• ^ ^ . It AitILER . 1 .1 ! , • • ", - LATEST ARUIVAL ... rb~f .:, ' gill i : lii 8111i * gl blI UfU ' , • -7:- - lianid*a•tel; CIROCERIES; QUEOSWARE ~AND'CEDARWARE I .....,.-..0-..--- HAVINGjust returued frorii, the tastem Cities he would. call the ettelitip.i . of cuatoriierr Ind. the public genenilly 'to hie LARGE ft SPLENDID :ASSORTMENT_ DRY GOODS. Which will be sof.l at extremely Low Pima. -Below-ye4 will find entimeratee a few articles will be fotind among his .stock, to which he invitee' you attention: • FOR 'Nib LADIES; 84!); all Wool De/aines, ".' Alpacas: Plain Giogiiiims, 1 Jain Flalinels, .` y-r~,.~.5~ e-. iadi'es' Shawls ' . Fancy l'rints, • Extension Skinsb Ralrnorul-Skitte, , ' Ladies' Collars, . Magic Ruffling, • Linen Mkt's, ' Hoisery, MEN'S WEAR, Fanc Cass iiiierer. Plant " ()has, Duifon Cloths, Vc satinets. ;~~L~® s' Itzlntt F,ionta; Gents Gtllars; UndiT Sh irts, Diave re. Pucti " to .rit letg; ' • 'OMESTIC SIIIRTING9 7vrtlitt . :!e Cheek, Ttektti,f, Fie P6c. , )1 " To.!-!" Diaper, 1%.0N:64, Scc , k; : ttitee;'T.sV:s 7 ortNg9 iliarktwar69 • - t . • Ittrotb and. .hoe's 0 Cedar ;'ar'e. 9C the.very hest quality, such as Syrups, and New Orleans Molasses - , .}.3;:w Rio Qoffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, HutuTriell's Best Essonee ; Baker's Nu. I Choeolate, To b Rice, &c., &c nl'ove goods Vave been 'carefully selected a . int purcliai.ed at the very lowest figure. fie is therefore enlitied_te accommodate all who navy favorinulmith c li•; , ilirt attention to business and a desire to Liiriwe in ;::very respect, he, hopes to merit a' con iMuance of patronage. TO SEiOW GOODS, , Country Produce taken in exchnne for goods` at Ile Li,liest market prices J. W. MILLER'. 63 CtSTTONADES", f iOrr Alie.s from 25 to 50 els. at, 1.,_„/ :Tine 1 PRICE'S. • . ••• ----. 12 -41.. .tilibil NfignilriMAN si • . . 1 1 .R./N T ~ good, 12 to 173 cts, It . •'• very .bent, '2O - I.li 2 c o . _ Jun - e it at Ptucies. . intiggiGiliiii*S.------- I r - iiiAlxrps at "'t.eplicros Pilids, L..wna, - All AVau.l Delaines, VING/kAIMs -- " I wide juice 12 • AIGOP TX OOP SKIRTS IG-15, 20-26, 30 35 and 40 tlrir. Wi;,can ,ell a'4o thiop Skirt, Tapc " aiiretd;for.sl.7s cta pt Tune 12 A rim ii ANIS!! 9 rupeiiot log A Sugar cured canvassed Hauls at jute .1 - Y' you went to he convincedthat — we Cart sell A .. DRY Gilt 11)8 as cheap as k..hdaibcraburg quo. •!ur_r.ity_utiter_ tuazab"----Call at• nov 29 KURTZ' P L Cli tz.7 Uned Peaches ured and un at ) I ) , WeiSTRAT2I.) ',Ye,. Where? at jun'to.2. . o armers. IitAVE on-liand ant eaten, !lime stock of Rakes,,Fark s , Grain Cradles, fioa, you, want to save diptiey ,Ore.tue 11; 1.1.1t0 i 6 t . ' repare ge t tatwi t go as,..ar as IL/ two pouttLin it) fmiit.l tit J uttd Price's. ?Ho Set,F-I.;'llLlNtx Fl labi,di , ot,l,elgerJ Opoued—by ; inky, piason 7,(k'ttultdittLtiteign uktie Big' Red florti, ka„.4l=3•,•lc:t-'soc..)';•. ;4. ti• Po:rim:Lt. 1, tui; tixebt, is rosi:ii mt 25 to 31 cts 25 to 31 cts 12 625 cts 51) cts liNiMl J cts , 25 to al cto 31 cid; a t• PiilCiet i f 0t . NA! oct-T, , otp& 6 : 411 :1 I II • t '4 ' ; • • , ~ • 1; - 4..., i 4 .4 k .1:•'• •• !,§.' 3.•A•'• ' -., ;.? 1R .• r • , - - .16 %., GEO. -STOVE-Nat - lfttynesboro', Pa. ; • f , , t ~,. . „ , • 4 iIAA I , KFI for kind 'diem and pationage bbie tofore bes towed nom him, again aliktire beflike thei4ublie to iiolici% it coutiimitned 4 Or the eattii.. , — ble, having juet tilitiinOdtrOM iheeinst#ll,eitiee*lth tine a and well selected'stock of new ' " . SPRINGS sillusEE 0 0 pi s ; '9 . . . f•'• :.. '..1, •c, , Which he intends sell in g at very low rhtes, Wh4.. ii his knows he can do to the satigfaction . of all who 4411 call and examine his 'stocle.- Below pia will find enumeitted a - few artielea which will be h. und among hip stock to krhieh he calls your attention. lie has a laittriaslSitineit of - D resaGooila co asiatthg in part of ; 1 . , ' ;• . Chailieti,' Printed' e:'nd Plain '0 alai! :a, * Bl'lf, - Fig'd and G: . - .s, ' Pfeil Mohair, ' ' Silk Warp Mohair, • 13ereges, Medona Clot , , . Lavellas, 7 k , • French, and inia6cGineitirni Poplins, • Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, 1) Wiping, • • ' ' , Gloyea, hosiery, iii great variety: - , , . • GENTLEMEN'S WEAR,. limed Cloths, • 4: Black add Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linens, Cottoriedes ' Summer Coatings,--- -- Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Marseilles, silk Vesting, irevriWitlT3 of n - kinds; in fact a assotment of goods for Gentle (nett wear. Also a largeratid well selected stock of DOMESTIC . GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. if you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line just call iii and you will find bite ready to wait oti •you with pleasure. • To persons having country Produce to' sell, they' ,vill find it to their adiantage to bring' it to Sto— ver's,as he atiVays giVbs the highest, market price. So dive him a call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap is they can be purchased else Where. Aprlo 1863 • MORE GOOD HIE -0- FIRST SUPPLY, OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING 'EMPORIUM, -3ADIESLA.= PISHEM stock . Y andn a etnbracbseio Plain I)est andsty lesFaonfeyP cs2.6ts63ilzEciassazzosisti a . Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of whicit will be Made to order Mike nil:oat fashionable and work Manlike manner, or sold' iii Patterns to suit' 'cUsto there. Also a full stock of • REALY•IIIADE CLOTHING SerCHEAP FOR CASH.-liitt Main one of the best Selected stocks of GENT'S FURNISHING tWObs La the town—fine Shirts; lioisery, Gloves and Tice in endless variety. Allib,. _lVltlitary_cioths-an • ••• • to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER, • opposite Washington Ho*, Higeratown;„ktd. apr 3. '63. • 64 S!,ythesifOld Pi ices." A. ALDRON GRASS SCYTHES; 75 centf A each ut BROTHERTUN'S ...luau 5 Hardware Store. EItOSENE LAMPS.—AII fililds for rule b ; 'LL. alga ut chT3-“ltr.: Spurs Spurki t . ELASTIC Steel spurs, selling dt the price of a good cowmen split, Ist' (.1 '63) E .‘4a - Boy's heavy Boots slid Shoes at ( ctnAd mints's. - ARD ,C 41%, at the sigu, of the Big lied Ham dec t 2o . I 'ipt:P.e.tat Ck; at now.'29 liTliEltAN - Maanics at • Hoy 29 r and ' area tou W 141.014 1 lir c•, 1 • .• , • Umiak" s • riLOT ll ;liat; : `llal6 =- T,ooth -: a1 :- Nall - atikilieg tAtust reCeitlt! 4 4 11 A., 4 10 0 ?..ve kni,bsr:i,3lll;% M. is/ uNI:11{. • Ma 131 . - - LI ill RT•FR I Nll4 tient*, Ukillittere, LOW:hits& Marsailleti tShirt-fronti at. ''''" '" PdYCCSi _ lASSIMEREiS. For the latest, styli of fancy t...:assitneres, call at Opt 3) Paton's. - ;1.111.1 1 1(iVESP , oop i huirjt, *mo2 ittek Dripring Knives 1.31 fort r7i koots 'ftlactioa t • „ . ffkilE'l4; a Ake "Joe . . booker Jiut. cell at , jihnetl2: !:•• ' 1 , V" T *•. Floor 011 Clothsi 24; 44 4 " Ci ky! 1 1 4 tivltle,"of dedipiii, at' giiteiefsi , lAItPUTIS, Baglimb Inv'Ons._oll wooly .klemp ling garpiliag, tip trudel.And -]Myles et tuikat AT THE March LI BROTH 2IITOS, Kauai's K crars'a , Lila R e .14 a i R , Should you ask me, should - yon wonder, Where to.buy.your Stoves and PrWsre; 1 would ati+er,, I i+olihrtellySit.4 "• ,h . ,"Go untd•lbefiliti Rita" shire Medi ) '". Where the • Big Red Horn; the sign,* i There's the bes gook Stoves and b rin4arir, - , ' Alt sold cheap } b:!Ei. itimisen." • " r tom , tfie Swag of Rialtrtha. Tanfq undersigh.sdrows fits pitblie Air genes's' :1,1 Slid eglietialky Hie' dbf.hp,!eustrihirlykAti. ( Warted linithilig Ili is lihe o bu siness; that he liids'6lit pleted and Id nairr ocupping his and extensive y' enlarged Oitahlishment for the . . .• r - 2 ' , 0''.' ,, ,.4.:'.H, , ,c , , - ,: .; 1...,..: , ' Warilifactilre arid Sale • ,•.. r • , . r.. OF TINWARE, SHEEt•IRON WARE, AND' . • STOVES. . . , '.. , He in sowreptirrid- to any - demand fbr his Cot/k• Stoves, general Housekeeping Good's and Michel: Ware,,on such Orate' .rth ,must,give' entire satisfaction: , •• ,' • ', : 1 •.!•i. , • 0 4 : .:...i , "r".% ;. t • . V 23 avcnaa > . . aided mil di triti best Stalinist iiiiprove. m a AtA bating been tried are' 4tiknowleilk,ed to lie all that east be desired as good k etnikers'arili bakers, and• are easily keit clean. •-• . ' His own atainiaeititne wen is all i ri mide witft vie* to the warified erilitoiners'frorn ihe best mate rial and is warranted in all cases tote good. He also keeps a large assertment of fancy art icka. Earl:Special attention is given to putting rip BPOU'IIINIG, made of the best tun for houses and barns, in which he has had a longtuad extensive di perience: • • Hemeitiber the sign of the Big Red Aug 9, 1880 1).11 HUS BE LL; FAMBV SZrils g IMa Ur 03 8 il k HE suhicriber, thankful for past patronage, stilt 1 1 1 solicits the same; and in addition to manuthettr‘ ring alt kinds of Worked ,• Material fox Building. Purposes, such as SASH, DOORF., SHUTTERS,. BLINDS, FLOORING, WINUO%% FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDING'S, &t.. •&c lam prepared to furnish all kinds of ,oaktimber or di ff erent purpokes in Wilding, such - as JO ICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDING, PAIL' ' INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short noitce and upon reasondble terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws. 0. every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Floorii.g; &c. For further particulars apply rb the subscriber, at Factory IWO miles southeast of Waynesboro. ' D. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1561 READY-MADE CLOTHING. WARN CLOCKS, &,C. THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends, patrens and the public that they have just returned fora the Eastern Cities, where they have purchased a lot of superior ItEA .►Y-MALE 'CLOTHING, embracing all the latest syles of COATS,. VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, • COLLARS, ARMY-SHIRTS. • ;: • S' ; bPSPEDIDERS; • And everithitig tatttally found in a first-class Clean.; ing Store • We 'have:bought a splendid assortment of MO AN SOU TAMS, very best.rnake, (Borne of American make,) Sttp: VER SPOONS and FORKS add PLATED do— Gold Pens, Spectacles, Watch - and Guard Cliins, and all other articles generally kept in Jewelry Stores. A great variety of CLUCKS constantly on hand. ,A. S ADAMS will attend to making and cutting g fitments for gentlemen as heretofore, and W. A . Ottova to the clock, watch mending and repairing department- ADAMS & GROVE. _ 'larnT-16. 11311 - 11L1WINL • .IIIP lacitaL;t:uaal,a AND CUTLERY! Ilit g. BROTIERTOic • • EESPECTPULLY invites Wentz': to .1 4 7 .1 r, and carefully selected stock of goods Just re. Leived front Philadelphia, 'and which cd dipkised everything usually , • kept in Hardware tit ores. I am prepared to all at prices that' tiati DEFY GOA riTtoN. "Call and dee.l (Jan. 16 '63) agom Arinngliirutpil rs — iiffleP - 25 1 111HE,subscribeilliforms the pablic,that , he has I. opened alteitaiirent 'in tho mem formerly tic twilled by L. 8. Fisher, one ddor west- of Tntle'a Tin Store, where the'ppblic be. accoinodated birorits e : fried, roiiited • and ,sateweil,,l4l4•Fl, nOLOtiNlviSkersAGU. EGl.4o,illtc., ace. Fifiteeti good pyitersidi 18k- cents, Forty stale lUysteri, such as ere sold it Shoreham's for 25 efts. (Nov. 28—u4 H. A. 146kIER mop .404010X41512211021121 4 6' T. Jr FILBERT, eil 'Osi .' - ,:. - DRAPER, '' :. '• . '. :: -• a. iHai constantly for' sale aluil assortment , ir!" Ai. — quoudi 'or Cfentlearen'a ware. ity • a (41 N.; Wayneeborti Pa • IitAkRAICKieIhataaiIeMZIMI2XXXV4O:7.4 , falc-1.16HT P A trili 6 h A full S x he has completed the necessary arrangements tut taking Sky-Light Photographs. and is repined to furnish Pictures much finer than those taken with Sula-lisaht: Peiivits ,:*a'rztlng piottires are reqetated to call and examine hts specimens. . May 1-4) W: D. DIA:111:Elt. • „, • '‘ . lilti,4gleg i ra!LE4 a; the sign of the 1311-41ed:/for*L74 . ,(July Li 414)": D. 13. Reansm. I,‘ FaNilbiblkettvis, Aectic' ..,$?40.1, 1 i. utile' kicOnrroittibie tiking (or.cola 'Po labor at 4t14 • iissouz ss' TwAVEBI3 4 O , P3I 1 ,4 itLeu N . - /' 1/4 • - ElRTifill.llllo-111111111tx • OIUSER's 8.PL.:4,P9144A,T,49; GRAIN= BBPARATORi CLEANER• - , , AND BACRIER is AND “-Ttii• ; • . Idtest linpr64 It/are:ski trtiole Gear= ed Horse Pover,N E lin:Dinge2;i6er, 6 Y PecF6 orsßdt, all furnished Compteal • .ready to be put On-Wagone.. lithe undersigned„desire to call the attention o Fariniers and Threalickmen of Frankling andadjirin ing counties to it: This Machine has bebn before the public for severoyettek durittg:,,which tune it 'has given genditl•SatiefactiOne and .the patentee having made sortie very ,important..imprevements which render it'afill more complete, bothfer clead separating, and • cleaning, and also for „ of, draught and fast threshing. I Mite pleasure M cornmending,it tH the, public, knoWing that it:Will give tho best of satisfaction( lam marifictuting three (Efferent aims, as folloWs: No. 1 is 8 horse rower,will thresh and clean from 200: to' 500 bushels per day. • • No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power; will thresh end clew from, 150 to 800'bushebi per day • • No. Bis4' to ,6_,• horse power', will thresh mid clean from Lou :oxtlo h.isliele per day. These M.Chinei are wiz - tented to .do 'the above' and do it mr. h better in every, respect than any other machine in use. Want hazing much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is north from 2 to '3 ,Ceitts 'inpre,per,tiushe el than wit al cleaned ou any other separator, or the common wiv of cleaning on hand ans. MAI is" reason there is not the, eighth part of light matter In the grain as when cleaned on, the riddle principle. The blast acts freely (mall the grain as it leaves the shoes,-whereas, when cleaned Witt. riddle that ad- vantage is lost This machine shies not return the fallen& as most-of the separArs do. By returning filthy rzil ends alternately it is impossible to make inerctrnte grain, Another important feature in this madhine that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting. Blast Reg ulster 'in the tan, Which remedies ajttlitt lief:fines in bad 4featung, trioWinig !item in theiOatr In high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This MaehmeM aMb more'durable and leas tedious to manage than any other bepander and Uluuner,or the Common machterrwitti shutter. • Wilma to mimic then beitii; tilled until harvest ahatud be seat 111 immediately. • i-ato-tutly - preFfre - o roa. eto or notice Portable anti Stationed '' STANG ENGINES; GIIIsr AND SAW MILL * (MARINO, HA-FIIINGJ-AXO__EU,LLEYS IRON •lI`RIDGES; CAST IRON. WATER WHEELS IRON KETTLES, &co Stoves and PloW carltings,ilso cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam 01 water, and Brass cattings of eery deseription; in a .word,,! 1 am' prepared to do everything Usually done in a 'finandry and mathine Shop. Having supplied myself with the latest nn ;proved machinery. such as Lathes, Boring, Planing `and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having.l their work done in the most satisfactory Wanner.— ain also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for woud,'such as Tonging and (droving I machines for flooring, Burface, Tenon( and Mould ing machines, &c.• • I also oiler to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the 'economizing o fuel, and the regulation of . speed which 'renders my 'new engines far superior to the' old engines. All my roachines,are sold under warrantee. My hams are all experienced workmen iri this line of pusiness,'and f use 411"gdoil material, itd that I am perfectly sate in warranting all my work. I am also • prepared to do repairing: in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit-, ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in or repairing must be accompanied with the•cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of may t bine, address GEORGE FRICK Or Desist. GRIMM, Proprietor of Territory and so lice tor of orders, Waynesboro'. Franklin Co. Pa. April ld—tf la; 111 "%Air .a,..11.1;1 WX1.13 1 6, XX Dug; at. Air M. M. STONER takes this method of ,hatik- . * mg his customers, endinforms the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment or Drugs, Medicines, Paints; Oils, Dye Stuffs,Soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Coulee= tiosary, &c., &c., that has been brought, to the placeshis season, which he will sell eheap. He has on,hand, with what he is roceising, makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishnient in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured article He has on nand now, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce belles, price, 25 cents, "no mire, no •pay." its curative properties are no* luny appreciated, judging tivin its daily Miles. • Notice--ca New Firm. THE subscriber bkiying' disposed of his entir► Stock of Goode to Masers. Collillower do elug swn,notities all persons , indebted to bite on Store Swiss to settle their accounts with and pay the mount of their indebtedness to either John Y. Stud or Daniel Bricker. 'fbe now jirn4 will continue .1.114 7 business as liereiniiire. A. MUNN. utneyt.huir2-4-1.86 eap an . . No. ° l Carbon Oil—pura and, non.xploeive— warranted to burn wrtlioUt ernaning any, smell a Peed in tue , CARBON OIL LAMPt3, ; Of the Wait styles and improvhlnents; 7 -ail ,sold 0111rAP FUR 1.41:111 at the sign et the .11160tELP • . 4,11. 41V,§§.4LL. Pianos- and Melodeons. MEE nod Navin :. 11BCo . /n3:4l:4citie ot, Co G. o;,tialumnie),celp,brittild• osand of Carlifut, Mend ac Utes. p rior- pyssyl Melodeons, isr : prewed, && aurutali indkval- - "A l s w b;' PO. PbP7ie, named iTitruueulfac ciV.Trif logiksops oirthe above Anqtrutperkta given iu Loy!/ft , "Al? .113$0'1!URIK.fOill'a0 Double burrel,Sliot, .41-uus, , ------1101twitovoivutg-kosiots, • ' -I.luzutd'e illeetric4owdei " - ;, 11 tt''It?t.. si*O'ef f e;fea:., es,' & dflll r - • Yowdur iluske ! , kovfdeiFiul4 4 ,l - -.. Big* PlA)k;tiaels-,.• - , (Jae.Lit4.fl3B.) IRVP.: '‘ "111'4 *bike yai katiq data 1)"i8bala 'of 441 pica. sytaii; l'oit; at ' :" Pticube—' jaale le; • •(.1.1 '.1!%1,1 =DE er and on short autifalialght. 1 , 111=11E1 ir171164,p •••---A1411,: :II; 7 0. 4 :, it- .4 . „ rilliglitimiC*Ultilleittedoool llo lngfe:Aear it. A. ' the AtnenciSfl'aittis i titan'anYof , jttur,lloya olocaleven.sitoWkitobgril Rtikeez;.. ~.. .....,.• , ......1. 2 1 _l. , So alit you thatovank a , IT 0 P(1 4 40 011 41111.al'Or) MR • burnimitaisk,coskof WOoili OW. 14%w % , t , , : '-. , K . ; 4%1'0 1 4: ill' Ofil- . , - i • l i -, .' r , ~. ,' :,, • (:,. t() ...,,...,, , ar• ~' ,I ; ; -,,i,:.;4,1 an'4l' , k fok the • Otiaiitilltitrilif , rovbielvierniesit 'the beaftli Over iii"lititiket, iiriithy fat ithetheapsst.o. las takel a loligl Sick '41%0611%1nd 'SI 'firdvitiod alibi finit brick + to butn' emit ' 'lt ill'ario'br thel best birldng , a hit' cooking' Stoeria that'lute't emli'bksti•• offered' forisalei It is' a'fins' Cooking StoVe snakiteensily +kept Mealy I slWaYi'laid'altirgii assortment' ciwitatid,nnOrrill give , better , bargains' than - any other hiniss-irt , the country.' , ' 'Solo prove , that!' risyntin'e' 'Smirk -Gad. Bragg milt and sea for Yotimelves: "I. •,. .. 0 ~ ; ,• , Mao on' hand Heating Stoves, inteltlis • • ', 1 O.'', 'Bala COL MIA • r-. 0. h : for, s briar or , g o flll c f 1 0 , 7",ln* Youwill also Sod'od! a large aaaOt ,1 • , 4 12 4 =1 . ''`CS/0 , 4§1433,EgRe; with Copperi , :Brasi and Sheet-hon Ware, which is all of my own , Make, and. Which has beetkproveis cannot be foUridtberter in any plate. Now remem ber I am bound to sell cheap, ao' all that want ad' thing An my. line,live 'me 'a My envie etjlt at ilia 61d.pliCe - orrklairt Street, under the Prinlidtt Office: •"; 11."e' Spouiliagt • done at all times and cf the ; best double tin,- Feeling thankful for die .Many.paet, feria have received frooi, the public, t,i7oultl invite.alt give me a, call, for then yea can see for yost;selfee whereto get, bargains. ' ,014 snett4 taken at ounary newt exchatt e, for new ' Stoves. W. A. Tterks,. Mar.2B, , , Wayneabar,o*,_ Metitstax ti t Boidei Sr, tittle roWder, M. STONER. having , Purehased of• Mr. i i La Mentzer; he recipe for making the - above far-nnued Horse and Cattlefowderpr Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method ofinforming the farmers, drovers, &c., lbakhe has on hand and intends keeping a good supplyalways on hand Cotintry, merchants and others seeping such articles fcr Sale,'Would'dd well to supply theuntelVes - Witita quantity. ' He will sell it cln tommassiolioifeicash cheap. Orders will be twdeteeity - attended' tiri' Apr; 1862. NUKE GOOD HAT JACOB ADAISS ST/ 1.1, Ar THE. On Church Street. EEPS constantly on hand Qugg lel of" every deacriptiou and style; new' and •" saceikl-handed V OrIIULES, o f all itintisat.ressonablespricell-persons examining his stiklibiloie purchasing elsewhere ' . JA00,1! f CIMNI6, . iipilo;'43 ' ' ' Wii 4 Vuesbero', Pa.' ' . ' FLOUlts -T ECO 3 ' AND PROITWON STORE I . . VIAE * spbscriber • announce ,to th e , citizens of WaYnesbone 'that they , haW),oto.enj:4l,a : 1 1'14!tr teed and PrOiision dune ni thereon' next,: dop,r,f” : Dr. Brothertou ' a °thee, where they at &annum hate for, sale • - • COBS Milk OM mILL,srUFFB OF ALL KlNlis; SCREW._ INGs, CORN:SH liu:klu 'AND ' THE EAR, OATS, APPLkIS, VINEGAR; Ahrei Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bushel 'or in smuller,quantities, and other• artidtei usually . kept in Alen establishments: All Flour and Mill -Swif will; be sold at MILL 4 1 100E8 'HS THE CASH. The highest market prices will be paid for Wheat/. Rye and guru to be delivered at the Mill of the embers. • JOHN WA LATOR, (Sept. 3.—1 f.) J Ua . inportant to i l itrApars fiNliE subscriber takes this method of announcing of the Partners and others, that he has'un hand a lot of DWARF BROOM OURS seed; along with some specimens of the corn.,This is an excelletit article -of Broom Corn, and sould be raised by-ev4 ery one. lie 148 alio a full assortment 'Afresh Thugs, Medicines, Oheancals, • 4. F. KU4TZ. P. 8. I am "selling Cranberries •at Ili cents per quart, Met. 14' De!bine or Armaggetion. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. THIS is ackusaledgell to be one of the moat re markable et human: productions that pad ever' been offered to the American people... Thestyle td chaste and truly eloquent... The subject treated pi is of the most inspinug: "The Untied blades in Prophecy. For sate by - J . F. K Amyl AT THE "VARIETY STORES" BWtfElt - almouor,esio - higr - custom • the yublic, Omit, Lr itas juri returned crow the izeurwittr - anotinu flue amortineliz—et, new goods, conasung of Fall and Winter Adaw ate s all sorts and sizes Boots and .114.iiis lot sues and boys, with a complens assortmeut ut des el ladies were; Clocks, Trunks ' begars.'l'obscco and all articles usually heptin first-Waits variety adore rho public are cordially invited to call and ex fume Ms new stock. A. B. Boots and shoes manufactured •to .order, innlesued, at reasonable rates and -upou •SilOrt -notice (0et.24 4 '.'02.1 tl Oysters 1 Oysters. ITIHE undersigned informs rhe public that he has opened s Itistauraut ro ina Illisemeut of h'. bovitlen's hotel. which has beau hasidsdiusly, tip, arid is now prepared to 'furnish Oysters, Ale. oulugua Eggs., mat all _testicles itch to new and cleanliness in all things will be ob. served.- —l'ho-yunlic-ara t itivated to give_ tiiux_s,cail., . Oct. 31—u.) W. WAstfc3LMUtiti.. ; TO FAlthiftlith • s TEEL She veld, Spades, Hate; Forks, Rakes I,,,Aliuure dill, its, ofiticy &e., at , ptaie4 elm will deli Lvaa. Sawa I Saws! Saiva fit - VVlLL,A L oro_cm,_thrcular i iianCrenou e _Oo_ tko wand Wup Save,veructioap 4 it • - - Jail. L6'63. • ,ffiit. lA. ItautiL6irma. r'0t6,e,41 Wriliter. VV..l?irrs'A . M'S . ,moth 'Weloges , 'to:LW et the eigii'4,llthe %Rig' Red ktkr 1 . .D.U. Agentihriitadhih county. (July '1 IP112) HEAD" Nitrll3;tlilli, -1110 him. Chet/cilia 44 .ElNad Natty ac. - juut.l2 I'avae4,.,: •.; TYin - ITT ',.'•• 10j1 . 4.. -,11 Tfl 1 egitlitt3,4 $1.60 .T, if ' rub f. in' a4krance, of "'Mid' li 4 thrett ml tr—.. 0 4 0014 4 1 t. 0 14 :AAPititi 11 : 4th te eie iiibilths - t iit bstliC ye#.73' 1' f ~ t .,:.:, , r . *DV gl 14 EN, riGi—Tkinliiie.ti; brainier,- ,iotiirtiffor dve AitiliOtiooni-ibrehili i ilbLeehtivi /:, rirtNeettlif " Aidltavandt ;dike vity , athritool l',' nii3Opri# k Oithitinigtaitit3itiryliiimidifiliscit [.• It? 4 ild ri Witladiliktiats: , 4l2llls## : 4 111 7 aPt1,3 , ; " 4 i oltikierttnolifir;' PIO • ' 6 \''' '1: ':''''''' li 'ir i ty , . Pietit l4ll.9 iltg . 4 0 13 0 41 1 1 4.4"Z h ia. '/ .; 11, libuaeelblr a tlitibirii ait t , 4 11 a tin; lila Fiismaietti aninltinents frientlicaud , them:Mlle elms bole prepared to recMea, ,, , , IttuiVentertaitilatieste is a stylliasoe•ltorle . Ascalledlv'. by iaan ' b4iritfy-lietrit:.=l , Tbet„titruael. bevies been ' tho ; repairefl;ruid newly, furtiiiitattentb.ere.— . ty bins calculated to make his guests comfortable ~ •• --the - poblic . may rest sulau t rett th , „they•will at all. . times Mid it in a eoligitiliAted o ttercemfort and eenePOirPee e fifts i t eve tif. ~Aot pi..mv.w.43lPlNtl; , vlieOnt.h tiff , l , 4**44V 6 l/ B )ituz4 W:Pbik rf), ' t .gtbe ' the 1 4eetitle PAX•44 Aliftifiiktetißttl e rffi fll Y l'e Fe r ' f t } it Oe V. l / 2 1 , 1 }elegreti•,. or,ktpp lapcputtßa, cif,! ulai ti l; l ".f la #t gi ' 1 rvsa..4 Ik..+ T. lee:fliPeteief! Ptheitg.tfe. tion l agth .4e 1 .. ••••,u t ' i•••; '1 • T4O Pf9l4 l o o .l4l9P94 l ollrlVl o lPAti.trfiMX4 .. O't witt,thet l lPl l o o tinfl) 0 10 3',44al&MefA110:ifit.1 hißlulluiP a P9 l 4 l 4lrecePtl o .9, aft4A4 o l.frittlPMlPP: sentjukto, Alp sony_tniteuncionn ,tkeppinead i pf guests shall be attended to. June 21, 1860 FA kiVidOliaaEi titfaiittAtt ,qiettabien' dtstbn Jr ' ' nt 'the; P,a4llll.V'oj, ; • " ' • .1 , '; `lt iiisOinlott, J.,.yeb: The hapjy td hietifiOaqi!iiiire'''' of the FayfateVille,Aoeileuy ; hive aaintamed ' high etinaitikiiinOtig the tocsin gtathisitew4if'tlite' College of Dfieri-Jereeys • r' ,c , ! ! 19tIN MACLEAN:, „: ' Progident elf VW - College .J414E18 43.• morrot , „ „ lirokespr of Offek. G. MusuggLY,F. UIW _• ~ • . berofessoripf Lktio4 • , iourvx, our*lehok, ; • Peofetieor of Mathemetic'A ultit.2B A NNOUNDES to hit; frierklig. and .the' I public lretteralif. Mar he iN now ini liossiossion the 'late ntl'inest iinprOvedliiitniknenttlytinit is well., prepared to , perkitor all DENTALa operations. • kl will be how Itotitait Upon those who may:lnquire ihe gervices , of sit experienced 'Dentist. • All' opera.' itone upon the Mouth and teeth performed in 4' Beier/rifle Teeth insetted according to the' laterte , .impruitimeNte • iri the art, and at -moderate rates. • Office in his :retideriOe' •oft the South ' Coiner Gt . t he :Dimeond. , • .nl=l-16 WA 'PR 0111#130 UP IND SPIMAIII OW Wtip, can maket.a manl 7 l , rneeskin'appear ance, with tileoat fitting titioMaw.; pants arid WO. fit fui preshlenii"'Wficl'•' akkethe - flue gene you see in the. cityl The Tailor! mistake ~bout it, Well, then we have just brought ito'iu the' City, the nelitest, sleekest, finest, 'uncles!, olilest,lot of. •e, ;; ,• • , 5 FANCY CASSI NIERS, B LACK ' CASSINI C RES that caitiff) seen id thialliieriet: We oui deivelifo turh out • übsoLl Firl :Ago Fresh; 'sparkling &bile tilw'so :pla.44;•anil we Wave' theta," We have the latest Platt4l,' e'en] wi* leave nathinti'liiidene to 'Please iitit!fri4iils and the "rest elthatikinct" " • ' &J. April 18 . 'Just /Received. • • 'AT BROTH E ftTOg'S,. A.l ROm tor.oir Colts Resolving'. Pietols • . Colts, Pistol Cartrid ges; Bherpes Vartiiihelli• ,• 'Colts Pistol Claps, • , * , Hick's 14: B. Army daps Bullets and Bullet Amide,' Fine Bowie Knives, ' hopper Pistol Flasks, azarile Electric Powder, French 6111:1 Wadding, do., '&x . amidst?! this description have becolne scarce: Persons , si. m g We only re Vito ..iNnot mono. Will do i immediately and purchase one of "Units Patent. Breech-loading Revolvers. Sept. 26,'.6?. .4111AligA AGAIN A a the lisballbn , is now on its last lege, 'end nearly over, we thought right to announce ' tile public that we will griud, Gnats of 20-' bushet or upwards either for pay or Toil separtely,and tlaai we heist . ' on nand en itinds reel), 4.:01111,,.i ear or-aheileil,or as MEAL sifted or nut. Also.-- Liats—by the bushel or in -tiny ivilY . thatit may ' wanted? ,-4 alsoktiillin - gsiStetwtSullifitd - lirs — iiii ia. eob;Ctir 't.at sport notice. Plaster by We caw 'up b at Island. a. 10',' apd Ytttall AprlEt* -~~-~ ; i Waynesuore an I.victuiti tbotahe bus moved her Millinery &ore W the dwellrag home Mani Street, udjuining the reeideuce of Mi. Jam Wuti, and nes Just received twin the 1324iaiii. lea a full eartornuent of' • . • . Bonnets. Hats; Bonnet Trimmings,- and other articles u-eally kept by"Millitieii. LAtlica urerequestuil to calf and cucaufuie bet , .„ "A:E . • BRATIIIEIRTON'.O 2 t44.4,4at f lpous—uutwikik- F . • ' Lead teueiL4, • - ' • Tereiission Caps, dtauda iiiiormurrox's , Ow/Aix% .11kuuks; , , . •.; . - • • ~ .ketailio• Squares,' '1 • . ther *Hifi great mar :Aartadiss fiat 'ettr.ol4 oite aux/. To b. cgtivicitak- tha "Chaser" call at 1 r r 1.1 " ati4lir4 l *( o o o , Ptitteo. A 1 • T. 11.4/ IIR. CLO,Hs ANU, •VE3;S`I~IC33„ ' Flowers. :VI Tu.& .liardem R!ikesi :title twos '3l.eac, s3tirs, 'Turning longs /Drawing liaivesi litiaci_ba_ rela L. B. KURTZ I work like it war doi Wig Laktiing. JUAN •WAIiCER, JO6EPLUELL/kLY. maw=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers