LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE N a year it has become famous; the man’s cig- arette for the men who are working over here. and fighting over there. The reason? Because its made of Burley pipe tobacco and because— iT’S TOASTED . IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAYSQIO0L LESSON MOUNT JOY STAR AND | | | | (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director o} | tl » Sunday School Courge of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) (Copyright, 1918, Western Newspaper Union.) w= J LESSON FOR MARCH 24 | JESUS MINISTERING TO THE MUL. | TITUDES. LESSON TEXT-Mark 6:32-56. GOLDEN TEXT-The son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minis- | ter, and to give his life a ransom for | many.—Matt, 20:28, DEVOTIONAL READING-John 6:35-40, | ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR TEACHERS--Exodus 16:14-18; Matt, 25:31. 46; Luke 4:16-21; James 1:27; Rev, 17. PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus a helper at all times. MEMORY VERSE-Be of good cheer: it is I: be not afrald,—Mark 6:50 INTERMEDIATE TOPIC—Helping the needy SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC—(?) This parable marks the high level of the year of popularity in the life of our Lord. It is such an important mir- | aele as to be the only one recorded by all four gospel writers. The returning disciples (v. 81) are urged by the Mas- ter to come with him into a desert | place and rest and also that he might | comfort their hearts over the death of | John the Baptist. “They had no leisure.” Jesus knew the need and | also the proper use of leisure, but the | multitude would not grant him this but flocked to his retreat in the desert. They followed that they might listen to his gracious words, or behold some new | wonder, but Jesus also saw and min- istered, (v. 24). Carlyle said he saw | in England “forty million people most | ly fools.” Not so with Jesus; he saw | and was moved, not with sarcasm, but with a compassion that took the form of teaching (v. 84). It is better to teach a man how to help himself than to help the man without the teaching. | We also infer that the soul of a man | is of more value than his body. It is not enough, however, to say “God bless | : { you; be warmed and fed,” when a man | ; is hungry. Sympathy must issue in a¢- | tion. A Great Task. ‘ John tells us of the conversation Ny, i with Phillip. Phillip lived in Bethsaida © Guaranteed b : J nearby, but te feed this multitude was ; too great a task, even with his knowl- - A edge and resources (John 6:5, 7). Yet ro JO we need not be surprised at Phillip’s | INCORPORATED . v slowness of faith. in) in a Sionitay case was once nonpiussed as to how to SE . -- i yy y= . — feed the thousands in the wilderness ° ® (sce Numbers 11:21-33). The central Win the War by Preparing the Land «cocoons never wc need nor our > z poverty, but the absolute surrender of Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops our ui—hovever liti—to God. 8 z Another disciple, Andrew, who hag 1 Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada broucht his brother, Simon Peter, to CO-OPERATIVE FARMING IN MAN POWER NECESSARY the Savior, in his desperation found a TO WIN THE BATTLE FOR LIBERTY boy whose mother had thoughtfully 3 . vy : provided him with a lunch consisting i The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking fof | os five barley biscuits and two small | i greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail- | grid herrings (John 6:9). This is a | - able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the | great commentary on the tide of inter- | _ efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply. est at this time—#hat even this hungry Every Available Tiflabie Acre Must Contribute; Every Available ov should have forgotten his lunch; F d F H d M } A + | the circumstances emphasized the help- b armer an arm nan us ssist | lessness of the disciples in order that i Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power | Jesus might show his power. His com- | i is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed- | mand “Give ye them,” (v. 37) teaches 4 ing operation, | us that we are to give what we have, y not to look to others, nor to do our y 1 i | Canada’s Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; the | charity by proxy (Fro. 11:24, 25). Demand From Canada Alone for (918 is 400,000,000 Bushels | Again the Savior asks his disciples to | : : cok (Vv. 3 « thoug > Ww te To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs Son : 8) 25 Dough he would ach s T ~ TY 1€ )Oundliess resources o 118 | the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can | ,. 5 0 on i : . ‘ . kingdom. Give what you have and he effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United will bless and increase It to moet the States developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When- | needs of the multitude. The secret of ever we find a man we can spare to Canada’s fields after ours are supplied, | success points to the moment when he we want to direct him there. | took the loaves and looking up (to God Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can | Who also saw their needs), he blessed | best serve the combined interests. it. ‘ . . 1 : iving Bread. y Western Canada’s help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages This conservation. process was a y ’ his conservaticr recess was i to competent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging. stinging rebuke to the orientals. and is Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wages, | being emphasized in these days of food good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent | conservation in connection with war a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return. | needs. Too long we have been prodigal . f God’s marvelous bounties. G rives For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had | a Sy vsion: he ia vs i . 4 s £ > may use; and we lose mn- ; apply to: g. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR less it is shared. Jesus, the living ! m——e me — reer rremnen - —T i 2 = | ve h 3:48) 111 satisfy ro i OF Corso, From Way Back. brent, {oun aus hibi Sati sty Inger | ! “He entered the aviation corps.” Country Uncle—Gosh! What is that oa om Ee i read generates In | y “Wanted a chance to rise quickly, I! there thing? | i Hinman Soay oat homey Vitality | i presume.” . City Niece—A folding bed, uncle, | and power, so he will feed the hungry ; oe Country Uncle—Then I'll camp out souls of men. ¥ e have at hand the | y Money talks and it is usually in a on the floor, I could never sleep | Word, It is for lack of it that men die | 4 hurry to say zood-by standin’ up. | in the deepest and truest sense of that | IT) ay g y. ed | Word. The poverty and perplexity of | s : : . | the disciples in the presenc simi | Inflamation and Swellings Peru was the first country to add in- aps miler helo! similar i of all kinds in livestock can be | gtyyction in aviation to its public school | © °° 04, 19 beng Sheates over and | ! quickly reduced by using Dr DAVID | OL ar over again, and yet how faithless it is. oi CBERTS : culum. . : 3 i . ve : { We have not enough to feed th Iti- i P Gana 1 e multi & Antiseptic Poultice £1.00 : . tude. Our few loaves of comfort, E RSI oshasetaes ob povads of pe Cong Jo ule aout but amusement, counsel, ete, will not sus- k ; Vitsiiiarl ily stomac ; y Garfielc Na ai : Read the Practical Home Veterinarian sdv. » Phe tain them in the present world’s crisis; If no dealer in your town, write but when we break u y ti > DOr. David Roberts’ Vet, Co 100 Send Avenue, Waukesha, Wis. | C ; 4 br x : it Tm oa . Bee Dem {he liy = - | In New Zealand the men outnumber | 108 bread, it meets the deep hunger of W.N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 12-1918. the women by many thousands. the human heart; and they will have enough and to spare if they will only 55 eat it. In these days when the empha- 5 sls is being laid on material bread for r the susten ‘e of the nation, there is By great danger lest we forget the neces ul . sity of breaking the living bres 3 It means a miserable condition of ill health that leads to all sorts of special Sas g 2: ng the : 3 ng t re ad to the | ailments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, indigestion, pains of Se Rf £ moi ges oi te Ww orld. We various kinds, piles and numerous oth=r disorders—CONSTIPATION is a crim= must maintain the supremacy of the against nature, and no human being can he well for any length of time whils spiritual, or i the dynamic to pro- constipated. DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS is the remedy and has been used successfully all over this country for 72 years. Get a box and see how it feels to have your liver and bowels resume their health-giving natural functions. For sale at all druggists and dealers everywhere. Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills HORSE SALE DISTEMPER u know that when you sell or puy through the s-les ave out one 1 fifty to escape sale stable “SPOHN’ 3 ir true protection, your only for « sure os You treat all your horses soon be rid of the disease. It acts ve, no matter how they are “exposed.” from the manufacturers. ‘nce Ww vour order, 50 cents and $1.90 a bottle; $5.00 and $10.00 the dozen, delivered. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., MIfrs., Goshen, Ind., U. S. 4, dire EC vide the material. How true the words cof the late Dr. { Maltbie Davenport Babcock: Back cof the loaf 1s the snowy flour; Back of the flour the mill: | And back of the mill is the wheat, And the showers, and the sun, And the Father's will The problem which the disciples could not meet, Jesus discerned and | solved. As they co-operated with him and gave of th which he had first | blessed, each had a basketfull to take ! | away and thus was well repaid for |! sharing with the multitude NEWS, MOUNT JOY. PA. 1 i mR EES EEE Ee = Rr mr 1 | | Swift & Company | Publicity At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company,which showed that the Company had been con- sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. f | The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev- | I eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have | | recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer | delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, | relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. | The feeling against the American packer is based largely on | the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers’ operations, resulling in unreasonably large profits. | | Swift & Company’s net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: | Sales $875,000,000. Profits $34,650,000. This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. would have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his cattle, or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per pound on dressed beef. Swift & Company, U. S. A. If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser | | I CABBAGE PLANTS Your Silk Scraps L.A NID Ed 3 . ranches or business propositions in Oklahoma. make beautiful decorations for Bags, Lamp- BELL & C0, 311 Security Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Sue. cession and Flat Dutch. By express, 500, $1.25; shades, Pillows, Baskets, Hats, Tablecovers, | - —. when used with our machine made cotton adjoining aviation camp; 2 acres 1,000, $2.00; 5,000 at $1.75; 10,000 up at $1.50. F. O. moulds with stems, for making Grapes, Apples ARCADIA $100; 6 §225; 10 #400; 810 deposit, 88 B. HERE. Delivered parcel post 100, 35¢; 1,000, = etc. Assortment of moulds with Aumerous de- monthly. Agents wanted. O.STEVENBON, Arcadia, Fla, $2.50. Satisfaction guaranteed y i signs, large tinishedsampleandinstructions $1. HII DEN TREASURE I . - a Bw EXE TY an Learn how ERVILLE, YE LITTLE SHOPPE, Oak Park, Illinois ) Uo locate D. F. JAMISON, SUMM Vv Ss ? 2? Hidden Treasures by magnetic waves; it's greaty Sample lessons, ete. 25¢c. National Schoo’. Lake Geneva, Fla, # ‘The Running Step.™ J O07 on new guaranteed . GET FORM AND PEP The Loomis System SAVE 25 TO 50 /0 TIRES and TUBES. A New Marching Song— Yankee tells how. Sent for 1 bill by H. 8. LOOMIS, Dept. Dealers and consumers write for prices. Auto Tire C TC H Doodle Dixie, 10c; 8 for 250. A, 503 Mutual Life Building, Buffalo, New York & Parts Co.. 27 Broadway, Cape Girardeaw Mo. Address Lilla Clark, 3500 Franklin Ave. St. Louis, Mo. Too Much. Not So Foolish. | Shock. A playwright and an actor were in I'he members of a certain local ex- “At the restaurant the other night conversation when the former, who | emption board shrugged their shoul- | George asked Miss Wrink how she has been none too successful of late, | ders cynically when a young man ap- | would like a little wild duck.” exclaimed gloomily : peared before them limping conspic- | “What did she answer?” “People will praise my work after I | uousiy and asked for exemption on| “She changed color, and said, ‘Ohl am dead.” the grounds of physical disabitity. this is so sudden!” and fainted,” “Well,” said the actor, in a consol- “Fell down on the ice and hurt EE —— ing tone, perhaps you are right, but | yourself, I suppose,” one of them sug- Important to Mothers don’t you think It's a great deal of | gested. Examine carefully every bottle of sacrifice to make for a little praise?” “No,” said the candidate, flushing, | ASTORIA, that famous old remedy —Everybody’s Magazine. “I lost one leg at the battle of the for infants and children, and see that it . sa | Somme.” Bears the Ter Then there was a large silence.— | Signature of LZ F RE C KLES New York Tribune. In Use for Over 30 Years. ® Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP re Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spot: There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, ¢ » Important. scription othine—double stre is guar “The turnover is vital to successful ols will quiet your cough, soothe the in- double | flammy anteed to remove tk Simply get an c¢ strength—from your dr Httle of it night and mc soon see that even the chandising. ition of a sore throat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from In that case,” said the baker, “mays be I'd better put more turnovers in the begun to pe: 8 3 A « '— Louisville C “or "IE have vanished en | coughing and with easy expectoration Fen. Louisville Courier-Journal, more than one oun he OTN . ¥ PN i Tr clear the skin and in the morning. Made and sold in : ; complexion. America for fifty-two years. A won- How's This ? Be e to ask for the double strength oth- rful prezerinti ne ine Nn ET We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh ine his is sold under guarantee of money de i: il prescription, assisting Nature in that car ot be cured by HALL'S back if it fails to re Adv. puilding up your general health and CAT H MEDICINE. Tre throwing off the disease. Especially A RR IND sin Quit Record ¢ i : lisease. Especially |, and acts through the Blood uite a Record. useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, on Surfaces of the System. The Gulf stream wre rapid than | bronchitis, ete. For sale in all civil- s I for over forty years » Amaz mor wus tl he | ized Ni . i pio the Anazon, mor 1S than the jzed coun s—Adv. F. ieney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Mississippi, and its volume more than - em : riers 1,000 greater. Too Late. Never Fails. r— —_— - Ell Cheer up, old top, you'll get “The hostess said the affair was to It's passing strange that some things Lee—*"You're always look- | be strictly informal.” “That makes the come to pass. 1» the dark side.”—Panther. girls dress up, all right.” If a man would have a good mother- New York's debt limit is reduced to England now has more than 4,775 in-law it is up to him to make good. $2,114.325. 000 wonien wage earners. Ch eee eet How to Make Oatmeal Bread Healthful to Eat—Saves the Wheat 1 cup flour 1 cup cooked oatmeal or rolled 1%; cups corn meal oats 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 5 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1% cups milk 2 tablespoons sugar No eggs Sift together flour, corn meal, salt, baking powde Add oatmeal, melted shortening and milk. Bak shallow pan in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. This wholesome bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of ROYAL BAKING POWDER If used three times a week in place of white bread by the 22 million families in the United States, it would save more than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, ‘“‘Best War Time containing many other recipes for making delicious ar wheat saving foods, mailed free—address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. W, 135 William St., New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR cipes”, wholesome
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers