,~id4:W.a VILLAGE RECORD. ivAtaii•:4 ;II =l_ 4 o. riX_44 Frldly, August e t 1657. tam-Governar Nei.) , has designated 'AlM day, August 2:9'th; as the day of the execu tion of George W. tifinemore, sentenced to be hung for the niurder . of Mrs. Magilton, 45f Philadelphia. The evidsnee it, the Stirratt trial "Ikea clued on Saturday; and the argument before the jury cotatnentei. The trial has already been in progress etteb Weds, wad will prob- ably last the w!tole of this week. li2o''7"he election itlTencestee for Govern eight members of Congress and a State Legislature took place yesterday,. Wrn. G. Brom:flow is the Union candidate for Ciov *nor, Reber., or Conservative, Emerson E theridge'. ttli'Sheridan hoe removed, another Gov- A nor. Throekmorton, of Texas, has been —the new appointee, is a citizen of Austin, has a distinguished Union record, and was one , b? the_ delegates for his State to the celebra ted-Southern Union Convention held in Phil adelphia last year. -de S he Asiatle cholera, in its most fatal To ,is steaaly and resist'esely•moving east ward. The.epidewie scourge commenced its march on the far-western boundaries of K:311- , vas and has already ;gained the basks of the --- illiasit - simi. Al. -- MemphlSTits fut - • hes vas - ern point, it is known to be raging with vir ulence. It is rumored that for the last week the deaths have numbered as high as fifty a :day: The ind , :eatiots ate-unn istakable_that toortnonistn is about to fall to pieces, weak-. cued by the weight of its own corruption. Brigham Young has Had a long career of tIDIP errup c e an.• me followers arc now at daggers' ever-y-3n,y tultli to tit-i-telocity of-the dow of momonism. wsi_ek very sharp controversy is going on among temperance men in New York State and others regarding, hop growing. Hops it is argued, are rtmee in beer, which is in toxicating, consequently hop-gr)wers are i --tionfatuki—witst--a P e P I.P. tud workers together with Satan in- destroy ing their fellow men: If it- is: immoral• to raise hops, so it is to raise apples, coin, rye, grapFs,'eattets, beets, potatoes, &c., for of those severally intoxicating liquor can be distilled. M.Sot many weeks ago the teFegrspb in formed the country that Mr. President John• son had renounced all intoxicating drinks, not even indulging in the use of ale or beer. iVe advised our temperance:friends (says the ilarrii3burg Telegraph) not to take too much stock in the alleged reform in high place, and it seems from the following deplorable picture, by the correspondent of the Detroit Tribune, that we were about right. lie says: "People often wonder whether the Presi dent still is in the habit of drinking. I can say positively that he does, that he is a stea dy, persistent brandy and whisky drinker, and, worse than that, the White House con tains, for the first time since it was built, a drinking, drunken family. Th; President is a steady drinker. He is what the temper mice men call "a moderate drinker." His son Robert, who is one of his private secre taries, is a sot. fie is beastly drunk for days together. Ills son-in-law, Senator Patter son, who lives in the White House, is a ter rible clrink. Ile never gets drunk, but he is not faro from debiiunz tremens He sallies from the Senate every hour or two to Whitney's restaurant to take a full tumbler of raw whisky. Nine men out of ten would die in a year of his habits. Ile swills enough raw whisky to o slaugh ter a regiment of men, and yet continues to do duty as a Senator. This is a truly deplorable picture ; but it is nevertheless true. We can corroborate it by facts derived from personal observation, and 'idieu it is remembered that good men'every where are laboring to promote the cause of temperance, the conduct of the man at the head of the nation, and Lis iollaence for evil alike on strangers . and those wh3 compose his immediate household, is sufficient to fill the country .with shame, NEW C URRENCY. —T lie• Treasury Depart ment, have in preparation and which will be issvd in a few weeks a new denomination ofeurrency, fifteen cents. The following ie the description: The principle embellish- , meats on the face are au engraved likeness of General Grant on the right hand, and Lieutenant General Sherman oh the left.— The back of the note will be peen with the figure "15" on eazh bide of the notes The bronze, figures which have been placed upon the various denomination o f the United -States currency will be omitted. THE CHOLERA.-The- Huntsville (Ala ) Independent says the mortality from cholera in Memphis is fifty per day. Country papers report cohSiderable ehol •era in the low grounds of the Lover Mis •sissippi valley, the disease being chiefly eon.. fined to negroes. va.The State Base Bail Convention of Pennsylvania will meet in Harrisburg on the second Thursday in October, being the 10th day of the month. It is expected that all the clubs in the State will be rep i csen tea: "I"Lie rebels of Louisiana are drunk with j S at Ole prospect of Sheridan'a reale. 1165 - Late news from the West of Ireland aonflrms the report of the terrible famine there, prevailing. Many of the poor people have already &ed. for want of food: It iS literally a hnd without bread. to.rlay, they are calling an 119 for_ help, and it is a - call' that comes home to every man , . It is the ap-- pea of humanity. Ireland' has never asked of us in tr aid—thir she do so now? That these people, famishing and dying, are thus nearing to grave, not by reason of their own reckless crime, not as a result of WI invited by themselves, but by cause of centuries of systematic an d organized oppression and wrong, should but endear them to us and double our sympathy and succor. Here is a chance for aiding Ireland better thou . aver extended by any Fenian subscription agent or lieutenant general•. We presume that in a day or two the clergy will indicate some assured channel through which the eontri. butions of the Charitable and humans may flow to the relief of the - file of the Saints.— Press. CanseTvatire - q of — Araliariia. Gen. Janice 11. Clanton, Chairman of the Conservative State Executive Committee, has officially suggested• a State Convention, to be held at Montgomery, Ala., on• the first Tues day in ;:lentember.. The Montgomery Mai; Let every county sencrup rarge delegations of representatives, without regard to party or color. The colored people, in whose hands is the ballot, should have delegations present, to lola in our deliberations, to hear the word's of sobnrness and truth, and to be assure t at our enemies le in tidy t routs when they charge us with designs anon the liberty dr rights of' the colored race. The Conservatives desire that Alabamians should rule Alabama, anlthat the two races should lie together in peace, raboring together for the common of the land of our _ _ rhomes. Colored men of Alabama! The mothers who gave you birth were nursed by Os whites You have played with the wits aoc aud - cdrildhood. Your race is -fa fewer in number than that of the white race of - the - RouthT - ourfamilies=i your employment, our daily bread,and what ever advantages and aid you may receive hereafter must come from the whites, whc possess means and intelligence. Come to gether, then, in a, conservative convention, and satisfy yourselves that the whites of the South mean and intend that you Shall remain free, and possess your rights fin all timer White men of Alahane_ifa.ro o f -parrr—Stuts7tir , ~Cty Gf yu dr pm:se - my — from a party which threatens violence and de. struction, demands that you should lay aside all prejudice, if you possess any, and endea vor by all means to save your estates — from devastation and your families from danger.— You must act up•Ja thkugs as you find them j 'chtle-frorts-ttras'-ert-- - t-ernille — ca - Imuitie You must not, cannot hesitate to fight the Devil of Radicalism nith the fire prepared by himsell!_____Yichl passion and prejudice to the dictates of prndence mod safety! Now is the thne for action. • MSSENSTON AMONG THE SAINTS —ST . Louts, July 27.—Advices from Utah—indi '.cate that an irrepressible discord has broken out amoung the Saints ; and that the prob lem of Mormonism will soon solve itself. Large numbers of anti polygamists have left Utah, bound for Nauvoo, 11l Brigham Young is being horny denounced by many of his followers, and the sect is becoming rapidly demoralized. Two or three Sundays ago, Young, io a sermon at Cottonwood denounc ed. Howard, a distiller, who immediaoly rose in the audience ar.d branded Young's statement as false. Young then ordered Howard to be put out of the house, which was done, and subsequently told his hearers to tear down Howard's house and distillery, which, however, the failed to do. A day or two afterward, Ho ward sent Young a letter, demanding a retraction of his personal state ments, or he would kohl him personally re. sponsible. It is said Young intends to move to the newly discovered gold mines, The Prodigal going Home 'WASHINGTON, J my 2'J---I'reeident John son, accompanied by Mrs. Stover and other members of bis family, together, possibly, with one or two members of the Cabinet, propose a visit to Tenhessee after the State election excitement there is over. Lookout Mountain is their destination ) and they will probably remain there - two weeks. Genercl Grant left Long Branch and is on , his way to Tennessee by special train from New York this morning, to give his personal atteati2n to affairs io that State during the election excitement, which is represented to be intense, and a conflict between the opposing parties is immenent on Thursday. A Youso MAN KILLS HIS MOTHER.— Cincinnati, July 26.—A shocking case of matricide occurred day before yesterday, at Chinicoth, 0., A young.roan named hun ter was standing in front of a salloon with several companions, all very drunk, when Hunter's another came to the party and im plored her son to accompany her home. Sud denly he seemed seised with a frenzy, rush ed into the street and picking up a heavy stone throw it into the group- The fatal inissle struck his mother on fhe temple; she sank to the earth and died in ten minutes. Hunter his companions were all arrest e I. The .lichigan Constitutional Convention has vet d to strike out the word 'male" . n' i the new Constitution, thus admitting women to right of suffrage. It seems to be the im pression, however, that on the &nal action the Convention will do as the New York Con vention has done, deny suffrage to women, when women ask suffrage as protection to any of their rights, wp presume it will be awarded. As the matter now stands, the great mass of women think the right to cast the ballot would not be only an actual injury to their interests as a sex, but to the country at large, inasmuch as but a small share would exercise that right, and those would ha of that class of woman mainly, who wish to "wear the breeches." lowa has just a million of a population, a few more people than are contained in one el the cities of Pennsylvania LOCAL MATTERS. FOR S'ALR.-A , grain. drill with guano , at tachment, nearly as good. as new, cheap.— Flanagan's make. Enquire at . this office. - trAttention is directed to the advertis ment of Messre.Aletcalf & lliteshew., of Chatnbershurg, in tiOnfs paper.. • ENCOURAGINCL—ne prospects for boun tiful crops of corm and potatOcß,. in this . re• pion, were perhaps Dever wore encouraging. POPELAR AMUSIMENTI—The practice of Base Ball playing and Horse Shoe Pitching continua. The result will, no doubt, be a vigorJus and robust population, iu time. IN BkßßEPUTE,—Chambereburg Ale, ow• ing to the scarcity or price of Barley, is in rather bad repute among "tipplers" and "invalids" just now. TN TowN.—The chap who wore the •'white hat" last winter was in town one day this week with a two-story Sala bale "black Ile:- ver." Our Devil thinks some people were born to be contrary. ge-Ilerings' Compound Syrup of Black berry Root, for Diarrhoea and Dysentery, for sale by F. Fourthniarr. We advise the af fli •d is .ive this -ere aiation a trial. GROCENRS, etc.,—Lt will be seen by re ference to our advertising columns that C. H. Dickle, of the late film of xid',T•& Dickle is prepared to supply the public with grocer stu Pic The —The Pikesvillo Sabbath School will hold a Pic Nic in the woods ❑ear that place, on Saturday the 10th day of August. Several addresses - may be expected on the RIDING PARTIES.—This custom of years gone by is 11.gait.r being introdueel in our own. A — few evenings sincea party of numberin tleman an ple, took an evening jaunt on horseback to the country. The "parade" was quite impo sing and attracted considerable attention. - INSURANCE —Jos. Douglas, Esq., is au thorized agent for insurance of all kinds. No one should hesitate to insure himself a- t -ins t-l'ts-by- companies can ve so eao WHEAT IN VIRCLNIA.-A gentleman in this vicinity who recently returned- from -a visit to tin valley of Virginia gives a most eucouragiug account o f the wheat crop. Wheat threshed in the vicinity of Winches ter yielded as much as 32 bushels per acre. CABBAGE TaiEF —Some white-livered thief entered our "trtick, patch" a day or two since and stole all our early Cabbage. The amount taken was of but little value, but we obligate Gurself to pay any Fenn $lO who will "spot" the thief for us. _ G. T. Pic Nic.—The Good Templar Pie Nic will come off on Thursday next, the Bth. We understand invitations have been exten ded to members of neighboring lodges to attend. Addresses by Rev. J. W. Wight man, D. W. Rowe, EN , and Ptof. C. Y. Wilson. Should the weather prove favora ble a pleasant time may be anticipated. ROCK , PARTY.-. We understand a large party of gentleman and ladies from this place and vicinity, have decided upon a pleasure trip to Black Rock on Tuesday next. As Prof. Mitchells' "I3lacksnake Den" is some• where in that vicinity, we would advise the parties to go prepared with the necessary weapons—Of—defence,—including a-- littlo—of "Downey." TLIE LATE RAlNS.—Since the delightful rains of Monday and Tuesday an agreeable change in the weather has been experienced, which for sometime previous had been ex ceedingly sultry and oppressiv'e. The air is now Ore and bracing, and the nights just cool enough for sound sleeping. A wel come change, to the puffy, fat old gents and dames especially. A i'SELL."—The last Boonsboro (1(1 Fel low states that the skin of "Mrs. M. murdered by Jones and son, the horrible ac count of which we published last week, is being tanned for a pair of gloves. If any of our readers have been "sold" they will par don the joke. It was too good to be lost.— Should the Editor or his jour "Flaxy" come this way we would advfse them not to make themselves known to some of our female pop, ulation. IlEttatEs.—Whottleberries have been re-. tailing on our streets for several days at 8 and 10 cents per quart. The yield this sea son is said to be An unusual one, and promi ses quite a harvest to the Mountain lads and lasses. On account of the scarcity of fruit large quantities will doubtless be can ned for winter Ilse. MATCII Game.—The "First National Base Ball Club" of this place have accepted a challenge from the "Kangaroo Club . ' :_ot Greencastle, to play a Match Game here to morrow (Saturday) at 1 o'clock, P. M. MARYLAND SENTIMENT.—In an article in Tuesday's New York Tribane on parties in Virginia, that paper "confidently asserts that there is far more of the secession virus to day in the blood of Maryland or of Kentuc ky than in that of the Old Dominion," RANCID• BUTTSEL—We cut, from an ex change the following receipt, '•To a pint of Water add thirty drops (about half a• tea spoonful) of liquor of allolorido of lime. wash in this two and a half pounds of rancid bu•t ter.• When every particle of the butter has come• in contact with the ►rater, let it stand an hoot or two; then• wash the butter well a 'gain in pure water. The butter is then left without any oder, and ban the sweetness of fresh Butter'. These preparationS• of limo have nothing injurious in thew." The same paper says:, '•We forthwith ob tained some of the' most rancid butter and it was bad enough for any stomach that had more sensibility than a wagonwheel.. We doctored it as per recipe, and then. placed it on the table along with new, and good• but ter. Here is a fact worth a year's stybscrip tion to a paper." NATxor AL CEMETEItY.—The Philadelphia National Guards. who fought in the Battle of Antietam, held a meeting lately at their Armory_ana-resolved-unanitnouely to attend the Dedication of the Antietam National Cemetery. We learn; tfiat . other Regiments from Pen nsylvania will be in attendaaa The iron is new being laid upon the• Was hington County Rail Road, and it is to' be by the 17,th of September next, thereby af• fording Rail Road facilities from Hagerstown for the vast concourse• of citizens and mili tary who will be in attendance from Penn• s Ivania and other Norerern States. ' The people of Sharpsburg and vicinity should at once set themselves to work prepa riog an abundance of_ erovision.-11u , Iler ald. ------ PROFEBSIO.!;TA ENTERPRISE.---OUr neigh-- main es a commendable spirit of enterprise in keeping pace with the improvements ,in their profes. .ion. 1-n_l4e_w—o-f—the—am diseases of the throatand_lan, orF, 1-7 some_tea_cou spared no expensein getting — the nfost — a - p= proved apparatus for detecting and curing these diseases, and's° far their treatrrien•t has proved eminently successful. With an In _strtnnent,called the Laryngoszope sob into the larynx and detect the slighest trace' of disease in this organ. We are pleas- to earn that they have entirely relieved our friend, Mt . J. S. Good, who bad Post his voice for some months past, which had been the cause of a good deal of alarm to his Irk nds. W. .M. RAnttoAD.—The Western Mary land Railroad Company has put the grading of the load from Union 'Bridge to :‘leebanies town, under contract. There are workmen employed on the various sections between the points above mentioned, and Capt. Gitt, Civil Engineer, is engaged in making a survery et ihi route Wes_t_oLifeelianicsio track will be laid during. the present year to Mechanicstown. So says the Frederick Re puirlicars. fc-vmlays since Mr. John Rupert, a citizen of a neighboring county, who, with some other men - , was working in a field, Pulled up a root, which lie supposed to be sweet myrrh, and after eating a small piece of it was taken with convulsions and died is a couple of hours. The plant is gen erally known as "wild parsnip," and can be found in abundance in almost any of the meadows or lowlands, In appearance, taste and smell it resembles sweet myrrh so close• ly, that it is difficult to distinguish them a part, and persons who are in the habit of bunting for sweet myrrh, should be extreme ly careful, lest some accident of the kind we have chronicled above shilld be the result. ITALIAN BEES.- . 3.1r. A. Snowbargcr, of this vicinity, informs us that he had an Ital ian Bee.' May, 1866, which increased to 5 colonies in May, 1867. These five increased to fourteen colonies before the first of July, and could not,have been purchased for $3O each. The first col. was purchased of D, P. Fahrney of this place, who will wait on all who *sigh to purchase kings. Pat. Side Moveable Comb 13eo Hive and\llight suppli ed. SPECTACLES.—We invite special attention to the advertisment of Mr. C. C. Force,• of Hagerstown, in to day's paper. llisConcave. convex Crystal glasses are certainly a very superior article. We speak knowingly hav ing•a pair of them in use. Mr. F, produces in circular form certificates from different sections showing the superiority of the con• cave convex over other glasses in use. GOOD TENIPLA Rs CONVENTION--ThO reg• ular quarterly meeting of the Cumberland Valley Good Templars' Convention, compo sed of delegates ftorn the Lodges of the or der in Cumberland, Franklin and Fulton counties, will be held at Dlercershurg corn• mencing on Wednesday, the 14th of Au- rit Only disabled soldiers are allowed to peddle without a license. It is important that this legal fact should be remembered and enfurCar. John Clarke of Baltimore, has left $750, 000 to St. John's Medic:dist Church in that city. Gerrit Smith gays in a recent letter that he has given away the bulk of his fort,une, and is co longer rich. .The work of rebuililing the bridge o ver the river at Columbia is to be commen ced next month. Affairs in Te9nesst WASHINGTON, July 29—OfHeil private accounts from Tennessee the danger of outbreaks and rir the State next Thursday at the e Government has for some days , turing such measures as Mitly peace. Major General Thomas toothe President to-day that all the Kentucky will be engaged in prow 'der in that State, bra be believes able with other forces at his corm prevent ri)ts at Memphis, Nashville, a_ ther large towns. He will towmotrow go to Memphis. [Nom this We fetter rtesident Johnson meditates interfering in the Tennessee elec tion, as he did in that of Mary/and last fall; so that his friends may triumph• in defiance of the laws. Governor Brownlow and Gen. Thomas aro acting and working togeth-er,- the latter recognizing the militia organized by the former as part of the regularly con stituted authority of the State,.aud If there -is-no interference from the President, we predict that his Rebel supporters in that State . will• be disappointed in creating a , riot anywhere.—Et/s. American.); It is ascertained from an emphatic source that the design still exists with the Presi dent to supersede General Sheridan as Cotn tnander of the Fifth Military District. No time is fixed ; however, for• the contemplated. change. • Philadelphia, July 30 —The death war rant of George W. Winnemore, condemned to death fbr the murder of Mre. was read to the prisoner this morning. Lie is to be hung on Thursday, ;he 29th of Au gust. In ,responsa to this Winnemore said that he had expected this result from the first, that be was ready at any time,and'that when the day eame'he would be fully pre pared. After some fluffier eonversatiot Mr. Salt er informed the prisoner that there was no possible chance for tt reprieve, pardon or pos . ponemeat of the—execution, to which Winnemore responded by saying that he did not look for it at all, but after he lay in his g-rave=this_murder_wilteome_eat_and_proNe his innocence, for he was entirely innocent. As the party were_ leaving the cell Winne more stated to Mr. Warringer that the whole cause of his trouble had been famil;'diffrcul- ties, and_with_this-sad—commentaty—on — th• frailty of humanity the interview termina ted. —lnve- STILL ANOTHER NEW COUNTERFEIT.—A counterfeit twenty dollar bill, on the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia has made its appearance. The no . te, uporYinspcntionT - carn -- 1 be easily detected, as the en•raviniz is very,. roug. y done, and the note presents a very pale appearance; yet wo advise all to look at bills of that denomination , on that Bank be fore taking them. There are also the following—late,counter feits: 8100 the Ohio National Bank of Cineinnati. 100 on the Central National Bank essr York City, and 8100 ort the National Bank of Drietol, _Mode Island.— Counterfeits 50's on the compound interest notes of the issue of July, 1864, are also re ported in circulation.—J7ar. Telegraph. 13Etroaroar, July 25.—Wm. Howardllar- , num, teller of the Penqucnnock National k-of-t-his-eity r hita-d-tearrrped - with ever - al thousand dollars of the bank's money. He' is 27 years of age, and rather good-looking, five feet four inches high, dark hair and eyes. slender build, and weighs about 125 pounds. The bank offers a reward of $5OC.k for his arrve BavatmottE, July 25 —This evening there was a parade of two newly formed colored regiments. headed by a band of music. The then are mostly armed with muskets. The parade halted at Baltimore street, opposite the American office, and cheered for that paper and fur Thad. Stevens and Congress. Everything passed off:quietly. Recently a Milwaukie police officer was de tailed to take an insane man to an asylum.— The man went along quietly until the end ()f the journey was reached, when, instead of being delivered to the officers of the asylum, he very quietly delivered the astonished offi cer, who, before he had an opnortunity for_ an explanatiOn, found himself loc es up in a cell, and was told that a strait jacket awaited him if he made any demonstrations. It was some time before the officer could get his story.believed and exchange places with the lunatic, who went off boasting of his skill in outwitting his keeper. In Texas, a few days ago, an old lady, na med Metcalf, attempted to walk to a neigh bor's. house, but took the wrong road and while approaching the house of a man, na: toed Simms, for the piirpoJe of resting, was attacked by a. rick of savage dogs, which bit her in several places, tore one arm from her body, and nearl3 eat up her breast and neck, causing death in a few minutes. .She "was nearly one hundred years old. RICA 310:in, Va„ July 30•—This afternoon while a colored meeting WWI being addressed by a colored Radical named Givens, a white man named Driscol, who, it was charged, dis turbed the meeting, wat set upon and dread fully beaten. fie was rescued by the police, who were followed to the station-house by a thousand negroes. lie had a pistol, which the negroes charged he attempted to use in the meeting. Several of the delegates to the convention, appointed,sl the late county meetings, arri- ; wed here to-night. The Catholic priest at Northampton, Mass Rev. Patrick T. Moyce, has sent a petition to His Holiness the Pope, asking the privi lege to use the Protestant version of the Bi ble in his church. That priest has certainly afforded the Pope a splendid opportunity to show his good sense. An incautious individual at Terre haute the other day, after smoking, put his pipe in his pocket with a package of potvder. Lie was seen shortly after looking a good deal surprised, and inquiring for his coat tail and a large piece of his pantaloons. Ten Million in Gold will- be carried, t 3 Europe °lig year as spending money by plea sure•seeking Americans. The report thatßistop Lamy, ten priests, and six sisters of charity had bean captured by the Indians and massacred, is contradic ted. preeipk never rob It is stated Railroad C 0.,! transpottation and Balto. Raiirt Hon of correspol same purpose. Some of the merch to employ clerk who ball clubs. AKentuelcian hag g fourteen thousand dol Englana inppolts 51 Indicus annually to d Over twenty-one mil spent every year by the auto. ie lay on I lio nqt haw's organ, hag expired. SPECHAEL , g SIGN OF THE 150 150 ' COMPEPITION Ladies Genuine KID GIGO. ufac,ure at 150 cents. During sold large numbers of theile GI colours and safely, say they. other Kid Gloves sold, to be • UPDEGI Opposite the Wdshingb !-~~iG-Y OF-I'H- 10 33 20 COMPARIAINT . STRAW HATS. A full assoi St les of STlti W H -ITS, iontonr'rar Atkinaur, &c. &c., from 10 COWS up at Opposite the Wwahingtorr 2550 75 OPPOSITION COURTED, CANES.—We have a new lot of Fine Impor, and Hickory, Reed, and Bamboo Canes fro Those-- wio want a staff of service, corrsenience;comfart , Beau tyor Fashion should call-at UPDEGRAFF-'S _ Hat, Cane and Einbrella Store, Hagerstown , SIGN OF THE RED HAT. 1 2 3 PETIRE'IMAL MOTION. 14.3 Ladies SUN UMBRELLAS, New Style PAR ASOLS, RA - IN — IIAIBRELATAS Ite; Stock at UPDEGRAP F'S Hat, Cane and Embarella Stars, Hagerstown. ''Z' IX 30 ri" 41C0 ItitE MI . On the 24!h of July, at Dry Creek, lowa,• of Puerperal Convulsions, M re. ANNA, STAMY, wife of Mr. John &lily, formerly of this place, aged 36 years, 9 months and a (la .s. rn - rto - ty - ti MILALIEL3M.M I II I ... PFITLADELPIHA MARKETS, Tuesday, July 30 1867.--There is no demand except for choice spring and winter Wheat and fresh ground new Wheat, of which the supply is• becoming rapidly reduced: A few hundred barrels are taken in lots by the home consu- . mers at SBW3 25 for superfine; $6.50@9. 25 for extras; 611 for new Wheat do: 610 @12.50 for Northwest extra family; 810.50 ®l2 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do do, etncl $12®15 50 far new Wheat do do and fancy. Rye Flour sells in a small way at 88.75@0. Nothing doing in Corn Meal. . The receipts and stocks of Wheat aro small, but as the demand is entirely from the millers they are amply sufficient. Sales of 3,000 bushels new red at $2.22@2.33 for fair and choice. In the absence of sales of Rye we quote Pennsylvania and Western at 51' 55@1 60. Corn is in fair demand, but r the offer,ings Are_small r henect_the_transactior.s-- ' are unimportant: sales of yellow at $1.17@ 1 IS, and 1,500 bushels Western mixed at 51.11(cy1 13. Oats are quiet; sales of old at 90(93e and new at 83 1 685 c. Nothing do ing in either Barley or Malt, A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOV ERY FOR Restoring the Sight of the Adel, STRENGTHENING THE WEAK, AND PRE SERVING THE PERFECT SIGHT. The Concave-convex, Crystal SPECTACLES introduced through me a short tithe since, have pro ved superior to any other Glasses in use. H u mire& of persons who have tried them, will testify to their superiority over the old ones in use. The Concave convex Glasses are ground from pure crystal in such a manner that the focus is dis tributed over the entire surface! They therefore af ford a clear and distinct vision to the eye, in what ever direction it may he turned, whereas the old double convex glasses require a direct sight through their centres. THE CONCAVE-CONVEX GLASSES are ,patterned after the shape of the cornea of the human eye; they give a clear and healthy light to the eye, and prevent it from becoming tired or dim. Whether used by daylight or lamplight, they never leave that unp!caeant feeling in the eyes, which is so common from the use of the old style Glasses.— Persons who after reading or sewing feel their eyes growing dim and smarting. are advised to try these new and improved CONCAVE-CONVEX GLASSES. They can he used a long time before changing to a higher power. Also constantly on hand SPECTACLES to suit all o'her deficiencies of the sight, such as near-sight edness, weakness, inflamation, cataract, &c. Ev ery pair of Spectacles being adjusted by an Opta metor which gives the exact power of the eye. is warranted to suit. NEW fiLASSES SET IN OLD FRAMES AT SHORT .NOTICE. C. C. FORCE, No, 16, West %Vashington St. Hagerstown, August 2, 1667. MIC3O3ELIN Gr 9 M Compound Syrup of DIARROEA AND DYSENTERY. A u,g. 2 - 6w SIF3lsl OF THE R ease copy BLACKBERRY ROOT F. FOURTII3I.IN, Druggist, Agent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers