GROCERIES. C. B. DICZEL 117 OULD respectfully announce tO his Mends I+ V and the public generally tliht he is prepared te 'supply all who need COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, FISH, TOBACCO. CIGARS, TEAS, RICE, BROOM, BUCKETS TWINES, Also a Mil assortment or Confectionaries, SPICE, SALT. Notions, Stationery, etc. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Thankful for past favors he respectfully golicite a continuance of the same. Aug. 2, 1867. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS I IL WALTER ilc BRO. - MANUFACTURERS AND DEA L.EFIR IN Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, 4r„_ti.e., 1 7 E call attention to our assortment of the a bove, comprising the newest and most, ap proved styles Having the advantage of Water-power, and a STONE (JUTTING BUSINESS, W❑ most ronstaili,ble terms u , a cal( at our Yard. twat Antietam June on Way he-b.,ro' and ling,erstown Turn )lllt, srO' Ibe limner place. Post tact: alit le-, t 1 a n l'a. i% LS. /)x. can be It it With John Waitet and niu ,rein, piotoi,t amnum. H. W. & . _ _ iLL 1911 V I" 1?,4, A / E1.z 4 1-i has pst received a full assortment of %It /MC Of business. kits stock ya,t. ol the latest btyles of Metes anti' li*A.T%' 1.1) OAPS, 1 , 1. omen's, Alisse's, Boy's and Chitdren'a GAITERS SHOES 1161.11 and Slippers of every dose! ipl ion, Ladies and NiNfiCS • 1MU...) :KY .20/' ":f.L. it& EiZ3 e Boiniet FramPe, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Wear: Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hsi i lov es, Parasols, Sun Linaberellas, Yins,Rie.c :"churl, Blank and rtiliscellancous Books,Station ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will he sold as cheap as the cheapest. &pt. 20— . .1. H. WELSH 'VIEW FIRM! ilitlillGE MIMING: I'HE subscribers would inform the public that the. have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an 1 that The business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & liewtiea. They will have , constantly on hand DUO of every description; new and:.-, second•lianded Vehicles of all kinds. liepatring done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best nidtenal. Persons wanting anything-in our IVO wilt do well to girt) us a call before purchasing eisewike're. COB A GEORGE B. 11A V% 4i ER, Chrwh Street neatly !6e M E t 01TMA,r "cooNmv.” BOOT AND SHOE STORE! r ''HG subscriber tins jest returned from the city atal ta"now opening for examination a`large anii welt 5.,14.cte., .turn of Boots and :Nho , .v. Having had a Ion:: tame• to become acquainted with the Boot and te.e [note no douln if you favor finn with a call y eu,n rtl buy as he will sea che•ip and warrant tit- work. Ali'ruis named free of e;iarge•. Give '•1 nnnc}''' a cud. '2.rfash. Arrival FOII,NEY Sc SONS 11.14 V ; j us r t t r u .., rr r o 43 , t e l t k r , ? ri m d : n h C L ; Llamrgoe roa at ,lery imv rotes 1 - Livieqi prices El4i• por Hide:frg, and kcn in btor_o_. Tn, highest Ina rket prier. will (Ai paid for 400 of 'I:01,11111 dark A; ill '72.4 - IMtiti EigarbeAmg;: Itarberiitigi ViT , An , reril . .. , r Phi! public . thnt he eon !intivi, ii:.• 1;,:b. i n th.• v.etn mit , cc,. :rime, .11,1 I, et 1.1. I.IIIIPS V r linui Snoring, ‘hitiopeoollig, he putl,mage of the vus - • - 1 2,,•Puiiy .4norzttvd. 1.867 ao learaners and Otfacis. , u.)scriber having had many years expe- A. Il• Ils a Horse Farrier, would announce )4' timers .tiol others that ho is prepared to treat ..necessmily Itinguone and Bone,pkvin, and oilier di-eases to which the horse is subject. All ,nses o; Oonespavin cured or no charges made.- I',•rs nip having sweenyed horses can rely on hay .l4l nem cured. it:wide/ice 15 miles East on Mon -I,rey :-prings. 30tiN BONSHOOF nov Professional. -p„R. J. itußris AMBER'SON having perman „jenny located in this pf.tec,tifTers his profession , : ,ervicos to the community. Urals promptly at rt.m!ed to at all hours. Office in A. b. Butiolaakes Drug Store; one Juor west of the Waynesboro' Ho tel. April 17—tf. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, NITORNEY AT LAW, Real Estate and insurance Agent, Office in Walker's Building, WaNtreaboro% Penns. 14 , y8-tf. CLOVER SEED. TATANTED Bus()els 111-iver Seed, for which the highest market price cosh will be poiti by - JOSt.P.III:s GROUND. (lec 25. , onin fi j Leittrsburg, a .0. Molassos at the store of I'ILIME N. Amasasos, BENICO/CT & CO. ' -- moo ~~f L01a..3WZ3. ! : , r1; 1:---. Thls la the Cure that ley 1:,,1 14 4 , 5 ; .....-. .c In the A:linttostA that Ittrig nude, Lf..N.• ~-,_ csNk,,,:ria 1.. - t•I • •••,,,„. ,i,; is the' 7.\lttn Nrllo TM; bald and ; • ,) ;4 - 47 Ti , sgray, 46 .i... , ,,r,„ 'Who TICP.I. - Imp raven leet:s, they any. (_ . 2 . 'W:., , ,,:,.., 4 , Ile usc.l the ( ' tire that lay 4 1.-S: In the AmitneritA that Bing made. .., i7.'"?' 1 This IS the 3fahlen, handsome and fi t k "::::•,,i) ... • CI \ .Y• ' q 4 •1 1,4,7., \ ;VI., 1 carried the man once bald and A:';‘ V.l, T . gray, :::.,di ..) nw has --..-....„ 1t'11..) raven leeks, theya sy. x ... .. , 0 4, 1 - i ...,.-- :': s , used the A3l /3 ROSIA that king e -;;,,,,, -,tz:' Imule. 0•55 e,.,... • Thls is The Parsern,lcho,by_fhe_ war,- ,—,,\ 1 - _---‘: r' --- M :r i r i ; . ;: ,. (l , the maiden, handsome and r i :? ; ; . ,; - k- To Iha loan (o'er hald and gray,, 7 ... l:ut who now has raven foeks, they ), l c ts .) ":' .. .. ‘ „-t 7 ,,,,•' It-eause hie rtwal (11P Cure that hay - =A. ! ...5. , In. the .t.:NI nltt , S 1 A. that Ring liiiitle. ,"- 1 i , - , 4,1 Tlifq Is the Tail that rings away ckti .: i 7, ,1 -:-.‘ ii l ‘ l ) \ ;Tt ' i ll , ' , Q . I' l, ' c 1, 1 :1 '-‘ 7I ' ue l l7 f ß i ' L l,a ro n l i C O d e ." ' .71 y '•WC6. 4 4 - -* - ..ii -' , it . ?On l'op/ 4 woe be b , kl or Fro'', '''\ ~'4 4` '-fi\-;-.o' ! ~.: i lc A.7II;AOSTA ihtle Pity/ hind° ,Z,.............::' C. lit/ fli ON VV. PRIM; F. r. r„, nn P r-rr PRORfr. r 4. No Id by J. F. KURTZ and F. FOURTLIMAN Wilynesborn% and by Druggists generally. Eeb. 14-Iy. MACHINE SHOP! subsicriher having purchased of Messrs. I Hess & Emmert their Foundry and Machine Shop at Quincy. Pa., respectfully antounces to the public that he will continue the business, and for the present, will do all kiwis of repairing in iron or wood. Will also build new Overshot, Undershot and Breast Water Wheels and Flour Bolts to or. der. Beir.g a practical and experienced mechanic be flatters himself that he can give general satitfac. tion to all who will favor him with their patronage. He further promises that his charges shall be mod erate. dec 18 3naos3 JOHN L. METCALFE. soot and Shoe Store• A 7 ILLIAM STEWART would respectfully inform the public that be has opened at his reside ce in Ringgold, a well aelected lot of Ladies, Misses and Children's shoes, also Me n's end Boy's high coarse shoes. Ladies Polish Boot tees, fancy Bout tees, and buff Balmorals, Childrens Shoes of all description ; also a Kt of,„Men's and Boy's SUM-,1 MEI{ HATS, which he will sell at short profits for cash lie also continues to manufacture Boots and Shoes to order, and returns his thanks to his cus tomers in general foe past favors and hopes a con— tinuance of their custom. Aug. lit--111a2 G (4011 Sugar at AND MEDICINES, GED 'll_ lE. ININ AND --- ite, &e., Waynesboro', May 24, 1367 RING-'S 1 ,0,1110 A 2 k J* GRAY HAIR, This Is t ht. Am 'MOSTA that Ring rllllllO. QUINCY FOIUN Day AND L. H. WHITMORk FURNITURE GREENCASTLE, PA• Would call the attentionmf all who are in need of Furniture, Mattresses. Looking Glasses, Carpets, to the fact that he has a larger stock en hand, at his rooms on Southeast Corner of Centre Square, than Mt similar establishments in the county corn• bined, at(' that he can and does offer inducements to Housekeepers and others, in want of Goods in his line, such as no other Carpet Dealers can dm He has on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of Over 25 different styles, ranging in price from - $5 to 675 each. ' More than 50 Bureaus, of 25 difierini styles, from $7.50 to $75 each. . Upwards of 600 Chairs, or alFstyles, from $1 25 to $35 each. .ouches rgm to each. Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. Wood•top Parlor Tables, from 82 to $l3 each. among which are 20 different styles. Also, Extension, Breakfast, Dining and Hall Tables, in endless variety. Wardrobes, Book Cases, Wilting Desks, Libary Tables, Secretaries, What•Nots, Hat Racks, Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, Camp, Office, Hall and Library Chairs, Safes, Sideboards, Sinks, Doughtrays, Cupboards, Washstands, Also r a.9arge stock of all kinds of Mattrasses, such as Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, Wool and Straw at prices from $4 to $4O. Spring Mattrasses, Spring Bed Bottoms, Carpets from 30 cents tols2 per yard,Ethe highest cash puce paid for Carpet Rags,] Swinging and Self• Rocking Cradles, Also a large assortment of Looking Glasses, from plain Walnut Frames to Fancy Ovals and Arch Tops,_in Gilt and Rose wood. Also, Children Huggis_l3,ond Hobby Horses, Picture Frames, and Moulding of all descriptions, and at lower prices than can be bad elsewhere in the county. He also sells Wholesale to the trade, all of whom he requests to call and learn prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. MOWERS ANDR_E man s FOR SALE. dec 18 6musj RED 01111113111 W 00111131 E& J. ELDEN have just received asplendid , stock of New Goods, sonsisting of Hats and Caps of the latest styles, • Boots and Shoes of all kinds. A niee lot of Button Gaiters for Ladies or M isses. A FINE STOCK OF NOTIONS, Such as Paper C altars and Culls for Ladies or Gen tlemen, Hosiery ,Gloves of all kinds for Fail or Win ter ; Neckties o,rthe laciest styles ; Suspenders, cheaper than ever, Pocket Books at any pt i.e from 10 cts. to $2.50. Note Paper and envelopes, steel pens, Ink, Razors, strops, Penknives and pocket cut lery, a fine assortment ; Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers, Photo. A (hums Combs, Brushes of all kinds; in fact everything pertaining to fancy No tions. STONEBREAKER SMEDIWNES, FRATZ'S PEARL POLMING POWDERS CONSTANT ;NE'S PERSIAN HEALING SOAP Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mate, Rugs, &e CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, splendid ru , sartment ; glove Buttons from 10 cents per pair upward;. Gold Pens and Pencils, Watch Guards, Chains, Keys, Hooka, Spectacles, Goggles and everything pertaining to the Jewelry Business. A large lot of empty, store Boxes for sale cheap. W ate hes, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. All those in want of anything in our line would do well to give us .a call, for we are determined to sell CIIICAP for cash. Thankful for past favors we would ask a eontin; armee of the same. E. &. J. ELBEIV. sep 18 I CORNUCOPIA. Waynesboro' Bakery, Confectionary OYSTER SALOON. rrtHE well known and popular Restaurant and Saloon formerly kept by Wm B. Crouse. has Neon leased by the undersigned. They are devoting tt eir entire time and attention to the business of ca tering for their friends and the public, and ready to supply the luxuries of the season. OYSTERS, CRABS, LOBSTERS, TURTLES, TRIPE, CHICKENS, &c., &c., will be served up at short notice an by the best of cooks. In fact and in short, we aim to keep a first class Eating House and to please the appetite of alt who may favor us with a call. At all times the best ALE can be had on draught, for proof of which call and try the arti cle. We have a saloon fitted up expressly fur the Ladies. Thankful for the encouragement we have re ceived thus far, we hope to merit a still greater share of public patronage. nov 20] RENNER EIMER & HOOVER. MILLINERY GOODS ! r i RS. C. L. HOLLINGEIIGER tuts just re jUiceived a full supply of new Millinery goods Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock.• GOOD TEMPLAR REGALIAS supplied or the material to make them furnished. GEO. W. WELSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in tie Town Nett Building, nest door to the Post Office. Dec, 13 188 r TIIOS. J. FILBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. Jane 16, '6ll. EPID'S, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ii -ANIT= Carpets,- I. H. WHI.TMORE, Rocking Chairs from $1.50, to $3O - Chamber Suits, solid Walnut, rum VA to t 260 each. Cottage Suits, from $3O to $9O each, Tete-a—Tetes and Sofas, N---igiit4ro"-ekvtatr•"j*ihtirzr--voa seat Sprin- Parlor ChairP, from $3O to $6O per half dozen TO TILE LADIES! _ ENGINEBREI, ---- Foundry, Madhinists and Blacksmiths. ESTABLISTED 1861. • PARKERSBURG, WEST TA. Your attention is respectfully called to our eaten FOUNDRY-and MACHINE WORKS situated on Ranarrha'street, near the W. and 0. R. R, Depot, Tne entire establishment; in all its departments is supplied with the most approved Machinery tools and appliances necessary to the mat.ufacture of MACHINERY AND LIGHT AND HE•;AVY CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Our Work is of-the best quality both as , to ma. terial and Workmanship. We are extensively engaged in manufacture of Portable and Stationary Stearn Engines, Steam Boilers, Circular Saw Mills, Haw , Saw Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, ---- Sorghum Sugar Mills, . Shafting Pulleys And Hangers, , - We are prepared to do COPPER, ' - and to manufacture nonce's an manufacture OFFICE AND OT II Ell STOVES co s ores are oft e best quality. We have also on hand PORTA BLE ENGINES, ' At all prices, adapted to the running of all kinds of THRESHING MACHINES, ALSO, J ACK SURE W S -AND - - S TAPE JfA CHINES. As to"our Stave Machines we respectfully refer the public to Messrs. Kimble & Shaffer, Pennsbo ro', West Va. It excelLs all others. They cannot he surpassed. Iron Railings, Verandahs, Garden Vases, Brass and iron Castings of every description. We would also call the attention of School OfFf+ cers and otliers interested to our IMPROVE') SCHOOL DESKS, which for neatness, cheapness, and durability, are not surpassed. They are recommended by Prof: W. R. White, State Superintendent of Free Schools of West Va., and by the Parkersburg School Board. "I have examined 'R.I. Leese & Co's., Folding Seats for schools, and fixed seats for primary de. partments, manufactured at. Parkersburg, West Va., I most cheerfully recommend our Boards of Education and others interested, to supply our Public School Houses with them. W. R. WHITE, Gen'l Sup't Free Schools, Wheeling , W. Va." PAREEMBURG, Nov. 7, 1867. "M. J. Leese & Co., Dear Sir :—ln answer as to how we are pleased with your Improved ho - E - Sehooi Desks, we would state that we have used several kinds, but for cheapness, neatness and dutability we=give-yours-the - prefarr Co alt other I fully concur in the above. STEPHEN BOARDMAN, Sup't Free Schools, Wood Co., W. Va. New and second hand Engines, of all sizes - on band and for sale at low rates. GOOD MACHINERY. We will reply to env 4uiries by mail and promise our best efforts to please purchasers, both as to quality and price. Call on or address sept. 4, 1868. COACH FACTORY. THE Subscribers respectfully'announce to the public that they have purchased of Messrs. Hess & Crouse their Coact, Factory in Waynes- Loco', and purpose continuing the business in all its branches. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c., always on hand or made to order, of the best ma terial, and warrante4. REPAIRING of all kinds time at short notice., Being practical workmen they hope ti) receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. S. S. ruomPsoN, May 22. L, P. THOMPSON. D R. D. A.. STOUFFER, DENTIS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN G WEENOASTLE, PA, Will perform with care and attention all operations in Dentistry AT PRICES AS REASONABLE As ELSEWHERE EP'Special attention paid to Extracting, Filling and Inserting Teeth. • Dental ROOM in Nathaniel Martin's residence. May I-Iy. DR. JOHN A. HATTON. [Pram the Philadelphia Dental College. x .,- . .. ,,, -•, , 1.,:-.' ,, T:'-'.,-,..- i:: , :.'• g:,.. t ' : -: - -- :-. rte: p dfc-111! NITROUS OXIDE GAS used to zrraneT TErrn WITUOUT e&tir, Or when patients desire io. he will use the NARCOTIC SPRAY, a process of Freez ing the Gums. a' - Operative Dentistry done in a scien tific manner ; He will insert Artificial Teeth mnunteti on Gold, Silver, Matins or Vuleanite,and wirrented to give satisfaction. Office, No. 111 North Carlisle street, nearly opposite tho Adams House. Greencastle. July 3—tf LLLEN YINGLING Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP oct 23 If SKIRTS, CORSET* &c. &c. ell of which will be sold at the very lowert city pri-. cee. No. 13 Pdb. Square, Hageratown , Md. May 15.181 CARPET tVLAVYNG THE subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the business of Carpet Weaving at his residence in Temstown. By making reasonable charges ho hopes to receive a share of public patron age. The highest cash price pail for Carpet Rags. jan 22—: 3:nes3 JA.COU LOHMAN. :T-LE.IBII .& vC Sheet Iron Work And Pipe FITTING, alt pans and all the appurte. y for making salt. We also S. F. SHAW, E. T. DRAHOSH, Board of Education. M. J. LEESE & CO., Parkersburg, West Va. NEW FIRM JOHN REARICK. Every day receiving Neweit ) Che4est CLOTHING 14 ALE = t*D*l Lit.-411i GEORGE BENDER or Eras recently opened up an entire new stock of, 71An int .* AND SUMMER IrlYo All of which bas been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. Jaattfic - Biil= l timer°. _ Every article sold is WARRANTED to be of e-best-custakerand tlau li, to 'al "i•t--Wha t terepresented to be A lull assortment of GENTS FURNISHING COOPS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, 430. • All we ask is, that you give us ono trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep_ badly made clothing and the goods are alt of the latest style. GEO. BENDER. May 4-Iy] Waynesboro . NEW PALL AND ' WINTER 0 GOODS, AT THE FIRM OF STOVER (Si WOLFF (SUCCESSORS TO GEO. STOVER.) DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, QIUEENS WARE, ERIES BOOTS AND SHOES, CUTLERY, CEDERWA KE, OIL CLOTHS, 4tC., &C. — i....„ To which we invite the attention of all who wan to buy cheap goods. Nov 13 1868. LIVEIY SQrnOL.S. THE subscriber would inform Ms patrons and the public generally that he has recently larga ly in - creased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate thost wishing to hire with either HOMES Alill VEHICLES tittLgt nt the shortest notice, all hours. Persons desiring Horses and tluggies, for riding, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been selected wit'l great care as regards gentleness and fast traveling. His vehicles ALL Issw, fashionable, and ride easy; having been bought with a view to accommodate the public. Pr Parties conveyecl to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Persons wishing „Horses or Buggies, night or day, will please pply at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Street, 2 doors west of the "Bowden HouSe," where an attentive Ostler will always he in attendance. Ap. 17. FR.tNKLIN WEAGLEY. DR. T. 1). FRENCH, ; *?% * lt -, • .I,3III.NriaISM, INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounter. on Platinn, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. NitroosOxide Gas administered for the extras lion o tee th without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. LIVERY! LIVERY THE subscribers announce to the public that they still continuo the Livery business. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicles to their tistock they are now better prepared than ever to accommodate persons wanting fine riding and driving horses and com fortable conveyances. An attentive Os tler always in attendance and parties con veyed to any point desired, night or day. caPassengers convoyed daily to and from green atstle Their Buss leaves at 6 A. M. and returns 7. P. M. WOLFERSBERGER & STONER. A ue, 30 -tf. 30$. H. CREBS, UNDERTAKER, Tigre/MIS the public that he has constantly on hind Coffins of all hinds, including the Pitts burg Excelsior Coffins, and a Patent FREEZER, in which Corpses can be presorved for any length of time.desired. He will be in readiness at short notice to convey Corpses to any point desired. He returns his thanks to the public for the liber al patronage heretofore given him, anti by strict at tention to business and fair dealing hopes to merit a continuance of the same. May 29—tf EMORY G. BARNES ILITOTILD respectfully call the attention of the public generally to the fact that he is pre par• ed to lo•oll kinds of Carpenter Work in the best and moat substantial manner, such as building HOUSES,- BARNS, Also Repairing of nil kinds in my line, either by contract or by the day to suit parties dealing. Ref erences given if required. ' Thankful for last favors' bestowed he hopes to receive a share or patronage. B. U. B. dec 25 let STOVER & WOLFF. NEW STOU. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS COON .41: BTONEHOUSE tATOITLD iispectfully ihform the - publid that VV they have now opened at their new room, on the sonth•weet corner of the Diamond, in Waymai hero', a large and well selected stock 'of Dry Goods, Groceriele,,. liardwaire and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware; Cedarwere, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Coths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind ,of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought for cash O. the late decline in prices. We flatter. .ourselves that from -our-long-- expert. ence in business, and ti deteirraination Weed gcods at small profits, we shall be able to offer - timistial inducements to all buyers who desire to save 'mon: ey. Please call and see for yourselves. Welema-a-large-and well assorted stock of sta• plc and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetti- F Jeansheeds, - Co Lim:rad - es, or. s, r en• ims, Stripes, Checks, Gingham, Linin and Cotton Table Diapers, Crash for Towels, Calicoes, Delving, A Ipaccas, FANCY DRIES GOODS,- Trimings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Bindings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White GlovealLasiery_rutd-Di-otion: ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Batter, Eggs Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. May 29T1-86 "ECONOMY IS IMO r SECOND ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WIN TER GOODS. just received by HITESREW 4 GEHR We sell them as cheap as the cheapest and dia -count five per cent all cash bills of $l.OO and - over. Call and examine'our stock and receive interest for your cash by purchasing a bill. Remember that "five cents saved is ten cents made." A fine lot of Shawls and Bs'morals for sale by firrasnaw & GEER. . A splendid assortment of Dress Goods for sale by HITEEIBEW & Gam& Gingharm and all kinds of staple and fancy Dry Goofs for sale A full line of Hardware, Queensware, Ceder ware, Groceries, Notions, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, • .rpettOloorand - bibleMireloth for sale by _ HITEBIIIII4 & GENII, Ringgold, Md N. B. - We also fume about 20,000 feet o f seasoned poplar timber, which we will sell at reasonable prices. jan 1. NEW GOODS' NEW GOODS! MHE subscriber announces to his customers and the public that be has just opened out a full stock of new fall and winter goods, among which he enumerates the following : Alpaca luster, • Striped poplin, Mohair lustre, Wool delains, Hosiery, White goody Shawls, Notions, Cloths, Vassimeres Domestic goods, Carpet Matting, Oil Cloths, for Table and Con Groceries, Queensware, Cederware, Glassware, Cutlery, &a &c. My assortment in every department is more corn• ptete than usual, and I am offering extraordinary induceinents to purchasers at the very lowest prices. I tender my thanks to the 'community for their liberal patronage, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Bacon, Lard, Bntter, Eggs and Rags taken in ex change for Merchandise. oct 23'68 JOS. W. MILLER. CO-PARTNEHhHIP: THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the name and style of Rion & WAYNANT, for the purpose of carrying on the Grocery business. The business will be conducted a't the old stand of W. A. Ron. W. A. RE ID, T tender my thanks to the people of•Waynosboro° and vicinity for their liberal patronage, and respect. fully solicit continuance of the same for the new firm. W. A. RECD. . jan 29-6 w WILLOW GROVE MILL. Vet HE subscriber returns special thanks to his cos -1.8 terriers for their very liberal patronage ire the past, and wettlil inform them that his "Mill Wagon" continues to run, and that be is prepared to supply to order the best Family Flour and all kinds of Mill Sluff. His flour in different sized packages can at' all times be had at the Grocery Store of W. A. Reid. oct 30 —tf JOHN D. DeGOLLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, GREENCASTLE, PA. Will attend promptly and faithfully to all business en trusted to his 'care. Counsel given in English and German. Office in the Rhodes' Building, on the corner of the Diamond. nov 20 tf Boot and Shoemaking. (ti rr HE subscriber would inf e rm the public that he _L is at all times repare make to order Gents Coarse or fi ne Hocks, als oarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses. includin the latest style of last ing Gaitors. Repairing done at short notice, and measures taken in private families if desired and the work delivered. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH. May B—tf. • Family .Flour! MIIE subscriber is now delivering a prime article of Family Flour for $9 per barrel. Also Corn Meal and Will Stuffs delivered at low rates. Terms zash. Orders Can he left at the Drug Store of J. F. Kurtz or at the Poet Office. jin 15 —tf) H OMINY—White and Yellow, at BCD & WAYNANT'S. HIrESBKW & Gass._ lirrzszaw At Glum. H. & G. A. E. WAYNA.NT JACOB HOOVER. DAVID LOBR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers