Newest, test, Cheapest CLOTHING, 'X'3EXM CsClll:3Tarrinr 1 CEORCE BENDER ear Has reeent e l opene3 up an entire new stock of . AND SUMMER All of which has been obtained from the LIM ly celebrated house df A. JARRETT, 13al timoro. Every article sold ip WARRANTED to he of the best custom make, and the material just what it is represented to be. A full rosortmcnt cf GENTS' FURNISMNG a ways on land, such as Under ehrthing - .. - Cloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. All we ask is, that you give uit one trial, and you will always buy,-for-remembei we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the latest stale. GEt). RENDER. May 4 Iyl ,Waynesboro', _ _ ANTIETIN AV o o-r-k-i-n - g a n StaSklinTilVita- ESTABLISHMENT AND• MILLS CITILL continuing the manufacturing of all C ... lkoala ot Butlihng — Mater , c. as SAS 11 Doors, Shutters, Blinds, FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frames, FLOORING, &C. &C PAN _Mk_ WAT . 311 ,1N166T 41101i er137 mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell on as equitable terms as possible, considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to ills subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 iniles b. utheast of Wayncsbor,, , April 1, 1854, AT THE "BUN Mitt' Nv - ELSII lies just riTeivea a full sisortment of t;ooirs. in his line of business. His stock . . cne..t,ts in part, of7al the latutt styles of men's and -SANDO&PS, Yen's, Women's, M!sse's, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, rq , ,l Slippers of every depc , iption. Ladies - and uses • IM CD 411 - 7 3 13onnet. Frames, Trinuninva, Sundowns and Hats. "Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Mir rods, Hasiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbetellas. fans, 131srl: and Miscanneoua Rooks,Station._ or! of all kinds; Notions and Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as ttio clieq pest June I— tf J. R. E THE PHEENAKOSMIAN INSTITUTE, .4 Select einssAal School for poinig Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green Castle, Pa. - J. MONG HUGHES, A. El. Principal. Fall and Winter Session will commence Sep. 3. 1866. - 'l' Li I 1' I 0 N . For Primary - . course per term of 20 Weeks sci,oo Advanced English course " 10,00 • - Classical CoONO •4 e 15 00 Music on Pirollo, Organ or Guitsr 21 Lep ineiudine use of , instrumente 12 50 Vocal Nlusic per session • 5,00 floaril con be secured with the Principal or in private families. tgrSenil fur a Circular. Aug 3 tf. • USEFUL FOR ALL • TIME Grover & Baker Sewing Machines of air ferent kinds. both family and lock stitch, at va rious_ratces and for the different kinds of work, viz: 'Tailors, Saddlers, arid Coach Makers, and for tam sewing genenally, are kept constantly on hand told for sale ut my room next dour to Stoner'; Drug store, where an operator will at ad times show how tile work is d me. navi: g obtained the agency fox wart of Franklin Co , Pa., also Washington, Fred- Orlek and AI legh , ny counties in Md , 1 not pri pa red to furnish machines in any of these counties. May il--stn HENRY BELL BVSJ• VDANI7.. H. D IRS FRANTZ & SKIVE LY having associa 'red •hr , ncelves in the practice of Medicine and t•ttigery An to that they are well prepared to tient at metrical and surgical eases. Persons i n debhd t.toither of the above wjhlplense make early settlen ent to the time of their ersociatiod, ajg tin h to close their old books. (Mice in 1)r. Frantz resident e in the room for. tar t ly occupied as a store room by Mr. /, Beaver. A mil 4—tf. BARBERING ! BABBBING 1 rrifiE subscriber would inform his customers and I the public generally that he purposes email,- Nine. the Unrbering business, next door to the Nu% 6,ocery, having purchased the interest of C. C. 1;1103:nal in the Shop and is now prepared to do hair sot itg, shaving, shatnpof•ning. etc., in the hest sly o. The put.r.nage o. the pehlie is respeettudy colicited. WM. A March 113(.6. 101( bIiASON —We are in retufur re _ ceopt. on ceery Friday afterhoon of FRESH FISH AM) OYSTERS, ill 9rultd comiiiion and of beet qualities. and sold apt -host polits. Orders respevttully solicited from h11:31 A III? ANT men for oysters and other goods in their tine, wLich will be filled promptly and sat- •:lacy" Sweet Potatoes on hand and for sale thri.ueout iho season, Oct. 19. 186'. " HOSTETTER, REID & CO. STATES UNION HOTEL OPPOSITE THE Leh. Valley & Pennsylvania 11.:11. Depots, SURGE PA W. R KREPS, Proprietor, wor to 1.. B. Kurtz. Ivey. 9, 18611 !nu . NFs Ac, 1, HI I'ESH EW. C.lttrabertibu rg 111'. %re fr , in I2i up. Oat. 12,--tt. For, fattenin . g cattle they are invaluable. In all 'Dawes to which the Hog is subject, as Ulcers in tl;e — liiiwam.l -- I;iver-,-ctewe-guarantee their cffi ciency, if once fairly ' It is extensively used in many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and Itficaeinus remedies, the proprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. ( in lA'aynqsboro' by P. FOTJRTIIMAN, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Prepared by _W. D. Bell, Apothecary, (Graduate of Philidelptia College of Pharmacy ) Hagen:town, April 20-Iy._ hu that are, wanting the beat •aasortmeat of 40cacsam.laag IBlticrur - 4eEo, is in il.e market Will do Hell by calling to. W. .4 TIN AND STOVE STORE. The-e yen will find the LARGEST stock of stoves . and Tin-war- in Weyneshoro% The subscriber tenders to the community his thanks for past patronage and hopes for a continu ation of the same. Oa II and hear what induce ments he off rs t'r you to invest, for in your deal ings with him 'you will be de:llth with a ith mantle fi•idlad-stoek-fif D. F. GOOD. 13-riffs an de,sr - ri - er Di - pp - mi Brass Daller' Sheet-iron ware, Iron Wash Kettles, Iron Bread Pans, Brass Kettles, &a All kinds of Copp;r work done and replire made. You r.ill find an , ong his stuck of stoves those, spier,. ud Cook Stoves, t%ie Niagara and Combination They hvve an extra larae oven, extended fire-box, taking a long stick of wood, square top, g.orrii — draft, and in all good Haters. In fact just the stove a good honscdivi per wishes. Don% forget to call and examine his stock. It will pay. . _ T ri GNAT Hats, Shoes; Trunks and etocks, Tobacco, &gars, Candies, 4-e, ccx , LEAST 3a BEAVER, The founder of this en. terprive in Waynesboro', A. 1). 1851, has ngn in fit ted up a new room. The shelves and drawers are filled with an entire new stock of the latest style.— Fa, is are stubborn things and selling superior and cheap goods for so IllrlilV years has sati.lied the citi zens of Waynesboro'. and the community in gener. al, "that some things can be done as well as tth yrs," and notwithstanding the prophecies end kind wishes of my heightns, the house still stands, with the original motto stilt floating o'er 'it, and not a sin gle star erneed. Come then old and new friends and buy from .1 Deaver Remember his place on the east corner of the square, next door to Mullen's Hotel and Dr. Oel lies oltice• EINaY 31C 13s~, I. N. RNIVELY, 1%. D MITE subseriber woulil inform his pntrons and the public generally that he has recently large ly tnere.lsol his •Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either EOM AEll tt, at the shortest notice, all •I'‘,l hours, Persons desiring Horses or Pug gies, for riding or driving, would:dowell In give him n call, as his stock has been selected with great care ns regards gentleness and fast trav eling. Hi,. vehicles ALL NfTV, fashionable, and ride easy, having been bought with a vuw to accommodate the public. L - Parties conveyed to any point desire ac companied by n curefu! driver. . wishing 11 01 , 01 , 17 Or Buggies, nigh T day, will please nip!) , at his father's saddle and Harness shop: Main stseet, 2 doors west of the "Bowden House," where tut attentive Ostler ,will always he in attendance. RAN K LIN W BAGLEY. Sze ,temher 21--tf. QUINOT FOUNDRY NITE take leave to inform the public that we - V tend continuing the Foundry b ond Machine bubiness near guiney, Pa. W e are repared to do all kinds of repairing at short notice. ---ko mill gear ing, cast and wrought iron bitafting, stov,s, iron ket. ties, oven doors, shoe scrapers, stove books, &c,, &c. We also build an improved buggy , and wagon Jack. horse powers, bevil jack, wood saws, iron abh hop. pert, iron bottom plate for aria barrels. iron tensing Rid railing made to ,: r jes. Old iron bought or tae aen in cxch.trige fur new work, JIB'S & EMMERT. I t.2"— tf. ootar ry 3 , 1.) .a. St !fors kilt• BELL'S ALTEItA.TIVE OR Condition Powders FOB HORSES, CATTLE AND SWINE PRICE 25 • CENTS — A — FSPERIOAAPrA — BOX' HE immense sales of these pow.iers dewing the I short period they have been before the publicis a sufficient guarantee of their great popularity, and the decided benefits derived from their use. They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, but as a complete cure for all diseases incblent to the Horse, Cow or Hog, as Distemper, Powder, Yelbw Water, Heaves, Loss of Appetite, 4-e.4 fcilicir use the Horse's appetite is improved, and derangement of the digeitive organs corrected, sof tening the skin, and giving to the cent a sleek and• shining appearance. and may be used with perfect safety at all times, as it containe no ingredients which can injure a horse, whether sick or well. • These powders also possess peculiartproperties in increasing the quantity of milk in cows, thereby giving - them as importance and value vvltElaloold place them in the hands of all interested. -0- GREATEST LINIMENT IN USE BELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE- A l'owerful Olea,9inns Compound for the thire — of the umntism , Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Feet and Hands Sprains, :saddle Galls, Poll Evil Ring Ilruises, Swelling of all kinds and in-fact every Disease for which an Em brocation is applicab'e. Ilte Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in De Yl. IfiVESIIIIII Nest door to the Post Office reb 16) FOR THE BEAVER'S EMPORIUM June 22, 1866 AND MACHINE SHOP ! -0- SUP-REGBATING With the latest Ithprov - ed Triple- Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt. This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing. beinr' permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is riot halt trouble in a barn floor as a _common thrasher andArer. It is also easily-put-in operation. It is simpk, easily managed, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operation, nat making near the dust as the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is nu huntlimr, and judging from the high recommenda ion of farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far rears want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for which I hope they will give me an opportunity,as-I-anrwrltyng - to - he re.ponsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. No. 1 is a , eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter ar , d thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank end seven rakes, is thirty five inches wide, arid delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the stacker, which will deliver about thirty five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chatl; r•unedies-a-II (MB: units in cfcaning grain against wioav weather It bags the grain 6 , reasonable management, tut• flciently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumAinces, is from twenty to forty bush els per, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable eitcumntance, R will thresh froM forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to han , 's than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 11 :whine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; js intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; w•iiihQ 1,300 p eructs; has an iron threster frame, and cylinder, 12i inches in diami ter a , d 28 inches 11.311 g; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in a half lin:l6d. It deliv. rs the straw fifteen feet from the roomier, or if desired, can deliver the st,aw and chaff together; will thresh and clean, in good gain, ready for m irket, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from 31t0 to 5f.0 bushels of Otto rr day, wing fur or s horses,-and the s.lme number of hands; but to force the work, under favorable circumstance-, good tn, dc.r.:, wilt thresh and clean consiilerably more. The M whine will threah an I clean all kinds of grain 4 eller:xi I y Mtn shed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases dues not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Shop Prices of Machines range frorn•B2lo, to 8525. E.? I warrant the machines to be_as above represented; also again,t any reasonable &Teets of material woriondnship, &e Llf Having now taken a room to keep ltopair Castinzs on hand, I have also selected and am ,re nred-to furnish a variety of other agricultural_imptermants—the—late-st2trutl-b:ist—impreved--sinl such as nre bc,t adapted to the wants of the farmers of lhi= part of the country : such as the Hagers town Clever Stemmer. Huller and Cleaner, which is Erwin:; by its own merits to be one of' the beet machines of-the kind now in' use. The latest impro‘ed BUCK ERE % PM{ AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, anti the Mower atone. The American .!ay Fork and Kniti. combined, flay Bakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &c &c., which I will fuinish-on - s!ro - rt - notice and warrai,t them to aoswer the purposes for which they mire intended. W. A. TIZITLE GE7BER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR. CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TRIPPLE-GEIRE!) HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BEL P. ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. Er ,h 11,11! I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of ,Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has-been before the public for a number of years, during which time has given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very - important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for c'can separating and cleaning, and also for the case of draught and test threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satin. faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : , The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 900 to 500 bushels per day. The smell size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description. price, Etc ,of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being filled. MONEY ! 11Ziallaltar4V AND MAINI T F ICTUR MN OF SIRUP ! lam manufacturing different sizes of Sugarc Vitas be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures tor militia; "xyrup, also Portable and St .tazi n ry 'imam Engines for driving Mills, 'Threshing Mechlin b Sawing V% moo, &c . lam fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notic e; also AND SAW MILL GEARING, SH 11 PENG ANL) PIT/ 1,1.18, IRON BR.DGEs, C AST IRO.N WA lER M HEEL S IRON hb 1 LDS Ate Stores and Plow enstings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Dress castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a fnundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery. such as Lathi;iti Boring, Planing end Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. lam also prepared to manufacture ter order machinery for wood, suet. as Tonging and Graving ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenant and Moulding machines, &c. I also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engineq, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and thii regulation of speed, which renders my pew engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My huni.a air , all expel-l anced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I. am perfectly. sate in war ranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman 111 rind promptly attended to. All orders sent in for rei For particulars and circulars descriptive of !malt Or DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor of Territory and so Sep. :tl—tf. NEW LEATHER ENV'S S. FORNEY & SONS, woultPintorm jthe public that they have this day associated themselves in the business of Timing and Currytne, besides hive also connected with the above Imsiness a Leather and Finding store, at the house nf L ti Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as fell.,ws : Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Calf do , Sheep do., French and Mous Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Threads, Measure Straps. Deer Bones, Burnishes. Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg, Floats. Double Cutters, Welt Kni7es, Nails; and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, 13ubbers, Btistles, Lasting lons, Fires, Ink Powders, Saud Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, !Lamers, various kinds; Rasps and Files, Auls and Handles, Colis Irons, Long at 'houlder Sticks, Eyelets and Eyeiett P cites, Strip Auls, And all ntl Cl a rticles usually kept an buch sti.r^s. I liahest cash pricep lL,t for Hides and Alma 51,0 ds bilk wanted. Mar. IG—ly FORNEY & SONS. : 4 pring.: at t s Vmproved net -M Thritshino tieki . • . . • ,. _ i , • . . . . .4 • AN / 1 ~,, • w 4 ,..,. • t i • ?;.• .-7 - ,11 .- --- -- --„, . ~ r ~ r -•:-44i ; ,;, 1 ....- • ‘ , " ---- T•t; i• --7-- li,.?: f '' ... W. :- ''-' r,...: 1 -, - -;,:lt .I , i i „„ L it i i ,.. ,.. . 73 . t , i , . - ' , ,•'' ' A ~.;,: a;i i ii, '''.',. o ,oe .• 44 : JAZI S ' t gie- ' '': 1° „. ~.....,, Air, -, ~..- , , . k , it - -_,• iR, • ,- 4- .•/.',' ' ..- -'''' ' . j 7" -'' , 4 C;i: I . ' . " “ Alk._ :•.: At / '.:. ' % ) ',' ''''' . :-; i ' •f; q MEW . -;', .-.,...:(.--,-... ‘..',.;; . •$- . v.,.: - .11 -- i.t....,---_......i - • ~,.. . ; -......•...—., ... ~ .t.---,,r; ,:.---- .-...,../..-... ...,,. -. f ~,, ,1 , ..--;141v 4.4 , ,a , -. , . '''. .....2.-21;:1,. _; --_____.,,.., . . • `‘,„ ..:....F...E:' , „ -- ''5 . :::::,...-..-- - .... - .... ~ ... - :: .;...',- itr. , ,.1-......-.:.:......N.k. , 4 A - .i.i , ;;, 4-. , .:::.....:•:,:::.A...1 ::-.----,---,-----,i',.., • •,\..„ ~-, : 4--1 1 _77.,i,- -" 7 „ --,je t4 .z.,..,i-,,, .. >„.,:.•.• , ~,t_r,, ,, i.-.,..,,:,- * , i ,.:.........,- - .:..;, .,. - ! P., , , , ' ':".L "-4 , - -v.. t.'. 1, - - 277"; .7,'___*__ . r. POURTEIDIAN ~ p. • r :LA I : R ING purchasild the Drug Store' of Dr, .aters will pleage look at the greatadvantage ling 'll,4l‘lirasi over, formerly kept by himself w.uld et Grain Ivith _ 4 k . . the etiontion of the citizens of Vi aynesboro' al • vicinity to his largo Rnd well selected •stock of , . GEISERS'- PAT iNT DRUGS_ MEDICINES CLEANER AND B GGECB.. Orders tlolielted- and promptly attended to ~lay 4- 186 G—j jra_ynesitoro' AND MACHINE FINDING STORE! Pitkcp. !cm?. GRAIN SEPARATOR, For further prticulurs. eircuLir., ette. w'dress DAIILERIL GIELSEIit, - Waytte.s.i buro', Franklin Co. Penn'a. c rraryr•r, on the shortest notice. Order• sli( lied 'airing must Pe accompanied with the 1. ne, address • _ _ GEORGE FRICK, icitor of on:cm Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Fa ,t,_. S. TJ Arid OSEPLI DOUGLAS., Licensed Claim Agent, tj r invites attention to the following laws rtcently en. k eted for your benefit, let. Act of July 281 h, 1866, additional 11.unty to•soidiers of 1861, '62 awl '6:3, 2nd. Bupplementary Pension Act, June sth, 18 6 6, inclensing pensions of Invalids to *l5, $ - .0 or $25 per month. and giving pensiuns to Futile's, Brothers and Ziijter3. 3rd. Pero4on Act, July 45th, 18G6, giving Vl' pi r month additional for each child of wddiers wtd • ow under 16 years of age, ako to orphan children 4th Act of July 26th, 186'i, Bounties and Pen. ~ikins to colored solloircAinil heirs. sth. Gratui'y and annuity to soldiers 4,11812, au.l their widows, by Act of Pennsy Legis lator • of N 1 arch 30, 18t , 6, a soetaims fir carr mit tit lion of rations, other Pensions, Bounty and Armin; at pay, claims in tioarterma4er and (%ommis.ury General Departments, &c., &c. flt calleet that I am authorized collect cl din• for all perp.ons. no m- to r what State they riiside in, except the Stale gratuity abmie named. , JoSEPII DOl - GI, AS,, Attorne3 and ( ham Ag,k Et. A tiocEt 24, Con. lICSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted on Platina, Gold and Vul'anite. Particular attetttimi giNen to the prearrvation of the natural teeth. Teeth extrneted without pain through the irtlu once of Nitrous t)xule this. Office nt his reaide•nce on Mechanic Street. Oct. 12 - te. Ch & o,k Llca. oii . ndry SHOP. Mt T. D. FRENCH, 3MPT all I Sirri" , comprising everything fbund to the Drug trade. My stock consists in part of Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Fancy" Songs, Fancy Articles, Brushes, Glass, White Lead, Carbon and Paregon. Oti, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS taNPIEtTEAS, Snaberger -Sco-tch-and Rappee Snuffs. Havana, Principe and Hornmon Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every de scription of Toilet Articles. Using- my utmost exertion tersecure the Best and Purest articles of J h utzs and Medicines, I can as sure the public that they trill find here only such as can be relied on. Purchasing for Cash ! Selling at small Profits ! I offer my go,x's at one price and that the, very lowest, Physicians' Preecriptions compounded with care. March 24. 1966 IXDA2kQUARTZILS FOR Did fOll MainS, Carpets, Oil Cloths !. IITE keep all goods tistArt.,t . I pt in a fir/class I Dry Goods t3tore and Job ands at city whole sale prirer. W haye just rtturned from the East with a tremerWoug stock and are selling goods at such prices that attract buyers from all parts of the county, Prints we ore selling a fair article at 11} ets. Bo tt r for 15, g od for 16, 18 and 20, and th e very hest at 22 cents Mudins from 12/ to 25 cents and the he:4 for 25. Del tines all colors and styles for 25 cents. the new styles only 81 ets. Best quality of French Merino in all colors only sl,2*; new and beltitiful styles Dress Goods from 37 to 50 cents; Flannels, all wool, from 31 to 75 cts. in every color ; Stock. ing Yarn, hest quality Blue mixed, Black mixed, sheep's Greny, all colors in two and three ply only $1.25 PER POUND. We alsb peep the Fancy colors for childrens' wear. iigf A trip to our es tablishment will always p ;y. METCA I, FE & EITESITE IV Chombersburg, Nov 23, 1866. STONER & STONER, DRUG GISTS, • 4 1 , RE receiving fresh article% in their line of bu ll sinew from the Cities weekly, which enables them to offer and sell at a fair price, with the ad vantage of the reduction of the eastern mairket Theirstock 14 large and in -rearing proportionally to the reduction of the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Metreinrii, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye yiulCs , Fruits, Confectionary, with all articles u witty kept in drtrg istor.s forth• pTitnentge - heretofore receivetli-re specttully n-k.rin increase as well as a continuance of public favors. M. M. STtll RR, M HH. STONE iI NoVnyuesboro', .August 10. iBfio. NEW DR GOODS F( FALL AND WINTER ! r subscr.hey has just rrceiveal a most extcn -1 sive assoriineirt of new F.. 11 and Winter Goods, einl•meilig all the la'est styles or Ladies Press tieto.ts, Cloaks, ti..eques Black and Colored Cloths, etbawls, Gentle- enand Boys' Clothing, 4..bamesttc Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Bahnural ait d Hoop &c., But. 'Phit extent and variety of our Stock can only he apore.irited by persona I examination, which is so licited Purchasers may save 15 to3(l per cent. ny examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv en. S. OGILBY. liazenttown, Nov. 23 NEW FIRM. fiE en& rsigned would respectfully call the at tention of the Public U.) their stock of .1. 7 1E1274.1%TrMT_TML,30, 4.13)hr - icing ell nitivics of Furniture u-u illy manu fooured by cabinet in •kers. also give our a ttent ion to' COP PIN 743.,.N.1NG, P and hope by strict attention to nisinrss to merit a liberit share of public patrons o. All order: for Furniture or Collins attended t ) with (Dag - antib.— Our Furniture Boomp can be limn I on Mato Street, up sioirs, in William Flan. gala's Drill 'Shop. J. M. & F. BENDER. Dec. tuber 2 i— tf. A fina ussortmunt of Queen:swore at Paws & liovvtrcil 1 AIRES V( sts, Scarfs, Nubies and Hood. at 1 Nov 23] PRICA St llorsz.wit's. LIL"I'S, Counterpanvs, Ste., nt PRICK Si tiorsLigres. I) It 3 cake of fi r ne Soap, you ain't go to - _ L ADIES' Morino vest+ at " PmeE & LATEST ARRIVAL or -0- . LIDY ,& BICKEL HAVING just received from the Eastern mark, ets a fresh supply of Groceries, etc., they ara now prepared to sell at reduced prices. -Their stock embraces in part the following : Syrups; Cheese, "z..e, Teas—Young Hyscn Sugars, Coffees, Imperial, Molasses, • Chocolate, Oolong,. - . Spices, ground and unsound, Baking article. of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the best quality: Kerosene Lamps, - shade's, wicks and chimneys, Also No t Kerosene Oil. CE.) 123 MI CID 6118 4. H. B. wavy, Nat. Leaf, Fine Cut, and all the bas " " Con., Brands of Chewing and Smoking " " 6. Spurts, Tobaccos of sixteen -different kind!. " " Oys. shell.- Salt and Fish. 0. A. Salt, Dairy, large and small ;ark, Mackrel No 1 and 3 b the barrel. Dyo Stuff's, Cheinica 'arfutuer_y_i Zin ck, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Ick TnULD respectfully inform the p Attie that they have now opened at their new room,on the aouth.recet corner of the,Diemond, in Wayne,- bolo', a large and well selected stock of and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Quernavrare, Cedarware. shoes. Cat o( ts, Oil Clot ha, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush - re, Fi4h, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a welt regulated store. Our goods are all new and freak and finre been bought for cash at the late decline in price*: We flatter ours-Tees that fmm our long experi- ence in business, and a determination to sell rrois ml small profits, we shall be Mils to offer unusual inducem-nts to all buyers who desire to wave men• ey. I'lease call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, ersbrscing sattinetta, team Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den.' ,ms, StripPs, Checks, tuinghamn, Linin and Cotton Table. 1)70 pers, Grath for-Towels, Calico's, Detains, A Ipoecns, Trintings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting.* and Sh , rungs. 'Pickings, Linens, Flannels, White goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re• Ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in • few days. , We pay the highest market price for ail kinds of rouniry produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, ato, May 25, 1866. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wa yn Frank! in Cs. F. Capital paid in $75.000. Collections muds promptly and remitted _co - rat lowest rotes of Exchange on New York. Dirrctor.: : W. s. Ain he t et: l o, Ales. Hamilton. George ticaore. George Jacobs. Daniel Mickley John Price, Hehry Geod, James 11. Clayton, Joseph rorrespencleetß :—The First National Bank of Plaidslptlist . and 9th National Thank of New York. W. S A AtBERN 1, Jio. Pamirs. Coati. NY S pp ' P. L. HOT.I.IIV BERGER; lifaiaStrec t oosite the -Bowden House," is at a I thne, bupplied with the latest styles Gonda May 18. un:rs , rl,l Coverlets at Nnv 2 -4 3 l'stort & iioniurWs. Loort ()it cluths fr. m I to 2 yds wile at 1 1 Nov 23.] • Pntcs 41cliortutcles. • A lar g o lot of linty Casitimers'lnat raceiva t l at Nov 23 .1 ratcrlr. lioErucn-a. GROCERIES Confections. Sundries. Cakes and Candies, Shoe Blacking, NVater and Su. Crackers, " Brushes, Oranges, Horse " Lemons, Wh't wish brushes, Raisons, Washboards, Figs, Clothes lines, Prunes, Corn Brooms. Almonds, Hickory " Walnuts, Painted Bucket', Cream Nuts, Bras Hooped . " Pea Pluto, - Birdie! Baskete, Pepper • Clothes -11 Tomato Catsup, Ladies Tray.Baskidg Puce, Chip Baskets, &c. roches, BTATIONASIY. osp, Envelopes, Harrison's .. Note Paper, Dobbin's Electric Soap, Fools Cap, . Castile Soap, Fancy Soaps, Barlow's Indigo, • Gallager Soap & Oil Paper Collars, Prepared Coffee, Robc:Ce Embrocation, Essence -" • Hoover's Ink, - FreT's_H. Powders, - - Matches, Carpet Tacks, Guo Caps, Powder ond Shot, Machine Twist. Sewing Silk, 19. c Black Cotton Thread, Spool Cotton. Needles and Pins. Darning Needle., Since'. Machine Needles. ' Hoir Pins, .Shoe Strings, . Laid Pencil., Steel Pens, Pocket Knives, Pen Holders, " Coral's, - Long Cnni I,s, Lilly White, -Ladies' Dress Cores, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, Perfumeries, Nerve and Bone Liniment, Cocoa Nuts. And conneeted_with_the_arocery-we-have-Flowr if fil — F iFa - whi c h we will deliver at Mill price.. - 1 -- ' The highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce. We are thankful for past favor., and by strict at tention to bu-inesi and a desire to please all, hop* to receive a liberal share of the public's patronage, for we feel confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any -other house- Lf DT dr BICKEL. May 11—tr. NEW STORE. COON de STONEAOUSE Dry GOOdP, Grocerle - s, Hardware Cloths, Cassimeres, MI DHSS GOODS, 3 C"iIIi e .Ze. 7 . S. CRXXXXXIIMMINERNIfiteriIIgeI :4.4 • T. J. FILISE3IT, IN; N ' DRAPER, NZ F l / 4 :lkss ennsf ant ly f,r .*ale a full assortment of Si GO(11) Joe GeNtienzen's ware. trrTntest City F'nshions always on bend. r e . z Wagneslwro", Pa. lit MILLINERY GOODS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers