OCERIES. • ci a nettle :11C 113 • - OULD respennully announce to his friends • • V find the public generally that he is prepared ..s• r iply an v4he treed • i;orekx, SUGAR, SYRUPS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, • RICE, BROOM, BUCKETS TWINES,. ‘!e., a full as.ortuleitt 01 - :1 1 1(.E, , 'i_L'i% oilfectiOnaries, otio is - Stationery, etc, roduce__. I,„ ,„ exchange for goods. 'ln connection ~1, :0. t4,o,.ery business he also keeps FLOI 1--IED-Sllll , 7 , 'than.which..therecan,be_nene (Ito' nor tlt:Upon . 1 . 41 n k 1111 , lor past favors ho• respectfully s °hear vonthitiiance of the - - _ :lug. 2, 1867. L B. 11.111 SILIREIt & CO. rel erect! ruin dui Eastern cities, where 3 L, t r puicliased CF Cite au extensive addition to = -7 - T 0 t 0 It, pt tluity 1 Ite yhe lalbite to Gill and tl.t 1r new- Ipidt of Goods, which considt of AND A3IEIbtCAN t Imp Three-Ply, Extra r p r, I 11 - I iv. el.iwn, and Pl a i n , to the above tLi • desirable Patterns I al, a ;ttii la,e I n T h..* 11‘61CAIIS Hemp. ,•t le'! ; OCU.4 and CHINA I ; I Lt . 1,011 11. otc. ~operior ANC SIAM CARPETS . it EXTRA BORDERING. Ittlt.:el and Velvet Rugs, Door At; t A 1 , .1' nudeto order. 1:1 c•rl! la CARPET RAGE. WiNoovv SHADES. k% §: I 1:•• I LI t 24: It.,,,,ri!nont in this line-;- entire r11 , •11,. iiroldwintt and cheap-:—rang ~ t-, tip% al ds. We also have WINDOW 611 ADE FIX 1 i 11E13, it-aL t:r 1. , „1 t.,Teat Onlauveinent on the old style of ut,•. It I, quite a ta,%elty ; come and see ttoant alw, a full line of T .1 R RODS. 11,1 u 7,, in e, and it will he to the interest ‘l,l 1.) purchase in that line to visit tir• t, yt Queen ` treet,next door illammoth Furniture Establishment. t'leanrber.hurEJune 12—fim.. ' T-R-0 E-- Tli-L- BEB T. 4 ..!; 1 0,0ti9 CUBTONIERS IN FOUR YEARS INing the largest capital, most experienced buy xtensive trade of any concern in the Dol -41.,k, I We CARANTEE,SATISFACTION ‘t , ry Histkixe. and also the best' selection of UNE EOLLAR: EACH (,/hl4- roa•ern ha.. any show wherever our A• • , 0 ibUg. Our motto : ....Prompt and 12eli• Mak :.1,1 temate I:gents wanted in city and --=P-H}. LADIES partlct•itwiy Itquested to try our pa ular club tem . .- o,ling ail kinds ot_llty and Fancy Goods pt:tt, 111,, cloth, castors ; silver plated ~Is, • , ‘Ste. (Fstabltslied !864 ) A pat t 1., •te. am and a check desctibmg au aril •Ie ; ~ for collar. II) eta ;20 for $2 ;•40 tar :$4 lOU I.n $10; sent by mail. Free - prt s • I. :tk a, I Up, (\veal.' .50 • per cent more than other conmrlt,) according to size c•ct,d u a trial club, or if not, do not fail nd fr a ell, alar. '7/ - !`!.‘ should Nor WWI New 21 y b i ll' , or IhiguA I.;ompan ',Ble 01 the Soil. EA:- , TNI AN & KENDALL, GS 11 .nover stiett, Maas. ANI - i.TANI MARBLE WORKS Z•. Ffi. tit Et I€l.lo. I .Al) ilE11.11;?..' IN ft./bbinc.s. qc. 4c., E tai l ~t t, ..,: ,w 1 Ihe a Vl/1111.1 , ^Ing ttl: 14l alttht ail ed sty IC, ins io,i; tlio al vatit age of VV nix:Tower, and a • rapid, nO . ut the sToNE CtjlflNU BUSINESS, •rr able. to till ordurt; at Oil bituttebt itutice aiiii t 0,,( IC.I.S1,1111.• it' terfllS. tA, a can ~ta" Y4lll, near Antietam June , t. tt., \ h.tro' and fil,g,tstowa Turn the fm.tuer Utile,' 1•1).11 , ) • , iNU. <•:.: r, Clll lic hit with John Waltet Rii.l L• i Iti .i 1./ EIAILDI : . respectfully annehnee " 1,, %.1,014e5h.,ro 7 v;cni.ty ha , to crin-2, on tb , Alitlitniy but ,ll.ull ti. ,r.d don't intend quitting t , pt,:i t , tl ." L ut t xlit•ets to rarry (In :.• !t an ever z , ht. ;Also intends car obk.n.lNU in connection with , had contativrahic t xpet• bat!, ht , rqi.ll that she will b.: I• , to all. 1:i curintig thanks W00 , ,' I) t: glven her urn tolore.nhe hopeb of the sane in tit- future. !tat!, .'‘a it `'reSl/ Arrival I i.'OILNEY & SONS ; .iu,t returned fioin the CD.), tvith a large ui shoe Finding, Linings and Ale ., at Ver ) lOW rates. taieez pail for Bides and Skins taken iu (1 at the Geller of nuthes shoe store. 'he highe,At market price will be paid for 400 a of ituek and Mack Ilak Bark. Aril -4 '668. opt and shoe -Store. t ILLIAM STEWART would respectfully • intone die public that he bas opened at his :itlenee in Ringgold, a well selected lot of Ladies-, lass cm! Children's shoes, also Me n's and Boy's h coarse shoes, Ladies Polish Boot tees, fancy ,et lees, and huff Btilrnotalb, Childrene S hoes of p.,crivtion aikoo tOf Men's and Boy's SUM ER wLict hu will sell at short profits cuell ft e ..1;() rontinueir .to manufacture Mots and or , - to or;li r, and returns his thanks to his et:s -oon; in general fm part favors and hopes a eon -Bti4torn. Aug. 11101\EY HM IS IIiONItY MOM 'CONSIDER YOUR INTEREST AND BUY, WHERE YOU CAA BUY THE CHEAPEST! All Cash Dills of Ono Dollar and over, die• counted live per tout. Having just received our first supply of fall and winter goods we invite our customers and the pub- lie generally to call and examine both BMA 'and prime, as we feel confident that they will compete with those of any similar establishment in town or country. We will not in bombast say that"we sell cheuptr thaia the cheapest" but wo will sell as cheap as any and discount 5 per cent. for cash. 'I hoso who promise impossibilities will disappoint you. Give us a chance, by. to prove what we • , • :took-cinnriabilltifidrirfollowinyz a :: • - Dry Goods, Uedarware, Groceries, Tinware, Drugs, Notions, Hats, • Medicines,' Hardware, Uaps, Dila. --- Queensware, Boots,. Paints, • floor and table oil cloths, carpets. &c. &c. &c.— Our stuck of-dress g.,totls is full and well assorted in styles and prices. For men and boys- we bava cloths, cassimeres, cassinetts, kerseys and jeans, all styles and prices. - • - We hope, by attention to business and striving Li please, to merit a continuance of the patronage which has been so Liberally bestowed. Hill›HEW & GEHR, Sept 25 ly Ringgold, Wanhington Co., Md NO. 16. CrOODS: Haying just returned from the Eastern cities with another now supply of Goods which have been purchased at < xtremely low figures. I will offer them at reduced prices for-CASH. The Stock received compribes in part: --. : , - Ac—Gclehrated_Elgi are adjusted to htiat and cold, SWISS WATCHES of every description in Gold and Silver Cases, suitable for Ladies and - 1 Gentlemen. Eight day and 24• hour CLOCKS in bronze and Fancy Cases. CASTORSi Ice Pitch Cake Baskets Rodger 1.3r05. SPOONS and FORKS. Also, a' fine and well selected assortment of JEWELRY of the LATEST STYLES at red aecti prices. Call 'and examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am otb•ring greater inducements to purchasers than any other Jeweler in the County May 5.-Iy. C. C. FORCE No. 16 West Wash., St. argemi mita. , - ITY EMI'OIIIUM OF GENTS DRESS GOODS. JAMES A. FISHER=S - - - - FASHIONABLE MERCH ANT TAILORING ESTAI3.LIS M ENT Washington House Building, Hagerstown, Mark land. NEW STOCK Or SPRING GOODS. I am daily receiving fresh supplies of the latest patterns of • GENTS DRESS GOOllB, wild as I buy from old dealers of the Eastern Cit es am enabled to sell at a corresponding reduction of rates.. 11.1 y stock.is full and complete, all I dcse is no inspection of My Goods, All cases of goods usually kept in a first class 1440k:wen's furnishing- house of the latest sty les constantly on hand. My motto is, 'Cheaper than the chespost, Better than the best.' (live the a 'mil. May '22 181)8. JAM. A. FIeASE It. MACHINE SE-7.011 A N D LUM.F3E.R YARD.! & IL:0„ would inform the Public L,, g ent , ra II y, that tlu•y hate taken the estahlrsh• went and business, lately oAtiled by Lilly 4. Lee (fornwri) Wifi. rialiagun,) and are new menu lat ILI rnrh GRAIN' DRILLS, of ihe late:4 improvements and warant them to give sitbt Also Brinkerhoirs Celebrailto CORN S HELL , Separator and cleaner, the be sheller ever offered io the Public. Also GIP6AN'6 PATENT )I'll6 bt ASHER. Warranted to give sails faetioo or no Fait . . They are I repared to do all kna's of Jon Work Repairs, ,f,e., in their lino of busuie,.s, done at the sl...rtest netice and on Tess. onahle terllll. They have also on hand a large lot 01 the hest Lumber for sale cheap, sad have opened a regular LUMBER ICA 1W ut all kinds 'of,Etinthiii: which they ails sell very cheap for cash only. in want of anything in our line will incase give u. a call. We wilt give satisfaction. Jun :31.—tf. LIDY, IIUCK & CO. PIPSI I 41 E11i ARRIVAL" t *IiLSII has just received a full assortment of 11 Gods, ni his line of business. -Ills t.tock ...obs;sts in part, of all the latest styles of men's and nets HAT'S AND CAPS, Alen's, Women's, Misso's, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES and Slippers of every description. Ladies and Misses 3 - .3 CID 1 .1 3 a Bonnet Frainen, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair ()oils, Hosiery, Dlovge, Parasols, Sun Umbersllas. Funs, &c. bchoul, Blank and Miscellaneous Books,Station: cry of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Sept. 20-- I. R. WELSH NEW -FIUME! eillitllCLE MAKING! 'THE subscribers would inform the public • that I the, have aisuciated themselves together in the :Carriage making, business, an] that the business hereafter will be continued; at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & Hawgua. They will hove constantly on hand DUG- .., GIES of every description; new and!. . 'second-handed„ 'Vehicles of all Ifitkis, 4 7 :1sii.ads rir Repairing done at short-notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting ,anything in our line wilt do well to give its a ,call.before purchasing elsewhere. • JACOB ADAMS, • GEORGE B. HA %VEER. Church Stitt!, nca; 4 .7r:f.isg 2 af.E Jan `-'43 THE WORLD MOVES ! VaAKES pleasiiie in I:lferming the public litti he 4,1.4 has opened the fullest end largest stuck 61 The fairest aryl richest NEW - SEG/Mr:G .- Beat stock of UUFYI] Finest flavored TEA • ' - _ I.lri ! ht a run e, N. Q. litobtertee_ona P &c., ho has been able to oiler in Waynesboro'. 3111E 0 _MOW s - The Wes , Mackerel, white, sound and Choice shad and Holing in salt or ice. • 'r • COVE OYSTERS. _ The beat oysters in the worlJ, "Patuxent," and 'McMutray" brands, by alp can or wh NO.' 16. PalW GOODS. Farina, Mushroom, Creatn, Tea cakes, oy 4er. and water crackers; fresh from JAS. & CU., Factory, which enjoys the most fai.mable reputa ion in the U. S. Every article sold is WARRANTED to ne of FRESH BREAD. VARNISIIESES 9 , the beet custom make, and the material just what it tsvepresented to ho. Received daily from &rites Bakery. , A lull assortment of GENTS FURNISHING _, • _COODS always on-hand, such as Under Clothing, , Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. ................,. . Al!you &es 0541. t. ' willwc al ti a k y i e s, bu t y h , at fer yo r u em g e iz e u r s w o e n d o o tr n ia o l t , k a e n e d p • FAMILY FLOUR, . . .. badly made clothing and the goods are all of the The well known "Willow Grove in f and 4. bbls. ' ' latest style. 0.110. BENDER. paper sacks, at Mill Prices. . May 4-Iy] Ws !lesbian". me - - - . re ButtetD_hat_: Candies, Pruens, Figs, Dates, rresh Curranitit. Oranges, Lemons, Lemon and Raspberry Syrups fought at Factory prices, and fullest stock in town, Sun Burner, Chimneys, wicks, Handsome Best granie in eets or single piece. C. C..w ate Ana. Buckets, Tubs, sugar bucketa• and boxes, baskets, browns, whisks Fancy Soap; Pocket Books, Sta tionery, &c. rfir Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, or cash paid for leading articles. Cash buyers will find it to their interest to call. Thankful for the increased patronage of the past: year, I hope for a continuance of the same. MAV I. la bow h . , • LAU holes ilo Druggists, Chielgo. III: IL A Fahnestock Non Cu, AV holcsale Druggists, Pittaburg, Pa., And by druggists generally. None genuine without tho proprietor's sign attire, thus: • Il 00 0 1 1E W G [lO 81 E& I. ELDEN have just recoivai a split. did . stuck of New Goods, sonsisling of .Hats aad Capa of the latest j styles, Boots and Shberof all kinds. A nice lot of Button Gaiters for Ladies or Such as Paper C dlars nnil Culls for Ladies or Gen- Heinen, Hosiery, Gloves of all kinds for Pall or W in ter ; Neckties o f the latiest styles ; Suspenders, cheaper then ever, Pocket Books at any pica froiu 10 cts. to $2.50. Note Paper and envelopes, steel pens, Ink. Itazirs, strops, Penknives and pocket cut : lery,n fine'assortinent ; Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers, Photo. Albums, Combs, Brushes of all kinds; in fact everything pertaining to fancy No tions. TONEBREAKER SMEDIGINES, FRANTZ'S PEARL POLISHING POWDERS CONSTANTINE'S pERSIAIY HEALING SOAP Trunks, 'Valises, Carpet Bags, Canes,. Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Bugs, &e. CLOERS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, a splendid assortment ; stove Buttons from 10 cents per pair upvrardi Guld Pens and Pencils, Watch Guards, Chains, Keys, Hooks, Spectacles, Goggles and everything pertaining to the Jewelry Business. A large lot of empty Store Boxes for sale cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. All those in Want of anything in our line would do well to give us a cull, for we are determined to sell CalrAP for cash. Thankful for pail favors wo would ask a contini Itasca of the same. E. &, J. ELDEN. seP 48 G.EO. w.. WE L " ATTOBN - EY AT LAW. Office in the Townlialt Building, next door to he Post 0111. to. •Dec, 13 ISO' w. A. . a csasaacz)c:Qim 3 Lo oRACKEh: CONFECITIONA RIES AND FRUIT GLASSWARE, LAMPS, &O QUEENS WARE VARIETIES. *egreststAlietreMbitalits.gileAr S '“ " y . {* • ; y AH R I V-4 - '7 PAN-A-CE-A -....... w ..- 1. , Wit.VVOMitlitilliMiti; "Dr, P. Yahrney's celebrated Blood Searcher or Panacea," Is n medicine that we can recommend to to those who are afflicted, having used it in our own family and furnished our friends with the article; we can, therefore, from experience say that it is a medicine possessing rare medicine{ properti es. Being a mild purgative, it is well to keep it always in the family where there are children or those subject to colds or other sickness. It is compounded from medicinal Boom, Leares, Barks, Sees and Berries, which are said to be entirely free from poison. We are personally acquainted with the proprietor who was our fluidly Physician for several years, and we }yore at one time raised from abed ofnffliction under his judicious treatment:"—Christian Family Gem- 0 "FAIIRNEY'S BLOOD 151.:ADODISTV—From our personal acquaintance with Dr. I'. Fabrney, and from the re putation of the above named medicine in the com munity where be lives, we can cheerfully recom mend it to a fair trial to all who may need a PANACEA for the physical maladies of mortality, nu tit the great Partaena for all diseases shall he found in the leaves of the tree of life.—Prophetic Watchman. 6 1 , 5 efat7 1 / 2 t,. 6- oct V ty A FINE STOCK OF NOTIONS, ' • ' • -. . ; • • • .• t 34 , 4- "DEALER IN! Chemicals; PATENT DIEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR OILS, PAINTS, C:frPhysicians dealt, with at 20 _per cent. discount. March 27, 1:3438, COACH PACILICIRY. 1?-1" Subscribers respectfully announce to the JL public that they have purchased of Messrs. Hess & Crouse their Coach Factory in Waynes• both', and purpose continuing the business in all its branches. CA RRJA G ES, BUGGIES, &c., &c always on hand or made to order;of the best ma terial, and warranted. REP/WRING of all kinder . i (lane at short notice. Being practical workmen they hope to receive tv. liberal share of public pa- tronage. May 22 7 ;? , `it D R..D. A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN G E N"C ASTI, E, PA, Will perform with care and attention all operations in Dentistey AT PRWES AS REASONABLE AS ELSE VP HE RE LT'Special attention paid to Extracting . , Filling and rneerting Teeth. Dental Houma in Nathaniel Martin's residence. .May Fancy anal Staple Dry Goods, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 1100 P SKIWN, (101?8ETTS, Ito. &c all of will% will be sold et the very lowert city pPi ces. No. 13 Pub. Bquare,•llageritown , Md May 15,186 0 • Jo& H. OREBS, UNDERTAKER, INFORVIS.tho public that, he has constantly on 11,nd Collins of all kinds, including the Pitts burg Excelsior Collins, and a Patent FREEZER, in which Corpses can be preserved fot ar.y length of lime 'desired. He' will be in readiness at Short notice to convey, Corpses to any point desired. He returns his thanks to the public for the liber al patronage heretofore given him, and by strict at• tention to business and fair dealing twins to merit a continuance of the same. May 29—tf Barbering; Barbering; Tl - 111 subscriber informs he public that he con. tinues the Barbering business in-the room next door to Mr. Reid's tifocery Store, and is at all times papered to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning. ctc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub ie is respectfully solicited. Aug• 23 1867. PRIME BEEF• VaHE subscriber informs the public that lie con ' la tiuues the Butchering hush:teas and will supply his customers and others with a prime attic In of fresh Beef Veal and Lamb. 84 usual, during tae Season, frutti the .cellar adjoining the Waynesboro' Hotel. THOS. J. CU.NNINGH.OI. May DR. JOHN It. RIPPLE having permanently located in this place, airs his professional services to the' community. Office ix the side room of the_ Way n esboro' April 24 tf. 1 • D AUG S 7 ..--- - 0 ..-.,..-.... WAYNESBORO', PA. S. S. () M I'6o N , P. 1110 PSON. JOHN RBA RICK Every day receiving W. A. PRICE. Newest, Best,,;Cheapest CLOT fliN WiEtiki aov rrPsrs GEORGE BENDER &EY- has recently opened up an entirenew stock of Mil IP" ARIL 311( 14110 - 1111Wer AND SUMMER HATAlhig, All of which has been, obtained - from justly celebrated. hoUse of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. NEW FALL • AND WINTER GOODS, AT THE FIRM OF STOUR & WOLFI? DRY GOODS, • CARPETS, NOTIONS; QUEENSWARE*. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SULDES, CUTLERY, CEDER WA RE, OIL CLOTHS, afirC. • To which we invite the attention of all who want to buy cheN. goods. Nov t 3 1868. STOVER & WOLFF. LIVEI37 Tsubscriber would infotra Ins patrons an the public generally that he has receutly largo. ly increased Iris Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate thus, wishing to hire with either ivs, RUSES MOM ifitftt lit the shortest notice, all hours, Persons desiring Horses and Buggies, for riding, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been selected wits great care as regards gentleness and last traveling. His vehicles ALL New, fashionable, and ride easy, having been bought with a view to accommodate the public. Or Parties conveyed to any point desired, ae compsined by a careful driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or, day, will please pply at, his father's Saddle and Harness shop, Main Strict, 2 doors west of the '"Bowden House," where an attentive Ostler will always he in attendance. Ap. 17. Flt kNICLIIN WEAGLEY. DR. T. D. FRENCH, 31:1 la INT Mai a le, INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounter nn Platina, (bold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the lireservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac lion o tee th without paw. Mice' at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. ti LIVERS! LIVER' rn HE . subscribers announce to the public that 1 they still continue the Livery business. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicles to their tistock they are now better prepared than ever to accommodate persons wanting line riding and driving horses and coca ,ortable . conveyances. An attentive Os ier always in attendance and parties con veyed to any point desired, night or day. caPassengers conveyed daily to and from Green atstle Their Busy leaves at 6 A. M. and returns 7, P. M. WOLFERSBERGER & STONER. Aug, 80-tf. • THOS. J. VILBERT, DIEROIIANT TAILOR, AND AG ENT FOB SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE Junel6, '6B. 'JOSEPH DOUGLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11, - eul Estate and Infininuee Agent, — Office in Walker's Building, • • - Waynesbaro', Penna. Mil! 8-tf. CITY SWEET roTxToEs.—l will receive every Friday P. M., throughout the season the best Sweet Potatoes direct from the Eastern market. 16 W.A. REID. FLAVORING Extracts Vanilla, Lemon and Orange Concentrated, perfect in purity 'and delicacy o r e flavo flavor, k 01E:2 ,zzys ttlatt.s_ t . ilo[ip.,iiiv.,,u.4.)L. B:EW - Wq- ,-_MAC4INE' :1-;•-,`0, -71"'"` - '1• - • ; PATElsertli 1•• • , .; A. 'Johnson S'lniproVed gold Medal Double Thread Sewitrg„klaehine iciinbines Ahe.„ l „l - .. • GREATEST'. SIMPLIOITOP:: IN ...00.NSTRUE TI ON; With' the O Witlex:ea.titKeithit,ituilit and DIL. , DABILITY „ , ;, - The original this nittehine, which 'dies 'placed on exhibition with some forty , 'others, in. the Me. ebonies' Fair; in 11.Atorr, was prondunced superior to all others, and received the highest prize. A Gold Medal, the only one conferred on any , venter of Sa'l4ng Meehines tvas'awarded to the venter. - - -- The GOLD Menet. makes 1044 noisethan any oth er two.thread 'Machine while in - operation. ' The trouble often experienced in setting tlie-nee die in other mechities is avoided in.thilf, as the nee dle is set without 'diffienhy., Thiti is nfeetures of great value, as - every operator well knoire:' This is the most simple and reliable two-thread Sewing Machine in the world. The power of its driving machinery having been greatly increased; has increased its speed in opera - tion, and better adapted it to the heavier classes of work. • • Several other improvement s have been made, such as the manner of holding the spool—regulating the tension—operating the treadle, etc.,-;-each adding to the value of the machine. _ EVERY MACHINE IS WARRANTED FOR. ONE YEAR. It is put up hi every variety, of style desired, fro at $43 to :POD. - . „ , 'The-Ur old Medil-Mechine-vvillrderanyrof-the-lol— lowing kinds of. work :. SEAMING, TUCKING: QUILTING, - EMBROIDERING, BRAIDING, STITCHING, BINDING, HEMMING, 4-c iMrlVia - TAiine t at excels all the rest, ' secure the "Coto MEDAL " for that is the best, Thougi many 6•Machines" in the market there are,, With this for UTILITY, none will compare, It does all !lie work with such ease,—and so nice,-- Whoe'er shall possess it; will sPre get a.prize ; It has points of merit in no other we've seen,— Then purchase the best, The. Gold Medal Machine.'' M. C. DtIATHICH Agent for Franklin Comity. August 28, tf. AEU GOODS! NEW GOODS ! fill.HE subscriber announces to his customers and the public that he has just opened out a Milt stock of new fall and winter goods, among which, he enumerates the following:. Alpaca luster,. Stripe& poplin, Mohair lustre,. Wool &thins,. Hosiery, Shawls, Notions, Cloths, klassiakereit Thomestier goodei Carpet Matting, Oileloths, for Table and Floor• Groceries, Quecoaware, Cederware, Glassware ; Cutlery, ' Sr.o &e. My assortment• in every department is more corn. , ptete than usual; and I• em offering extraordinary, inducements to purchasers at the very lowest prices. I tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage. and.hope to merit a continuance of the same. Bacon, bard, Butter, Eggs and Rags taken in ex.• change for Macias ^dice oct 23 '6B KEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NM GOODS! COON & STONEHOUSE ()kr OULD respectfully inform the public that V V they have now opened at their new room,on the south•weet corner of the Diamond, in Ways's-- bolo', n large and well selected stock of Pry Goods, • Groceries, Ilardware • and Cutlery, lion, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes Car pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt; and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store Our goods are all new irnd fresh and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. - - We flatter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts,.leans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den ims, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Linin and Cotton' Table D i apers, Crush for Towels, Calicoes, Detains, Alpaccas, FANCY DRESS GOODS, Trimings, rihawls, Brown and Bleached Bhectings and Shirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re• ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinus of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Egga Dried Fruit, Rags, &e, May 29, Mg. New Goods! New Goods! NETCALFE 8G HITESHEW, No. 27, Front Streef, CH AMBERSBURG, HAVE their WI stock now ready for sale, and are prepared to sell at extremely low prices, as they have thoroughly canvassed New York and oth er eastern marketo, and having bought moot of their stock from first hands enables them to sell as cheap as the cheapest. "Their - motto is," not tohe under sold by any establishmem anywhere. Their stock embraces almost everything belonging to the DRY GOODS AND NOTION BUSINESS . We also Wholesale till goods at the lowest city jobbing prices. sept 18 METCALFE & HITEBHEW. CHEAP "COONEY•" BOOT AND SHOE STORE t THE subscriber inuijust returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large and well selected stock of Boots and. Shoes. Haying had a tong time to become acquainted' With the Boot and shoe trade, no doubtlf you favor ,hini with' a call-you will buy a 8 he will sell cheap and warrant the work. Ail rips mended free of charge. Give a Cooney" a cal:, ' C. 111JTAIE8. sell 23—rf 111112121 JOB. W. MII.LER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers