Me 'J. L't . E &CO ENGINEERS, Foundry ) Machinists and Blacksmiths ERTABIJSIED 186 e: PARKERSBURG, WEST VA; Your attention is respectfully called to our Wen FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS nituated on Kanawha street, near the D. and 0. R. It. Depot. Tne entire establishment, in nil its departments is supplied with the most approved Machinery tools and appliances 'necessary to the inatufactuie of :MACHINERY AND LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We are extensively engaged in manufacture of Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, • Circular Saw Mills, Gang Saw - Mills ' Flouring Mill Machinery, ' Sorghum Sugar , Mills, Shifting Pulleys • dilengers, We are prenared to do - _ COPPER, BRASS; - Sheet Iron Work And Pipe - and to manufacture salt pans and all the appurte nances and machinery for making salt. We also OFFICE AND OTHER. STOVES. Our office stoves are of the best quality. we have also on hsnd PORTABLE ENGINES, adapte T d i ; R o E th s e mi r N an c u i ft nA ( c ,Fi f l a A ll ,E k;lnds of ALSO, JACK SCREWS AND STA-VI:MACHINES. the public to Messrs. linn9o & b'hatier, l'ennsbo ro', West Va. It excells all others. They cannot be surpassed. Iron Railings, Verandahs, Garden Vases Brass and Iron Castings of every description We would also call the tstrentiou of school Of. curs and others interested to our IMPROVED SCEIOOI4 DESK'S, which for 'neatness, cheapne•s, and durability. 'are not surpassed. They are recommended by Prof. W. R. White, State Superintendent of Free Schools 'of West Va., and . by the Parkersburg School Board. "I have examined VI, J. Leete S Co's., Folding Seats for.sehools, and fix, d seats for primary de partments. manufactured at Parkersburg, West — Va., - Irtitist - cheerlutly recommend - our hoards of Educ.ttion and others interested. to supply our —Public School -Houses with-them. W. R. WHITE, Gen'l Supt Free Bch eels, Wheeling, W. PAI:KRIV3IMaG, Nov. 7, 1867. "M. J. hrese Sc Co., lieu.Sir:—ln answer as to how we are pleased with your Improved Iron School — Desks, we would state that we have us d severat kinditTb - urfol.e,heapness, neatness and dutability, wo give yours the preference to all others. S. F. SiIA W. K 110REMAN, E. T_ DI2A Board of Education. I fu:ly concur in the above tITEPHEN BOARDWIN, • Sup't Free Schools, Wood Co., W. Va. New owl Recoad.hand Engines, of all sizes on hand and far sale at low rates. GOOD MACHINEHY. We will reply to en , (pines by mail and promise our best efforts to,please purchasers, both as to quality and,price. Call on or address M. J. LEESE & CO., Parkersburg, West Va. Rept. 4, 1968. ;P I c=4 ga; AM BERSON. BENEDICT & CO. have just received their first supply of Fall and Winter Goods, to which they invite the attention of their customen and all wh,) wish to buy good and cheap goods. We haven full assortment of DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents Goods of all kinds. A large lot of CHAMBERSBURG FACTORY GuODS. for menu' wear. Also a full line of Groceries, Queensware, Oarpetioes, Oil (;logs, ' IBoots and Shoes, Window Paper, I Nails, &o. We aro nlso agents for the-sale of the well-known Bowe Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. We have an experieneed Sewing Machine operator, who gives all necessary instruction in sewing when required. AMBERSON, BEN EDICT & CO. oct 9 Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! 1 AT WONDERFULLY REDUCED PRICES! r_4 _OOD Family Flour, warranted to give antis- Urfaetion, at the low rate of NINE and a half DOLLARS per BARREL, and 20 lbs. for $l.OO, But all for met' (and no other way.) Corn and, Meal, Oats, Dried Fruit, Hominy rind Beane, all, cheap--for cash. J. ELI)EN. Dec 4—tf Next door to the Town hall, bee na - W on .hon a fine nEwortthent .of of Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro', al the latest styles kept con , tantly on hand. Every variety of Cuff' buttons. A line .assort- Silver Thimbles and sheelda, CastArs, Forks, and Spoons, Salt Cellars, and butter Knives of the cel ebrated Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPECTACLES _~~~~ To suit everybody's eyes. Now glasses put in old frame:. Clocks. Watches. and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX.ILEEDS, Next door to the Town Roll, under the Photograph GalUry. _ " July 31. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! ZONIDOST For sale by druggists and storekeepers throughout The United States. For sale by J. F. KURTZ, Druggist, Way nesboro'. [nov 20—ly G. F. LTDY. JACOB rarcz, MACHINE SHOP AND LUMBER YARD. LIDY, FRICK & CO. baying refitted their chine Shop and procured the latest - and beet inven tions in labor-saving machinery, are now prepared to manufacture more extensively than heretofore the celebrated Willoughby Grain Drill, greatly improved, The Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, and The Gibson Washing Machine. They have also added t) their business the man ufacture of Sash and Window Frames, Doors and Door Shutters and Blinds, Mouldings of every description, Flooring and Weatherboarding, Failings and Plastering Laths, Spokes nod Fences, and all articles usually manufactured in establish ments of ibis kind. Particular attention paid to turning spokes. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly done. A LANGE STOCK OF L"nnea of every description constantly on hand. Sold for cash only. L & CO. dec 11 Notions, Hardware, Mat tings, K PETER FA El RNEY'S BLOOD D SEARCHER, OR PAN ACEA, Oen be had at FOURTHMAN'S nov 20 Drug Store. G oop sugar et .REID'S, ALEX. LE-EDS; CLOCKS, liinis — elfith great care, a large an well Aelected assortment of tib6t ~. ~i ~ ~! ~ ~i JEWELRY merit of FINGER AND EAR RINGS Engagement anJ Solid Gold ERINETz BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. It Is the most perfect vegetable compound of altera tives, tonics, diuretics and diaphoretics, making it the most effective, invigorating, renovating and blood cleansing cordial known to the world. Forthe cure of SCROFULA or Kin's CUTANEOUS DISEASES. ERY• B oits,Pl mPLEs and LOT CR ES on the FACE, SORT MS, SCALD DEAD, TEPPER Ar- CTIO:kO3, OLD and STUBBORN .CERS, 1 1 / I EURATIO DISORDERS, ILLOW JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, LITE SWELLINGS, MERCURIAL ISEASES, GENERAL DEBILITY, LPITATION and FLIITTEILING at C HEART, CONSUMPTION, ;TEMA, SYPIIILIS and SYPIIILITTO 7PECTIONS, INFLAMMATION Of the ADDER and SIDNETS, PAINS In C BACK } DROPSY, FEMALE COM ..AINTS, &C. To the broken down !male it gives life and energy by doring the lost powers of nature, ten health again succeeds the able form and pallid check of the tfferer. •e surprising than its invigorat ___-- ea me human system. Persons all weak noes and lassitude, by using the PANACEA, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. Ladies who have pale complexions and are dark about the eyes, blotches and pimples on the face, rough skin or freckles, and are " out of spirits," should use a bottle or two of LONDON BLOOD PANACEA. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckles and blotehes,dind give you animation, sparkling eyes, fins spirits and abeautiful complexion. Try it. Price $l.OO Per Bottle. The genuine have LONDON BLOOD PANACEA, 6. A. FOUTZ, BALT/prone, BID., blown In the battle, and my signature a' the wrapper. POT_TTZ, Montitorturer and Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. flavor. It is easily mann ;ed. It saves fuel. tis um want portable. It has ''2 , l feet of drying surface. It w;11 dry apples twice a day. Call and see them at the sign of the DIG RED HORN and leave your orders for them IC,daware, House Furnishing Goods Tubs, Buckets, - - -Churns And other weal nrttcles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesbaro', Pa., where a large Etc sortment of COOKIS'IrOVES, N IN 11: -PLATE STOVE,S PAR etil STOVE,S of the latest improvemeno, the- very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Steve Store of D. B. RUSSSELL. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the " 4 31231 g Red. Elor]l." D. 13. RUSSELL. keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sae cheap. Pure No. L Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made, Easy ! by cnlling nt the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. UrPersons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by caking on D. B RINSET,G, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro', Pa EVERYBODY TIDE IMPROVED SASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Red Horn, NO you wiIL be convinced that-tfte - Oriontaiiirthe best, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burning Coal Stove WORLD for truth is mighty and will prevail. We have the Morning Glory in our store so that yeti can judge for yourselves. D. B. RUSSELL, sells the No., 9 at $23, No. 10 at $27, No. 11 nt 30, No. 12st $l , l Th. Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better crate' makes more heat with less tont than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prem iums nt the State Fairs of New York, and the large- Silver 141eddlo' at the American Institute. and see at the sign of the. D. II RUSSELL, JASON BELL. Waynestiro', Pa , whereyou can cat any kind of Stoves you want of 11.13. RUSSEL 1,, who always keeps on hand and for sale Tinware made of the best in and by good workmsn. House furnigbing good &c. nt the sign of the BIG RED HORN Sold at Retai 1 by nware, Brasswa re 9 Japanne4 ware, Dives an or s, Spoons, Ladles, Large iron and Coppr.r kettles GO*L - STO - V - EST&G-1 COME AND SEE ORIENTAL "BIG RED HORN", D. B. RUSSELL. Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa improved Thra*fring Afftgehi44-- Daniel Geiser. B. E. rimers will please look at the great advantage, in Thrashing - r rain with - _ _ GEISERS' tit-REGULATING GRAIN,SEPAIIITOI, CLEANERAND BAGGED.. ith the latest Improved Triple Geared Horse Power, driven_either_b_y,Gear No. 1 is a oight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, sir teen inches in diameter and thirty three' inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes is thirty-five mete tes wa e, an e avers 0 s raw on e sccon ral3, ese car r y a e straw out on ft-1r tops, end deliver it en the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chair with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against wiimy weather. It bags the grain b reasonable management, sea& ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary eircninstances, is from twenty to forty bush els er hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, at vet t sea a roes or y to hands" i than any other machine now in common use. Th - c No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's uset ' in intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 p 'ands; has, an iron thresbers frame, and cylinder, 121 inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feat from the feeder, or if desired, can tleliver the shim and chair together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bu s h e l s of wheat, or from 300 to 5110 bushels of oats per day, using four or six horses, and the same number of nands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, iSso., will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Now here is what the Farmer anti tnraseerman wants, a Separator to go from Nom to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, an 1 why kit 1 Because this separa tor has a selfregulating Blast, which prevents grain from blowing into the chalE and also has a self reg ulating feeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers and combs in the cleaner which prevents it from cheaking. Why does this machine run so light, and give so little trouble? Because there is less fric• tion in - the - Journals, and the rakes:anl fan are geared - so that - you - have - no - trouble - with - Belts breaking and slipping, causing dust to fall into the wheat. - Why does it clean against the wind 1 Because the - - asafirert action_anulan-grain-and the cleaner-is.so_weldneranged_that_the—wind_has_no_chance_te, drive, the dirt intte„the hopper. Why is it built permanently on two vvhee Is and the front carriage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary ? Ilec muse it is more convenient in the barn without the front car riage. You can turn - lb - a - Machine or run it from place to place more easily. Why has it not got Eleva tors like some other machines? Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must eventually go into the goad wheat or in the chaff, and all know, that filth should be kept separate for feed, &c , we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings from unth r our hand fan into the hopperland exp - Rt to get the grain - clean. Why - is - this - separator more cleanly nml sat 'side Wry to work a bout than others ? Because the Fan and Trunk Sides are closed up to prevent the w heat chaff and dust from coming out and scattering over the floor, causing waist an I giving much trouble with dirt and sore eyes, &c. Why do Thrashermen get more work with these separators than they do with others? Be cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and n paying one for all farmers and Thrashermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most, cases farmers must suit themselves to the machine, because the machine will not suit itself to the farmer. In short this is the cheapest, most durable, reliable, simple and most agreeable to work about; and the only kep• orator that will clean and hag the grain sufficiently clean for market under all circumstances. Farmers can rest assured that dote nt, and - judging from the - high recommeritla lion of fanners that are using them, we must come to the conclusion that-it is the very Machine that far mers want andwill have as soon as they have an opportunity - to -- nppreciate -- and — nttest - ite - merits-7 - fm which we hope they will give us an opportunity, as we aria willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular, A reduction of 2 per emit. on all orders handed in on or before the first of Ipril, 186 8 . Shop Prices of Machines range from .8215, to 8540. Er We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of mater'.a workmanship, &c DANIEL GEISER Proprietor. Geiser, Price & Co., Manufactures. w A YNESBORO', FRANKLIN Co , PA Null's Pat. Post Boring Machine. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. A series of trials of this machine has convinee-: the inventor and all persons who have witnessed its operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : This machine is constructed so as to be operated either by hand, horse, water or steam poser. lly hand 25 to 30 posts can be bored per day; by one-horse power f,cm 100 to 150 per day ; by two-horse power 200 per day, and by water or steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It is alsti a self feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of State and County Rights for the above valuable-in vention. A Uress June 19-11 MONEY SAVED. We are constantly purchasieg for cash• in the New York and Boston Markets. all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, SILKS, COT— TONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WATCHES, SE WING MACHINES, CUTLERY, DRESS GOODS, DOMES. TIC GOODS, &e., &c. Which we are actually selling at an average price of ONE Dorados lon EACH ARTICLE. Our sales being strictly for cash, and our trade much larger than that of any other similar concern, enables us to give better bargains than can be obtained of any other house. THE-LADIES Are specially invited to give us a trial. SEND SJII A CIRCULAL AND EXCHANGE MET Our ciub system of selling is as ful lows: For $2 we send :40 patent pen fountains and checks de— scribing 20 different articles to be sold for a dollar each; 40 for $4 ; 60 for $6; 100• fur $lO, &e.— Sent by mail. Commissions larger than those of fered by any other firm, according to sizo of club.— Single fountain and check, 10 cts. Male and fe male agents wanted. BEND MONEY' IN REENTERED Lwrrsas. Scnd•ue a trial club, and you will ac knowledge that you cannot afford to buy goods of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN & KENDALL, (I . :a 11 65 Hanover St., Boslcin, Maas. PATENTED MARCH 24, 1368. LABOR SAVING QUALITIES-- F ASEOF OPERATION k.IMPLIOITY OF CONSTRUCTION . 1 0. F. Oiler. Josiah Fah rnep PATE .. T more ease an JONATHAN NULL, Quincy, Franklin Calmly, Pa. CORNUCOPIA. THE Waynesboro' Bakery,.,-Confectionary AND OYSTER SALOON, H•E well known and popular Restaurant and Saloon formerly kept by Wm. 13. Cron oa. has been leased by the undersigned. They are devoting tt.eir entire time and attention to the business of ca tering for their friends and the public, and ready to supply the luxuries of the season. OYSTERS, CRABS, LOBSTERS, TURTLES, 'l' RIPE, CHICKENS, &c., &c., will be served up at short notice and by the best et cooks. In fact and, in short, we aim to ktep•a first Class Eating Hoes e and to please the appetite of all who may favor us with a call. At nil times the best ALE can be had on draught, for proof of which call and try the,arti• cle. We have a saloon fittot up expressly for th Ladies. , "Thankful' for the encouragement we have re. ceived thus lar;wahope to merit a still greater share of public patronage. nov 20), if EN.NEB ERGER & HOOVER. 0. Molasses at the etoro of PRIME N. AMBERSON, IthiSEDICT d:. Co. - fii4J; CM= if _ 5 P. This Stove his boon in tno in thn part of iho country for three years and has given more satifac. tion than•an n era.- I cart refer ti One Hundred and Fifty _persona to whom I s•dd these stoves and every one says it is the best Awe they ever any or used. I sold one Hundred and Seventeen of three steves•last season, and from the or lera now received fbr them I have no doubt but that I will sell to ,re that last selsond, Come and see my stock of Stoves. You will fine a large stock of the best Coal Stoves ever offered for sale. I have now in store three other new Base Burning Stoves, "The " rho Revolving Light" and the "Empire," all flyt class stoves. agreea epess The public have lung desir3l a perfect ec» . : st 17.3 for coal. I now lorklound got .stove. T ELM CAIORIFie is with ,ut doubt the best Cook-Stave-in-rtorket fnr either-Anthrfteito-ur-Liitumit:otis-Coal-tM.II-a-fil seo it. Flannilieturer o 1 Copper, 'Rini - and Mae( t Iron Ware. and. derder in all kindg of stoves for Coal or Wood. He has now hn nil a--large — stock of the best Cook Stoves in market. lie-is-selling 10-gal.-Copper 'Kettles:at 4'1.0 • .• Ia 5 L 8 " " l-0— The !they() !rattles are st.ronKer than you can zet elsewhero and much cheaper. I atu now plain; up R NEW DRY HO:U SSE on the Hot Air Priocinle whirls comes much lOLV , r in prim than nny of ertl heforicsaial is gotten up in good style, is strong and dura!de, takes but httl.t wood, and does its I.cork tiplUthll.l. It is also a good Balret.--Ifall end Apo it, Metalie wird for Clothes lines cheap. The best Clothes Wrin:;er in the World I The best Force Pump in Market! Iron Wnsh Kettles, Timmil Iron Pots and Stew Pans, Copper and Itrass ware. Also a good stock of Tin and Sheet lem Ware, a ll of w hi c h of the best material. All kinds of in;. War d•r•,r in his line. Don't fail to call and see for yogrsel 813 you will find twiny articles that you wi I wadi. Sep 11, WILLOW GROVE VO HE subeceib(r returns special thanks to his eus• 1.4 towers _tor very liberal patromwe in the past, and vtenid inform them that his ••Afill Wagon" continues to run, and that ho is prepared to supply to order the best Family Flour and all kinds of Mill Sluff.' His flour in different sited packages can at all times be had at the Grocery Store of W. A. Reid. JACOB HOOVER. Oct SO —tf The sulAcriber wiahcs to inform the public that ho has always on heh.l a full stook of pare NOTIONS., and everything usually kept in a well appointed Drug store. Prescriptions carefully and promptly con:pounded at all hours. Physicians dealt with at a liberal discount. aug. 28. .1. F. KURTZ. TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. r a -ipiiE HOUSE AND LOT adjoining the resi deuce of Joseph It. Krebs is otnred ut private sale. Possession given on Ist of April. For fur they information addrus oct 30— tf] i ir mE subscriber olTers at private sale 1 House JL aad Lot of ground on North Street. Waynee. oc t —tf CHEAP "COONEW-7, BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! THE suhscrilier 'Ws just returned from the city and is new opening forxamination a large and well selected stock of Boots and Sharp. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and t hoe trade, no doubt if you flyer him with a call you will buy as ho will sell_ cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Giv,- Wooney" a call. ecpt 'ws-ti PERFECTION AT LAST w. A, TTRITLE, DRUGS MEDICINE:3, PA.VI 011.4, PERFUMERY H. S. STONER. Chambersburg flouMe and Loa fur Sale. ALEX. HAMILTON. C. RU rives
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