VILLAGE 'CORD. ar k 4 ,a . • - FrMay; February 1, 1867. Ipo 117 WIL PlllSte.M . tar The following are our terms for subscription ai:vextising and job work, to which we will strictly adhere whilst the present "war prices" continue SUBSCRIPTION, rr Annum, if paid within the year, 41 after the year, ADVERTISING, 3'er Square of ten lines, three times, $1 50 ' 1 each subsequent insertion, , 35 eilminlatrator's and Executor's notices. Ow, 2.50 liberal deduction made to yearly advertisers. JOB WORK t4ilsrter-Sheet lIand•Bills, (25 to 30) . $2.00 Half " 4. 4 . 6 " 3.50 Whole " CI It 6.50 ErFor all job wink and local advertising terms Invariably cash. W. BLKIR, Editor and Pr ~,,m '_he eirtor's :bs_e_n_e_e Fe ve tal days this week Ail account for , abydeficien cies in this issue. TtlE LATEST FASIIIONS.—SitiCa the in vention a Fuccessful introduction of the Celebrate Duplex Elliptic [or double] Spring Hoop Skirt, by Mr J. W. %adly, of New York, the ladies throughout the coun try have given up t'3e idea of discarding the fashion of wearing hoop skirts on account of the peculiar and gra , ful manner in which the Duplex Skirts adapt themselves to every exigency and emergency.) So generally ao ceitable have these Skir6 become that the ladies regard then as a special favorite, ie veiw of the superior Flexibility, .Lightness and Duribility Combined in their Manufac ture. They also consider them a far more Economical and Comfortable Hoop Skirt than.ever has or can be made for all Crowd ed Assemblies, for the Promenade or House Preis. Any lady alter wearing one of these Skirts will never afterwards willingly dis, ‘ rentie with their use Long experience in _The manufacture of Iloop Skirts, has pr6ven to the proprietors of this invention,. i t i h:tSia• gle springs will always retuin that stiff, un bol.3. hric h characterised them, whereas the Double Bpring Hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will be lound free from these objections. Notwith. standing. 'the ability of the manufacturers, - —l l, les: , r3. — Wests, Brad'ey and Cary, to t ' nr °i gill Le ) _oat_over_six_thousand Skirts per day from their Large Manufactories in New Xork, the feel obli Wed to re nest all merchants or- Bering the Dup'ex Elliptic - Skirts, to send their orders a-few days before they are want ed, if possible, as they are most constantly orersold some days ahead. - 440-The bill amending the acts orgsnieng the several Territories and conferring suf frage therein without regard to race or col or, hes become a law without the President's approval. It was presented to him on the nth — in - stun and -- as-he-hras-not-- relfurned— . with his objections within the ten days al lowed by the Constitution, after it had been presented to'him, it has necessarily become a law in like manner as if he had signed it. The bill repealing the amnesty . and par don authority given to the President became a law in a similar way. TILE CROSI3t OPERA HOUSE DRAWING. —A Chicago . dispatch announces that the 2d, 3d and 9th prizes:ila the late drawing of gifts by the Crosby Opera house Associa• lion were drawn by U. 11. CrOsly. A special dispatch to.the New York Tri buiae goes further than the above, and says that Crosby holds the tickets for the three chief prizes after the first, and perhaps that also. Also that the Opera House to be deeded is not the whole building, as repre sented, but only the audience room in the inaccessible centre block. The Phrenological Journal for J-at,ul - 18(37, begins a New Volume, and con tains graphic Sketches and excellent Por traits of llistori, the Tragedienne: "Tom" Hughes, the great English Reformer and Author; "Father Prole," the great Journal ist, and others. ' Also, Education, by John Nea!; Two Carea . rs of Womanhood, illustra tt.d with Portraits of the Good and the Bad; Our neighbor, by Mrs, Willis; Ethnology or the Aboriginal Graphic Systems, by E, G Squier; The Heavenly Chronometers, and much other entertaining and instructive rca ding. ()Ay 20 cents, or S 2 - a year. Now is the time to subscribe Address, Fowler Wells, 389 Brordway, New York. ,The Nayor of Galveston appealed to General Sheridan, commanding the Depart teen t of the Gulf, to set aside Gen. G-riffin's order prohibiting a Rebel dtlimnstration over ) he remains of the late Gen. A. S. Johnston, and he Must have felt disappointed' in the answer he received. Sheridan informed d liim that he declined to grant his r i nest, and that he had "too much re the memory of the brave men wh died pre r•ervethe Government to authorize a Con federate demonstration over the remains of any' 'one who attempted to destroy it." jOn Friday last, Roe. Thomas Swann. was re-elected U. S. Senator by the Legisla ture of .Daryland, for six years from the 4th of March next. This event was accomplish._ ed, after many days of intriguing and trouble, 03 there was some law in the road. This was set aside however, by the management AO SwAn and his friends.. gar The Coustitntional Awe, dment pass w the Leeialtiture of hdiaue TLufeday last. .C.ONSTVUTIONAL CON VENTION.—ne Lily which pasic'ecl the House of Delegates of Ma ry Ind on FridaY - Ovening iaat to call a Sfate Convention to form a new CoEstitution, was amended in one important pakicular. - Hex cludes — all ministers of the Gospel or preach era ot any denomination and States attorneys from being members of' said Convention. Pir Gov. Morton, of Indiana, has been e lected U. S. Senator; from that State, and has resigned his office of Governor into the bands of Lieut. Governor Baker, who is now flovernor of Inikiana. ggt„The act relating to the appointment of Pension Agents, as finally passed by Con gress, removes' ll the agents appointed by the President since the Ist of July last. • WO - N. P. Willis, the poet and author, died at his residence at Idlewild, on the banks — the Hudson, 6n — th - e'2l:qtrinst Ile ha been in ill health for several years. RtWOu Thursday last, the Senate rejected the nominations of Wm. F. Johnson, as 4• lector of Customs,.and Joseph R. Flanigan, as ii.a4al Officer, at Philadelphia. gee,A.b( ut thirty ladies of Greenfield, Ohio, sometime ago, went to a liquor dealer's store and destroyed all his stock of liquors. He brought suit against them, and last week recovered a verdict of ISQ3 - In the Virginia Legislature last week a resolution was adopted to tax bachelors for the support of widows • and old maids left without protection by the war. LOCAL MATTERS. SALE REGISTRY —The public sake ad• vertised through the columns of the Record will come off as follows: Geo. Fourthman, Saturday, Pebruary 2. Thomas Glaybaugh, Saturday, February 2 Jacob Deardorff, Tuesday, February 5. Jan Heller, Thursday, 'February 7. L. Schildlinecht, Saturday, February 9. David & John Newconier,Monday Feb. H John Lemher, Wednesday, February 13. enry ar zma , 1. -,-- 13enj. F. Stewart, Monday, February 18 Samuel Daywalt, Wednesday, Feb. 20. John Lantz, Jr., Friday, February 22. INTERESTING —An interesting little story tvtrud-00--first-png©. M—On Saturday last Wm. T. Ilamiltoo, Esq , was elected President of the town-Bunk are —Coasidemble quantiti.s of wood are'being brought to town on aleds,and meet. nith a rei.dy demand. • Sou) —The Buena Vista Spring property has been sold to V. B. Gilbert the present e,entle•nanly "host" across the way. Price '82,860. LICENSES.—The Court last week granted a Yotel licenke Prientzer of Ton:Mown, and a restaurant license to John Melly, of Quincy. SOLD - 1, On Saturday last Mr. V. B. Gil bert disposed of the Waynesboro' Hotel pro. perty to Jacob J. Miller, of this vicinity, for the sum of $(1,600, SALE —Speccial attention is ..iii rectod to the public sale of valuable person: al property by Mr. John Lantz, Jr., of Quin cy, in another colmmn. CROSBY LOTTERY..--On Saturday Intl - V. II Crosby bought the Opera House of A. H Lee, au! lucky ticket holder in the late lottery for the sum of $200,000. NEWSPAPER CIIANGE.*E F. Chureh, E , q., has disposed of his interest in the of fice of the Hagerstown Herald and Torch to Messrs. Mittag ik, Sneary, former proprie tors of the office. G c;;LIY.—D L Ditch and Thaddeus Cook, arrested near this place sometime since on the charge of larceny, were last week tried by the Court,. found ' guilty, and sentenced to imprisonment in the .County Jail for one month, pay a fine of one dollar . and cost of prosecution. QUIET,—The town for smile days past has assumed a very quiet appearance owing in g rod part, we suppose, to the abscence or an unusually large number of our fellow citizens attending Court. IMPOSTEIL-A fellow went about town the other day soliciting aid saying that he had lost an arm, and with empty coat sleeve hanging down gave plausibility to his "tale of woe." An examination was made by a med• ical gentleman which revealed the fact that the missing arm was still there concealed by hie under clothing. NYINTEIt FISHINCL—We learn thut a peti tion has been extensively circulated though this township praying the Legislature to pass a law prohibiting fishing in our creeks du ring the winter season. DISGRACEFUL.- We witnessed a few days ago a woman tottering down Main street in a beastly state of intoxication. From her ap pearance we presume she belongs to the 'herd of vagrants ;vho roam through the country subsisting on the charities of the liberal and kind kearted country people No doubt this woman begged the money she got drunk on for her starving family. The widow of the Rev.. Mr. fkrton, who was killed in the riots in New Oilcans last July, is in that city trying to bring suit a gainst the city, but al.l the lawyers there de cliuc to assist her. - S.wwisu UY.— Wu suppose our readers genera* F lAve been housed up pretty much for a few days. We have had no Pastern Mails (up to the time of writing) since Sat urday. It took all day „Monday for the Pas senger train to "drag its slow length along" over- tbe Franklin It It from Hagerstown to Chambersburg. The contents of the , mail bags have been light. On Monday evening seven letters reached this place. It is more pleasant to read than experience:. ..surge the drirta—the ilm bough nevem Grerdting at the homestead window, All the watk6 , nights and days." However, we are not in quite so bad 'a fix as our cotemporary of the Somerset llerald, who says:—"All the avenues of approach to oar 'mountain town are closed up by piles up on piles of old and new of crusted and 'driven snow. It took the Sheriff three hours to go a mile and a half on horseback, and afti6 es had - to - get - elf - ttud - trarnp a roa or is oree. * * T ... ye regular depth of the snow is over three feet, averaging from inch to 25 feet and upwards." There havo been sordo accidents on the Railroads, one or two on the Cumberland Valley, the particulars of which we have not learned, save that on Monday five Railroad employees -were injured at 'or near Carlisle, one of them having a limb oat off, and two badly scalded. If any of our friends intend to go travel ing we give them Paddy's advice, "to start a week before they lave home." . • FIRE —An extensive fire ocourred in Ha gerstown on Sunday night last, consuming the Eagle Hotel on the corner of the public square, formerly occupied by Mr. J ohn Fish er, and the brick building djoining it, which atit2coupied by John .Pwarts and Fell heinTer & Ilro on the first floor as clothing stores, and on the second floor by the Mail printing office The fire originated beneath the bar-room of Mr. Lewis S Fisher, where a quantity of, coal, shavings and kindling wood was stored. .Fire was communicated to these combustables it is supposed in some careless way from the light carried by color e servan s. se Ileffli" says:— The Eagle Hotel is the property of Mr Wm. Heyser, and was insured in the Mutual Insurance Company for $4500. Mr Lewis S. Fisher' was not insured and sustained'a loss of about $l5OOl He had also two watches burned and about two hundred dot. _lars_in cash. _ Messrs _Snively_&±{.lo ~ drug, gist were insured in the Mutual for $1750 and in two Philadelphia Companies for $2250. =..111. - N ner - hard ware - a djoi ei-ho tel in West Washington Street was not in sured, but suffered a loss of about $5OO in removal of goods : Mr. Samuel Show lessee of the Eagle Hotel, we regret, was not insur ed and, therefore, his loss is very heavy The proprietors of the Mail had their was insured for $2500. Mr Joh n Swartz was in• surd for $3OOO, and only loses by removal of gonds.—MessrEt. Fellheimer & Bro. was insured in a Hartford, Conn. Co.—amount unknown. The building .occupied by the Mail Office, Mr. J. S.• Swartz and Fellheim• er & Bro. is the property of George Fechtig, Esq , and .was insured in the Mutual for $2OOO, On North Potomac St , Mr. Wm. F. Orndof, clothier, Messrs. Robinson and Coterell, shoe dealers, Mr. Jacob A. Wright Dry Goods, and Messrs. Wright & Bender, Clothiers, sustained slight loss in the remov al of goods from their stores. To G UNNERI3.—The gunning season being now past, any person killing a partridge ,rab bit, Ltc, subjects himse't' to a fine of five Dol lars for each one killed, Our sportsmen should see that the requirements of the law are fully complied with and carried out, 12r The house and lot belonging to Peter Fitz, on Leitereburg Street, tvaa.sold on Sat. urday lag for MO. Purchaser, J. R. Sel• lers. Last Friday night three robber entered the house of Fletcher Willis, in Clark county Indiana, and demanded liis mot,ey. Willis refusing, they took off his shoes and stock. ings, and held his feet to the fire until he• told them where the money ($250,) was. His feet were shockingly burned. Jas. Smith, whose wife was killed on the 30th of August, 1861, inTaltimore, through the carelessness of the employees of the B &0. It. R Company, has just obtained a verdict of $2,000, in the Superior Coact, a gainst the company. The East Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, meets in Fred erick city in March next. The Conferelice is composed of about 250 members, A POINT WELL PUT.—The New York Post, commenting on the Veto Message, says: 'The President insists in this ease that Congress should respect the will of the peo ple of the District of Columbia; and it will occur to many persons as singular that he does not himself respect the will of the peo• . ple expressed in the late elections: Victor Wright, of Middlcbury, Vt., fold twelve ewes to a western purchaser for $l2 000—one thousand dollars each; Edwin Stowel, of the same place, sold a ram lamb for .V,000; and E. Hammond sold a ram lamb for $l, 000; another gentleman sold a yearling ram for $l,OOO, which he prate. sod a year ago for $l5O. Gen Grant has announced his intention to visit Europe this year, and will probably sail in April next, with his entire family. A • mother, and her two daughters wire married at the same time, and in the same church, at Laporte, Indiana, last week. The number of colored children now at. rending the colored schools in Washington county, Md., is 364. The Methodist 'Book Concern' hos, be tween twenty and thirty cylinder pres.zes con.dantly at work. Governor Cex. of (Ytin, Itru= devlino , l to l'e Ei e.tit).l.l4:i. Jo. rcuvu,i ,tivu to li i . • ilfiL.t.t 'SPECIAL NOT ICES. 10710,000 EURS WAN'IsE'D. We will pay the highest price in cash far any number of FURS, such as Mink Skins, Otter, Rod Fox, Grey Fox, Raccoon, Opossum, Wild Cat, House Cat and Muskrat Furs. Alt the above Furs nie onunanding a good price nt I•PIJEGRAFF'S Hnt,,Fur and Glove Fnctory, Opposite Washington 'ionic. Hagerstown Jan. 14, FALL ANI) WINTER STY-NE OF HATS AND PAPS FOIL 1866. We have now rea•'y our Full Stock of lIATS and CAPS, embracing all the t.tyles, Shapes, Colors, &c., popular to the trade Cur Men and Boy's.— •ANES, UMBRELLAS, POCKET BOOKS, • RT MONIES, FLAGS, &c., &c., at UPDEGRAFF'S Hat, Fur and Glove Manufactory. Hagerstown, November 2. 1866. OPWINTER OF 1866 —IIUFFALO ROBES, FUR GLOVES, FUR COUARS, I3n¢gq tknd Sleigh Blankete, at Het, Glove and Fur Factory. Opposite Washing ton House. Hagtirstown,,_Nov_ember 2, I gag _ . ERBOR4 OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Ner il yens Debility, Prematute Decay. _and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, willTx fof the sake of suffering humanity. Feud free to all wlp_k need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. .Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers experiencs, can do so by addressing JOHN 13. OLDEN, Dec.l4 - -3ni.] No. 13 Uhanibers st ,N. Y I Itcal. I it ob. I' SCRATCH ! tAcRATco ! SCR ITU" ! WHEATO44'S OINTMENT Will Cure thetchin 48 flours. Also cures SALT RIIEUM, ULCERS, CHU, !IL A.INS, and all ERUPTIONS OF TIU SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POT PER; Solo Agents, 170 Washington street,lloston,it will be for warded by mail, tree of postage, !o any pelt of the United States. June B—ly. tiferGLO VE MANUFACTORY 1 GLOVE MA NUF'ACTOR ! ! UPBEGRAFF'S keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order GLOVES of all descriptions, they have all sizes and colors of Kid Gloves, Buck, Goat, Sheep, Cloth, Woolen and Cotton Gloves. GLOVE FACTORY, Opposite Washington House. 'Hagerstown, November 2, 1866. EPLADIES FURS !- LADIES-F LADIES FURS !• Comprising f: AP ES, C3LLARS, DEnTHAs, CUFFS, MUFFS, HOODS, FUR TILIMAIII\GS, &C., &C., a complete Stock, embracing all the -- Ctrde, are n. a , t UPI►.EGRAFF'B Hat, Fur sTnlGlove Factory, Opposite Washington Itottae L' .43.1-01'.A.M1.. om/he 23d ult., in the German Reformed _Chuich at Blut , msburg,, Pa.. by the Rev. L. C. Sheip, 11.1 r. MA_RRION - ElAXS — iit - Mr= cersburg, Pa., and Miss LIZZIE FUNK of -11agerstovm,_111d On by Rev. - 1L Sto — nehouie ' Mr. NOAH V DOUR, to Miss EVE ANN 1911OCKY, both of Frederick county, 3ld. On the 24th ult., near Williainsport, Md , by the Rev. David Long, Mr. DAVID LONG, to M'se SUE E. ROYER. formerly of the vicinity of Waynesboro. OfrA one dollar "greenback" accompani ed the above notice, for, which the happy groom and hie fair partner have the printer's thanks and his best wishes for their happi ness and prosperity iu the future. May the joys of Hymen attend all such. On the 20th ult., near Mereerbburg, M.ARGRET PITMAN, in the 71st year of. her ege. Fell asleep in .L:iirdzvillo, Tqcoming coun ty, Pa January 22d, MINN - 114'4, daughter of Rev. P. and M. L. Beekner, aged 6 months altd 23 davy. "From adverse blast and 11.ow'ring storms,f Iler favorite soul he bore: And with yon !right Angelic forms, She lives to die no more." .0 31C.ALt1.12T-IM'I',S. PIIILADELPIIIA MARKETT, Monday, Jan.. nary 28, 1807 —Tho Flour market was de• cidcdly dull to-day but prices remain with'. out essential change. There was no demand except from the consumers, who purchased principally of the better grades of spring and winter wheat, which are in limited supply A few hundred barrels were taken at 88(14)8 75 bbl for superfine; $9(a)10 50 far extras; $11@1275 for common and choice North west extra family, $12@14 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do.,,and $l4 50@17 for fancy brands, according to quality Eye Flour comes forward s owly, and in moderate re quest at $7 25 1 - 1 bbl. Nothing doing in 'Corn Neal, and prices are nominal. The market Is almost bare of Wheat, and prime lots are in good demand at full price's; but the offerings are very small. In the ab. sence of sale-; we quote Pennsylraria red at $2 75@3 15; Southern do. at 83 10@3 and white at 83 20@3 40. Rye is selling• in a small way at $1 35@1 37 V bash. for Western and Pennsylvania. Corn is scarce and quiet; sales 6,000 Such. new 3ellow at 98@$1 for Pennsylvania; any $1 fur South ern, including 2,000 bush white at $1 Oats—There is no improvement to eotiee; sales at 57(3)58e. No transactions were: re ported in either Barley or Malt.' VALUABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. rr E so' , scriber ntfers at Privite solo his rain , ' bie prprrty, tlituated on Main!, kn iwn ns the “Waynesboro” Brewery,' lneluding ['welling notion, good Stablng, Fur tering, kc. app'y to jan 18- nr.n. routuritlf IN. Apples Wanted. selmeriber mill pay tl:e lOgitost cast pr'eo for elluteo Apples 'Jan• 11—tf. BE NJ F. wrEWART DR. D. A. STOUFFER, ENTIST, GREENCASTLE,- PA. fr EETH extract without pain. Office in Clip ,_l penger's building, early opp wito )- 44, whore ho will attend to Dentistry wift Care nit( attention. Old Gold and :liver plater: taken in part pay fur now ones. T4oth inserted from n vino, tooth to if Wed, in ureti for ono yonn. j•an is— 11. TE rubsetiher will offer at Public Sale , on Fri day the 22d day of February, at his residence, in sight of Quirtey, the - following - valuable personal property, to MT: 7 HEAD HORSES two of wt.ich are colts, I rising three years and one six months old, two ,area, heavy with foal; 13 HEAD or CATTLE, three of them good Mild) CI , WB, all of which will be feed' about the time of Palo, one fine 12 Head of Hogs, one of them fat; 18 Head of Fit e Sleep; 1 Road Wagon with bed and hntvs, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 new Feed Trough, Ii new Trotting Bug- KY. . 1 ' oiling Screen, 1 Cutting Box, 1 pair Wood Lad ere,2 pair "Hay Ladders, 2 three horse Plow. I bar row, 2 single and 11 double shovel P'ows, 2 trebbh& treeg, sixth chain; double and single trees, log_ UTDEGRAFP'S c sins, cow c rains; 1 crowbar, 1 mattock, 2 exits, 1 II fixing trough and chop chest, I set Breechbands. •ts Front Gears, 3 sets Plow Gears. 6 BJlnd Bri dles, 6 Collars and Housens, I Side Saddle, good as new; 6 Halters and. chains; fly nets, rakes and forks, dung forks, a lot Ttmothy and Cloverseed, 1 spread for 2 horses; e01?...N 13y • THE BARREL; 80 . acres, More or less, • . also 2 barrels Vinegar, 2 Meat vessels, 1 set now Chairs, 2 Bedsteads, 1 large Rocking Chair, 1 large new Dining I able, 1 Settee, I Ten-plate . Stove and pipe. 1 frocking Cradle. 2 Spinning Wheels, 1 barrel cut and dry Tobacco and-many—other—sr tides too numerous to mention. Sale,to commence at 9 o'clrck on said day open a credit of 10 months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwasids by J. W. Bradley's celebrated Patent THE wonderful flexibility and grearcomfoAt and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex.Eliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded. As.enthlics. Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars Church Pews, Arm Choirs, for Promenade and Houve Dress, as the Skirt can be folded - when in use to ocrupv-a small place as easily and conveni-'- ently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invalriab:e qua! ity in crin.,linc; not found. in any 'Single Spring Skirt. t",“L _ h 'F.44.4-yed—the—F-tert 313 reGurtrfn, and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex E liptie Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense with the . r use. For Children. Missrs and Young Ladies they are supe rior to - all others . They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown midi: as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twisted Ihread, and the bottom Maki are not only double springs, but twice (1r double) ,covered; preventing them trom wearing' out when -ranging do w-n- et olyystairs&c. - . - The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite tNith ladies 2ndis universally recommended by the, Faah• ion IVlng:lzlnt's as the STANDAIID SSIRT OF Tits IPAqII lONABLE NVIcI.I). To rnjoy the following inestirivible advantage in Crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect marinfac tore, ritylish'shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic. or Douhle Spring Skirt, and be sure you get th genuire article. • CAUTIOt guard against turosiruor be patient :twice that skirts offered as "nver.rx" have the red ink stamp, viz., "J. W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," open the waistband— none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) spring! braided together thereinywhich is the starct td their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. " FOR SALE in all stores where FIRST CLARA skirts are sold throughout the Unite d States and else- Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, PiESTS, BRADLEY 46 CARY, - 97 Chamber Si, 79 It 81 Reade Sts., F. 1.. t--3m•l PERSONAL raw , ZIR TT be sohl nt Public Sale nt thn lit o I &nen of Solomon Newcomer, deed, about 2 miles South Of Waynesboro' and about I mile North of Hinge. , MONDAY the lith tf FE BRUAR Y, 1867, the following property, viz: 4 4 1 1 -; 12 11E1D OF HORSES, PiX of±which-nre-work 110)84, 1 throe year old Colt 1 two yoor and 4 Yearlino; 14 Head Cattle, among which are six mitch cows, the balance young cattle; among which are 2 fit hogs and 2 large brood sows; TWO PLANTATION WAGON'S, 3-inch trea I, one nearly new; 1 "print; Wagon and 1 two-horse Wagon, l•pair Hay Ladders, I pair Hay Carriages nearly new; 1 Woo I Bed. 3 Barshear Plows, two of which arc three horse nearly new; 2 Harrows, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, trebble, double and single trees, 2 log chains, 1 fifth chain- 1 spreader. T jackscrew, I Sprieg"rooth e Hay ftsk: intore4 in Separator, Geiser se.Patent; 1 Rolling rtereen, 1 Crosscut Saw; i Grindstone, I Hay Fork with rope and pulleys, all complete; 2 sets Breech bands 4 sits Front ('ears, 5 sets Plow Gears. 5 flv• nets, 5 llousens, 6 Blind Bridles, 8 Collars, 2 sets Iluggy Harness, one new: 6 Halters end Chains, a lot cow chains, a lot lines, 1 Riding Saddle, one Wagon saddle, 2 riding bridles, 2 large meat ves sels, a lot of axes, maul nod wjdges,n lot ea winter tools. 2 Grain Cradles ; 4 mowing scythes, lot Bacon and Lard, Apebutter by the crock, Clovers..ed by the bushel, nary by the ton, Corntalder by the load, Corn by the Barrel; Bye, Wheat and Oats by the Buslid, Potatoes by the bushel. Vinegar by the barrel; also household and kitchen furniture, viz: 1 Seer. tnry, 1 comer Cup' oar% 3 Bedsteads. a lot of Bedding. 1 doz. chairs. 1 Cook stove and fixture); 2 ten-plate stores and pipe, 2 tables, 1 large kitchen hide, I ~hot gun. 1 eight ihif clock, 1 slier R•ateh n lot carpet, straw nvittress by the yard, a lot grain bags, GO acres, more or leas, and miny ether arti2les not necessary to mention Sate to commence a , 9 Wein( k on said day. ✓a CON DITIONS u F Sll.E:—On s II sums of $5 and upwards a credit of Fix mcntbs wi!l he given by the perchlser giving his note with approved se curity; tor all sums un ler $5 th,1,..e,j15,h will be re +tired. No goods to be remnveil &Mil settled for. DAVID NEWCOMER, JiHN N. .N E W UOM E R. 0. V. Most, Amt. 0 5 s 4 E LE; R.I • I'ED i,EATH LIR &r sale at the sr .t ittxzEN.l/4. PI):AU 1 McCormick Re4)er, GRAIN IN THE GROUND, JOHN LANTZ, Jr. G. V. MONS, A uct Feb I—te.] LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND 11UPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oft DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE 16 11E.IID HOGS, :-P.V-1 GRAIN 1N THE GROUND, PUBLIC SALE, TIIE subscriher Intending to discontinue ferm ing, will self at Public sale, at his residence, near Price's Church, on the road. leading Irons Waynesboro' to Chambersburg, 2 miles from the former-placr, on Friday the 15th day of February, 1E367 / , the following,person4l property, to wit: 6 WORK HORSE'S, TWO OF THEM FINE LEADERS; 12 Head of Horn Cattle, five of which-are Mitch Co*,s two will lie frock by day of sale, one fine Bull, (Devon breed) waace 1,1(9d0. 40 one of them an extra 'l4ood sow; :12 HEA Di COTSWOLD SHEEP; 2 kelanta,tion Wagons, (bromitread) 1 Wagen_,_L_Spring-W-egen ur one or two horeep, 1 Rockaway Buggy, I Bee ket Sleigh, 1 Wood Hod; 2 pair' Hay Lathers, ono NEW REAPER AND MOWER. Buckeye and Obb'Compined, 1 Grain Spring Drill, 1 Spring Rake, 1 Windmill, 2 three-horse anti L. two-horse-Plows, 3 double and single Shovel PI ms, 2 Harrows, L Cutting Box, 2 Wheelbarrow, trsbble ' double and single trees, I I pair spreaders, fifth chain. and ;spreader, 2 log chains, butt, breast and cow chains, 2 seta Breech bands, 4 sets Front_ Gears, with new traces, (Pur ley's maks),s Housims, 6 Fltneta. 6 sets Plow Gears, bridles and eollitis, 1 wagon saddle, 2.riding saddles. I side saddle, I. wagon whip, 2 riding bri d'es, 1 six horse Hoe, L tour horse line, 1 pair check Ibms, I set good. Harness, 6 head halters and chains 1 string sleigh hells, a lot good bags, I good grind stone, 2 grain shovels, ;flaking', dung and pitch forks, grain cradles, mowing scythes, rakes, hoes, chop chL at and mixing trough, 3 long' ladders, ono barrel tar, 2 bu baskets, half bu, measure, a lot of old iron, &c. SIXTY ACRES: GRAIN in the GROUND. Also Household and Kitchen Furniture-1 Cook. Stove and Ilittire, 2 Tables, 3 Bedsteads and Bed ding. I safe, 1 sink, I set chairs, 24 a ,yda carpet, 1. iron kett/e, t, sausage cutter, meat vessel;, meat bench, cider barrels, applebutter by the crock, tube, buckets, crocks, and many other articles:leo numer ous to mention. s n i n to commence et 9 o'clock on said day when, a credit of Nino Months will be given on all sums of Ten Dollars and upwards, EINRY STA 12TZVIAN. 0 V. Nl,Gsa, Aug. jqn 25-3t] PUBLIC SAM-- rrillE subscriber intending to quit firming, Iv:11 sell at. Public .`....taio,ion the (ann of John Bono brake, deed, 2 miles East of Waynnaboro', on Wed noniny the 201 h day of February 1867, the follow ing valuable pipotty, ro wit : mrin.A. - mo ) ,410 DRAFT HORSES I ono-year and 2 'two year old Colts, ane fine Fen ily Mare with flat; 20 HEAD CATTLE, six of which am Mitch Cows. 3 will be fr:th by the day of sale, 2 Put n, 2 extra Calvtstl 11 H E A 13- 80 UTHDOWNSHEEP ; 27 Hea,d of Hogs, two of wbitli are Brooik-Bows-with - plgs ; 2 PI_A-N-T-ATION WAGONS one four-inch tread, nearly new; I Spring Wsgon, 1 Sleigh and Dells, I Grain Drill, (Troxel's make). I Spring-Tooth Rake, 1 Wheat Far, Itioiring Screen, 1 pair Wood ['adders, 2 pair Hay Carriages 2 Brushear Plows, I single and 2 double Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows, a lot trebble, double and - single tree, 2 sets dung boards, I SET TOOL'S (loo(1)1 lot old iron, spreadrrs, stretchers and fifth chain, I log chain forks, rakes, shovels, 2 sets of lireeehbands, 3 sets Front (leant, Plow Gears, llotm.rtm, Fly -nets, Lines, Collars, Bridles, Halters an] cow chains, 2 [lives Bees and 2 Palaces, one Dinner Bell, 75 BARRELS CORN, 7 TONS TIMOTHY HAY ; a lot F'4ll,ler, 100 Bandloi Rye Straw; SIXTY ACRES GRAIN LN THE GROUN ; 5'2 ft inch !lore; also Household Furniture— one Cook etove find Drum, I twenty four hour Clock, I corner cupboard, I set chairs and rocker, Tables, 3 sets venit , an blinds, I Rifle, Johnston's make; meat vessels, barrels, &e., L large chop chest and mixing box, and many other articles too 1p Anne/emus to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on sail day when: the teams wilt be ina lo known SAMUE , I. DAYIVA LT. V. Aloga, Anct j in 25-!s] PUBLIC SALE! THE subs-rilrr intending to leave NV ayneshoro', will , sell at Put is Sale, at his residence on East Alain Street, on ~,SATURDAV THE 9111 DAY OF FRIOteARY next, the following persorml property, to wit: 4 Bedsteads, 1 doz Choirs, I Desk, 1 BUREAU, 2 TABLES, I crib, I mash 6trincl,., I racking chair, 1 sink. two clocks, I o,tir chest, I iron kettle, I meat bench, a lot barrels; 2 STOVES, one cook with fixtures, one ten plate and one ihnin; cook. Also 2 sets LACKSMITH TOOLS : 1 'lire bender, 1 box mandrel., 1 jackscrew, I C; in !- stone, 60 pair wigs, 4 .ledges, 6 scrowplates,right and left; 9. shcwlng boxes with tools, 2 SETS DRILL TOOLS, 2 Pearth Irons, I large Vi'e, 24 jockey sticks iron ed, 3 sets tongue chains for Plantation Wagons, 4 set , ' stage chants, 1 set t ire tools, 1 wheel Buck, shop desk and slat, a, I whcelturrow, t Portehle Shop Furnace, 1 26' foot ladder, 1 set of Harrow teeth, a lot plow p)ints, part of set irons fur wagon, 3 hoes, '2 liitl ax's, a lot clips and hooks for sin gle and .Inutile trees, one breast drill, 1 pair slop stales, I Lad:c ;Mandrel; ONE TROTTING BUGGY, 1 new spring wagon, a lot chains; about 5700 joint shingies, c a lot old iron and other articles not ne cessary to mention. commence at :0 o'clock on said day wh:,n a credit of 8 months wiil be given on all sums Of :$5 an•l upwards. L. 8 Clll P.I)KN ECM'. Jan. *2s ti.J G. V. Motto, A u:t, N 0 T - I C E • LETI'ERS,of Administration on the estate of Solonton Newcomer, late of W iington town ship, dec'd, having deer' duly nted to the under signed, they hereby notify all persons , naving claims against said decenred, to present them, and all per sits indebted to him to mike payment without de llo. DAVID N i:wcoNmit, JO lIN N. N E WCONIER J al 25,- W HER': alit' (irsy Wool illanhias at `t3 Palo: & IlouLL:11.s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers