...:... -- ~ . . ii .:.4 ~, , : 1, ~:f,, 00h ~ '.. ..;<",:•j. H^Y , :. -'-. ~ , ..,1 . ...,.. 1 .0C • -.. 11 ..;,, E- r • ~i i: 7.. -. ••' ..' , " f - ,h. it,' , , : I rp hmundersigned... E scan tort, oil, doults! . %slaty., and . alscri of il a tharitie , Bcatty rl lato .of Ano im, township, decd, will oifer-at Public- Ittals, on . the premiers's Oitilte 4 dqknudlotitat, Atm followitag.dow, • ,scribcd Ittilittiitatt; TO wit i `fiSif_TitiorstfittNk'ret,e, day of October, next) on the• . Mansion Farm, at 10 o'clock, A. M., sill _ , ~.,. .., ~,1 1, ~ , ,, h• “, 14' $• . •,, 1 —,,,,, 1 , 1 , 1 ~ fT., consisting of a tract of Land situate 'about &earldom .. Nortb:east.of Greencastle, in said township, bound-t. ed by-lands of lames. Daviddion, •Cf..Bteochbiti, Hen ry W4'nger,. Jars% and (4eorgo Speolmanand others k • containing • • r'.. ,- ~; ..t.-,11 , • ~•, •., , •,. • more or litie,',liritit' l' Nike 'tsie' 'eiciii6d' STO"NE 1) W E LP NU Ii to (ME, i'larlie!Slaiiiittitik'l3:irn, ' c'oxa itiribilkna' other mitliultilinirEi the'reent," . Theia ig a nwier.tailin4 Well itir,Water'Ottesid'Fartri with" a Painp h " A IYO- ,- -There ie ottgai'd lantrti lallga ()RUH Altb of choice Fittierr . d6'"' .. ` "" ' - ''" rift • Afthe sante - ehirered ht. Pirblie Sale, It TEA (f OF LAND in the occupacy of Samuel Ocartitit;briuhditl' lartileofeal.'W.C.lVFlCaight - -L - thi — i'lMtiligiiirl-FitalTila - Mlirofldhli - Orritid °there: . containitig ISVAtiIIES More or • lets; On t. here' is erected It comoutiiims STONE El WELI.4' IN G. , 11811[ . 4CIIIIIIIO-61111111, a large Dank Barn built ,of, brick, and other in• !movements.: There is, an excellent Fining of Wnter and a wind APPLE UROHARIi on said land: ALSO, on said day, it . ; OF LAND known as "the Lina Farm, a joining, ,tho one lest described, lends' of John Giov,e,,'De,eijamin Chant— beni, J4sq , John Keefer and , 200., ACRES - • * with n two ittdied LOG• 111:11.1SE l end an excellent SI'ONK BANK BARN 6 • A fine eiretun of Wa ter rune•ilmitigh this ' :1 There will• beltl4o offeititl on the 16th day of October, ne.tt,:onl.he premises, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a TRACT OF LAND , ~0 situate in said township of Antrim, known ns the "Johnston Farm,"_ bounded by lands . of Joseph Whitmore. Jacob end John Frantz and others, con taining 247 . 4W1P3 more or lees, with a„ acitai2 tusvara, a Bank Barn, and Spring • House thereon. • Also a rtetail Orchard.. __There._.ituan,_ excellent_Springr_of Water on said tact. Each of said Farms will be fetid by the Acre, neat measure, said Farms have respectfully an abundant supply of good Timber. • tOrThe termwwill be made known on day of • JAMES ;NM. . • • T. B. KENN EDY; Ex.'rs of James Beatty. deed • JAMES NILI., Sep. 1.8-4.6 • -Ex'r of Catharine Beatty, de c'd CV' Way neTharo r Record copy and send bill to thioreflice Frcuildin—llopmieaky_ LATEST ARRIVAL! DIE, MONIES, ITICY 01100 S, itC. J. F. KURTZ WLSHES to inform the good citizens of Way nesboro' and 'vicinity, that he has j wit receiv ek from the East, a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oila, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, dm. 'Sm., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as ;hey can be had ,at lily other house in the town, and which, in regard o quality„connot by excelled. He hossalso on hand • large assortment of TOILET ARTICLES .oniprised in part of the following articles, vzz: 'oilct Waters, all kinds, . Eau de Cologne, endless in varietj, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine'English Pomade; Bandolines, , Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy. Soaps, Tooth Brushes, • Hair " • Combs,, ct c.. &c. or Culinary purposes he has Cora Starch; Pearl' arley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: lemon, Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pine /ip. le, Orange. Banana, CeletY4 'Pear, -Peach; Nut- . neg. &c. Fresh Bpices '‘ Black Pepper and all mh. r articles in that line., He has, also 'something to )1103643 the , fine stock of Toys oealllinds; a large supply i)f *are. ' • - ' X =. o3oXlt Atltetai.6l33.Be: ; • , Drake's Plantation , Bitters, • Hoffland's German do. • Sand's' "Satisaparilia, ,C3Ugh Syrup, Diarrhea Cordial, - - Frey's yermifage, 17.04fuites, biTudroia. .• ,litillowayisy • • Ayer's, •• ' • randreth'g'' • '' ' foOlane s, liver; Mrs. Winslow's Soothing •yrup. Dr. Parishes do. Kerosene Oil, Lainps and ~-.z Thankful fur kind favors already bestowed upon ina, , be solicits a contimnitice ot the same, hoping at by trying to please May 'win the confidence f the people. .As much, care taken lu 'adult!' is children., _ 'Pli:yiicin's''Piesdrilitions promptly and carefully .mpuuuded at all hours. , „ _ JP. KURTZ Sellteta 4l 45‘1180:" 4. -- IMI'O`RTA %T 1iO110E: he Flivita Bank of N., ifon'a . Waynesbo . rp' is almo . beipg he Stock all taken The next best investment is .e UNITED STATE'S' 0-20 !MAN, which zys six per cent in Gold': be Principal also paya a Goblit fl!tilitimilands‘are atilt tarnished by the ~dersigned at pari , but ,Secretary.Cbase may stop esale of these bonds. any day„ when this Loan alt otaer _Goveriimprit_Sec Unties, will eert tinly_, znmand a premiuni- - All - therefore who wish to ure a good itiveitiaeat ;should apply without de. v. JOHN PHILIPs. A u trust 28— tl] ; ,. :,.2; • IiIWaCIOr3VALICJIM. ▪ esirous of cla'sinainy boolci'ailas early a day u • possible persons frtnotringAliemselves indebted ill pieape . ca~i and,Ottiodo.piproptly.w pc4l,le. shall 05.00 1 4 44 1 9 11 HardwAn , v,ot least for ' e;:atalle.santi Pia,utlyt !Onto be;pciutsed•'.te e inifrientla and ireripetictlly.solielt.,,their pit:to& o 14ept 18-tf W. if—BROTH 'MON. s - Jo*l9cestNl,lo§rpt,# p • .certifilik .lA.lsidfidzitehti - ter t e . s , Be it iesoteethoithY''seiiitrictittilf lifitat of R 4,14.: iientatives Oftlie'Llingnibnibetellls'oflienneyitania ii9eneral Assembly ineffnwt. theloildering Aldend: • bet proPused tti'llo) ( Cdunitutiriii 41' the accordeincerivith the pniVisions of the tenth ,artielo thereof : 'ft the third tutiofe 0f.40 Conititu tin's, Lobe designated as bid-, tied. burl* ..follo r ots L, ,- • f... Itturrtog 4. Whenever any of the qualified tithe bit this li;onunonwealth Stall belie any actual military rieryieei tinder a requisition, from the Preet— Jent ofthe , United lettstee. only the authority,ef thih Oorinnonwealtbilinteh plector,a4nay,.rucercinc, the, right , of Ater tati.in , all, electioat. bY the eitisee'Vak" dengue.) , ininalione.as . are, Or.4hall prescribed by la w,las.fullyag if they.wcrei present ,at, their usu. al place:ofelectione „ There shall be two additional ,sections . to the 4- iiirenth article of the Constitution, to, be,designated• 'as - sections eight, and - r", ine, -- ag - fulleves riECTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legis latnre, containing inehe! than-,one 7 , l subject, which ,shall be elettrlv i eip!essed ,the tillf t, e?icet:t i appro j priation " tlahrios 9,; No bill shall be passed by. the Legis- Joann grantieg any ,powers,' or privileges, •in - any • ,case, where 'the' antlibrity to` - grasit . such powers,•Or ,privilea9l,lhas beau, or may hereafter he, conferred piton the coiiitiortiiii Cowinonwealth ' , • . - JOHN VESBNA. •Speakeriof the Rouse af liepreaentativee. •'. r- , 1, 1 JOHN PIPFA\ - :Speaker of the Senate. Ortic s?I'VELO. tax-3r of' the• C)crraiin rracork.weet.ll3l3:= , • '.licirris6tiry, Juliiist,".lB63.l; PENNSYLVANIA, SS' I, do - hereby tertifY • the;foiegoing anti anneked le a full, trneend 'Correct dopy Of the origi nal Joint' Iteliolution of the'tl - ennil Adsembly, en titled Joint Resolutioppropoeing eirtain Ainend. l ine`nts to the ;Constituti4n," 'arethe same remehzison file in thig office: • ' Tkortmosv whereof, I have hereunto LB ) set my hand, and eamee4 the seal of the S Secretary's offiee'to be alibied; the day and year above Written. • • ELI SLIFEIIp Secretary of tine Consitaanw'ealtib . _ CARL. rip HE undetsigiied, lately, Of IlaitimOre, Md., has I now, opened a FEMALEI'SEMIN ARY in the hascnicnt of me Lutheran }!tirstirfage in this place. Having had several pairs experience as a teacher, she hopes by punctuality, and strict attention, to duties, to merit a liberal share of the public patron. age. , The course of instrUctien will ' einbrnoe all- the branches' of a thorough English education, and a regular report of the pupils' conduct and pro ficiency, -submitted to the _parents_or guardia.us_at stated_pe. nods. TUITION FEES. Elementary Class; per term of (eleven Weeki}s3.oo J uniur 5.00 zieniur " " • 7.00 Stationary , " 411 ili •25 Russia:suss :—Rev. Dr. Dorsey, Waynesboro', Pa. " " Morris, Dititintore, Md. . ". U X u.riz, • . 1 L a " ' McCrun " " nepach, " IS " !' Higgins, Waynesboro', Sept:lB—lw] MIT'S PRILL• UC SAL The undersigned, Agent for the heirs of Joseph tiller, dec'd., will Ar at Public sale, on Wee- NaSDAY Tint 14TH DAY 0 0 ORTODmi;NsiT, the MAN t4ION FARM, of said deed., situated throe miles from Wayneshorp', on the Mentzer Gap road, one short-mile-nor ih-Of-Hopewell adjoining lands of Daniel Holl inger, olouten Harbaugh and JO sinh Burger, containing _IL 4U 4113 b 31E more or less, 120 ACRES of which is Limestone Land in a;high state of cuttivolion, We balance free stot.e lend about 10 Mies of which is well set .with thriiing . Timber. The improvements are large two•story STONE TOUM lfatik Stone Barn, SO feet long, frame Wagon She a Spring House, Summer House, Wash House, Wood House, and Carriage Shed under one roof, Mt ono Blacksmith Shop, and other outbuildings, in good repair. There is an ORCHARD Icahn's° fruit on sni4l faun, such as apples, peers, - peichtm, &c, Thercis about 12 or l 5 ACRES of '''lVltzseteLcavv: XaaaaciL to the farm with a etteaun of water running through it. To this stream the cattle can have .access from every , field. There is also'a never thiling'W ell with pump in it at the dwelling House. The situation is a pleas tnt and desirable one, and is convenient to churches, School-houses and Mills. Fdr further particulars enquire of tlie agent living near the iikoperty; or of Jos. S. Oder living on the premises. 11.1-IrSale to commence at ! o'clock, P.M., on said day when the terms will he made known. Posses sion given err the first day of April, 1864 Sept. 18 —ts . JOHN S. 0.1..1.ER, Agent. [Rif - Repository ropy anti send -bill to this office• PUBLIC SALE. THE'iubseriber will offer ot Puhlic Sale, on the ' -prembies 'titin 3 milei North of Waynesboro'; ob the Me'itze'r Gap rood, Int WEDNESDAY THE !Ant Da l / 4 . or Ocroirint ' • GO ACRBS, part limestone and partifreestone Inntl,;..in ,n high state 43Ccultivation, about to A ",:f1E. 4 3.0f. which ler well set with thriving tinwer. The Farm adjoins lands of the Heirs of deseph - 011er, dec'd; • Solomon Harbauglh,Jite.oli sinl;btliers: v.-The ;Iro provments are a story and a half 'LOG HOUSE "" withframe Kitchen attached, good iramo Barn' with Wagon Shed and Corn •Crib' taint,. .thltdag. House, good Hoe•Plrn, Wash House, Smoke House and other out-buildings. !Nieto is olio% convenient to the'dtvelling's neverfailing Well of Watevvvith Pump in it, and a young, „ BMWEIED of-choicelruitotreett-on4heTptentiiand--hr divided into two Tracts of 35 and 25 A c res which will be.Old'itigethei'or.aertarately': to 'ewe , purcha ails. A "tit av'e r failing •itsea m* of = Water •Ipaini;.a througlithi t) zoom none ' at , 10' o'- clock-on - aaid any. when .the terms will • be mode known by 10i4lAif-'BI.;RGEfi ',IIIIAIAMORAIff tikcirris, •Kitte ly,•get,that - ,ttice Bummer Balmoral "I • jet:lo22i • „ "at Paten's, _ _ _ 00Pd,,H00k~3,.H 9 jope :/ .7e l . MICOT-T3SLIM.IFIZALILIV WOULD tender his thanks to the. contm utfity and still politfit the patronage af a ,generous public who iirant'enythilik in his fine: ` Inasmuch us he has enlarged his stock so as to be, enabled to answer of anything acid everything usual ly tound in a Ding Store, and has d'thoroitgh'ue quaintance with the business, he hone,' to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention 'free riptions, and more care and precaution use 4 in waiting up on•children than adults. ,Cnoice Wines : and Liquors for medicin . ol and isscrinientafpurficisei,Pitteut MedicineS' in andle,tsa in-var ety,• nendirCal aver eon mu cur to, this 'date anti seine that are yet-in einbryo. "Also White L'eati; Zinc,` Paint; Whiting'and 'Varnishes for beide blaildingtor iiiside'Vkork, besides size's of Vornmereiiif Note, fools'lDap and Letter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes, of • different' isizeiv ant/ I:trusties ;' Carnbs, Pomade: FabcY §oap Bair • Vologriesi.„l4stn cos, flavoring x tracts,: nod ' -711.1Epestmek- articles in m-Vanc-y-line-on-hand-aii!l-otler r esl-for-sate,-cneap-• er then ever °tiered ' L " Also a large Assorment. of Ketosa ANI •La mpa; Chimneys, 6halles.Oil,Wicke t aint .4u:ode - re Oil, to fill thinn.„. A general assokiinept.of l truits and Confectionaries; . aeptember 4, • 1863' I'l 1 ' 1 ' iskir.'ltterrt'titin,',lSTU Vt. • • in thu maritet - tolni'-htftfliti theleign of the big - Red Buret l)lls.' a-frOrn3 . 4 ; ;l*iSll o 7 - lt f,, p47,7' '"•-• • - OF " ' • - T • • , • 3 ~6: " - ' , „I 3 y authority and in pursuance of an order of sale; grAnted• by the Orphan's -Conn-of-Frank lin-County, Pa,i to _David administrator of 'John Gllb - stiSrOaqofilagetittnty, deceased, there ' will be offsrefai front :,,iif,.flowden's Hotel, in Wayneti c titii44"Sailtitinki, TOTH rut' rp Corona 10`o'clocki.tho folloWing Real Estate, consiating of:a • , BRteit. 'HOUSE, STOREROOM and other buildings on kit of gMund located in a pleasant port of the Borough ,oforesaid. Also a IQt of • • MOllkilir LAlD a - in Washington tOWnehip, bounded' lip lands 'of Welsh, Hughes, Snider ind..F,oieinan's heirs, set with chestnut and Other tr nes and containing • • Mr zik.c.Anr.. - mm... ALSO, a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, contain ing . • •• .1 , 1. 'AND j2O PERCHES, more or less, situated in Adams County, Pa.,adjoining lands of Samuel Rinehart, Win. P. Weagly and others. Said tract is well set with chestnut and oak timber, and is easy of accless. Any person wishing to view the land will be shown it by the undersigned. • Terms made known, on the day of tin ill by DAVID GILI3h;RT , •• Aug 28--ts] Adininistrator., PUBLIC SALE Ain TILATL By authority anti in pursuance of an order of sale, 'granted 'oy the Otpluin's Court of Franklin County, Pa.. to John H. Adams. administrator of John Gilbert Jr., late of said county, deceased, there will be offered at Public Sale, in front of Bowden's Hotel. in Waynesboic', on SATURDAY THR 17TH DAY OF OCTOBER HEED. Hl.lo.o,clock, the following Real Estate; of said deceased, viz :—A TWO-STORY Weitherboarded . • • . HOUSE IMO 0 I with good BASEMENT and Hall LOT of ground' situated-on-Church-Strett, - with:new Brick — Wash Houseand Smokehouse under one roof. There is also on said lot a new frame Stable and Carriage House, with other necessary out-buildings, and a choice selection of Fruit tree!. Also a LOS' 4:31-XLCOT-TTEO. containing 4 ACRES and 60 PE RCHES,situaled in said Borough, adjoining lands of Alexander Hami Iten, John J. E rvin and others. Said lot is well set with clover and timothy. ('Terms inade-known-ort=daporsale JOHN H. ADAMS. Adthinistrator. Sept. 11-181 YARN FOR BALL The subscriber offers at Private Salo , his Farm' situated about # mile firm I.4uincy, contain . 151 ACM, 14 of which is in TIMBER and thriving Chestnut. of the Farm is of ,the pest quality of LIME ttITO,N E LAND, and all in a high elate of 'cultiva tion. The improvements are a Mtge BRICK HOUSE, with portico and porches' a now BRICK BANK BARN; SO feet long,,with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, a large new frame Hog Pen, double Frame Carriage House, Brick •Wash House, Smoke House, Bake Oven, and other outbuildi..gs, in good repair, all the buildings belling under cypress and pine roofs, with tin spouting to each. There is a large Cistern close to the Barn, used •for Stock, and one near the kitehenr There is a Well of ex• cellent water in the yard. There is also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Pears, Plums, Peaches and Grapes in the yard. There is also a good BgIN'AE) of young thriving Fruit on the premises. Persons wishing to view the land can do so by coiling on the subscriber, br any information respect. in it can be obtained by calling on Ono. J. Balslay. County Treasurer. JOHN MIDDOUR.• , Sept. 18,t1 • iRESTI IInIYLII FOIIRTHEYS,DREG STORM REIN aIIOMISTIC .HANy!..s, tihogli9r.lB plibu, Paris 4 lotHvArocho., ~ m ink, . 81pvils rrilos`$ 1 4:', jime 12 • a .„. a ARRIVAL - MIDERSOkiENEDIR.I . 7tO; Viraynesborov mAie. '' Neki-mm vow SPRING & SIMMER cif• E are now receiving and offering to sell a aft; FULL ASSORTMENT of Eify:nny,.EDlß-js Which we are . prepaied to soil oti""na reasonable terms as any other house In town or country. DRESS GOODS of all kinds Prints. ' Gingham*, Lawns, Dela ines, Cha!lies. Silks, Alpacess, Merinoes, ',ogres, • Lavellas, CICOLiZMAS.XXS, SLEEVES, EMBROIDER ES' MEN'S SPRING & SUMMER CO. CD CD IX? %3 Cottonades ' ' • ed. Cassimere, Cloths, Jeans, "Neck Ties, Cravats, Summer Hats. J-loisery, .Handkerchiefs, A full aesortmcnt of Plain and Fancy , • • Clesusesinaer QUEENSWARE. A good supply !Anew style white CiaLlPlialthaeCtio .9"13111;PCSoi:s GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of good Groceries, COFFEE, • SVGA R, SYRUP, fo_whicli_vre_respectfully call theattention customers-and the public generally; and at she same time we return our thanks to' cus Willey and the community for their' liberal patiOnege, and will en- deavor by fair dealing with all. to merit a continu ance of the same. AMBERSON; BET EDICT & CO. PRY: FR U I T • AND' at.4.lwlE7 l _leric.amiumil. - at A MBERSON, BEIVEDIOreSi CO'6 LIME CUIITIIIN FIXTURES, - . CURTAINS at . 4513 EP,S9N, NEDI6:I4, A-FULL-ASAIORiMENT I, o p -- PRINTS; MAINS ti:iitaaal toao ra 4 0 ,„ ok; DEBC Rwrios at A,114,13,ER50A,13EN EDICT &.G0 S: ~'`.~:Yrß'fai DANDELION COFFEE nummmum' 7- ISCENCETIF "COFFEE:7- ,- 7; e ckfillitsoN,lloEDit:TiSt (o' MOLASSES, • SPICES, • Soh, &c C7OttCOI3.ISI.diLENS, aW JIM AIL TOW LINEN DUCK, • . FARMERS DRILL. • BLK.BILK HANDKERCHEIFS, 4 " NECK TIES, 'FANCY --- Als - o - riliialitipak Woof, tloniii and Rag CAR- PETS. I ~.., __l_, Extension and Seagrass,Skixts, Persons wishing can always find the beat asscit ment oG auci; as AM HER -- AND GOLDEN• SYRUPS Rice and Rio Vorct:p., Auni6ielfsEsoence oT 9°114, Prepared Colin, Plontatioll do. Dandelion do. 'BOOTS AD SHOES , HA.TB, CJBSI/3 dbo. AU tins above articles have. been selected very care fully and he takes this method of thanking you for the,pMforlage yeti' have hitherto given him, and with a dispention le plaSso all be, hopes to merit a contin , entice of ' . • - • "Aprib*, !ti&. • Jtl4fll EiCSOat 00: 0 • i '' : iiliii . O.if - tifitifikt"' I--''-.-''' :, ,4 ') ,:, ',. '. f'f, •; 4 , 010: 1 I 5 .: J-0 s 2 ANUSES 0 ILE , ..... . . . W 4 YN PAR ORO'. Aug AI .668. 10,; WASHED, VI, OW, .80 "-%'b' l Utiveiunin WOOL. , 41 U 0 1 I Cuovzie Stop .. 00, ~.. : 6. Ttsicnitir, 61{50,, , 00 itik Ti f axatini ._ -; . .00 :r , to PAIIIth PSOIIIO . 'OO 6 ,U#PARED . .,, , : 44 'ti 06 6 ~ Dfusto Akits„.: -00 ... HOTTER Enos • LARD. TyLLow ,z, SOAP BACON (filMf)" BACON (glidPo), BACON .(shciplderi) GLORIOUS NEWS! FRESH ARRIVAL SPE AB IMO 00011 S!! TOSIA iiBESORE has just returned from the tej Eastern Uhl** with a large and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, lIARDWARE, QUEENSWARE To which he invites the attention of every person whose motto is, "One dollar saved is one dollar maue.". Among the leading aitielea of hie stock may be we s found FOR THE 31E. Alk_ ID IL 1E Blk. Wool Delaines, Bombazines, Aloaccas, Drab De Tees, Coburgs; ' Cashmeres, Mourning Repps, Mourning Checks, Shepherds Plaid, Ta ierin. .4Q.132623CE> er=r= Mohair Stripes, Debeges of every kind, • Bopped Merino, • Brocades, Mohair Lustre, Blk. Delain, Fancy do., Poil de Chevres, Killarney Greys, London do., Saxony 'Plaid, Lavellas, • Lawns, Balzerines, Mozambique; French Chintz, Balmoral; Bay State Shawls Stella do s Gauntlets, Kidd Gloves, Head Netts, Crotchet Braids, &c., The following is a list of goods. which will always be found among the NM'S RUA. JJLK. CLOTHS, BLK, CASSIMERES, FANCY DO., MILTON, DO., CORDOB4IY, , VELVETTEEN, italicm. Clcathis, GROCERIES, New-Orleans_lllolasees, rort do. D; E-W_ORLEANS.AND CUBA CEDARWARE, kz :►lonrning do., BROTHERTON'S COLUI, JUNE 1863. ~.. 111. H. :MURTON. HARDWARE inTLEEI A large and . carefully sel6cted Ittock of A . which he has just received and intends selling at 'decidedly Lk(l)'sb7zP Ta;luciaczaue. A LSO auc - io akao evaino HOLLOW WARE, Cedarteare, OIL CLOTHS, SHOE PINDINGS, 10311131111 M, NUMB, OPE PAINTS ; GLASS axatilaawa rK • la LEATHER FLY-NETS. He invites especial attention lo a very large stock of Scythes, Scythes Sharpeners, • Rakes, Forki, Shovels, Grain ,Cradles, Forks and Shovel Modles, Hoes, Snaths, &c., &e., HIS COODS ARE OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, CHIP IS THE CIIIIIPEST. L-o_o K TO YOUR OWN INTERFST. BY EXAMINING MY STOCK! You will find iu my store a good assort• entuf-all—d• 's a • of _oods usually found in Hardware stores. I mere y so licit an examination of my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 105050301 I SELL SCYTHES AT OLD PRICES, ' WM. W. BROTIfERTON. June, 13 1883.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers