V ILLAG RECORD. ' V1ir.A.11r14T35113 C") Et CP 0. lerldivi, January 1, 11469, nat.The dry goods houso of Lathrop, Lud • tin & Co. New York sus 'ended on Sear- day Their liabilities are st , ated at $4,000,. 000. er 'rho liabilities of Trumbull, 'abide & Co. ) dry goods dealers, of New York and Bald. more, who recently failed, aro stated at $l,- 600,000. 7 hoir books, hot/ant', show a Bur ' TAUS of $250,000. It is thought they will be able to resume business. _ ota-Tho Itnkinx Klan have extended their outrages to Indiana. On Pride) , night a week three negro mon were shot in Union eJtinty, in that State. In one am a negro' was shot whilst in bed, and other shame. — ful eittrages were committed on the wife' of a negro whilst he was made to stand by no able to offer resistance. _President Johnson has issued his ex- den,_unconditionally-and-without-reservntion, for the offence of treason to the United States and adhering to their enemies, to all parties concerned in the late rebellion, with a restor ation—to—all—their rights, immuoitios and privileges under the Constitution and the laws. Whilst the pardon puts an end to the Jeff. Davis case, and enables Breckinridge, Slidell, Mason and others, now abroad, to re turn to the United States, it does not relieve either these or any other parties from the disabilities imposed by - the Fourteenth Con stitutional Amendment. It simOy relieves them from prosecution for treason. •I us,,,The inauguration of the President elect will be distinguished by the most irn• posing - military - display - mad e — aince — the --- re view of the grand armies cf the Republic lifter the overthrow of rebellion. Already a hundred thoirand Men have signified their purpose to be present, and the fear is that accommodations cannot be- rovided for ,alll who nttend to participate in the honor to the great hero of the war. If the season is propitious, Washington city, on the 4th of Mnrch., 1569, will be the scene of a magnifi cent display. , ie-General G rant (says the Balt. Ameri can) has spoken out very decidedly and very frankly upon the subject of the necessity_ of curtailing the expenses of the Government. The General gave his opinion in a conversa tion with several Congressmen, during which the subject of Government subsidies to rail. ,vdt _roada_was_b roag_ 4—substan tially, it was very apparent to every man in the country that our finances needed the closest attention, and that it is vitally im portant, if we intend to pay off the national debt and lighten taxation., to practice the most rigid economy, and the place to begin with is the bills that are pending in Congress grunting further subsidies to the Pacific and other Railroads. No matter what may be said about the prospective benefit we are to derive from these roads, it is too long to wait, and we should make the best possible use of our present resources, without increasing the burden of our debt by incurring expensive risks which are hazardous. The Congress men who were at the interview were eaten istteJ nt the frankness with which the Gen eral expressed his views, while they one and all pledged hint their support. SPniNo Er.r.ortoNs.—T h e Legislature will be asked to change what are called the spring elections, when municipal officers are elected, to the fall of the year, so that all our elections may take place as nearly as pos Bible at the same period. It is conceded (says the State Guard) that we never poll a full vote at the spring elections, for the lesson that the large mess of people are so engaged at that reason that they :sonnet get to the polls, or afford the loss of time neces sary to do so. On this account elections arc frequently decided by minorities of the whole vote of the district, as well as by the most itresponSible portion of the community By I:hanging the time of holding these elections, it is argued, we are certain to engage.more interest in municipal affairs, and secure for boroughs and townships a better class of Men fur officers. The judgement of men who have watched this matter closely is fa vorable to the change, and we have no doubt the Legislature will comply with public de t-ire on this subject. fietrilfrs. Augustus Dickens, widow of „Augustus Dickens, the brother of Charles Dickens, the celebrated novelist, committed suicide at Chicago, on Saturday, by taking an overdose of morphine. She sent her childt en to the home of her brother-in-law on Christmas evening. - They remained there aver night, aLd on returnMg next morning ditcovcred their mother on the floor dead. Mrs.. Dickens has suffoted much lately from poverty, being dependent almost et:dimly lip on fib:ode for the necessaries of life. slier -The jury in the case of Daniel Neb• art, editor and proprietor of the Hagerstown Nail, gave him a verdict against the Hagers• town corporation for $7,500 damages, for allowing hie-office, typos, eto , to be destroy ed by.a, mob, in 1862, and driving him out of town as iseeessionist. Other case; bf, a nitniiar character are pending. 'llaiiCase is likely to be taken ,as a precedent for nnmber- Jabs HlitS tfiroWintkt Maryland. LOCAL' MATTERS. to -Pastas announce a 4 Tantaatio'Parado" for Wayneaboro' this (Friday) taming. OYsrens...-Shotired Oysters for Ne w Year at Reid tk, Wetyntaios. * saAlchns the wata:maker heti on hand Watches ) jewelry and Spectacles, cheaper than ever. tusman.—Mesars: Riteshow & Gehr, of Ringgold, have 20,000 feet of seasoned pop- lat - lumberforsale - : I=l SOLD OUT.-.-00 the 10th nit, Mr. E. Iliteshew, of York Springs, Adams Co., sold his stook of goods and room, to Messrs. Griest kßpwers, for $15,00Q cash. RINGGOLD EPront—We direct special at tention to t h e advertisement of Messrs. -Iliteshew-&-Gchronerehantsof—Rieggelk in to-day's paper. FLOURISHING.—Wo understand the Or der of Good Templars in this place is pros pering beyond expectations. Within the adErtortlreir - iram - be BUILDING ABSOCIATION.—Efforts are be ing made to organize a Second Building As ,: • •• n_in_this-placo r se-veral-httad-re e- of stock have already been taken, and the un dertaking will no doubt prove successful, lon HARVEST.—Our Hotel and Restau rant keepers lave been engaged the past few days in securing and packing ice, and have been fortunate in getting a very superior ar ticle. CARPENTERoßE...Vdireerattention to •the advertisement of Mr. E. G.l3arnes, Carpenter, formerly of Baltimore, in another column, who is a reliable man and a good mechanic. KirWe are under obligations to those of our patrons who have responded to our call for narney, end hope that others largely in _arrears_wiltbe_as_eonsilerate. We- are still TftWe—rirtrP- •geTrib arrears o our 54 must be made up within the next ten days COMMITTED.—On Monday last Jeremiah Reese, Franklin Reese, Samuel Seilor and Wm. Jones, charged with robbing the store of' Michael Fallen, in Mercersburg, were lodged in jail, ' Dr. Robisln of Big Cove, Fulton county, was also arrested,_but re leased on giving bail to the amount of $l5Ol. FATAL AecIDENT.—On Wednesday morn ing of last week an interesting little boy, son of Mr. Daniel Hoover of this lace, met with an accident whioh terminated fatally. Mrs. Hoover was in the act of removing a crook from the stove containing boiling water when the bottom fell out, a part of the water fall. ing upon the child and scalding it, from the effects of which it died on Thursday. JUBILEE.-A Sunday School Jubilee came off in the Lutheran Church in this place on Friday evening last. The Church had been handsomely decorated for the . occasion and the exercises of the evening, which consisted of_singing 4 by the scholars and an address by the Pastor, Rev. A. Buhrman, aro said to have been of the most interesting character. The exercises closed with a destribution of gifts among teachers and scholars. RECEIPTS..- Our receipts for subscription during the past week are as follows : Jacob S. Good, D Patterson, W. H. Funk, . Mrs. M. L Shover, Catharine A. Hoover,_ Benj. Frick, John J, Grovo, Matthew Metcalfe, James Farley, CURE PERFORMED.—On the 13th , n1t., Geo. Wire, , of Lovetsville, Loudon county, Va., brought his sister-in-law, Miss Emalino Spring, to this place and placed her under treatment with Drs. Frantz & Snively. The lady in question lost her voice and had not been able to speak above a whisper for many weeks. With the use of the Laryngo• scope (au instrument with which you can see into the larynx) in a few days her voice was almost ent;:rely restored, only a few ap plications having been made to the parts af fected. The instrutoent referred to is cer tainly one of more than ordinary worth and importance to the profession generally. MAN Ditowsmu.--Solomon Fiery, resid ing near the State Line, Md., met with an accident winch cost him his life. On Christ mas day he wont to Greencastle to meet his KM, who bad been going to College in Car lisle, and the two were on their return home when the accident occurred. It seems the Creek 'at Broad Fording was frozen over.— Mr. Fiery. who was on horseback, took a rail and rode into the Creek breaking the ice with the tail. While so doirig, a large cake broke off and, coming down the streom, struck the horse and throwing him, swept kir„Fiery off under the ice. His body has not nig yet been disoovered.—Spirit. s. Since the above was in type we re. ceived the Hagerstown Herald, which states that the person drowned was John Fiery. Esq , a prominent and influential citizen. of Fairview in that county. At last accoupts the body of the deceased had not been founci, although it ie said a re ward of $2,000 jaas beep offered for its to oosery, EAIVEWELL TO 18(38.—Like travelers - up• on the dusty road, foot sore and weary who have reached a mountain top, and pause to look back over the pathway we have trav: sled ) so we stand on the threshhold of the new year, and review the varied merienees of the past one. A.nother.year freighted with hopes end fears, with joys and sorrows, bas been ad dod to the number of those that are gone. How many, many flowers have faded from life's green pathway; how many Weary ones have sunk to rest sinceithe first day of 180 Oftin in light and often in 'shadow, often with a happy heart 'arid Often with . weary feet has the pathway been trod. Onward have we hastened, sometimes beneath sun shine, and sometimes beneath shadows add storms I sometimes fortified with high hopes arid aspirations and sometimes burdened al most-to- the earth-with The new volume 1869, lies open to our view; its leaves yet are white, un stained by tears, sadness, sorrow or death. How shall we, reader, fill its pages—with hi. h and _onerous deeds with noble acts or with deeds such as will be mourned over and with a desire fo blot them from memory when the scenes of 1869 like those of 1868 shall be reviewed. us. The "Beautiful acd the Useful," are seldom better combined than in the Amen can Agriculturist. This Journal is adorned with a great- number of the finest—illustra• -tions, of-a pleasing-and-iteri while its columns are packed full of useful information, prepared by a large force of in telligent, practical, first•elasa men. No man, ceiving benefit far beyond its cost, The subscription price is only $1.50 a year, or lour copies for $5, which ie remarkably chew , oonsiderina the erciensivo character of the aper, and its real value ; but a cir culation re chief,' nearly 200,000 divides the expenses among so many, that the cost to each is very small. The first number of the 28th-Annual—Volume-comes-to-u3-in- ay I I tistra - tc - tl cuvona d con= tents are quite as choice as usual, which is saying a good deal for a journal always good. Those who subscribe now for the new volume will make a valuable investment. The Pub lishers are ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New York. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPEL—This excel• -lent Daily is now offered to subscribers at the low price of $1.50 during the approach- ing sessions of the Legislature. Mr. Berg ner is an able editor and an enterprising pub lish i s-readers-woll : boo k ed-u p u on the doings of the Legislature. The Telegraph will contain full and accurate re• ports of Legislative proceediugs, as well as the news of 'the day, local and general. We therefore advise those desiring a good city paper (Republican) to subscribe for the Tel egraph. The Weekly Telegraph is mailed to sub scribers at $1.50 per annum. In clubs of 5 copies at $1.25, and 10 copies at 81 00 per year. Address Gee. Bergner, Harrisburg, Pa. . BORDER Cr...ktAts =Four years have claps. ed since the close of the rebellion; and yet no definite action has been taken or reached to indemnify our citizens for the losses sus tained consequent upon it. We deem it our duty as public journalists to continue to agitate this vexed question to the end, to the extent that justice be done our citizens. 82 00 2 00 4.00 2 00 2.00 4 00 .2.00 2 00 2 00 We aver that the National Government is responsible for Gese losses, us it guarantees protection to its subjects in time of war as well as in time of peace. The argument that the payment of these claims opens the door to boundless agitation, extending to the old rebellious districts, is a feeble one, and hardly worth consideration. The troubles and losses of the South was brought about by its own act, and she is, now compelled to witness and reap tote fruits of her ownOolly and rain. It is enough for her to be per milted to enjoy, without punishment, what she undertook by force of arms to destroy the benefits of a free country, free speech, and the blessings the nation in common be stowed upon all the states. Now, with all our losses, we of the border counties contributed as much as any other section, in money and men, for the salves. sion of the rebellion. While we were ex posed with our property and goods to the ravages of the enemy, the inland states en• joyed the blessings of prosperity and the fruits of their industry, unmolested; and we were compelled to breast what otherwise might have been their ruin. The taxes and debt resulting .from the prosecution of the war, we have never "shirk ed," but, notwithstanding all our adversities, draw backs and losses, "come down" and continue to "come down" with our portion, without a murmur. in view of these facts, is it fair that we should contribute our portion of till these— bankruptcy_ staring so many in the face, in consequence of their heavy . lossos sustained in the progress of the.robellion—and be re fused indemnity by the National Govern ment ? We hold that if we are in duty beundr.and we know wo.nre— to make good our portion of the public revenues—the National Goverotnent owes it alike to its eit izens,that they be protected.frem all depre• dations by its enemies, and is . atso rasponsi Plc for 411 loses incurred by invasions in •.• ituvpoin eruse_it_w_ithoat_ a - 11 e sv- time of war. We hope ,Ili.-ossna will renew the fight begun by his predecessor; it is the impor tant work for him to arfoomplisb, if ho would immortalize himself and serve his oonstitn enciy. liet Congress_ mak . ° itself responsible, and the State Legislature will not be slow to do irs pat t—advance the means.—Country Merchant. BUILDINQ.—The intihmtioas are pow that neat summer will witness a busy time among meohaniee in par town. 'Li ad , sitlon td the rangements are being made for the erection of au unusual number of dwelling houses.— Moro building lots two been 'disposed of within the past twelve mouths than during the last five years. A spirit bf. improvement prevails, and all that is wanted to still fur. they - enlargethe town and make it thole pros .erous and .o ulous is Railroad acilities. 1051rTwenty millions of redeetned Govern ment notes were burned at the Treasury De partment last week. ORR LAND FOR SALE.-Apply A. 13 ssilociAL iNOTICF,S, GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views c.f bonetta lent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses, incident to Youth and Eariy Manhood, vent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge Address, HO WAltl) _ASSOCIATION„ Hux_P.,Thilatlelphia, 'uric ly. A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing in South Americo as a missionary, discoveled, a sale aud simple rem edy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Pe cs Diseases of the Urines a d sei.i I Orrans and the whole tram of disorders brought on by bane ful and vicious habits.. Great numbrrl have been cured by this noble,imaedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, 1 will send the receipt for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any 014 who needs it Free of C l / 4 - arge. AJJ teas 1 ,ItiaEMl T. INMAN, Station j), Bible 1I use, New York City. _2OO - SETS — OI IA tiolkoS T U iitgri 1 Comprising Mink Sable, German, _Bussianand Ainericsit - Ch,Siberian and 'French tiguirrele -Ca-nnl-a-onench-Mmli.-,-Froneb---and-Belgiarr,' ble, for Ladies and IMissus; Beaver. Otter, Swat 's .11own,,Ernme And Sable Trimmings an band and any width cut to order in a tow moments notice, Fur frimared lleods, in velvet and silk; .14 ell' and Cape Tassels, Silk. Lamb and Ermine -I,ining-s.-- Ali Hods of Fur Materi-ls., Old and Moth calm Furs altered, repaired and renewed into the latest styles in the most improved manner at Updegratl's tiliser FUR Alit) 1.;1 4 ‘,VE FACITULY, where cart be found on hand or made to ordir in a, few hours, Ladies Dog Skin, Buck; Goat, Sheep and Leather Gloves and Mitts, umurpassed for weatness, Jura. bility and cheapness, on hand of cur own make,— Gents Fur Collars, Fur Gloves, Lamb Felt and Flannel Lined Gloves, buck, Sheep, Goat, Leath er and the great Log Skin Glove Also Bultdo Robes, Sleigh and Buggy Blankets, (six different patterns) Grey Blankets and Horse blankets, an - immensirstoct - sered and manufactured express ly for our Winter trade CA. '6B and 69. I,IPDEURA FE* & SON, ---- Hat; Fur and Glove Manufacturers, Opposite Washington Rouse. Hagerstown, Oct. 30, 1868. oct 30-2m03 017 W • "9 In this place on the 24th ult., by Rev. H. Stonehouse, Mr. LEVI POOL to Miss RO SANNA SHAFFER, both of Greencastle. At the residence of Geo. ' Bender * Esq., on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev, D, Sheffer, Mr. AMERICUS E. 1 1 1 A YNANI . , to Miss MAZZA J. BENDER, both of this place. We congratulate our young friend upon his choice of a fair partner for life, and thank him kindly for his "remittance." May un interrupted prosperity and that felicity which a happy union of hearts affords be enjoyed by him and his, and a ripe old age' Ultimately crown their wedded lives. . TIE-IEI TC11V1.33. In this place oft the 24th ult., AMON BERN ICE, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Iloover aged I year, 11 months and 8 days. PHILADELPHIA Tuesday, Deo. 29, 1868. —FLOUR.--The Flour market is dull and depressed, and the medium and low glades of extra families aro difficult of sale, even at a reduction on present askina e prices. The demand is almost exclusively for good family brands of spring and winter Wheat Flour tor the supply of the immediate wants of the home consumers. The sales foot up 600 barrels, including superfine at $5 25W.75; extras at 86@6 50; Northwestern extra faini ly at $7.25b8; Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at 68.75(510.50, and fancy brands at sll®l3, according to quality. 100 bbls Rye Flour sold at 67.758. horn Meal is without improvement. GRAIN.—The Wheat market still retains its features of extreme quietude, and the in quiry is principally for prime lots, while in terior sorts are neglected; sales of 3,000 bushels Weston!' and Pennsylvania red at 81.90@2 05; some amber at $2.10@2.12; 800 bushels lair to good white at $2.25®2.- 45. . Corn is less active, and prices are weak; sales of 4,000 bushels new yellow at 80@)90e, according to dryness; 1,500 bushels new white at 85@874„ and old yellow at 81.10. Oats aro quiet bat stronger; sales of 3,000 bushels Vv equal at 74@770. G N S G'lU NS ! PENKNIFE BLADES. dec 18-4 mos J. 14. JOHNSTON JOHN A- HTSSONG, MORN EV Ar LA W, AVING been admitted to Pract:ce taw at the • several Courts to •Franklin County, al! Wei. nest entrusted to his. care will be promp•ly art ended to—Poet office, address—.Mcreersbq•g, jan 1-Iy. House and Lot fOr Sale. WILL he nffered at Public atle, on Saturday, the2d day of January, 1869, a house and tot 41i feet front,lste the property of Mrs. Mary Nuce, dec'd, located on htain Stre:t, in Waynesboro,' ad. joining lots of Joseph H. Crabs on the east and Jos. Douglas on the:west. Terms' made known on day of sale at 1 o ' clock loy W, IS, AMPERSON. • dcc It 1! • Atiner. " ECM IS WERTH " SECOND ARRIVAL OF' FALL AND WIN TER GOODS, just received by HITESHEIN GEJIR. We sell them is cheap as the cheapest and dis count five per cent all cash bills of $l.OO and over. • Call and examine biti stock and receive interest for your cash by purchasing a bill. Remember th3t "five cents saved is ten cents made." A. fino lot of Shawls and Bo!morals for sale fitTEsnaw QL GRIM A r , ,10 • t ::. I I ; I 1 by HITZEINNW & GBH& Muslim!. Ginshasnkand all kinds of staple and fancy Dry Goods for sale by HITASTIEW & Gana. A full line of Hardware, Queensivare, Ceder were, Grocorios, Notions, Hata, Hoots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils for sate by iIITESIIEW & Gault, Carpets, floor and table Oil Cloth for sale . Era ; z & Gem N. B. We_aleo have about 20,0110 feeto f seasoned poplar timber, which we will sell at rectsonablo prices. jan 1 PUBLIC SALE. ffiE - sul~sarilsar - will - salt - at - pnblie -- seta - mr~ - i day Me let day of January, 1869, hie Houso and Lot on Church street, in Waynesboro.' Tho imprintggaonts are a two-story Brick House, in good condition, a good Flame Stable, ete. There is aI so . tho lot a variety of choice ft it trs on o o a vart_ Sale to commence et 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will he node known by dee 19 ts PUBLIC SALE. tR, HE subscriber will sell at public sale on Satur day th,e 2da'ay of January, 1869, his HOUSE AND LOT on North street, Waynesboio.' The lot is 83 'feet front and 9:1 ket deep. The improve.. meats are n one story and a half Frame Building, roughcaeted, with Back Bonding. Near the door is a good - Bilk,roven cfrult - r - roDf - irr - ti a - cistern with pump in it. Mere are also on the lot a now hog pen and a varitty of choice fruit trees. Sale to co:nmence at 10 o'clock on said day. Tritats.—One half the purchase money to be paid, on the Ist day of April, 1869, the ballance on the Ist day of April, 1870, interest ti be paid from A pril;lB69. JOHN,SPANGLER. dee 18 ts qUINCY FOUNDRY C N-30 --S-1-1-0-PA rp HE: subscriber having pruchased of Messrs. I Hess & Emmert their Foundry and Machine Shop at Quincy, Pa., respectfutly aurounces to the public that he wilt continue the business, and for the present, w nd 0 all k repa king - lir - iron -or woad. Will also build new Overshot, Undershot and Breast Water Wheels and-Flour Bolts to or• der. Beirg a practical and experienced 'mechanic he Haters himself that he can give general sath foe lion to all who will favor him with their patronage. He further promis-s that his charges shall be mod erate. dec 18 3inosl JOHN L. METIDALFE. EVI'ORY G. BA W 01.11,11 1 respectfully call the attention o f the rublic generally to the fact that he ie pre par etLto_do_all_kinds_of-Clarpenter—Work- in - the best and most substantial manner, such as building II 0-USES, EARNS, kc Also Repairing of all kinds in my line, either by contract or,by this day to suit parties dealing. Ref erences given if required. Thankful for past favors bestowed he hopes,to receive a share of patronage. TU. B. dec 25 4m To Claimants for damages under Act of April 9th, A. D., 1.864. IVOTICE —ls hereby given to all persons c ing damages under the above Act that their Matins mast he filed with the Board at Harrisburg, btfore the 15th day of January, ltlf9. After that date no claims will be accepted by said hoard. D. W. WOODS, A. S. ELY, W. S. WOODS, ICommissioners, ATILST M. W. MOALARNEY, Clerk. . dee 25-31 CLOVER SEED. WANTED 1000 Bushels Myer Seed, for which the highest market price cash will be paid by JOSEPHIJS GROUND, dec 25- Amos] Leitersburg, Md. WHEELING ..MATCH. A Wheeling Match for one Large Hog, supposed A to weigh 000 POUNDS mill come tp off at Waynesbl)ru'_en(Friday)New Year's .; 1 1 .. Day. at. 10 o'clock, A. M. At the same time Ana MAMMOTH PIO "January" will be wheeled for. Parties wishing to take chances et n apply to either of the subscribers. THOR. J. CUNNINGHAM, dec 25 lw] DA VID S. BONEBHA KE._ ItULES FOR StLE. The subscribers offer nt private sale 2 fine young Mules well broke to harness .• dec 18 al GEISER, PRICE & CO. DR. JOHN M. RIPPLE having . permanently located in this place, offers his professional services to the community. Office it We front room ,next door to Bonebrake's Drug Store. Dec 11, 1808. BANK ELEOTION. AN election will he held at the First National Bank of Waynesboro,' Pa., on Tuesday the 12th day of January A. D: 1869, between the hours Of 19 A. M. and 2 P.-M., to elect nine Directors to serve for the ensuing year. O. PHILIPS, dec 11 4t Cashier. NOTICE. TIERtONS who gave their notes at the sale of the subscriber are here by notified that the Fame will fall due on the 27th inst. Prompt payment is 're quested. . ISAAC FOX. dcc 11 3t Last Notice. ALL persons in arrears for State and County tax for 1868 and for School tax for 1867, in Washington township, are notified that said taxes will be collected with costs after Saturda y 25th inst. dec 18 2w 11. A. FISH ER, Co!. Boot and Shoemakifig. TBE i•uliscriber would inform the publb tha t he is at all limes wired to mike to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, including the latest style of last ing Gaitora.. Repairing done at short notice, and mcasures'iaken.in private families if desired and' the work delivered. TllOB. J. HOILINGSWORTH. May 8-:-tf. UST IN TIME rOR CHRISTMAS. Choice JNew Crop New Orleans Molasses at dec 18 tf Pawn et. Ilosnaces. F • - - I,AVORING Extracts Vanilla. Lemon and Orange Concentrated, perfect in purity end delicacy of flavor. tlitim I. II IV II T3lO R g, Would call the,atlention of all v; ho - ara Insured of Furniture, M tt ra sees. Looking Glasieri; Car eta '• 118 n arger s oc. on an his rooms on Southeast Coiner of t.,entrit Square, than all similar establiehments in the county com• bined, art! 'that he can and does offer i nducemento to Housekeepers and others, in want of Goods in his line, such as nopther Carpet be alers;can Ho has - on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of over 25 different etylesy. ranging in price from • $5lO $75 each. Ringgold, Md H. &0 W. D. LE eli 1.E.11 ...iso, 1 , .8 enstortast, inning and Flail Tables, in endless variety. Wardrobes, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Libary Tables, Secretaries, what Nots,Hat Racks, F D - iarro 8-eouls T l3-nriroldir-Ct.scdsTeurop, . Office, Ball and Library Vhairs. • Sates, Sideboards, Sinks, onghtrays, Cupboards, Washstands, AIEO, a large stock of all as Mattranses such as - Hair, Husk, Palm Lee, Wuol and Straw at prices hum $4 to $4O. Spring M attresses, Spring Bed' Bottoms, • - ----. Carpets 'from 30 cents to $2 per yard, the highest cash • -- paid: for Carpet-Rags, -' .. •ague „ -au fSe frnoek 0 Also a large assortment o Looking Glasses, frornplain Walnut Putt/five in. Fancy Ovals—and Arch Tops, in Gilifand Rose wood Ise, Children Buggies, and Hob by Horses, Picture -Frames,and-Moul-•ia,g-of-all descriptions, and at lower prices than can l e tad elsewhere in the count He also sells IA h•desaie to the trade, all of whom he requests to call and learn p rites be fore purchasing elsevithere. MOW EISAND REAP ER S" FOR SALE. dec 18 6mosj PRICE & 110EFLICII Announce to tho community_gerrrally that they are receive t. cir Second supply of AU kinds of Dry goods, Groceries, Queensware, Cecterware, and invite the public to call and make nub examination of their. asautment of goodp. -Cheap Government Overcoats, (Cavalry and Infantry) Blouses and 'Blankets & Hoeffieb's. Furs for Ladies and Misses- Price & Hoeflich's. Hoods of Fur-and Zephyr in beantifuL P. & Ifs. Plaid, Plain an.d, Fancy flannels at H's. styles 8t et P. & Ira. MUD—Heavy Boots, and (hum. Shoes for Notice to Farmers and Others. THE subscriber having had many 'ye a rs expe rience as a Horse Farrier, would annOunce to Farmers and others that bo is prepared to treat successfully Ringhnne and Bonespavin , and other di-eases to which the horse is subject. All cases of honespavin cured or no charges made.— Persons having sweenyed horses can rely on hat in g.them cured. Residence t miles east on Mon terey Springs. JOHN BENSHOO F. nov 27 —3ms FIE subscriber informs the public -that ho con tinues the Butchering business arid will supply his customers and others .with a prime article of fresh Beef Veal and Lomb, as usual, during the Season, from the Seller adjoining the Waynesboro' ifolel, THOS. J. I. H. WHITMORE, Wholisale and healer in FURNITURE -AND 'C 4r p t, s , GREENCASTLE, PA• More . than 50 Bureaus of 25 different sty es, rom $7.50 to $75 each. Upwards of 600 Chairs, of all styles, rom 81 25 to $35. each. Rookidir.Ohairs from , 81.50.t0 $BO.l Full'ollamber Onits 4 Bootl a Walout, . from $BO to 82 00 each. Cottage Suite, from $3O to 890 mob. .ete-a--Tetes and Sofas,. from $2O to $6O each. Spring•seat Parlor Chairs; from 830 to $6O per half dozen. Lounges from 87 — t1635 - otrafr ---- Marble-top Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. Wood•top Parlor Tables, from 62 to 613 each. among which, are 20 different styles. A is, -141. C 1 33E Wig' Baal° Robes Beautiful line of Dress goods Large lot of Queensware Bad Roads. Cheese, Pr:rue Coffee, Sugars, fresh P. & WE; Honey and a splendid article of Syrups, Chinchilla Cloths for Ladies Sacks 'P. & Winter Queen shawls Todmordon and Waterloo shawls P. & H's. Woolen Clreulare and Shoulder ebawls P. & H's. Beaver Overeoatinga 1%1 affA, Capes, Vietorines Ladies Vests Gents Underclothing Buck Mits, Gloves and a great variety of other gloves • • P. & H'e. Heavy Drab and Dlalk Curds and Dreadnaughts Blankets Grey and White Tbibot Sliawls nov 27 1868'. razw - E BEEF- P. & ire. P. Sz li'e. P. & H'a. P. &. Ife. y. & H's. P. & Ws. P. &. H's. P, Sz.}Fa. P. & H's. P. & H's P. &. Ire
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers