Farmers will please look at the great advantagein Thrashing Grain with G - EI S E - R -- SHIP-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, - : e With the latest Improved Triple Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt - No. 1 is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher fra,me and wrought iroq end wood cylinder, sit teen inches in diameter rod thirty ° three inches long. Trtink hag ten:inch rekocrank and wen rakes is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers ttte gritty on the second rake, these carry the straw out On their tops, and deliver it en the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-live feet beyond the feeder, on, a stack fifteen to eighteen feet higb; and can, be eaeily mange" to carry the chaff with - the stra w, or deliver it in a separate place. The mink and fart sides being closed, to confine the straw. and chalf, remedies all 'difficulties in cleaning grain against whiay weather. It bags the grain b • reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, ia from twenty to lofty -bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under lavorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to tifty bushels per hour, and with note ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No:2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the tanner's use; in _intended to apply to any common lever or refteray_poweii_weaglair_l,399__pounds; has _an iron Ihrestaere frame, and cylinder, 174 inches in diameter and ` delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, m'a half bushel. It delivers the straw filitlOn feet tibia the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chaff together; will thresh and clean, idgood grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats per day, using tour or six horses, and the same number of _nands;_lmt_to_force_the_work,amder_nftratia_einable_circtnstancea,good grain,le.,..wiffalresh-and-clean, considerably more. The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of gram generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases dues not ;in so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power _ - Now - here is what therrarinerand terasnerinan warns, a Separator to gu from farm to farm, to thtash grain - , With more than amy - other - separatornow - Itruse and whyfe - itl Becautie tszepara tor has a self regulating Blast, which prevents grain from blowing into the chaff, and also has a self reg. _Mating_ feeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers and comas in the cleaner which prevents it from clioalong. ' Why does thien7ichine run so !iglu, and give so little trouble ?=Because there is-less fric don in the Journals, and the rakes and tan are geared so that you have no trouble with Belts breaking and slipping, causing, dust to fall into the wheat. Why does it clean against the_wind Ilecause the blast has tweet action on the grain and the cleaner is so well that the wind has no chance to drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built permanently orr two wheels and the front carriage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary Becruse it is more convenient in the barn without the front car riage. You can turn the machine or run it from place tu, place inure easily. Why has it nut got Efeva toralike some other machines? Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must eventually go into the good wheat or in the chaff, and all know, that Mai should be kept separate for feed, &c , we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings from wider our hand fan into the hopper and expect to get the grain clean. Why is this separator inure cleanly and satisfactory to work a bout than others? Because the Fan and Trunk sides are closed up to prevent the wheat Matta arid dust from coming out and scattering over the floor, causing waist an] giving much trouble with dirt and sore eyes, ate. Why do Thrashermen get more work wifti these separators than they do with others? Be cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and a paying one for all farmers and Thrashermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most La ses f anners must suit themselves to the machine, because the m a chine will .uot suit itself to the farmer. In short this is the cheapest, most durable, reliable, simple and most agreeable to wo r k about; and the only sep arator that will clean and bag,the.grain sufficiently clean for-market un der all circumstances. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, aril judging from the high recommendir 'ion of fanners that are using them, we must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appnrciate and attest its merits, for which we hope they will give thaan opportunity, as we are willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. A reduction of 2 per ct_inyin all orders handed in on or before the first of April , 1869. Shop Prices of Machines range from 8215, to 8540.- rP'We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of materia workmanship, &c. Geiser, Price & Co., Manufactures. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN CO., PA. Null's Pat. Post Boring Machine. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. A series of trials of this machine has convince , : the inventor and all persons who have witnessed it operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : This machine is constructed so as to be operated either by bond, horse, water or steam .power! By hand 25 to 30 posts can be bored per day; by one-horse power from .100 to 150 per day ; by two-horse power 200 per day, and by Water or steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It is also a sell feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of state and County Rights for the above valuable la vention. • A (Icings; Juno 19—tf L{l s Tn I. THE subscriber would inform has patrons and the public generally that he hos recently larr ly increased hie Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate thosi wishing to hire with either HORSES:I4g ti: at the shortest notice, all ' hours. Persons desiring Mises. and. Buggies, for riding. would dowel( to give him a call, as his stock has been selected wit t great care as regards gentleness and last traveling. - His vehicles Am. NSW, tasbionablo, and ride easy, having been bought with a :view to accommodate the public. VP - Parties conveyed to any point desired,' ac. companied by a careful.driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or Jay, will please ; pply. at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Malin Street, t.".. 'doors west of the 4•Bciwden House," where an attentive Ostler will 'always be in 'attendance. , Ap. 17. FI{.tNKLIN WEAGLEY. ep_ACO N.•:--A fine lot of Sugartnrod • flame, i3Shoiii&rs, end Sides for sale by 2241 - R EH) & WAYNANT. MEI PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868. LABOR SAVING QUALITIES EASE OF OPERATION :SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION. .11—F.0111er. - Josiah Fehnsey. DANIEL GEISER Proprietor. JONATHAN NULL, - Franklin Gaunt Pth ANTIETAM FACTORY A.ND SAW MILL. EIT A VING increased facilities for manufacturing .all kinds of building material. such as Barb. Loots, Frames, labutters.alinds, Flooring, Weath erboarding,• Moulding, Washboards, •Chairtroards. Cornice. btairing. Porticoes, &c., ikc. 1 Mier to furnish all materiel to the public (building) of dry lumber and substantial, workmanship and at re duced prices. The above material constantly on hand, or • made mender at the shortest notice. Al. t, Swing worked to order. Sawing by mill and circular saws of every description , done. lam also prepared to furnish the two noted Hie Hives. Lang stroth (pat) and the Antietam Hive, the last of which is cheap. simple, and just the hive for com mon bee cull ure. Call, see and examine for youlsolf. or address D. •F. GOOD, op 2f—tf Factory near Waynesboro'. PLANT . ING PO ritTous.—W c have now co hand and 'for sale. Goodrich; Whito' Peach Blow, Blue Mercerond a'small lot Early Rose Po••• tatooa. Those wanting good seed will please\ give us a call. itEiD & WAVNOTT: mar 26 • HATA iCAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS; -."" BROGANS, NOTIONS, " HOSIERY; GLOVES,- - WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, TOBACCOS; - SNUFF, CONFECTIONS, A SPLENDID 'STOCK Just received and for sale dieap for cash, E. at J. ELDEN, 44011441 our 16-11359 ~FABIRIvE .P ~ -A-CE-A -szAnciro &Dr. P. Fabrney'e celebrated Blood Searcher or - Panacea," is - a - medicine - that - we - can - reconinfen - d - tvi to those who are &Meted, having used it In our own family and furnished our friends with the article; we can, therefore, from experience say that it is a -medicine possessing rare medicinal properties, Being a mild purgative, it is well to keepit always in the family where there_are children_or _those eubjec t to. - colds or - other - sickness. It - is compounded from medicinal Roots, Leaves Barks, Seeds and Berries, which are said to bo entirely free from poison. We -ere-personally-acquainted-with-the-proprieter-who was ouriamily_Physielan_for -several -years,-and-wa ware at one time raised from a bed oral:fiction under his Judicious trea Co*- panion. "FAIIRNEVI3 Btooto lassacnFn:—Front our personal acquaintance with Dr. P..F'ahrney, and froni the re. potation of the above named med icine in the com munity whore be lives, we can cheerfully- recent -gondit to a fair trial to all who may needs Perracne. _ Tor the physical maladies of mortality, until the great PANACEA for all diseases shall be fou nd is the leaves of the tree of Bald by F. mailman, Way rosboro', Hiteshew & Gehr, Ringgold ; Wm. B. Raby, Quincy ; E. J. Small, Mont Alto ; L. J. Bell, Smithburg, Md., and Ur.uggists generally. o?eg. i pa 23 ly COACH lIACTORT. NEW. FIRM THE Subscribers respectfully announce to the public that they have purchased of Messrs. Hess at. Crouse their Coach Factory in Waynes- boro', and purpose continuing the business in all its branches. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., dtc always on hand or made to order, of the hest ma terial, and warranted. REPA CRING of all kinds done at short notice. Being practical workmen they hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. S. S. I'HOMPSON, May 22. L. P. THOMPSON. NEW MILLINERY STORE IN WAY NESIIOIIO'. /111 HE subscribers beg'leave to inform the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that they have just returned fiom Philadelphia with a fine and fashionable assortment of Millinery goods, and are now prepared td accommodate the ladies in any thing in their line of hilliness, and would therefore solicit a public share of patronage. We have con. stantly on hand. stamped yokes, and bands for em• broidering or braiding, stamped aprons ill sixes and patterns. Havings procured fixings for stamping we are prepared to do stamping at any time and at shortest notice. Lailies,call and examine our stock. Terins cheaper than can be found elsewhere ! STITCHING DONE TO ORCER. Hearne on Main Street over Smith's furniture rooms. . Mrs. L. A. TRITLE & M. M. HAMLIN. oct 9 tP BARK WANTED! PHE undersigned will pay the highest market 1 . price for 400 cords of Dark,--also the highest price for HIDES delivered at the Ha dware Store of Geiser & Rinehart. in Waynesboro'. They also keep on hand all kinds of finished Leather, such as Harness, Bridle, Fair Skirting, Fair Calfskin, Upper,Kips, Callskins , Wang Lea ther, Spanish Slaugh ter and Hemlock Sole, French Calfskins and Linings of all kinds. Saddlers and Shoemakers will find it to their in terest to give them a call belore purchasing - else- MIDDOUR & WEDDLE. Qu limy, mar 12—tf MILLINERY GOODS ! TO THE LADIES ! R thaa ,just re t cL .r tLI D iEßE Nr,eeiafspply ofnet Millinery goods. Ladtes are invited to call and examine her stock. GOOD TEMPLAR REGALIAS supplied or the material to make them furnished. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, • Office in Walker's Building, ' Waynesboro', Penna. M ip -Rtf. 3011 N HYSSONG , . ATTORNEY Al` LA.W, • HAVING been admitte.l to Practice Law at ttie revers, , Courts in. Franklin Cotinty, all husi. newt entrusted to his care will be promptly auended to—Post office address—litercersburg, Pa. ' • • Ja n fly" " res h Lime!. T . . subscribers have now forsa le at their Kilns, ji 3 miles Bast of Waynesboro', Fresh Wood buint Litusler Whitewash PiPterings - 4c. A supply will-Ns 'kept- on , hand dining the season which will be sold on reasonable terms, march 19— tf 7 ; , HESB .& BROTHER.) THOS. J. FILIBEIRT, BIER,CPANT TAILOR.; • AND AGENT FOR , SINGER'S' SEWING MACHINE. June 19,'68. Wt A on N Tia e gra, l)..- & B c ac l n ; i' ve l i d ch ß w a e "e w r l g g g 7,:e u l t e higheit Otarket price in trade. ' stc WAYNANT. •J: L CO • • kadhlzuna,' Foundry, Machinists and Blaokomithe. Your attention im . .reapectfully called to our exten sive FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS situated on Kanawha etreet o near the D. and 0. R. H. Depot. - , • Tee entire establishmen4 in ail ite,"dppertments is supplied.with the Most approved Machinery tools: and appliances meet:wary to the maLufacture of MACHINERY AND LIGHT AND II,ICA.VY OASTINGS • OF EVEitAr DESORIPTION. Our Work is of turf besfqballit both $9 to - mos twist and Work,onstiip. , - We are extensively engaged in in inufacture of Portable and Stationary Stearn Engines, Steam Boilers, . Circular Saw Mills, Gang Saw Mills, • Flouring — MilrMilffirnery, Sorghum Sugar Mills-, _ Shafting Pulleys And Hangers, -- We are prepared to do COPPER, BRASS; Sheet Iron Work And Pipe FITTING, - and to manufacture salt pane and all the appurte nances and machinery fur making salt. We also CIG.AR S, FRUITS, &,C. manufacture OFFICE AND OTHER &OYES. Our office stoves are of the best quality. . We have also on hand PORTABLE ENGINES, At all prices, • adapted to the running of all kinds of THRESHING MACHINES, • ALSO, JACK SCREWS AND STAVE MACHINES.' As to our Stave Machines we respectfully refer the public to Messrs. Kimble & Shaffer, Numb°. ro, West Va. It excells all others. "They cannot be surpassed. • Iron RailkwVerandabs, Garden Vases, Brass and Iron Castings of every description. We would alsticall the attention of School Ofi• cars-and_others-interested=to-our IMPROVED SCHOOL DESKS, which for neatness, cheapness,and durabill ty, _are _ not surpassed. They are recommended by Prof. W. H. White, State Superintendent of_Free Schools_ of West Va., and by the Parkersburg-School-Board. "I have examined VI. J. Leese & Co's., Folding Seats for schools, and fixed seats for primary , de partments. manufactured at Parkersburg, West I most cheerfully recommend our Hoards- of Education and others interested. to supply our Public School Houses with them. .7 4 , _, : :.,:: W. R. WHITE, Golf' Sup% Free Schools, Wheeling, W. Va." PARKERSBURG, Nov. 7, 1867. Leese Or Co., Dear Sir :—ln answer as to how we are pleased with your Improved Iron School Desks, we would state that we have used several kinds, buffor cheapness, neatness and duiability, we give yours tho.`preference to al I others.— - I fully concur in the above- STEPHEN BOA RDM AN, Suet Free Schools, Wood Co., W. Va. New and secondhand Engines, of aIL sizes on hand and for sale at low rates. • GOOD MACHINERY. We will reply to en• quirks by mail and promise our best stints to please purchasers, both as to quality and price Call on or address sept 4, 1868, MILLER & BEAVER'S! THEY. have just received their first vupply of spring and Summer goods, to which. they in vite the attention of the public. Among which they have a full asentment of rnaLIE" 4 ac COC:Ori EA, Silk A Ipaccae. Brocade, Lustres, Bombazine, striped Mohair, BuffPercalle, White Pique, Victoria Lawn, Swiss Mull, Nainsook, Black and Yancy Kids, Cloth=, Cassimeres, ital. Cloth, Muslin, Ta ble Diapers, 'Fowling, Counterpane+ Cottenades, Carpeting, Matting. Oil Cloth fur Table and Floor, Queensware, Cederwrro, Glassware, Cutlery, Gro• ceries, a lull line. Our assortment in every depart ment is more complete than heretofore, and we are offering every inducement to purchasers, at the-low l est prices. All we ask is a trial before purchasing elsewhere. We will endeavor to show goods at such Nitres as .will convince you of the flat— We trnilei a ilk's to the community -for tlieic liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. For Bacon, Lard,. u qer, Aggs,,Thags, Qcc ~ theh ic hes t„.m rket price. paid In ;r.Tcbange for Merchandise, • • If you are in wane - of W;A:LL PAPER, we are in receipt of a Sample Book with all the• latest styles; any style desired can be furnished in a few days notice by applying at april 30, 1869] SUMMER GOODS, '(SUCCESSORS TO GEO. STOVER.) act 23 if To which we invite * tito attention of all who want o buy cheap coeds. apr 30 we*. STOVER- & WOLFF. L oaf b" e r "ficc . • Tilr. subscriber has for sale Chestnut. Shingles, Pailings, Plastering Lathe shingling Laths, Pine Lumber from a half to one inch. All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order Also Oak, Pine and Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground.— He has also V.O lot sale. ap ESTABLIB3ED 1881. PARKERSBURG, WEST VA. K El. BOREIMAN, E. T.. DRA BOSH, Board of Education. M. J. LEESE ac CO., Parkersburg, West Va. . NEW GOODS NEW.: SPRING AND AT THE FIRM OF STOVER & WOLFS' AntY GOODS; CARPETS, NOTIONS, QUEIEINSWAR E, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CIITILEIFILY, CEDER RARE, OIL CLOTHS, &C., &C. M. & B.'s. A. S. MONN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers