RIGH&IOEPLICIPS • .COLITMNI 11,11 . "' rr Elor,v . ,Alili- . . 1v ,ii‘ p' COOIS! Thr.. inidErsigneil lender to the community their thatika fer pelt patronage, end would also take this opportuni ty-'of reeoinding them that. they have lately received from the East a splendid selection of goods, which for beauty end style cannot he surpas sed outside of the Their -goods have been selected With much cake ub regards durability and. price. LADIES' 'G0085..,. The attention of•the ladies is directed to. their handsome 'styles of . ALPACAS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, hit e - , - somer+entiful7pstterns,of-rrench Merino and all:wool Detain tfiat are bird to beat. mum - 4-auf NuaTa Black Silk, , Black Alpacas; Black all wool Delain,douhle width, French' Merinos, " Etiglish •' French and English Crapes, ourning an.. erc tie s, - Black Jack Flannel An attractive line of Wrappings, such sa, Plaid anddliain, Long and Synnie'Shawlto, Breal&st Shawls, Hoots, Nubies. Scarfs, &c• dovrvin's Kill Gloves, Gamettes, Lisle Thread and Ivhrino Gloves, Hosiery in abundance. They enk the gentlemen to notice ttleir lifw stock of COATINGS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS ea they page along. and they feel assured that they have the goods to chit them in pattern end price. Tnb!e Covets; Shirting Planners and rlannel Shirts, Drawers, Neck Ties, Ilal.notal Hoop Skirts for Ludies and Misses, Linen atd Pa per Collets, all saes, Buck Gloves and Mittens. Tweeds and Jeans, Curds and Satinets, Shaker Opera Flauel, Plaid Flanels, Striped Planets. riir Ladies wt) are in want of k nice Coat or Cloak can find the article at their eatablisidnent, with all the neces.ary trimmings.. 6116 as buttons, gimps and cords of different patterns. Ladies' Gaiters., Balmoral Tie% nod Dfetta, Gor eets, Corset Clasps and Collars, WHIT' GOODS t'lain and Barred Cambric. Sada, Tape Trimming, Valve t Trimming and Vella, Cur.brie li s ta"; • 112DCEILES. BEST 110 DIPERML TEA, MOLASSES at 60 cts pei• QU. E EN'S W RE, Cutlery. 4 00 411 Cedar Ititia, uclots. ICerlerrc, I=l DB Inatkos .• Vqnilciw Sh'adel. " ' rixiurig, , . , 13nons and Shoes, Cum §hoca, „ • - t7n3h.rellus W,lten on *ant Sincltinz Yarn both Wool cotton just stesCtti and find a good assort . nt.d4e.ribr4n it,. their bonne rind inspect t.twir Sit,rk chasing cinentliere, ns ibtlr prices and goods 4/111piensT & T A I It I IV THE 6ribectiticv infortni the eititens of Weynta• . 'howl Wid-ttie To bite menentllrtnit henhoaopeua o , t Lo shop room: adjoining BatherSbOiq next -liidur 'ld' the new.i iG rue° ry .otoro,. 'helm itt narrylim the !Ta'ilt.) ing tam en tti' for. men and boyfecut out and tnnde to .order 'at Fieasoniatte tiottct: = W Ith •tho' Ltkortnictuti 3 4,37 4 4 OxPVIi" «nee firth° bueinegiche4latterwhimseir that bd,esia give uenera . l caticfnotion. •-•:! taw illhoggesheity.roshic.ne/Archiriv ifACOB 't Oct: tiftt. • ETCALFE & tivitsttp.v„l . optlteelpaßuttror,itriv,,Aottt Pr , anal t o iota. t -44144-?1, MERINOS, DELAINES, BARATIIEAS, COBURGS, ON : Netts, Defiling Edge 'Ribbons, Buttons, .gYiIUPS B rams, thitkets, no*ls, ,s10P0,00401„0 *All i ii? 01 it ..,,,.: (MEAT it7I II XCIPM GREAT SEII- -TIC)* Ttaiii r 7C4 4 4 - 4 dogs; Stwidg Mactlinbe;l4ianos, OBE MILLION DOLLARS W I.OBEyDISrO,I) O.PiAT One 0 0 110,V Without regard to Value Net to 13e paid , for until you know what you are to receive !, Splendut List of` Articles, all to be sold for 'ONE DOI-LAOt 100 Clkicks FionclA end 21 - • c oc s. ranging' nom ' slo'to $250 stiiitT 100 Pian is, the best manieschire, 360' to 850 0-Sewing-10-411-het • manulaeture, , 5 ; to 3.. 250 Gents' Bunting-case Watchesso to :5l 250 Ladies' 'Geld ,and'Enanireled 11 ' 01ring-case 'Watches,' 500 Gents' Hatiting•ettie ' Watches,' ' 35 to -70 '" 200 Diamond Rings, • •50 to -400 a' 5000 Gold Vest and block Chains •'4 to .30' "' 3000 " rival Band Bracelets 4to • 8 " 500 Jet and Gold Bracelets' ' 6to 10"" -000-Cliarehtin Chains-and _Guar& Chains 7000 Solitaire aid Gold 'BrOoChes 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald " Brooches ;- 1 6000 Mosice, Set, La 7 'am) Floien tine 16.`ar Drops • 7500 Coral, Opel, and Emerald Ear Drops 4000 California Diamond Breast , pins ' , • •• 3000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch keys 4000 Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides 6000 Sets solitare Sleeve-buttons, Stude,.&e. to 8 " 3000 Gold Thimbles,Pencils;&c. 4to 0 " 11V0r0 MI - Mature Lockets 2 - ,50 4000 " " Magic Fpring 10 to 20 " 3000 Cold Toothpicks, Clusses, &c. 2to 8 " 5000 Plain Gold Rings 4to 10 e 6000 Chased 10000 'tone Set and •ignet Rings:l.so to 10 , 10000 - CalAJitunnitil Rings 2to 10 -- " - 7500 sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold 6000 Ladies Jewelry, Cameo, Opal and other stones , 4to 15 " 10000 Gold Pens, •ilver, Extension Holders and Pencils 4to 10 " 10000 Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Hailers 5000 Gold Perm and Gold Extension lioldera 15 to 25 - owicrtic - e - e - GirtiEdi 5000 •' et tuc es to Hair Bails and Bars 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups . • sto 50 " 2000 silver Castors 15. to 60 " 1000 " Eruit,--Card-EtLCake_ Bask,— Muskets 20 to 50 a 5000 dos. silvei Tea Spoons 10 to 20 p, d. 0000 Tshic Spoons & Forks 20 to 40 •' In onsequence of the great stagnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts'of Franc• and gngland, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, originally in tended tor the European market -has been sent off fur sale in this country, and MUST BE SOLO AT AN IT SACRIFICE! Under these circumstances, HAMILTON eir..CO.; acting as'Ageifts for the pills cipal European Manufacture's, having resolvCd up on a GREAT GIFT,DISTRIBFTION 1 , Euiject ict the. followirteregtilLions: Certificates of the various. articles are first put in to envelopes. sealed up. and mixed, and when or dered. are taken out without, reeard to choice, and, sent by thus . giving all a fair;chance. On rip- t sceipt of this'certiiicat4You will:aid what you ate to: have, and then it is at your option to send the dot. lar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain Piano, Melmkon, Sewing Machine, Gold watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR. 'Send 25 Cents for Certificate. • In all transactions by mail, .we shall charge for forwarding ,the; certificates. paying postage. and do ing the ` b uein6ss 25 cents each, which muse be en clobed when the certificate is sent for. Five 'certifi cates will he sent for $l, eleven for $2, thirty for 45, air ty-fivefor $lO, and lOU for $l5 AGENTS.— We want agents in every town and county in the country; and Ouse tieting-airsu-irwit bo Allowed 10 cents on every certificate ordered by them:provided tho:r remittance amounts to $l.-- Agenis will collect 25 cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to Vs, either in cash or poste c• t.ti`nips. Agents remitting at once,s3o, will bo—en tit led to a beautiful silver Wald:4olld alto 200 cer• tifirnit•s. invoke write yoOr Name; Team, County and 'State plattily, and address all orderb to HAMILTON & CO., Agents ler Foreign & Anterioirn Manufacturers- P. 0. Box 5675, AE W YORK, 36 Liberty Street. (nut.. 24, 3m. PIIBLE.SLIAL rr.llll subscriber ssislaing.tq remove west will-of fer at Public Sale, on 8,4 - 2 UEDA Y the 2:3d day of DECEMBER, 1865, the following describ ed 1ic..1 Esiut.•, situated 2 Milep•Bast of Waynes boro'. on the road leaditig irom the former place to Bear's Factory to wit t 'A -Tract of land contain „ 22,, -AS.' fr;l eiS more or 1094, in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a . TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE with Des...merit in' froth and Cella' behind '4—a nevergaitiog welt of water at The, door—,s. good Bank: Barn. vt it h,. Wagon shed and Corn , Crib all under one root; Frame Bog, ,Pen, Frame .Wash house and oiliugfito house Weedier, which is river the rare—st tune tiertith Shop: bad other neeitssiry out-buildings; also a good Water Power with a Frame,' Grist wad Saw :Anti - '-• . • , alt 'kooilortler. Na trouble with i;,(1 jn the win ter.. .rp•re•is,alsa on said premises,a lanreveriety of,ehnice,fruit triter!: Ruch a-g 41 pple, pc ar, peach, plum, Ore., different kinds of tame graps. ; There, is nit,o a. Tenar4 7 fion;:e on tfr above triict, with good imp,oyeinerm a nelrer-tailin4 spring, on the lot. • , , , . Sn a to commence nt Illi 4-4;lock an said clay whoa tht terms wilt be =lila known by '',. 'l. , • ,' . 'JOHN L. METCALF. , ~ Nay 24--t• re] . t.- ' fi: s r. Afoci. "A mt., P S. In case the above property is sold 2. fine M be Offered for safei.'sclitakilo ' for ony;itind .6f • . 1, • . 41.4,11.1. PUBLic sALE . ,rl7 E sullettriber o aqpii p ii:tratot•A itp3 llory F.' Sta. butit. ihe late' rar',: I,l llice ot.Enitt cfecedseft, ari, SA:r. 'DA P.P kipt DER,V , pb; F ihitfidiat'viLg p.irdiil l i,4l:l)oj)4o' to wP # heatl 'of 11111Vf 1:1 bteltoter'wti . gyins;,tilots Itenr4;.-21 . pet. A imee ;b ur ., .In.ge;* tly nithi !Olitip•tOP [lime.; • t triqa '54)% cridlp ' I foettigell 'lotto c'iroti' kettlecii lut‘citcuadcm4 tiottok •fitrill ramie. , V ibir cattervolio toed 'etigif.'"l"kird irrdig, 1 otWfago siu trot and a . vio riety of other articles not nuoketary • , to ? 1 , 1 1 P f. 41 , t i . l / 3 ' Tit) 'the.ua l ps ibilr,lnftoli • Voiw . il l'Y ' • • 'TEN ler S'rONE lIOtJ Et Mlntir. 4 , 2./1 . 414 .1-Px., • $ ' Iflii ; 1 A,400:4: 4, • * , g.7. 4 ". •'• ' i 1 •P,l)%fs, ECOND SUMN- 35 to' , 40 " FALL and VirINTER sto 20 . 0 410 10 " GO 111 1 4to , 8, "• 4't‘ 8 ' '4 to 6 “ 2,50 to 0 " . 3to 10 .‘ VERSON, 8080 & COI sto 15 " 0 10 " itiriVe are notv rea eiving oat- SECOND SUPPLY. 8 - Fle - 01D — SITPP . SECOND SUITLY.• 5 ta 10 IZIP "1" itilr Co fC) 2, SO, DRESS GOODS „ . . Clothe, Sittinettg; Cloths;• Caatimeres , • Cloths; t ctittetk. GROCERIES! I.IIEfISIII2I ETC, QUEErt'SWARV, 114RDWA QUEBAWIV4,I4e;.- VURENSIVA7I/1. HAlti) IVA R 1i0770.1V5, 0 , , • r 4 •• • rid it '1 ;f .: .11 ' 1 I.' 1. 0 "• ,A• , --, 4 . , , . • k j L.:. Pit 4'l! .‘l'; ',l , It CISI I ,--+A're6‘. vitt, n4l . tVr . VVe, ipA ift s ,e,atti:kirta'ni . iilt'etiiitAiArt•k' nal i ..i... ,, a . 14 : ''' ''''' iti,fiiiifit ireiteAc uip: , the ,pntilis ttit;oar iititek . .td held g arias; ' - iintl at , thtl i fi,. .. l'ItINIi: article of (Alves° at " " ''''''''''' r ' '' stone flit° return oak thanka to all Tor their liberal ../ 1 -, . ', :,•,, ,01 - 1 ~ *,, ~..• Y,titer, St.sifttarLsase, Jii:; patrolmen; ;arm) we. fifflqenfleaitor„ty s la ir;' ,ijeafing 1 , ~, • ~.,1 ,' • • 4 , . - ~- ------ r- - ' — r - - . -- ' ----. 4. withfalicte.ctaatito,eitttinitailee at . liv ;Him; ~) it ~itifirl!fiAlpFl. , /41, Ill'l'Erfflt'V tire 'till at the A sin Ellgt).N, 11 Etillitlf; r & eel.' I AL , ila,Stontio,pit i,i.eurill :greet, hettysvii'llivJ'Ar • liOrilttber iltivlKViin,.. , '; : ',,t i/ 1 , t , 1i e 11 -1 . .. 4 .1 VV'Abhiii6l‘ll, fatl i sk'iSsitiitl:gil.k. !!',. i:,l 4 .., i , i , ,—., - ,'. - r:rk ‘; ~ i ,, v,,':. ',',::'!"7:7' I". jFkAvl - cincrOt RIES: - -- H A ROW ARE, QUEI4N sWA 31 01 4 11 M 8. LAMER . . IA D IE4I LADIES i. • mir,ss GOODS, DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LAMS' I/RENS /:ODDS. LA DIES' DRESS g 3 onDm, LADIES' DRESS I.IOODS. ' ISM lifrol Mg' V oo}en Goo 6, Wooten Goods, "Woolen Goods, Notions, Notions, . .N Otkintt: . . trITGAR, COFFEE, A.si P.C,PS.• UGA R. COFFEE, , 4 SY,I:UPS. SeCiA R. COFFEE. SYRUPd; EiONCEI FISH. ;I4! II!, ;F ToBACOPi' , l _ o fwvaghhitAtniioosolllt4o-1141114.**0 , Cq tai as bore is tone better : 1: ibe • Osurance 1704. IntorporatOd 1%794. qt:rINSITRANCE COMPANY ttlr Atperica l kp ic A DELPHI*. '.• ,t% .T *ail- hour,' Stata. • .liSittitAbhcovolOtit:titfieinditiatetif 81)C phOci:thei , Total .4gektii bii:slo 0,01 71, “t .Iresia-t43ettliirul 1 Car Thii Prompt Payinetivor $17;5013,000,00 . IJoises Vir A Reputation fur Honorable Dealing Unsurpass ed! ifirrattalt - AelltVe -- cmilMairlltthrOßOU. ol 7- 1 Claira ‘ the Reference' , of the palmier. this, ih'e Did eerinsuratice Company in America. 11/RECTORS: Welch rUnw:4-.-OoL r Baal W: Jones, K. D. Woo(I, , G. L. Harrison J. Le Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. R. Cope, Chas. T4yloi, IV. Dicliaon;Xtl4l bottrr ..glinibroso White, Wain; ~Eakkijelarite Wm. CtimMintra, "t. Choikori Henry:" • AItTRUR G. COFFIN, I , !res't. Nov.` 6M) '"`Joel Vl'a; SPECIAL-NOTICE portaut to . ,EveybOtiy,t J. A: MUCHAN't TAII.OR 104P' CbOTHIES. hoe just returned frobt. ihe'Easteth Cities with one of the largest and beat selected siock Of CLOTHes, CASSIMERES UM( VES,TINGS' that has been brought.tp, Hagerstown 'since the out. break of the late War. AIso,",OVER COATING, of the beet quality all ,of Which will be made to or der in the most Faehionahha and Sabstah4: Man!. ner Cheap fox ilash, or, soid.by the 'yard salt jour chasers. My. motto is Quick. Sales and , Short Profits., Also, a good ,Aoat,of •- 'CLOTHS FORIADIES' CLOAKS . . and in uotinection one sit the 'largest stacks of Wool and Cotten, UNDER SifIRTS and DRAW- Eltti iu the county; also; TlI 8 and-CHAVATa of the latest styles, fine f#11.111',9,., over shirts; 'woe! SiikTrAiiktraTia - Cotton Pocket HandlitirChiefe,"ileavy 'Wont:leek eta and every thing else in the way of ' Vittnishirig goodS. Also a stuck of HEADY MADE trILOTH 1/siG. All work guaranteed to fit and 'be - vitell Made. I return. my thanks to my Piii rids and the Pub• lie generally for their very liberal patronage extend. ed to me, and hope by "strict attention to business to 'bare a continuance of the same, J. A. FISHER. 2 doors Weil of the Hagerstown Bank,. Wash : ton—Street. ' ' Oct. 27, 1885. BOWDEN fIOUSE.. FRANCIS BOWDEN, Pro prietoro ,Vlll - E - eubecriber-announces to site -public thnt he_ ka hats purchased ind_taken possession of the new Hotel,'on Main Street, Waynesboro', Pat, formerly occupied by 111-j..1.: 13. Kurtz, which hattlieen re furnished throughout. Ho 4uts now in course of e rection the most,complete out•dnor impiovements, awls as stabling, -etc. Hie Table and Bar will at all times be supplied with the beat. , He flatters itiniself that his long experjecco as .o hotel-keeper Will enable him to 'give general satisfaction to all who may he pleased to visit his house. • Nov. 17 -111. • rJr"Herabl," Hageratovfn, insert St, mark cost awl saint bill te 'tins office. EAGLE HOTEL. Central 'Square, Hagerstown, Md SHE above wall-knoWn and'established Hotel bait been 2 re.4ened and •entirely rehovi t ted, , by the undersigned, and, ow, offera to the public every comfort lind - altrection Pound in 'the best !hontlei—. tHE TABLE ii bountifully supplied with every delieaey the inaiket will afford, THE SALOON contains the aboicestliquors; anti is constantly and akilfutly. attended. 7'tl.}l STABLE is thoroughly repaired, and catflul Ostlers always ready to .ac commodate easterners, • ' • • • • JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. HogeretOson, June 2—if. • " NE ty MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS. C. L .ROLLINBERGIER A nnodnees to the Ladies of• Waynesboro', and vicinity that the has just returno&from Phila delphia and is • tiww recen mg ti moat extensive and varied aasortmetit of new Fall and Winter Millinery goti,"tb . which mho wouid • invite their particular• at tention. Ladies visiting her town. will rind that she is prepared to please the taste of all who may favor her with their patronage, both it Ingle . and !quality tit' trimming*. • October • • • A4milli!itrutor'fa IN cotiel!, NTOTICE is hetehrgivon that. letter* of.Admin, istration upon the estate:oflienry„ r. Stover, late of. Wavnesbohat, dec a l,: tutr/si been ~ g tariteo :tti the subscirlbet residing in riild 411:'per. sons knowing ihetnceives indebted, toisnicl 4anto arc requosted:lo Luis ke• • !muted isle • pay,tzpti tt. those having chiints will pressini tlf, in prep'arry' nuitenti. rated for sett lemetit. Noy; PUBLIC SALE. Subscilber will ;lel I et publics ode , at !the, ritittriresideifee 'of JOhn Young,..deed • on ,tho,! ritter'Gotolt ;tad,. between. Toinvaiwn, on SATURDAlt"flikl 9341 DAY; OF ,! DECtilki 11E12; 1105, 'the following. personal , plop. , ! erty, to wit: . 1 • '• ; • ~t.,1 iGo4l l .l)rilL Ir ia(C4o l 4,••,‘ 1 fat bog; 'lllireato.4. 'Bedsteads anti corner euliboard, 2 bedsteads, 1 sale%,l Ghtirli; the sink, 2 sets chairs, 2 rocking chnits,, t staptl, : l ten• piate,istove aria pipe. ware,' crockery warn,- pets. tiitdis;°l•• tvh; elborrbne, a ' lot of corn, a lot Pot , toes,.l meat vessel, :3 tubs, I I pickle stand, a.Nt fothker,, a jot .htty, forks; takes, uses, maul litliPutellges, Cow Chiliite kltit of old ron• and many , otber !articles, nid:. nimesipary to monk tiro; •.! • • •• ! '• , ; ' ; •;• • %, he subseriheryvill - alscr:initz; et the same ,1 0.4';',! • 1 .)410DGE , AND LOT 13 . ' GROUND', owned' by the The hireinitains Anne•iiete.. 4 -4. 'dile improvements :sty; siert rind' iiiiiifitig , haui;% mind !fru 616', sinekit ''g!, cistern l'itt ! 'if% choice' epplii 'tri;ett ott thi; prenni•eti:. .tidiet,o' ; cdtitreence ut lO Alock Lon day when iha terms' will be made known by' • • • - SAMUEL Ytil7NG7' Agent, tor Ihelteirs. NV, 21 —As.), G. V. 'Mont. Atict: Ati Tjtis .p 144.. CII t . st, ; i!.1:30 4 go lit l t„rv!;:rril: It i tArnonih, j•titar Iron ndt • 4", f.H4rvitsse tort' therefore hotre,frosh• stock cum. late0.:,40)11; the time; • 17 , 3 • lOU. Vet I ATEICifETi6/Viikeile/ °peg: wholestile& 4 "r fiat: abiutov ,broux.;:d ; i ~ John• Mason nesbore. And-Tery_fm— IL STONEHOUSE, Adn , '`.;" ? le V ,4441 1% A nosi.imorral;s,WElLltikfwv, re;:u33 yIfrOULD. respecifully inform the citizen of Vy VVayfieftporo and,vieinity that they have te: calved a net?':,ajutaltiti4v4(ate4.tif r 44 “"ti '7„g ' I. 1 • Ist11; it;,;fiqf. . . , . C S ' ..7 •11 ' . , ' VT i • Bmbracinglh SUGARS, • : .•: ktot, 4 9..dsps,,• ',• cup_cotAit: HAMS, • • „ DRIED SEEP. 4 i'EAS.LHyson, Imp'ereat''dnir ikalatig, the finest flavor. SPICES, around end iiinerounel, and BASING articles, warrant3cl frasb,,snel OUANIIIIii of the bed quality ! . . • QUEEN,S ARE ANIL - GLASSWARE, n very heavy mock, to which special attention ia in; vltetl.• ,Fine ware in, ae ttkor, by the single; piece, of the latent atylet; Cui - Qua liablew, Tunibtont, dre. • .• it , • - ) - . KEROSENE LAMPS of every pattern, &large assortment. Shades, (new style) wicks, chimneys; spring „hinge bunters, al- ways on band. Also No. 1 Kerosene Oil. NOTIONS, VIRIETIES, t.onsan. an. one fancy, use and necesaary er ticks, used in.estiy family and by elerybody. ~TB~~C6S- I~g--_ Willett'm Conn, Navy, Nat. Leaf, Mich• Fine Cu and all the best chewing and am inking tobaccoa.-- Havana Cigars, good common de. elanitary and Neotria Pipes, latest thing oat. lEEE= SALT' ANDFISIL G. A. Salt, Liverpool, laigi site sticks. Pickled Shad, Mackerel, No. 1 uid 4, bbl., half bbl., quarter bbl., am"' • • '1 " yi := -.61LAE1u7.,D1-2 • Being in connection , with Bilstettei Ai Co.; t'if ; Cireenc,eatle, whickfirrn have a Market Car on -tile, K: It, we are enabled to supply our cuatoznora With the cheiCeet In:Aeries of the tituitorn ntarkais in their proper Bea son. ',137, strict, •ntteritio . ii ;to hueineas, the best articles lo at; market, 'doing all "ik bur powril(1: accommtidille' tilEktainetailre pope to re ceive a share of public patroiisie. No trouble to Am, goods Vir — l'ermili'reerrrisLy C.Ctirt.f , ,We litiy;tftir goods for cash and must sell them in the same way.— Country dealers supplied at wholeas le priceie' . . 'itiOisTET'l"llll, RI! il.) 4 CO. - Whyncsboro', Aug. '25,'66: " " Pd E F I R NE)V„':GQQPS . ,!. AtINEIIMIEVro , " Succiltsol:a to If ,Stime'lu?;l4 , 'll9iphirig . i . ;,i' and THE rubscribera haring purchased of H. I , torie*- house his nerdwaro toro thoy inform the old customers of the eatablishroopt4 and • othors, that , in add itiotr to, .largo s rock 0u.,1104, they, tiro just receiv*4 ; tt ;largo stuck, ouu 4 siatina-in' pert of • , •., • 44° M : fngt7 l;l7:l ` 7 SADDLE AND iiitlilAilk:•l4llE, .CIIPAR WARA • OIL: CLOT-11Sr :;! ; G TASS:AND" G Itle 1,76761: I;11.10",41 . 141i* Wet utter/ tion. of : tho korona to itutlyi,lLL's• PREMIUM HAY PORK; for timittie' of which Wu are the iiitetiticrits. Soythiltv,qtakes, Forks, Shovele, Graiu Cradles, &e., &O -AlPour'go'culs' WM! selected with' gient+eare and I!4e.'iiivitr Un ellII nipy!i9tr n thew. 4 2i , , 1865. 11 AUT., „„ . oi), %1 , Wm rcertyu arid 01r...r fur eale • ” , • • " ritESII F ISH,I 114 2 • C LIES'2N (VS" ' • SfIVEriT i-VIAToss " • .11.415il pc)rAToNs, ,13ACON,• COI 4 TRP4t . • land lots of nico things at the New t•-tare, , whero . the I ! stock .ut alwayigfrostilind • . • )0.0. , 44.' 1..1 ,t LiT 111 3•• 31 !%/E.'lti 1 47 s ,Ar ' 0401- A7S • •"" ' A til'Of&Weit '• AT LAW, ' licqmied .2q4NT.. REAL 10. 1 i$Z14 4 fiE.N I m09444:10 w iu.u,tupd io,spri4catious I'ur,l! . ont9.en7., „Back Pay, and all cliiinis tigipitst . the Govurninelit.'• „ Aa Real li•ase,soil-iv, purchase loads in fin chango thinettioev; Weitertailititi ;—nrid will Gay and MI LAND WARRANTS. 1 00241,- lesTANctso—Lteetle, Vti ils, Agretauekits, LoaSfth •Av. ~..v.vi.ted nN heretufore uipdcr (jet 1:.0,•-0:4,n.• . . . . 0. 0 , . ~ ' I !4itr!. .'-'.- . .. 1m* , ..tfl .?!.. 4 . 1 " '' l • # r ' " .. , .; - ..i 4- ~'',.', ''..:'; . .:f. ‘, 4 - ) . ~. .. . . .4;8 , • ,110 i , r ,e'44rl B k. :. .. , -yr ..„ 1 „, .r.„ ' f p ' , ,t; ,•,) :i 1 , . ' O, ' .•:,4-N i 7. 0 ,‘ Eil' '' n ''' ' 2 .: , " Alt. •ei,,' '1 i, "' l. \ 1 .... t • ~.:' ' - ~,i . ',I-1 f, 1 , i 4 - •:-.• ~, , •:"c:11,1.:,,, , ,, ~1:' • .1 "v ,„.... :, rt ,' ,' nli ~ 4 , , ..e., ~ 1 -.7..r. ) . •.; , ...:A. lit ' . ,',, .*. .: ..,.,-- ~. A, .:-. ..,, -... , -... q , , , ,,,.,„ ii • , 4 . 1. , r , .:. 1 ,':;ei , ' - ', -•*:---•• '-',`-',,:‘.'1.0:1 1 1%. 4 1 1 : 0°"" , idEo. i I DS II ;,,• 11:0 - e: ' , • • , • ', Lr GEORGI:',S ; T : 9.y:Vi'Vt: HAS RETURNED FROM l'll ILA DEL+, 'MA Watt A SU r -1 4. NENE NOTION AND 4 4; • GROCERIES, ;, • e Stir to wtiloh he rindited the attention of or his patrons and the public generally. S'eptember 22, 1865 DR. :4 3% 4..: ROYER; 1 : 1 7 - ; (SUCCEMOR TO F. FOTIRTIVtit.“,> •' ''DPsdir,trt IV Drugs; "Hedicines, (114nnicals. Pine hoFr snit - Ponta PERFUMER Fancy a nd Toilet Articles. Paitits, Varnishes and Aye Stuffs; Toys and lr'latikee NotiOns; . ritty. ir.rOsene Oil and j o impa.. , IifniAVUFAC.7VRL'7) 'l"olaceo,b' er,44 Witted in d T3rantlictrf; r hier.irnl,purpc);tott•; Foreign and Doitiestic Fruit. • . COINFE(:;"1:10NARII:4, Al! the Protant of' the tagethor" ,with other, at Cie NB in.mv iine•trlo,Rame+rot,ayi 111(.0- dm; 01l of nrhirh will.br sold. et e 101,41;S f.' p rice* for cos h. • 4 incite shoes ve , illing ,articlarrin•ary lion •to cell ae I Leal aso.ared I cart, unite it to ,thcir in tenet to paraltaae of rno N. B. Payy.ici:lne Piaaarv.hre cnrefetlly Com pounded. ~!= The I.ll4oteigne3 tzsails" himself of tho nil i Pbrttt• Tity to Wilder hiii.YritifiTVo' tti'"4r:rmer pitron4 - or ‘ 113 Y0 0 s° 11° .;e0 1 ', 4 loiftiity for tftair,ltintl :aryl con. tinuOrt iorpport and rettarzi et as an additional foverAo hose thorn continue to tor ! tronize his acraTessor,p . ,r. "John ;I'. goyer,;',W4o is well worthy their cot:fide:zee. • sPOURTIIMAN. October .19,% 1885: . • " Fitat RPI FOR S.A I / 4 1.11 —2f)O, nereft or land . situated in .Antrim tmenehil, , eonsiitinq of 80 , acres of choice timber, owl 'the; rerneirpler' he etcel fent Meadow mild holorn' hibil. Tit! rf ior)l, aril terms Lwr. Enquire at' THIS OFFICE. Oct p 0 -:-'2'm ' - : ' ftn . l i' • 11 13 .. 0 111 r D D A If r Mt fil'A. EJURIC.OIIti4 I : 7 Formerly ,o, 031,40.14,ant1i 14. Janice drothertop, deceased, haying' practised Mittlicino at Leitersburti, NW. hue re to zll tt.l to this pined on/ respectfully, of fer.; his piefettetoeul services to the people of Way- inshore' and vicinity. , 4)tfice next-tiers to Kurtz's Drug Store. Nev. 3—tr. , . JR • 0 C ti; .F 0 .13 k E / I LSE WO -71.7Z perpong etezEioutt of ht:vitit; Files recut would l'o welt by simtling a too to mt . , ac uti!:o an I am going to remove WJrlit; to Ford, the cooling sprint:, Addresd 141. L. BMW.. Von MG, Wayncoboro . , Yr:lnk. Co. ). ) .1 '•()ct:::?; " • PIR.ST -ARRIVAL! Isti M. C. 1t1t1: 4 .5.1:7,1:, announces co.theat:ies ayito.sbitib' .ntt xieinny Nilo ha.: J uek reLuciieti'fit)tn the tranti-- meta of w • ` • - ' `, • NOLEZ 4 IIVE such as 8.11130r111et.6 I.S.4matTrinttinio t>i 4.;clartivt:cr;fr tion,,Lat.lisAtnnA Mi t qtcs Data tite, &a. I.adies' are invited"to`.C4,und examine be new f•toa, • . . Bitcox, ( by • ti,JaTi.rll3 Cu. gi - 7 , 4 , 11 s l a r ri i t ti 0 ltt 'Av fi. Ist: t Seusr, gd-ta, '. -,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers