-~.~ ~: tROTIIgtrONV jUNAIt t 86 4 .4 4 Wig. IL 'IIROTHERTON. la -, ,-,,, FF , i . , , H . A : ~.8 . ,„ .:„.!. , . , • AND . . - , . ~ • - . . , .. . i fli,l'tjl• - • - ILL \vi If a_ „,..... , .. A late ant carefully selected stock - of which he has just received and intends selling at decidedly , . Erna)MAD aaco ak4c:l 011:n14- HOLLOW WARE, Cedarware, OIL CLOTHS, SHOE FINDINGS; YRICIILTIMAL INIEEITS, 534 ROPES, =Mil PAINTS, GLASS vaiioraaaa 4 LEATHER FLY-NETS, lie invites especial attention to a very large stock of Scythes, . • Scythes.Slitairleners, Rakes, Forks, Shorelm, Snatils, Ste., &e., IBM THE fiIEAPEST. LOOK 'TO YOLTE OWN INTf:B.FST BY EXAMINING 4111' STOCK! Scantling, &c., ell of which he will dispose of on ithe most accommodating terms, being desirous to ___L-itruty-store-k- 7 .0-ooft.:-Itssort , close-out-hie-stool:. Peesone—wonting--huni- Ineut , of all -.descriptions of goods usually j please call upon him at his residence. in Wayne's . t 1:ro stores. I merely V. B.GILBERF. I{~lt All examinatiJu of my goods and prices before purehasiug elsewhere..,, :-.11-101EMin - m,_i FE L]. SCYT II ES AT OLD.ER.II).F.S.; _ r .• , • m. IT. 'l3 Ito.rn RTO Z,l - thine 12 tS (6; . MEMIE!I Gram Cradles, Forks and Shovel .Handles, EMI=ME=I "i' 2 ;mtit''Tl Int 11110 .IC • ' l7 • 4..* „ • 'l7 - VVISHES to inform the good citizens of Way neelume midilekit.y„ l tlfakhelmnejmit receiv. from the- East' it - rmgritliCfciltikeeettMent of ktyge,lldicines, Paint?, meir, iadQw.Gtlsdco.7.4o43v ch ie prepared to sell as cheap as they can be ad id any other house - in the toWn; and which; in-regard' to quality, cannot be excelled... He has also on hand • - lergcrassortment - of — Toltitlit-Alid[CLE* comprised in part, of the follopingirticice, • Toilet Waters, all kinds, • Eau de Cologne, endless in tarief, Extracts for the handkerchief,' Fine English Pomades, ' • • , Bandolines - • • Fine and FanefSoapii, Combo &o. $ . 1 For Culinary purponis helms Coin Starch,. Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: . Lemon, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry, Piner Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pea', • Peachi Nut.; meg. &e. fresh Spices, Be lack Pepper and all oth. er articles in that line. H has also - something to please the 4 .' • LBRE .„, A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware. Pateia.t AliEedlicirtoses. , Drake's-Plantation-Bitters, Hoitland's Gelman do. • Sand's_ Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. Hiteshew's Cough Syrup, " Diarrhea Cordial, . Frey's Verulenge; Vermifuges, doz. kinds Pills—Wright's, Judron's • Spaulding's, Holloway's, Ayer's, - Brandreth's Morse's, -7 MeClauets, liven- lilts. Win Slaw's Stiothing Syrup, Dr. Parishe's do. Kerosene Oil, Lamps and Chimneys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the. same, hoping that by trying to please he may win, the confidence 1 o the co dc. As much care taken in waitin, u on adults as children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly -and carefully compounded at all hours. • J. F. KURTZ. September 25, 1863. ESA LanNa FOURTIIMIN'S DRUG STORE ! M'CIoTITLTIEILMALZT WOULD tender his thanks to the community and still solicit the patronage of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock 'so as to be enabled .to answer all calls or 'anything and everything usually found in a Drug Storo, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention to filling. physicians' Prescriptions, and more_care and precaution used in waiting up on children than adults. FOREIGN AN DOMESTIC INS, Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines in endless in variety, including all that have been made ur to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work, besides all sizes of Glass. Commercial Note, Foils Cap and Let. ter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Enve lopes of different sizes and colors... Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap Hair Oil; Cologues,'Eseen cos, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy tine on hand and offered for sale, cheap. cr than ,ever offered before. Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil - to fill them. A general assortment of Fruits and Confectionares, Tobacco and Cigars. September 4, 1863. FOl2 EATS, MICE , ROACHES, ANTS, RED BUGS, )10' IN silts, WOOLENS, aC , INSECTS ON PL.kNTS,'TOWL., AN- 111AL'i - • Put up in 25c. 50e. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and - $5 sizes for flirrtYsit-fti-rri .4.onl infallible re e a " 7-" r• "Not dangerous to the Human Family." Rats come 'oat of their holes to die." Cir Sold Wholesale in all large cities. O'Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. Ilarl!!Ilsursag!!! of all worthless imitations. ri'See that "Closvna'.." name is on each Box, Bet tie, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR. L.WPEINCIPAL DEPOT 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. L'Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Wa vneaboro'. Pa. March 11.-8 m) Lumber for. Sale. Tt subscriber bas still for sale at Meltaaff's I mills (formerly Gilbert's) LUMBER such BARBERI NG. THE attbactiber informs his former patnins arid the-publie-ginerally.-thatld-Inis- - re-eoirinienced Barbering . business, in the room next door, to Tritle's Tinning establishment, and is now, prepared to do liair-cutting and Shaving in the Lost style., Vail. .18 - GEO. B. PRICE. Hair " , I*41 :1 OP% X.E3V".. i" • - : n. . ' - • . „ 3 • ' • ekr ft - ti,_ 14:44 .r.. ' irt, '- • _STO ,) • .•: ; 1)..; d lVtiTS494b*VO?; Pali ' 4 •('';flnti • :1" ,, '4l a Strt.“:, ca }TANKFUL forkiati favoilfstol fottrowiedirtiore' tofine bestowed tipatahn, tiirgin-Appeara lagoro, tho ,to solicit a- Oontiatiance of the_ same { -- Uehainitinsi lettnifed !Wins the Osten eitlei With fine seleCted *WA of laAccikr , ' ' • • FALL AND WINTER:, Which he intends selling at _very low ratel,,which he knobs ~e can .36 to the 'fiattifietion of all will calland• ekainine his steely.. = 1 . •-- • .L .Below you will find enumerste& age* °Steles which will be hand runortg,l;a• stock, to which be • calla Yuniatierition. • ' FOR •THE AIL_ lE111"X 311 E,. WHO' 44'• lie has a large assortment of Dress Goodaconsisting in part of • " • Printed and . ' Brk,,Pig'd.mtd „CoPti.Bilks, plaid M . 'W. al"'p o - Herhgeal,"" • Medona Cloth, Lavelias, French and domtic Ginghams Poplins, •• . Pongee Mixture, .. Cloth for Ladies, Wrapingi, • dtotres, Hosiery, in gieat variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, • Black and Fancy Cassimeres, . Union Cassimeres, • Duck Cottonades, Summer Coatings, -- • Tweeds, . Yell; at Cord, Marseilles, " - .Velvatine Vestings ' of all kinds; in fact a full assotment of goods for Gentle, men wear. Also a larger end well selected stock of TIC GOODS, BOWIE Mullin,iTicking; and a — complete a assortmentriir Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line just call in and you will find hilt ready-to writ on you with pleasure. To persons Having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their, advantage to .bring it to Sto— ver's,as he always giies the highest market price. So give him a call, end he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Nov. 13, 1863. DI \ TIMM RESTORATIVE FO It THE HAIR, Restores Gray and Faded Bair and Beard to its Natural COlor, AND IS A MOST LUXURIOUS DRESSING FOR THE HAIR AND HEAD. CLAWS RESTORATIVE; Restotes the CoIor.JLARK'S RESTORATIVE, . . Eradicates Dandruff CLARK'S RESTORATIV.E, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prevents its falling off CLARK'S RESTORATVE, • Is an unequalled Dressing. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • Is Good for Children. • CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CLARK'S ,RESTORATIVE, Is good fur Old, People. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is perfectly harmless. CLARK'S FESTORATIVE, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CLARK'S RESTORADIVE, CLARK'S RE&TO CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Keeps the, Hair in its Place CLARK'S RESTORATIVE • I__ Cures Nervous Headache. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Stops Itching and Burning. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, . • Kreps the Head Cool CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is delightfully perfumed. -11-K-'-ESTORAT-LVE Contains no Sediment, 1-CIA-B-K--.S—REST-ORATIVE CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prepares you for Parties. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Prepares you for Balls. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, No Lady will do.without it CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, dLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Is Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price, $1 per bottle.-6 bottles for $5. C. G. CLARK & CO., NOPRISTOIIB. 'etteral-Agents. ------- D:3;:liatticBB a ao., Maych.4,1864.--:1y) • ersigned—foreeld-AnAveilhis--etts tom geneistfy: th uhe his 'removal his stoeVor goods to the Southiiest corner of the square and associated with him in business Samuel Hoet• lick, formerly with J. It, and is now doing bnoinesa under the firm of Price klioellieh. " • He would take the opportunitylto roturn thanks for past favors and would solicit° a - continuance of the same liberal patronage to.tho new Orm.- Very respectfully, " JOS. - PRICE: April 22 7 41. . Promotes its Growth. Is geod.for Ladies. Contains n) Oil. Is not a Dye Beautifies the Hair TIVE i Whiskers Prevents Eruptions Contains no Gum. AU Ladies need it. Costs but $1 WAYNESBORO' Y ' „ ..„ „ _ i - :;711TANT10, 101 T-1110118 6108ER'8 PATENT SOLF-REGtTLATIDiii GRAIN SEPARATOR ; CLEANER . • ' - '4`, l lPll ll rill, LA:. a • halitddintitavad47loisb,er and' 2bipleAearjf est %7. l ear-. .• or Belt, all furnished Complete • ?ea , to be :ea W , ens. ?“' te un ersiim i, o xi% 0 a attention , Pinners 'sad ed es Frarikiing rtdAilioin f ing counties ~- 1 1 his the public foiseveti: , years~ during ; 'time ; it has : given genqai•Satisfacttail, :and i!!'*s4 6 eoi4ee having made. seine Art ... 34 , r.Aakkrtiiii imirStenienta, _which reridei, it still More, crinifitifo;-,Y both ; for Cies& 'separating and, ileining.,"atid: - 'also for: ''. ; 44 of - dmughtand pia threshing. I -take lilerisiire in 1& Commending it to the &WC, hoe - Sr - jug that it will give tho best of eatbifaction.„,lani intinit factoring threeitifferent sizes, as toOnwist, , , No. is 8 horie 'thresh aid clean from '2OO to 500 bushel's per day. " - No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh ,and ciean from 150 to 300 bushels. per Alai, -; No. 3 is 4to 6 horse) power, willthresh and clean :horn lOU to '<ill Imshele : per These M chines are warranted to do the above, 111:14 41p m h..b'etter jot every respect than any ',otherinschtm in use. - Grain hianng!niughdight filth in it cleaned on this, Machiim is ovrthirenr 2'to 3,cents more per inistui l el than wh In cleaned on any other eeparntor, , or the common Wk% of cleaning en hand fans. ! or this reason there is not theeighth part of light matter In the grain as whin; elerined.on 'OO riddle principle. The blast acts freely onell the grain as it leaves the whereas, wheai, When Cleaned Vitt: -riddle that ad vantage,* lost 4jE,l=o:iedoesnot_ return ; t o the sepa_tors, I h : do.. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is , impossible to stake Arteretiailia grain, Another ; important feature* this machilie, that others , of the, kind have not, is ,the Self-acting Blast Regulator in the fan, whit* .remedies all &tif f ficulties in . bad cleaning, blowing grain in the Chair in higkapeed.or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power , This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Uleaner,or the common machine with shaker... - . Orden to•insure their' being filled until harvest should he sent in immediately. • .-• I am fully prepared to make to order and on short 'notice Portable and Stationed STEAM ENGINES;'.: GRIST Aiill SAW. MILL , GEARING,' `SHAFTING AND, iFiULLEYS; IRON BRIDOES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS. IRON --KE PTLES, dtc, Stove.s and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every tlescrititiaiit - a -t wortl F mtam-preparerl to, do everything, usuall ' y done in : a foundry and machine shop. Hititirtg'stipplie3 myself with the latest im proved- machinery. such as Lathes, Bonin Planin: and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— rLam-also-preparod-to-mantifacture-to-order-ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and °roving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, dcc. . I also offer to the public a netv 'avid -valu able improveMent in ,my steam engines, made within the lest' Jye ar, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation pf speed, which ,renders my new engines far superior to , the old engines. All my machines are sold under -warrantee. My hands are all experienced wotkinen in this line o pusiness, and - [ use ell good material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner,on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed ind . promptly.attended to. All orders sent in or repairing must be accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address 'GEORGE FRICK . Or DANIEL Gavials, i'rirtorietor of rerritory and so lieetoi of orders 3,. Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf tkAIIDEN - SEEDS! Fresh. friiita . llt. Lebanon. THE largest. and best assortment of Garden Seeds in Waynesboro', is to be foUnd at Kurtz's Drug 'Store. They consist of the following kinds, viz : • Beet Seed, ..5 kinds, Watermelon Seed, Onion. c' 3 44 Muskmelon " Cucumber " • 3 44 Vegetable Oyster" Squash " 4 •4 Peppergrass " Pepper ' 44 2 44 " Asparagus 'Reddish 44 6 " • Parsnip Turnip a 4 • Carrot IC Cabbage 44 6 4- Spinach a • Lettuce 44• • 5 •' Sage Peas -4. 6 " Celery 'et Beans " 2 4 Parsley SlN ' t cOrn ." 2 44 • Tomato • Also an assortment of :lower Seeds, and Connec ticut Seed Leaf Tobacco Seed, &c. &c. The La dies are requested to call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. . J. F. MIK TZ. Feb. 5,'61. Pianos -and Melodeons. ~ • . 41HE undersigned, having hicome Agent for Wm. Knabe & Co's. (of Baltimore), celebrated pianos and of Carhart, Meedham & Co's. unsur -passed Melodeons, is prepared to furnish individ uals with. the above named.inatrumentatiCtity pri ces. All instruments warranted by the manufactu- ers. —Lei t u i i n t [ • _.:aloneon-the-abore-instruments-givenin—towi or country. , (may 23) T. L. BUI)D. nilk+AvArsV — Tl - II ;kb ; 6 - I / M. STONER takes this method of thank ' g his ee•treners;-and—informs•Abe—puttli that-he-has-just -returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines,Paints, 0 ils,-Dye - Stuffs,-Soaps,-Perfu mary - , - Fru itlonfee= tionary, &c., &c., that has been brought to the place this season, w hick he will sell cheap. He has on hand, with what he is receiving, makes his assortment of Patent Medicine, greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a. few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured article He has on hand now, his Cough Medicine,. put up in six ounce bodes, price 22 cents; "do cure, ao pay." Its curative properties are note fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 '62s REAPEIV REPAIRING I F HE subactiber (succeseer . of E. S. Trexel) in ertoe4lici-publio-that-herepared-te-st au ncccsdary repairing ;to either, the McCormick or Manny Reaper.. WM. E. *IAN AGAN. . for, the sale W. E. F. of the McCormick Reaper. May 6-210. Claim Agent. HASTINGs GE!' R, Authorized C laim,Agent Chambersbuig, Pa., for the collection'of Pen nons, Bounty, Beek Pay and Bounty Land for of ficers, soldier., their widows - Or hens. All business will receio prompt attention either by personal ap plication or letter. May 27-4 t•. — . , . 1 . :‘; 1„,;111o,ii,-414..,j 1:,,.ii,,zi..,,;i,i1i .i __ . ,, . .. _ , ~, r. halm - riC4intfloN i listii iels ..ttiere,dier ti; :lhe'it;jiiiiiiiiite h ' "AhlittiitirOf tho liehj it wit 6%41401%1'W bolt f , '. likiOlit'iliii theiVihtlilitea-do.Alticlitiiiii.i:thit biii,sitpai. coal or, i r go., ion .1, 1,, 1 1, ...T.11+1!7 ,ri riOi i._ .• ,::1 - :. eV. nvt, , sari.: i1 . r.rpr:•7444 1 ! :',11 ••• -••••••••.••• '. , It - -,•.,:te ." ' ''' • -.`"' ~.„--„, .. :Ili tu. "My, it: ! ..._43 _ ... i.' acid , if . . * : - ,.„, 1 ,:!,1it , 1 ~ i , .. .:7 - . 4: , ‘' - • - - 1 - j If : r - ask fertile. vonuttentsi, mu= is one o ..t 1 beiii 4 ieleifikinaiiiiiisi#4titflfih,,lle.liesPo; - LC * o o' 11.krittleiiii;14 5 -"till l i r#!ait4,3 l _ 6l :imu bii° Pi 1 94 / 1 0R:PrOa6 r#4,.* Ofet trdg #.o4i 1 coidu ' lMAlOYektti:" , P.14 1 7F- 4 0.;c 4r if trqftlaP9 I \l4,ii.'s line Ceett gjato,,ve..: O'fiiiii 4 ..oo44 064,1, .. 10431if ) *ri ...-.0141.4-.:111:0A r4, giim.„bettet. ti;gajaje l t en eittA, e't `, hOtile; ill L , ! - coentri, , px ; 1 40:§ - 4i.rfliy*: )! 1 7:. 1 *0s 40F,..4;43:.4 Mao on hand *ating.Piai6r;intatf4":,l.;!;,:l Hata ttiffitil • firr shop of very low Von Will also find a lime assortment of • - cuktf, - .• with Oorpor, Brass and Sheet-bow :Vora, ivhieli is all of my-Own rnakepmd:whieh-harrbactiomroyeit eannottliei foupd kiclttifi any•pla7ce. i4llWaolnera• ber..l: am4ciimitio sell eliiimp,"so all 'that *rnitriky. thing in,ry, line, give me a call. Ali - Avis still at the 914firtOti'cin Main StrOtotitiler the Piiiitirig Ocoee. I Mouse Spouting!, donent all times anti,o( , the best doable,tirk Feeling very_thankfutriptr.the...rna:ny, past,l'airors,r thave received:loam. Lite public, I Would invite all tb • •give the a calla, for, thee you.;can,seo tor yonrselveit imhere to get bargains.. .•' • : OtrPnietal talienlat'lreundry Prices in exchange ter new ,Stotteti. : - W. A. r T l' Mar .28 : " Mentzer s Eicase & Cattle''Potvd - r h o f `.llr. along the above far-tamed Cattle-1-EsaAer.lkl - ritenasylse nia and Maryland takes. this method of intdrming ,the-larniers;:droversAt:., that he has an intud"Oil. ihtends keeping -a good supply always on: hand .Country merchants and cithersheepiiigsuch articles fct sale; . would do . iiiill to elvea'witb a Tiaiititg; He will selljt'erit in' for utirh! cheap. Orders will be punctually :ittiendedlb. • Jan. 31. _ • i • 3111,11 G 0 011 MEM _AMCOR ADAMS c_..; OLEO .113T-TISINMSIII94 Church .Street.. rr EEPS constantly oitland ifuggies of every %z description and style; new and second.hunded VEHICLES, kinds at reasonable prices. All persons wanting enything• in his line of business wilt do well by examining his stock before purchasing elsewhere JACOB ADAMS, -Waynesboro', ta,,L., aprlO t '63 FLOUR--FEED PROVISION STORE - I rimik subscribers announce to the citizens. of I Waynesboro' that they have opened, a Flour Feed and Provision Store in the room next door , to Dr.*Brotherton's office, where they will• at all times hive for sale • milt,- Coil ' ESL , EMI MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN. . INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, poTATcips, APPLES, VINEGAR ; Also, Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other articlas usually kept in seen 'establishments.' All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold at MILL PRIORS FOR TREI CARR. • ' The highest market prices Will be paid for Wheat, Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub. scribers. JOHN WALTER, 3.—tf.) JOS. ELDEN. $lOO R.! Coughs ) Influenza, Tickling in the 7hroat, Whooping Cough, or relieve Consumptive Cough, COE'S COVGIII BALSAM, OVER FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES have been cold in its native town, and not a singluAn stance of its failure is known. • We have. in our possession, any'qUantity of eer.: tificates, tome of them from.: EMINENT PH-PI CIANS, who have used it in their practice,' and given it are pieeminence over any other compound. It dots not dry up a Cough. but loosens It, so as to enable the patient to expec torate. Two or three Doses will invariably curb • Tickling in the Throat. • • A HALF Bottle has often completely cured. the Met STUBBORN minas, and yet,' though it is so.bure and speedy in its operation, it is perfectly hat.' less, being purely vegetable. It is yerr agreeable.to the taste, anti may hetailministered to ',children of any age. In cases of CROUP we will guarantee a sure, if taken in season -No Family , shoul-d-- It is within the reach of all, the price being only Cyieirxtei. And if an, investincitt -rurd-thorour,rtr-trtai-riors—rrot-"bark—up'th-c—ablive stateinont the money will be refunded, We say this knowing it. inent, , , and fe d confident that one trial will secure for it a home in every household. Do not .waste away with Uooghing, when so small -- an 111Ve: Lthelit. V , / li cure you. It may be ail of any respectable Druggist in - town._who %via ceitifi - cities of cures it has made. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY 4t, CO WDEN, 23 North`Bizth — atreei., - Philad Pa - - - Fur sale by Druggists in city, country,- and eve ytvitcre. _ October 9, 1863.-6in] EZNEW4I.4ERairKVANXINEEENNEOMMI T. J. FILBER-T, • DRAPER, :Nt ' N f.llO constantly for sale a full assortment I al • GOO.DB for Gentlemen's ware. gk i 0 ,„ Ur Latest Oity,Pashions always oil hand. 1 1 Waynesboro'; Pa. 'IM4HAMMZZAZANZMZZIeIIaiIIIiting PH 0 TO:GRAPHS. SKY=LIGHT Ijl HE subscriber would inform the public tha he has completed the necessary arrangements - ortakirur Skl7Ertght-Photographsk-ittur ;s pivpared to furnish - Pictures much finer than those taken With Side-Light. 'Persons wanting &tures "are requested to all and c mineAlittßectplentt. May 'l:7--tf] Clothes - Wringer.' yr W. PUTNAjti.'S Patent Cloth Wringe IFI • for sale at the sign ,of thp ;Bill Red Wu* D. B. -Bottum, ) (July 11''62.) :. A gent for Frnklian county. STILL AT -THE for a medicine that MUM C. Li CLARK & Proprietors, At Wholesale, by LECHT.ER. II ,r, plifi ,„ ' ILO r :l a ., 14 it 'in f-i 4 0 4- ,Cl .• ~... mg. -,,..-. - -_,;-__ :- iSE., , ; i , 5 2=-. - TERMS.:;-i $1:50, ifp_aid ifilaitince, or withiii three iisofithillynfi ofitiftlitiiiti. Of thrall jitiOntho - bet 14t Oa* • .14'' - AVVERTIIII MEN •-..;:fink Ines!, &Ott inset: : ton, $l4 for.itetfrt,setinent ittioitioni 25 eentia • Fryotaiiooaliinnit,.„o4LOthii' thy idteitiolit *tote to be'toiiid'iliii4i..antitielg f ill advance. " eCIA 11 , ANSt4.I3I4A -' - ,. HE e ldi lr ea iiii n igleerotly iR ion-the a:, hove named ktiotiii ',its the • obe Inn,"•taites;plesiure in. annifuheing tro,ifit 1 triends'and the , fiblie that he La iiiiiiired to iebedii • 1 nd • rite '''• t tidiii hi iiiptileiliW tii -fiiittgteelled 'kir any ecilintri ll Hotel. _ 'r•ie:-la r tiVilsO ..havitif•beert _thoroughly, A i ilecifiitidlesitiftniniiiiiii• iiith ever' , , - thing colon ttitlititutite,*.gnists'. 'iiiint. etable! e p • •r: - . ass .1 — ,./7 eV* et Manes find • it kNOthliticisi 4 - ft.aki ik ta l t - bonirehience 'Sr sup- Vied with tbht - */*tjad.j4i*Lagditlid4rithle•liitk the best the tea eta afford, and - all other appliances enitiblishiChettiOtki d:Or.tUtillaitifitiiddation of man or beast. ' With faithful and obliging seriants With his own personal attention end_supervision, he. tiili leaie AO menus 'tinsptuid to merit public pa itronage. . . The .mulrietoY lames those4r*O;istay•fallitilfi. w ith their pntratiele:iltia!' thiipaßitiVeltei inifei at' Ids houses cordial reception; and that everything es telttOk to the c 6l klrome.P.FP., and • ,happiness of &in m 301410,411 beiittf)Ohd th. ' • : -,ap'' : ":440...:J4a4.41 . ,‘ - , shbil,fitYhil' his ititihieTiFtO . pinVeca,nng.t. ' iiibilliFikei:l . tioiniiillnlCyo6; •!, "Go - unto the fine new stork robin' • Where the Eloin,.th - e - sign is; - l'here's , the best (look Stoves and Tin-ware,_ Al t)3sdhop ' by Irritueseli.7 7 Ike Anti of*.aiciathi. E 'irtforn:ie.the public in jkerter* iink4speciaibe ; tgor t ii_taf bus-custom in Wake Ot_ anythhit:iii tbatt: be ..11a4 comK pleted and now occupying his new and extensive y eri or lie Dianufacttire • 1)F TIINW4RE, S.EIET-IRGN'iWARE, AND STOVES Fie is aosvrepared to supply any demand for his , Cosh Stoves, seneral Housekeeping Goods an& Xifeheri War e , on such terms as must give entire , satisfaction, ' 1 . 4 -va4 avolta4i- • offiired• ane' tie best and me ll siitnprcived kinds ain hiving been tried are.-acknoivledged to be all tha can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily. kept clean. His OWL arauneAcxurum wain; is all made with a view to the wants of customers from the best mate risk and is warranted in alkeases to be_ good.—Ha- also keeps a largifilinditfrund offoncy OnEid es. ®'Special attention is ;given to putting up SPOUTING, made o 6 the best tin, for houses and! barns, in Which he has had along and extensive ex perience. _ • Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. B RUSSAL.. - . W. D. DtifLLlf ANNOUNCES to his - friends and the public generally'fiatif he is no* in possession of all the late and most improved instruments,and is well prepared lo,fierferrii.all DENTAL. operations. Ho will be happy to wait upon those who may require the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and teeth performed - in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the latest improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. Office in hie residence on the South Corner cf the Diamond. - April 11,'62 THE OLD MILLER AGAIN AS the Rebejlim is now on its last legs, and nearly over, we thought right to announce to the public that we will grind Mists of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or Toll aeparteiy,and that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or in MEAL 'Sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be wanted;—also, Midlings, Shipatuff and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the ton or biishel on hand. Still in the market foi Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at Iskind No. 10, and Pittsburg Landing. AprlB ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE "VARIETY STORE." T BEAVER announce:Blo _his- customers :and 4 ,• the public', thallis hasjUst . returned from the Eastern markets with another fine assortment, of new goods, consisting of Fall and Winter - Hatt tiio Caper, (all sorts and sizes) Boots and Shoos for , mee and boys, with a complete assortment of 'elicieit for ladies ware; Clocks, Trunks, Severs. Tobacco and all articles usually hept in a first•class varietyaslore The . public are cordially inviteil to call and-ex; rnine nis new '" N. B. Boots and shoes manufactured to order, endes ired, at reasonable rates and upon short _notice ivm MACHINE 'SHOP! I H E subscriber -would inform_tite_citizens_of_ Franklin county, alit be has opened a Machine' one-fourth mile north of Quincy, ether' ' •- preia - rid , - to make to order all kii - nla.cif THRESH ING MACHINES, and he will pay partic ular at- • •!. • 11—keep-on—hand—Oast— ings lot Separator/ and Horse Powers, and he able to do repairs 011 short notice. He will also build the tieble•geared- PEIAION '8 HORSE POWER, which is now used by all regulat threshermen, and is acknowledged, to ho the best now- in use. He will build three different sizes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; No. 1 is 8-horia power; N 0.2 is 6, and N 0.3 is 4•horse. power. They Will, be made. of the best material, and warranted to be good:. Persons having old horse powers ho will take in exchange fur new poyfers.. - He will also bo prepared to do turning and boring wrought or cast iron. and will be able to furnish castings When ord'ered; the best of material will be used, and' no pains spared to render satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their work. P. 8., Foundry prices paid for Old Cast bon, Brass stat Zinc. -- - • ' Army and Navy Claims. OSEPH ..DOUG • 8 4 I • WityfiesporO', being duly licensed as Claim A gent will procure Pensions,Bounty, Bounty Land, getualpay_tuaiLelotling,_and off . her—allowi-- anon; dueanion and soldiers, their heirs or repre sentative May tf. • ' is r ir . . _. . 71CKARDT8 CAW° Powder at FebtilA EAKE"Si; Hera at Li. Feb. 5, '64. • ' JOHN WALTER, JOSEPH ELDEN. KURTZ'S KURTZ'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers