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Wi l ?4•4 ll, llklAtlßY'llr-1ki1ar.: . t . ?, ,, ;,1- tv.taci;41.0..4 ./t) !. ~,., ' lillifr' VO. ---,,,,.4......-t - -,, !..ci,i;,..- ...,,,i,,,,,!;i. - '.'sf: 1.41 - ~, , gll .1 r: 4 .:1fit(,..f., - ;;, t 1.113, \;,s+...ll_qip):. , ~:, f ,',,D. , '.,'.-. ' ''' • ~ -C- „, . .i.r , : . ;'-'--,'•-- -'. . .-'-'-`.'''." _, „ ,.: : :,,::,,,,, ,, ,,,, : - .,,,:, : t1 ,7,1-,.. , ,1 , ,, L .,...,' •,-,,... .- ..,„...-:,,,:_,-., 2 „. ..!..y .. i' L. ,',.„ ~,-:"' , ' ; , .•t, _ . I ... , ..'1..11cV411 ; .7. 4 1L.:1 : ~.i .'- ..,,..,'",._ -• '-' - - . „. „ _ .. . . ._ , ,O,tl f•fp'i 1 . 4 , „ - -- , -- A V `;' , l 4 'ol r J )‘lll - • irk I ' • tugrl 'Air} I( 1') R t • ,K 1 • • L , LdYtt LUMUSIT ; ‘ vi W BOIK VirANKLINfUNTV'PENNSILV*II/1 ,S ,y ti z I,ln , 10). 11. ~, .ll;Na. 4,44 I " 1 "` " ." 1 " " F. t ,••• " •• ••t ;on t •, ,‘ tI•L t 1 • 4 iAtT ' t+ti + i", l / 4 +t,ll4l;t" •'111:10', - - . !r ~.Ai':'l' •:, ', b ~ - -1-.',i; , ... - , r r • ',opt; t-, ./ li. L 1 , ;e...1,.:11:-:l2' lit ..-..".‘11.k. ~ ,,' c lu:.' ri ,t,it kit-, r.l 1, -1 mI. ,:,,,,, t , ...3_,....: -ill: .)..4!E .....:. -.-- •: • , 580 , , , . 1 b , , , ~, :• 14 , zt, I.l' , it. 11.'..!r 10.1“ • • ',+l GOOD NMI GOBI) MS 1 • •,„•,1: , . . sigmas BIL g :JOSEPH „PRICE In receipt I itnil full r assortment of .;', • DRY GOODS, GE00.010134,7 HARDWARE; • • -‘ • QUEENSWALRA • BOOTS, SHOES - , - • up! LCm )11! can and IF4tt4iiilLl.wenty 7 fire—rperT I V cent cheaper than spring prices. - WOES Ma Blk. and Fancy 'Silks, ' • All 'V,Vool Volainea, 1 ()orogen Plain anti Fancyy pring belainea, • Challies; , . lialviririeiN ' ' Lityna, • - Obtains, - .. • Moslonas, lilozambiqtica t Himalaya*, - Poplins of erety hue ' 01 'the Rainbow. MOURNING GOODS Blk."Grenadines, By etiniO Horace,. Wool Detainee, ins, dhallies, ' ' Laurin's plain auil 'figured. 1131 Izerittne ) Crain, "Despangeei Ertg.t.:ratio, American P,tutn, ' French (baps, . • 1141 e, Mitts, . -Gauntlet, 4 enti everyU lug to ietifilerilin miug•aer beautiful in litit karma., • , , GENTS' WEAR, Braid Clotho, Parisian Cashmeres, blk. and fancy ; , Double and Single; Milles4 in superb styles; also *plaudit'. Vetaing.,4lk,, Maresil lee, plain ' or' 4014 O; beautiful Neck 'Wisp, Shirt 7 fronts; Collait and every 'thing to •set the•gesits Iv a • picture and make *Ma tiseaentelple even at the palatal of the nation: • ' tiali7lLl-41a lwa Hickory , Aittipcs Cottinii'doi, • hind, • , C341:12.(310;CaM31...T3ECU1L1M complete lin! favorably, „in, price and :quality. nstania fur Athayad to% hid vatitninans'and tby “quick.. sales :and adiort,:priiika,"4air dealing and strad attuntiklu to vistrineori nor* in *II 41 ,nitilpAinge pf patronage. ..-June 12 • .- , . . . . , ''.41971145it COVlElair• . ,4:l4llorip 3. TiU7Ol/31/A91.; . ; CO V giVii 1r • de 1.1 II T V A A , N.54.1.1l , bt;e - beedule tAr Yruppetwitottliet, - L/utted butter ileteil'llauelhe'raiitalat Depot: at. Halltaaavllt fa VhiaPaPaPAffed-ciliattuOuf lintel lute breu.new 4y. fetitted isttfl'iiiitfaitted. tuittatguiniiitirinirters uutl ochtiluiergittill " or wow :routs WI able; laiderlUla t in • ' 'Dli 'tkitiiilittg - publie will lied the 17ititeti, t gltxt* :,floteltheinioetletontwitteut..hwilliKtrtieulacss. ol itaY ite4 4 *gel .igi , tbottiete )Ipit44'ouaggaqlit 4 its 'excess •totiusoifeitalie natitii•y• botAiiitsiiitiiii two ,gigiltil9c,g,iii:ttust ty.i i . i: , , , ~ , . , , . „ ~ ~, ~ ... ', lalultah4tifril4ligluitAtc!OLL 3in li t iovs %.1 :t1 z .irt.sl*.z r ,:_,, _ 4_,ACipit_l:l _ -4• . ;71. - 7 7 4 11---1 iffigeskrinlelOttheAatlarirlitot ClidnOk, 4 4 4 5' . 1 * 1 0 10 3, 0f 04,40:110 plena; ;in : ,I, "r•NlMe+.4s2olllllgaritaC % 4st. Atwell*. .1 11 'Ticking , thbefinifs, Denims, 64. witicOtte Sri li ttO AIM& ff.?: ' ' '7115 Vtlq WE' Joni to • ;:ifilitao tr l4 . a • r ilt;'" • •„J we Ut3,ervn • ?though it hi .but 11414-:, •,j ,bmattred, It, may.. gu !nxl i3f f isoine • „ Or gwe e toisce ''" ' —We alio/to-do good - . In a, . thou e end onndt ways., In ,foOseaript,,figiff , ;Yet 701.0'ng I ReprMing • And. tretitinki lint kintbili • ~ , Each,))entt we,have, fe!1•, • . The lest farewell is spoken; The last, fond' wo rd is said; , tread, with trembling moisteps The path bullion ine spread,: • And bold; cloud Oda Hang darkly o'er my head; Thy sweettmileslall no 'longer Like sunlight round My, way; • My heart is sad:'oh! wheit. , will•dawn Loan's bright, unclouded' day lAte've,liartedy yew• we've,parteel; •• ~ Thy luitipy home is Ikr rftim mine. where. buds arid blessirms And sprihipi blyilie songsters are; Yet 'the rich; holy htiatetio' ve • Is still niy guiding stir; - O heart I be stsong and hopeful,' Amid the strife ,of men, For, faith and hope oft whispers eweet, thurely inret ataln." • MINISVIT OP ANBEL3. Hoar c • e ring I . Will bond the ir btight mop. to d world each se thro; Will leave the owtiet joys of the•mandion above; ireaTh - Ver our Ou6oui,solun.amisago .They come; on the wings of • the diorningthey bum.). fmp.itient fo lead some poor Wanderer Untie'; • Semis And lay him to rest in the /VMS of his God. MACIESCUEICaia.A.N 3t. Siletnae. , In the dark chaos of untreated worlds, si• lenee reigned supreme. ,The music of the spheres had not then. rolled ,a triumphant ,anthem through the 'skies .; —,no, 'sound of `rushing winds,—no roar of . turnultinons Wa ters—no thunders of 'Heaven's artillery 4is- Pirbed the awful solitude oritiftnite, of bound- P.ss space. Even on the surface of our transient plan et) all the varied processes of vegetation are perfect in silence; the growth ut the martial species is governed by the same law, The earth we inhabit wings its rapid flight a round the, circle ot wields composing our so lar system at a speed ut 68,000 mires •iw minute, and yet Its motion gives' faith no sound. Silence, then, is an attribute of the Deity. in the tomb there is silence, deep, au ful, eternal silence-=4he turnidWand strife sit ex istence are o'er ) and the wearied spirit finds repose—this is the silent abode, to which We are all hastening--such is silenoe, aa;tilif but soothing, sublimely death-like, "Jut grew/1y inspiring. . . Silence ernipi the world in fearful sus pense, when the ark tleated-over' the wet td submerged with a bOundless expanse of wa ter. Then throughout the Univers there Was the emulous silence ot death ) grarel and nip terious,us it has ever been since that' dread time. Beareely had the molten fires of Vesuvius overwlirkured populous cities and fruitful valleys in one common whirpuol of ruin, in oat vast blazing shroud of flame, when. the thunders of that sweeping deluge , of, fire wore hushed, arutsilenee, calm and unnatu ral reigned in sublime and uudisputed sway over that dreadful sena of 'desolation. The South, "The South," it we use that phrase in Re rue_seusei.nainoluiting-Ahe-entire - populatio; 4' the Southern States ) has no interest iu • • I overw C m ing majority of its:peopie have a'vital inter estiti the uestruction of a•system which, ao cording to the open and:4'epented ' expres sions of the leading rebels, is the sole cause of the. relont_war, whicb_has-,proughtsucl terrible distress upon non•slayeholders ---tue - Seutitkirtt*atefr - 4.1“0.,.:' _ • times of profoncid peace, (touted to speeelt,,ffea preasi rematte,rate and rlonom ' -free school's; and ionifortable 'homes.:. ktrbett. mon speak of the , "rights of the •Sonth" let them - remember -that area° ure 'ilght,tl of which four •hundred thousand •slevettolders long, deprived four_ midis-. half Hobs of white workirrg o , men, aud,let,us not to got that the wishes , of these ' four.: sada off million otswhite,working PeP> 4fc as taey, have • fouoa*altpretiOjoulltr . 0 , taL! r ,t . l awl hunted/ace cqt.i0.4041.- P fil i v #lf af li a necessarygwitaply fgc, t4ept,pioition of their rights alai* ilia,tyroky ,Joiti„.handiet; thousandShideolders.--fVCti to' sr, OW .noter' oun wqn.,,mibe-lintnre, nor humility in au. unworthy ,mitin. ,(if the tines;l i ohlieri43 bra:: •ciniiinn' the -. 111 1 . 1" " 1 4 11 0 ."'.11 11 ;1 1, /Oat that lire* , „.. • ► .innito,' Oft *nth! 'When t N, iii "' , •Pl i Sillll6lp4tteeltatne , iike , , -,_;,.;../L-0,351 4, 11 The *tool of repvitopwlins , :pie , , cushion., IFtsslaa: Vairlfo ± .of r .a.)Ptiq,frOfitt - iiiitttsif f V, q_ei3l . 3 l tn 'the miltoT t ` 00,1 J.*: Forney,: ' , '6lOl h t Wive f ii3rk I ;1604 liitieir,e•Chi,'nfiiveiiiii''hihiiaVlituiit3f,.•' 'Par, a 'Aihile 'rightfAyini; `` la' 'desire` fpy t petiO l and tO the 044144 j, oto i c9 v ocoptitts a 5,1.1 found ' it The ',OM= - n 1494,006 haVULiiiciken the, petite ha Tostered,jand, have relii3Viid 'Me Of , the"' ohligtOons,t,haie . telt, by 'Malignant' assaults ,upon I,Vdiihrbe lesa then man, did I I,eet 'that verythiag must, he denote 'strengthen` tliti 'hands 'or therge„throa,gh:,whoe4 acti alone ir 'eau 'sive this great eitttini frimi'deatriction. -e I do not; feel eatitled to any tireditler is' the' 1 duty 'or the ci4ken i stmp e , . s t all do not perform ` their 'duty.' 1.46 nut khbw th at etr l yirtT!,i,!3 th,ereby , reageifie4., . •.. move alway s been denicidrat: Was' only, a democrat beeittite - .. democracy mean the greatest eiitiiithM , .of rights to - the human kind cosistent *ith Civil order.. wdre workiakeut that Simple probleth pece fully until this War 'wail 'tirade 'upon' us ' to. sipplitnt liberty' bislavery r attd 'to'‘-degrade us to the '643titittition of mankind.' Our ene mies hive forced' upon us a'siontest between slavery end freedom, between horbikrism and hieb they hnie said shill be deti3rmiaed , liy t.aowg. , They ere discovering, • whit sensible' moOle Understood bcfore, that . , blows can 66 received as *ell •as giVen.— The "Pine" is' swinging .agitinstthe 'isaltn, and I say "God help theta" to a speedy ' and seiere plinishtnetiv for their gri3at, unnatural crime againit ciViHiberty , I There are those who' hofane_ancl arro,,onto• tothereserves the-term of democracy, which they 'undert . alce to Ilse in • restraint of the government in 'this great'fight to weaken its. sites 'and. to parelize its 0 *fiat 'a cruel and bake 11E43 de tite •• Maite_OLtliekdein-_, C= , -'1 =MI ocratie`nanse t When, before this, where liu- Man rights Were involved, were the democra cy of the nation net on the war-path 7- -Heretofore the - tiame-we - s — a - iiymbol of tour- age. They would now use it to Cover crime and cowardice. Those who are engaged in it will yet 'wisli*lhey had ;never been born.'" brave .Man's Answer. General Butler, in a speech he• made while stopping over n_i7lip in New ,Rampshire on his way folthe White Mountains; was now ar cabin 'interrupted by Cor perheads: He said : • • t, In two years we have seen three-quarters of a millieniot men raised. Before the - sen tence 'was completed one of the Pierce. Dem aerate asked in a sneering air, ,"Where are they now I" "Some olthem,'t replied:Gen. Butler, with his' customary . promptness, "lie sleeping beneath the. sad; and others are still fighting the baths :of -their country, while you remain here-at. home aiding the cause of - In another portion.of his speech Gee. But ler said : 4 ' W ill ,you volunteer?" a voice replied, "No.' , " You voted for •Breekinridge," said a voiee'to GO. Butler, alluding .to' the last Detnocratic gational • Convention. "Yes," said 'Butler, and if I were so ' cowardly as you, might be tempted to 'deny 'He thea'went.ou to show to the Netr , Hampihire partisan that one miglittvery properly vote for a man ender certain other circumstances. When Judas Iscariot was a true follower of his Master, he wtis•no doubt a worthy exam ple to be followed but he was , not aware that a man to preserve his consistency must con-. tinue•to follow Judas after he•hud ,betrayed his Lora.", Some time since, :in clearing out the ru in& of au old chapel-' in Warwickshire, En gland, aevcral. lead coffins were exhumed; containing crubalOrd :bodies, which wore buried more than tWa.huudred years ago.— The coffin which Contained.the body, of Lady -Audrey'beigh, Varied in 1640, was opinion, .and the body .found'perfectly etabaltnad, and in entire preservation; her flesh quite plump_ -- at - if - ake - weie - tiliii - Oidifa - ciiery beautiful, - her - bands exceedingly -small nn el -^•• drp•-• 3ho was dressed in fire linen,, trimmed with old poiatinee r and two rows of lace were laid flat across her forehead, She looked exactlras &she, was asleep,.and seemed not more dim; sixteen or seventeen years. old.— --Ber-beautywav - ve - ry Brea even her eye lashes and e , cbrows were • .0, er. eyes were closed;-no part of her face or figure'was stall faklen I urwg that par t if a man 'ascii, you ,to seottrity, t iai . !No: and run ; Othorwise yen way . lie enslaved 'ho , 44, pi, yonv . wife,ind children a spend . ,rpars,exiaoie ,want,, si . • lf it(poiseision ef, teifeit note or coin, throw the, fire ,ou tha, instant, otherwtse you may _bo iatn ptnd -toi Pass it;- and - may piss nit; to mean. therefure , a3 long as. , :you live;, then it: may pass nian's. hand as wean - ietf; with p neiv prepetration;'oliniquity; the .losse,tO fall:!emititual ly; ;en .same; Four. , itrug. Ong widow, whose it pay-he.. 1 0 aim Scientifie-American 'aye : %.Wc Scan telettato an itotot 4ifferooga of APialooi PP' on; all sal ) kal'?""941?:C4 ( ?;, r" l igiarevaaok/7 liticaL ,I.t beco m es a very: different thing, 'however, wtiedi tor or , ' It* . . cot - 9 - 1 - ) oppoomon to.thegoverntnant - ; 4,*q i beconies ,treitiem vlaieh we trertt as erifive 44 :deepest 'die! '`'`ll43," ' ancien t s , ty, thau - ise'de., by srokiiieittii .oitisieineittees' - 4011409-4 4# 40- Pk1 1 *4 44-I PF - . -I) .r -coons,ve.do. uoc,opprove:,9( mos, vmlflrjey, ino WRioeiteotOefir4.44 l ,itAl titi,04 1 0)9 4 14, infirxerety dealt, ,witb, ~, : ;44erwAiss.11- m eiety ' vi o uld have 4c:cavity., • . Embalmed Bodies. • • d • ehiitof,,tire -'oooPer woad' tribe, 'the "re is bj piejadioiug thiVicp6piti , ern:tient, says • .. D auldl44l,oNOLED,AA'Afirarbros 4-14 . 04z 4 ,tU bolish,Slever3r.in the„Siaten t .," LT7." •And.this th purpoSe'of a-ever-lirarterattn,p l mor"..4(tiuse Old4he, try tro,.out,' ;ot.„ 'Abe. White:House AndTvillat istration.do, before it Opines 'late_ @Ale:tepee The vile charge is ridiculous in argument... 7 r. preposterously ;absurd, and -wantonly, d t esignedly. untrue., „..WitUt 0.04e/wail Ehe„Po int ofOnle," !T* leading: rebeleiheeet,„ that they AwgrA for .Tatl3T l VfNEAllo , PAßT, , mattiring thn,seces sion they.are , Nriiv look at.lhe James Buchanan was 3rp!,' Preside:Ai heroic "thi9 AdMinistration" had a .being in , poiut Pf.fa't-,--the: following nets , of wee, ,were; openly perpetrated,: On 'Moyember,4l.l ) ,lB6 ) --before, r ihe vote for President was fully., known—hostilities, were virtnally.inauguratedibi hills for arming, troops and denouncing the United States au thority passing in' a.„.Southern Legislature, and,hy 'open result ) Sedition. end treason,' at uunierousipUbliclueetingathere. ,; ~„ „ . 04 the 211th of Deeember,, ISout/4,Carerina T in_ State. Convention declared t war by .Iter Se cession Ordinance. ,25th- i callek upon the Slava States to furor; Coufederacy.,... 28th, tore down ,and trampled.,upon,,the flag, and by force Belted ;the United ,Btatas Custom House, Post Office and,; Arsenal at Charlestoniand also , captured Moultrie. and Castle Piekney. ~• „ ~.f ,•, ~ s .Deeember.27tb,,,thm U. S. revenue,. nutter Aiken was , betrayeti into its enemy's ,pew,er-' 'ID 1862, 2d' ~Jantiary,,,Ostv—_,PA l liso ;of earth ()arolina. to3k :Fort Macon et fort, the bairacks cot Wathing,tothiand all ;the United, States property_ atFayetteville.------- -- Same day, Mississippi commenced war ,Ifry, setting up another government within this "sapreme" "goVarnment. ' The someday, 'Gtoryjians Itimk possession of Fort Palit6ki and 'Jackson,' and the ;United States' Arsenal at gavtinah. ' • On the 4th January, Fort Morgan at .Mo• bile Bay, and the Vuited Stites ArsenaV at Mobile were seized by Gay. Moore of Ala; balm. ' • ; January sth; the tteamei4 Star of :the West sailed from' New York ' with s9plitia for Fort 'Sumpter, and on the Bth Ilbas . fired upon bq the rebel batteries ittiCharleston, ana driven back to aea.. On the 11th the United . States Arsenal at Bate lionge, Forts Phillip and 'Jaeksen, be low 14k Orleans, 'and Fort Pickens on Lake Ponchartmitt, Were seized by the 'troops of Lotiiaiana. • ' ' On the 16th, the'rebel CoT. Flaynn de. mended from the President the surrender of Fart Sumpter. " Same day'two hundred` and sixteen sick and, feeble patients were turned out of the United States Alarine.liospital at New Or leans, to make rsom for rebel'Soldiers.,' Next day, Florida, secedes,' thou takes possession of the Pensacola Navy Yard. January 19, Georgia secedes and steals all the remaining property of. Uncle Sam. , On the 21st, Louisiana belied the United States Branch Mint, and 011,000 of money in it belonging-to the Governmout , , „FEBRUARY Ist !lextur revolted,, and dencrat iwiggs betrayed over to it the U nion troops and a railliotkand a half of arms and other Union property. On the sth, Arkansas takes arias from the U. S. Arsenal at .Little Rock to fight the, Union' power. On. theSth, the rebel Goverwment!was 'fo mented at Montgomery, Alabaniu-9th, Ace ted Jeff: Davis President—and 19th,, inaug urated him as President of a tweak and separate Confederacy.. -;,., On t lie 234 the President-elect thwarted the plot to assassinate him sy;goinglthrough Baltimore without'being announced: 1,,, Freedom of speech Mut of the Tress, the 11,17 . 7 111/ 1 , 77. 4 7ri n H • ; e e. as torpus.were.suppressed-the,U....S. ,Offi cers were insulteland driven trom peaceable and law 'abiding. Union .imett and women were abused, robbed, imprisoned, mobbed driven franakome,-or-k-illed—in- - va= nuns ways, in great number. In short, the --Cortstitutiorklawerand-powerviit eminent were under, the iron ,hoofs r , eftarme-of-therwili—uit—Te7l- oral of those Sustes,.;as „expressed by. their honest votes, 41L-,lass a, of terror;' , by u -lawless , ' armed, Aristocracy. On the .4th of blarch„ Awrzn„all of 1114 - - a bove ancta /warred otherapt4 o:tmar,lreimu, robbery murder tout crimf coirunitfeA,, PRESIDENT LINCOLN, was inaugurntid, and with, his Cabinet l)egan , to roll back the tidos, of war theY`fOuntl'racing:•''.. t •• ',Zeipk at the (Wei, •itgain. • And; let we' tire - miblushieigiftidd liwnas Icieked:Admilds: tritioU aietpriiipideadait rart' . . If; roaitamelEd kraitoti he fails , to get hili r!i! i “As a PRETEXT,', quoth- Vallandigham andgili:Confedotativfalgitiari. Look ut the Metres again. .. The!' , rebele be. Oh :their load game fait ot.i• Is6o— , ~01:otmik ail s op t,,baywhe,di +vos,l,ck t .help, de.' sire 'our_Ltlyentimit44ituf;--itoi-2intlit---the *t itarri)' thole `:Pitlidciit 4es4,ore ficedotu tuftli,e laves or -, zetietwiluui. kn'i as.* DPRs!dt:Y;'. 90, 1 As if•t"PrW‘ -itaader!.t for' retcienc g inatharm. 0, 1 • n ;,,? +4114 , 1 A li!rP t') bt''AFag" I Thro l. ' l ! awc4KeLi Ui Iciai a 44;iriitu btiy ~ ~~~ *Note' keitfew '4,lr',-,P* , DlflithEt7thlali: • 4 , 4f5in0,1 1 0 0 '.i-Okill--Gtilion44l.-41-1 -,- 1- - - - 5 - " - ' known under the various' Itames;. I,throati'angitta,:: trent) and the Frei:lett augtial. .cifireausatie,'hilli filth - Orbit baidri.ootiniddiettime of the. ;M:oshoditlietat oure,.. , e , WeJhoiun!timS., back' gctvie v albrosecutut tnethi od, 'Whit& consists in ;adminpstering„tioraz,. 4teiLtheftlitififeti'Syistp 4 ; WV we edit in the RovutrlVltrapeutititni; atAtifiliei•bytDr. A.,rDe 431 r .041100loguei Yiee,coissul vane, in Whiph haatantiona ice litsia4, infiillis ble specific. Acithirb,lrom its,eT t tietne 'Om- WoultViieffeekiikli 'far tthylet . .tried,weestttaitieliainfrOtn , conititif the oat* nlekti9Re.(ll)Y,the.authori , ,who.:lad 'published thisfhtnely:ittn:te,baC3,lct;r4'l44FP, ary, IsBo, and consequentrte,i?falmii,,,(uoi withoetliethi'dh;'WA deseribeiity 'of of prietitipnemia not ,taltiligi,fibtiettifor.lit; -therOy allowing many - vAluahle the' :The tollowinn•pases. earen.,luder i bie 'observation after that ''talk:'" Ito" Warett"; .AptililB6l; the:djidaieuiti out under an epidemic-tuna; .and ?chiefly: , it , tack , nl adults with Such. virulonnei,ithat , in 'one week three yontig j.,91.)0 'hou4ti:" Orin' cif lir: - ptvilkzikiirs poefits, of and as be eould,notimmedietely attend; ,ow lug to the ;severity of the eisi4another physi cian was called in, who ordered ! emetics and tilituilbeits gargle,' *Mil p'rodu'ced no 'effect. 'At length lk. - De the tonsils greatly swollemi andla)false niein brace covering;therri.:. 14o:immediately L,ttt ministered small pisses 'of ice, and by the 41- lowing morning' the tuniefietion of the 'eon aiis by balfiand , , the false membrane _ hpo l pearly i tlisippeared4 very evening she was enabled. to 1 ,, i , u taltef'od. 'Profiting kfthie eztiteple; . V.'few her brother .ittui selzrtl, with• tore. fhtpati-prel seating the; sate" Preliminary, symptoms' as -those - of-hie - sister: - but - lre - Tirith - ottt - Tiraiting for the doctor, took some ice, and was rid of his sore thrcitit ' was "sunititoned 'to it young lady who hid been laberin ,, under the disease for comb fortperglikliettr; all reme dies bad failed,:afid the .parents; iretatiohe and friends' of the' family 'were: I phinged' tile deepest sorrow., When Dr. De ,' , Grand ~d -dered dered ice, It . goderal cry:of astonihhtnent *Ms uttered ; b y allpresent.. :lee kr a' sorethreatl Impossible I - was sheeritittrdet! De Grand main tabled_ 'add.' -ifter . Much expostulation, daring which Much time was lost i he obtained:this', end. Before twontpfour hours were . , Overi the" patient , vtial iu full„ ebn valeseence: d.. Being at' Vera 'Ortik on a mission, he was requested to seeiti 'young man who was attacked with malignant adore threat aufAiltad.bgen„treated • without,: (acct. by cauterization With hYdrehloKie acid and astigligeig gargles."' 'ford, again; 'be had to battle with 'the prejadices of the. campy, but I was at length alloWed to administer' ice.— The young man .recoiiered in the course or the following daY:\ 'Di. DC ,the has now I been usiug this remedy, for the last •twelie y e dis, without ; having met with, a single fail- ! ure. . . •• The. Theory of SlaTory. Lei` every citizen, especially pun-slave holders, read carefully the'folloWliik ektriet from the Cincinnati •'Euquieer (a.,''Gvahmr kactpaper):..„ , , • , . , „Il'hsprotection oftvhlte nzen,s4aluvt sln 'tidy does not particularly contest i s .pairicr !ME, bur inVacte; 'They'Vtilf not;' like ii - gises, consent to -be reduced*, state of bondage. ,lixoe, had among, us race .of our own color, with the spirit, to submit, ca pable of labor, but without, ambition or enter . 7 hUmble.' docile and 'flexible, there lvcruld be found no principled tent to.sta,notsin thc wakciiitheird enslavement. We would have, our theerics upon,, the , set ject as rational as these that are rum:idea upon the' tui6eliavionr ifinf, "and the maudlin morality of his" exemplary ;parents. 'Out 'the h`tiropeo-AmdriCan will not he en slaved knYibore' than 'the "iiittive" ( Anierican tic wouldhick against •hiii •bunds,'' become tarbtdoe, j .incendiary , and -mid - V 1,014111 in for,oe upon his toaster, or over,-, cuts him' by his, stiperior in"ielligenee. lie weak" refitie to be coereeil l —would for rebellion.. ;;. • - 7 7 • , 7 1 ,"Nowlet, us take up, the . points, of !hit, There is no A - • • wrong w npili in tiiii = "&iiii- Aryour ofslaveryl:' , lr simply . men are, at ,s ayes.; ;i ,Tlte read.pwNvhY zchitp men are not:elavcm„ip . tinit you;_,,cangot enslaie `them; if you , Could do it, i t Would exactly right • ' ' ' ' ' Slavery is. all right ',hut not on j hat iniiier'; if'yCit calf et iave'aiiiaa,! would . not•begitlib 130*" elaves of: sclaitemln , they ' would be, ...turbulent and kie•perate•" saki raise lascF.,: recti one. we'eati - find a •••"Clisis '"O l f; white mere mlitiudilc;: . f - docile rend' th4'n ,),V I IA a O.II,IZZOIPLE SUFF,4OI,F.ST , 9 . IN THAI! wgir frOBTR: ' I 2NALitvgmENT."; ea 4. dee' ihi'o4 4 a' dy soldieni of sldiliunii , Ohio Ren-i tacky, WhAniusie,.. Minetroti,+.4l.. Peatkeylvaaia, anCrActinam3,--stkilrqf ' and glow with indiginition,.as„ihey riad this, t 'erouseivi§the dactripe jot Cincinnati ] Enquir•ir—rtilie v uewsppAct. e?Aiph • 11,, Ake touoiho .o20;tol,ri1 o bhio Solaitoi that 'their , wives t rfrif ting, tai ihsPil nicel,ll.) 1- 1,, • ,T t he ,cre_ al4: 9 1 1i?•P1 1 , 3 ,0, , P 1 f 5 ,; ).“ 11(1 , aervative organs re echo , iind sppY n kind t i ar a s. h. •yi 1t ") Ore rA4f► eho 1471 . 611 ' 44 7 ' t hat r ta tt t g 1;1 itr 'as Torgialtiiig'ilieliluit'SityVeytiiii`ki UMW. 4 - ','• ' , as, ,' ,II [Ftwi? the.NaAhville _('rani) untunll 75~,,~ ~, ort ~+{,~` ~~, -IVia Witerti6" Vikrittit tiIier,t4,O',IMIR,A9R§Pg:(O I IPIT , 1 4W area grea nuel,p s eple bo eoktrive to get Malt . F rorhiie,iliiisidit. LSs - Ltiluskt , ,l ;S ".I'l 141 01 1Pg1w9ritOgaY gclk 4erOover uPOI iiicpees if sir eA)b, but she shoill Dever- , - (r , bit mum get recr itral them. 'I 4 A iitietiakinPtfrifoleltiii.Wheiir -become dis tieetlyeoloreilowititclhemimdliwini he ,tits ivoOt4p imbjts,- KO to tvisOittle son, ousday it,ths ftable s , "You, mul ert breed, 6ay, broad willies your Oh`ee&ietig'fellow tomied, 4 .Flithei bredill YOU must havSsultffed . 103 1,,"11 rail - F(11013 saw,Sys, ,said - es - lie froilitiiTi`o vied 'ebniiiieneett' \ibat buildiu aleck ; nirESidyitheyare in,the iight47-'A r tVit r#pljoci,liigfrippd, "and next.week they'll,put iu the livers." i . " eh, Jane, this m it - qhder Iselin, stud, . hit wire pliers has just sprung up." "Indeed:P....maid Jane, "and what tin., they -- hold ?" "The, etrlifigeit thing lin:nature; '"their" rl.l•dolit know what you .mean by nobbeing an Irisbninn,,maid n- genf,leinau who,,, was ~hi 7 ring a boy. You say ,yots were burn iu yourvli omit., if :that's i ;all, ;Said the bpy,,snialililatiui ; to that. „ §uppose r your eat were ad heie 'kittens in the oven,,would ' " '" • ' .1 1 , 0 ,1/3 1 C1 qit , Ce1t , •%19 ,11 4411ft11 , , PO "W hy i the happiest of the vOw els ?",Thelllisil/er'ie l i d ivllbliiiilW midst of bliSs and" i the othirs' • 1 1 : ', •3 - • • „ •,y , • are !nougat') ). —•! e".,Z (•-; he4ll9Y; l 4,99fMr.4lAriFkßUsitliProl B- 4 - lady in, that city, so aristocra tie that she. ru _ftilieiite kite n_newspAleiLbeeatiliCirtriii4de of rags. qmireq, i ,iilaqu'' wrote ,a ~r4oently married Iluabarid to hot wire ,She wrote back; iTha'redt, litt`me ciiiMP'euiredt your Air your moral:iv% Ytio tiddress.uie, iiiiar ,cat Alt 1 to suppose you Imre paler gOLDIEIR'S`DAILY•PRAYEA. I - 6 01/tligthtl, Who art im.Washiugton,, Abraham , he,, ',thy name :,thy vietoty j w,On,thy will, be dooe at the Bouth its it is in • the North; give its this tig'Ottr daily 'iltionitt Of Crtieketit ittid .and forgive .tutiont. shott cotaings as we for ge these 01, coup, Quar,terw.tters • ' and, •t lune is the powetof. the soldiers and the uegroes lOr the spdoe of thieb`yiritt.4.Amou.. • • ;11 n 'I 7 7 1.1 , . Atilttihman ooze said to,another „ "A'nq ye have taken, iitei• test pleiloe have ye ?"' .'"todade f a c ed i4lll i:lot , Vihattta El of it. aithor." ""Aittl'did dbtrl'itul tell tiiiietby,to take a little-wine lot his . • •,„ kB,t , he r did, bOluay ,paune; is no; Timothy, there is nothing . the, matter ,with -toy it s tinnaeli. b " '` ;Au, Army. correspondent writing , from io,sipjppi,say ' r 9 give, you .the South- • era dretiitie idea or al'anket; I relate the oectifriti k t ftth iler We' Were'at' • ortkv•• 'AI little boy of abCrtl‘sik , yenat • cane ' up to Captain Holbrook, of the 12nd Regi- Meat jriitlf Month . and eam"lwide open' and says, Why, you alls,are like we ans.!' ''Cer ;said Am' „captain ; 'what , did ypu think we were ;?! 'Why, I thought you had fails;' . witi3 4,14 reply.r' ' 2,l,plergyt t uan recently e xchanged ., ,eftrpez big; with a CoPPO:licad or ator atn railioad station not many miie.9 'fiout Portland; and,. was horrified ,whoa was . prepariug for 'SeVvices;lo find'ftllepperlieid'orrtiolf and a bottle of whiskey in biEr 'carpet bag' instead 6t',his sermon, , Probably rho,tither. man felt Worse then . •,, Charles M: Beecher !sus --Lum4jattarai2; , Freerthus,, Now.,lark, has,.- ken dxgrteil,r iu an,oquncitsg, uct kv„up : . • - W4v shouldmourp. c conscrired friends, at:Dr:tire • !I'm' but the woke that AlAtte sends ' make tyo4puldefartr t r ; ; .441/10-1131 - ENT — fl?leA-,.-- nit , ' York 1-6_;Lto_kOthio-to-r;et-tid-tif &la bitgo"..4- '- A ladyicoutributor. to the ~polittr, *sties, to Ifigliir.Y . ; kltPir,A, Alai° wqy I to, 17,et be4,l,m) ; ls. Take,;} _straw, , and ' Lick la erarii) This heir !tido hti+erli kitriiiictio oil ready to•put in. , This millifalthemil and I 4otet know -of a better-etuploymont for an ',,;- O r t ”!o+ .:' ; ~' T -Li • ' • 'be : ring ti' 3 tarrliii i direiriotiy 'tfie bride iiii.4, hAirim..(' iiiimed;tinfoly r while • the Wet ails bring , cleat ,mWhattat ,the • water, • my , 704 1 ,51t,fumtiqr\arke4 f.,0, 1 0 r, o Seiel, , 41011, e t ir,'„ ceßlied, the hillie,,"i's.keeitifn i;• i s for ''eVeiv."*.eN.O;bLo.,"'rejciina' th 4 paradii; thitAs a mistake, it's nistalhinvier: l 'Death 'pate' an cod w the - engagethOt. - -'---ba - :hearing. this 'fiiiilliridiV diiod 'heir:hi:in kiiii l 42l; *consoled. -, q",••••,L, ..,,,, t ~, 6, . the'.. 41' Ir } .it;' l e A rtyhto'irroue of: regirnelits a gai. ainaumt . tiritd. (iiitVibirin't tree , hatter, On 'tit' }tieicur •IrrrOcit; rearder, rm.' kfit,.entirelyjn —N,Arg,,3 l 4klr9littgodr , inclulPA an . 04 ce r neat, him. WotusdocLin it,,lont honor?" " : rePii'xi.t 4 htzt - gallent. ilaterald;!"by,jebere,lim 1:!1,99,44: It :ilt.tcMk l 4,'!' 4 PIII.;r1"3 ._°''-1.'1'3-It -llgir . Wir utlar ! ti-ra l ier t • 444. :441 Mb IV' ' Air thitii"utow, it's „, ~, Colikaiiian.an befpgultipktii:t+ie4tati iitt ktrit i ),4%Kt.,.-7 4 ':t.l,ll‹yil 41 4 , ,,..::,,k-....k7i-,,,,, .-,- _ I - ~._-:, , ,,„4 :- it:::-.. , ,,, , 4- ~ , 1it., . .;:::, . ,:',.!. , ~,.s,,„A ~:1ey,.v., 1 _-., . 0 4,,, -: ~,,, , ,,, , .4 . -4„, -,k , ...v... , „ ...• ...., * )y-1:..., „, .7,0.., ,, . „,„,. -.- • 5 , ..f.-.., .., •, , ~-_,,, .- , •..t. ir;~~r- ~~,,~. :%i 'j . BER 20f,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers