MEE , ViLLICE ACO •ii` 9 ~!• ~' Potwar .floe. - — intiriSkiiittliht"tholdti'btirPlibrhtircitt i- tier Errejlem)rioitittutortth;Opr feet; ^4 7 ,- - 4" Atid Pliseacitteo it 'll6l fi "T A annme(, , , t ap. 'inky one eou tiotertai&thohtitttihteht is fit Only . tp6 a afave; )le'llvh,"tit:tei i .s•ii'ai this time is over a TRAITOR to his cmintry, who &- Solves the all ht?imr- Sble . 1` OiSt. _ ,be_nnlier_taat, gations to some of out patrons 3a.arrearb for a few cords orwOod. l ' Oar "pile's is jtzir a. boui' extutusted, :whist 'lenders our Attila:leo anything but agreeat;le. these ,frosty. mop- Tugs. Will not some one compassiottate our sufferiuga by sending us a, loud ,—Soon. Apprentice, traniecL*An APPltetttico to the printing business, aged' from seventeen to eighteen years, will be tnitint at this ofsee• Molted at this Wee—About two hun dred dollars. Slow paying ptrous will.please Make a note. • -. in the City.—The merchants of this place are now in Philadelphia making fall and Win ter purchases and expect to receive their new hoods about the first of next week. • Returned.--„Mov. Mr. FESTER, Pastor of the M. E. Church, of this place, who had been ill and absent fr i oni his charge, for Rey. oral weeks ? we are pleased to earn thrnett'with his health restores, and has re. tomat:wed his ministerial labors. Union Meeting.—We aro requested to an nounce that the Hon. FitA,NKIAN BOUND, benster from Northamberlsod, -bill address a Union meeting in this plaeo on , Tuesday evening neat. Gen. Butler "Beast Butler." NO wonder, for the Gen.'has - dealt tie Southern Confed --eracy-some-serrm-hkrws,' The-gallant-deeds performed by him at New °denim for the suppression ut treason have immortalized his name among loyal men of' the country as one among its must able. and brave defenders, and yet he. is stigmatized , with the appella tion of "Beaq" by the • Spirit. The — wlivints the hat - dam - 1 - to - defame - the - name the heroic Butler, at a time like the present, . for partisan purposes, is unworthy the con& eence or respect of those , who have the good of thcir country at heart, we care 'not to what party organisation they may, belong Tlticany.—We have recently,heard amine ber or individuals complain of depredations conitnitted' by thieving parties upon. , * fruit gardens, potato patches, wood piles and hen roosts. Tn view or this fact citizens should -guard against surprise at the hands or:these night-strolling pillagers, who are, no doubt, impreving upon the example set them by' the "ehi'valry"of , Lee's iinJune last. A Mistake.— In notieing.the Cavalry Com pany cantered near this place, a .qouplo 'of 'creeks since; ire stated that tin Pt. Jody Cubs from ftollidaYEbirs, butit appears from th - e Tyrone Herald, published in "Blair county, that were in error. Capt. and company ate from Tyrone City. ~• 1‘r0,0.--.Taelt,Frost made his appearance here on.several oecasicni recently,. blight ing, as is. his custom, the tender plan ts, shrub ery, etc. Much that was beautiful to We eyeis not, withered and blackened,- aid no -dlubt.=.simietf. town and country' mother's aro in lamentittinii'orer their . .unripineil to- Inafois ineivithered vino, fot generally, we believe, this. highly prize 4 vegetable has been much later maturing than' fortherly. a, „ 'fihe chap tir o stole a large _putupkit oat of out .utruck patch", the oth •,er night. . pore aware• of it few pillage're abonf,'Aiit i thad no idea of one. Jere eo ii , eArly"'!iii, ia ratitejl in. nin'as printer, 4 ; ;to be..snake:bittenAnici ;' The Stone 'Piles =.-The stone, piles to which vie havoalready referred, on two oecasiore, still grioce,Nain .Attye;.,„ Xt . , is, hoped they .latty .be removed before election. day. Un fOrtanateiyii on to r ah ncemitons, acertaia class get =~'ion : h v 3," and ' ffie`re + nit`mightbe an. • 1 cic.. ,achint o aorsobody'A,feee. r 3; ', .-A.41 4 7 :44,4,3,7711150.ty50i?,fCtX, ,ter boilings is at. hand. ..awking,frotri the_ ( vig V can-, OtY:idACAIN44.-41.1:9Pgilk ( :IPFP,L.PIe Appiniccapiii:thiscieginni+nt least in: certain lsiaalitib ctinnatla rep' '• • ,114)A ::1 .1 496490:444je11eitiay.4LA dilapotiticiiieet )itutits Winn 10 , #111,4 .1.41 t i„ 1 1 , 415 tat WPM. Orr. Duncao,, Steugel4:lo4l; lorpos4,„,br PhOriP49l4'utg .. , •',,,t; . ..-'4), , • L' "...4 , ,- , ...1.;;, - -1`,:i.33 - , ^-43', a 4 4- I , ' ..,: A •vik. , •zt if r'',' (.I) , Dotriat4,vai,.:4teffikoief - mnirt jpolitteil -•• . • . ; Crae z ,', ,, ~ ,' •••• •: ::.1 , ~,,1:•. : 0, _ .7 ,- .6 4 41iiiii,':g f ailitiWelaltiOli' WAS Orefi' :.'..: ',...- ~ .'1 ,. ..1,4 ' , V ., 74 - T 3 7 ,, , '!;!..*:,Vi. . ,;:- *1" ", -, : z zi - ' ' . "., „ r ' • ,; , , -J he 06 4 ' orP,m, (ll a t taiß-e ate , e ' ro 6 #. it -.lite 14110 tiekitde ' *lke wor ' Ale j nito a.. p eta,' 4 Tfe goltiii-41eliedif ti)o14: Ms a Vin / ' 'and re c k l ess soltper, hAle i e \ qutOer ills 1 IVO l•coivarda 'it'd adios' ; a t, lit harf ditlir c ens r at, ---5 • '` te i t '• e 014 table u . , her. 4 ' 44 . -- ' ~,AraaidlUttght-tar ' otwet ittAL ranks of the patriots orhia day for the main - teatime of porsooa) liberty; Ifnredging.of speech, treedomof the.prerg and. the lfgh of white memSoeljd,9lo, o ,ol)Patheio here to the same 0664: ' arilordi to tig-t i aWa , atatemeakarraiziaarkf a lifatiaaa'' - -- - ,But, Araald, in Ala ilour - lPf •1901%84 Ataesi, deserted the "sons of biberths,' sad weft cr. ver to the enemy ; atityl eoPperheads hay° fonfiveciiheiestusiple -pf , lhiii , --,, tillustrious --;4li • 71-:, 7! ,Arneld,not.,t oy,, deserted ;the e4use , k. ,had upbeld i lnt engaged in iliionoptraci: toy bitray into:Wel . 6f:64 intl'y 0760i - 116Voi t OeincitTOritiWObe ji.4t tousla_of,_tytanoy and_oppressidb, —Se-thireo ~_oldi, ctitispirators'lilite ! hive 70044 und`are 801 laboxing, l • to, betray, `• into the hands of, their political enemies .the'only . but , wark.of our Country's sofetyand,,defeire , a. bait L despotism and fuMi ,'Arsoa,'S'tteritis Vase ae,ertiop, t,naligned and .ridiculed•thei, mot ,ho• had before acted. with and called his friends, and affected rto hateeed'despiee the eatige haci i heee . :4." hettled,f9r,Ati4 maintained, :She 90pperhemis, imitate to the hitter the shining ,block .ezample. . Arnold, allied hitoselt 'to the Men Who were using military forces to re-establish, a monarchial rule over this country. In this particular the identity.ef the Mt tor of 1780 and. those of` 1863 In'elearly es tablished, ondMakes them (main heart and soul, if not in courage ilia intellet., • The above is from au exchange r and is so.' true that . we ~ adopt it as editorial. eat n a SoIdier;—CRAALES ROOT r from Stubon Cows% South. f'panesville, N. Y., died at the 'residence of Peter Bark:doll,. in Ringgold, Washington. county, 314., on the22d uAt aged 24, gears, We hove not been. able to ascertain. the company or regi ment to which he belonged. lye weie,_requestesi_to_gubliihAbe-folloarH hag list of subsosibers to the funeral expen. Lydia Shockey 25 - etro . to', John W. Hoo ver 25,..Jaceb Stouffer 25, Dairid Rohrer 10, David Lehr 25, Jacob Newman 15, Francis Bowden 25, .W: J=l Brotherton-25,--John oinger 10, Lydia Singer 5,' Frederick Lech er 25, W. A, ; ,Tritie 25, J. !F. Kurtz 25, Lewis.Deatrich,26i ceo. Stover 25, Elio Lit tle 15, John W. Rogers 25, - Jacob' Shockey 25, Nancy Shoekeyi 25, Luther Speelman 25, Nancy Speelums 25, Susan Rinehart 20y Jonas Shockey 10, John Shockey 50, Santa Frantz $1; W. S: Amberson $l, Jacob S.. Good-$l. - _ It appears that a report has been• put in eirdulatiort that the gentleman who 'solicited the sahscriptionti had upproprialed a part to his own use, hence his desire to have the list puhi ished. Fatal Accident.—The Repository says:— Alexander Clugston,:'4 , , a - man about 40 years 'of age, who Was in' the employ of Mr. Jacob Frey, of Quincy township, was so shockingly mangled 'by a theshing ruachine, on the Morning of the 21st ult.", that ho died shortly afterwards. • He was driving the horses, andlwhile get ting off the .platform he made misstep and 6ecanie entangled in the cennter 'and'strap • , ivhcels, w ere uncovered, crwhing one leg up•to the body,,and receiving lother in juries, whicli teruiinated 'hie'existence in a few hours. Thmigh,a mute, his generous qualities of heart' won for him a large circle of friends, who mourn his .sudden departure, and his l'intrins were borne to the cemetry`at Biowns Mill atiiendedhy a large7coneOhrse of friendp. Clinduet.—TicO coridnee o f some •of the Copperheads in this city,,pays tbd , , Lancaster Examiner,;:in. despicable , in the extreme. When 'the tclograph first , tihnoun -.eed'the probabli i - defeat'Of Itcscruns, l ' these ruiserettati4gavesepen_mputli to their , rejoic ing at what tlivy imagined was a Union de feat. The.'"Linctiln • 'llitlelings Whippd," the "Aluditionists rotted were some of the,elioice expressions indulg . • .These fellows. are not, nly traitors , but tiqtatia, for W•tbey bud: thetipirit'Of a rebel '"greybrielt" they would gO'down to DiFie andfiiht-:for the eatissithey seem to lo; so 6.;(iittri-'o7 : 4astiinE, inth . e u • .0 .^ ••` • . r . ' . • .darkest.days, ~the,:', . reirolation; -remarked, "1 Sin-under more appiehonsiew on- iiccOriat' Of our owu`diasen ions, than of r the.eiTO'rt 'of' ' ,the,ori.n.kuy," ',And ague ,, I . fnainiiinity,of par disinterestednessin i a, our -._pursuit, siii#.ititeaq.perieveranco in rinr.!n!itianal:•dit• avoid 'inTSfOrtiin 7 n.S. -:ll;they We' shall !have done".oux i?e* , :,The'.roo is with. Gods' ,f4oli'applicahlowte:these *tor& wisdom priiiies•titnOk." •,•4 l'""• • Oa Steveris-,‘•hoplievt in'ihe .)• ~ bat,.tip„,,o,r o chipk4ppAngn,e'reek., i ,, Re pt.:napalm. ennlpany. ;raised , . ,this Vtiniiiit 6 hOitie :tient:4W; 41(figini, ^ t f 47 rennsykyinna olnuteers. 4;.tvanesd9ortims,slo444lo,.-Itichtcppd Dis t . patch ..I,llllkhlii,Fill,giv'e kf stawti O r e,,r4 s "Years - Or Lig°. The jtotottirag s ovag o tta . T el deepatehes.-k , , erauete•tiaMilipe ter' th4l *LW citien .qe(tiit h ..;euethy have tailed te "tffer Aitliabattatioge and bayosiiNilii,, - ,04 could re,oceupy that-etroagbold, thrtififtlif47-ofattliTnit - iifinfe - arti — ismfap t !Ag ..fronvithe :teeth' of the deepatebes the if nttlee artitb*Afietk?AlitthiAieecuiette' 4 .4 l o 7 . eral Ilosecraus was.ptiing his army reto a ~etrong ptmiti4 atiii visit' be - able to' defy iculmi* 4 l l6 thib m ii tie t y _aged BbAsideittiti l 'otb= , eo4PreePlueveAoubtlepskinel ,, ,th*,..Atfo l y.of the Ouoeylaad era i te defy The, ,44vIng of our army ooh ottiOrgia; thVotigh Mat:totem ga rfPli ,eventilally put of : E ast Teaueeacepprae undoubtedly-,the, bet, !:alet!ee-Eittiteee DOW, , "" ItillittmeAddispiptt.l* - tneato• of E,berly'it saw brill, f ratrNetr Oittiiberlaidc: Camberland county, ,fortr tittlbw'; this iiitioe;'etpioded iiith to tiflib fotectlesiertlay , tierittiltopi : of -recovery-,- :seildi 0. 66 seventh,--ThsPeiplo Bien was one of the most • terrible and !-flitat *hie tnkeif:pinee in this as tile' fdllowink tots Sir rolstiOni' to: it° wenid inaidetei' . • '• - :The boiler;'which' Weighed '.iover.' 5,000 pounds, after tearing the- building. to pile es,' Wii'huilethip a hill for the diedatiew Of 4wo hundred and fifteen yaris 3 strikingFackhar's WitiO stands on?othe- railroad track, reditehig' it td'a hear•oi" Mos'. 114Wil ler, the landlady, Was Stabding and was instantly killed:: A aiiter-oln1;iw. tuniaitlea - lady, 'ltiditer; leg / , three places, and now lies beyond hcqie ofieu! covery. The saw mill itiellwas:demOlished( to atoms,. and ettifry pars on titibut *tilu.pretai;: ses wain )silted. Not. ai , ki* left to explain a Angle fsict fn relation to the' cauite Jof the terrible dimastdt The Calamity bas spread a, gloom over tho.whole. 11 , 116 v.— Walk/ StaP'. kstvasger, said to be 'front 4.laliforni; who arrived at Newtoit„: near llostoti, on bus iness, reeeittly omission to hire &‘ Witte and eitirialielci takii hitt], to' a' tueighboting village:3 His driver happened to be' a ,find s icemen of a soldier, who was wounded at tiettysburg, am! id now only able to do such light work as offers itself in the . neighbor• hood. On the ride the passetigei entered, into eativetsaticin With the soldier,. : asking him all about his wounds and his cautpaigns,, his present occupation anu situation in life, and when. they separated, handed him a five dollar hill. saying that he had: made it a cus tota,tb give , five dollars to every wounded. soldier he tell in VF ithvarrd — tha h e —shoal& continuo to do it 'as4ong as. the money held* HORRORS oar BOODEM WA WARE, --Proms ail accounts a most tearful state of things exists all Mon_ the border of Missouri and Kama. The St. Louis Dentoorat, of the 15th just says ; • We learn. that the soldiers of the Seventh. Missouri State•Malitia are .burnin g ; all the houses of rebel sympatlbizers all alon. , the border and the rabels in. retaliation are firing the property of the Uuionists,ronnlining. A fearful state of things ()sista in all the. bor.. der_Courities,and_a_general_devastation , _is onserved. A Faxilil'ENED • SOLDIER. —The- Wheel*. ing (V, a) Register, 'noticing th e- arrival of a number of Rebel prisoners, remarki : There lion° man in the crowd. who is bat twenty 7 four years of.a a kv, whose- hair, it+ as white as snow.. Ile says before he joined the army his hair was nearly black,. but in the first engagement in• which be participft tod he became so frighteried that hiS hair turned gray. "Re is w fair comple,tiona mad., but appears very'delicate. BArstuout/Bept. 29.—The ptopriettorn and editor's of4he Gazette, formerly knriv,tn as•the Exchange, awl then as the J.Veics Sheet, wore ordered to be arrested to-day for the publication of' disloyal sentiments.' "it guard was sent to seirse the establishmeet, but only one of the proprietors, Mr. , Jildward Carter, was found there, and he' was arrested. .31r. Neilson Wiaret found, and Wnt. El. Carpenter the editor of the paper, was also absent, ankneither hes been arrested. GOOD GRIT.—We heard a "good MI " the other'day; which We give as an:instance or genuine grit: " Arcouple were engaged, to to he married; , and every propitiation was made to. Celebrate the nuptials, bat' the bridegroom did not appear.' A messenger, however, broUght.the - news to the waiting party thatle had been 'idrafted in Carlisle sad could not 'leave: The reeky of the young hidy was worthy ott'theioccaston. i r t With tear drops glistening, 'it* her eyes,• antLher heart ready to. iiurst with.griet r she turned to.' the company and said i , 41.110r4...keer ta .durn; ith e re's fle ty. Mo re Mery i tr: the world any - .'-u'Daily 2'e6graph:: • NEW YoRK, Sept. 28'.-h—k•tpeciatdespateh to the Traurt4e, :twin- Cincinnati; says' 'that news-ricei'red-from - Knoivitle, up to Thurs. day; stated' that'Burnsidowas.still there., and there were po'singiq of rebel roovenient:4 there. • 'The rebel GeneratApes Was' , closis stto the - Virginia line: i'A tiart •Of".l3urnsiao4 7 forces , havegene - arfarketpedition. in to Southwest . . iefrrTil‘ginia and:important 'results were „ . Gilmore ErArtiv Gugs.. "BALTIMORE, .4SPiot. ,28.--Tife ,stpar#er Spaulding, artive4,•at Fortress Noiereplester. 'day morning, from Oharieston o ,kntr day morning,,,,, uoiroportmn A !., Gilmore is still actively engaged in creti r log siego',guns., '•" • 1: • The noisterwis *gather ',has: hike rfete4. with:-attivo naval opqmtions. 0••• The llealth Of thearMY aud'ilATY mem adaki`Uad Walker;,quarrokil at B. ~pu , MetaSe,'ArT;up seas,.onSuntlay pistols at eight 4:42 Another letter ant's tii4o draft for 600- 000,..frOni ,1•5 het 200,666,.0 WIN Arrests is Baltimore.. General Bairnsicle's Movements 11 1181 1 - Jlle alei ota v ktl `--r 4a 111- mote ead in-tip-y/4,6re T010n,...0f hie .4V „9 o• psr- i wiklotitco?pßil t il!pkV , ,. 4 ) . 64 ,0 044 VdVi44 01 °/141 11 0 4 4441 tory wilt t oe unigutt :piaffi, and •24 a e 'l9 to'couralhatiakinanttlinvie..-. (40 sh“Ctl'er VOi• ItootF leas seajetflis fat zoilpitiof " • te, RApeffons Taast,po , la at ?! tie, ,bat'holnaof tisr *eW 00 40 4 11 :4 11 rep 1. 4.41,1110 tet, ~tii4l s 6agf i t;',ll4' liordie 1)619 a .. tidy' '!4 14 7)4 10 . fOr i etlY 'l4l'l'6'o6lj feltooy_o7_ taakee ililiilll,4o3f,ti#4 -sea, lie koldirilee cola) spi I car , fmat'sapply •meat,jor our arrty,, '4004 c;oitafal' i lrOnfolf` **y aztr man,tetaetariag AiigtishoOsL" T ili, I sign of that caaay;ii, 6,0 f, - liidliOti'eablit t depiiyitO pike f oi i4,,eonteading l ti4olin ar' - bVel; vf Gat 119 hos 16211„ , ' it` a d i kq the l,l ag,:ieiie eeilt'O • il •i• ::•• !MEM Oftvtdii'. i tiiiieiiitiott - into • ',"'• ')At , 9 t at , • , •1 1 4 , •„ 77:77 4 , c`qpiT* el. De 74,017:c , ;A7litter froaiMereplyi i , dated, I.qtk instant, the it. Imuis RepiAlidag t ERyt; f f • J " Wei have intelligence that,a,,,detschw ‘ nt from the, Marine Itt wade, *underi,l 4 ieute‘lent; Colonel, George ,E r Currie,, lipv9,mafig s op, cossfulfrsaid'•into,ilolivutoonnty, Missiasppi. They •procceded• into • the ; ( country, 'abent, twenty-, or twenty-llva mites, Sint ompOreg, a rebel paymaster and clerk, hasing,in their possession one million" nine ,71iitatAtcd , thou , sand dollars in• '7 Confederate money, 1, and. a sayable at Aleian .I ! onigaul7,T, fp_ nearly as, mach mom; Ttiejooneywas,destm; .ed for the rebel troops across the.rivor., They :also captured a. large package of otßeiel , de mpatches from the. Confe,derata, War Deport., anent and a large'priyate, ,desptelS. , es were directed to Generals;Smith, Walker,, And- flinger. The, parties stern., arrested :riding .in an old - United, States Melt ,coaeb., :and were ;proceeding to Bolivar, „landing, wh - ere - prep - orationa hati , presinus)tbeen made :lbr their crossing.. The expedition ,eaptur-. .ed-three-mommissioned-offieersreig:htemt-pril vates, and forty stands ~ of • arms. Colonel Carrie has made.several successfal raids, au4 d one much towards 'cleaning.L out' the, gue ' tatrpart--oUthe-count-ry gib destroyed several 114sta:which . ' were used for crossing by rebel troops and ,officera.7'.! , The VirArin Ar:kansee. Louts, Sept. 27.-- , A despatch.) from Lit:do Rock, Ark.,dated the 21st, to, :the Republican, says hat Col. Cloud,, with .100 of Cho 2d Kansas Cavalry / arrived !at• that place on the 19th. When between ; : Perry vile (whole General Blunt defeated the reb els under,Steele and -Cooper)and Vert Smith, Colonel. Cloud, with 500 Kansas.2d- Cavalry and Robbs battery, attacked 2,000 rebels, under 'Gen Caboll, inn strongly fortified po sition, roatiug them witl!considerable loss. The rebels retreated towards ,Arkadelphia. At Damonville, 9th, Col; JClond at ttiel zed 1,000 rebels, under Colonel Steerman, mad'ciefeated them, capturing their camp and a' largo amountiof commissary stores. Over2,ooo mounted Unionists , have join od Gen. Ledte. Mounted, Unionists have also joined Cloud': command / anxious ito servo in defence of their homes.. Protium to fifteen desetters reach, Little Rod: daily.. They, take tho oath , of,; ;allegi ance and are released. . , Arztv honk, Sept,' 29.;-.--A,gentleman ar rived from Morris Island, states...that a fe w days before he left. seven 'deserters arrived from Sullivan's Island. Their story is, that after the blowing. up of she, magazine of Sloultrie. and-fidly expeiting's continuance of the shelling the following day,,the 'rebels made preParationa' fe r the , remaval of ~ their best guns, with the intention of evacuating the island., but findingtthe'next morning that the, shelling teas novrenewed; they! conekt. dbd tO' wait a little longer: ri ''The deserteirk:i'eaeh'ed Morriu4sland . 'un der - folio wing'. eirOunistances": .Several officers .belonging to the . garrison.; of .:Idonl tvie, who' had gone'out yachting; tent !tabors sit'Some point , id 'the. bay; Aeaving the 4acht ih 'charge of ihose!;.seven ., i3Olcheri7, -two, , faf. whouvactedne a. guard: L , As,'lsoiin as the, share •party were far enJur,,h "away tile _sol diers; guard at 'ea, alLti-tiamedia. plan' lok pla cing themstivexzunder thasnant -and :stripes, mot rezehettour. camp in' 'safety ilwith yacht: • :,.; Aitogikiri,o4ondenta:4ivi. rartieulars,:_.4 the cavalry ; slim:ol4h: at 3ladison Court I-I pose, ty Confetleritiett.'Were *fci Ilea' avid' Wainided, 'a'n'd abouthincliel and 'ruireiikt:five": taken prixonera. 'Alaige.ainount Oriktoperil'ivib destroyed, and a train .of army wagons filled with stoiefi;eilipt4td'ind hidiight Within the Fednial.linee` : . • •— •' ' ••., • 'AMAMI' OF THE • SHAIEZRS.—The,„Sha lune °I: Union viliagoinear (fineinnatii _have announeed;their determination ;;to that eity,lfiethe benefit of the:. 4pooir4 ,from one thousand , to ten ;thousand cords-otwood, free of chancy: , .1i - f;• - A • Sgiefit-t—The enlist sessioe.of, the • Synod of the gitmia Refornied eh tuck iw the =U nited Oetoher ohurehlot i, • - tt.As:ita),.ll4hat Anioinfl b meat 10 7 Vie 6.0 d 5 Q 0 to w zoo. s'o IfV• v l • r 4.; i4,60 0 it ",'•' a's • • ) J. /VC(' ink 'at At'dtifoogoif of s6o,o()Vir Irelaitd water' " ctif 414 1 1 . 6tha ffiB ' 4 66 Of, C.harlesto.n. iiitlsit i ceti , s- , !; ;bill In writ ' i. Bra - i ‘ . ..i t i.. , tuntior „ l‘ e " --7- i p,_., 74 ` ' ems ~ o p s tiomfit . , 3. 1 v ,A4sAinttl,ASted - yeiterdair tifterj mien, state that,the elle* has Made, uo - , at -titid(siticOhi4littifiStatiOnd Rasiataus is ' '' ' ' latr-Rehaltiii ottacked, -• 1 - Tirgllliteavo iv - - , Mt i s , 1.. i 11„s;arrise at Ropearatia' - haadAlltters- Ott Usiturday,: and , upcTrnliEdrici . exitiffilitinl PlRAtttlimrt tifit declares thillititadtlaid:VOClllM 6f7i itrgtiitity clegeTishith -Ittagg-does-net'seetit to =be-ahemS fAli.#' ~,W,T- 7 —NAs P W4p A . T - 1 W frotit a s riitl4Wlii4 . 'dCow federateqten4*?4'o4oEf'4,Boo rebelshaftrriollisOiikiettgahCol. J« J Seeks,. €oth MisiissiPtllsiment, Major 3, O t ti s olifitPill TtnelliTl And Ma jor W. D. u 111oyd," 1 -et _itlrditaJtriga_de, toCtli - er - With fi vt i lifo,l3Klol9iihteen lieutenantit:. Awls ihrs.mittitua.grW B. -SityreM-iihiefistrgitnierinflAWlNars corps. Over five thousinidiumutidedhave reached here sinee'Weiliiiiiitlity. ,l "rhriciiittehes and halls vacated•gc**Aqiiior,Ol'Opil sick I aid wounded are again Laken' for - the Bailie purpose. /,:',%•.) ,:o s. ;:isrli,, , 1-1 ' Communieatttiti bffelegraphiltastinet yet been, opened with,,,CAquidogif."lln-guer illas are very nitineret4AtiLo,tiM ifi. • Major Fitzgibbstoc,the 01 . ~,, • iehiga . 9,- arrived here to-nightlirith thirty‘eight prts mere, among whale's - re' oteiestOtaiwitod two , lieutenants of - Wimplerr,94lE - Re reports all quiet in front: Sour foteds were still far ;orying thems o w it y ,t* f:- , Irt ,1;•1 flirt OrNolfiriAl . ';:got.:l2 l ll,:,Thelikefelai'S correspondent ; gives tt,,less.;o7:l)lli* fafthitnt of the receot•battleaik - ficorgia,: i glut i;,the !e -1 ports fornisbed , by -ipther correspondents— Our loss in IntillerySta-baggage , , , . he,' says, has been greatifly i exagtwittid.'"'&ll l mar di- - visions fought' wSll.`," ~,7,,,,; ' ,1 - ' "' !' Our army .was drawn up grout& Rossville on Monday HI good . order; attraiticon /smack, but the enemy, dcaliiiing' , tn offet-,-blittleith-e -army felllielc,,jitid; took, 'fii ii a' 'iireti&' posi • - tion around 01144w:toga. "„ . 'llh`e si?bliers were: ammunition, or: provisions. The Commerciat, Of thiarmorning, has - a soven•coliimn'litter, dikkill4ptetift hothick. , amauga battle; ficim' correspondent W. L," gisint i themolp, e p i q p ! ?t, report yet iiMi§hßtit alla.Pg.Tlßue4 more encou nigkqg, vhan those prevousiy puJiteyd. Beesays that.the may is,not whipped ir - t , It is'sot disheartened,.kt_Lhis_lbst-nothing . sulmig ps, it holds Chattanooga, and nothing fatal to the opqirreA.': If - it dick retire from Chidkaiusuga o ttlitis ,still_ ,preuty_i of food anci'maretinitiom . The, trains, ..with frilling ereeptiontture - intaet - Some artillery. ;1 is goncysay , twettty-frawgilne, -but _AIL. 'that r. be can bo served to adv antage , are now pointed toward the by no utiiimi'estwerly curious eno• a A special despatch from Nashville,. to the some paper ; shys that effacers from thnfront say that' the New - VOA: Eerald's account: ,of the battle iii:thifavorlibtueltaggeratedi • •• - E,ortnis's mond E'xtinthia• or the `l'Ath, contains • the , ATLANTA, Sept; 25 -L . -SeVertii trains With linunded and prisoners have arrived: :Reports of the 'condition, craffairs 'Shorn are conflicting. We are richUed to belieVe that. the, 'etie'e Fly are fortifying; thernselVes s Chu:unarm ga. ,Qar lines are within Dug - Wiles- of that place.. , There was n o lighting yesterday. ' Reeeerane sent in : two flags of truce, ing permission to ,hury their dead aiul relieve their ionnded. Rreig i?jecfeit'' both of , them.. '"• ..'"" - CttAwsr6.N; 2. : 5..==A11 is quiet' this trierning. , • • - -- Spencer Kellen. e .' was hang" a's a Bpi arid deserter at ,Campbee,, last, Friday. '• ": After twndletinci efforts ofithe recaptisre of Chattanooga, We have now the:iiiielligenCO that Alp:enemy in'posicsiihait'nf that strorighold,,,mul streni thening' . its workil and, while events, linger Venn the Situation'in Northern Virginia heeetne critical . GEN. .111OCOQK,01,AMED. A , Washington , . letter .:states , that Gen. ROseerans, in his despatches, :imputes; the loss eic the disobedience:. of orders On the.part.of Clem 41cCook,Nwho,failed :to occupy an importantfosition , -a!Signed ,by Roseerans. done,. as ;ordered, Roseerans' opinion is-that the bade would have resulted iditiltplanlidlUnion victory.— ftv extending his rorees-top much,:-the ;ene my..were enabled ~to - : penetrate Rosecraps! - Emaneipation).m . ovente,nte, ere • xery ' Threty is Missouri- Sla.veslgo, iOto„lcatisas, 4t!iit4e rate of 150 Ter . , " Ttievideut of his tileedTho tnirdetitit, the'eboied of =his bompaey : 1,, • • ,;•0 ..... , . ; • pu.;,. i,l Tit TACl4:444ll,ffiv; ,- 14"CORTAIDIv CURE PAINS -AND • ACRES, lad mliwer4e4 pp.300,Y/ t ell Cron/i it tiesitivelymws fj.lflieft . 6 - 149. 1 ° 11 40 , ihtre' immediately it used. , 7 -IToithere remember thirst, affil 4tilftlciatietireaf wit/ra,- ilottlwlwithott. , : dekiy.e.- 0660 disedtfe - whiOli giver 'oil notieeOnequeut tf,iiiiticiting*ehildinAlii-deit himrtif theilitight.: to& leo late: Kemeiir~ et the fa*: Price 2b ' ;;1iti'60,46.-ilia4i • ,Ji Cc?. t• %;.": :11 1 .PR I .341E0 22 , ',2.:;, ti ; .... { ital.l; '4,01016'0 2; 2,;.: - 21; 71;2:4 , 241' nc t .;,.1 0 441#0 4 4 1 ,4 4 11 15ti: -. Fr 1 ) - n ig re 7 ,/, `M - W 3 F-t,Ft):.P.100. 1 .P4 t T e l t 6 )11.1 P.. a r }.(114 the. git . .eukkt. A .-in , ill !iidflip:,' - iil rs- SOPA II4 ' ,I WIr s9 . I ,? 6 ii , ... s icr i a tl 4, higalkorYßCllll . 11 t. -.9§.0%, 56.571:;•154. , ,Vi;:,7 AnolktilsrLflt.:. ~ 4 1illi::. ; •..,-. • : ... Pnthe, 9.4d„pe . A.; .in . , , triyitievitre;! r tsoi r :Pl*Yoo44: l PY.l 4 X4 ls l.r aii i 'u t oi .k i t s 106 3 4.7k, , , , -• .. lt, ~..,1 ~ „i t " .'• -',-*'." On:the titit . •lasi. - - :. toi:yetieiiitie , ,,7p6 CaARLOTT4I - .lll6CliißSAT.tiViiiietfi."3 ye l l*-4,-inontits , ,eititir;44lays. , :- _. , ~,. ",., t `C ..-.i tt g-0 " i0f0v,; ; 460 4 and whlii i t .-, tle . iiU to.tbe_ili.ioportenrfacc_tatiiittinliaitndi4 :. jhe r ,:: '' hiOrpiie*cif *lotto ONI, tho - 46,horke*tiligi01: -- .. : ‘ 0f., - 7, , : t'_, , . OniflthiNg being et 40.1Oiiiiiiiig*1 ?r t , fairish our citatoindro, lot* Ale/ old piieet sn4"it stioli.iniattidistice ,lir ad • • ' , ' - • '. I ' - • ....W': ilt a io i u Sluing style R air)' . ol,, ;, ; - .. i . - ,i._ .. . :. r. 1 , =.1: 11 - . ____lna k f: , -i------Pri., . 44 .., . • "k•sva , . , steretalNTßt Ao4lo,tiAgtg!.:iie :in irked to cot, Ond examine Otiiiftiott 6i 'MOW thijitili ' ganfoi ;lintbreileuPticket .:*iokii ,POrt Madam.: , toget;ficr Pio* :itt etypaiti ot pc 44,4 • f tittleripity titiplatt , II - lot at 4toAtities , o Litt Ethi...iiiir. *A 'tt j # city . -pb - .. 4 f ~ 6 invibrin-osamituttion - OVour - ottletri od jiticesbeforet yotegtrklast-to-porcluuio. --- -- - • ' -111 I DEGRAFtIa.- -1 1 -ji tlti ' Flielitif terSECOND RIPPLY OF STRAW: fT r gir 9fA l s* Pli7 Op PI Gila% . 1. ki •• - PAN.A.AIA,_ ,•• HotiOlitt filf4w tessalishiti illitsilbMnevinbrind ' drab colorafor Mon t tiosti:i,.Children and . Misses''' . wear. The best and•largrfii stock , of Straw G o od s ,. In, the county„et• the lowest , prices, wholesale am! - . r4il Ctaetitico4. subilAjoitta I min 031 441'29. ars(' ININIE a 5vir.g4.1863--Szcon• S yr ir..e.yef.319..,, ....I x.l • -.. Iltx DEA#P3P42l4l3iNNEtteht , : Airs , OW ICE an& _DIA'WER 19. il. WEIGHYPIT' ,Itt,tars . ir la• EASTERN ANDI43O.4ehIABE. HATS, Hats cAall atm, color" and stylcl i comprising every'.- thing itilLaideldtiMribli - iir e lfhiliiiiAillietr constantly on head; and manufactured to order at loWest rates. wholesale sod retail:' Oar second stock of Summesiirtqs/fietd• t Ir . Wir • ' ' S • ',A, (die. Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown 31C.49.1 2 1:1C3/112 ' f, r= 7 From the Allietpiati Vregartio*plast on. 'Change for high. Western and. Howard Street Viola. titioF the market for -these-deseriptionat;led.-Nery,- . —firni.:--- Sales reporten eintitticelf 501. r frfils., Ohio Extra at $13,121, 80tf6ibbt 74.1 0 ia_r_Cdtmlier,,do,Ait 50, and '21.10 biits Stipertine do. at. .9•5#125.-- Price ti" Closed 'as ittlloWs: Ittitttard Iftt'aebleta per and Cut Eiint a6.-iii45;641®51-33 .t h 2,415' t p,32..•!„etu,if u g,: r Extra' do. '14,0! at . 7,50; I•t_ • • t tiII,AI.N.--Wheat was in fair request and.. ;steady Southern White we qmote,,,itt, • - ..135W .1.5.5 cents for common to westidtitw rynutity ;, at. 165 W. 85 cents tor-fair to vett : prone do; them rod at 125®135“dants fop .taferior to ordinary do., and at 10 . 01,4 q: , MILS for •fair to prime do: Yellow 'cottkitinkroved . cents, closing at, 98(511./013enta for ordinary to prhne. White wml,mendy-Sit 06-cen ts for fix -cut and good" simples Maryland . Oats we ( . 0(4°10 :8062 cents measure for: damaged to priMe. 3113i.OUVAILAILtik r AME't tue,preatiaes of the aobseither hying; neaill,fonteroy, on the 22nd instant, a red &di. white'eri.ittectriery i heifer, about two years old,— . flitiwrier - fa requested to come forward, prove property, pay efuirigesaud take her away. . 9qt. " EDi GIuKDOINT.. 3r2.11:110111111711`.. wAS lost on Monday- the 2lst inst., betwee4 Hopewell WU:Oration?, a fOekei BoOkt 'containg $14.150 in ikWernMent currency and a number of receipts and othei parie're''A liberal re ward will be paid the finder upon itsdidpiery to tho subscriber. • L. M. LKl6flii 6414 September 25, 1863;-3w] •-• mitt Wailes, Spreaders, Sett iThaMi,..,1,014., . Traces, and other Climes mode by the subsert-: her out of the bear matenal,:apd,alsvays• oa hand. '5c . 4 ...H!..1.Lipa1t;11.1`,; .• • Leiterßblirgl Sept. 18 —II COVitilLY .- •"• • • DALcieff.:l,llnCtill€loP,F.,,t - E L Ir' dr 'HU Tit.' H'l 'N - so.l4' , ) , hateei C" O hTeoMe:the 'PioPrietiinf of the .Ilnitial Stater kautel,.near the Mali:4,ld. tht*l' ti - t 4 Hitrisburg, weis• This popular and , eeinnixtuatis llotel - his , been toeisi ly relitteff`aii'd itirriistakfAhlaniiihout itiiperiormanit ehambers,anti ie now ready, ler the revelation of gneem • • 1 ,- - -The puthe will-firfd ibe , trnala States Hotel the most consement t itt nil particulars, of any Hotel in the State Gaited; oryaccount of its to the railroad, being unqioittely between the two great depots in . tnas Ltiennkil:ra;,/lugust 21, '93-3m Bitowirm inusuiss. BROWN :0 ets. moo '; . "'fia, w id e , 25 cte. . I very best. June 12 `PitlCler TIIIII4II3II7IIMIL4IIDJIE legiriatetriejhz_ffiv# 2- Qu i r l oc an Washington townships.VViatrltetheStouse off•sowdet4in iiirayttesbotorAn G tho fine , 3stnrdajt of evarrinonth, , toi ter...Ow:WNW : 14,4;', 7.71+1.10130'4.44•00.NEP/fgAii - ,: e ::: to, 7'. ,*4,-/Ww-i*T".'•:': ' I ‘ " IRF l gtp",lPlitivt amid Poinitan , : f lucre for sale a lot of Plows 'lsc. PoiniS,;:in.;zde and inirehasedfrons Se' yler 4- Mc Oonough, nutwittsneetling tbit assettious.of.cesteig. • i wen to to.thezentrarp deptetxtbei4,:. Wiet.4 l . 8R0T.14 irrip - • - rp beTritimpte de tired hod ~W,*k-sAibany dtrawberry pants_tur sale by the huntlie4, ec - i r-"i - 150 Ptar — ar..1 • ' if ''''" eareWs.luel • ev:NaFogr-horee ROADMAGOINI.I. ‘J•LI•VOCILY *AGO:Z.4IIIO*W* 1:4 EROSENE, pure 841 . 14t"4!ineresige 1 0- 5 ;.!... RUWL lot t aaleat ". :Dec2o jek-.7.*19_11 'AL WC* "401 difOOker dol„2-4. 64 • 444 • „ • j woo N." CariODSl:* ariekteear - -39.17,1rtf NOMMNIMMINSX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers