VILLAGE RECORD. 9:74A. 'KATMAI j 3 C 7 la. *ritity, Neve aulber 20, AMIS. te k . New Jersq cotes\m liroll3oll'S suffrage, December 2d, ,WirSpealrer 'Colfax MP married on Wed resday last at Andover, Ohio, to Miss. Nelley 'Wade, niece of Senator Bee. Wade ftiirAlabama is now conceded, says a de - .fpatch from Montgomery, to have gone for Grant by abottt",2,soo majority. M.Vermout has contributed $1,600, the lug instalment of her subscription to Antic OM Cepetery tos.Steiveid - pimpkin as "a poultice has been found of great value in -seducing in flanitnatory—rheuniatism---- ' rau),..Tho sixth annual Convention of Mary land and District of Columbia Sunday School teachers meets at flugexstown _on Tuesday, December Ist. fa'The return ()Nevem! Sheridan to N cw Orleans, as commander of that department, they not be among the improbable events of the next half year. 1==11==1:11:1 1115ritewards of 61,4)00 by Governor Clay ton, uf Arkansas; $250 by the city uf Helena, and 6250 by the county of Phillips, have been - eGred - for - the appreheusion of-the-agt- Sassin of General Hindman. _ Ater Since the election not a'Ku Klux out rage has been reported from all the South. Texas even appears to have taken the Lint, rirnegro hos been •urne~l Union than assassinated. ilvllt - Ea-General David Tod, of Ohio, died at Youngstown, Ohio, on Friday. lie was Governor of Ohio during the early years of the rebellion, and did much in aid of its sup pression by his energy in promptly furnish ing the General Government with troops. - . .-• • 1? - - - -1331 -= t - greffsidiana is putdown o>Hciallyat .1.28 but Major Carter Liu given notice that he will contest his election on the ground of fraudulent voting. 09,..The crowning statute for the Monu ment in the National Cemetery reached Get• tysburg last week. It rovesents the God dess of Liberty, and stands twelve feet high, weighing' 13,000 pounds, It was modeled and vat in Italy under the supervision of the sculptor Rodgers. The monument itself will not~bt pu t-u 'until strin„ ACCIDENT AND DEATII.—An engitie ea ploded her boiler at * Duncansville, Pa., on the 9th inst., instantly killing the engineer, Robert Patterson, and Phi:ip Davis, the fireman, The body of Patterson was thrown nearly 1000 yards from the engine, passing over a church and stable. The men both leave large families. PENNSYLVANIA OFFICIAI6.-T h e full official vote of Pennsylvania is . received and announced. The result is: Foci; ran t, For Seymour, Grarit'a majority, Total vote, The Itepublictn majority in October was 11,677, which shows a gain of .18,221 votes for Grant. SW - General Butler writes to a Democratic journal at Louiaville; Ky.. that "I bear no hatred toward the south or Southern men as such, if I know my own heart, but I am op posed only to these who still war upon the best interests of the country, as I understand them; and that opposition from the very necessities of my nature, will be a stern and unyielding ono. I hope to see you and as sure you in person that I can be as ardent a friend in peace as I was a determined and unrelenting foe in war." INFORMATION WANTED.--Cif Willie nil iard, aged ten years, who left his home in Williamsport, ou Tuesday, October 6, and has not since been heard of by his parents. He is stout built, quick spoken, and gent. Ile has sandy hair, freckled face, and light complexion. Ho was dressed in a long, lightish colored roundabout, lightish vest, bound salt and pepper pantaloons, patched on one.knee, a straw hat, and old boots— Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his father, W. P. Hillard, Williamaport, Pa. Cir Governor Geary declines to accredit. to Congress any representative from the Twenty first district, in which it will be re collected the candidates were Messrs. Covode and Foster. He leaves the whole question to Congress. The ancients desired "lucks bushy and Kick-as the raven" as one of the perfections of manhood, and tresses long, silken and lustrous, as the erowoine beauty of woman hood, but-Time ' the sly old dog, drew his fingers through their hair and left "His filAatt" io white. Time is now baffled by those who use Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, the greatest and most reliable Hair Restora tive of modern times The Adjutant Gioetal of the Amy, in his annual report to the Secretary of War, shows that the actual form, in service is con -0 ider.kbly less than 50,000 awn. Brigham Young, it is said is going to re. tire to private lire with the prophets, $3,000, 000, LOCAL MATTERS. Deana, Layer Rai/term &0., at - . - .., stz SCHOOL.—Prof. Dintling's next term of school will commence on Monday, REMOVED —Dr. J. ill. itippie hoe re. moved his race to th 3 front room nest door to Bonebrukcs drug store. g.. Dr. Fahrney's Blood Searcher, a stan dard medicine, can be bad--as Boardman's drug store. BREAD.,-111%- - Srnits bakes very excel lent bread as the sample handed us by W. A Reid loth testify. • . _ Dolt SALE-a building lot on East Main Street, Waynesboro'. Enquire of J o.b n Walter. _ - *- NEW GOODS. —We observe that Nests Antbersou, Benedict, & (Jo., are just opening, out another supply of new goods. BITILDINI3 LOTS.- John J. Ervine offers For sale in another column several desirable 1-Gffillot PUBLIC SALES.--Special attention is di reoted to the sales of valuable personal prop erty advertised in to-day's parer by Beal. Frick and A E. Price. PROFESSIONAL -It will be seen by refer cuce rative rtisig--evluins—that-3oh n- D: DeGolley, Esq ,-bas opened a—law offic.: in Greencastle. CROWDED.--Advertising continues to crowd upon us, bat we hope to be able ere long to 'urnish our in ulgeot tatrons more reru Lve, nor a waiter CALIFORNIA LETTER.—An interesting let ter from our young friend, Mr. Chas. F Speck, will be found on the first page of to day's paper. FURS, Funs.—Public atteutinn isspecial y directed to the advertisement of Mr. J I._ _ l_ I crizithas th-e-Face-s assortment U goo , sln Its me In t ty, embracing an extra supply, of furs OYSTERS, ALE, &c.—Messrs. ilenneber ger & Hoover are supplying themselves with all the luxuries of the seusoa. Read their acivertisetnent. VALUABLE ESTATE.- We call attention to the public 'sale of a valuable farm anti mount= land, estate of the late Wm. B. cAtee, of Washirrgtori county, dec'd, to be found in to-day's paper. THANKSGIVING.- i ursiaynear thi6lh; -1 being Thanksgiving Day, the stores in our town will be closed, we presume, and busi ness generally suspended daring the day.— Public services in one or two of the churches in the morning. DEBATr.—T-he-ttuestion seleeteci for de. bate at the next meeting of Lyceum is:- " We? e the Crusades beneficial to Europe P' The Lyceum will meet — regularly every Monday evening at 7 o'clock in Mr. Noet liog's School Room over Mr. nickel's Gro cery Store. 312,280 313,382 CHURCH DEDICATION.—The new M. E. Church at Mont Alto, in this county, will be Dedicated on Sabbath next, 22d inst. Rev. Wm. Barden, of Baltimore, will . officiAtc. Exercises will commence at 10, A. M. 28,898 655,662 RECEIPTS . --The following .comprise 'OUT receipts for subscription since the last issue : Chas. A. Stouffer, $2.00 Daniel .11. Garver, • $2.00 C. F. Speck, $2.00 D. C. 3lowen, $2.00 LECTURE.-A Temperance Lecture ►till be delivered in the M. E. Church on Thurs day evening next, by Rev. Daniel Hartman, a gentleman well known to many of our citizens. The Good Templars will attend in regalia in a body. MONEY MATTERS —We are now in ar• rears to our "paper maul' for a larger sum than we have ever before been at any one. time. The dearth in money matters seems to be general. Everybody is whining.— NV hat is to be done ?. iiiirDo you like wince pies '1 If so call at Henneberger & Hoover's Bakery and get nice raisens, currants, citron, prunes and excellent cider. They keep the best quali ty. COON LIUNT.—The other evening 11. 'M. Sibbet EFq., and W. II Funk left town 'on a coon hunt. The next morning they re turned with three fine specimens; the largest weighing twelve pounds. They are said to. be quite numerous in the South Mountain this season.' va..A grand Illumination and Torch Light Procession in honor of the election of Grant and Colfax came of at Leiteraburg on Satur day evening • last. The procession finally halted in the Square, and waa ably addressed by Judge Chas. Lee Armour. It is repre sented as the finest meeting and display held there for many years. METEORS —The metoorio display promised by Astronomers for several years was wit nessei on Friday night last. Those in this place who were witnesses of the phenomenon represent the scene thus presented • as .curl one and interesting, but nothing to compare with that of 1833. The meteors commenced falling about 11 -O'clock and continued until morning, 1111::13=1 e cone- FEMALE COLLEGE —Carlisle Presbytery has decided upon Chambersburg as the place where the Veinal° College is to be built, and have 'purchased for that purpose Col. A. it McClure's property for 05 COO. Had it not been for the liberal donation of 1180.000 by Miss Wilson of this county ) the College would doubtless have been located at Green castle. FINE. Bums: Arid —3lr. Daniel Geiser is rapidly pushing to completion his new build ing on Church Street. The structure is three stories high, with tower or obser_vatoL• built from the foundation. It is being com pleted according to the lates't style of - archi tecture, and is rather novel in appearance compared with adjoining buildings. It will contribute greatly to the appearance of that part of our town. IMPROIiTIL-MT: - S. K. Smith—who to hard to_excell as a painter—bas just finis I ea the work of painting, penciling aryl other wise improving in appearance the fine brick dwelling house, on Main Street, belonging to Dr. Benj. Franix. The building now pre sents a much improved appearance, the style -and finish-being-strictly. modern. A -fresh coat of paint where it is needed i 3 economy iostead of extravagance, and we would be glad to see a more general brushing up in this respect. Many of our finest buildings are sadly in want of the brush and pencil. A SPECIAL COURT.—A special session of Common t le Cotift civil causes will begin ou the 'second Moo. day, (the 14th) of December, and will con tinue one week. Another special eeseion will begin on the Er-B , b3l:rchsr)f-iltnlita-r-yruHrti•ti • ; one week. His Honor Judge Bowe will preside at both Courts. The object in hold ing these special terms is . to dispose of the business which has accumulated.— V. S'pirie Fon. SALE.—A Perpetual Scholarship in the "Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylva nia," located in Philadelphia. We offer a liberal inducement to any young man wish- tirierietAitiiticr ORE LAND FOR SALE.-Apply to 4—S Morin, Quincy, Pa. S P ECI AI ill °TICE'S. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Ounjtigal Felicity. The humane views of benevo lent Physicians, on the Errors atid Abuses inci.mnt to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge Address,HOWAßD ASSOCIATION, Box I'., Philadelpia, Pa. June 19-- ly. A-C-A-R-L) A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem (dy for the Cure of Nervous WeaknessrEarly De cay, Diseases of the 'Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bane ful ai.ll vicious habits. Ureat nunabrrs have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted . by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I wall send the receipt for preparing and using this m•dicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Address_ JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station 1), Bible Muse, oct 30-3mo] _.,New York City. 200 SETS OF LADIES FURS! Comprising Mink Sable, German, Russian and American Fitch, Siberian and French - Squirrels, Canada and French Mink, French and Belgian Sa ble, for Ladies and Missm; Beaver. Otter, Swan's Dow n,-Ernine and Sable Trimmings on hand and any width cut to order in a few moments notice. Fur Trimmed Hoods, in velvet and silk; Muff and Cape Tassels Silk, Lamb and Ermine Linings.— All finds of Fur Materi-10. Old and .11loth eaten Fars altered, repaired and renewed nit" the latest styles in the most improved manner at Gpdegraff's G. EAT Fun Aso GLovn FACTOItY, where can be found on hand or made to order in a few hours, Ladies Dog Skin, Buck, Goat, Sheep and Leather Gloves and Mitts, unsurpassed for 'mattress, Jura• bility and cheapness, on hand of . ur own make.— Gents Fur Collars, Fur Gloves, Lamb Felt and Flannel Lined Oloves, Buck, Sheep, Goat, Leath• er and the great Dog Skin Glove Also Buffalo !lobes, Sleigh and Buggy Blankets, (six different patterns) Grey Blankets and Horse Blankets, an Immense stock selected and manufactured express ly fur our Winter trade far '6B and 69. UPDEGRAFF & SON, Hat, Fur and Glove Manufacturers, Opposite 'Washington Bonin.. Hagerstown, Oil. all, 1868. TII .A.l-aT.ZLNL On the 12th inst. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. 0. Walters, 31r JACOB BOCK, son of the - Rev. 1). Bock of the vicinity of Greencastle, to Miss. NANCY J. SN Y DER, daughter of the Rev. F. G. Snyder, of Dry Creek, lowa. On Thursday evening, Nov. 12, at the res idence of th'e bride's parents, by The Rev. J. W. Wightman, Prof. A. N. TRIMMER, of Dickinson Commercial College, Carlisle, Pa., to /Miss LAVIN lA, daughter of John Price, sen., of this vicinity. lEo—Accompanying the above notice we received a substanial token of regard for the printer, for which the Prof. will accept our thanks and best wishes for his happiness in the future and that of his fair partner. le 4 z lo 0•1.8 iir•lik- , * =lll In Mercersburg on the 3,1 of November, of Cholera Wanton], WILLIE ELMORE BOLLINGER, son of J. A. and Al; E Bollinger, aged 7 months and 15 days. Go little loved one, go, A mother's heart can tell, And none but her's can fully know How hard it is to say—farewell ! He is gone, angle one, Leaving many a lonely spot, But 'tin Jesus who has called him, Suffer and fotbel him not. Short was thy suffering time, • And wondrous thy reward, Thy soul is gonJ unstained by cri me To stand before the Lord. Then farewell Elmore, why do we weep, Thou art so happy now ; Upon the Saviour's breast you sleep While angels cool thy brow; , f!E!!!2=11111 On 'the 17th inst., suddenly of paralysis, Mr. U. HURNETy of Chambersburg, VW '53 years, 3 menthe , and 21. days. On the 28th ult. ) at his residence in Mont. pinery, totWship, .1111511EY, aged 74 years and 10 months. ACIE.SOELI:3.3IITMS.. PUILADULPHIk Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1868. -.4L01.111..—Th0 'Flour market is steady, and buiiness is moderately active. The sales toot up 1,800 barrels for the supply of the home consumers, at 85.50(0.50 ter super fine; 86.75@7 for estrus; $7.25@8 25 for. lowa, Wisconsin, and choice Minnesota XX , • 1 ,m'l ;AS 50016.75 for Penn. sylvauia Indiana, and Ohio winter wheat do. and 811613 for fancy binds, according to quality. Rye Flout is selling at $7.50®8 per Rd— a decline. Corn Meal is without improvement. GRA IN.—There is quite a lively inquiry for the better qualities of Wheat, and prices' are well sustained; sales of 5,000 bushels at _52®2.12 for good and strictly choice red; $2-15(42-D3-latiniiiana_an_d_Sout hero ant ber; and $2 25®2 40 for white. Rye is unchanged ; sales of 300 bushels Southern at $1.40, and 500 bushels Western at $1 48 g 1.50. Corn is dull at yesterday's quota mins ; sales of old yellow at $1.14®1 15; new do at 80®93e, - according to dryness, and Western mixed at $1.10®1.13. Oats -move-slow_ly_with_sales_oL6,o_ol)_b_ush._W_est ern at 68®700 for heavy, and 60®65c for light. Barley is in good demand, with sales of 3,000 bushels; New York at s2®2 05. Malt is unchanged. SEEDS.—Cloverseed sells in a small way at $6 50®7 IR 64 lb. Timothy is nominal, at $2 75(53. Flaxseed is wanted by the crushers at $2 60®2 63. jII.__PETER - FAIIRNEY'S BLOOD 'SEARCHER, OR PAN ACBA, Can be had at nov 20 LOTS FOR SALE. .THE subscriber offers at Private Sale 5 BUILD !IG l'S at the West end of Main Street, Waynesboro'. Front 4IA feet. Depth 160 feet. Fur terme, &c., apply to nov 20-- tl. JOHN D. DeGOLLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT_LAW, GREENCASTLE, PA. Will attend promptly a.d faithfully to all businetrs entrusted to his care. Counsel g.Nren in English .-Ird-tternmr-t-ffiee-irt-ttle-11-hotiesLEAtild-ing-,-1 e-corner - ordirlitailio nov 20 tf BANK DIVIDEND- The Board of Directors of the Ist National Bank Waynerboro', have this day declared a dividend- of five per cent. for the pastsix months, payable on and after the 25th hist. JNO. PHILIPS, Cashier. nov 20 3t. PUBLIC SALE. -IIrIHE subscriber intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sale on TUESDAY THE IST DAY DECEMBER, '6B, at his residents, I milt s south. of Ringgold, the fol- lowing propiity, to wi SIX HEIVI WOIIK MISES, (all good leaders) one of them a black Canadian Stallion; 1 large Durham Dull, 2S-11-EAD HORN CATTLE, amongst which are 3 good milch cioVvvs, 6 heifers, the balance young steers; 04 HEAD 01? HOGS, amongst which are IQ fat hogs, 2 sows, 1 full-bred Cheater Boar, 42 shoats, the balance small pigs; 1 four-inch tread Wagon with two wheels newly tir ed, 1 three-inch tread Wagon, 1 new two-horse W a gon, 1 spring Wagon, 1 log do., 1 cart, 1 new Carriage, I psir wood ladders, 1 corn bed, I pair hay carriages, 1 pair hay ladders ; I GRAIN SEPARATOR (Geiser's potent) and truck, all in good order; 1 McCormick Reaper, t Grain Drill, 3 three-horse, 3 two horse, 6 double and 3 single shovel plows, 3 new liarrows, 2-sets brsectibands, 4 sets front gears, 6 sets plow gears, 2 sets single harness, 8 fly-nets, 8 housens, 1 wagon saddle, 11 halters with Fur ley's chdin, 2 four and 1 six horse line,"B bridles, 14 collars, I Cylinder Cider Mill and tripplo-gear. ed horse power, all in good order; 1 wheat fan with improvements, 1 Dry House, (Beamer's patent) sleigh and string bells, single, double and tripplo trees, carrying, breast, butt, log; cow and fifth chains and spreaders, rakes, forks, shovels. digging iron, mattock, 1 bag wagon with iron wheels, 3 sets of dung boards two of wl.ich are new; a lot oak plank 2i and 3 inch, 1 water trough, 1 lug sled, 1 har row sled, 30 grain bags, 1 hay knife, 1 dung hook, 1 large chop chest. check and breast straps, 3 Lush. baskets, 1 large water tank, 28 good barrels, one grindstone, a lot planes and augers, a lot old 1 screw plate, 1 saddler bench, 1 meat hogshead, 2 feed troughs, 3 water kegs, 1 new jackscrew, 1 pair steelyards; FIFTY-TWO AC4E3 GRAIN IN THE GROUND, 4 TONS TIMOTHY HAY. Also household and kitch n furniture, as follows . : 2 bed steads, 1 clock, 1 dining table, 6 chairs, a locrocks 36 yda new imported talpet, a tot rag to t, one lounge, 1 parlor stove, 1 parlor cook stove, I dress er, and many other articles too numerous to men tion. Bele to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when a credit of 8 months will he given on all sums of $lO and upwards,purehasers giving their notes with approved security, and if not paid within ten days after maturity interest will be charged from date.— Sums under $lO cash. No goods to be removed until settled fur. BENJAMIN FRICK. nov 20—ts] Jossru BOWARD. A uct. PBDIE SAIS rellHE subscriber intending to reduce his stock, will offer at public mile, near the road leading f r om %Veynesboro' to Quincy, one half mile south of the Nunnery Mill, on TUESDAY THE BTH DAY DECEMBER, '6B, the following property, to wit: 4 HEAD HORSES all good work horser ; 16 HEAD HORN CATTLE, 4 of which are good milch cows, , 4 fine steers, one young bull, the balance young cattle; 9 head Stoats 1 LATEST IMPROVED McCORMICK RLAPEE, [selfraker) 1 Grain Drill, 1 Corn Shel ler, 2 PARIVZ WAGONS, (breadtread) one nearly new, with new bed, stand. arils and sideboards, 1 two-horse Wagon - with bed, 1 Spring Wagon, O'NE NEW CARRIAGE, for one or two horses; 1 Trotting Buggy, Plows, Harrows, 1 Corn Coverer, 1 pair Rail Carriages, 2 Beta Front Gear., collars and bridles. 1 patent Hay Fork, a lot cider barrels; sad many o'her articles not mentioned. 'ale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when a credit of 10 months will be given, A. E. PRICE. nov .20—ts1 0. V, Moxo, And. adjoining lands of Lr. E. Bishop and George Gar denour, and well timbered, No. 3. .I,qt of Mountain Land, I ying about 2 tiles—East-of-nmitliLiirg,near_tbe_road ; leading _to Meciranicstown, containing TEN-ANG- A-QJJ A RTER ACRES, FOURTHM.A Drug :tore. JOHN J. ERVIN TERMS OE SALE.—One-third of the purchase me - hey on the lvt of April nest, when possession will be given ; the balance in two equal annual psy ments with interest from that day, the purchasers giving their notes with approved security for the do 1J - -tarred- .)s mants—Linstile-krlai- d -rneto--_ood-and URSUANT to an order of the orphans' Coust of Franklin County, October term, 1868, the un dersigned will offer 41, public sale, in front of Bow den's Hotel, Waynesboro', Pa., at 1 o'clock, on. Sat urday, the 12th day December, 1868, all the in - terest and title ot Margaret Hoover, dec'd., in and to that House and Lot in Waynesboro', bounded by lands if_Lydia Price, 4.N oan_Bnyder,_andothers; be ing one half interest therein. Yawns Cash. A. H. HU lit; It - A don . of Margaret Hoover, treed. The othcrahalf °limit! property belonging to the heirs of Catharine Boult, decd:, will be sold at the same lime, so that She title will,be complete for the prop— erty. Terms of this half made known on day of sale. ' A- H. HUHER, nov 20 31 for Heirs. 1868! 1869! THE GREAT Hat and Fur Emporium No. 36, Maio Street, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 41 - AHE largest stock of Ladies Furs in the Cum • berland Valley, embracing Hudson Bay, Bus. sian and Mink Sable.. French Mink, Siberian and AmeriCan Squirrel. German and American Fitch, water Mink, Beaver, end in fact everything in the Fur line. A first class store, large stuck, splendid assortment, and EXTREMELY LOW PIKES as an inducement for persons from a distance to come and purchase my goods, has onside.] me to build up the largest Fur trade in the great Comb. Valley• Look around et the other places and then call and see for yourselves. J. L. DECHERT. nov 20 Waynesboro' Bakery, Confectionary MFIE well known and popular Restaurant and I Saloon formerly kept by Wm. B. Crouse, has beetkleased by the undersigned. They are devoting tt eir entire time and attention .to the business of ca• tering for their - friends and the public, and ready to supply the luxuries of the season. OYSTERS, CRA Bs, LOBSTERS, TURTLES, TRIPE, CHICKENS, &c., &c., will be served up at short notice and by the best of cooks.' In fact and in short, we aim to keep a first class Eating House and to please the appetite of all who may favor us with a call. A t all times the best ALE can be had on draught, for proof of which call and try the arti cle. We have a saloon fitted up expressly for the Ladies. Thankful for the encouragement we have re• ceived thus far, we hope to merit a still greater share of public patronage. nov 20 J H EN.N EB ERGER & HOOVER. PUBLIC SALES BY an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, the subperiber, Trustee for the estate of Thos. Walker, deed., will oiler at public sale on Friday, the 27th. inst., of 266 acres and 45 perches, neat measure, situated in Hamiltonban township, Adams County, Pa., ad joining lands o I Sanford Shroder, Musselman, Clark, Beard, and others, on the public road leading from Faitfield to Foutt:ain Dale, one mile east of the lat ter place. About , 2oo acres of the land is cleared, the balance well set with goof chestnut, oak and locust Umber. The imptovements consist of a . rWO•SPURY HUUr,B, (roughcast) a good Stone Bank Barn, 66 by 31 feet, in good repair, with oth• err. ecessary out-buildings. There is also on the premises T W 0 APPLE ORCHARDS, (choice fruit) in full bearing. The farm is under good fence, such as stone, post and rail and worm, near• ly all chest nut. There are also on the farm 2 LOG TENANT HOUSES, (both good). and a spring of pure water under the dwelling house. rirThe soil is copper stone of first rate quality, producing good crops of clover, timothy and cereal grains. 'dale t 4 commence at 11 o'clock, on the premises, when:the terries will be made known by nov 13 ts 3 p ÜBLIO SALE OF A , VALUABLE FARM AND MOUNTAIN LAND. Tho undersigned, Executors of the late William B. IticAtee, will sell at Public in front Of the Court House, in Hagerstown, On TUESDAY, DECEMBER Bth, 1868 . ; the FA RM and MOUNTAIN LANDsaid deed., lying in Washington and Frederick:Counties, Ma• ryland: No,i_Phnt VALLARLE and wELiAmpriov- ED FARM, lying on the road lending from Lei tersburg to Hmithburg, three miles from the former and one tulle from Ric latter place, containing MI ACRES of First -Rate yi t AILEI from Four to :ilk Acres being well Timbered.— This Perm lies in,themidat of the beet Wheat pro. during district in Maryland; and for a long series of years has borne a well sustained reputation for the quantity and quality of its cereal productions. It has easy access by good roads to the markets of Hagerstown and the Antietam Mills, and is with in one mile of the Line of the Western Maryland Railroad. The improvements consist of a con- venient sToNE AND FRAME DWELLING, l _Bpring-House,_Wnett,liouse,Sinoke,House,Atc.,, ai.d a fine STONE and FRAME BANK BARN, with Corn Cribs, Wagon Shed, Hog Pen, &c., all in good condition and of convenient arrangement. Near the House is a never-failing Spring of the finest Limestone Water, affording superior facilities for watering stock both wit.ter and summer. There is also a flue stream of Water running thro' most of the fields, and on ORCHARD OP CHOWS FRUIT TREES: The - entire - Farm is under — good - laneinvmost of which is post-and rail, comparatively new, add of the most substantial construction. No 2. A lot of Mountain Land, lying 14 miles East of Smithburg, near the road leading to Sabil• lawnlle, containing 2O ACRES, adjoining lands of Jos. Strite's heirs, John Stotler and David .Hoover, and covered with a very fine quality of chestnut and other timber. No. 4. Lot of Mountain Land lying in Frederick ' • , bmitliburg, urrthe7Fre. eriek - road, adjoining lands - of - Andrew - Btechtelcand - I William Wolff, and containing 1.8 A lIRES more or less. The Farm will be shown persona desiring to view it, by !4r. Jacob .N et ily, the present tenant, and the inountiin land by Mr. Adam Vogle i living in 8m kb burg. sufficient deeds will be given. The crops in the ground on No. 1 are reserve'', with the privilege of cuffing, homing and threshing the same. W AhTlift B. MeATEiI, JOHN L. IVICATEE, R. Susoms, Auct. Executors. nov 203 t PIT BLIC SALE. CORNUCOPIA. OYSTER SALOON. A VALUABLE FARM W. W. WALKER, Trustee. O. V. Mow Auct . PUBLIC SALB, B • Y en onler of the Orphan.' Oitti4;ol . Franklin county, Pa., the subscriber Tristeilfrifthe heire of Thos. Walker, doc'd, will ;Mr at ,ifithlio sale at the Mansion HOLM in the Borough of Wayne.- ba Oit il :Saittraa,y the 28th doy November, '64, the following Real Estate. let, the 'Mansion Property,' consisting of a full lot of groUnd, with a 12 foot Iley on each side and rear, adjoining the Hotel ooperty of Francis Bowden on- the West, Joreph Miller's property on the East, with a largo TT I " " IIISE with backbuilding, wood house, smoke house, errrrs crib, hog pen, together with a good atone bank barn with a well good water and a cistern in the yard. Attached to the Mansion there are wings for offi• see, together with commodious basements. This property is in good repair, and persons wanting property are invited to examine it before the day of sale as it is one of the moat valuable and desirable properties in town. containing 3Z acres, more or less, situated is Quin cy township, adjoining the Furnace lands, Hobring. , era and others, near the public road_ leading from Hopewell Mills to the Forge, and miles from the former place, consisting of young and thrifty timber of all varieties. ALSO-A LOT OF GROUND NEAR • the Borough of Waynesboro', on the turnpike lead ing to Hagerstown,-containing-2i-acrear-rnore-er less, adjoinixg lands of W. P. Wagley, Bell and others, in a high state of cultivation. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms rail be made known by W. W. WALKER, 13—tsj Trustee. A .SMALL FARM AT • PRIVATE SALE. 17111 E-subsetiber-intending-to-go-Bouth, offers-at JL private sale his farm, situated about half a mile from Leitersburg, Md., on the public road, leading to Ringgold, containing 40 acres, more or less, of first quality limestone land. This land is smooth • *tie-xrcellent-veleat-and-corn-landrall - layi • Ahe_morning=eun.__ltLis_a I se_we 11 ada pte d_for yard. The improvements are a story and a half LOG AID FRVVIE DWELLING HOUSE, a weather•board.ed frame Hamill} feet long, with shed. corn crib, granary and cow stable attached r and oth er'necessary out buildings. A good well of water with pump and a Cistern in the. yard. There is al so on the premises between 6300 and 900 choice fruit trees, such as apple, peach, cherry, pear, &c. For further particulars apply to the subsciiber who wilt make the termleasy. nov 13 at) RICHARD H. 'PURLEY. ltepository, Uhamb'rg, - copy 3t. PUBLIC SALE. HE subscribes will sell at public sale on the premises the House and Lot now occupied by James Ripple, and situated on the north side of the• pike, about one mile east of Wavneshoro', on the Antietam Creek, on Thursday, December 3rd 1868. The lot contains about 14 acres more re less. Terms. made known at time of sale, 1 o'clock, P. M. now 13 Is] PETER FMOIE:STOCK. ALEX. LEEDS, Next door to the Town liall,hae nDw on ham/ a fine assortment of CLOCKS. Selected by himself - with great cure, a large arat3 well selected assortment of • - allauaa,, of Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro', all the latest styles kept constantly on hand. Every variety of Cuff buttons. A fine arsort. ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheelds,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons, Salt Cellars, and butter Knives of the cel ebrsted Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPECTACLES To suit everybody's eyes. New glasses put in old frames. Clocks. Watches. and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX. LEEDS, Next door to the Town Hall, under the Photograph Gaiter . July 31. LIME I LIME! Persons wanting fresh Lime cat be supplied by calling on the subscriber. juee 19-1: ALEX HAMILTON _ _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers