I?U3L9t SM,E, 'HE undersigned intending to relinquish farm ing, will sell his entire stock end farming uten sils, at his residence, on the road loading from New Guilford to the Waynesboro' road, one mile from the runner and two mites from the latter place, on Tuesda9 the sth. day of February, 1867, tho,follow inp personal propertysiviz: 5 Good Work Horses, - 'woof %%hid' are tine brood mares with foal, among which are olso two good plow leaders, 1 three year ling (.•olt, • 7 HEAD OF HORN CATTLE, among whieh are 2 fine young Bulls, 9 kga,l Sheep 9 HE D HOGS; 1 three-inch Plantation Wagon, I one and t«&-horee Wagon, 1 Word Bed„ 1 pair ilay Laild(rs, 1 AIeCORMICK REAPER, ONE THRESHING MACHINE , with shaker and good strap; 1 Revolving Rake, one Grain Dull Cradles and Mowing Scythes, 1 three and 2 two-horse Plows, 1 single arid 2 double Shov el Run s.*:. Ilaricws, 2 pair sprsaders.trebble, double and single trees, 1 set dung, boards, 1 holster,;2isets Breechbands, 2 sets Front Gears, 4 sets Plow Gears, I Wagon Saddle I wagon whip. 3 fly-nets, wagon and plow lines, housens, collars and bridles, 2 sets twit chains, 2 pair breast chains, 1 log chain, orie rge.chnp chart, forks and rakes, a lot old Iron,wit many other articles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said d'whsn a credit of 12 months will be given on all sums,of $lO and - upwards. JACOB DEARDORFF. janllB—tsJ G. V. Morro, Aurt. THE VERY LATEST , Anti most Important to Mankind, is that J. A, FISHER, Merchant Tailor, has just received the Largest Stock orcLonis, CASSIMEIIES and town in the town or County, 13y either Jew or Gentile, and don't except even Fenians or 6larthagenia ne, or nny other man ; and if you don't:ltelieve it, call and see for yourselves. 1 will make them to order in, the most Faahionable and substantial manner, or sell them by the Yard or Pattern to suit buyers; CHEAP for CASH.— All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Also, a com plete stock of Gent's Furnishing 'Goods. It k not necessary to enumerate the articles, as it is well known that you can always find a LA fiGE STOCK of FLIINISAING GOODS on hand at my score. I.teturn thanks to my friefids and the public gen malty for their liberal patronage extended to me,and hope by close attention to business to receive a cen time:nee ef the same. J. A, Fl6llEli, Opposite the—Washington House, West Washington St., Hagerstown, NW P. S.—The ColebratTd SINNER SE WING M A - CHINE always on hand, both Family and the Manufacturing Machine. • J. A, F. Nov. 23, 1666 PUBLIC SALE! rr 7.llErsubscliber intending to quit farming, will 4. sell at Public Sale, at.hia residence,on the road lending horn Waynesboro' to Ringgol 1 , about two miles from the f..rtnfr and one from the_lattcLplaee, - on lifonfley the 18th day, ,O Febructry.mxt, the fol lowing personal property, to wit: 5 HEAD HORSES four of which aro . oiirst lea:lers, one gond d driving man; 8 CD Wt. 4.; a lot of S 110.11.8; lb - U:lUar4aa:'.) o one broad tread, one Plantation, two spring Wag• ens with top and pole, ono one-horse Wagon; I Buggy, 1 sleigh, 2 three-horse Plows, 3 two horse do, 3 single end 4 double shovel Pows, 3 Harrows, Hay Carriers, 1 pair Wood Ladders, new; l Cut• ting Box 1 Spring tooth Rake, 2 sets Breeebbands, 3 sets Front Gertns, 4 sets Plow Gears, 4 sets Bug gy Harness, 4-Buggy Fly nets, bridles, collars, and halters, 1 carriage pole, trebble, doable and single trees, cow agar's, 1 wheelbarrow' I corn coverer, forks, rakes and shovels; 2 Ten plate Stoves and Ore, 1 Dinner Bell, I Rifle,l band Cart, Corn by the Barrel, HA I" BY TIIEITON, I good ladder, 1 jackscrew, I mattock, 2 axes, log (hams, filth chair s, one set dung hoards, rail carriages, 500 hundie.s cornfodder, Treaders. - butt and -breast chturis. I stave jointer; ONE:MOUNTA IN LOT contaiving 7 acress; the undivided share 01 50 ACRES THE OfililliD, Also I Pureau, l Sale. I Fet chairs, G bedsteads, a lot bedding, 40 yils culpPt, I ak, I copper tattle, large meat vessel, and many other articles too nu -01. rotes to mention. tale to c moicilco'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by DEM. F.'STE WART. G. V. Mwsc, duct, .1 an '25 --ts I A Chancy for an EnterpriSiNg BURIAPSI Man! A STORE FOR SALE. 7111 undersigned, doing business in Quint y, Frariklln Co. Pa., offers at. Private Sale, on rea sonable It tins his stuck of Alerchandise. clic tock is n well assorted one, all m w and in good OnlcT, h can hr. reduced gnite tow if nece sary lhe room eecup ed is a good one and the location n fine one for business. The building, which 1.3 1.14.11 d for a store and private residence, can be hou_ht on reasonable terms. Intending to settle up his business he will hereafter give bargains to and nit nt CUFF for CASH. Dec. 21— tf.j .I.)HN V. plf at COT for 0.A1.51.1 only NB. VC FIR M CARRIAGE MAKINCII TUE subscribers would inform the ruldie that the.. have arsnciated themselves together in the Carriage making lim•iness, an't that the hnsities, hereafter will be contimied at Jacob Adams' old stand tinder the firm of A Immo et HA WIC ral. ,They will hove Cl/Ils tataly on hand or LI U ii- , ..., 0 , 4 1;11;8 of evely description; new and 15. 1... second•hatideil Vehicles of ell kinds. , 1,-3Z Repoli ing done at short notice, They employ 1100.1 but good mechanics and use the beet material Persons wuntmg anyttti••g in out in, Will it.. {veil to give ite' a call before porelta,ing ele, where. se Gr.OIWE Church Strer! r 1'37 4 :sr - .ii; la.) .... - it PUBLIC 8 )Y v it tue,,of a Power of Alto'l2 Mary 3 Goidon, late of run .Mate of Pennsylvania. deceased, *ell at Nolte Int. Saturday _ ruary, 1867, at 3 o'clock, P. M„ at Muth It a rime!, to ‘l , ayt.esb"ro', ALUA tt 1:: Li I . l' Git GUN D nojuining said Bor. ugh, containing in Hems, mart or IL ass TOMS Made known on d of 1 . 110M.1.S CI.A kll .1.5 G . jni IS t ] G V. Ate so,- 11 uct. - 1 4 1 1 AZ Firi Nov. a.f J Pall! & 11oFFLicteg. 1:17:11 ntl esccllertartiele at 1 Piece: & 1 ltirrt.r,it's THE undersigned intendingito ; relinquish (arm ing will sell at Public'Sale, at his residence, on the road leading front Funkstown ,to Quincy; two miles font the forme' place and one from the latter place, on THURSDAY THE 7TH DAY OF FEBRUARY next, the - following persnnal, proper ty, to wit : live of which are Mulch Cows, four of them Heifers, which will be fresh by time of sale, one large Fat Beef; 3 Breeding Sows, heavy- with pig, 13 head of SHOATS, 2 three-inch PLANTATION WAGONS, I Road Wagon with Bed and Cover, nearly. new; 1 pair Hay Ladders, I pair Hay Carrier, 5 Plows, 2,Dou ble and 4 Single shovel Plows, 2 new Harrows, treble, double and single trees, 3 fifth-chains and spreaders, 2 four•horse spreaders, 1 Wheelbarrow; cow chains, 6 head halters and chains, 5 fly-nets, 2 sulky wheels, 1 Patent Cider Mill and Press, 1 Sleigh, 1 pair Scales, rakes, forks, 2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets Front Gears, 6 sets Plow Gears, 1 six and 1 four-horse line, 4 pair butt and 2 pair breast chains, 3' large log chains, 2 scoop shovels, 1 digging iron, crowbar, mattock, 8 good Cid r Barrels, 1 meat bench, grain cradle, 1 well rope, alo Wild Cherry and Apple Boards, a lot Bags, Ine Fodder Cutter, -3 Long Ladders wagon tyre and h brings; I Cook- Stove, Kitchen Cuoboard, 1 twen -four hour Clock, -1 new Dining 'Table, 3 liedstea s, large Meat Vessel, together with many other artic es too numerous to mention. lEWS'ale to commence' at 8- o'clock on said day wh .n a credit of 12 months will be given on all sums of $lO and upwards. • JOHN HELLER,, Sr. - C. V. ?i.l ONG, Aurt. ISHE subscriber will offil. at Public Sale on SAT UREA Y, FEBRUARY 211, 1867, at his resi dence, Waynesboro', the following personal pro• per ty, to wit: 4 HEAD OF • WORK -HORSES, one Plantation, one three-horse, one two-horse anti ono Spring Wagon, with top, 1 Buggy, I Sleigh, 2 three-home Barshear Plows. •2 Harrows, 1 Cultiva tor. 3 double Shovel Plows, 1 single Shovel Plow, 1 Grain 1 Self-raking• Reaper, 1 pair Hay Carriages, 1 Pc.ta Trough, I Wit it Fan, Rakes, Forks, and many other nitieles no? no cvs-mry to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'- clock on-said day when a credit of six months will be given on all sums of 1;5 and upwards: GEORGE FOITRTIiMAN.__ .lan. 11—tx. G. V. INfloNe, A net. QUARTERLY _REPORT OF THE IST NAT. BANK OF WAYNESBORO'. Juvuury 7, [867. HESOUFZCES. Bills and Notes di;counted $33,424.70 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 75,100,00 11. S. Bonds and otlivr.l.3. securities on hand 44 700,00 Due front 8ank531.4+ 48 82 Cash on hand- ---- 2:3,242,93 =ME surplus and Pndits Circulating N.AM 'Due to Depradtois Due to Banks Dividends unpaid $2OB 751145 The above statement is just and true to the•bcst of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash Sworn and subscribed before roe, Jan. 7. 1867 .lan. It—fit] Mr. Metcalfe, Senior Partner of the firm of 'ETCALFE ct 11111TES:3 EMT CEIAMBEIRSBUITZ, HANjust returned from the East c here he has heel, since last week buying all such goods as they are out 01, and also buying all barga ins offered. The new:goods,will be oi.ened to morrow, Satin , dny January sth. Those who want hargains-in the Dry Geods and Notion line go to No. 15 Main tit. where you will be sure to find them. Goods of every description ‘‘'ltolesslvil n t city joldwrh pikes. Sr. 11. Cliambersbu , g, Jan. 4, 1867. 9 1 11 E sub,criber intending to quit firming, will 1. set at Public Sale. at his residence, near Way nesboro, on WE Dr , ,TEDA Y THE 13171 DAY OF FE BIN 7A HY next, the following personal pro perty, tr wi , ; 4 HEADWORK' 118 EN, • (all good) three of which ore Plow le yrs; . three of which •tre Mitch Cowa, nne fine youne Bull; !3 HEAD OF fitflitr , , among whtclr are two Brutal Sows and two• Boars; also THREE WAGONS, one three-inch, the other two-inch trend, and one suitable to .00 , or two horses, I Head Bid with how, and cover, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 pair Day Carriers, I paur Hay Ladders, 3 bets Dung Hoards. I two-horse sleigh, 5 Plows, 4 Harrows. I 11,11er, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, Trehltle, Double and Single Trees fifth chlin and spit:tiler, 2 spreaders, 2 log chains, 2 pair butt end 2 p.ur breast. chains, halter and cow chains; (S. If R ! key) I Mower, good as new; 1 Threshing .rtnelone and Horse Pow. r, 1 Groin prtil, I Spring p u k,.. 1 It e .,olvle,i Ink.; I Hay Eli vittor with rolae and pulleys, I hook (or claiming srolib.s, a b i t Hay siol ..,orsdouloer, 1 Wheat Pon. Forks, italees, I Cutting 130 x, '2 sets' I.3reechbands, _l3 •sots Front lir ors. 5 s. is Plow G. at-, Ply-nets, Collars, Wk. dies, Wagon nod Plow lonics, 1 Wagup Saddle; 1 Teti.plate 'citove mid p.p.., 1 t-doee Drum, I large Table, good uq - new, 4 Chain., 1 large Cut p.r Keith ~large iron Kettle, large Nle•st V01:44 Apple butter by the crock, tubs, buckets, a lot Fin x, and y .•tner articles Inn flee( Stiary 141 mention. bate to ctnuntet/cc at 9 o'eltuk (1,1 when A Crel l it Ot s Tell 111011016 viii be given eta all :Aline. of $lO eti,t J.,n 18 Is PUBLIC SALE. 8 HEAD OP HORSES, • TWO YEARLING COLTS; - 15 Head of Cattle, 22 SOUTH-DOWN SHEEP; 1 EMT HEAPECIID MOWER, Jan, I 1— Is PUBLIC SALE! I Cow, I Heifer hea"y with Calf. rit - 17,1i1.ii. vat4aa;,; LL-11111.1111'.6 J. F KJir•ri, n." JUST BENHAM). 11 Head Horn Cattle, I NEW YORK REAPER, JOiiN 1.1, 7 ,8 11 VIZ, of '. , ti V, ltuNa , .lust TM LATBST ARRIVAL MS, OUR Ffict GOOK VILTIBIIES to Inform the good citizens of Way nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just renal,. ed from the East a large and full assortment o fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs Window Glass,. Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to soli as cheap as they can be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. lie h.s also on hand a large assortment of TOILET ARTICLES ' comprising in pin the following .articles, viz : Toilet Waters, .all loads,. •pm • Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief; - Fine English Pomades, Bandol ines - Bear's Fine and Fancy Soaps, , Tooth Brushes,_ 3 Nail o Combs, Ste, &a. For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, .Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. 'Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and all oth er articles in, that line. He has also something to please the „ A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware„ IP.atemat clicslia. He bas Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffland's German do., Sand's Sirsaparilla, do— Biteshew's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vermifuge, 'Yermiruges doz. kinds, Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandreth's, Morse's, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup- Dr.- Rarishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lainps and Chim, - neys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon htm, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please ho'may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Fliyqicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August HI, 1864. ZINGARI BITTERS.. .a.. ml-11.1"0 3P3tbe-v-etzkti-v-o THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY ,was discov ered ankintroduced about:twenty Years ago by Dr. 8: - Cli - e - i - psus, an eminent Egyptian physician. He had long seen and felt the want of some rem edy which would strike at the root of the disease, and so prevent much of the sufferittg which the hu man family was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick and dying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly nil the remedies then,in use. Thus he was lead to think and - eTperiment; and after ten years of study and labor, he presented to his fellowmen the wonderful Zinged Bitters. The effect of this prep aration in the prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks,of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name w.is 'Arced upon the Roll of Nobles, 00 4 a gold medal with the follow tag inscription—Or. O. Cheonsus. the Public Bane- factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. • The preparation has been used in several epidem.. ice of elnitera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with great success, that it has ,been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies_ with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any rem edy that will protect us against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently used. $208,', 56,4 5 ------ 75,000,00 8.7.39,15 67,500,00 50,447.46 898,54 171,00 All palhologi.ts now agree that the cholera poism acts on the syt.t.-m through the blood, ;tad that any con bination which acts on the ex , retory organs. and keeps them m working- order, must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison -to exert it.; terrible effect.: on the organism. This is true not only of cholera. but of nearly all other maladies, es perkily the different forms of lever. The Zingari Bitters is just such a remedy ns ti e above conditions require. It acts on the organs o' ex •retion arid secretion, keeping up n perfect bal ance between Clam. This Bitters is composed en tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every org.,n is aete t upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its etl cts prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the fallowing diseases have been cured ny it: Cootera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever Ague, Nervous Debility, Anaemia, Dysyepsia, Flatulency, Colic. Scrofula, tt c.. 1..4" - -'Price $1 per quart bottle Ppnripar Depot nt the Walnut street wharf, Har risburg, Va. `Sold by Druggists, Hotelkeepers and f i rocers. F tt AIITER, Sole Proprietor For sale at the "Vi aynesboro' Hotel," by V. B. Gmasar, Agent. [june22 GEL E BRATED BASE BURNING STOVE THE MORNIENG GLORY! The Ntorning Glory is a prrprtual burner, having a magazine or reservoir for reserve coal, which is re quired hr filled but once a day, and if the prop ir sized coa l is used it is not necessary to rekindle the fire during the entire winter. (No clinker will remain in these stoves, nor will there be an trouble from slate. or other imprint's in the coal,ltp.g re being always at the base of the c ml, the implrities are left in the ashes at:l ground Out by the ...Hill-grate ") THERE'S NO ESCAPE OF GAS OR DWI' The comloisti•m of fuel being porfoct and at a high temp ralure, the amount of heat produced from R!c same qiiiiitity of voxl is in r , ch go a ter than at a low totnp rat ore, hence but a small quantity of fuel is nect 8,...ry to be undergoing the poc as of vonbus mon at one little The entire outer surf ice of the Mornbig 0:0,y is ridiating surface. Add to this the surface of ~locets be ited by rays of light thr the uuca WihdOWS, and you have the s Tret of the great be, tug prop rtieb of the Morning Glory with a small amount ot gee— For sale at W. A DuTr:Vs Tin nud SLOW , : Siore. pee. 28-2rn, run stib,e,ieer in forfit.thr public th it hi. is • in v..Avd with r N tary I't.• is to :icktiowl edge Dee Po ,vcr Atioriii.y, Pr Ai :to A cet s. c t t J Fe KURTZ Hair " CHILDREN. W!?1M THE GREAT OF CHOLERA ! ECONOMY OF TUEL 1 . 1 . K It SECOND ARRIVAL AT THE CHEAP CORNER OF MUCH & in the way Of a large and handsome stock of New Winter Goods just received from tho East • • The firm tender their thanks to the community for their' very liberal patronage. and now !ink them to call and see their present assortment of desirable WINTER GOODS, which they feel confident,thlt they will pronounce compared to furßefAro” ..,: and quality s the ladies look over the array of Silks, Pop • Merinos, Di. tains, Coburgs, "rwills, Cashmeres The gentlemen are directed to the beautiful line of CasEimeres Fancy, Cassimeres Plain , • 0 Cloths .& Vcstings Satinets, Fustains, With a complete line of 1300 t S, . SI ()CS, Gaiters, Gum Roes, Children's Shoes Gum Sandals and Buskins, Ladies Buffalo Over Shoes Ladies will please uotico our fino.assortment of Bradleys Hoop Skirts, Balrnorals, . Skirts for Misses & Children Shaker and Ballardrale Flannels, o_pera, Amy_ and Grey_Flannels, Wool and Cotton Yarns, all colors, Colored and.Whito Cotton!Flannclls, • Dlen's Undershirts and_Pralvers, Men's Roundabouts, Ladies:Breakfast Kau , ls, Loag'ane. square Shawls Fancy Blankets, . Hors e 13Iankets, Whips Blankets, Con dins, Ii up, (Juin Cloth, Rail Road 13Ag9, Baskets, Ruckots,r Butter Prints, Broom , i Spices, &c Grain .Bagg, , The sulocribers kindly ask the community to call and sec their handsome stock of goods now opt‘u and will vouch that persons will he convinced that ••prices have fallen,' and greatly too, and to con• vince yourselves of the fiats just drop in and make nn inbpection of goads and prices • PRICE & HOEFLIC II. Nov 23, ISM THi GREAT HAT & EMPORIUM OF THE CUM BERLPID] VALLEY, LOCATED AT CHAM3ERSBU3G, P.C,IN'A. -0 - S. L. DECI-lERT NI7 01T1,D inform his numerous friends rind cuS t ElWrs 111:11. 110 h 13 jest returned from the En. , t with an extensive assortment or Foreign and Domestic, Ladies Furs, embracing Hudson 13,iy, 11u-sit end !tirrik Saido, Gorman and American Fi•ch, rfidieritm Squirrel, Water and French Mink, dix., which he is offering it very low rates. EIS ASSORTMENT • ilrririAlTSL'inbCr3LlFlA - P.So nuagrafi eta Stote R. oa, cannot e: ~ua e,l is 4.4 t. C and examine hie t.tork, :t s• e n t . et. t:i.a111111'1.lill rg, PII. 1" , 1,, , ..11 of lio• 1.1 I) 1( AT, Alpacas, Mohair Reps A Ilwool Deluins Tweeds, Flannels Yarns, . Spoons Lo dies, Rico, Chocolate, 13.1g:zing. &e ~.' SEPT. 20TH 1866 A. B. it C. NEW rAL-L GOODS!! ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. Are ripwrecei•eing their SECOND ASSORTMENT la 'Sr V" C3l- 4=o 4C% 2:1 igi. . A full stock of Ladies' Dress Goods. DRESS TRINIMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, - DRESS CORD, ' - DE I.A r.s, TISSUES, loves, hosiery, Shakers, Swise Edge and losertiug„ All kinds of Nen MEM L',' CLOTHS, • CASSIME RES, ' BOOTS AND SHOES, cu,o V ES, COLIA-RS A ND HOSIERY', CT,OT HS, VESTINGS, TWEED ,4, CORD, JEANS, DENIMS Also a full stock of GROCERIES! FT TGAI2, COFFEE, SYRT,PS, TEAS, FISH, CIIEEBE, and all Linda f Grnerriva 141 il'e~itf~3lli , PiIIDWAD:. QUEENSW A R 1, .11111 D WARE QUEENS WA R IN 0770 NS. CARPET CHECK MATTING, PLAIN 31.1TTING, INGRAIN, STA IR, .11E1IP, .‘ We regretfully request our etroomerg wiAbing to buy or at n go id to callatt d examine mar ~tack ; knowing; th it ,r. lower now than they 11.1Ve been illr Joirlf• y, and be loving th - y will not be lower ler noine ti to come, we 1 4 e1 risqured we Cati•irive lion .NNTISEBbON, BENEDICT & sept 21, 1 • 60., r ' l 11F g ' ig int, and beautiful Catlett( g tor t=A teals. lib I for 10 cent- at flay 18 ME ems & 111 T E, Wow... 1) \V is the t ue b , l t Ic le+ 'rubs, Churns, Buckets, Knives and - Forks, Ta ble and Tea Spoons—Corry Combs, florae Cards, and Brushes, la.hite wash and shoe Brushes, Bath Brick, Syrup ; Molas,.es, ltin Coffee, Tobaccos, se gars, Teas, .'pi. es, Concentrated Lye, Ext. of Lo g wood. Corn March Ess. Coffee, Babbitt and Fancy Snap, - liern - sene andiTanner Oil, Pray;Salt, No I Extra Shore Mackerel, ‘Vhite Fish, Baker's No. I Chocko'ate, Tor, eke. The above stniik embraces nil the latest : s tyl e ,„; of goods, which have he. purchased with great earn and ty_iiikAllynod x -ty tastes of all. All we ask is a call and examination of our stock to convince those wistang to purchase that Ivo are enabled to sell ni; chrnp any__ltanse elsewhere,l tender my thanks to the community for their libcrnl patronage and hope to receive a contin uation of public patronage. 3. W. M. October .5, 1566. Anti n larg. supply of house furairhrogs goods at the sign of tlio "BIC; HUD IIWIN," ‘‘, ayneshore% ra„ 'where a large asciirtrnr.nt of Cook Stoves, Niiie Plate Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, &c., .4 the I itvet impr errkentm. the he.et 'in the:marltot I.) hp had nt lh cheat, Tin owl 'Stove st,ito•nt -1). B. A Ltr •e n-aortmrnt of Tinware of every de=cript•inn, !mac of thehe-t tiri iii thn matkrt and warranted, nt the rign of tiw B Rwsf.ll I“.epq c.,,..rintly on hand and fnr sale a a encrai as.ortnient of tho v,ry hest litr,, ;shin goods. t•ir. end fray , Nto f K''roAr)nr Oil, and a large ig4ortrnerit 011,n.rnp4 ill the latAL style arid improvement for sale , chap. WAISHRINC4 WADE EAST at thr eiv ) of t h e ~ BiG RBU IfoRN" an,l petting on,. thn Clothes Wrinrrs evor Per4onq iri tv Int , irgieirel linty:lre! (i r lwase fit generally, will di) well g nn D. sign of i',“!"111"; I2I",11 110 " Waynesboro', Pa. NEU' GlifiliS! lEW GUNS! QUEENS W.l R ILI RD WARE. HA DWA k NOTIONS, . 3. ELDE R' TT 11'1; .) I; reeeive.l their new stork of gn".l3 ilfor the fa.l and wint.tr trade, consi4ting of thits and Caps, Boots and :lints an 1 rail., a'cn fresh of Notions, ennststiog in p irt of Sus pcntre s, ts, Gent , ' 1 . ...— . and 1)0. inrstio lb se, G.ares, Necktie., Paper Uollivs,'lSnishes at a I kinds, Peilkinvos, Raz ,ra Pl000,g"a ph Arbon's, Portinonaies, Goth's Brier l'auls•ap rind. Loter .Pa per, 1: rovel• opos,,Feeelyi i'encos, pa,tai's Snap Two t and r•'al toe !Soaps.. ry an't tint fro , Is p‘t fp of rit t.usrvey'q I'loll%i-1i 13,m dolvisr •II oine, the gr• first beautili*r anti ` ,re - stun r t.;, if) are!) Ciwars and Sirtff, 'r Id, Llloll^, Nat , , Candies, T'app'ti r 'N.,' I %ALI:, v, Pnlimgh, v b.. , ,611114 and 131 U51 , ..1 • s, ill.l (AU.. Jew ray, togrlller wall AienUlll'S hold ?en& Sea - W a tehes,.Clocks;aid Jewelry Repaired Thankful for pest favors WS Solicit a continuance of Imola: patronage, reeling confident that our pooas cOrnoaro Ararat* with those of any "that Iturnre. et. J..41.1rE,N. 00. 5, 1u(36 QV 1 1, 1'8, Counterpanes, &c., at Memo & Hozetteet. a cake of line Soap, you must go to • h A DI ES' Morino ye;tsFit ---- "To Pitirl.: dctmett's: J W. MILLER'S ARRIVA.L FALL AND AVINC: returned from the Eustera cities jElwith a large and choice assortment of goods at reduced prices I ant prepared to ofrer much greater indueetnents than heretofore in price end quality. Our stock embraces Dry Goods, .fituteensliSire, Cc. dai.ware and Groceries. rJr3TsJE UMES3 Silks; all Wool Kopp, French Moainos,Saxotay Co burg, all Wool De[altars, Printed Deluines, A Ipac. can, Barathen, all Wool -Plaid, Poplin; Cloaking Cloths, Shawls, Breakfast Sharvl4,l3slmorals; Ging bloop Skirts, Collars, Ruin iTlg, Hosiery, A tnuro nelaines, Linen flilk'fs., embrnittered Brocade Mo hair, Kidd & Silk Gloves, eice.• roa, THE GENT'S, French Cloth, !Melt doe Skin Cat:Arne/es, Fan cy Cassiineres, Silk Vesting, Over Coaling, Union Cloth, Satinets, Jeans, Nleltons, Under Stlirts and Drawers, Buck a n d Ringwood Cloves, Berlin; (l lover, Sul)enders, Shirt-Frunts,Collani, Neckties, COL (Ste. uomEsTic GOODS: Furniture Cherk , t, Bed Zieking, fine Blenched fund Unbleached Tab's DiveTtfine I.lnert Bleached and Unbleached l'owling, Napkins, Bleach ed and Unbleached Muslina ' Sheeting 64 and 10.1 nankeer,Prints,Urnbrellna.rlartnelp, Matting., Matt ing, Ingrain and Rag Carpet, Oil Cloth, 4 4 and 6 4 Stair Oil Cloth, White and - Colored Blankets QUEENSWAIIE, GLASSWARE, CEDAR- WARE, 8 E S A N El TINWARE, TrwwA !L " Mal LS; MI Ci 01 . 231.. 7 7 Sep 2', I qr,r; Shoes, GOODS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers