A ILIAGE ltEC0111) totri&V ta" ..,, , .........!...re,.......,,, ..,...,.,,,,-.. • ~ . ...4' v40.C1P,A.A.4...tq1E9a1.1 t o th e w erk g , ai-al to Bab' Pa'The fonoteing sae aut. Wein fur enVaCtiption, scribe' ttti 000the' • , to' capital stook of t e il‘:ertigilit liiii9ottitiiollticiorlitch .4, 1 ;911 1 111.17.03' .. • . company. This company is eonsiiblied:.• of, li'dlierovitilet . ..tlitt. resentuner prises " Continue : • , . , ... 14 tirdpiltrctinpI; • - _-. -: •- . ~ &hie of the • most intim:T.4o- nod wealthy Per A nriumpif,tojtirAVE i t e _ fir ' t . , 2 51 : 0 60 0'1 ion tlemen in lhe Ztateltjtcl, hes 'a en_pitel of n . , • , 'war • , AD 1, fi: . . iiillion ot 4 tiollarq Siitie v ro''th ' Mitaliti f ti: • • ' „ Jr St l ii,44"l"etvlinift ' thy " * nea r:" ';''''''' 4L441 tkOttfr rill be employed4p-theiy...,wori6.-,./110. .‘ such,mhstpiue,nt, inssrtion, ,syi , mht__ltri ____•tor i ow l giecutoi's _ntices...Ali, --2. Stabilith Meat of these s,s•or,lts. - in.,. 4nirisbuig A libels) Moak''' . ,I.ts`'- - "i'V IYe I e - 1, ' i ; iiri [ ' ad • 'sest" eett+ t .usat! ~ oti ---1-1141—r to year!) , aL to WOlt.h: -4tilirter.ftbest-liarar?)rnia,, c 2,4 .6:00 msty - wh o l e as . '• ; s 4.50 tarYor'atlfoiAoigirni iota , ailitirtiii t ne tome invariably &Au' • ,;.; • ; F di i C vr, 14 Fro:prietFt, AD 4 . WititSE. I.llTlfitt r--: 139 • toti of 'the , Itithoni i lb this region, including tike idvinshiios, Wti'abingibn • and Quincy, argoly exceeds' that of any other limpet:puha iished in the county. 'lt is therefore the; 'test advertising medium. • t&'r . lF, thou, you ur4' a Lawyer, Doetritt. or 4tWar prolekaiQuilingib advertise. • ' h& - If you want to Sell gOods, advdtitise. Vrlf yuu. want to buy a far adver; Oise. Wit' you want to sell a farni, advertise. • or tr,ou want eruploymeiit, advertise. Wt . :you wan t - to — emproy' — li - elpTativev' tit 'lf you wait tt, b•Tio ri adver _ 4114—1 f want .to buy or sell a lot, ad virti•e. sartf joi want to buy or sell natal - , ad- vertHe I.lr . T you want to buy or Olt grairt; JAst'.l.f youLn . ant in' ti *4l . lfirally, Anyttilli'fiii DEAD.- - tni" Nti.bargh', thi great Lion , tamer, re dea d. Accoltdfeg to the complete official re inainafog the aoldie•e' vote, .31t. M' o..lonau . shSr'a majority in the Setraterial Dia ilia is 6. • ' • , 'lig Robert itleCook, hi' to be executed at e'd "Friday. Dec. dl, ly order of the War Department. Presitlitat Jolnion boo restored th e firrit of habaie corpus to all the skate, with iiia efei..ptio6 of the Southern states; the Vsiriet of Columbia, and the Territory of Neu" Mexico and Arieoria. Clo:saittss —The fide stealth' of the Air- Al atiay last. The Senate was called to or: der by Mr. Stockton and the session opened with prayer. The credentintS of Hon. Dike P. Poland, elected to fill the incense,' occa sioned by the death of Mr. CoHamer, were prcienteki; and he teolt.his seat. lion.' Mr: Stockton took his Seat as a Senator 'from New Jersey. Alter the introdnetion of sev eral important bills the Senate a,liourned. The House was called to order by the 'elerk; who read the roll of merilbers, omit *ting those from the States lately in rebellion. One hundred and seveuty-five persons an kwered to their names. Schuyler Colfax of Irtdiaea, was elected speaker. A resolution declaring Mr. Mcflierson Clerlt , Mr 'Ordway sergeanta.Arms; Mr. Goodenew boor keeper, 'and 'Air. Given Postmaster; Until their, suceesers were °teeth& passed. The, President's 3ledsage Was read in the Senate and flonse on Tuesday. The, doh*, tient is' tee lenithy for onr toltteina entire. ratit ;;e Will give a synopsia of its eiiiitente iii our next. issue. According to , the Mitices Oven stria the city , dailes the Message is frank and patfietic, and favorably 'regarded t t -4-16 I • 11 lIE rprat-I . .rut :Al I s.— l e f o lit4.; ing is .an, extract frcrii "the women • of thb o n th" for Jt.H. Davis'. release: .Will Yen not release him before tho,dreary winter comet, bring;u7., lith it so much of material discomfort to his frail and delicate bcid . Y, Ind; What is far worgb than the meat aate 'physical suffering; the Wintry chill of hope deterred to his sent Which pities for freedom? hint back; irb ithpkre you, tO the women Of the South. Re is ours and is'e love him! The' Cincinnati hni% 'Times regards 'this plea air 'ellaiacteristie ,t,f Southern itepu . 'deuce and• rebel eooloess. The "frail and ) :delicate• bodieNr of our hi,lve soldier boys in the prrioti 'pen dt Aniersonvillei suffeied sotpethio4 wore then "material disconifoir bo uaandS tiled 'of,ataftation; thousands mere . 'came home to difr—tnete tonikin¢ skeletonsi 'With ifeeked itifelleeta, 'made So by "acute tlysiCal - suirteritit" - ancf "the Wintry chill of hope deferred : " Yet., the women of the 'ull sebodnth; ipiiroi•ed of and orated oer these bafbotities. 'Those zee.O had inotbers and 'wives over the North, *lib "%k id 'them quite as *ell as the Soulli en lu+e`"the'frdi eh d deliente body" uf. Those mothers and_wivead'o yon ai.k. for Tengeanee, but fur justice on the f 4 l l . l:4iii-L-2.lid Tot ; ji6tico be-done though t/14,11 ; eaiti3t3 , DAY OF It.AtElt:•;•=thb'tetlibdißt"relf t iOnury-Ciflxnittie unit ,paieed a reeolettiOn! IfiiiOg the firit'Sultdo in iraotiary. 1866,, as a.licy.to be obsitvedity special and united the /, • a • pis,yer -for:e Divine breiSi* thti'eente ry•Adreiees ot•the• year,; and for , sinh flerilsOirial-ot- religion that - this.•_••period 3riafibe.toiNi.4l as an epech 11a• titLal ilrt , grelfs in, 'the Church. , ~%~~b 41%)'.' ou'r in' , ' A aiiiii A.Aiiiiit'or,.—Th - e itotis pt ~,,44 3, , , 1 1 . 4 ~,, V I . ~ , Ole P asylya is , 1 Optittany D iv t o b e " ~.iiittterfatjlafistirgl th'e 6:titiens 0' ',Oa t Plooelfavtlog Isrifid t don* to theidootpa oy eitll lib* of troOndkwhpatfipon to build vie 7X , Ot:ft'oi, swirl the \light,-ot, wty, of that -city.; 777 7 7 1. fr C... • - . • , ,Pti,apfc 410 a (Mutt ani,eompletes Vol ., 2d-oogtains, Lord PalMefsion; Napoleon lll.tWashing h% Cm ar, Hon: D S; Dieltintma' , Blia Wm, with Poitr'alts, ChOadteia l , a'n'd truphicii: Aso'"Work , Women,, a new History of CiViiizatroit;.Destiny of Amerloa; YLgor, and DevelopMent; Symme try of Character; Phrenology in the Pulpit; Animal Types of Human Physiognomy; Gym. nestles for men, women, and children; inclu = 1.1 17 " -- Alio= ding huology, — Physiology, trygy; Physiognomy and Pi3yoholOgy—only 20 et's, or 42.00 &year': Nei*: iniumer .begins with . Jan, NO. , ' Address FoWler 6 Wells, 889 i -33't d w—York: 12" A new dodge in smuggling *hiker over the Canada border. hks been detected; Thirty-two women, each with that seemed' to be a baby in her arms, were arrested on one-rail road-trli oaten-it-was-fa d'_that the supposed babies were. mine containing - whiskey. - 11 7- hiskey - in - gun:bdri els:of ;u butial -cases,-is-excusable i -but_-whisky_i_n_baby clothes is entirely cat of order. lIAILROAD CoLustott,- , -On Friday mortt lag last, ahotit 8 n'eldek, the Western ex.: press train, which lilt Hari•ielitlrg about 3 , o'dloct, ran into a coal train on the New Jersey Central ready and, shocking to relate, ten persons were kiiied, and sixteen badly in jured! j'During sand two hundred and sixty-two European Emigrants arrived__ at -the—port — ot N e w Naw DABsB.—That sterling Union journ- al, the Lancaster E.taminer and has ecituntienced its fortieth volume, :and cloth o new and beautiful dregs. The kixaniinor is a mese excellent paper, end enjoys what it merits',• an extensive patronage. • LOCAL Irt '.• : Frits —!l fine assortment just received at the' etoro of Messrs. Pride & Ht. fioh. Holativir "Nici NAc6"—A splendid as , Eortm en t at the Drug Store of 'llr.: J. A 4 Royer. . Wanuttza.—The render will excites the Otinkled condition of our sheet this week Rill deo a better article hereafter, Fed SALE.—Geo',..T. Royer offers for Salo a valuable small property neat this place.— :See adverti!ement. Vitett SALT -:—We direct public attentibb to the exyensice sale' of rent and personal property advertised in to-dneti: paper by Mr. :33.iiford Sbrodet. --44:crr.D.—The Mill property at Mt. Hope belongibg, to 'the heirs, of Michael Pfoutzi deceased, *as rented On Friday last at pub lic 'outcry to Mr. Josiah Iturger, and the store stand of Samuel. Pfoutz,,,to• nor.-Goo. J. Royer. . • PICTIMEI.-3.1 . r. John, 13... ilamiltoti has fitted , up ut 66nsiderable . expens'e n• picture gallci7 in this place, and is now taking fine photographs, etk. . • OM° r., Ft7NIi:STONI'N.-br. H. X. Bone biffike, of this' place phiposcs lot•ating eE Funkstown, in this county, The Doctor is elbver young ,than and well` qualified for the practice of his profession. We wish' him success in his new field of operations. CbrtsorimArtn'-=—lt •appears' t h it' the tottnships of Wzishibgtbn, tluincy and Au tritti hat.o been consolidated iu one•distriet, and A. I).• Gordon, of-this place, appointed U. S. Assista'nt Assee!+it•: BettF: lIIVIDE.NDI--The First National Bank of thi'a place has (Wtdardd a 'dividend of five pbrc'etit, on the stodk; ie payalt Oh demand. TAPE IFtAtms chriney ,terrespoicient informs us that last week Dr. Jer. Hess re• mov'ed's lit , i3lspe• Worm froth a troinan at Mt. Alto; it; rhiS cound, thirty Dr J: OJlin stlso removed' a 'hilts one from Mr. John Miley- several.weeks 'ago. . „ THANEsoiviNet.—Dusioesp gen e rally bras suspended in this place yesterday. In .the morning anppproptiate l. discourse otrsa ered to She M. E., Albareb,,lY, z ili?e Pastor:, ~ „ „ Giatoti . s,uot,izsx6y.. 7 r 7 Tk *ad, b • "'a 'citizen" ikt, to-da 's ; -t that .the Legislature be, Ve!itiinied to graut•Wnyneabo: 40' and V' atihitigriin tottsliii'fbe • privilege of Etbteribing on( for the et itelirortil - to ltis pl opiuioL•,' it faYsitib , READ IT.—An interesting little 'stnily for, the la'azs will I lk foetid on , firat Page: irikwEDITRE:- -, --Faeling as I do n Dry. liiiittest in Ateoltiicene Railroad InOverunkl; lilt offer fi t the eiipsideration of yhO' i oll# aw.it suggesitorich was receoltv.Z.#i r ilith , to, . a.,,ctitzttn, ohs of o largest preprOl.oo. , r#, t ,.,,,jh e 0„; pig eSt - Om this: Thit.thir_ i pegt Isla - tit - fit - VS 'silted to 'ityte our - Boro autliortty to atyrtichirt* - for. .t.lrOupod dollarsf or 411 p .c hste:rt ~, f„. t he . Gettysburg railroad to this point. 41 . one I;un - tired thousand dollars could thus be se-- ettic,d r fropi our; liorOm, and 4 wnship iit wAuJA . proyp t l think,. the most sieedy' equi't'able mode of sectiri . ui , The •itional-supt-requiretf-,-could-titea ell,: I• I raised in other sections-. -The'deht, could, be "'gradually liquidated withottt being,Oppressive to anyone. PeitiOns.settling itrthe town or telk'aship 'after the road 'Would be secured ,would thus while reaping the benefits Which' it would necessarily afforti heir their share tif:the burden, and should stocic : prove profitable which . is not at all improbable, the community at large *Ould reap the hedefris. Lam gratified' to learn from the canvassers that very fair subsdriptiqns to the road "are being secured. - A CITIZ fie, pop, I i 1 HOTELTAB.D.—We invite special atten , don to the card of Maj. Le B. Kurtz & Co., proprietors' of the States :Union 'Hotel, of *llarrisrg, in toiday's paper. Personsfrom Ilia sec' tionletopping there wilrniinurse riot' fail to visit the "States Union." FINE OrsrEtts.—Messrs. Hostetter; Reid' & Co. have this week received a lot of en perior York River oySters. Larger ones per haps—intvo—SehlOna- been—brought--to'-this , p3ace. .4 of Sassafras bark mixed with dried fruit, will keep it free from worms for years. 'rho rem edy is easily obtained in many localities, and is well worthy an experiment, as it will 'not injure tbrifinit in• any Manner, ii it dons not preVent the nuisance. BIG PRICE FOR A FARDI.-E. M. Meajey eold his. farm recently, lying . near 100 acres, to Dan., Lel Mentzer, at theratd of *l_4ll ptir_ailie-- HOTEL SOLD.—The property knoWn -Ai "Doyle's Hotel," io Hagerstown, was re oently sold, at public auction, and was pur chased by James H Grove and' Dr. N. B. Stott, in behalf of/a company: Price paid, $12,1 : 00. . . Mk', A. Train, Esq:., forinerly of this . county, has been bleoted by tho Union party ty of 483 votes Pp m.--Pork bas very materially cleaned withiri a few tweets past, and can now be purchased at sometfiing, approximatiug a reasonable rate, $lO pet hundred. Quantrell, the gnettilla • has gone t o Wabtlingtoa to apply for pardon. - There is a head tax in Mississippi of 82 upon each person. It is said that bill a will, before long, be in troduced in Congrests authorizing the issue of bounty land warrants of 160 acres of the domain' to the honorably discharged and the heirs of deceased soldiers. OIL CITY, Pa., :Dec, 5 —Oil Saturday last, about noon, Aliler, superintendent of the Ocean Oil Coinpany, while on his way to Titusville was waylilyed and robbed of 44,200 in money and .$11),000 iu cheeks Two p,ersons fired at him,. one ball passing through his hand, and the other, which was aimed at his heart, fortubutely struck, his watch, thus, kn saVing his lite. 'One of the rob bets then oelsed him offlais horse with a club, and beat him till he was insensible.— No clue lifts yet been discovered of the guil ty parties. UTAlL—the Mo on leaders not btily practice polygamy ins ite.of the law© enact ed .by ilorwreas to prohibit it, but they ex act frbm taieudberents a tax of one-tenth of all.their produets,te sustain' their impious organization.; while they refuse to pay to the National Government even the smallest pit tance for the lands they have appropriated, I and from, which they obtain their subsist.; once, They have virtually •established• an independent, empire 'within our. .chnuiriions ' in which, they tyrannize over their deluded followers on Mb one hand; and set at defiance the rightful autheritlea.of the.dation on the other. Many allegationsl of individual in justice and 'outrage ar e reported against them which would disgrace any; ordinary tined ofoutlaws; and but, ter the presence of, our' troop in their , vicinity, it .would •ofteu • be impossible fcir-thci victims, they efiseare to' return , tcObeiriold homes after their eyes are opened td the impostures andinfamies of Alorruoniam, .•. SINGULAR TOINX,IiATON or A i4t , 1.117:01T. ---4.fn Friday week a novel case was t ried in the District ,Court The plaintiff John Conner, firouglif suit against Barnes,.a.vroll,,kuown.and esteem ed clergyman of that city.„., The action was to.rscover,a penalty of-g$ for marrying. a minor daughter of the plaatiff Aithotit the consent,of.!,he parents; And mittlout publica• tion of the banns of Marriage, in, accordance, with the terms of an 'old act of,Assembly of this Commonwealth, passedin the year.l7ol. .After hearing the evidence the jury retired - m - deliberate,-and-retnnined-out-it,ll-nigh able to ;agree. Po tho opening, of Ahe,.court 00. :raclatip . poV faet'„was ' nouoced by the judge . in 'diselisrgny , t the w ry, that . the deft:pewit, the ,Rev...tvri.tfarnes, Who was advanced in age, had died a few ' hours after leaving the court house,. :The nattse of his death wakstated.te beaver' 4iteilie.l3,ooDsoqueC4 04'1 . ;. '7;fanics . 111oCoratickovho died , a geWbag, N. Y., last week, at the age' Of' 3.l.4`Years, •as probably the oldest .person io the' liniind Suites. BIZEIM —lt is said that a small containin 1,.-,i c 4.!-'1.,:(6.133.41114%pgtrage5t .7 ' it • el • O. 2.—A):111 ty ,_Aptiebei Veioi:,g94*„MO:o4 . o l ltna press route, ky4lo,ololls:;ll),tirtula t 'Aprings, and gtitiwiceph, ,, pogiskdoziiitipthe etiiroes 'OlYgic:iiniitiu'jler . yin,After burning 4tiliViintiqfie,f4iiii-tttl&Wiiri' -Springs to INif Station, and burned all the hula- togs, stcili`tirasfillyiiiiiiif grin kik& atitiotht •er mperty at that.place. •Que of tbe...pas: , eugets killed three of the j fifiliaiis;: tint •• ' afterwards allot ! Ilia heart cut :Out and his body burned over a slow fire. . -The' NEW "Veldt; Deo: '3.-=-The F;ten '" me,.-which: reaohed this port on Friday, brought intelEgettee of the appeAranee of the cholera the„,island of Gatidalottpe, This island, ‘wb.ieh is one of the French West Indies, is Only, ones days sail from St: Thotinis; and , theitthabitants, of the 1E144 place are fearful that it will spread to Chit point. St. Thomas wets, however, at the date of the sailing of the Havania, per fectly! free from sicknens, with the:e±ceptiorr of a few oases of small-pox, ' FATAL RESULT &ROM THE BURSTING OE A LAItIP —We regret. very much to be un der the necessity to chronicle a very sad ac cident *hieh oceured in thi.s• borough on Sunday everkinalastothirh-reanitethr heath of 'the wife of Mr. pawiel Everett, re siding in the' Westward. It appears that Mrs E. was about retiring for the ni:hti and with a coal oil lamp in bet hand, ace% pani ed by her husband. proeeeded_up-staira-and was In the act of placing, it upon the bureau wheel it exploded, shattering the lamp to pieces and setting her clothes on. fire. In her-fright_she_rushisd past her husband down' stair:Onto the yard where she was caught by hinr and pgraced under the hydrunt and the flames estitroishedi but not, how -ever; until - her - flksh wus literally burned to crisp She lived in the must terrible agony tt--dea tir-euded-her- Buffet ings.4-Elato w Sentinel. PREACIIER. IN TuousEri.— ,Mount Metho dist pieucher late in- charge-at Mount Pleas ant, Westmorland county, Pa., has been sus .pended, u 3 we learn from the performance ol father duty, witil an investigation is made by the next tireuerel Conference on certain charges brought against him. It appears that he is charged with stealing, or taking from fican the &ore of Mr. Strickler a web of muslin, and thore.seents to be such grounds for smayicion that, the Ecolesiwitical autholi ' • s=heltemeived—lunt—frorn_t. - .Desk to await a trial as before stated. .tilurder o/ art Entire Family. ALBANY', Nov. 29 =On Monday night the family of Daniel Waleath, Dl:who-in Herkimer minnty—himselli wife , an d a daughter twelve years old--=were murdered by a party unknown Walrath was shot in the head, and his wie's head was mashed in; god the child's throat was out. There is as yet tlo clue to the murder. • OMET IBlBLlL—Biela's Cornet, which is said to be now visible to the naked eye, may be . seen in the neighborhood df , the con stellation Pegasus, and close to the bright star Markab, one of the bright luminaries which form the Well-kuown square of Pega sus. It is pursuing a southeasterly' course, and will cross the celestial square about the Middle of December. It will continue to approach the earth until the end of Februa ry, when its-distance from us will be only eightedn millions of miles. There is great excitement ih 'Washington Territoty, in anticipation of the assorted car go of Massachusetts woman shipped for that market. Meetings "have been held, commit tees appointed and the settlers stand on tip toe of excitement,.awaiting the arrival of the lovely consignment, In New York, the Fifth. Avenue Hotel pays $BO,OOO rent; the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan $70,000 each; the Astor and New York $OO,OOO each, and the 'Evora $40.000. A. S. Stewart owns the Metropoli tan and St.' Nicholas, and Wm. B. Astor owns the Astor House. - DEAD.—Colonel John Avery, one of the largest land owners iu Yirgiuia, died in Prince George's bounty, Yirginiu, on Sun day Be owned over nine thousand acres of land in that douuty and Surry—the one'. lle•was eigiily•two years,old. Ooe of the best things of—the season is that of Bishop Simpson, who has declarpd in favor of paying the rebel war debt L when it becomes due, viz.: "after the independence of the Confederate States shall have been se cured:" A $20.000 organ is building in Boston for Henry Ward Beecher's aural.. It will b the largest ever built i n this court-. taw litrhe death of the fat test man in the world, M. Heim of Paris, 'is recorded. Ills, ago tras 42, and he weighed.ssoo pounds. PECI Li NOTICES. arDECRERT'S ant, Gap and Fur Store Jaen North second at, near the Washington .House, Gtiamberriburg, Penna. EV'FURS! FURS ! FT.JRB ! Sable, Squirrel.) Fitch and Mink Fen; for the ladies. selling at low er rates thah last sua.on, at . , • • DECHERI"s, North Second St. Chawhemburg Or DE I'M 1 I'SICO ! Weber F'atrat ! Sheri dan ! and ill the 'tate 'kyles of tints at' 11;30H RT'S, • 7 •. North Second St. Charubeniburg-i'a., , re-rn E CAP that "tipped the climax" or any edict kind of cap eau be buught at ~ DEUEERT'....S. . . Noah S. econ 4 ti, Ultatuber,burg, Pa. Nov. 17--;:a13 . - ITC - 11 - I — ITCHTI — ITCII 7 f SCRATCH! SCRATCH: SCRATCH! • IN lie:noses i4LP—Cire_Atc/4-1,4-443-4./Drirs Also cures I:1 1-; GUI 1 ; ., 8i...11,1:z.. and a i 1:311;PTIO.N. t)r, T rio cc nu. Fur sale by, ali,llruggists svisit% 661:lents ico ' 1:11; K & p.Erttft, t.3alg',Agetit,, 110 WaShingtorititreet, bust.iii;•?tia:sq it will belorivartled by mail, free of pus3agui w- catty purr of the United. btates:" r 7 A t lii ES" ti tit 1' • 'bur FALL lock of Loolieb' FUlt`6.torriprißiiig'i II Liatli, qualuici alit! bhApcd for Ladle ani Children ❑rii now open for inappotion; in ',addition to out large stock of FURS,• we have TRIMMINGS, MUFF' TASSELS, ENDS, CORDS, BUTTON 9, ike. 4 • . U4DEGRAFF'S • I / ffilliSve Fact Ory Old ',Fur Store, ". Opposit*Waiktington House 4 167`FAX,sL F 441104, 1805. tali stylee.?, of HATS an _ el CAPS for Men„DbY)Y 4 , , a nd. i Chiithen, taremoW ready , , z ,cototfrising,,eVery doing, iiepular in the way of "Flea Gear" together With a 'fikeirtg . sertment of VANES, tilwagt4LAs. GL O VES,. PORT 11.101V1ES. LADIES' CAS.ASt . 'll'iliieline ,B.Atics'-latlief? FOBS Ity &c • UPDEGRAFF'S Hat Manufactory, Opposite Washington House. On 'the 28th` nil::in "Cliarriberibii% byl the Rev. Mr 8,63itb,. 'I4BAN- V- WINGERO, . formerly" Of-,this , Miss PRUDENCE STOV.tI; o f • • township, this county. , • ' On the;3oth ult., at the,residence ; of . tbe brides father, near Greenvillao , - •by the Rei. B. C. Lehher, Mr. SIA.RTILOBERIicrf,"' SER, to Miss RACIIEL daughter of Red. ' Aston 0. Wingerd formerly, of this AcitiP, At the residence of Mr. Ge6ige Folts,near this place, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr.-0. C. SMITH, of Washi'n'g -. ton co. Md., to Miss REBECCA,., FOLTZ of this vicinity . Ti IX, MI 'SD C, 161 . In Fairview,-Fulton Co. Ili, on the 9th ult., Mrs. SUSAN B. LEWlS t i.•(sister-to' the eslitor_o'f_this_paper)__formerly_of _the !. Welsh Run se'ttlement, thiS county, ' On the 29Chatub'g 'IDA BELL; 'daughter of Capt.. 3 R. and Isabella Frey, in the 10th year of her age., • On the 2d inst.. % in Chambersburg, JACOB 11EID, aged 27 years, 11 months and 3 days. On the 24th ult., near Upton; of' croup, BARRY h'IIISBY, infant child of Thomas -- Chne,en, aged 1 year,. 1 month— antriWy _aud_kLdays. 'Our little Harry's gond To dwell beyond the, sky, • To wear a hngbt and fadeless crown, Where pleasure cannot die. I can fancy gazing on him, . lie has passed his night of sighs ' And thd t. Heaven's own hght - upon himf Waits to greet his angel eyes. In Marlin •township, on the 30th.ult., Mrs. BUZ - ABET/I, wife of Mr. William Koontz. aged 29 years, 11 months and 1:3 days. ~~i=~ PlimarALPut-a. CATTLE. MARE AT —Dec. 4.—The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at the Avenue Drove Yard continue large, reaching about 2;800 !fetid this week. The market. is rather dull, but prices are without any material change. Extra Pennsylvania and Western Steers are selling at from l 7e; a few choice at 18tc; fair to good at 14- and common at fornrl.o@lgo lii, as to quality. The'market closed very dull I • tie beiug very Scarce and in good, demand. Sheep are rather dull; 9,01)0 head arrived and sold at from 6J@7fc ° lb, gross for good fat sheep, Hogs zontintie very dull and . loWer; 5.000 head arrived and sold.at the diffetent• yards at from $12@15 the 100 Ri o s net. Cows have again advanced; 100 head sold at from sso@loo head, as to quality: PipLATIELPLIIA. DEeENIBBIt s.—The pro duce markets, as we have noticed for Some time past, continue very dull, and buyers on ly purchase in small long to supply their im mediate wants. In Flour there is no mater ial change to notice, the demand oontintting limited both for shipment sad home use; sales comprise 500, barrels low grade Nort h west extra family on private terms, and 80U barrels City Mills family at 812.509 barrel. The retailers and bakers are buying in small lots at prices ranging from $7.751@,- 8.25 fur superfine; $8.509 forextra: $9.0- .9 75 for Northwestern extra family; 810®. 11 for Pennsylvania and Ohiis (36, and '612( 14 V barrel for fancy brands, according to quality, GE,AEN.—Primo Wheat is scarce, and held above the views of buyers; sales reach about 3,000 bushels, at 221)@f2.30e for fair to prime reds, and 250@270c V. bush. for white, as to quality. Rye bee again declin , ed, with sales of 600 bushels Pennsylvania at 108 e, bush. Corn is more active; 12,- 000 bush sold at 78@82c for newyellow, 83c for dry lots, and 85e for old, including 5,000 bush, old and new mixed on terms kept private. Oats continue dull at former rates; 3,000 hush. Pennsylvania sold at, 50c /I bush. in store. FOR THE WINTER A. EASON.— N. Caro4ina Sweet Potatoes bq tbo bbl • soup Beans by the quart or bushel;' Dried Fruit bought and sold. by Dec 1] HosTrrrsu, NEIL, & Ca.. Furs Furs Y Sable, Fitch, Coney and. Mink Furs comprising Mulls. Bertha Capei and Victurines, just resumed at Puts!: 4. Ifotrwcix's. Dee. 8. . PUBLIC 'SALE:, rr 'Subscriber will offer at public sale on FRI.L, 1 DAY THE 22D OF' DECEMBER, 1865,bis property snouted miles west ~of Waynes boro; on the Turnpike ledding totireeneastle, cow' slating of 27 ACRES, , . .. , . . more or Was, of. Ural , quality limestone laud, afiout; I i acres which is won tit t with Thritring oat tim ber. Thu improvements are a one Story STONE HOUSE yiith.basentont and cellar,.good-wash house,. smoke house, wool nous°. and . b.nte•oyvn all under one root—•also &good frame btabfe large enough for 5 horses and 5 cows, buggy shed, corn crib, iMg pen, andchiciton house. 'There is also a l.rge cistern under the hog pen feCinng . .room. There is also on the premises a • Fine Young . , Orchbar.4ll. ntrintice trust nets', stictt as peacltes.•ginpers, titc. le' tocommence at-. unsaid day when Me terms wilt bu ramie ktiowu by • relshe rabseriber will. offer for • sale at the tame Cele land . ' Isa.CIZUM'Mo, . ttiAre Or maim' qualny lit ebtcino lane aLLjuiil log lords of ti.! J.' Itclex, mk t :, era; • !•Ternis made - linowat on day, „of said by, ~ , , ' §- 7 -I.l] 4 Anct: lA, 11,13vI l'Utlt.47ETSTETT.T.Ilit: 111 Will invli flatlet' cu tlley go into [lair new town.- . ... . R' .• . . . 4 . . ~...,. . .. ~ ~ ~ OVIEWT.,k, A ~ , . if , ~ , i-, 'mast*/ L 124 PERTV ' triE stlscribrieiddingit - Fonntsin-DalerAd-- '' 'qiiiir , O • Pa/ f itittl tile VV a nesboro', Greencastle' and Mercersburg turnpike, six' miles above Em-• 111ftsburrMdl , will , wits ak i public',fialu,or&A"gpS f „,,,.., DAY THE 26TH Or DECEMBER, 1865, 'tile following personal propelty H , f , :, ..p e 1ni1, , , ,T , ;,:i. , r.. ., ..„... r" , WORK 1 "SES, • ' brood sows with / 1..,. Wilt IIAYV ' -j----- • h • . lot of corn iQirei,i;iii; - 441;4- - _ , .:. caii; tliigo; . /:'§ Nigthy.2 , toihei.fr .... -_ e and 1 double shovel plow, 1 cutting '- , lith,_- 6'.l4arcutier, ~.2.. farm • milts for _ . one colt, 1 mtich cow, 2 heifers, pig, 3 fat-hogs, TN -TONS. GO 21tona of clover ha ydagon. of „. . dhoirping grain, pill' A to .xp , :p1!.n,.0 , er... sr, 6 'mill,l Sett of cast : iron segmertbit;:aiOr.:piniok-`..fOr!: double or trippleaaltv atißoi-; 3,crow bars, but 'o b ajus, breast' chaintei:Cow,„Clininsi• and, other chains; 2 .;seits ,bliggt:,:kiirroatir,. co ll ard; bridles, and halters; 2 cross•cut saws, 7 S TO. V ~,, five tieh-platb; one 'parlor, ani one cook stove, 2 otos, one double and one single barrel, 2 grain cra dles,..2 mowing scythes, 2 pair of 'wird ladders, 3 'clocks, one twenty-four hour, one. 12 hour, 1 man tle do. 1 patent washing machine;' abfOtonsehold and kitchen furniture, about 50 buSbels,pf potatoes, vinegar by the barrel,. a, let of. cider barrels, 1 cop per kettle, and many other 'articieg'not'neeeessisr"to ' mention. - ..• • Inithediatety after theesle ;of - personal frittpe'rtif' the subscriber will offer his real. estate. hot N0.,1 ! . 50 Acres of Mountain Land,- well' set with chestnut timber, known as the Craw- - for 4 tot. Lot No. 2; 48 acres, more or less, adjoin ing of Mussleman and heirs of Dr. Thomas' Walker; dec'd., Well set loath rock' Oak, chestnut, apd other timber. ' Lot NO 3, 47 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of ' the heirs of 14,.Thomas :Walker, dec'd _well set with chestifut, rock and black oak.. Lot No. 4 ; 15 acres, roore-of less, all - 7 reining lands of Christian Mussleman, dec:d. chael Kugler, arid the heirs of Dr. YU Onus W;:lker„ dec'd., well set with chestnut; locust; ruck oak, and and black o:tk. Lot No. 6, 26. acres, more.or leis, 3 acres of which is cleared and wittr a fine young Orchard of apple_trees_iu_fulLbearing—Agood_onm____ story log house thereon erected; the balance _of this tract is well set with chestnut, and a variety of oth er timber. , , TAE MAIM SIM cotitains one hundred and forty, acres, un,teltich, is 'refeted a good rough cast TWO-STORIED HOUSE idith back building; , a barn, cofa crib, moktrhouse, tt iar'ge bark mill, Teller an $ fulling stock all run by water power, containing porstfernus and valuable machi tieryi-one_trippllL eared saw mill, with shingle and lathe machine attached f — MT:l — water - power is of the first class, a large darri Mtn& a 'constant supply of water; the head and fall of Water' on the property is 36 feet; about. 60 acres of this tract is clear land, and in a high state of cultivation, the balance finely bet with. young locuit:' poplar, and, Chestnut timber. This is a very desirable property; in good repair; delightfully situated, ,and suitable for any puolic business. 330 acres of mountain land adjoining the abbVilnariSiok tract; one' half of which is well set with chestnut timber, the balance land is situr.ted on• the plateau of the mountain, and is level and very accesNibiN Pereon3 desiring, can view the land cit. any time before the; day of sate by calling on the aubseriber at 'Fountain; Dale, Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on eaid day when terms of sale will be made known. SANFORD Sli RODER. 'Des. STATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITS Leb, Valley' Pennsylvania B, B. Depots, HARRISBURG, VA, L. B. KURTZ & CO , Proprietors, Succewsora to J. W. Taylor Dec. B—tf. AT . COST, AT COST. rr HE Eubscrihers would inform the public that they are now selling off their stock of W IN TEH CLOT HI for Men and Boys, at .COST. PeisonA want . of °lathing of any do scription would do well to give them a call, next door to . e..ibbet'shotel., •, Dec I] FELLHEIME & STRAUSS. PUBLIC SALE. , - NOY order of they Orphans Court, the undersigned. will offer at rtiblie Sale, on Saturday 16th of December, 1.865, at l o'clock, P. M., on the prem ises, in front of Dourden's Hotel, the following oe scribed real estate of C. T. Wesgly, ded'd, viz One half lot of ground, with a ONE ..TOICY KOINE, part Frame and part Brick, Wash House and Out -kitchen, a good Stable with Carriage Shed at-: tached, Hog Pen &c thereon There is also a good Cistern on the .hit with pump in it, anal an abundance of choice fruit, such as apples,; peaches, plums, grapes, &c. The above is one of the most pleasantly situated properties in the town. Terms made known on the day of sale, by JOHN WALTER,. Trustee. IL V. Nlosa, Auct. Dec. I.—tg.) BARBERING ! BARBERING, ! TTIE subscribers' would inform the' public that they have associateti themselves together in the Barbering business, and ore now priparod to do hair cutting, shaving . , shainprioning, etc., in the best style. The pltrortage o; the* public i 4 .respeetlully solicned. PRICL. RH° ESN J. 1 1 11:AN1L, I. N. BN/VNLT,*.,D. FRAN 'SNITE Y piaMilg• • associa• themselves in the pyactice z of Medicine and zuripiry wOulti , stite that tray ate Mill i)repitretf treat all medical and surgical ens6s.. Persons in debted to either of tho,above will please Ina lie catty settlement to the tune of their association, ON they wish to close their old Looks. Office in llr. Frantz's reimdcrve in the toom for rnerly occupied as store room by •:tir. J. Bearer— April 14--tf ' et: g : ‘ t' u the )3 " ig " Re ' it '.4 2 - 1 6. :;z: • ' • D. 13. RU)333141.: Agent flt• Franklin to'unty.. • (July 1.1,762.), , TXRESS , 'TRIMMING.S.—The beet astwrtmont joutside of the city at, ..aug. 4] :ViiTCALFE & HIIIVH%W7B; • . lUrk rANTED.—Bacon and !Aird,.fur wltiCh ;hp Sep 8] , • liSTETTitti, Riun & Co.• . A. LL p"puhir Pgtent Maaiciuea'of, the day, • , ' a.caka 0f.4u0 Soap, you what go to • r RTZ,'s't . A T F,N. F .,FL.-1451ti--Just; pr . boat. n Ing will° 'cal qifaiif, at " ' '• 'l , •• , ,acP 8] '''-..l4os•ritratt,"Raro Q It.t 011,&,,A god a rade 'for salir by a4_B] •' • -" (dt o r•Ruz •11 4 7y:)u,vtro171fit) rrnioVe:tlitiots& pipiplett elidt blinch _itron -Your; 66, go ticK Vl{llll'3 anil get of , srdwf . „t • !;,;, r MCC H. R AISENS.;11111 r :Nr u i ;IL; .;); r ;:110STEZTELI,,ECID, P) ' s .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers