PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! V : i t LONDO BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Gland Purifier. Ii he the meet perfect vegetable compound of altera tives, tonics, diskettes mad Ulaphonnica, making it the most effective, invigorating, renovating and • blood c.candifig cordial known to the world. -For thc cure of SCROFULA or Rina'a Ern, CUTANEOUS DrSEASES, ERY SIPELAS, BD [LS , PLEA and `':OTC lIP.O on the FACE, Sons rEs, SCALD HEAD, TETTER AP :Aloes, OLD and STrnnoa lr .ccaa, RUMATIC DisonnEne, ILLOW JAUNDICE, SALT RI11:01, UTE SITELLIEDEI, .HEECUEIAL SEASES, Fr?EnAt. Drolurv, surprising than its invigorate lan system. Persons all weak twss and lassitude, by using the PANACEA. at once become robust and full of energy end its influence._ —Latlies - u - ho - bare - pale — comphaions and ask about the eyes, blotches and ptmp'es on the face. i skin or freckles, and are " out of spirits," should use a bottle or two of LONDON DLOOD PANACEA. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give you animation. sparkling eyes, One spirits and a beautiful complexion. Try it. Price $l.OO Per Bottle. The gennin4 have LONDON 111,001) PANACEA, I. A. Fourz, Ibmristonn, Mrs, blown in the bottle, and nay signature on the wrapper. S_ POT—Tr"' Nanufncturer and Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United States. For sale by J. F. KURTZ, Druggist, ) Nay• I C::::) t.. 2 0 CaZ F. f iii 1.1.1 -t1 Z 14.11 I co _ ; ' Z -I=l 2-11 Pal AMBERSON. 13ENEDTOT & CO. - fiave just received their first supply of Fall and Winter Goods, to which they invite the attention of their customers and all aho wish to buy good and cheap go,als. We have a full assortment of DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents Goods of all kinds A large lot of CHAMBERSBURG FACTORY GOODS, for mans' wear. Also a full line of Groceries, Queensware, Carpetings, Mellow; ! Oil MOs, I Boots and Shoes, Window Paper, t Nails, &c • We are also agents for t hassle of the well-known Howe Lock Stitch Scoring Machine We have an experieneed sewing klachine operator, who gives all necessary instruction in sewing when required. • AMBEIISON, BENEDICT & CO. oct 9 QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE IST Nat. Bank of Waynesboro', Pa. October 3d, 1868. RESOURCES. Loans end Discounts U. S. Bonds to "sccure circu!stion, U. S. Bonds on hand, P. and A. Tel. Stock, Tax and Expencra, Due from Banks, Legal Tenders and Frac. Currency, ' 10,079,40 Com. Interest Notes, 240,00 Nat. Bank Notes and Circulation, 885,00 Stato. Hank Notes, 22,00 Stamps, Small Coin ant Cast, Items, 165,68 LIAbILITIES Capital Stock, Circulation, Due to honks, &Surplus and Profits, Deposites, Dividends Unpaid $215,23,21 The above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. • JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn to and subscribed before me this sth day of October, 1868. J. F, KURTZ, N P. oct 9 —at Administrator's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Admin istration on the estate of Margaret Hoover, deed., in WaynPthoro', Pa., have been granted to the undersigned residing in Westminster, Md.— AII persons indebted to said estate will make im • mediate payment and creditors present their claims for iettlement to the undersigned, or to his attorney, Joseph Douglas, Esq., in Wayneshone, Ps. A. 11. HUBER, A d'mr. Oct 30—cwt MILLINERY GOODS ! TO THE LADIES! . . C. L. ROLLIN BERGER hns just ro• Meeired a full supply of new Millinery goods. Ladies . tire invited to gall and examine her stock. GOOD TEMPLAR REGALIAS supplied or the material to• make them furnished. ``CITY t3WEEI POTXTOES.—I will receive `,eery Friday throughout the wagon the best Sweet Potatoes direct from the Eastern market. '•pt 18 • • W.A. REID. G OOD doges at ,PITATION and FLETTERI:4O At HEART, CONS VIIPEION, STD MA, SYPHILIS and Srellt Una FFECTIONS, larnaumarroar of the LADDER And KIDNEYS, Pam in e BACK, DRAM, FESIA LB Co SI. INES, &e. YO the broken down 'ale It gives life and energy by ;toeing the Mat powers of nature, len health again succeeds the Me form and pallid cheek of the ferer. IMP C W m 'Q Notions, H ardware, $56,635,98 75.400,00 42,600,00 300,00 1,105,48 27,590,27 $215,023,21 $75,000,00 67,500,00 104,20 • 16,102,81 56,128,70 uct 23 tf RBID'S, READ THIS! THE undersigned take pleastue in announcing to the public generally that they are now pre pared to offer goods at prices correaponding to those precious to the war,' at d which will be "good newa" to all. Now that we have I in one of the largest and best selected stneks of goods we aro ready to show them and convince them that prices have "come down." Come and see the handsome hue of 1:0 Wt. 30 aIS 4:4- 100 C) .13) a Consisting of Reps, Poplin-, Esp!ti ;line. Poplin Sorg°. all wool dating. Ipactets, Mohaire. French Merinos, &c. The above goods.in various • Cd9rs„ . Black and Blue Cloths, OvereoatiogA t _ Cassiweree, &C., Illankets, Napkins, Towels, Nubias, Overcoats, 131ouies, Drawers, Buckskin Gloves, Kid Gloves, all Colors. LINE_ OF HO SIER_Y,-- A. FU LAMBS WOOL HOSE MARINO CHILDRENS FANCY HOSE, FURS, CAPES AND MUFFS. Fine Boots, Coarse Boots, 'Ladies Morocco Shoes, oct 9 '6g. NB' 41C110 IML ..lE 2 * - 11LT 314 DRUGS MEDICINES, IC. IIL li. MB PnHI'S, mac. Ace., Go to Fourthman s , 0 - 31* 7 .1L'al:akOP/M:i r 4 ll :-. 4 Waynesboro', May 24, 1867 LAND FOR SALE. THE snbscriber offers at Private Bale 50 acres of land, more or less, adjoining the Borough of Waynesboro', lying along the thambersburg road. The land will be sold together or divided into lots to suit purchasers. oct 23 tfj JOHN FUNK, (4H.) Coverlets, Quilts, Table Shawls, Circulars ; It iE easily mina ;et!. . It saves Wel. It is durable and pliable. It has '34 feet of drying surface. It-w3-11-dry-arrplos-turice-a-thiy. t'T. in oes, Gum Shoes. PRICE & HOEFLICII SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! THE L. A. OELLIG DRY HOUSE, PATENTED JANUARY 21ST, 1868 This_i. the liest_nry_litrase ev_er offered to the puUlic..- It dries Fruit in half the lime required by the old It dries uniformly and perfectly. 'I he Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural fltv-or esit and see them at the aign of the (JIG RED HORN and leavi: your ()Mors for them OOK STOVES:- VA nware, Ironware, Brassware, House Furnishing Goods _Tubs, uc e 8, Churns, Knivos and forks, Spoons, .Ladles, Large iron ad Copper kettles And other useful oracles at the sign- of the . BIG RED Ht RN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large as sortment of COOK STOVES, NINK-PLATE STOVE,S 1'4111.01L STOVE,S COAL STOVES, &c of the IntsiUmprovemen •the very best in the market, ETCtire Cheap Tin and Stove Store or D. B. RUSSSELL. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the " 4 111#5 . Rad 13Cor11." 1). B. RUSSEI.I. keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lainps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling. at the sign of the "Big Rod Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. ILAT'rersorts iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &ci &c,, can get ,full value for their in mey by cal ing on D. 13 RU-;SELL, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro', Pa E VERYBUI)Y COME AND SEE TINE IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Red Horn, and von will, be convinced that the Oriental is the beet, the hand somest. and the cheapest Base Burning Coal btovo in the WORLD for truth is mighty and will prevail. We have the Morning Glory in our store so that you' con judge for yourselves. D. B RUSSELL sells the Nu., 9 at $23, Nu 10 at SX7, No. 11 at 30, No. 12 at $l4 Th. Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better grate' makes more heat with less coal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prem iums at the State Fairs of New York, and the large• Silver .ll3dille at the American Institute . and see at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN", Waynestoro', Pa , where you can set any kind of Stoves you want: of D.ll. RUSSELL, who always keeps on hand and for sale Tinware made of the best tin and by good workman. House furnishing goods &c. at the sign of the HIGRED HORN. Sold at- Retail by D. it:RUSSELL, Sign of the Big et] Horn, Waynesboro', Pa Japanued • ware, Improved Thrashing Machine! Daniel Geiser. B. E. Pelee. Farmers will please look at the great advantage hi Thrashing ':rain with HIME SELY-REGRATING r.Twqn IMM-the-latest improved nipleGeared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt . _ No. I is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes is•thirty•five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the seem/ I rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and_delive_r_it,:m the staciter,which-will-aleliver-about - thirtr-live - fent - trey olid - th - e - fee - der , on a - stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily in in ig id to carry the chaff with the stra is, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fin sides being closed, to confine the straw and chair, ramedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against whim', weather. It bags the grain b r reasonable management, suf= ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els-per hour, using eight horses an I the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. '---- 2 the-No.-2--Maettinerfutiy - reprusented nr - th - e - anovecutOlT partici] sr y at.apted to the farmer's use; in intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 p Rinds; has an iron thresher; frame, and cylinder, 121 inches in diameter and 38 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if I desired, in a half bushel. It delivors tho straw fifteen feet froin the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chair together; will threats and clean, in goad grain, ready for in irket, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats per day. using four or six horses, and the same number of nands; but to force the work, under mist favorable circumstances, good grain, dec., will thresh and clean considerably more. 'l'ho Machine will threah and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases - does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse' railway power Now here is what the Fanner anti tmasherm in win's, a Beptrator to go from Nana to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, and why is it '1 Because this separa tor has a selfreaulating Blast, which proventB grain from blowing into the chaff, and also has a self reg. ulating feeder to feed the cleaner and it has rollers and combs in the cleaner which prevents it from_ •--- - - - ,eca use there isess fric lion in the Journals, an I the rakes an 1 fan Sr., geared so that you have no troub'e with Belts breaking and slipping, causing dust to fall into the wheat. Why does it clean a g ainst the wind 1 Because the blast has direct action on the grain anal the cleaner is so well arranged that the wind has no chance to drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built perm mently on two wheels and the front carriage sep arate, ready to attach when necessary 1 Bee two it is more convenient in the barn without the front car riage___You can turn the_ machine_or run-it-from place t place mare_ easily. Why has - it - not - got Elevmr tors like some other in whines? Because the Elevators carry the fi!th hick alternately into the cleaner which roust eventuilly go into the goad wheat or in the chaff, and all know, that_filih_should -be kept separiate for feed, iSrm , we might as well keep shoveling the Tailings from under our hand fin into the hopper and expect to get the grain clean. Why is this separatir more cleanly and satisfactory to work a bout than others? Because the Fan and Trunk :Sides are closed up to prevent the wheat chaff arid dust from coming out and scattering nver . the causiii; waist an I giving much trouble with dirt and sora eyes, &c. Why do Thrashermen get more work with these 'sera' wars than:they do with others ? Be. cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and a paying one for all'farmers and Thrashermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in m od r a ises C a rriers must suit themselves to the machine, because the to whine wall not suit Pitch* to the farmer In short this is the cheapest, most durable, reliable, simple and m est agreeable to work about: and the only, bep aratur that will clean and bag the grain sufficiently clean for market under all circumstances. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is nu humbug, and judging from the 'high Jecommenda fanners that are using them, we must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity'to appreciate and attest its merits, for which we hope they will give us ,an opportunity, as we are willing to be responsible if it does nut perform as represented in this Circular . A reduction of 2 per cent. on all orders healed in on or before the first of ‘pril , 1868. Shop Prices of Machines range from 8215, to 8.140. t'V' We warrant the machines to be as aboveieprecented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanship, &c.. Geiser,-Price Sr. Co., Manufactures. • • WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN 00", PA Null's Pat. Post Boring Machine. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. A series of trials of this machine has convince•l the inventor and all persons who have 'witnessed its operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : This machine is constructed so as to be operated either by hand, horse, water or steam poster. By hand 25 to 30 posts can he bored per day; by one-horse power hem 100 to 150 per day ; by two•horse power 200 per day, and by water or steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It is also a sell feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of state and County Rights for the above valuable in vention. A 41Jress June 19 —tf DR.. JOHN A. HATTON. [From the Philadelphia Dental College. 3:1E 1 N 'T X IS IT. NITROUS OXIDE GAS used to grraac T WITHOUT PAIN, Or when patients desire it. he will use the NARCOTIC SPRAY, a process of Fretz ing the Gums. Or Operative Dentistry done in a scien tific manner. He will insert Artificial Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, Matins or Vulcanite, and wtrranted to give satisfaction. Office, No. 111 North Carlisle street, nearly opposite the Adamq House. Greencastle.' July 3—tf GUNS; PENKNIFE BLADES. Ap. 17-Gm. J. H. JOHNSTON. 0. Molasses st the store of PRIME N. AUDUBON, BENEDICT & . OD. ' PA T- - E - IN T PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868 LABOR SAVING. QUALITIES ASE OF OPERATION bIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION. GUNS! J. F. Oiler. Josiah Fah rimy. GRAIN SEPARATOR, DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor. JONATHAN NULL, Quincy, Franklin County, Pa. NEW MILLINERY STORE IN WAY ' NESBORO), THE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that they have just returned from Philadelphia with a fide and fashionable assortment of Millinery goods, and are now prepared to accommodate the ladies in any thing in their line of Lusiness, and would therefore solicit a public share of patronage. We have con. stantly on hand stamped yokes, and bands for em broidering or braiding, stamped aprons all sizes and patterns. Havings procured fixings for stamping we are prepared to do stamping at any time and at shortest notice. Ladies, call and examine our stock. Terms cheaper than can be found elsewhere! STITCHING DONE 'PO MILER. Rooms on Main Street over Smith's furniture rooms. . Mrs. L. A. TRITLE & M. M.-HAMLIN. oet 9 tf Professional. Dll. J. BURNS AMBERS° . N "having perman ently located in this place, offers his profession al services to the community. Calls promptly at tended to at all hours. Office in A. b. Donehralie's Drug Store, one door west of the Waynesboro' 110. • April 17—tf. THE MORNING GLORY F 0 It 1868. This Stove has been in use in this part •of the country for three years and has given more sntifac• tion than any other Bose Burning Stove offered. I can reftr to se_littudreal—and--Fifty—persons— to whom I sold these stoves and every one says it is the best stove they ever saw or used. I sold tens Hundred and Seventeen of these stoves lest sensor!, and from the or lers now received for them I have no but that 1 will eel I mire that last seasond, Come and see my stock of t;toves. You will firm a large stock of the beat Unil Staves ever offered for sale. Lhave now in at. , ro three other new Base Burning Stoves, "The Inniati," "The Revobing, Light" and the "Ilinpire," all first class stoves. PERFECTION AT LAST. The public have long desired a perfect cook etovo aul.ar4t4-wr--fotri THE CALORIFIC Is with Jut doubt the best Cook Stove in mut:et for either Alithraeito or Iliturni: 011 d Coal. Call aid see it. 171117 LE, Manufacturer of Copper, Tin • and Shet t Iron IVarc and dealer in all kinds of blows f►r Coal or Wood. He has now on fond a large stock of the best Cook Stoves in market. He is selling 90 gel. Copper Kettles nt The above kettles are strenTer than yea can a et elsewhere and much cheaper I am now putting up a NEW DRY HOUSE on the Not Air Principle which comes much over in price than any offbred before, end is gotten up in good style, is strong and durable, tikes but little wood, and does its work splendid. ft is also a good Baker. Call and see it. Metalit — Waif for Clothes lines cheap. The best Clothes Wringer in the World ! The best Force Pump in Market ! Iron Wash Kettles 'Pinned frog Pots and stew Pans, Copper and Brass ware. Also a good stotdt of Tm and Shoet Iron Ware, all of whlGh is Towle of the best material. All kinds of .lob Work done in his lino. Don't fail to call and see for yourselves es you will find rn my articles that you will want. ep 11 WILLOW GROVE MILL. k HE subscriber returns special thanks to his cus• lir tamers for their very liberal patron:l:m in the past, (ma unit.) inform them that his • •Mill Wagon" continues to run, and that he is pr( pared to supply to order the best Family Flour and all ,kinds of Mill Stuff: His flour in difersnt sized packages can at all times be had at the Grocery store of W. A. Hebb oct 30 —lf DRUGS NI M3D 1C1.11 4 730 ES. The suhseriber wishes to inform the public that ho has always on hen I a full stock of pure MMUS, 14113D1C1NE3, , PAINTS, OILS, NoTIONS, and everything usually kept in a well appointed Drug store. Prescriptions carefully and promptly compounded at all hours. Physicians dealt with at a liberal diqcount. aug. 28. J. F. Kt/I - az. ADIIIINISICRATOWS SALE. VAHE undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of George Colliflower,decd , will seant public sale, at the Bowden House in Waynesboro', Franklin county, on W..dnesday,the 25th day of November, 1868, a LOT OF tilitoUN t) with a two story Rough Cast H.use and one st Bacialuilding thereon erected. There is also a Cistern( near the door.— Sale to commence at 1 o'clock(P. M. on said day, when terms will be made known. W. COLLIFLOWER, Adm'r. nov 8 St TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT adjoining tho reel. dente of Joseph H. Krebs is olfored at private. sale. Possession given on Ist of April. For fur ther information address - ._ oct 30—ta — Mins° and Lot for Sale. THE otibacribor o ff ers ai private ES& a House and Lot of ground on North street. Wayncs bor p'. ALEX. HAMILTON. oct 30—tf ==3==lllM JACOB HOOVER PERFUMERY H. S. STONER, Chambersburg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers