15, Main Street, every dese.ription_belaoging to th e Totion line Jobbed to Merchants Aug. 2, 1857 rOMT;f4.Ik E AGENC JOSEPH DOLMAS, respectfully informs the public - that - Ito has - eirtatlisheil - an Insurance -A gency for Insurance of ail kinds in the best cotnpati --ies-and-at-reasonable rata.. - FIRE INSURANCE—In the North Amerierg, dna the Enterprise of Philadelphia, Home of New York and tic Cumberland Valley Mutual of Cum berland Co, Pa. LftE-1-N.S_Ull NILE,Au, the Etna of Hartford American ot Philadelphia, and the Equitable of New York. INSURANCE from ueeldent causing Death or Disability, in the traveler's Insurance Company of Hartford, a valuatile_lnstrance for Travellers and working men,of all trades. Also Insurance on Horses, Mules, Cattle, and Sheep, against, Theft, Heath, or Accident, rapidly elating into general use by fanners and stock rais ers. xp ananons an ra Wished by June 14-lE] RAND EXHIBITION of Spring Styles of k j HATS and CAPSat DEC/1E10"S, Big Red Hnt, Chambersburg, Pa. "DIG RLD HA I !—St. Cloud, Jerome, Baulevade, jjeabel, Howard, Broad Brim, Planters, &c. at DECHERT'S, Main Street Chambersburg. j3IG RED HAT, Main Street, Chambersburg,Pa, is a sure sign that 37. , u arc near the Cheap and Fashionable Hat Bmporifim of DECHERT,. STRAW GODS in endless variety and. very Cheap, at the Cumberland Valley Hat Empor ium of D ECHE RT. ANY MAN, Woman or Child in Chambersburg can show you the way to the Cheap flat Store of DECHERT. Big Red Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. May 24-Iy. I.OOR Oil Cloths, all patterns and style at the store of AhIBEREON, BEN EDICT & CO. CHECK and plain 51antina• at the store of AmitEases, BEN EDICT & CO. . RIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of P-MBEREON, Kr:EDICT & CO. OIL Cloth and paper Blinds at the store of . A atuxusuN , Bv..st7.nivr & Co. L ADIES Dress Goods of ail kinds tt the store of A =EDSON, B ENEDICT & CO. ATFST arrival of Netv Goods at the store of Anexasort, I.lh:NsulcT & Co. CURTAIN Fixtures of all kinds at the store of ANDERSON. BENEDICT & CO. Lightning Rods 1 subscribers tvould inform. the public that .8 they have made extensive preparations fur put ting up Lightning Rods during the season, and for this purpose expect to visit farmers and others gen erally in this section. Ono of the firm has had ma ny }ears experience in the business. The public can therefore rely upon having their work well and satblactorily done. No humbugging. IiAIJSE (Sc DEATRICH. April 26—tf. SASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND FLOORING FACTORY ItANUFACTURING to order and otherwise, gall kinds of Building material at moderate pri ces, Also sawing of every description, by mill and circular saws, at the Antietam Factory. April 19-3rn.] O. F. GOOD. N. B. Saw logs of every description wanted. fur which we will pay the highest price. D.P. G. Willow Grove Mill rpHE subscriber informs tho citiznns of Waynes i boro' that he will hereafter run his %till Wagon regularly to town. Persons supplied with Flour, Meal and Mill !Stuff. Orders can he left at the Post Office, with Amberson Benedict & Co , at Store,or with John Walter. All orders promptly filled, the cash to accompany each order. May 24 —tf. JACOI3 HOOVER. rot. D. A. NTo urr DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PA. MEETH extracted without pain. Office in Clip " penger's building, nearly oppisite Adams' H 3. tel, where he wilt attend to Dentistry wit I care and attention. Old Gold and Fill/or plates taken in part pay for new ones. Teeth inserted from a sing' tooth to a fall set, insured for one year.- jun 18-Iy. WONDEIiFUL FOR TILE MILLION, all:may be rich, wise and happy. Agents 'wanted. Enclose stamp fol particu!are. If. (;amr, 142 Bleeeker St Nt w Yo4 t L-xuril ionery, etc. Produce goods. In connection a he also keeps FLOUR which there can be none •s he respectfully solicits AINS, BARGAINS, be had at CHAM BERSDURG, PA. eitilrom - our - stock wpwardeof :ANTS, most every description, which [ninth without regard to cost order to peke room for a full greatly reduced prices our gaols as wo are delermiu- Tif possibly. We keep up is the year round, therefore all tunes at the lowest mar- or — the salt — of — tcll --- gunds nbersliurg Woolen Man- lEEI es given an' pimp 1e s El JOSEPH DOUGLAS, General Insurance Agent, GOODS! NEW GOODS! N & STONEHOUSE Ilareepectfully inform the public that aey have now opened at their new room, on iuth•west corner of the Diamond, in Waynes ,', a largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, • Hardware and Gallery, hon, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queenswarb, (Jedarware, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought for cash at the .late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock, of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloth_s,C_assi_mer Sattinedii, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den ims, Stiles, Cheeks, Ginghams, Linin and Cotton Table D.apers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes,Delains, aiu• ace' FANCY DRESS GOODS, Trimings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings 4 Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Glbves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re- cervmg-new-goods-every-week en trimr article wanted that we have not on hand in a, few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, But ter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &c. irra1711367. CH AM BERSBURG BOOK STORE AND BINDERY! PFIE citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity are I respectfully invited to give our Establishment a call when visiting Chambersburg. We have a general assortment of SCHOOL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONARY Td — B BOOKS.ITAN-K A Ise a full line of WALL PIPERS, BORDER ING, Paper and Linen — Window - Shades and-Fix. tures, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels. Fairehilds' and other celebrated make of Gold Pens, which we warrant to give satisfaction. I,r ';es and Gentlemen's. Morocco Satchels, Tray , and Baskets. erlin, Zephyr and Domestie-Wool. Photograph Albums, Packet Books, Family, Pock .et and School Bibles. •-res y- ensin—Methodis • Lutheran HYMN BOOKS. irTall - ito - branches attended - to; Paper ruled to any pattern. --- Blank - 80 - oka - made to order. Goods ordered weekly from the Eastern Cities. Orders from a distance promptly attended to, Agency for the sale of Internal lievenu e Stamps J. N. SNIDER. April 26.--Bt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pu. Capital paid in 875.000, Collections made lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Directors :—W. S. A mherson, Alex. Hamilton, George Down, George Jacobs.. Daniel NI Lkley John Price, Henry Geod,'Jaince H. Clayton, Joseph Price. Correspondents :—The First National Bank of Philadelphia and 9th► National Bank of New York. W. 8. AMIIEINON. I'res't. JNO. PHILIPS, Cash 10 CENT SUGAR at /1 0011 Levy Sugar at YRUPS—Good and Cheap at \ n ‘ REID'S, QIIEENSI!VARE—A new lot of beau i t t ill i slles t CREAM CAKES- 7 -. Nice for Tea, at REID'S, lIB ILIII i t n AR t B and Vegetables-- browietuLtisthe May 17 GAI/DEN AND FLOWER SEEDS—A freak assortment received this day, and sold at 8 cts a paper by W. A. REID. March 8, 1867. EVE LE-TRI ED REMEDIES RUSSELL'S ITCH OINTNIESir, an immediate and rer• t , in cure, his also a sure remedy for scratches on horses, RUSSELL'S SALT RIIECSI 015 I BIENT, IS unequal ed, 50 ets RUSSELL'S PILE OINTMENT' cures after all oth er remedies have filled. $1 00 These din tments are certain, safe and reliable I•pC.• elites, as thousands have and are daily certifying. For sale by all Druggists and medicine dealers General Depot at PINCHOT BRUEN & 110- 13A lIT, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton st., (near (;reenwich), New Y ork. Sent by mail; itch. 40c.; P. IL 65c.; Pile, 1,50. April 26--3 m. CALICOES from 10 cents at Ap. 5.] • PRICE & HOEFLICH'S. COUNTERPANES and Bed Sprat' (lc at Ap. 5.] PRICE & 110EFLICII'S. SPRING Balmorals at Ap. 5 ] Pawn & Ehrstten's. scents for a Head Net at Ap. 5.] PRICE & Hammes, BAGS. --25 and 3 bu. bags, also . ba ;ging at , Ap. 5 ] PRICE & HOEFLICH S cents for colTce at 20 Ap. 5.] PRICE Sr, "'MUCH'S CHEESE at April 5 NOTICE THE Board of Directors of the Chambertburg Woolen Manuf,eturing Company, have declar ed a semi annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the special Capital stock of said company, pay• able on the first of' July icxt, being the fractional part of the year ta that date. Transfer hooks closed on and alter the 15th J. C. AUSTIN, Pres't. F. DYSON, Sleep June 28—:1._ IMPETS CARPETS TUS received of Metcalfe & Hiteshe'w'q, High colored Wool striped carpet, Puke *1 00, such as has been selling for :$1.25. All woul ingrain beautiful stvlrs, from $1.25 to SI,G2. April 5, 'G7. NVHITE and thay Wool blanhats at Nov 21.] PRICR & IloKrucn-is BRADLEY'S lite style Hoop Skirts at Ap, 5 1 Pelee t.St -- Cll lIEE'fINGS — , all widths at CI Ap. PRICE & Iforytteit's. FOR a cake of line':Soap, you !nun g... 1 KURTZ'S STORK ,ti and remitted for at REI - REID' 8, PRICE iSr HOULICII'S DENTAL CARD. DR. H. FORREST, ETURNS his thanks to the citizens of Cham• Ja j bersbing and , the public generally fir the pa nonage he has hitherto received, and would respect , fully inform , his patrons and friends that he has re• moved his office to No. 27, itlain.S treat, nex t door. to McCliniock's hal store. Pr. Forrest being a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of DENTAL SURGERY, and having been in practice for several years, is thoroughly experienc. ed in every thing that , comes within the province of first class Dental operations. Dr. F. having furnished hitoffice pith one of DR. BEAN'S Patent Improved Appatus for the npmufacture of perfectly pete NITROUS OXIDE GAS would announce thnt ho will be at all times prepared to admi ester this popular Anaes hetic for the EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain. All DENTAL OPERATIONS will be per formed at D. Forrest's Rooms, No. 27, Main Street, Dhambersburl Pa. — May 10-Iy. Newest, BeSt, Cheapest TEll. I W+14.11 * Lk , 4-1 GEORGE BENDER stir Has recently openei up an entire' new stock of WM 311F_J° MIL 71E 14116 T !Gig- AND SUMMER All - of - which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Every article sold is WARRANTED to be _of the best custom make, and the malarial just what it iorepresented to be. • A full nt•sortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS always on hand, such ns Under Clothing, -GlovetkerelnelLs—H-ose , Collar: • ----A II we ask is, that you give 1114 one trial, and you-will-always -buy- r for-rernember-we-do-not-keep badly made clothing_and the goody are al of the latest style. GEO. BENDER. May Waynesboro. HO! THIS WAY BARGAINS! NOW is the time to buy goods from E. & J. El den cheap for cash, on account of the great re duction in prices of goods in the Eastern markets We are re cored to furnish our customers and the - - public generally with all kinds o goo at tl.e LOWEST CASH PRICES. Come one, come all, and buy your Hats, Caps . , Boots, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats,-&c., &c. A splendid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens, and Jewelry just received and will be sold at ex tremely low prices. Now is the time. We will be pleased to show our goods to all and a call will sat efy the most incredulous that we can sell cheap. AterWatches Clocks and Jewelry Repair ed at short notice. April 19, 1967.) E. &J. ELDEN. • TILE "EUREKA" SMUT AND SEPA RATING MACHINE. PATENTED FE BREA RY,23, 1867. . A YS , Sole Agent For Franklin, Perry, Cumberland, Bedford and Fulton Counties, Pa , -and Washington and Frederick Counties, Md. This Machine is put before the public upon its ow merits . . It is the most complete machine of the kin now in use, and is guaranted to all purchasers. In no case will pay be required until the m saint) has been thoroughly tested and sa'it faction given. For Circular ad :use M. 11A YS, Mercershurg, Pa. N. B.—The subscriber also builds and repairs MILLS ofall kinds at short notice and upon the most approved plans. Cast Iron and Turbine Wa ter Wheels, Burs, fioulting Cloths, Flour Packers, Belting, Proof stdrs and all kinds of Mill Furnish. ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work and goods warranted. M. H. June 24. —ly. . Po. T• BARNUM'S (PATENT) Elastic Strap and" Buckle, lOR PANTS, VESTS AND DRAWERS This little invention is just out, and as it is no "humbug". is meeting with a rapid sale. It can be applied in a moment to any garment, by any person, causing it to fit perfectly, Its elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck les oil the clothes, and also allows peift't freedeni of the body while working or takii.g exerci , e. For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send 25 as. for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the trade, to the BARNUM E S. & B. Co. 650 Broadway, New. York. Agents Wanted in every county. May 31-3 m. McCORMICK'S, SE!: r-n. Axr. It Improved for 1867. THE F übscrber would inferno farmers general) , that heir :dill acting as Agent for the McCor mick's Celebrated Sell Hiking Reaper, and has new a supply on hand. As i.nproved it is uneitttale I for all corelitionq of Leavy or lodged grain and the only perfect sclfralter in inze. C.. 1 I and examine and judge for you•selves. Also NIL Cormick's Two Wirrm,Ku Mowtra with Flexible Cutter Bar, Lifting - Leaver and Leaver for Fitting the Cutting Edge to any angle instanta neously white in motion, to secure c'ese mowing on rough ground '.I his is a new , thing in the mow. ing line, to which the attention 0' fanners is partic ularly directed. WM, E. FLANAGAN. ITE largest assrutment of CARPETS in own nt the stare nf. IlysEtner Si. Co. riorLtlist, I=l mama SECOND ARRIVAL—And with it we announce reduction in price of Dry Goods, groceries,&o, r, Grand Opening of all the Varieties of Dry Goods, Gro eeries, dre. at , PRICE • & 11011FLICIII • The attention of the community is respectfully directed to the splendid assortment of Cassimeres, Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Denims, Cottonades, Linen Goods, Cor durols, Velvets, &c. Alcoa fine variety of • Ladles Dress Goods of the latest novelties, consisting of Mozambiques, Delaines, Permits, Reps, Plaids, • paccas, • Ginghams; Lawns', Prints, with n lame stock of Groceries, Queonsware, and Cedarware, and which, the undersigned are offering very cheap. The subscribers tender their thnnks to the com munity generally for their liberal patronage and kindly ask a continuance "of the slime, June 7, 1867. AT TIM "TON HMI!" WELSH has just received a full assortment of Goods, in hie line of business. His stock consists in part, of all the latest styles of men's and Goys HATS AND CAPS, Men's, Women's, Misse's, Boy's and Cbildren's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, and Slippers of every description, Ladies and M hikes :=.3 CC' SZT cOal 'EM3 _ Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Coils, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas. Fans, &c. School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Station. cry of n,ll_kindn Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest June 14—tf. J. R. WELSH Hag erstown Md. June 10. TUE CHIT PANIC ! 11. & A. YINGLING STILL AHEAD AND LEADING OFF IN LOW PHICES.!! WE have just returned from the Eastern Cities with our second supply of Summer Dry Goods, purchased at prices 25 per cent less than has been brought in this market this, season. We are now selling minnommi ll' I • i& 11 •i d at 14 (i Ai CC Do. (Unbleached) 15 Calicoes, (Fair colony 10=12 Whale Bone Corsette $l,OO Good hoop Skirts 75cts, 1,00 Cotterrades 20—to 50cts Cur stock of Cloths, Cassimers, Ladies Cloak ings Cottenades, Linen Ducks and Drills, Dress (hoods, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, Trimmings. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Mattings. &c.. are complete and we defy competition in style, quality and prices June 14. '67 11 & A. YIIGIANG. NEW DRY GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. MHE subscriber has just received ra most exten• . 1 sive assortment of new spring & snmmer goods, embrcing all the !west styles or Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, &vines. Black and Colored Cloths, Shawls, Gentlemen end Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoral ait d Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. The extent and variety of our Stack can only be appreciated by personal examination: which is so licited Purchasers may save 15 to3o per cen t." oy examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv en. S. OUILI3Y. Hagerstown, May 31. .TIIE PATENT HERO ruit Jars-- All Glass and defy all competition ; for sale at the siert of the Dig Red Horn. Also Fisher's Patent Self-Sealing Tin Fruit Cans, made and sold by D. B. RUSSELL, the only authorized person in Waynesboro' to make and sell said cans. Also all other kinds of good Fruit Jars at the sign of the "Big Red Horn."— D. B. RUSSELL has on hand and fur sale the very best of COPPER KETTLES, IRON KETTLES, PORCELAIN KETTLES, FIELD BUCKETS, FISHING RODS, Ice Cream FreezerF; TINWARE of every de seription made of the best tin in the market and warranted at the Cheap TIN AND SIOVE Sroun of • Juiy 5-11] D. 13. RUSSELL. QUINCY FOUNDRY AND .MACHINE -- SHOP I '--- i • - - -t • 11, E take leave to infirm this public that we in• tend continuing the Foundry and Machine business near Quincy, Pa. We ore prepared .o do all kinds of repairing at short notice, also mill gear ing, cast and wrought iron Owning., stoves, iron ket- des, oven doors, shoe scraporß, stove hooks. &e,. &e. We also build nn improve.) buggy and wagon Jack.; hone powers, bevil jack, wood saws, iron ash hop pers, iron bottom plate for aria hal Ms, iron fencing I kaid„raiting made to order. Old iron bought or ta aenin exchange for new work. HESS & EMMERT. Oct.2"l—tf. E W rtrp New Orlva lb; Molas•vg at P• 5 kk a runi's R %SS KETTLES. Water Coolers, FAMILY GROCER! I W.. 1 1 A. REID SUCCESSOR TO. - • Hostetter a Reid & Co. Ce A ra LL to S h t i b s e st s o t o t i r jo g n o lf ds b . a u y- fi tg r a k received Vl3 : st TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, KEROSCE9 OIL, ' GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOODEN WARE, _ PURE SPICES, • NOTIONS', LAMPS, S. HAMS BACON, • r CHEESE, SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS, Steamed Cove - and Spiced Oysters, • The "celebrated A. FIELD Brand" in 1 lb. and 2lb Cans. McMURRAY'S tinit. Oysters. Lunch "Oysters, an XL N T thing for Pic Nic and Private Parties.--AilFiold,by:th-e-caserilezerrTor-single-can 31E4` JOE CAW 11E-31E ap [Fresh Fish in Season.] Particular attention paid the Fish !rade. Shad and Herring by the bbl or , . • b bbl .halves and He keeps everything usually found in a well reg ulated Grocery, all of which - will no sold at a very small advance, for CASH only. Come to "Mexican Row." His best bow to his customers for the liberal en couragement heretofore extended to h' . May 17, 1867.] NV. A.TEID. P. S. Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as 'Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, &c., in exchange for goods, or bought for cash, 'Strawberry Plants. THOSE who are fond o f eating stzs wherries when the season is I - ere should not fail to prepare 21111/1 DIM then purchase plants of place. Persons at a distance can enclose in a letter and received 100 plants by return mail. Wer ries, exhibited nt the store of W. A. Reid, weighed ounce each !--32 to the pound. Better bearers can not be found. A piece 60x70 feet produced some .3 bushels of berries for first crop They shou Id be planted from 18 to 24 inches apart. Will return investment in ono year. None but first rate plants sold. W. A. Reid will receive all orde.s for these plants. 1'.:?. Can be planted till October if watered/dur ing dry weather. D. D. FAIIRNEV„ Waynesboro' July 5, 1867. J. W. MILLER'S ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods! ITA YIN . ,returned from the Eastern Cities with an chomp assortment of goods belonging to their ine, such as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. QUEENB W ARE, CEDARWA RE GROCERIES. CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, &C-, &C. I tender my thanks to the community fnr their liberal patronage and hope to merit a enntinuan ce of the same. J. W.lll, April 19, 1867. Beef ! Prime: Beef ! MBE subscriber would inform the public that he still continues the Butchering husine:4; and will he prepared to supply prr,ons with a prime ar- Vclc of Beef on MONDAY and THUMB.% of each week durtng the seas , m, at the cellar ndj,,in ing the "Waynesboro' lintel," also on the same days at his residence near Pikeaoille. THOMAS J. CUNNINGHAM. July 19—tr. Fresh BeeN THE subscriber informs the public that lie is now occupying the Sellar under Mr. gender's Clothing Store. where a prime article. of Deelean ne had on TUESDAY and FRIDAY morning of each week. All orders It It with F. Bowden or Chits Letorier will be, pro.mptly attended to. The highest cash price pal I for fat catty;. J ulyl/ANEEL WAYNESI3OIIO' T, I E Y ! 'THE subscriber takes this meth ),1 to in torm the A public that he• purpose continuing the livery business an I is now well „supplied IN ith :ruble p convey _Traces arid tine traveling Ilur-:cs fur f ither oi — ibi\i{l2.:: - Part les COis44`l• (11 to any poi! t desired, A share or pub lic pito - maize is resp"ctin lly Persons horscs er ronveyiinees - call plea-e apply :It t '• W vne , .!,;)r, el." JOIIN 12112,(1.11:1):40N. April Pi— tf. PORI SALYI AL • Prime artle.e of Corn and Onts!l the gulled Ghtstout WOW! '•3! the Ini.l ALEX HAMILTON. April sth-tf. r r RE A SIT R P— Sant'l P. (3 reencured.! oPra his r , self ns candidate for the f UN ter TREAsuREtt suinject to the deci,ion ot the LT i non Ntenit Faint.; Convention. Ch Lue. ALL), MEWS UHL XmIICTIIL3I32I DRUGS . AND MEDICINES, 4911:11 X 1 11. PME72., eke. &e.) Go,_to Fourthman'l lina , )]L•ttilL/111=-It*At(x. 7, XdollEl%lifftlii Waynesboro', May 24, 1867 Emptra . .- - SuuTTLE - .MAL PATENTED FEBRUARY 14, 1860 SALESROOM, 111). 921 CHESTNI7 Pill LADELP lIIA 'Phis Machine is constructed on a new princy mechanism. )ossessin • r o - provernentl-tiavine-been ex.tinitied by found experts, and pronounced obe tlll '• I erni—Plill-F-EGI I -11-/-X--((4 1.1 _ The-followtng_aril_the agatnst Sowin; Machines : -- I. Excespive fatigue to the operant. 2. Li ibility to get out of onler. 3. Expen s e, trouble, and time in rr- • • 4. Inc:Ninny to stw ever% CILSCrINIEW .t filtr.qagttreahle. -- uni-e while in The Empire Sewing 'Redline is Exempt fr , im these-Objections. It has a straight needle, rivrprridien'ii - i • as the LOCK or 611 liT:11,}; NI neither RH' nor RAVEL, arid is :in: 0 t •• , performs perfect sewing on every r I terial, from Leather to the fines! with linen, cotton or silk thread, fiiim th , t.• the float number. —IT—HENIti, FELLS, DENIM, DR ‘7; Quiurs, rr, Yrs, E Having ncith^r CAM nor GOU Vi asol the least pos,ible friction, it runs as smooth as and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACITTNE. .1/F rarietits of CABINET MUNI `i fit/in SCO up- Ward.v. rf . "Partiruhr attention is called to orr NKPic . nind rmelti,t-En Manufacturing, MAiirte, for Tailoring, t....'re . e•Pitting, Coach &c. Its ;ivant:l - arc simplicity durability, e;pidity, rosy (ion to all branches 4ma wtlaciuring. It in ices perfect work on all material. It ;s especially &sir. able in se IN ing Pat , lit Leather, and is very still. is short, it. is the most perfect wanulacturing in./chine in the market. N. B. Every machine guaranteed. EMPIRE S. M. CO., 921 Chestnut :Street, Philadelphia. FirAgrids wonted . ] F GLANELLO, Agent. Mar. 1— 24mos, YvliN sugars flom lOcts. up at Parc:: & IloEmicn A S HAD, Herring and Macitrel of Pules & P OOR Matting at BITE Embroidered gonc:4 rit B I3AUTIFUL rrgati, Cloth at CHIP and Straw Hats at PRIC4 & HOEFLICICS iNTED: WAN-TED! WOOL! WOOL! The highe , t Market Price will be paid in C.IST-I f a 4 well as risE woor„ delivered at their Mill. by the :G WOW EN MANGF%CTC)c ING A rr..n..; ements made to rect.ivc huge lots at dn.LAnt pmat..i fur shipment. A full assortment of fine Common di Wool PLMN AND FANCY CASHMERES', TWEEDS, FI.ANNEI,S, 131,ANKETS, CLOTHS, esin.-tantiv nn ban.' and fv sa!a, nt Om i adelilltia anti New Yo.ti price, to ior r tHual terms, or given 19 eveltanze for Wool. June 12 —iyjJ. U. A 1 - STIN Prt.s . t. _ _ C OAC H A 1.11 X G 11. Mit!: sul,eriioers aiironcei , to 'he. t' A. they ire carrying on the all it , branches, at. the ,dd Main t'i:reet, and have inpev for bait' a e (;.%IZSZIAGEB am: yew txcolid-handc , l, -..which they v.lll C.i.51 , 0- , ef: upon Ow Inort rvarorrh'e furs, and , v1 , —.1•••• hi' rOprepICSCII 11t•N:17;122 . , ;di -t t,liort notice arkd urroi n'o , .ina!•l4. t, ,nos. Tout the best !nate:L:lll , 4 , d in.; ,o: Iv t:10 !,•;• Les emiji.3 t;` , l ;t ‘a g sati ,Clei it'll, and re,yeetiti of the public patrut)::ze. A p• COUNTY Tit i:;AS 'l' the s,:lieitath-13 II; ama m I, e r nt,nv r• 91111.1IttIC:. .5, , v1t . eir,,11,1 kto I.r r •c•t to tit, de, i• tica,•tv t‘erv-,lti r \ 1 : ;;, Grove, Vpr:l fi Pccecs & Horstacifs PILIC;C & HOEFLICICS IC al r PIUCH & E rty cn 's PRICh: & HoErtTcu'i IlEs'S ccE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers