VILLAGE RECORD._ / f -7 - IL= I") 7. ItA.-21 Friday, March 3, moo, 1186. A man bud his poeliet pinked of $22,- 600 at New Haven laet Week. bar Thin ie a btoty afloat. coming from a Frenchman Just returned from Mexico, that blexamilian is not dead. ler•S uperstitious people think this year will be an unlucky one, because it began and ends on Friday. afirThe mayor of St. Joseph, Missouri, has been petitioned to appoint a day of fast ing and prayer for'deliverance from mud. o_Ninnesota, five Ba 'fist houses of Worship have been lately dedicated, and twen ty.eight are in process of erection. . borLamaitive, the French poet and his torian, and at one time a prominent political leader, is dead. isst.The Legislature of West Virginia has chosen Charlestown, in the Kanswh' Valley, as the future Capital of that State. • lita.The will of the late Jon►_than Bun, of Micagn, bequeathed $1300,0e,0 to local chari- u es . tin t,t 0 to his rekativos. fiteAtoong the first acts of President Grant, it is said, will be the reoall.of Gener al Rosecrane. aritansas,, Louisiana and Nevada have ratified the Suffrage Amendment recently passed by Congress. ()ON - SCIENCE. MONEY.—Tbe Treasurer of the United States received a letter on Friday last, postmarked Washington, containing-oce- tram:iced doilarp, which the writer said be tonged to the United States. Ifer•The ratification of the new Constitu. tional Amendment by the Legislature of Kansas-is announced. In the House there —were - int - seven votes in - the negative to sixty. forir in the affirmative. In the Senate the vote for the amendmentivas tsnaninious, ' rfa,,Another engagement between United States regally; and the Indians took place between the 15th and 20th of January, at a point ten days' travel west of the Witohita own atm. lor mops were success u, an totally destroyed an lodian village, beeides killing eight savages. WA gentleman in St, Louis, a day or two ace; - lost - $ - V 0 Ct - roi- - ThYr en° very of whia he offered a reward of $5OO. On the subse quent day he received through the postoffice the sum he bad loit, minus the reward. No name or note accompanied the enclosure. nSorne years ago a man named Brown was acquitted-by a jury in Niami county, Ohio, on a charge of murdering an editor in Dayton. Since then every one of the jury has become insane, met an unnatural _death, or committed suicide, and the judge who pre eided at the trial died recently in a lunatic asylum. This an Ohio journal calls a "start ling instance of the retributive justice of Heaven." NEW ISSUE.— The treasury plate-printing office has nearly ready for printing a new series of the $5O and 8100, greenback notes, to take the place of the present new issues, which have been largely counterfeited. The $lOO notes will bear a likeness of Mr. Lin coln, with a vignette symbolical of recon struction ; and the 850 notes will bear a like ness of General Grant, with a vignette sym bolical of restoration of peace. The Judiciary Committee of the Ten nessee Senate has reported against the pro position to sell the hermitage, formerly the residence of General Jackson, but now the property of the State. The committee re commends that Tennessee should keep the estate -for all time to come, cad make it, on some favorable occasion, the site of some noble institution of education or .of benevo lence. Ashland:Ky., formerly the home of Henry Clay, is now tbo site of a university which is attended by over six hundred stu• dents from all parts of the Union. War Dr. Sehoeppe, charged with adminis tering poison to Miss Stenneeke and causing her death, was brought up upon a writ of habeas corpus, in Carlisle, on Tuesday, the 23u1t. lit was remanded to prison for trial at the April to of court upon the charge of mulder. \ 61...31r. Jo J. Rodgers, of Pit iladelphia, a member of ti lower house of the Penn sylvania Legisla are. will, it is said, shortly iatrocluee a bill for the abolition of capital punishment. The probabilities are in favor of its passage ®"Mr. Johnson only pardoned one more counterfeiter on Monday Pardons for Ar nold and Spangler were issued Tuesday night by the President. All those living.who were seat to the Dry Tortugas for connection with the asfassitartion of President Lincoln are now Beth-cc. O'Laughlin died there over a y ear op. A SMART WORKMAN.-I.lllpeggiog boOts by steam, twenty cases, or 240 pair of boots, tiela!s work. One man in Hop kinton, Mass., has pegged eighty.three rases, 1,982 boot3,ln two days. lie once - pegged , 3artyteight boots, twice. round, ih fourteen ntioutes ; and lid one 5,0‘, in a trial of speed, ia thirawa secaads ! Iss.The Chicago Tribune is wisely pie. paring the minds of WeStern rattlers and present holders of Wheat in store for low prices the coming season. It shows them that in London and Liverpool the price of wheat, low as it has ruled for the past eight or nine months, is again 'falling, owing •to I the arrival of large,fleets of grain-laden vessels from the Orient regions. Odessa is pouring in wheat, and the neighboring ports are sending forth their grain in numerous vessels, while the news comes that California has a very large surplus crop, which she mush export, and promises to do greater things next season. The chances generally are against .a scant crop at the next harvest. "The weather of the present winter," says the Tribune, "has been peculiarly favorable to spring sowing, and the indications are that -the-greater - portion of the next crop will be sown in Mayen, which is generally looked on as insuring a bounteous yield. The only kind of wheat likely to be injured by the weather iv that sown in the fall. But the proportion of winter wheat is now very small, and smaller each year. Not a bushel of winter wheat has been sold in our market for -the past three months, and flour made therefrom is a drug with our dealers, The manufacture of spring flour has been so much improved within the past two or three years that it an• mere every requirement. Oa this state of facts, holders are advised to look their losses in the face as gracefully as may be, and decide to let go, lest the chance of selling be denied-in tote. 111lirThe Senate of the United States on Friday passed by a vote of yeas 39, nays 13, the Constitutional Amendment previously passed by the House of Representatives in favor of universal suffrage, without distinc• t ion-of-race-or-color — Th e — Amendment, as passed by a constitutional vote of both Hous es and now awaiting ratification by the Leg. islaturea of the several States, is in the fol• lowing brief but concise form : '-Article XY, Section 1. The right of the citizens-of-the-United-States _to rote shall not be denied or abridged . b y the United States, or any State, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. "Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." ittdrTlic Legislatures of twenty-eight States must ratify the above before it can become a a ilartof the Constitution. LOCAL MATTERS. so-Garden Seeds fresh and pure, at Bone brake's Drug Store iteirThe Corner Drug Store, Dr. J. Burns A mberson, proprietor. *_ _ GRAHAM CR ACKEREL—Tbe real article sold by Itcid & Waynant *®'Miss S. A. Freoch's select school for the Summer will open on Monday, March 22d. RAFFIGING.-A fine French sigh t-day Clock, with glass vase, to be raffled for.— Chances to be had of It. C. Mullen. La`The ground hog is an unmitigated fraud this year, and the temperature of the past few days hss put ground hog theory down to a very low rate of interest. Ser A woman named Kront is lecturing on "Progress" out west. Wonder if she wasn't brought up on cabbage ? ast„.Bbakers' Garden Seeds, best in, the market, at the Corner Drug Store, The Day. light Burner sold only at the Corner Drug Store. Tng ELECTION.—The township elections come off on Friday the 19th inst. Parties wanting tickets printed are requested to hand in their lists at least several days before election day. SOLD.-J. B. Hamilton has mold his Pho tograph Gallery in this place, to Ti. G. Brack bill, an experienced operator, who is now preparing to take Photographs, Ambrotypes and Fereotypes. Give him a call. Adver tisement next week. TOWNSUIP MEETINO.—The Democrats of Washington Township will meet in the Town Hall on to-morrow (Saturday) at 3 o'clock, P. IL, for the purpose of nominating a tick. et to be supported at the coming spring elec• tion. lon. Tfl E POOR. —A small`monthly allow ance granted by the Directors of the Poor to. a few indigent families of this vicinity, can be obtained by those entitled to the same by calling at the store of Reid & Waynant. PRE6SED.—It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that the pressure of job work and advertising continues. We expect, however, in a short time to be able to devote more space to reading matter. • READ--Persons indebted to me by Book oceount are once more requested to come for ward and settle their accounts befare the lst of April. . After that date cote will be ad. (led. W. A. REID. WONDERFUL REDUCTION.—Good family Floor warranted to give eatisfaction at Eight Dollars and Fifty coots per barrel Bacon and Lard wanted. J. Elden. is= ast.:A Hotel is to be erected at. the Ka• tolysine Spring octir Gettysburg. Dr. Smith bae . contracted for' e,5,000 . to put ' up and complete the Dotel by the middle of June next. - , liAtt itteitetra.— The public sales adver tised in the` Record ocouras follows : Elias Shookey, near Ringgold, March 8. David Gilbert, near Leitersburg, March 10. David Harper, in Waynesboro', March 11. ' John T Stull, in Quiney,_March 12.. Jos 0. Flora, in Ringgold, March 12. rs : Nancy Gilbert, in Waynesboro', March 13.. Henry Oalts,'oear . the Antietam Junction, March 17. 'Samuel Lesher;on the Marsh Run, March R. 11. Purley, near Leitersburg, March 15. Daniel Trifle, in Waynesboro',March 19. Samuel Needy, Waynesoro', March 22. David Steffy, near' Harbangh's Church, March 23. David H. Myers, new Mt. Hope, Marob 24. S. J. Oiler, near Hopewell, March 25 REMANDED TO JAIL:-= -- .on Wednesday of last week, Samuel M. Beyler, Win. Jones and - Joho Lily, implicated in the robbery of Siete, in_Mercersburg, in December last, were before his Hon Judge Rowe. on a, writ of habeas cor mg. Jones t .rn •d ' -2 evidence impliCating Seyler in the robbery The examination concluded the Judge held Seyler in the sum of $2OOO, and Laly in the sum of $lOOO, for their appearance at the April term of court, in default of which they were returned to 'ail. Jones wa. • ' • to give bail in the sum of $5OO for his ap- pearance as a witness, and was also sent back to prison SOMETHING BXTRA FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. is well known that The Little Corporal, the brilliant Western Juvenile, has a larger circulation than any other Juvenile Magazine in the world. This has boen gained by real merit and'enterprise. The Publishers are endeavoring to double -theirim se — circulation — tins year, and have determined to send their Magazine free for three months—January, February and March cumbers of 1869—free to.every family Who will send their address before the first of May, with four cents in , stamps for return postage. These are intended as samples to those who are not now taking the Magazine enlarged form. Address_ALFßED in its new L. SEWELL & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 11l DEATII OF A COLORED PREAOHER.--,-We understand that "Billy Bevane," as he has familiar) • been call , a- , 4 • • • - • - memorel, a well known colored Preacher, died at the residence of his sister in the South Mountain, some ten days ago, at a very great age. Although a Preacher for perhaps sixty years, he never learned to read or write, giving out his bymnsand—preaehing his sermons from memory, which had the effect of rendering them more amusing than in- otruetive to t Srge crow to his favorite "bush meetings." That, how ever, was their sin and not his. We have no doubt poor Billy has gone "too de. promis land," of which he preached so much and so long in his peculiar ways—Hag Herald. INsurtANcs —The annual Statement of the Home Insurance Company of New Ha ven, represented by Joseph Douglass, Esq., in Waynesboro', and vicinity, will be found in another column. The Home is a well managed, first-class Company, with a paid up cash carital of one million, and a surplus of six hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars; having a well earned reputation for promptness and fair. dealing commanding the confidence of pro. perty owners. Call on Douglass and insure in the Home, of New Haven. RECEIPTS.—For subscription since last issue : W. A. Flory, - ----- $4.00 Henry Baer, 4.00 D. H Myers, 10.00 Jacob Pt ice,2.00 . . Jacob Adams, , 2.00 Geo U. Flora, 2 00 H. Shockey, 2 00 Jacob Lesher, 2.00 Elizabeth Funk, ' 2.00 Miss Maria Baer, 2.50 Christian Lesher, 2.00 DON'T FORGET.—We trust our patrons in arrears for subscription, job-work and adver tising are mindful of the fact that the first of April is approaching, and that a general "squaring up" of accounts is necessary in or der that we may be able to meet our engage ments at that time. To those who have so long neglected their accounts we have this to say, that unless payment is made this spring, their names will be dropped from our list. LIFTINQ JACK.—A .lifting jack' for rais ing buggies and wagons, a patent right for which was granted on the 23d ult., was ex hibited -in front of our office the mbar day by the patentee, Mr. Jno. Riddleeberger, of this vicinity. It is quite simple in construc tion, but certainly a useful invention. With it the heaviest vehicle can be raised and lowered with the least exertion. It can be seen at the Tin, Stove and House famishing Store of D. B... Russell & Son. • ARRESTED.--A colored boy io the employ of Beery Shank, near this place, was ar rested on, Thursday evening last by officers Horner and Miller, upon the charge of com mitting a rape upon a girl about 13 years . of age, daughter of John W. Zook: On Fri day morniog be was taken to Chambersburg and lodged in Fort Fletcher. Fott- WABRINCITON.—.—A . Dumber of our citizens oz Tuesday last 'eft for Washington, to witness the ceremonies of, Gen. Grant's. inanuration 013 Thursdaj. In Huntsville, Alabama, last week, a col lision :occurred'between ci tizens and about twenty soldiers, resulting in the killing And wounding of three or four of the soldiers, who are. said to have been drunk. They attacked a hotel at night, demanded whiskey, Which was refused, when they commenced to break in the doom and windows A num ber of °Wiens at once collected, and a fight ensued, resulting as stated.. SPECIAL NOTICES., GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Meit's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The huittane views of benevo lent,Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Horsy Manhood, gent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge Address, HO-WARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. _ june 19— ly. 200 SETS OF LADIES FURS ! Comprising Mink Sable, German, Russian and American Fstch, Siberian and French Squirrele, Canada and French Mink, French and Belgian So- We, for Ladies and Misses; Beaver. Otter, Swat 'a Down, Er•nine and Sable Trimmings on hand and any width cut to order in a few moments notice. Fur Trimmed H oothOn_velvet_and Calie — Tissole, Silk, Lamb and Ermine Linings.— All kinds of Fur Materills. Old and Motheaten Furs altered, repaired and renewed into the latest I gg- • g• : a ner a 1 p egra • s G4EAT FUR AND GLOVE FACTORY, where can be found on hand or made to order in a few hours, Ladies Dog Skin, Duck, Goat, Sneep and Leather Gloves and Mitts, unsurpassed for neatness, dura bility and cheapness, on hand of our own make.— Gents Fur Collars, Fur Gloves, Lamb Felt and Flannel Lined Gloves, Huck, Sheep, Goat, Leath er and the Great Dog Skin Glove Also—Buffalo obey .cobes,Aeigh and 13uigyi3lankets,_(six_different patterns) Grey Blankets and Horse Blankets, , an immense stock selected and manufactured express. ly for our Winter trade for '6B and 69. UPDEGRAFF & SON, Hat, Fur and Glove Manufacturers, Opposite Washington House. Hagerstown, Oct. 30, I€6B. TII3EI .a.x_ervamf.— On the 25th ult, in Waynesboro', by the Rev. A. Buhrman, ' Mr. GEORGE F. MIN ER of 'Altenburg to Bliss CHRISTIANA LEASEY of Fiddlersburg,in Washington_ county. On the 26th ult., by the Rev. APBuht mao, Mr. DANIEL SELLERS to Miss A -31A-N_DA—K—STOUTIE-11, 'T:IIM 9CCIIVE33. At his residence at Leitersburg, on Sun day night, the 14th ult., GEORGE POE, Emq., aged 77 years, 4 months and 7 days. l ear Ringgold,--Did Jan-28th j4lra. EMMA ALICE, wife of Henry Edwards, aged 14 years, 11 months and 23 days. 3V1ALW1L.13.311190M. BALTIMORE Tuesday klatch 2. 1869. . ra a , an' 100 bbls. do. Family at $lO per bbl, Howard Street Super. $6.00@6.25 do. do. Shipping ' tra $6 75®7 25 do: do Trade Brands Extra $7.50@8.25 do. do. - Family $9.00@. 10.00. . WHEAT.—Was in rather better demand, and a shade firmer than on yesterday. Sales were made of 1,500 bushels prime to choice Valley red at 212®220 ets,, 400 bushels prime Western do. at 188 eta., 400 bushels -fair-Pennsylvania do. at 160-ets.,-and-of-300 knahels white at 200®208 eta. CORN.—We note sales of 10,000 to 12,- 000 bushels white at 85®87 eta., 6,000 to 7,- 000 bushels yellow at 92®93 eta., and 1,000 bushels Western mixed at-85-eta; - RYE —Some 650 bushels were offered to day, but no sales were repOrted We quote, however, as before, at 150®155 eta. OATS.—Were quiet to day, sales of only a fesundted bushels being made at 66®- 70 ets., for good Oats. use to PAY VP! THE subscriber requests persons indebted to him by note or book account, to call at his store and make payment on or before the 25th instant. After that date all unsettled claims will be collected with costs., mer 5-4t] C. H. DICKEL. CO.PARTATERSIIIP. THE undersigned has taken into copartnership with him Mr. Jacob Beaver, of Waynesboro', Pa. J. W. MILLER. The business will hereafter be continued et the old stand, under the name and style of Miller & Heaver. Thankful for past favors a continuance of the some is earnestly solicited. march 5 —tf 111 ILLER & BEAVER. PUBLIC SALE. r HE subscriber intending to go West will sell at public sale at his residence near Harbaughis C r lurch on the road leading from Ring4old to Va. terloo on Tuesday the 23d day of March, the fol. lowing property to wit : ONE EXTRA cow which will lie fresh about the day of sale, 1 two year old Heifer, 1 Shoat, 1 Cook Stove. I Tenplate stove and Pipe, I.Corner Cupboard, 1 Bureau, 1 Secretary, 1 Safe, I Sink, 1 Doughtray, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, flebests, 1 wood box, lot of Chairs, 1 large Rocking Chair, 5 Bed. steads and I trundle be ?, 1 rocking cradle, I stand. 1 bookcase, 1 twenty-four hour clock, 2 looking glasses, fine lot of queensware and tinware, lot of crocks all sizes. fruit jars, cans aedjugs, smoothing irons, quilt frames, dry herds, vinegar -barrels and other barrels, meat tub, crout and pickle stands, tubs and buckets, meat benches, 1 workbench, l ash hopper, lot of ashes, so ft soap, 2 iron kettles, iron pots, LOT OF TOOLS, consisting of planes, axes, hatchets, drc., 1 wheel barrow, 2 pot racks, 1 sausage stuffer, 1 lard press, h. - ,es, spades, rakes, cow chains, lot of hay, 1 grain cradle, mowing scythe, potatoes by the bushel. ba con by the pound, and many other articles not nec essary to mention. Sale to commence at JO o'clock *n said day when terms will he made known by march s—ta PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will sell at Pubic Sale, at his ree -1 idence, near Leiteraburg. on MONDAY 1 HE -15TH VA Y MARCH, 1869, the following property, viz : 6 HEAD HORSES among which are 3 colts; 4 HEAD 07 COWS, about 10 head young Steers, 2 and 3 yearlings ; 6 MEAD FAT STEERS; 5 Sows with pigs by their sides; 20 Head Shoats; 2 llockaway buggies, 1 Barrel pure Cider Vinegar, a lot Gearr, Harness, Breechhands 2 Wagons, 1 four horse and the other a two horse wagon. besides a great many other articles toe numerous to men tion. TERMS: Six Months credit on all sums of and exceeding $10; under $lO, cash If notes are not paid within, ten days atnirtitsturity, interest will be charged from dam' - - .Srat.ecommeace at 9 o'clock, A. M. - U. H. FURS EY. npr 5 - ts) • 0, V. 111oxn, A lid. DAVID STEFFY. G. V. McNo, Auct PUBLIC SALE, THE trukacriber intending to discdritinde Jidda& keeping, will sell at public sale . ; at his residence, on the road leading from Hopewell to Quincy, one mile west of the former place, en THURSDAY MARCH 26TH, 1869, thefollowing - personal prop erty; to wit z' IGOOD TAMIL'S!' HORSE' calculated for all purposes and is a gobil leader ; 4 two-yearling Colts, 2 good Mitch Vows, 4 head of Young Cattle, one a Sunflower Heifer; I one or two horse. Wagon, I Cart...l Shi'ting top Buggy, two Sleighs, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 two or three horse Plow, 1 single and 1 double shovel plow, I set Harness, I set Breecbbands ' 1 set Plow Gears, 2 Ilv-nets, 2 riding saddles, 3 riding bridles, collars, bridles and hatters, 1 string bells, 1 new Buffalo Robe. 1 horse blanket, 2 buggy whips, cow chains, shaking and pitch forks, dung forks, rakes, shovels, mattock and hoes, 2 axes, 1 ash hopper, barrels, tubs, butter tu', 1 churn and buck, 9' washiingrpgichines, a lot bed clothes, a lot soap, 1 meat vessel', store boxes; 1 Bu. reau; 2 Bedsteads end Bedding, 1 feather tick, one Safe, 1 Stand, I Sink, 1 Doughtray, 2 sets Chairs, 2 Rocking Chairs. 4 buckets, I larger Ten-plate and 1 Parlor coal or Wood Stove, 9 Tables, one a large cherry table, 3 chests, a lot Applebutter by the crock 25 pds imported Carpet, new; a lot old carpet, a lot _orLcloth,canned-and-dried-fruit;Baconrshouldersi hams, sausage and pudding,' buckets, pane, 1 spit toon, spoons, knives and forks, copper kettles, one 24-hour clock, 1 large Mirror, 1 cu . board 1 Mrusa!e mac . me, a of c op, 1 accordion, a lot Kooks wood en, stone, earthen and tin ware, 10 bushels books, 20 bus. Rye, • • - 75 - BARRELS OLCORN, 10 acres Grain in the Ground; about 100 Locust Stakes, a lot Hay. Ncarly all of the above articles are new or nearly .o.__Sale_ta_commence-at-10-o'clock—on - said - 0 • , when a roasonable_credit-will-be_given_on alLsums of $5 and upwards. S. J. OLLE11; mar s—ta) ' G. V. Motto, suet. PUBLIC SALE. jBE uidersigned will o ff er at public sale at his residence in Quincy Township, on the road leading from Mount Hope to Waynesboro', one mile .from the former and three from the latter place, on. WEDNESDAY MARCH 24, 1869, the following valuable personal proper-ty, to wit: D HORSES, 3 of which are leaders; 1 Fathily blare; 2 twe - y - ear• ling Colts and _1 (=Jeer old _ ; 51EFE 20 11EAD URN CITTLE, 7 of which are Milch Cows, 2 will be fresh on day of sale 1 Devon Bull, and the balance one and two yeai old ; 16 HEAD OF SHEEP, one a full bred Merine Buck; _.IIE-111 4E19 11Gm r NW 1 fat Hog, 1 Brood Sow, 7 Shoats; Also Farming Implements, such as 1 new McCormack Reaper and Self Raker, 2 FARM WAGONS, one nenrly new with good bed; 1 new two horse two horses, 1 Falling Top BliajT, - 2 Hay Carriers. 3 three horse plows, 1 two horse plow, double trees, triple trees and singletrees, 2 harrows. 1 a two and the other a three horse, 1 corn coverer, 3 double and - '3 - single - sho - vtrpclj,Ws7 - 1 -- 0 - aldrill 1 spring toot rake, 1 windmill nearly new, 1 fifth chain, 2 pair spreaders, 2 log chains, 1 jack screw, 1 good cutting box, 1 mattock and digging iron, rakes and forks, 3 grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, 100 bundles l ye straw, a lot of timothy and clover liay,3 bu. timothy seed, 6 set wagon gears, 4 set plow gears, 1 wagon saddle, 1 six horse line, 1 four horse line, plow lines 1 set double harness, I set single harness, a lot of head-hultera f a-lokof - cow ch-ains; 711 ACIIIS OHM II Till 610151 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 1 cooking stove, 1 parlor stove, 1 ten plate stove, 1 table, I set chairs, 1 patent dry house,_iron and_copper—kettics,2_doz_ crocks, a quantity cooking potatoes, lot planting po tames, 6 cider barrelsovith a variety of articles not necessary to mention. r•nle to commence at 9o' clock on said uay when a credit of Ten Months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards, purchasers giving their notes with approved security. DAVID H. MYERS. O. V. MONO, sod. mar 5:--ts) PIT BLIC SALE. V - 0 1 11E subscriber intending to remove west will sell nt public sale nt his re-idence, on MONDAY Tat 22t1 of MARCH, 1869. no the road leading from Waynesboro' to Bingo il, about 1 mil. a from the former and 1 mile from t he latter, the following prop e. ty to wit : TWO HORSES, one of which is an EXCELLENT FAMILY HORSE, one extra Mikh Cow, 20 HEAD OF STOCK HOGS, one Shifting top Buggy, ono Sleigh. one set of sin• glo Harness, one Saddle and Bridle, (W. I'. Wee— gloy's make,) lot of Halters, two strings of Sleigh Bells, one extra Sausage Stun.; also 'Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of ONE MORNING GLORY STOVE, 1 Cook Stove, lot of Matting, 2 Lard Cans, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said 'lay when a credit of Six Months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards. purchasers giving their notes with approved security. mar s—te STATEMENT op TEM EO3IE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. , JANUARY 1, 1868. CAPITAL STOCK, Scrams, N.'S ETEI. • Market Value. Real Estate owned by the Company. $ 435,025,00 Loans on Mortgages, • United States Bonds, 5 20, Missouri State Bonds, Virginia State Bonds, Tennessee State Bonds, Wisconsh State Bonds, New Haven City Bonds, • National Bank Stock, State Bank stocks, Loans on Collateral and on Call, Cash on hand and in Banks, Interest and Rents accrued and Bal- antes due the Company, Bids Ri.aeienble Cash in bands cf Agents, Salvages on Losses pain, run dry invest ments, and other property owned by the Company, LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment, $68,632,32 JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Agent, Waynesboro', Pa. mar 5-Im. DR JACOB FAHRNEY'S BLOOD PURIFIER TN consequence of opposition in my business I _thin reduced the price of my Medicine from One Duthie to Sixty Gents; and $4,80 by the dozen.— All orders promptly attended to by sending to my Wien, 1236, Elstvoith Street, rbiladeiphia. b 5 3iu SAMUEL NEEDY. G. V. MONO, Alia. $1,000,000,00 622,974,39 46,100 00 139.2: 1 9,37 22,562,50 26,35,68 18,005,90 12,350,00 51.000,00 212,322,00 7,785,00 22,1/6,24 100,966,03 93.423-49 69,855,20 273,831,81 93,347,07 $1,622,974.39 PLO 2411, MINE subscriber intending tO discontinue farm. A• big will sell at Publid Sale at his residence, a. bout one mile North of Leiteraburg, near the Way. nesbord Turnpike, on W EDNESDAY THE 10TH DAY OF Al ARCH, IMO, the following personal property, to wit : 11 HAD OP HORSES, among which ate 2 No. 1 Woad Maieii and tea Plow. Loaders. 3. three•yearling two pearling Colts; —* • - 14 HEAD CA T Tlins among which are 5 good Mitch Com, 2 Fat battle, the balabee young vitae: 3 BROOD SO Wei, , 11 SHOATS; 13 HEAD GOOD SHEEP; also farming implements, among which are 3 FARM WAGONS, (good) 1 one horse Wagon, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 Wagon Bed, 1 Falling-top Buggy, 2 Grain Lid dere, 1 Rail Carriage, 2 three horse Plows,l two horse •do., 5 double Shovel Plows, 2 singe do., 4 -Hanows-two of which are corn harrows, 1 - Corn - Coverer, 1 Clod Roller, 1 set Locust Sled Runners, 1 Springtooth Rake, 1 Revolving do., 1 machine strap, Wagon Gears for six horses, 6 housens, 611 y -els, 1 six horse I '---- 1 • 'Sir - de Br nets, 1 six horse line, plow lines, 1 set Single Bar near, Collars and Bridles, 1 Wagon Saddle, 2 Side Saddles, 1 Cutting Bort, 1 Grain Drill, (Troxers peke) I large sized Wheat Fan, (Watkins' make) 1 Slegih, 1 common Threshing Machine with New York Horse Poirer, 3 Grindstones, 1 crowbar, one diging iron, 2 stone sledges, 2 log chains, 1 sixth chain, 3 pair stretchers, 2 pair butt trawl, breast - chain - 10 - rou - glacrekTriackscrew, cow charns_and7 halters,-single nift[dOn - ble trees, 9 treble trees, one wheelbarrow, 1 rolling screen, 1 SET NO. 1 BLAWCSMITII TOOLS, 2 screw plates, 1 tirebender, a - lot cider barrels, 2 mowing scythes, 1 cloverseed cradle, - 1 grain cradle. 2 shovels, 3 hives of Bees; 350 BBLS. OF CORN; • 400 BUSHELS OF OATS, 25 BUS. OF POTATOES; also House Furniture, such as one Corner Cupboard, l Drawer, 3 Bedsteads, I Lounge 2 Tables, half doz. Chairs, and many other articles not enumerated. bale to commence at 9'o'clOck on said day when a credit of7o nionEhsgWen on all sums of $lO and upwards, the purchaser to give his note with approved security, and if not paid within lb days after maturity interest will be charged from day .of _sale. tygoods to _be removed_ until-set tled-lor— DAVID GILBERT. feb 12 —4tl G. V. Mono, Auct. 'Herald and Torch,' Hagerstown, copy 3t and ch. advertiser. PUBLIC -SALE. THE subscriber having entirely too much stock for his farra, will sell at Public Sale at Ma re*- deuce, near the Antietam jurction, on Wednesday the 17th vla o March. 1869 the following personakproperty, ta 4 HEAD GOL_TS, ,1 three year, 1 year ani 2 one_year 014_ - 20 HOD HORN CITTLB, among which arc five Milch Cows, one Bull, the balance-Young-Cattle, 14 HEAD OF HOGS, among which are two fine large Breed Sows ; 14 HEAD FINE COTSWOLD SHEEP and 1 ez- FOUR WAGONS, 1 a large Broadtread Farm Wagon, 2 two-horse wagons and 1 fight Spring Wagon, 1 light farm. Cast, I Trotting Buggy, 1 pair fl ay_earrisiges,_lier rows, single and double Shovel Plows, single and double trees, jockey sticks, Ste.; CORN BY THE BARREL, 1 barrel Vinegar, 1 set Blasting sets Black— smith Tools, 1 Log Building, , formerly used as a wagon maker chop; 1 lot new Plank for hog pen. floor, about 2000 joint shingles, ancl.many other or ticles,not enumerated. N. I.l.—The above property will be sold without reserve. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be mile known by HENRY OAKS, ti. V. Mos°, eruct. ° fey 213—tti) PHIL[Irt SLALE„ rriflE undersigned intending to quit the Hotel , I business, will sell his entire stock of Hotel Fur niture, dm.. at the Washington Hotel, in WaNnes born', on THURSDAI the 13th day of MARCH, 1869, as follows : 1 GOOD YOUNG HORSE, 1 Falling-top Bugggy, t Sleigh, I set Harness, one riding bridle, 1 good saddle; 12 BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING. 2 Cock Sloves and fis'ores, I Oriental, I Tropic, 1 Base Butner, I Egg and I Ton-plate Stove, I pair of solid Walnut Side Table., 1 Brcakfiist and One Dining Table, 1 long do., 2 lounges, 2 sinks, one wood box, 1 flour chest, 6 sets Chairs, (one set cane bottom) 2 large Rocking Chairs, also 1 dcz. No. 1 Bar Room Chairs, 125 YARDS OF CARPETING, 25 yards Matting, 1 Bureau, I Chest, 6 stands, 8 Looking Glasses; also his entire stock of LIQUORS AND BAR FIXTURES, consisting of Whiskey, Brandy, tin, Wine, &c, 1 water cooler, bottles, tumblers, &c., a lot empty barrels and kegs; 500 is. Bacon, 300 lhs. Lard, to gether with a great many other articles not neces sary to mention. . Sale to commoners at 9 o'clock on said day when a creditor Six Months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards. All sums under $5 cash. No goods to be removed until settled for. Ali notes not paid within 10 days after m dusky interest will be charged from date. ' DAVID HARPER. feb 26 ts) 13, V. Motto, anct. PUBLIC SALE. HE subscriber will sell at public sale at the•late la residence of Martha Trifle, dec'd. in Waynes boro', on FRIDAY THE 19TH DAY MARCH. 1R69, the following personal property, to wit:-1 corner cupboard. 2 tables, 2 ttands, I secretary, 6 chairs, 1 large rocking chair, 2 looking glasses, 2 ten•plate stoves and pipe, 1 NO. NINE COOKING STOVE, 2 bedsteads, 50 YARDS CARPET. 1 large eight day clock, 1 large chest, 1 lounge„ 1 mattress, one meat tub, 1 meat block, 1 meat bench, a lot pipe and drum, spoons, knives and forks; 1 set iron ladles 46 lbs feathers in ticks, 9 good quilts, 4 blankets, 4 comforts. 4 chaff ticks. 5 sheets, 4 bolster slips, six tablet loths, 1 copper kettle, 1 pair steelyards, one slaw cutter, iron pans,l colDe mill, 1 Slur bucket, 1 ash do., glamvare and queensware, crocks and - jars. I lard can, tub and bucket, 1 axe, 1 fork and shovel, 2 lamps, a lot waiters, 1 hand saw, benches, barrels, boxes, and many, other articles. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will Ito made krwvirn* by - DANIEL TRITLE, Adm'r. feb —ts i: 3l AL. V. _AVING; made some change in my business relations, all persons indebted to me are rr. quested to mike prompt sett:ement of their accounts as lam in urgent need of loony. Mr. A. I.l—Ws 1. sANT is antboriz I] to receipt for monies due me. Way tws!:oro', Jan S W. A REID.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers