NIMIMEMEZI r tfil ,it/ 7:41, • . COLU:aNtrfiP; , cs . ~ v . •I , i +.4. , .;4r.;7ft .!t1 ziri - --11 ;2(l'7'Clf `•:<17.1.; ' •„. 6 Ir. -•,' • '•••I3ECOttiIvAHRIVALLii: )' avotti) AuntyAt; stco , lo Tx*En , 00 9P 8 2 :anwiltEß 4 .s oo rosi t , GOOnii PRICE.& HOEFUC HAVING purchaked t e,, large. aria siock of soca!s belonging to the Estate Josiah Demi, Eit), - deceased, and combining with the same, in the. large and capacious. Store Rion the' new fresh 'supplies (brought a'..few weds Artuce) forming thestock of Joseph Price—are now pre smiting pr.the.public the largest, choicest and cheap est seleztion of SPRINqr 'AN)? SUM MDR GOODS now offered in this Brattish, einbrailks a !arsenal varied assortment of MIT CMS ! :;IROCERIES, TJEENSW4RE, II A RDWAR Et, DRESS GOODS, Such-As-Fancy-Silks, , Wool De!alas, .Alpaeoas, Shepherd Phi icl9, - • • Debeges, • Crape De Sponged,. Challies, • WHITE GOODS. Swiss, plain an? figured, -4:. Striped do , Cumbrica • Bish •, op Lomno r Mulls,, .zmaztaat taacm We boast of having the largest essortment , ever brought to Town. Were bought twenty-five per cent. cheaper than present prices mil will be sold aceoitfingly. . ;,• Bareges, • Grenadines, Wool Delains, ' • Poplins, Clutllies, Lawns, plain and figured, Balzerinos, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, American Prinis, French . Crape, Cullers, .irdlefs, OUR FANCY .STOCIE comp, it groat varioty•of Balmorals, Hoop Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, Head Nets, Trim ming ItilibMS, Laces, &c. DOMESTICC • • BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN, Linen Sheetings, Bleached and Brown Diapers, • . Ti kin s blur-in-tura-Chocks, Burlass, • ottona • Linens; Bags & Bagging. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Blinds and Hangings. 1: ij E_ s a • Our Stock of Groceries is' very large. Sugars of different grades=Molasses at various prices. Loaf Sugar, Syrup, Ooffees, teal Rio and Dandelion, Americatrand English breakfast do., Team, Fish, eese, 'tee. ;0111C*311E2 *IE. _AIL ; AIL 4 .•Q N - 6 • - ; And every article,:necessary,to supply ,a t o mecess i. ilea or render ,comtntable our old , friends and ac quaintances. We sive old,. ems- T ioN TO misname and give our friends every accom modation possible. .With many thanks for ta gen -erouv,pattonage. heretofore we shall endeavpr. to. merit a contiauance , ofthe , publicelliVcii -7 , JOSEPH -;PRICE . ,. 4 SA MILELOHOEFLIOIL ,Virmintaboro t .litne 17, ISH. , - -.„..,..„„, . - Irit to o. - D 'it F.. .. .7 1,. :,, , . •,r '4 . ..i;1 . il - .. _ ) . ..! , 1 01 1 T ' girt ' 'i' nivil i 01-v. - . l l'. -. ....._i: 1 . goi e th i n 4 ,. / fr„Co.,mpec, .3 ..41 4 1 151 1 ,4c!';...t7 ihiti hash ih prepaititiohlgiklog ft f, llott,ef!!fg!. Vithis.,Vottris* •Tc9o-4,4,41', 1 930APAP1Ve fbe : c:XP/' , mion of is m term of peAnr.o.;' , ..m.r.r 1..:s 1.,:c„-,...t- Ilb., an 'Tliht liiitory,mll cohmat the names _or ail , the . . 1 / 4 )fricers:afftl; Pritailf!-I'd. lll- M ° !Prr FL' il i tt iiM4 l- ckiE r fier T d V el lrc et t: ° ' IFFI - nt Y rittjons a r ta l tp Ai e . It . 4 5 ,. h . ve -chieverine ' ankbitttes m what et he 1 °Metal aid' tiuthsot.c ta mi ktFT — lAgltYs!•l7, frcl j l .l,.. ~ 1:.:, „ 1 -)rt t.:tra ~,14: I 6 s. tpit . 0-it' ; tt il tilib l Peltilrilitilifloilth ilin ' be l .... t- " ' i ttliv""h i °— tiV.' iriritictfient in On' o:Pfi... , - i-P - fkr tthil ' str'a iii. 1 ,pfilita isirgooodo ~ Ar*, . ,41. • t-.7 . a . 1 1.-- ..,orpox:sloth , .,l 4 thbOrl. *tit er fg;,) .(piirtin- p 2 1 0'.,( 1. R 6 Y1 11 ,4051 . ? n g ,1411 1-- , • . if' rtlie-PertYa l ." - • h i" ecoMinthsh4lllo Orme ort 0 . , "T__ Regervo *Hio 3 91 famieriptroh.- rt wit) istridylelirignit _Price—ThreeDollars fire coPy. ' - ; 1- • ~ The Pubiiileiirfeel'ednitairtt thai 'the just pride which every Pennsylvanian must entertain for the ,brave filTd Ort" rielf-duiraddniiirekiXrdtkvirilurpetifre for "Tnte Ist roar" a generous and appreciative reception. ELIAS uwaisvoQ.,Publieherg. • .Nw.6. Eat-t .KingAtreet, Lancaster P a. __A—C.lizartirtscisa,-Geni - Air, — Yo - fit; 'a. -We'akly agenterfor Mash ington and Quincy townships. • 'itine I - 6W • .• . • , NOTIONS, &,e Lawns and' Chintzes Nain Soeike, Gauntletsoto . - T. IA N 'LI N 'MEN . CURE FOR PAINS IN Litivins , andliack;'sere. throat, Croup, rbiunnatiiiit: cols te, &c. A perfect farinly*medir in e, 'and Weyer fails,. Read ! Rena ! I Read !! ! • ••. Livonia, Waysty Co., Mum.,. June IS, 1859 This is to certify that my wife was taken with Quinsey Sore Throat; it bonuitenced in swell; and was so sore that she could no swallow, and caugh• cd Violently: I used your Liniment, • and made a perfect cu ein one weeke I firmly believe that but for the Liniment she would have loather life. • • , JOHN H. HARLAN• _ Price 25 and 50 cents, Sold by all druggists Office 56 Cortland( Street, New Yorke, June 3—lm -_ BERRY & BOWLUS,, • ' 3:O3IMMISITISF, --- - ET AV ING located in •Hagerstown, would oiler _lLLtheir professional services to the citizens of the place and surrounding _cannily. Having had the experience of Fifteen years,and having availed them. selves_of_the,late..improir_ements, they are 'we • a-ed to do work in a. neat and substantial manner, upon the most reasonable terms. Hagerstown, Nov fi—ly 313 1 T.FLELIZ' C/Clo:NriT. • • to tho premises of the subseribeitresiding on the turnpike about four miles West 01 Waynesboro! on the 21st ult., a red Mu!y' cow, since fresh: The owner is requeste'd to prove prop erty, pay chargers and take her away. * - SAMUEL NIGHODEMUS. Jana to---3w. AEA BY ROOS AILINTIOLSTENLI "*Aisisiori Housn,”- chambersbur g , Pa. SECOND ARRIVAL! ETCALF & HITESHEW have just re -131 ceived and opened their Second Supply of new SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they invite special titteritii.n. Their stock is fresh and full, comprising all the different styles of LA DIES' DRESS GOODS, black and colored Silks. Cloaking Chitin; of the latest styles, Bahnoral and Hoop Skirtsfull assortment s of White Goods, Gauze Crape and . Dove Veils, Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Htlk'fq, and everything belonging to a ran cy Dry Goods and Notiba Store. GENTS DEPARTMENT. - In this department we have Cloths,Cassirneres, both Black and Fancy; Plaid and triped Goods toe Boys' wear, Cottorandes, Dinins,Besims,Ched Brown and Bleached Muslins, Flannels, Tickings, &c., with a Freat variety of staple and fancy no tions, all of which will be sold low kr CASH. . , The patronage of the public is most respectfully solicited. METCALF & HITESHEW. May 27—tf.. .•,, AIME TIM Wood Working and SBALN7STIWCA. ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS I TILL continuing the. manufacturing or all S of Building Material, such as . SASH, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, FACrnG, MOULIN Door-Frames, Window-Frames, FLOODING, &C. &O. Mil AIL 1101117 1411hT liGor By mill and circular saws of every description,— Asking a continuation of frors. I promise still to sell ou as equitable terms 'oh possible, consid&ing times and prices. For faither particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Smltheast of Waynesboro' April 1, 1864, D. F. GOOD.•' .-.4111.. lOW IL 1 1 1111 W 411 W- AND CHOPPING MILLS ! THE subscriber would inform the Public that he bee purchased of V. B. Gilbert, the well-known -'ng-and-Cdtopping_Mills, situated about one quarter of a mile from Bear's Factory, ant is now prepared to saw Lumber to ostler, by mill or circu lar saw, and is also prepared to chop corn, oats, &c. at short notice. By punctuality and attention to business he hopes to merit a liberal share of the .üblic's patronage. JOHN L. METCALF. N. IL He wi nso a preps,! season, Plants, such as Tobacco, Sweet Potato, To lagtd-other-gluden-plants.—Terrns_ J. L. M. mato, 'a reasonable MM US, LOOK TO YOUR, IMO E the undersigned intend to put ups Ca• Mill and Evaporator to manufacture Syrui at Ringgold, Md.. We call the attention of farrocn. to the importance of raising the Cane, as it is bb lievcd by persons who have raised it to be the trios valuable crop that can be raised. It yields from 1.0V41 hundred -and twenty-five to two hundred and seven ty-five gallons of Syrup to-the acre. The Cane_ is bestplunted on hills. The seed should be sprout& before ,plantieg it. Persons wishing to get seed car get it at Charles Biteshew's store. Ringgold; at Charles Hiteshew's store, Smithshurg; at Ground & Logan's store, Leiteraburg;•' at Geo. Stover's 'store. • ,yneshoro'; at Daniel Mentzer's Mill at Samuel Fronts's-Ain, at Geo. Besore's Mill, in the had Varner, an a io 12 1 65 *-, . . . - The undersigned, impld infortnhis customers ST* c sack of goods to the Southwest corner Of theimare in the room; ormerlY 'occupied by . Josiah Demon and simulated with him .in business Samuel Hoef 141; formerly witii J. 8., and is nowsloing business under the firm, of. Price fic t ilseflich. • Ho would takelhei - opPorttinity to r return thanks forpast fncara anti Nou7tlßoGcttc a continuance of thaisainotliberal patronage tto the new =firm. • • N 6 3, respectfully, " JOS. PRICE. prll tE• :• fk. 6 40:',tJ til-711 - 1 Ota, J.P. g rie UP rli fi T ty•-. • v.,1' . .;;',:r1 . vow, ..•.1 /* ,, i,:1T , 7, KUNKEL'S BriTER;WINE-OF 11111 N. 3'ITRE and pewerrtit 6 . l"OMp t eorreetivii ' 'Alterative;a' wondedet efaceey saAlAcetletost e STOMAPILIVE.R•tindi,B.O-WA140.- •• I • • • DYgPePslai = t - Liver Comphtinta, , Verulache, General , • '-" • Voiabar, ; "' iirrra tpaitoh, _ _ Intermh'tenl'Fe r, Acidity of i§"OinaCh;Nliniiinr, of Stranochi' • Swynixurik of Ail nerta of the Bkin Fever in the eq~l 'sift in thD §idif;-Thict r iCheo" -- • ' and' 'L . imbr;' eine :- &el Chronic dr NervoijOebility,Dui.' • ' oases of Ord•Kid heYa Arid -• from a diioidir= • • ''" 'Stornaah., The moil beneficial medicine known; givestbeti ter satisfaction and cures more diseasee•thein-anylo• then preparation offered tti;tle • Public: 'Prepay ed•sohily by B. A. KI7NICEL`-dt'BßO4llfit•Marget street, Harrisburg. • ' ' For sale by Druggists and Dealeriveverywhere:" As ICunkels Bitter Wine of Iron is tha"ofilfifurti ar — R - 41feetual • reineilyiri — th - t - 3 -- k - imaild - ,fori peinpuent curb of Dyspepsia and Pebfffikeidid theritre a nutaber of unnatioriloffered'th the pub'-- lc; we would 'caution' ' the•commutititrigifttrchase 'none but the genizini) article; inartafoeteutilihy , B. is Bao,antLhtistheir 'stem td. of the cork of every bottle.' The very fact that othera are attempting' to imitate thil voidable Malady, proves its ward' and speaks volumes irr its favot. ' Inc of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 bottles, and sold by cli respectable druggists throughout the 'country. Ile particular that every bottle bears the fac simile of the proprietors' signa ture. • I.r . This Wine includes the Most agreeable and eft _cient Salt qt . Iron we *assess; Citrate of Magnetic oxhide - cenibined, W . :11116e Most energetic of vege table tonics, Yellow Peruvian' balk. The effect in many cases of debility, less of appetite, and.gener -1-pioatrationritf-an-effieitint-Salt.Of-1;on _corain, cd with our valuable Nerve Tonic, 14•Tholi4aPPY. — .. It augments the appetite,. raises the pulse, tukes Olt Muscular flabbiriels, removes 'the pallet...if debility, aud gives a timid figure to the countekance. For sale by. •all respectable dealers throughout , the country. • For sale by_J—F,-Ktrarm,-Druggist. April 29-Iy. - • FIRST SU PeIN: OR NEW SPRING A ND., SUMMER FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM JAMES 'A. rISHER. Y k . traces NW . the best styles of &an g ? Percy 6.ILOTHS, Plain and Fancy: ' Z2tscLasanalmacs•cms•aa w , . Plain end taney V 'ESTINGS; all of which will be made fo Order in the most fashionable and work manlike mammy, or sold in Patterns to suit eusto more. Also a full stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING sercllßA.P FOR CASll.slia Also, one of the best selected stocks of GENT'S FI.IINISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, floitery, G loves anal Ties in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and Oassiineres which will be made to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER; opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. Mny 6, 1864. !ell' 11, THE subscriber would respectfully inform the I public that be ha. taken the Establishment ad juining the "Washington House;' and so favorably known when occupied by his fithea, - wherithe has just opened. Ica Cl.meeseurri. Saloon: T-he-old-pa trons-and-t he_pliblic-in_genemi are-in formed that the house has been thoroughly renova ted and refitted so as tti insure . their comfort otild that nothing will be left undone to merit 'their pa tronage. ed at all hours: 'Gentlemen will be tarnished with It i ozamrforprivatcrSuprier - PartieFrwherrilesired. The Confectioner✓ Department • • nr 111 COMIIC • n on s, an o • Inge, ie. Nice, Private forties, and Families will ha supplied With Confectionery, &Ilk., Mane Manse, Ic e Cream, Charlotte Ruce, and WATER ICES, of various flavors, and at the shortest notice, THE LADIES' SALOON will be devoted exclusively to the use of Ladies and Gentlemen accompanying them. In short, ey my port of the 'business will be conducted with a desire to•plenso customers. May_27— 3m .1 ratazanzia Qavak o EAST SIDE OF CARLISLE STREET, COLE 1 / 4 . 1 • ' the traveling militia — that this. Motel his been R .MODDLED.'., The Ronnie are large and coin. J. ik,il4 FRICK furniture. • Persons stopping att. hie Buie] aim have either doutle or single itiietne; . with , or' without fire 't .em. .0 ; :a a Ways supplied wit the bestin _the market. and his BARR filled with tho choicest Liquor., _Therts. lare also a fine Lot and a pair of Hay , and Stock ScilesNonnected pith the Hotel for , the accommodation of Drovers !mid Butchers. HisStabla 'altvis.be_provided - with_good wholesome provender for sfockTi - di — ritliiiJeLl by careful ostlers. JOHN IL AUAMS. April 15, 184.1.] Proprietor. good fok • , o'iyoung.. , _ • ••• BEWARE qF ,coutiterteiti"Ais GENERAL DEPOT, • ~ - 118 mAREW STREET GOODS, AT TUB A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT__ tipsters, Clam and! Other -Luxuries — ",'"'l „7 - 7,...;71,, -- - - -- - :—.-_, l „-- -"•.-, -- a. 7ar -- ' n 5.. . - " -, •-1 , : '', ; "- '''' •.' ..V t z T i rtl -1 777 ; 1 1 1 k .. 1,q:, t 4,.- , k :." 1 ,•' THESE - na l tliii Aid iideoitotit ' ior on 4 : greaeof Maich - 8; 1864; which. provides that all Benda hiliii4l iiiliter thill be EXEMPT FRoAtt , iiii , o9s,§;iatOialif tift z , aly!ter , aluni. *0 authority.:lo,nbaciiptiOna tpj'Alet Alla& are Wicelved ilk UnAted litaiiicncitei at. `states of:platlfitt . .,, al,Sankr A I 1n0t4.4,014., WIN. a 0360 % ' &I) oireiAr*itrig 4 to t period ' n ';i4:4041 1 ! 14r::: . . .8 4halk f iffOrPAC ' .k: pflin th ikaryo4) At** vide*, 100 PER c :written lynx nwp-Mti 1-. COIN, - ,on Bonds•enot over , and tiiiidre'd laillars antwally. Oa on all , bthei4Yeati irerat-attititallt.t— Tha ynterest, is l ik . ,twa Me t ott,tha: 41m days of „MarFh. 'iit# Savtestfitiof 16 414.304 j:: ,f - ' - ~ • 1 -,- ~. Subscribers iAlrreeefve eithei Ri3giateied ir - Cou. 1 36 1rdvilvollte3* , YA 2 6*14LAgiQOatOr Bundir ,iCC ~ ~ poll - 0, (17.3 gt- - ieionled on the books of the U. tit., Treamtier, and 'Oen bo transferred Mairririttie owner's order.— Runpertiltnids payable , to briater;7and aro 4nort conindelitl3rtentterdialiie.:l ,, ' having their Bond, skrugt,intOriat . ,,iieur. litta're)OsT,,. paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in Uni- , :red States notep.,: idi the heteii( Bfatibifitl Ranks, Hiedding_lifty_per_cent_for_prernium,)_or receive them drawing intereslfrom tie'dateief suttaiiptioir,ind deposit. As thOsi Borkli pre ;13 :Exempt from State or Municipal Taxation, per annum, according toi the. rate of trwieir;ea,ia va. ,rioxii parte of the :•••i: :6*, rAt theiieientiatia oo3' proniiirrn oh, gold 'WO pay • OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST in currency, and EA oftqfitil eoilvenkince as a pep. ni anent atop) porm investmeni.--rt, It it believed that no securities 'offer so .great in. ducemente to tenders tie tlie vuiiotie ` deaciisiiin.r of U. B.,Bonditv — in - all-other forms• of indebte:44ols. the faith or ability of,privatetpartitti orrstockacont *jos or seperate counnitiltfeh :*tftliP:ioilletied for ayment, while for the t: ~ Uiiited•States itie.'whole property of die ,IMiden to so. ' , clue the payment of, botli'prineipir and interest in coin. , nun frusu 15* up to any magnitude, on the•samo terms, and HAttßltDifni:t; PA• The former often shocker please, : t-sueh-ernotions-quickly-ceirs:. But when je•.els bright an& gay, •. In-multitudinous-array Our serious thoughts assuaging JONAS WINTER. HE oubecriber has on hand . islotge- lot of To. biiccollsnur. , soeh ea . :•, - , „. CONNECTICUT SEEDLEAF,' IMPROVED CUBA": •: , , MARYLAND BROADLEAF' ' • ' 1 AND QUAKER, ill of which.he_will' 4isposo of at $2 per thousand. Glardonl miles Southeabt of 'Warne/dm:4o'. June 3-111 . D. P. GOOD. I tt • Ix a; e to the itatallest lender and the largest capitalist. They' cail 4 ira con verted into money at ally mement o „and the holder will have the bencfit of tho interest. It may be usefq t6.dtuWin.ahis connedkidit that the total Firitiled Debt iiillietriliteeStates on which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1864, was $768,975,000;,rn9 inteiestan this , debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,&37,126, While the customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, ending June 30Ih, Mt, has. n solar at thel rate of over $100,000,000 uer eunuch. It will be even that even the present gold revenue of the Government me largely. irt exctes el the wants of the Treasury 'for the payment of gold interest, while' the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the an6i tit receipts from — customs on the same amount, of-importations, to $1 fith 000,09 o..per en num.c . - Inetrutlione Of the National Bauke actingibaloan agents 'Were . not issued from the United States Treasury ut.til Mich, gs, but in the•first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more then TEN MILLIONS A WEEK: Subscriptioris4f lio'rereiv'ed ty the • First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa, Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. AND BY' ALL. OTHER NATIONAL BANKS. which are _ depositaries of Public money, and. all RESPECTADLg WASICS AND BANKERS throughout the country,• (acting es Gents of the National Depositor ; „Banks,/ will furnish . further informatinn:on, applicAion and Afrord every Facility to Subsori. n . bers May 13-- SU; 2. PLANTS ! PLANTS ! raE,subscriber,has on hand a large lot Plants, such as OA lißAGE,.early and late ; TOMA. TOB and BEETS do: do., and the different kinds of other Garden Plants- has been to Philadel phia, where he selected a lot pure Yellow Jersey SWEET POTATOES. Pe:Sons:wishing to dingo seed will do well to give hini a call. He has also a large lot of TOBACCO PLANTS of the different kinds, all of which will be'diatiosed of upon reasonable terms. Persona wanting Plants can got them at the fol lowing places: On every THURSDAY, at the -Mt. Hope Store, at Jones' Hotel, in Quincy,.and at Miller's Hael, in Funkstown, commencing on the Ilth instant. On TUESDAYS, at the Shady Grove Store, at the Franklin Hotel, Greencastle, and at the Marsh Store,' commencing on the 1741 i instent, tara II orders filled and sent in any. di rection. Gandeh 2 miles 'North of Waynesboro', near the Gate House. M. MORGAL. May 6-6 w. ' I ?Ole FOR THE TIMES. waroitire_e_pettle_alatm_wht Or victory's-shouts ,oft charm us, The calmer notes of local news, Of little brawls, or breaks, or stews, Are equally engaging. ro , e 8 To brighten eye, or ear or hand,— To &aerate the lam or lad. To beautify the calm or ead, Oli • erer3r heart's delighted With rings, and pins, and Inset:lota bright, Glistening like the stars of night, On wrist, and flume, incest and car, Like seraphs 'fair 'the youth appear With' beauty's splendors freighted. With thimbles, lockotsimourning Netts, Box-pins, gold-chains, and setti'of jet,. Steal jewelry, belt.elides-and hooks, All of the latest styles and looks, I m sole you'd bo delighted. pease CB, CDIRS, SDI 11 bit assort:a! rit . 01 jcwary, o ea es ay, an mos e • gan nts ,wa ea and jewelry promptly - repaired: at , tl*- - loyrest Aprt 22—t . . . , § tit 1... ~;. zs It„,, ~y., „ 4 • , : l. ''iq ti:j '..:':- . , . ~., .... :”. i .--,.''-:-.. , •* - 1110 r 111111.1 ,:5.... . i; ~-,-. d . .. ..... . At 7.,:..,..3.- :,....... f., : : 'it': • w , rl6-_,* ..., ~ -•fn.";r le, 3r, , ,-. , -•,, ' - ~.- ." ; -,,;"..11. •;,, 4:!,: :T.:-::, - ";',„ (:'. l • GROCERIES4I' ! , •r::: , i . "!:T '..1 ' '',,''' ' ' • ••••• '-•:' ....-, '..;•" ':, ,T -7 0;:i C. 11: : , 7..7.... liitENS I A I NIE :i. AND ,ICtOARWAItI;:: ' ':, :1:"' .:.: „I- -., •!...v......:: i'.•::::.T.,7,' • . f. -,....::: ;I: .. - .::::.1-,-,.....,1'7.,, ,, ,I :. -.... .: - - '4,1 7,103•:11 MILLER'Si: , . - •••1! ''':"7?•.7773 • .!, . , • TrAVING jnetTretarued from the Eaoterc.aities 1211 _ he would call the ,attention.of hia customers and the public generally to hie LARGE & "SPLENDID; A§SORTNENT COMMEIWIAL COLLEGE. COURSE OF INSTRUCTI• Double Entry Dcok-keeping in all its most appruv cd forms, adapted to the various departments of Trade and Commerce.. Commercial Calculations Mercantile Law; Petirmenship in every style of the art, &c. dte: Etch 'deportment ie antler the chargr or an 'experienced anu competent Instructor. Our course is both thorough and practical. Student.; are taught to originate and conduct all the Dourts and Forma pertaining to real business, thereby bring ing theory into practice and - thus - hawing - them te perform the sregular.routine of the Counting-house. students completing the prescribed emetic ore ep.t.t'- itied to take charge and conduct on Scientific prin ciples the hooks of any wt.. 11 regulated Mercantitc stablishtneni.-Titne Ti toired-to-complete-thgeo . is from Slit 1 weeks. Enter at any time. Dip!. cd• for merit ont . 171;55-pays all ea E Mt: II airtirla so roll knorrit by •roputation for having carrod somo of the wor st eases of Tel ter,Vcrofula.-and--aiLimpurity of the Mood, is oi wa34 on hand at FourthnrM's'Drut kitore: , f • lie hash:nit - received a - fresh supply 01 Inbov • arttei, rid'an accommodate his customers. ' Juna,. ll—. IY• o F N-WW kO(3DSVai ,• : ; . Whieb, will be extremely X.ow Beldee you: ivilkdad enumeratok,p;„ (ow, attiilCo• Which will be Sound , among...his, et00k,34-iviiiil .116 invitee your attention:. • ,2 - 1 • FOR MBE LADIES, Silks, dll Wot*.i3efwinoe,. MINIM -A LSO r-- 'Fancy-Pri • , Extension Skirrs, • Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Collars, • - Magic Ruffling, - Linen Hdkes, ilniaery, &c. ME 'S WE.A.R, Fancy qassimeres ) Plain Cloths, Italian. Clutha, eifinga, Satinets. -.:41.116:5ez• a Tweeds,. Jeans, ents Collars, Neck Ties, Under Shirts, Drawers. Buck Gloves, . (taintielas DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture Check, • .. Bed Ticking, Cotton Flnhnel,• • Wool " Taiblo Diaper, Tovilifig, Raging, 6cc., &c. queensware,, • Hardware, • , Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. caa• 1:13. CD 03.13Z1111412L36 fi) Of the very best griality, such as Syrups, and New Orleans Molasses, • Best Rio Coffee • Superior Prepared Coffee, • Hum:hail's Best Essence; Baker's No. Chocolate, • s Raisins, Tobacco, Rice, &c. The above goads have been conning selected• and purchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. ,By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every WePecti'lle hopes to merit a con tinuance of patronage. NO.TROVBI.E TO 8110 W 0001)8, . Country Profit:co token in exclvnge for 'goods o the highest , market prices. • A, W. MLLE& tiny 13, 1864. rp HE" steadily increasini, importance attached to Commercial education, and the very general at tion—which—this-brang thro • bout the civilized world, have within the past few years wakened-ouch-an_interest,ihaLue comment is ne- eases* to establish the practical utility of Commer cial schools. rouses for, a•fnl! conunereta ded. • : 7 • 12133= DR. J. F ancy ' Plain Flannels, Grey. - dies' Shaw li ;" LUZi3I Address A. M. TRIMS - Chambersburg. PIIRIFtEh. - - • ,"- ; w•.• ' - 17' Irk 1 •01.1 , %. • •kl • t i ,„Y , 1 4. e P-11;11.1 .. _ 4 . ... .._..... , ~,... ~.... . , , . , .... _ .„ L:.„.„..„..,.."..,:.,,.„.:„..._7, ... ". :,...„.: ......,,,,;.......,,.,.. f.,. ~.,,:.,...,,..„:....„, . ~.„,.,.„:,, ...„ _., : .4. p 1 1111 '&1 1 '4 . - - 11411 UV Alit-. 4 IMBERgOk 1E44,17 4. co., ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SECOND. SUF.P.L.Y. BECOND'•SUPPLY, :SECOND SUPPLY. 11 - Elf i , *--- SPRING; DRY, „GOODS SPRING. DIVY.s'GOODS sPRINO DRY COODs RESS-GOODS - LADIES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS - - DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. FURS, SHAWLS AND N FURS, SHAWLS - A - ND N U BIAS FURS, SHA WLS AA D NUDIAS. HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES sPnom ,Eqnnns MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS. CHEA'f', CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CASSLIIE RES AND SA7 INE7'TS, CLOTHS, CASSI3IEI?ES AND SATINET7'S. CLOTHS, OASSEVER ES AND SATINETTS, UNDERSHIRTS, UNDERSHIRT'S, UNDERSHIRTS, A ND A , • AN 19 , DRAWERS. • DRAWERS, DRAWERS, BINMMMI Groceries, oreilor Groceries, DR Y GOODS. Dlir coons. mom !Ili OTH Quecnstrarr, Queenstcarc, Queenswarr, , We wo all the attention t ....or custom ere and the public to our new mock of goo s, en. at the same tia►o n-turn our thanks 'to customers . .thers_for_their liberal patronage. anti will On. tleavor by fair dealing with all, to, merit a cantina nice of the same. AMBERSON7BENEDICT & CO. April 22, 1861. . . F yon want fine Pomade you must act kat - Feb. 5, '64. Kilt ma - - - - I, l lClC:Ctita'S Oatsia Puw,s.a ,s; Fi11.5, , c,g KrltTra Bantu:are, Hardware' llctrilwarc Notions, Koticnx, Noll , na. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers