COOK STOVES: Md nware, Ironware, Urassware, Lmai•iaishimg Goods - A ti,l4lthei u9eful arttelve at-the-sign of the BIG WEI) 114 1 11 N, NV tiplet.borti, Pa , where a largo as. gorttnent of COOK. STOVES, N MB-PLATE STOVES, PA It 1.08. STOVES, CO .1.1, STOVES, ttc. o r the Iltesi improvemenk, the very 'best in tho ni urivet, at the Uheap lain and :Stove store of -- • - D. D. liIiiiBSEJA. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the 3igu of the 6 ‘3Mi.,72; Lcc Mi0a."13.." D. IL 1115SSIMI. keeps constantly' on hand a large re.sortaiont of Hone_ Purnishlng Goods for sale choap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assoament of Lamps. Washing Made, Easy! calling at the sign of the "I3ig Red Horn" and gettinz the test Close IVrineer ever made. 121'1'ers , ms iu want of :Stoves, Tinware, House Finiii:.hing Goods, Sic. can get full value t;r th e ir in airy by cal tug on P. It Ittr' 4 SELL, if3-1?-1 7 .1)-110 lt-N " r. b. 15 IV Vi fgayMY, t! MAKINCEI HE , ml,,z,rd,e's inform the public that a•-eriated themselves together ill the • : , 1 l that the Cosiness t.,• cePtimied at Jacob Adams' old he rum .1.1)..tms If Atvir.Elt. They e,11:, on hand ; new nod • .e. all hinds. ,•'. lwrt. lottoo2, i.,f,lZ(:if, l 3 11.% O.IcE:R. sae +Le Al, E Chtutfi \ LI I'l ',scriber would inform his patrons and Mir Un Hy-large; , ~, , l hi., Livery stock, and is 110 W pr, pared ~:anodate these wir•hing; to hire with either ,i; l an c p _‘. A Ili lifffirt ii,,, , , T ..J...;„5-_,,, ... 4 . iluzuvu is LILL I 1 t.r.> ~ : - ; , - . - -4 ' _.-4 ..?, 'it the shortest notice, all 6. . ? :' lam' s. Porsons de , ;iriiiir Florsrs or Bug gies, for riding: or driving . , would do well. hen a as his stock has heel) selected care as regards gentleness and fast tray- It t eliicleg Ar.r. ?:71V. fashionable, 'and ride easy, .vitig hu.s n bought v.ith a yaw to accommodate 5• 1,131 AR. nit eonveved to any point desired, ac ! dy n e;lrt 110 driver. t't \+l- 'or-es or ngs,riPs, mg it or ay, r.:11 his lather . i4 and - Harness -, !:0 1 : t, doors wt , sl of the "Bowden v‘ here ail att. tilivi• Oalir will always lie 1 ‘V EAGLE V. ~e~~ir;i7u•r 21--1 f. '' ''''''C, STOVE bUOT r S, r -r r LL AT TT'itle's Stove, Tin and Copper Store has a iarge stock of Stoves and TEVIVARE .11 on halal. vvnten he VIM L-7CII cbcap. Plices to sU.t tho 11111 S. ltis stock embraces the best of Cook. Nine•platc ta:,l Coal 6toves. COOK S7'OFES FOR COAL OR WOOD 'G 00 1) 13 A K E,R S , large Ovens, and tali') a long stick of v.v0,1. 11 is L.xe it, good, strong and made of the best Tin. Las and Iron Kettles, Brass Dippers, Bake Pans and Tinned Iron Ware, also the E.ISST CISTERN PRAM MARKET. strong. simple, durable and cheap. Price 2 rsured not to Fret ze. Don't fail to give him a call Castings taken in exchange for St tees br next door to Miller's Dry Coed Store. Febrzinry 8, I SW% ZX ere. Z.' V.ll 1. - 1 '4 `E. J. FILIMERT, NI DRAPER. k 2 WI , Alas constantlyfir sale a full assortment 0 . 1, - . N; GOODS fur Gentlemen's ware. g.; N.: M z..ErtirLatest City Fashions always on hand. fr , i \ 11 - cipicsborp , riz X; .. . _ „. ?OUNTY TitE&SURER E r-igned, a resident of the 'Borough of 4.f 'r:: himself as a candidate f ir t • NTY TREASURER., subject to t 'l,, n, at Union Republican Conven , .ul,tv. J 1111:5 C. PATTON !: 15, 1867, tc. v r.,1 50 1 ',rain Bagg in store ali-J 1., ...1) by WALKEN, NIL!. & Co IM!Eall old - LT:LUNG. NEW. ENCOURAGED by tl.e generous support recei 11 1 pied from you, on a former occasion, and at the earnest solicitation of a number of friends, I again offer myself as candidate for "County Treasurer," subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Any aid' you can consistently give me in nacting my nomination, will be gratefully appreciated. ' Very Truly Yours., inings stsin at • j 3 , 4 . @ p, n Hick Quincy, March 2 W3l. FLEAGLE. 9, 1867, tc. '. ;,E % . arnily Scales, two sizes of 12 & 25 e.,pacay. weighing by ounces. easly to un 'e, -! •ral hriLl warranted to weigh correct: an Improved Cherry seeder which has .heen t; far the last five years and never failed to give satisfactiou. Jt will seed a bindle! of Cherries . 25 minutes. Sold by May 31-11 • GEISER & RINEHART. 4 t °ROCCO an Ap. 5] i RETTY Parasols at ',LACK and Drat) Cord at C9un.tryt 4 .itits and bhoultle - isfiZt . jby W. A. 11.1:11). IMO Japanned •care, NVaytiestibro', Po au) thing in our I' a t•.rII hofuc pureharzing W. A. THULE Pato: lir. Trntpt,icir's nue% &fforaeLiCieß W. W. VVAIKSR. T. J. MILD. OSO. W. wALHz% Walker, & SUCCESSORS TO A. H. HAGER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE & FII\CY GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS, Glass, queonsf Wood and.Wil. low LIME, CEAENT AND FERTILIZERS, Juno 14—ly 1313 LS & HALF BOLS N. C. and Po. 013k/tome Herring, Etlina, Mackerel and, mo w," Herring, for sale by WALKER, NILL &C. Hagerstown. .100 MILS BROWN SUGAR. 30 do. stan dard White Sugars. in s tore and fur sale WALKER, HILL & CO. Hagerstown. DDLS SYIIT_JPS in store and for sale by WALKER, NBA /St CO Ilagerkown. ,cei BAGS COFFEE. in store and for sale by - WALKER, NILL & CO; Ile erbtown 0A A SACKS G. A., American and Dairy Salt E_MlLlfor sale by WALKER, DULL & CO. Hagerstown. WM Ortartl Brinil '7" - r,ll - is lags and Uinta!signs Wines, ii store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. liageratown. M A v p . c stock tes s vare : China sale by WALKER, .NILL & CO, - STICH Cream, Farina, Pearl, Mushroom, Gra ham, Water, Soda, Sugar, Jumbles, Ginger and Boston Cream Crackers. in store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. is a eigi torso power, with cast iron teen inches in diameter-and thitty-three-inches-long.---Trunle - has - teminch is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack -fifteen to-eighteen - feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against wiring weather. It bags the grain by reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the wor nder favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to lifty'bushels per hour, and with more. ease agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is - particularly adapted to th farmer's use; is intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron thresher frame, and cylinder, 12.1 inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bag_s,_or_if -desired-rin-nIP-If-buldiel. It (1 - . 7 liWiSThe straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the thaw and chaff together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushel. 4 of wheat, or from 300 to 5110 bushels of oats per day, using four or s., horses, and the same number of hands; but to force the work, and r on at avorable-eiretrinstam,.,s, 001 g. iin - ; - & - cwill - thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will thresh and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases does not run so hard. It will i .apply very well to a two-horse railway power _ - WAIJKEICNILL & CO. Hagerstown. PLENDID stock of Wooden and Willow Ware in store and lin. sale 'l‘y— WALKEN, PULL & CO Hagerstown. "IT HE IT Lead, Linseed Oil, Lubricating, Har VV' !less and Ftsb Oil. in store and tin sale by WALKEII, NILL & CO. 114, 5 -erstown j 4 -1 lin COAT, OTT. in store and for sale by ‘j WALKER, NIL". & CO, 00 KEGS NI MS in store awl for sale by WALKBit, NILL CBI= OHOV E LS, Spat. lines, Traces, Halter Chains &c. &c , in sture sail for sale by liageTstown VERCES tlugar Cured Canvassed Hams in agerstown. DACON i-ard and all kinds of Country Producel )wanted by June 14—iy QUARTERLY REPORT OE THE IST' NAT. BANK OF WAYNESBOItO'. July 1, 1857. RESOURCES. Lonns and Discounts Bonds to t•ccuro circulation U. S. Bonds on h a m] and A. 'l'el. stock Due from Brinks Legal 'render Notes National Currency Stitt! Brni'c Mutes Frac. C ifeffey ant cas I ilerrig LIABILITIES Capital Stock Circulation Depesites Dividend. unpaid Due to Baia. Surp:us and Profits *206,699,72 The above statement is just and true to the beet of my knowledge and belief: .101 IN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subscribed before me. July 3d, 1667. lu'y 5-6 t) J. F. KURTZ, N. I'. CAPT. MILLER'S Celebrated Ointment A Pure cute for Rin:zbone, Spavine, IToof Evil, Wind Galls Old Sores, or any En• largewent on a Horse. This Ointment is so well known by the Farmers In this community, that it is not necessary for me to say anything about its good qualities, further than that it. has proved itself to be the BP:ST PREPA RATION ever offered to the public for the cum of tln ab lye diseases. I wish to inform the public that I have pure used from Mr. Miller the recipe for ma king this "Celubratv,ll Ointment," and am now man uftctu ring it at my house at Mt. Ilope, where per sons wishing it can be supplied. It is also for sale by J, F, 1i uicrz ,way — rw.boro , , Aaent. DA 'SIVA, TRITLE, May Io—tf VIA RSHALL isIsELLI,It (Successors to F. J. POSE Y,) DEALER IN WATCHES, JE W ELRY —AND— SILVER• WA RE. No. 13 Washington Street, lIAGERSTOWN, .11D; REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Hagerstown, May 2.l,—tf. BENJ. FICANIZ, M. D. 7 1ARS FRANTZ & SNIVELY having associa _Rita themselveS in the practice of Medicine and Surgery would ststr that they are well prepared to treat 9.1; inedicai and surgical cases. Persons in dO red t. - )el.ner of the above willplease make early settlamcnt to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. . Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly, occupied as a stSre room by Mr. Beaver. April t4-ti To the Republican Voters of Fraakliu County. large lot of Floor Oil Cloths, all widths just opened at PRICE Sr. Hosruou'u. April 5. fair article of brown Sugar at 12a cents at Ap. 5 J PLIIOB & Roam= a I:Wcrop New — Orleons Molasses at Al,. 5 J Purrs HAGERSTOWN, MD. 1V ALKE It,•NILL & Co WALKER, NMI. & Co $11,286 59 75,400 00 40,300,00 300.00 17,059 41 28,310.00 3,665,00 c 2 ,00 ..i320G,699,72 $75.000,00 67,500,00 5:3,170,33 816,50 758,28 9,424,61 1. N. EINIVELY, U. D Improved Thrashing Machine! Farmers will please look at the great advantage in Thrashing Grain with - GEISERS' PATENT SUP-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, 1 4 DAGGER. With the latest lin This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels.. One man can easily move or shift it ahem, so that it is not half trouble in a barn floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, -eliable, durable, compact anti cleanly to work by when in operation, not making near the dust as the common machine or other, Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is nu h 1111141 n -- e rnersztf ndi WU using tnerl— ... aleib g them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mere want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest:its merits, bit which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I am willing to he-responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. No. 1 ' ,ht-horse 'we 3 Prices of Machinesranm b e from.B2lo, to 8525. • ref warrant the machines to be as above represented; also_ against any reasonable defects of materia workmanship, &c. ' °'_n t. k , 1-. ,- a - I • - Priglepared to furnish a variety of other agricultural implements, the latest and best improved. and such ii - sare best adapted to the mints of the humors of this part of the country :uh as thefiagere n town_Cailleea)....Clover-Sdernmer,--llAler-and-Clearrer - , -- whiehls - proviifebyirsiiiin - irierits to "be one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCK En: ILE t PER AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American tiny Fork and Knife combined, Tiny Rakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c..&c._&c., which I_ will_furnisn_on_short-notice and warrant them to answfr - the purposes for which they are intended. Err Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars, circulars, &c. address ° DANIEL, caus.Eß, aynesboro% Franklin CO. Penn'a. May 4, 1866 Still the atest„ Mast Important 4-o-Mankhad, In that I have removed my Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Store from my oldstand. one door west of the extensive Fist and Fur Store of Uptlegratf _Son, to the new ly titled room -in the Washington House, one don East of Mr. Ogilbv's Store, where I have now install one of the beet selected stocks of English, French, Gorman and Domestic CLOTHS, CASSIMERI4_IS, that can be found in the city of Hagerstown, or Coun • ty. These goods have all been selected with great care, especially adopted to the Fashionable as well as the Plain Dress, arid at prices that cannot lad to please all. All thoroughly shrunk before made up and satisfaction guaranteed. I have also a stock of BEAVY COTTON GOODS FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, OF THE HEsT 111 E. Linen Ducks and Plain Linens, and a full stook Plain and Mixed Cassitueres for Boy's Wear, and as cheap as can be sold in the town or county. will be moth to order or sold by the yard or rttern to suit buyers. All work guaranteed to lit or no sale. My stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods is large and complete of everything in that line, And at prices to suit the times. I have also the Agency for the sale of the celebra ted improved Singer Family Sewing Machine, and am prepared to compete with every other Ma chine sold in the town or country, and for sample of Illachines pleascrcnil at my etoro. I return my thanks to my customers and the pub lic generally for their patronage extended me and hope a continuance of the same. Don't furget—The place is the Washington House Merehan t Tailoring Estahlishinent, West Washing ton titreet, Hagerstown, Md. .1. A, FISHER, May 3, 18G7. NEW FIRM. MHE undersigned would respectfully call the at ention of the Public to their stock of 3PT.T.IMIVITIETXI.7O, embracing . all articles of Furniture usually manu factured by cabinet makers. Wo will also give our attention to COFFIN' WANING ; and hope by strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of public patronage. All orders for Furniture or Ctiflins attended to with dispatch.— Our Furniture Rooms can be found on Main Street, up stairs, in Willaims Flinegan's Drill Shop. J, AI, &F. BENDER, December 21—tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE • SALE. rrirE subscriber offers at Private Sale his ralu a I Lie property, situated on Main Street. known as the ,4 151Tayncsboro' Brewery," including Dwelling House, good Stabling, &c.— Per terms, &c. Opp!) , to jan 18—tf] GEO. FOURT UM N. NOTICE. T" .State Tax due on •Nationar Dank Stock for 1867 is now in the hands of the County Treasurer for collection, anti it ' not paid before the Ist day of August, there will be rui additional ri per cent added. All those who have stock will find that if they call at the Treasurer's aim. in the Court House, Chambersburg, and pay the same, will save 10 per cent on the whole amount, ad all Bank Stock Tax is collected as State personal, sub ject to the additional 10 per cent by„the Ist of Scp• tcmher. 1867, June 28-61.] ole- Geared Horse Power,' driven either by Gear or Belt. 'Jrov,ed Tri e and wrought iron and wood cylinder, si NEW SPRING AND SIENEfI gh 13 BSI GEORGE STOVER LEAS RETURNMI FROM PfIILADEL PIIIA WITU A SUPPLY OF D:% IF GOODS / NOTIONS, QUEDSIVIIII GROCERIES, Me' To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and tchTfiabliirpeneralty. October 26. ZBl QUINCY POUNDRY AND MACHINE ' SHOP ! -0- W E n take n leave t n o g i t n h fi e n t u h n e d r p y u h a l i n e d th n 3 ,1 aw e te iinne business near Quincy, Pa. We are 'Prepared .o do all kinds of repairing at short notice, star mill gear ing, cast and wrought iron shafting, stoves, iron ket tles, oven doors, shoo scrapers, stove hooks, dtc„ &c. We also build an improved buggy and wagon Jack. harde powers, Bevil jack, wood saws, iron ash hop pers, iron bottom plate for ash barrels. iron fencing knd railing made to order. Old iron bought or ta aen in exchange for new work, Oct. 23—tf. BARBERING ! BARBERING ! MITE subscriber would inform his customers n nd the public generally that he purposes contin uing the Barbering business, next door to the New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. C. Moyne! in ,the shop, and is now prepared to do hair sating, shaving, shampooning, etc., in the best style. The patronage of the public is respectfully colicited. . WM. A P ItIGE. March 2, 1866. MMRnMMI .10 0 .1131 V 'WI IS 9C, INSERTS on Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention gisen to the preservation o. the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac tpin of teeth without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street: B. ave a so so cote. and HESS & EMMERT THE LATEST Ni ORE, MEM, MY J F. KURT tAr iSHES to inform thp good citizens of V V nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just ret ed from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, ,Oils, Paints, Dye /Stuffs Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as they can be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. lie h s also on hand a large assortment of TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety,' Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Band°lines Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, , Tooth Brushes, Nail S, &a, itO. For Culinary purposes ho has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley. Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz : _ Orwiritla , Stratvbery, Raspberry, Pine A p• ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices,Black Pepper and all otn er articles in that line. e has also something to please the CHILDREN. China ware. IPatezit IVae,cli 0 . He has Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffland's•German do. " Sand's Sarsaparilla, • • Bull's do. Hiteshow's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Venni fuge, Vermifugos, dos. kinds, Pills --Nir right's Judron's, Spaulding's, • A .er's Morse's, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup ) • •irrish - einloKeroseoe Oil, Lamps and Chilli, neys always on hand. Thankful fur kind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As couch care taken in waiting up on adults as children_ cri-ptions-pro hours. compounded at all August 19,1864 =G-0 , 0 1----K To every Man, Woman and Child. The great reduction in prices at the Waynesboro' new HAT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. First class goods almost as cheap as ever. This is a prrsonal invitation to the 'reader to ex amine my ingest and moot complete stock of spting and summer goods ever offered in this little .I.lorouah Also the best make of Clocks and Trunks Tobacco, Segars, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, Paper Collars, Hose, Kerosene, Inks, indigo, Soap Lye, Paper, Lend Pencils, Pens, Soda, Ginger, Variety of Soaps, Cloves, Cinam - On, Extracts, Hair Oils, Pepper, Matches; Lilly White, Hogue Pearl and Silver Infant Powder, Gloss Starch, • Shoe blackning and Varnish, Candies, Almonds, Mill Wall and Vvindow Filberts,Pea Nuts, Brushes, Oak, Bushel, Clothes Canes, Umbrellas, Chip and Market Baskets, Shoe Strings, Essence of Coffee, Stonebrakers Liniment and Pain Killer, and many other Trinkets. The Metalic Shoe Sole, to keep the dampness from the feet should never be lost sight of. Retail pries, 25. A lso shop rights sold at the low rate of $lO, and the solo furnished at a price which will pay a large percentage, Remember the place directly opposite the Town Hall. on• the, Ladies and Misses call and see the nice trimmed, and untrimmed Hats. Oh, I can sell them so cheap. April 12] J, BEAVER. STONER .& STONER, DRUGGISTS, ARE receiving fresh articles in their line of bu siness from the Cities weekly, which enables them to offer and sell at a fair price, with the ad vantage of the reduction of the eastern market— Their stock is large and increasing proportionally to the reduction of the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye, Stuffs, Fruits, Confectionary, with all ,articles u• ually kept in drug stores Thankful for the patronage heretofore received, re spectfully an increase as well ns a continuance of public favors. M. M. STONER, M. H. - STONER Waynesboro', August 10, 1866. _ . THE PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST. The best method of converting paper money into gold and silver is to call at the Jewelry Store of C• C. FORCE, Who has just returned from the city with a large and beautiful assortment of Goods which he offers at reduced prices, consisting of Ladies' and Gentle men's GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss WATCHES," SETS OF JEWELRY, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, CHATA LINE, Leontine GUARD and VEST CHAINS, also, a large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware.such as Dinner and Tea CASTORS, Cake Bask . ets, Coffee URNS, Napkin RINGS, Ice and Cream PITCHERS, Butter I DISHES, But ter KNIVES,Saltand Mustard Spoons, Oyster and Cream Lad les,Goll LETS, SALT CELLARS, TEA, TABLE AND DESZDT SROONS, &c. &o. Also—A large assortment of the CELE BRATED SETH THOMAS' CIAO CKS•' fg'Persons will please remember that hero they can find a large assortment of AiJBBER, STEEL. AND PLATED SPEC 'ACLES and EYE GLASSES. r3fP ticular attention paid to the RE PA MING of WATCHES. larAll Watch Work warranted for ONE YEAR. N. D.—The highest cash price paid for OLD SIL VER aid GOLD. C. C. FORCE, At tho Old Stand of Thos..A. Doullt, four doors East of the Washington House, Afay 17, 18G7,-Iy. flagerstown, Md. flair " urge supply of J. F. KURTZ GOLD, used itext, it to farmerf kinds and Chambe M R. .I. S. Lion of our no commondatitisi is beets have l , een fairly to ded popularity. I have cows for several years pas without it. It keens all ' dition, loosens the skin ; sharpens their aproctites. ease. I regard it as invalu, Chambersburg, April, rt. J. S. Num — Dear Si and Cattle Powder a fair ' Horses and cattle, aad it ly. Irspeedily increased t. my cows, and improved the greatly. 1 can cordially recommend the kind I have ever known or stock, and it should be kept Yours ' THE S'U'RE AIC3IT h CA .IIP IT BARBER'S 7 ETTER, and a Skin diseases. certainly cured by NIXON'6 Glycerine Olivine, J. K. KURTZ, Waynesbon Sold by on's Ea The hest medicine for Internal end. External pain Perfectly safe under all circumstances. Every fain. ave - ii; or If you have pains, use NIXON'S East India Tincturc. latir If you have Skin diseases, use NIX.: 's Giycerine_ointment.. - 1111irlf ynu have horses or cattle that dooi thrive, use NILDN's h orse and Cattle Powders. Chamberaburg, Feb. B—tv. LOW FIGURES! NEW GOODS. lIIBERAN, BENEDICT &. CO. Are now Beceiviir; a Large Stock or AMY GOODS, GZIOCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. We call the attention of our customers anal the community to our new stock of goods which are now cheaper than they have been for five years. Our goods have been bought at low prices and we think we can sell them to.suit all buyers. Give A MBERSON, BENEDICT & Co. April 5, 1867. NEW LEATHER AND FINDING STORE ! TtheEWIS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform J public that they have received another sup ply of goods at their new Leather and Finding Store, ombracing among other articles tho follow ing lole Loather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Calf do., Sheep do., French and ]Hens Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size., Threads,Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Babbers, Bristles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, -Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps and Files,Auls and Handles, Collis Irons, Long an Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletts and Eyelett Punches, Strip Auls, And all other articles usualty kept in such stores. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins.— Feb. 8. FORNEY & SONS. HOUSE PAINTING ! EORGE & A. D. VIOR.GANTIIALL having associated themselves in copartnership in the Painting, Graining and Glazing business, inform the public that they are now prepared to do house painting with neatness and despatch And upon rea sonable terms. Persons having any work in their line will do well to give them a call before makit 3ngagements elsewhere. MORG.INTITALL 4 r March !,'!O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers