VILLAGE RECORD. ticmti. Friday, July 23, 1869,- Walker's 'majority for - 04itiertter - of VIS- O:tie offieielly.shown to be 17,500. ta.,The tie* Craotiooal earreaey will sate; make its - appearance. - „ ~„ sign - Aa Packer, the Democratic nominee for Governor, ie said to be worth twenty Mil. lion d011ar5:;,,,,, IWork has been commenced • on tbe- Ftederiok killd.) and Pennaylsianii Line Rail- Mad, iitirAt its last Commencement Princeton College 'conferred the degree of L. L. D., on on. Daniel Weisel of nagoretwn, teuThe State of Yirgieja jaratified hoc Free Oonstiention by the largest majority ev er given foi. any State Constitution, past or present. About 200,000. The disfranchis ing and proscriptive provisions are voted down by at least 30,000 majority. visrTh,e Orangemen and (Atli°lies hive come to mob :violence once more in Ireland. On at 12th there was an attack upon - an Orangemen's procession in Lurgan, and in return they demolished sow twenty honsee occupied by Caiholics ..Second Comptroller Brodhead has decided that deserters are not entitled to bounties, which are to be paid ouly to 'an —honorable-discharge, \ end a deserter's die _ charge cannot he considered honorable so long as the rolls above up his true record.— This decision probably saves to the Treasury $20,000,000. 116"* . horrible slaughter of railway pas. sengers occurred on Wednesday night a week _ at=M as t=1:1 are - CPi k - e — entra ty, - Pen nay 1 van iny, on the Erie Railroad. An express train at that pcnt — lrfan into a freight Win standing on the track : , baggage ear,,the express car, the smoking ear and one passenger pooh, were thrown off-the traek and snattehed_to 'iecea The splintered cars were died from the locomo. tine r and -several-of-the-wounded—passengers burned up. Seven cars were destroyed, and nine passengers are known to have been burned to death. These murders are to be attributed - solely to the negligence or care lessness of , those having charge of the trains. te-Gov. Walker, of Virginia, was in Washington a few days ego, and had a lengthy interview with_the_Presidentrdurint,-- which he is u o nderstooe. to have expressed an earnest determination to support the — policy of the Administration, as it is construed by the party which elected - him. fie also ex• pressed the opinion that the Fifteenth A. mendment would be ratified by the Legiela ture as soon as it assembles; and urged the President to cause the necessary orders for the installation of thii officers elect to be issued without delay. Governor Walker stated to the President that he would be Governor of Virginia, and that ho would not permit himself 40 be influenoed by the old politician - a of the State. lie spoke freely of the opposition be had to encounter in the recent canvass, and also of, those wbo sup ported him, and said that he minted to set at rest all reports that he was to be influ enced by the ex Rebel element. COMFORTING TO FadmEas.---Will the grain quotation go so low as to rob the far mer of a just reward for his toil ? To this question the New York Tribuo answers. If the foreign crops were as full as ours, this danger would be imminent. But all over northern Europe they have had a remarks. ble late and cool Summer. In England fires were lighted every day in June. The weath. er was rough and wet, and retained an un genial character till the 25th, when Summer broke out, and overcoats at last went into closets. Such weather can but give England a harvest late and light, and correspondents of The Nark Lane Gaeetie are advising all who have reserved their wheat to hold their own, and have the pleasure of putting in. to their pockets ten or twelve shillings per quarter more than they bad expeoted. Some accounts from Southern Russia, Itungary, and franca looks the other way, but the har. vest. in these countries will probably not be enough to effect markets much. The eon. elusion ie now safe that the European grain will be quite below an average, as much so as the 'Amerind is above the average. 101%.The San Francisco News Letter is cer. lain that within a year the Californians will travel habitually to New York, Europe and China by aerial carriages. The News Leiter is sure that the recent experiment was an übqualifled success. If those air arrange. meats prove to be suocessful, and- they sail low, a man will not be safe anywbefer.' It is claimed that they will move along at die rate Of over 25 miles 44 hour, rapid enough •in charge of a tipsy conductor to knock a hole through a goOd sized wall,' or clip off the bead (if fairly struck) of some innocent per son.- • larAn insane roan in White Pigeon; } Michigan, rsceatly burned 51,100 in. green, backs and buried the ashes. - He just received the money !or lour years' sere* oil a fitin;iliiith he bad suddenly- taken::.-ti .potion to leave. Ele explaioad that he hid used the money in thiasingularand unprofit able,m.4 "to help him through purgatory." 14 had s ivea no indicative of insanity be fute. LOCAL MATTERS. .- ge k .To !Unities whO west prime Cheese , — frile to C. N. Rovers's, on the Diamou4. *-- SUALIA. —We_direok special atten tion to a .desirable small !arm offered at pri **Taal° io te-dey's paper by D. B. Rah. sm„David IL Baker offers in this issue a small but desirable home. See nd- vercieement. iTho Volley Echo says-Mr. D. Z.-Shook, of ,Greencastle, has been appointed telegraph operator at lionterey NOTICE —C. N. Beaver invites the public to call at N. E corner of the Diamond if they want to buy cheap. — lffirTWllagerstown Amalfi Seminary, in charge of—liev. Wm. F. Ester ; -will-open Fail session on the first Monday of Septem ber. The institution is in a flourishing con dition. See card in another column. 86101701E1 OaDINANCE.—We direct 'at. , tention to the ordineriee published to•day.— Cutting, marking or otheradm defacing the Town flail building it will be seen subjects the party to a ace and imprisonment in the Lopk-up. SOLD OUT.—Franklin Weagly has sold his Livery in this place to Win. H. Funk ank A. D. Gordon for the aunt of $3200, who purpose continuing the business. ltaiNs.--The weather continues seasona ble. The recent , fine rains have produced a marked change in the corn fields in this neighhorhomi,since our last issue. FINE YIELD- Mr. Geo. 'Fourthman, of this place, last spring planted one pound of _Earley=Rose-potateesovitictr arley_Rose-potatoes,--wt►iclrhasyieid - ed - han 90 pounds. All who planted the Early Rose kw, it very highly both as a yielder and for its en .erior i unlit TEIRESIIING BY STEAM.—The experiment of threshing and separating wheat by_ steam --- wa - s -- triiirthe other day by 4 S. Forney.— Prick's Engine was attached to the Geiser - Sep,arttc - t - TE --- Tb - ose who witoessecrtl don say it was a perfect suleess 'PRICES REDUCED.—Messrs. Hoover & Summers announce in to-day's paper that they wilVeliver to town customers good tam. ily flour at $6 per barryi anti sbipstuf at 25 cent; per bushel. . • not the Record—recently wrote : "I think folks doant ort to spend their ,runny on pa pers. My father nevyer did every boddy sed he was the smartest man in the kountree, and had the intelhgeutest family of buoys that ever dug Niers." sm,,A regular Washington correspondent of the Boston Pare was during the war the chief of the rebel Associated Press. BOYD, of the Hagerstown Free Pros, as an assist ant, would bo well placed. FINE 'No.—Henry J. Moats of Ringgold has a white ohester pig sixteen weeks old which weighs no pounds. In thirty-one days it gained 53 pounds. This is certainly an extra young porker. Saw , RENIOVED.-It will be seen by refer ence to his advertisement that Thos. Hollings worth cow occupies, as a shoemaker shop, the room on East Main Street, formerly used by J. Elden as a flour and feed store. m.rour highwaymen, on Tuesday, robbed Mr. George C. Scott of a gold watch and money, near 31oConnellbburg, and_ tbentbrew his buggy down tho mountain side. ittirTwo young scoundrels bailing from somewhere in Maryland, were recently over hauled by the Sheriff of Bedford county, whilst in tbe act of making off with 30 head of (rattle and a horse, tbe property of certain formers living pear Bedford. 17 - The Echo says that Mr. Jacob Spiel• man, of Antrim township, aged 97. years lowed up closely and bound utter a cradle for eight consecutive days during harvest, ==== 10. The Repository says it is reported that the little daughter of James Softly, 'that was supposed to have been lost near Meroersburg some time since, has been found. A telegram from Bridgeport,. Cumberland county, Pa., was received by the father of the child, on. Monday evening last, .stating that she was in company with s band of gypsies, who no doubt stole her. as- A. Jury in Washington county, , has awarded 52,217 to Jonas Bell,' Esq., as the amount of damages done him from the. Cumberland Valley railroad, by passing thro' his hind, in its extension to Williamsport. CONUNDRUM.-Why is Boyd, the t "gray. back" of the Hagerstown. Free Press, like some of the Gettyiburg Bed Bugs ? Be- cause be is always sucking sod never full. • se‘Deaths are reported "ic all paste of the comity of ch s ildien poisoied by eating the'ends of laoifee matches. Paronts•should be careful. DELEGATE MEETING.—We are requested to anoonacothat the Republicans of: Wash. ington township will meet in the town-Hall at ' 3 o'clock, P. M 4, on Saturday the alst inst., to selecb4c,legares to attend'; the Coun ty ConvCation, at Chambershurg ) ;.Tues dsy the ad day of -August, Tan LADY'S FBIEND:--Tha a.lignat nut r, bet of Ibis "Queen- of the MOuthllkie is a derned.trith: a besutiful ,steel .eograylog of those" two youthfal "PAW and 'Viz. gidia"-:. a double•paged Mid handsomely col. ored Faehio► % =-Rate - , .containing the latest Paris_styles,a_pietnre of flaidenboodi init - - - lusimtion of Longfellow's swept poem—and the usual number of miscellaneous engra. vings,_ illustrating seaside costumes, chit dren's fashions, bats, head-dresses, dinner and walking toilets, &c., &o. Pahlish,ed by Deli._ 130 M-4 Peterson, 31-3 Widaret Street, -Phila— delphia, at $2 50 a year (which also includes a large steel engraviug).---- Loor—Oo Sunday afternoon; july 18, somewhere between Greencastle and the res idence, of leo. J. Baltzley, near Waynes • born' Mr. 11. R. Gaff - itoitietor of the Ad ares4louse, Greencastle, lost a valuable gold frog. 'The ling was a plain band, on the top of which — was a square block with the Masonic emblem of the 'compass and square; with the latter G inalosed between them, en graved—thereon, AJibend reward_ will be paid the finder by leaving it at this office or the Adams House, Greencastle., A NUMEROUS OFFSPRING —Mrs. Catlin,. vine Row, who died in this place on the 13th inst., aged 85 yews, 7 months and 19 days, was mother of 11 children, 49 gtand•children and 27 great-grand-children, making a total of 87. She was married 65 years and lived with her husband, Michael Row, deo'd, 63 years Not many of the aged mothers of our town or neighborhood can equal-in-num ber the descendents of Mrs. Row. THE SMITIISBUREI FAIR.—The Ladies Fair, for the benefit of the Smithsburg Silver Cornet Band, opened on Tuesday- evening, with a fine collection of articles and music by--the-Cavetown Band.=-The—nm gramme for the first week is as follows: Wednesday evening—Boliver Band, Fred- - tun ay - evenurg—G - reeneastre — Band Friday evening—Juvenile Concert. Saturday afttrnoou—Juvenile Conoert Saturda , evening—tieyeeeit_Siiver_edr Band, Hagerstown Monday evening—Lewistown Band, Fred e opera- IttarThir Greencastle Band' dined at the 'Bowden house,' in this place, on yester day, and during their stay entertained our citizens with several pieces of choice music. The Re' card office was especially honored by the clever gentlemen composing the Band. About 1. P. M they left for Stuithsburg. To CooL A Room —The aim 'lest—Red cheapest way to cool a room is to wet a cloth of any size, the larger the better, and sus "pen& it in the place you want cooled. - Let the room be well ventilated, and the temper. ature will sink from ten to twenty degrees in less than an hour. This is the plan adopted by many Eastern nations. NEWSPAPER BORROWER.—The newspaper borrower is, as a general thing, the meanest person in the community (always excepting those who subscribe for a paper and don't pay for it), and is entitled to none of the courtesies which honorable men love to ex. tend to each other. The newspaper borrower would borrow a tooth brush it he wasn't too mean to lose that portion of his dinner which remains between his tenth. - lagit...Tho conservatives, at the recent elec tion in Virginia, in opposition to the Repub licans, ran and succeeded' in electing several negroes to the Legislature of that State.— What will certain old oonservatives— that don't take the Record—who prate so much about negro-lovers, woolly:heads, etc , now think of their brethren of the "Old Domin• ion." FARM FOR SALE.--A well improved and pleasantly situated farm, a few miles south west of Waynesboro', is offered at private vale. Enquire of the Printer. *tf An unprecedented flood has just occurred in Colorado Valley, Texas. The water in some places was 25 feet deep, and the towns of Lagrange and Columbus were evacuated. houses were seen floating down stream, In the bottoms the water was at the tops of the trees, and most of the flue crops have been destroyed. It was rumored that the towns of Bastrop and Webbervillo had been washed away and many lives had been lost. We have been advertising tho Alisma for the hair for some time, and our Druggists say that it is selling rema rkably well, and what is better, gives universal satisfaction—better far than any other Hair Renewer in use. Seward's Cough Cure should he in every family.. A house in Upshur county, W. Va., was destroyed by fire on the night of the 2d inst., and six persons—Mrs. Quick anti her three children ' and two sisters named Kiniball, one aged 18 and the other aged 10 years, perished in the Hawes, It is proposed now to enforce the,oolleetion of the land tax in the South, it having been temporarily suspended by Congress at ?reef. dent Johnson's suegestion that the Southern States were too pour to pay it. " Two men, one boy and two horses were killed as Prairie City, lowa, on the ad inst., by the explosion or an anvil while celebrating the Fourth. " "List Tuesday John Roach, a drunken *ie. maker, out the throat of the daughter of his employer, at States blood,' N. V.,. and dm cut hie owo. Both are dead. It bas been proved by Atatistios that the healthiest quarter of the year is that ending with Juno 30. The' unhealthiest is that winch immediately follows, ami terminates with September 30. The cholera is opresdiog io Now York ==i grECIALL NOTICES. , •11713PRIND 'Atilt) SUMMER STILES OF •-•, • • lietl',l4 FOR in.% Coinpiising Sills, Feli x W ool and Strew Gondar. tor Men's, Boys end Übildten's Wear just opening UPDEGRAFF'S RAT AND GLOVE FACTOIT4 1121PICFRAW HA rs an sorts and sizes for Men and Pays, cheap et UPDEGKAFF'S • HAT AND GLOB FACTORY. ._.PrioADIES SUN UMBRELDAS and PARA SOLS the ctieepesfin town; et- - UPDEGRAPP'S HAT 42iD GLOVM FACTORY. rir PION '130003,-4 lane lot of 'Auc tion Mini at Congo and se's them if you wont a cheap fiat, at UPI/DINA FP'S 1.10 jai) Guov 'FAeroalr• larLA DIEM liIITTS: - - -- Als - rge".stock on - b & of all sizes our own make, at UPDEGHAFF'S, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. may 14] TO CONSVMPTIVIES. ' • vertiser, .aving been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hav ing suffered several years with- alevere lung afflic tion, sni that dread disease, Consumption—is anx: ions to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of sure. To all who desire it, he will Fend a copy of the prescription used (free of with the direc tions for preparing and using ►.ire same, which they will grid aBM COKE POE UoneMPTloN, AeTIIMA, lisoncptvis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit Ilse afflicted, and spread information which be conceives to be in v1111)0,101 and he hopes every sugerer will try hit remedy, as it tyjil coig them nothing, and may prove !Awing,. Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad dress Rev. ED W A fill A. WILSON, may 14] Williamsburg, Kings CA., New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GiL7P4 i LEMAN who suffered for years frau) Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful Indiscretion, will, fur the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions fur making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufrerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's expo rience, can do so by address. ing, in perfect confidence, JOHN IL OGDEN, may 14] No• 42 Cedar street, New York. THi7.E~ T$R Oa the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, near Dry Creek, lowa, by Rev. T. G. Snyder, Mr. AMOS S. BEEF. Mat--furtnevr4 ,-- orthe mint o Puma , ti 31" 3; - daughter of—Rev. 4198 - 5. , - J. (.3 Miller TIEE3EII Near Quincy. on the 10th inst., MARY ALICE MONN, aged 4 months and 16 days;- PIIILABELPIIIA, Tuesday July 20. 1869. The flour market is quiet but steady; a few hundred barrels were taken by the home trade at 85®5 25 for superfine, $5 50® 5 87>< for extras, 86®7 50 for lowa, Wis cousin and Minnesota extra family, 866.75 for Pennsylvania do do., $6 50®8.25 for I• t 'is, •at It • tut do. do , and 89 , • I. or arm • rands according to quips. Rye flour sells at 86.12f®6.25 per bbl. There is no new feature to present in the wheat market, there being no demand except f'or prime lots, which are in swell supply; sales of 500 bushels old Pennsylvania red at 81.50, and new Delaware and Maryland do. at 1.45®1.55. Rye is lower; sales of 800 bushels Western at $1 35. Coro is quiet at yesterday's quotations ; sales of yellow at $l.lO and Western mixed at 81.03®1.05. Oats are unchanged; sales of Western at 78®80e Penna. at 73®760, and Southern at 68@i5e. NOTICE. I notify all persons not to trespass on my land by gathering berries, hunting or otherwise, Any per- son or persons hereafter doing so without permit will Fe dealt with according to law. July 23-9t] MARTIN I). PFOUTZ. FARM FOR SALE. THE subsctiber oilers at Private Sale his farm 0 containing 47 acres of well-improved limestone limestone land, situated about utiles northeast of W svuesb , ro'. The improvt meets are a story and a half wcatherboarded Dwelling House, good Bank Barn, Wagon Shod, Catpenter Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Wash House, Hog l'en, a young Urchard of choice fruit trees. and a my. r-failing well of water in the yard. A stream of water runs close to the house and barn most of the year. July 23-4t] D. B, RESH. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Teachers desiring to apply for schools in Wash ington District are hereby notified that the County Superintendent will be in Waynesboro' on Wed. nesday, Augut 4th, for the purpose of examining teachere for said district. None will be admitted fur examination after 9 o' dock, A. M. GEO. CA filtA UGH, Sec'ry. july 2:3 2t how to get your honey THE undrsigned would inform the citizens of Waynesboro' that they will deliver good ILY FLOUR at $i (excepting the banal) and shipstOr at 25 cema per bushel where parties take 10 bushels or upwards, all for cash. All orders left at Fourthmnn's Drug Store, or at the Post Office, wil' be promptly attended to. july 2 -ft . ] HOOVER & SUMMERS. NOTICE. ca t H subscriber having clisposed of his 'Livery to 1,1 Wm. H. Funliand A. D. thardon returns special thanks io his friends and easterners generally f o r their liberal patronage. Deeirous of elosipg his busi ness as speedily as peiiiible, those knowing them selves indebted to him ore requested to call rind mike settlement. .FRANKLIN WEAULRY ju'y 23-4 t yEIf4ME MIN ARY, HAGERSTOWN. (Founded 1854) This Institution still commence its Sixteenth Scholastic year on the FIRST MONDAY [N SBPTDMBER. It offers tho advantages of a Beautiful and Health ful location, a NOBLE EDIFICE, especially erect ed and arranged for a BOARDING SC H OOL of the highest grade, ample grounds, and a liberal appoint meat of Teachers for Thorough ,Inetructioe in all the departments of a Dm fill, Ornamental and . ontilict3ducatioo. Board, Light, use of furnished Room, and tuition in all the studies of the regular Course including Latin, for each Terni of Five Months, $lOO. For Catalogues, or al y desire I in- Lrrtrition address • REV. WM. EYSTER. july 23 5t Hagerstown, Md. Boot -and Shoemaking. subscriber would inform the public that he is at all timid prepared to make to order Cents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses. including the latest style of last ing Gaiterri. Repairing done at short notice, and nr:asures taken in private families if desired. tihrp ott Eta Main bltreet, irr the room formerly occupied by J. Elden. as a flour end feed stare. TEM. J. HOLLINUSWORTIL jtty 23 —lf 110110IICAH 011 BE it .enacted by the Town C ough of Waynesboro'. 'l'ha iensOns shalLutark, cut or „post n any other manner, dui li e injure or deface, the Town lenging 'to 'the Borough of Wayi the lime to be done, he; she or th their alders and abettors; shall on t before the Burgess or one of the Jus of said borough; .forfeit and pay a of not less than Ave dollars nor Irk, Jars, and upon his, her or their negli pay the said penalty shall underip et in the Lock-upof-said borough for a ceeding forty-eight hours. Passed Oda, lilth . day of July, A. D. Attest,_ • VID H , Gso. W. Mum', President of 11 Beep. _ Approved this lath day of July, A. : WM. 0, t July 2P 3tl 1111100111_1111111-STO WAYNESBORO!, PAsf - BURNS AMBER ON,' PROPRIETOR, •S ICO g• eta.—Auld Lang Syne. If my true love was slab to death; Tra-la, tra•la, tra la, • I'd tell her at hor blest breath Trivia, ire la, tra-la, liar race of life could not be run, Tra la. tra-10, Ira-b, I'd hey some Drugs of A mlwriron At the,Drug Store on the Corner. If I was bald without a hair, 'l'ra In, tin In, tra In, I'd laugh at that, I would not care, 'l'ra la, tra ia, tra la, I'd bring them. back, yes, every one. 'l'ra la. Ira In, na la, By Drugs I bought;of Amberson At the Drug :Store on theleorner. lf I was tanned to darkest dye, Ira la, trm la, tra la, I would not care, 1 would not cry, _ Trada T tra la-tra-l. For Cam a bleaching would be done Tra la, Ira la, t In la By Drugs I'd buy of Ambersan -the--Bru-g 7. :!-tors-ort-th .e-,enrrtrer;-- Then three times three and tiger too, Trn la, tra la, tra la, For what we know that they can do, 'l'ra la, tra In, trn la - 11. 1 C 0108 cll. , t to vet ry won 'lra li, tra la tra la, By Drugs, I bought of Ambersqn the Drug Store on the Corner. DRUG'—THE BEST AND PUREST AL ways on hand at - 11 Al NTS , CHEMICAL AND MINERAL jr Paint, White Lead and Colors, tho best assort ment in town at EROsENE, OILS, VARNISHES, DYES, all kinds at RUSHES, P INT,VA!RNISH,3ASH, HAIR jjand Tooth BrtP,hes at 'RUSHES AND SUPPORTERS' AT PATENT ,tt t N E —L d I a . y T a f t l E,STAND - BRANDY, WHISKY, WINES AND RUM for medicinal use only, at EXTRAOTS, FOR FLAVORING, PERFU• inery and toilet articles generally a t UHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CA R E I fully compounded at"The.Corner Drug Sto july IEPOIIT OF THE CONDITION OF the Ist Nat. Bank, Waynesboro', Pa , at close of business, June 12th 1869. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, Over drafts, W. S. Bonds to Secure Circu'ation, on hand, 41 {I Other Stool , a, Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents, Due from other National Danko, Due 1r m ether Banks and Bankers, Current Expenses, 743 55 Cash Items including Stamps, $302 26 1 Bills of other Nat. Banks, 133.00 k _ . Fractional Currency and Nickels, 103 60 r Legal Tender Notes, 9,485.00 j . *10,02.3.86 LIABILJTMS Copan! Stock, Surplus Fund, interest and !discount, Profit and Loss, Circulation out standing, Individual Dr posits Due to National Banks, Due to other Brinks and Bankers, Dividends unpaid, State of Pennsylvania, County of Pmnklin, 8. 8. I. John Philips. Cashier of the Ist National Bank of Waynesboro', do solemnly swear that the,ah ove , statement is true to the ben of my knowledge arid belief. JNO. PHII,IPS, Coble r. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of June, 1869. J. F. KURTZ, N. P. Correct—Attest ; DANIEL MICKL I I, .W.S. A MSERSON, Directors. JOSEPH PRICE, On' HAN it boa never tali NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, C CLES, STIFFNESS AND FAI STITCHES in theSIDE or Back BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNg Persons affected with Rheunsati and Permanently cured by using ration; It penetrates to the pervo Oh being applied. On HORSES It will cure SCRA POLL-EVIL, ,FISTULA, OLD SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLE HOLLOW HORN and WEAK COWS. I have met with great en Mixture within the reach of the 1 receipt of letters from Physicians, sad Farmers, testifying to its cu DAVID E. FOUTZ, lify 16-3 mne CHERRY S 2 DERS.. - a Pplendid A de. . NIIELI7X I I. Sa g TIN AND GI BS ; all;lginds and sizes.. a the tin a stove store of D B. Itussat.t. & Soa, sign of BiL ea Horn. june • 18-tf 'synesboto, Pa. • NANCE. nod of the 'Doi. t any person Or Is upon, oe4hasl gent or envelope. ,alt Building be iabore, or cause so . °rending, tnietion thereof les of the Peace a and penalty than ten dot. It or refusal to ixtprisonment 'clod not HE mibscriber Will sell at-Public Baleale at his rep VA 11 idince, two miles Ens of Monterey springs, on the turnpike leading fro Waynesboro' to En:mitts. burg, an Saturday, Jul 2 4th , the following 'Heal Estate,yik : No. I'V e Farm I now reside on, con , Mining ' 180. AL cEt.311,0 4 about three.foorths cleared and under cultivation, the balance well sot with oak, hickorY•and chestuut timber. The improvements mishit of a THREE. STORY HOUSE, (frame, roughcaated) a large and well-finished Bank Barn 100 feet long and 40 feel wide, Saw Mill in good running order, two - good Springs near the door with spring houses attached, Blacksmith Shop, Carriage House, Wash House, Sinolui House, and all other iseceesary ont.builniugs, The farm is-so laid off that there is running , water in • every field except one. There is a large Orchard on the farm containing fruit trees of every descrip tion. No. 2 adjoins No. I, and contains 1889. FL ICH, svn_Qojawii. ~1889: 11 . 11, Burpres. 87 ACRES, -more-w_less,nearly-all-under-eultivationv—Tia r l provements consist of a DWELLING HOUSE. (vveatherbearded) one and a Gaff stink's high, Log Stable, Spring House, &c., good Garden and a va. riety of fruit trees. Sate to commence at 2 o'clock, P• . _ _ - , - common or aux.—One-half of the purchase money to be paid on the first of April next when possession will be given, the balance in one or two years to suit purchasers. KPAny person wishing to see the property before the day of sale can calk an the subscriber at any time. CHARLES H. BUHRMAN. 0. V. Morro, And— Ho has now on band a ',large stock of the best Cook stoves in market. He is selling 40 gal. Copper reitles:at The .above kettles are stronger than you can get elsewhere anal much cheaper. I am now putting Up a en the Hot Air Principe which comes much lower in price than any offered before, and is gotten up *n_good_st_yle r ia-strong-and-durablevtakes but little wooLL-Antkleesrits,worlapletidid: -- /ker. Call and see it. Metalic wire for Clothes lines chea p. The best Clothes Wringer in the World r The best Force Pump in Market ! Iron Wash Kettles. Tinned iron Pots snd Stew Pans, Copper and Brass ware Mnga goo - at— 711 of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. all of which is made of the best material. Al.l kinds of Jbb Work done in his line. Don't fail to call and ate fir yourselves as you will find many articles thatiyou pill went,. Sep 11 THE undersigned offers at private sate a very desirable small property situated in Poketown, about 3 miles northwest of Waynesboro', contain :rig about 3 acres of land, on which is erected a ono and a half story log house lately weatherooarded end plastered; also a wash house bake ovens cistern, and log stable, and contains a variety of e.hoice trait trees. Persons wishing to purchase e small prop arty are invited to call - end examine the premises.— Possession given whenever desired. i i If the bove property is not sold privately before- / Mrrnday he 261/e inst. it svi,l be offered at. public , sale on tat day at 1 o'clock, P. M., anti if not ttent sold will e offered for rent, July 9 $48,022 93 5,443.55 75,400 00 42,8004,0 300 00 9 350 58 4.375.35 3,3z4.59 DR. J ; Medi ,1 regular Ph Prepare no is the Bes Chronic di Tatter, Rh' er Complai Blood. Pt $199,690.41 $75 000.00 13,600.00 • 1,505.33 2,923.74 66 065 00 38,573 76 95.28 327 80 1,099 50 For solo born', Pa. $199,690.41 THE au and lot of a tho Union tietam Jun than an a.• 1 and new &c. The the Int,th. If the a before Sat will be . • clock, P.. july 16 to cure PAINFUL TRACTING MUS IN THE JOINTS, • RAINS, BRUISES, d FROSTED FEET, can be effectually is wonderful preps. dbone immediately ORES. SWEENEY, 11' lINNING SORES, RAINED JOINTS. &c_ RIOS prevent I ACS IN MIL= in bringing my bile. lam daily in roggista, Merchants 15ZEI BALTIMORE, Ma FA.RIII rtrßiao SALE. june 25 3t• W. A. TRITLE, Manntlteturer 01 Copper, Tin and.fibeet Iron Ware ; and dealer in all kinds 'of Stoves for Coal or Wood. pnivAm:n S'AL 14. DR. JACOB FAHONEYT OD PURIFIER !" OD FA HRNEY, graduate of feffersort I College of Philadelphia. is the only icinn who makes the genuine Liquid and is the Original inventor of it. It 1 emily Medicine of the age, good 'fur all •. sea, such as Sick-headache, Scrofula, elem. Dyspepsia, Consumption, Liv and ell diseases arising from impure arod only by JACOB FAHRNEIf, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Ambereon, Druggist. Waynes- ' may 14-3 m. e and Lot for.Solei cribei offers at private salt; his house and. situate about a half mile East of I.chool House and two miles from An. ion. The lot contains five perches less The improvements are a log house me Stable, hog pen. bake oven. Cistern; is also a variety of choice fruit trees on hole being enclosed with good fencing. vo property is not sold privately on or day the llth clay of September next it .red at Public Sale on that day at 1 o'- DAVID H. BAKER. Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, At:- of the Stomach, Loss of Appetitt, tea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and ait -es arising from a disordered state e Stomaen, Liver or Intestines. pared by SEWARD, BENTLEY EIIEY : Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. %Id ll Druggists. • y J Burns Amberson, Druggist, Waynrs npr 18--Iy or Guns, enknife Blades, • • epalring Family Carn Call on J. H. JOHNSTON. 28-10 ino:4] 11A1) 1 tION will he a candidate for re nomination f.r the office of Clorkof the Courts, ect to the anti m of the next Republican multi. ig convention of Franklin County, 'hamberb - burg, April 9 --tf GEO. HA 1134.1 N.
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