DR. J. 'BURNS AMBERSON SUCCteIBOR TO J. P._ KURTZ,- (At the Corner Drug Store,)_ WAYNESBORO', PA. Having purchased of J. F. Kurtz the stock and fixtures of the Corner Drug Store, I will continue the business at• the old stand, and have constantly on hand a full assortment ofall goods belonging to our line, viz : Drugs, Chemically, - Medicines, Oils, Perfumery, _ spices,__ Lamps. • - _ Shades, Chimneys, • Toilet andTancy articles, &c., &c., &c., &c Special attention given to compounding preseriptionn. Remember the Corner and give us a call ,hefore going elsewhere. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M. P. feb 26-1869. PUBLIC SALE ! THE subscriber intending to quit Hotel keeping, will sell at public sale, without reserve, at the Hotel in Quincy, on Friday the Mk day ofMarch, 769, tie lowing-propertyTto-wit-t 4 HEAD GOOD HORSES, one an extra fine gray horse, suited for all purposes; —l-No. 1. Fresh Cow, 1 Pansy Slei;h, 3 Strings Bells, 1 Buggy Spread, (new) 2 sets Harness, good as new; 1 set oh) Harness,3 Riding Bridles, one new; 1 Riding Saddle, 23 Halters, 2 Spring Wagons, one new with bed, bows and cover; 2 FALLING. TOP BUGGIES. I good ha new ; four head fine - Hogs; I new Cook Stove with-pipe-and_fixtures._ (No 0 Combination) 2 Parlor Stoves and pipe, 2 -Coal6toveg,-2-Corner- Curbortrd! z nearly new; 6 Table', lU Wish ." AND BED. DING, 3 Rocking Chairs, 3 sets Chairs, ono sot new; 1 Berretary, 1 chest, 1 desk, I sink, 50 ib3. Feath ers, 75 yards Good Carpet.ng, 150 pounds Bacon. Also his entire stock of LIQUOR - 8 AND BAR-FIXTURES, • among which are 100 gals. Whiskey, 50 gals. Gin, 25 gals. Pale Brandy, 25 gals. Ginger Brandy, 10 _ Whiskey Pump, 5 patent brass Force Is ; Bat ti.x cc - i7 - 3ucs - termirfers7w nit; ers, measures, water cooler, &c., 1 hominy mill, large side lamps with n Ilecton, 5 hand lamps, also a lot Queensware, 1 child's horse, 2 wood saws, I ludd.r 3 cow - chains 2 bids vinegar, 12 empty irony bound barrels, 5 2(1-gal kegs, 5 12-gal. kegs, 1 set bar-room chairs, twes, shovels, forks, rakes, and many other articles not necessary io mention. Sale st JO o'clock on sail day when a credit of Six Months will be given vnall sums of Ten Dollars and upwards. JOHN T. STULL. _ fcb 19 —ts G. V. MONO, Auct. PUBLIC SALE. HE subscriber will sell at public sale at his res idence, near It ingguld, on Monday the dth day t March, the following valuable personal pr •perty, to wit: 4 HEAD HORSES (all good work horses) ono of which is a fine leader; 26 HEAD HORNED CATTLE, eight of which are good Mitch Cows, Bonne will ho fresh by day of sale, six Fat 'inttle, the balance zoung cattle; 20 BEAD HOGS; 3 •FARM WAGONS, one three inch tread, nearly new ; 1 two hone Wag on, I Cart, 1 Carri :go, l Trotting Buggy nearly new ; 1 pair Hay Carriages, 1 pair flay Ladders, 1 Wagon Bed, 1 Gum-spring Drill, 1 spring Rake gond as new; 1 Sleigh, 1 pair Bark 1.3,1der4, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Corn Saeller, 2 Rolling Screens, 2 Cutting Boxes, 3 three-horse Plows, 1 two-horse Plow, 2 single and 4 double :hovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, '2 Harrows. treole, double and single trees, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 grindstone, 1 REAPER AND 'MOWER a lot-wagon genre. plow gears, collars, bridles, ha!- tern end fly-nets, 4 log chains, 2 fail-chains, spread ers, butt, breast and cow ,chnins. a 'lot grain bsgs, goo 1 Rifle, grain cradles and mowing scythes, 1 jsckscrew, 1 crowbar, 2 digidg irons, mattocks. shovels; hoes, forks and rains, and many other ar ticles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on en al day when a credit of Bight Months will be given on all Burns of $5 and up— wards, said notes to be paid within 20 d tys after maturity or ir. Wrest to be raid from day of sale. felt 12—ts ELIAS SHOLIKEY. PUBLIC SALE. MBE undersigned will sell at public sale at her residence, in Waynesboro, on Saturday the 13th day of March, 1869, the f.illowiug property, to wit : 3 Tables, 3 Bedsteads and Bedding, I Wardrobe. 1 Bureau, 1 Stand, 2 Cupboards. 12 Chairs, 2 Rot king Chairs, I Sideboard, 1 Doughtray.2 Stoves, (1 a Cook and the other a parlor stove,) 3 Kettles, (1 Copper, 1 Iron, and 1 small, bra -s kettle,) 1 Set tee, a lot Carpeting, 1 Wood box, Dishes, Crocks and Tinware, 1 IVlteelharrow, a lot Smoothing Irons, Window Blinds, 2 tubs, and other articles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at I o'clock on said day when a reasonable credit will he NANCY tabBEHT. fob 19 —ts FOR SALE! AX7 ILL be offered at Private Sale until the 1 evening of the 12th of March, 1869, a valua ble town property, situate I in Ringgold, Wash. Co.. Md. Tbe improvements c cnshl of a two and a half story ROUGEP-OAST-ROUSE with Basement, Stable, Smuke-I nuse, liake•oven and Cis'ern. The lot contains 1 acres land, more or fem. There is on the property a fine assortment of chit ice fruit, such as apples, peaches, pears, grapes, &c. Connected with the property is the undivided one-hall of a well nearly finished. If the above described property is not sohl by the time named, it will be offered at Public sale on the 13th day of March, at, 9 o'cloCk, A. M. Terms wade known on day of sale. JUST PII O. FLORA, G. V. notin, A ucL fch 26-- 3t WARNING lAIVIIES known t) the subscriber, hiving ear• tied. uff rails, from his prem'ees, he gives notice that lie will hereafter punish to the extent of . thC law ary person or prrsotte ttns caught trespass ing and stealing lipor, his premises. tub —at 1:: DM D PRO IN' N. W. A. RtID LET THE PEOPLE COME ! Tr AYE just ppenod a well ;selected ,and fresh _LA stock of Family Gioceries, to which they in vite the attention of the public. ',pleading articles they have a full line, viz: Brown and White Sugars , Prime Rio Coffee,. Black and Green Tea, —Carolina_Rice, Syrups common, good, extra fine; - - P. Rico and N. Orleans Moltisses, prime; 'torch Farina Chocolate, Pickles, Sarnishee, Brushes, Glass, Catsup, Cheese, Fish, 11 ason s ' a Crackers, best in town. Glassware & Queensware, Tumblers, Goblets, Dishes, Lamps and Lamp goods, good assortment, and low in price; Granite ware in sets, dozen, or smaller quantities, handsome styles, and guaran teed to be of best quality; common dishes cups and saucers, cheap. --Buckets, Tubs, Brooms. Baskets, Brushes, Ropes, Twins, etc. Fresh OYSTERS and fresh FISH regularly re ceived throughout the proper season. Canned Oys t ersriCorn-Peas,-Je Ilies in-tumblers. Best Family Flour, Buckwheat, Corn Meal. __Country Produce bought and highest market pri ies allowed. llaP We hope by fair dealing an ,1 keeping a full and fresh stock of goods to largely increase our sales Try us! Try us!! February 4, 1869. m BERSON, BENEDICT & have just ,Areceived their first supply of Fall and Winter Goods, to which they invite the attention of their customers and all who wish to buy good and cheap goods. We have a full assortment of Ladies and Gents Goodc of all kinds A large tot of OITA MDERtiBURG F A C TOR Y GOODS. for mens' wear. Also a full line of Groceries, I Niitions, Queenswarc, hardware, Oarpeting.s, Mattings, Oil Cloths; I Banta and Shoop, Window Paper, Nails, &e. We are also ngents for the sale of the well•knnwn Howe Lock Stitch Sewing Machine We have an experioneed Sewing Machine operator. who gives all necessary instruction in sewing whon required. AMISERSON; BENEDICT & CO. Oct 9 mar. subsrEbcr haying had considerable ex perience in the business; of Millwrichting an nounces to Millers generally that he is prepared to do all work in his line, including Mill repairing, at bhurt notice and reasonable charges. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to receive a cor.tinuanco of the bame." Post Office address, Quincy, Pa. GEO. W. KEAUY. P. S. Cog Woad for sale, suitable fur all kinds of Mill wheels, well seasout d. G. W. K. feb 26 &nos GIIN GUNS! PENKNIFE BLADES. dec 18-4 D2OS .1. U. JOHNSTON Persons'vranting fresb Limo can be supplied by calling on the subscriber. juno 19-11 ' ALEX, HAMILTON. DICIER Fll I'.—Dried Peoches, Dried Ain tesi Died Corr, u; RE/ D lip WATJUNT.B• REIM & IIiTAIENANT PURE SPICES; CCP Z . = 1. 3 C - 2 F. - c:=) , (te ca C"ra DRY GOODS. DZillurrighting 1 LIME I LIME i improved rltrashing Machine ! A.ll. WAYNANT. Daniel Geiser. B. E.. Price. • - - Farmers will pleaSe look at the great advantage in Thrashing . Grain with GEISF \ RS' PAT ET SE-11-REGULAIINGAIAIN SEPARATOR, With the latest Improved Triple Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt No. 1 is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten-inch rake crank and seven rakes is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it cn the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily m triaged to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies aII difficulties in cleaning grain- against wiring weather. It bags the grain by reasonable management, suf licientlyclean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per. hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh frien forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands,than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use- ' in intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an-iron threshers frame, and cylinder, 121 inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can-deliver the stow - a - ml - chull-together; will_thresh_and clem, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats per day, using tour or six horses,-and-the-same_number_oi minds; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, elce. - will thresh and clean considerably mere. The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and ret fires no more horse power, but in many cases does not_ run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Now here is what the Farmer and thrasnerman wants, a Separator to go from farm to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfact ion than any other separator now in use, and why is it ? Because this separa tor has a self reeuktmg BI act, which prevents grain from blowing into the chatT, and also has a self reg ulating teeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers and combs in the cleaner which prevents it from chunk m ichine-runso light. and give so little trouble 1 Because there is lees fric tion in the Journals, and the rakes an t trn era geared so that you have no trouble with Belts breaking and slipping, causing dust to fall into the wheat. Why does it clean_ against the wind? .Because the blast has ttitecitton on tha grain and the cleaner-is-s3-well-arranged_that the wind has no chance to drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built permanently on two wheels and the front carriage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary I Because it is more convenient in the barn without the front car riage. You can t urn the machine or run it from place to place more easily. Why has it not got Eleva tors like some other machines ? Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner --_ ' -" be ke wtc inuet even uaygo ra o e_ • - separate for feed, &c , we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings ffom under our hand fan-into-t c hopper and expect to get the grain clean. Why is this separator more cleanly and satisfactory to work a bout than others! • Because the Fan and• Trunk Sides are closed up to prevent the wheat chaff and dust - WM - coming out and scattering over the floor, causing waist and giving much trouble with dirt and_sore eyes, .c. - Why do TFrashermen get tame work smialr• these separators than they dcrwith - others4 ...- cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and a paying one for all farmers and Thrashermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most cases farmers must suit themselves to the machine, because the machine will not suit itself to the farmer. In,short this is the cheapest, most durable, reliable, simple and most agreeable to work about; and the only sep erator that will clean and bag the grain sufficiently clean for market under all circumstances. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommenda tion of farmers that are Using them, we must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they. have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for - Whic - lis the they will give us an opportunity, as we urnwilling tohe - responsible if it,does not perform :as represented in this Circular. A reduction of 2 per cent. on all orders handed in on or before the first of April, 1868. • Shop Prices of Machines range from 8215. to 8540. EV" We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of_materia workmanship, &c. t r 3 Geiser, Price & Co., Manufactures. , WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN CO , PA Null's Pat. Post Boring Machine,. A series of trials of this machine has convinee: the inventor and all persons who have witnessed its operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : This machine is constructed so as to he operated sither by hand, horse, water or steam you er. lly hind 25 to 30 poAs can ho bored per day; by one-horse power nem 100 to 150 per day ; by two-horse power •2 OCI per day, and by nr.d , ror steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It :s also a soli feeler. The sul.scriber is now prepared to dispose of`state and County nights fo: the above valuable in vention. June 19—tf PUBLIC SALE• WILT. be Pnlii at public• site, cn Te t raw A y rite iSTII 11.1.s.ahn, 1569, at the residence of J tcob !Ash er, on the Marsh Ilun, 11 miles north of the store, the following property of Catharine !Asher. dec'd, to v Bureau, I Corner 'Cupboard, I Ten pkte Stove, good in; new, l'Firge chest. I dining table. bedsteads and bedding, such as feather beds, coverlets, blankets, sheres, leather pillows and bol sters, ti lot chairs, large lot china ware, 1 iron It, t tle, brass do., pot rark. Inrge iron pot, I pair flux buckets, I..ipod side Biddle, spinning wheel and reel, table oil cloth, 1 large clock, and manly other articles. LESH BR, Ag't to sell. At the same time and place will he sold the fol lowing articles, viz: 1 one year aid colt. 2 heifers, 5 cliceter togs; 1 Morning Glory Stove, I large hogshead, 2 grindstones, 1 gold 'watch. lever hun ting cape, 1 hay and straw knife, dry harrow euff and other articles .not necessary to mention. sate at 10 o'clock when term's wi'l he made known. fel; 2 i ts) JACOB LE44-IER. THE ruhreriber off-rs for sate privately 2 goo 1 Mulch Cows _ _ jin 15 -t1 CLEANER AND BAGGER. PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868 STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. LABOR SAVING QT;ALITIES— EASE OF OPER ATInN— s_IMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION A dams ,COWS FOR SOLE. DANIEL GEIS ER,Proprie tori: QUARTERLY REPoRT OF THE IST Nat. Bank of %V ayucAorol, Pa., January 4, 1869. RESOURCES. loans and Discounts $53,395,66 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 75 400.00 U. S Bonds on hand 42,800 00 P. and A. Tel. Stock 30000 Due tiorn Banks 24,210,86 Cash and cash Borns 1 1.368 62 Capital stock Circulation Furplus Fund Pro its and Interest Deposits Due to Banks $207.475,14 The above,stitement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn to and subscribed before MP. January 6tit, 1869. J. F. RUH 12, N. P. jao 8— 6t DR. JOIIN RIPPLE having p-rmanently located in this place, offers his professional services to the community. (Men it tdc front room:next door to Dan ebratte's Drug Store. Dec 11, 1868. A. E. nucg. J. F. Oiler. Josiah Fahrney. JONATHAN NULL, Quincy, Franklin Gotinty. Pa. LLIBILI 11E3 D. D. ntressiL. NEW FIRM! D. D. RUSSELL & SON at the sign of the Si! Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and tarsal a large assortment ol- Stoves and Tinware. EVERYBODY.'* TEM IMPROVED _ ORIENTA BASE BURN R, At the sign of the Big Red Horn, and you will h convinced that the gricntal is the best, the band somest and the cheapest Base Mincing Coal Sum in the' _ for the truth is mighty and will prevail. We ca furnish any number of references in testimony o the superiority of the ORIENTAL over all oth ms, having been improved with so OVEN TOP The Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better graio makes mere heat with !era coal than the Moroi', Glor o_riuntal_kas taken the four first rem iurns at the State Fairs of New York, and the !Artie Silver Meddle at the American Institute . ruLsee at the:sifn of the "BIG RED II 0 R N " Waynestuo% Pa where you con get any kind o Stoves you want of D. B. LL who always keeps on hand and far sa le Tinwan made-of-the-hest-fin-and by gatl_vmskrasn. furnishing goods ste. at the Oen of the DIG RED HORN Sold at Retai I by _ D, R. RUSSELL & SON, Sign of-the-BitißeidA - liiin,== Waynesboro', Pa (warraOted to give aritiefiEtibli) Tinware, House Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks, Spoons, Ladles, Large iron and Copper kettles And other useful arttcles at the sign of the BR; RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa , where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR STOVE,S CO AL STOVES, (te of the Intent improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stor, Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. TINWARE made of the hest Tin in the mirket, and warranted at the <ign of the "131 g; M.eacl Ma0ri,...." I). B. keeps consult] tly on hand n largo assmtnynt of dlonso Fornislong Goods for silo cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy! nt the Ergo of the "Big Red Horn" arid ~rUinl. this b 444 0 - 1 , 77 - 4. Wringer ever mad 1571 ' erf..11 , ill want Of 81017,'S• 7junare, V(otti(' Furniqhing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value f , their money I.y cal imr on 1). It 1{17• 4 S111.1. ..S SON. Sign of the "DIG RED HORN " \A ay ncsl),m,'. Po SAVE YOUR FRUIT .•$107 ; 475,14 $7 5 ,000 00 67,500.00 12,000,00 3.178,14 49,194,17 202,83 DRY HOLD E, PATENTED IX NUARY 21ST, 1864. Th!e i. the beet Dry House ever rffered to the public • It dries Fruit in half the rrne required Ly the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. 1 he Fruit dried by it retains mere of the natural flavor. It if easily manned. It saves fuel. It is durable and portable. It has '4 fort of drying surface. eats and see them at the sign of the 111 G RED HORN and leave weir nriers fur them feb 5 . - 1861). JOBB B. =aux COME AND SE WORLD Ironware, Benssware, Japanned ware, Till: L. A. OELLIG THEI+IO9:NINI.7 4 GT,O/117 Thi4 Stove has been in ace in thia part_ of the country for the yrans and hag ziil,n - inore Baffle! tion than any other Mise•Burnina Stove offered: I can ref.r to One Hundrcd and Fifty persons • to whom I s tld these stoves aro! every one says it is the hest they ever saw or 'Ned. I . sold :tile Hundred and Seve'oteen of ihe=l , ,rovcs season, road from the or !erg now recited for the in I have no doubt but that will tell tore th•tt la , .t se :mond, Gone and see env stuck of Stoves. Y ,, u large stock of the best Cot! Stoves ever offered for sale, I have now in shire" threcothermew — B.t.o Burning Stoves, ...nut Ilevoking .Light" and the "Einpix," all Get class stoves. PE - RFECTION Al' LAS' F. The public havo long. tiocirc 1 0 prrfett co3k St o'C' for coal. I 11)11r LI 9:07:, EA With )11t doubt the be qt Stnv:. in market — W. , either Anthracite or Biturnit 0113 Cunt. Lill an,l W. A, TB I'l , l To' J, ES! • • ..• • • . , , and iliac t Irma liVare and dealer in all I,l.iirads tle a or WOOd. • He has now nn h:inda large stock of the best Cook StoNes irr Ine rke t. He is selling 40 gel. Copper Kettles at $21:1 30 6. 61 16 15 1 8. ci .4 4. 11 10 The above kettles are stranger thAn you can gat elsewhere and much cheaper I nal now puttie; up a NEW DRY HOUSE 0, the Plot Air Prineine which comes much lower fn price than any ~n(1 gotten up in good style, is wrong and ,lurets4l, u 1 , 11 in wood, and dr,es i \VW.: :1)1 , al:o I goo., anal 5 , •, , it. Metnlic wire fur (.:I"thes lines che2r. IMPPO VED 0 3.113,E C. 5.41 17 .-"=._ 44 •-' ‘ ,. V X.:il.;* , ti;i4V 6 l • . .. A . elMffIM C St CarITLVIIT fl Y. The best Clnthep Wringer In the World The hest Force Pump in :Market Iron Vt'a.h Kettles 'finned rum Pots and Pans, Copper and Brass ware Aiso n 2nnd stoc , . of Tin and Shoot iron W (r.•. nil of whi c h is in ; 1,. of (10. hrsrmlterinl. All kinds in hi. , lino. t f.l! to roll Ind see f R 11;11 will find nuny articles that you will (neap!. Sep it Wlt i Atttrtit P.MAttearfttlht!T% lift"4%-;:F ARRI.Ar* N -• igke 79 4iN: \ / /b:S ` i r e h Z ib =C., "Dr. P. Pahrney's celebrated Blood Searcher or Panacea," is a medicine that we can rect»um end in to those who are titllieterl. having. used ft In oar own family and furnished oar friends with the article: we can, therefore. from experience say that it is a medicine possessingrare medicinal propertie, s Petal , a mild purgative. it is well to keep it always in the family where there are children or those sith,e t to voids or other sickness. It is compounded ienin medicinal Roota, Learea, Barks. MRIx and Berrie 4, which are said to be entirely free from poison. We are personally actin:l:Med with the proprietor Arim suss our fatally Physician for several years. and we were nt one time raised from a bed renillietion under his Judicious treatment."—Christian 1 arnilu Com panion. PAHRNEY*B BT.r'vn SP.trenrr.:—from our pet sor al acquaintance with Dr. I'. Fahrney, sad from the re putation of the above named medicine in thv com munity where he lives, we can cheerfully recom mend it to a fair trial to who may need a PAxAern for the physical maladies of mortality, nut!! the great PAXACHA, for all diseases shall he found an the leaves of the tree of hfo.—Prophetic Watchman, • by F oult.nm u. Via n & Gehr. 111 gold ;W to It 11 i Q ii v *mall, Von Alto; T.. J tide M JruggiA.s goberally. ort 23 1,, NOTICE OF CC-PARTNERSHIP, THE undersigned has this day taken into part nersbip with him, H. S.Dorwart, of Lancaster City, Pa. W. H. HITESHE W. feb 20,1869 The Wholesale and Retail Ory Goods and No tion Dirtiness will hereafter be continued nt the old stand. No. :•7 Front street. Clonbersburg, Pa.. for merly occupied by Me tca!fe & Hiteshew, end more recently by W. H. Hiteshew, under the name, firm and style of Hiteshew & Dorwart. Mr. Hiteshew is now East buying goods. New goods will be opined Saturday,evening g7thinstant. feb 26—tf • HI I'ESITNYir R . PETER FAFS • BLOC) SEARC H Eft, OR PANORA, ran be hnd at, FOVIrrnMA AT'S nov !ZO Drug store. gillaal FOR 1868. THE CALOR EVic , 4:*11,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers