emai tm SERIE , TTT, TTT — \ \ : THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF ° VOLUME XLV. NO. 20 TEACHERS GIVEN STANDARD PAPERS MARIETTA EASILY WINS FIRST GAME OF SERIES Marietta which was teams from Mount Joy and Marietta last played evening was scene of a great game of basket between pic ball d MOUNT JOY STAR AND NEWS THIS PAPER NOW INCLUDES THAT OF THE LANDISVILLE VIGIL AND THE FLORIN NEWS MOUNT JOY, PA. SA’ URDAY, MARCH 30, 1918 $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE DEATH RECORD FOR THE WEE LIST OF THOSE WHO HAVE R I ERATE RE REN I oe oy I he | cHIVED AREIR FINAL SUM, GIVEN TO ALL THE COUNTY |; “557%01" his was one of the MONS TO THE GREAT SCHOOLS THAT ARE many contests which have already BEYOND. ENTITLED TO SAME taken place between the athletics of the two towns. The Marietta cage : : eo . Sally, wife of Charles R. Cob men proved themselves to be the bet VERY MYSTERIOUS K | E- | ENT FOR THE EDISON COM- | PANY, MADE A SUDDEN DEPARTURE SUNDAY This community will be surpris le, DISAPPEARANCE MR. SHOEMAKER, SUPERINTEND.- to learn of the very sudden and un- DOINGS IN THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE MATTERS On Friday the local real broker Jno. E. lowing sales: The ten acre truck and poult Donegal township, near the Bridge, was sold to Mrs. Maggie Ai wake of North Queen street, La caster, the consideration $2,600. The new owner, who present conducts the Peoples’ resta ed estate Schroll made the fol- farm of Ezra E. Wolgemuth, in East Iron being TRAVELERS FROM FAR AND NEAR ry A COLUMN TO KEEP YOU IN TOUCH WITH THOSE WHO HAVE AND WERE VISIT- ED LAST WEEK n- n- at u- There are nineteen teachers in the ter by winning with a score of 57 to died at Columbia in her 40th year. Pete i aay, saaden ad un rant in that city, will retire and move By br, ( A S. Good spent Monday in schools of East Hempfield district. 27. Next Tuesday evening a return : CL — [Siperiad d sph wh ® S. ji on her new purchase in the very near | iladelp bie; o 3 ; Since the consolidation of the schools | game will be played here when the | Samuel Shearer, an old resident of 1 Edison Eloctrie Con a 3 this jfahire, : lay B Se 3 oi Stoll spent Sumy has begun five small schools have local players will try to come back Columbia, died at Lancaster aged 96 place : pay om 3 The property of the late 3. B. Mis- fay al Metehaniols, N J ickseck been closed, and the pupils from |at their rivals. years. | Mr. Shoemaker came here fro semer, al the corner of West Main Bot gad Ure Charles Tielssecker those localities are now in graded! For the getting of the most field i mre J: La Bh on gr te hate | ow street and Comfort Alley, in this Spent day at Lancaster. ; i schools at Landisville, Rohrerstown balls through the baskets, Erb of the The remains of Mrs. Martha Win- vacaney Rue he th resignatic of place, which was sold at public sale | Elivak, EB. Groff attended 3 funeral and East Petersburg. The benefits re- | winning team, with six goals, secured ' Kelman, who died at Steelton, were! Mr. Row Docion Vir oR Het) 01 last Tuesday to Elizabeth R. Mis- at Tig n on Monday. sulting from the efforts of the board |first place. For next high honor in interred at Columbia. {moved his family here and I Faith. pomer Jor ZMa3000, was said Sa) ¥ a Eline ot risus are noticeable. Greater interest and [the shooting of field goals, Garland "%. Pi [fully filled his yosition. IS hatles PR Ricksesker bE tiis place Vie Mabel here lenge. greater progress can be seen. The | of Marietta, and Miller of Mount Joy H. K. Pierce an Sunday Do and Mr Sh jfor $1,500.00. The new purchaser | °% 15 Mabel Kramer Yas the guest § | ¢ , ] | ay Mr. : Mrs. Shoe- ill of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyer on Sun- H. K. Pierce, of Newville, a form er ; has already taken possession and w transportation by trolley removes the | were tie, both securing five success. aN maker : ittle s ve ANCE. SUNY i ax Te found in some localities. | ful sy derger, of the winning Pusiness man of Elizabethtown, died phe and His on Blo Lancas move his family there as well as his ay h Mar FC The work of the teachers of the dis- | team, with four field goals, secured Fuesday night at the home of his the forenoon Re and at A Pt tin shop. Many years ago this same ge Pr apt Camp Meade, trict reflects credit upon the instrue-!the third honor, while he was closely daughter, Mrs. John Fisher. Death | Shoemal or told his 0 he i 00. building was occupied for the Same ised friends here over ihe week: tion. The directors have been suc- seconded by Hoster, of the same team Was caused by old age. He was 87 | ingr out ‘but. would return in 2 ol line of business by the late Christian nr Si I Philips s sever: cessful in filling the schools with | with three shots. Walters. of the Years old. He was a member of the Lh That was the Inst ean Gv. Buohl. Mrs. Samue Phi ips spent several teachers who are capable and pro-! winners, and R. Bennett, of the | Elizabethtown Church of God, and heard of him : = [3 rer men lipemia days with Mrs. Frank Amway, of this gressive, losers, both secured a field goal. The | 3% G45 Fellows i that section Ho! There were all kinds of rumors MAYTOWN PLANS AN. place. Landisvilie score: it. virvived be the ‘following. chil. | 21l0at as to just what might have be- | OTHER CHAUTAUQUA | Miss Mame Klugh of Harrisburg, is vi : ; Marietta Mount Joy = y XL es : ,icome of him but a close investiga- | mrm——— visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. At Landisville a decided improve Walters forward C. Bennett dren: Mrs. Harry Woolley, of Asbury tion by Mrs. Shoemaker disclosed the | The a Y ati f the guar: E. Klugh ment was made by the addition to the 'yjoctor forward R. Bennett Park, N. J.; Mrs. Ellen Ream, of fact that he Rad takon “fp Gy 3 Sah ro HN Peeing a fhe gaaran- Mrs Cvins Peifer and Mrs. Main former building. The new part cost | oh pn ard pelt Elizabethtown: Mrs. Charles Osborn, | a g Ry he ad on ¢ ch eave. tors of the ! ay lown Chau auqua was ] S| yru el er and Mrs, ] ain $18,000, and the building is now a Garland chard Garber ©f Bainbridge; Mrs. John Fisher, of | 3 oe gy red that on Saturday held in the Directors’ room of the of Ancestor visited Mr. and Mrs viable Tl Be Rell Jarinne ard : Lather Newville; George Pierce, of Newville; Dich! Je lad Le Ni his personal [People’s Bani and the following | Henry Real) ahd ti Mond . ; for heating and ventilating has been Field goals: Walters, Hoster 3. Erp Mrs. Samuel N. Cranford, of Colum- checks ashed 3 og usiness men, ‘officers were elected for the coming « saac Heistand left Monday for installed, a pressure system is used g Gr and 5 B Lali 3 R B hah tt bia; and Mrs. Annie Chard, of Eliza- oe ol 35} ane the of er for p15; year: President Rev. William J. [tering [llinois, where he will spend for the water supply, and the toilets | Sit ord, 2) DOIHeY 3 1 ennctlh, own that he withdrew his $50 Liberty] Lowe; Secretary-Treasurer, Norman the Summer. ae ; a supply, 2 : €1S Miller 5. Foul goals: Walters 19 out bond at the Union National bank; | F. Arntz. A contract was made with | Mr. and Mrs. William Collins spent are in the building. The light is cooc 1, of 25: Trout 15 out of 23. Referee, that he drew a two weeks’ pay from {the White Lyceum Bureau, of Bos- several days at Lancaster, the guests . Sg Sa edi, yi er dir Benjamin U. Gantz 3 1s y : 4 ; . and the pupils pan Work nude: Very Brandt. Secor Villee. Timer, Zink en inarg 0 Gant: nl iI know the Edison Company on Saturday and ton, Mass., to furnish a course of six of her parents. favorable conditions. Besides the Tine of 20° minutes lenjamin U. Gantz, a well known ; = 75.0 Ee ws a. | : 38 4 ; Mo ey Pipa : i High School nth second me Of Ne Sl De rmer of near this place, died Sun- |! addition took with him every cent | entertainments for the Winter of Mr. Howard Greenawalt of Harris- fi rh h on on or a Jegon! TT Shae fay evening about 9:30 o'clock from of money he could find about his|1918-19, consisting of the following |burg, visited his parental home over oar t A026 re two g rans In eb Flittings tho effects at 4 : stroke aed 50 house. Also several suits of clothing, | numbers: “Almarettas,” a colored the week-end. ample cloak rooms or e first floor. die : gs : he eff : a stroke, 2 2 underwear. shirts. ete. : s ‘hove ale intetite* “Orioles ?’ : oi . The Misses F: > Ve Ysther The High School room can be en William Tyndall moved his family years, 8 months and 21 days. Be- fearon tae a hs Boi oe a ! Hole i iy 3 > 00% 3, oe 'G I i ii t J Ae i and Esther 3 » > on 3 . . * & S a » je S 16 Cred . y y Qe ag a < " orice te Mo x * liza- larged and made into a zood audi- and household effects on Thursday sides his wife, he is survived by one ‘arfied sin : Ne Bedi [Young diss; Ji Mine Sveuldinsi@inerich yisi oy, Tends Mm Mim ence room for community meetings. from West Donegal street to the son, Nehemiah at home. Also the Sh { {lan entertainer) ; fhe American | bethtown Sunc ay. : Xe : : . Se ATO Rory Vins i bv H CG 1 v 1 inc brothers: Abre £ 3 Mrs. Shoemaker ean not under- Girls, two young ladies who willl Mrs. Anna Buller was the guest of This feature is a commendable one. property vacatec )y . r. Longen ltollowing brothers: Abram, of near stand h acti Arh of ai . AT : * I Mic i, Ais, Ever listriet should h sich ker on N. Barbara street Annville; George, of San Dieco. Cal, Stand his aegos nor can she give any 'give a musical and literary entertain- | Miss Elizabeth Long at Elizabeth- mvery district shoul ave suc 4 nS bid >t : BY gE Pict ny. apy HBL yenson for hiss ler is: arance, | ment: “The ibertv So 0 ” | 3 S ay room. The school should be the cen H. M. Leeking moved from West and Daniel, of Highville, Pa. Also as the it od a : 4 one Yang SE ne; “The Lib rty Musical I our, [Lown S45 Sanday, ; eo tvs : y 2 Nin sticol 1 Ince to Lane: : randson survives. 'T} . a] 2S they lived happily together ever instrumental music; Miss Luvia Mr. John Zeager of Thomasville, tre for community life. At Joths- Main street his place 0 Lancas- one grandson survives. The funeral Vi APIO OG She be : ’ TR CE? x yi y he A ries Ae - Ys Y tay Thursday 1 held s a 3 “a mce their marriage. She ‘pects to Mann, an impersonator Whatever | York County, spent several days here ville the new building is also well ter on nursday. : was held on Good [ ricay rorenoon.’ i... Line: Si “e in, 1 I . ateve : > : 2 ~ ; h y > Mrs. Marv Flower red fr th .} vi ; 13 : return to Lancaster and reside with profits are made on the course will Visiting his parents. adapted for meetings held for the Mrs. Mary owers moved from the A short service was held at his late her nar s ; : . me | arf ye ‘ in ? Ade | rc ) ; : y . ay. 1er parents be given to the local branch of the! Prof. D. Victor Shank of Ardmore discussion of matters of pubic in- D- S. Shonk property on W. Done- home, after which the cortage DI% yl W andorstand that brot} ¢ > 2? =e t Sat ie with Hi dda 2 : oa) 1 } 7 1 Tod 3 v e aerst: that : p pr le ros spe Sa a re Vv his terest In other places the regular £al street to the W. B. Detwiler ceeded to the Florin United Brethren yy." Go, 0n4¢ EBA x ‘a nrother of Red Cross. Spent saturday here with h unt, erat. 1 th paces , egula . I hor of: burel hor tl oe Mr. Shoemaker disappeared from his te A Aree Mrs. C. S. Gingrich. High School room is used for public property on on b ird street. ; nurch, where tne services were home n Lancaster ust as mvsteri Mr Yacob o Musse . | Maste meetings Mrs. Mary Habecker moved from conducted by Rev. 0. G. Romig, as- lo a} at i i 1 7 h3 MymRrious-i Euster at Trinity Lutheran Church 'B can eB a Susser am ti asyer £8. 3 20) ok g iO abo 0 vears aeo Be! : uvHe] | Benjamin Shan rere vis o The High School at Landisville, is Florin, to this place on Thursday. S sted by Rev. Thomas Garland, of: You -— All the services at Trinity Lutheran | Mtoe tie Oh Blt Be Sle m a flourishing condition. M. W. Frank Shato moved from t : ’ennbrook nterment took place in : : Svs {will begin according to the new|* “Miss ¥ A o K Mill sr of Litt Metzger has been the successful C- Schock property on West n the Mount Joy cemetery. FOR A GOOD CAUSE standard time which goes into effect! I 0 ha } y gd th fa sl <p hi Re . hs 7 I 3 | : oT n . | Al \ 4 : Spe oundae re / ne < HY principal for the last seven years. A street to the W. B. Detwiler proper me eal QIN nr DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND |on Easter Sunday. At the Morning |B Dr Tr I roa Sh 1 fan much larger attendance is expected ©n Fairview street vacated by J. L.| . =e: { service, the Holy Communion will he | Mew y Ne p Vas Biubakor next year : , Suydam. S. H. MILLER WAS RE- On April 5—Mark well the date celebrated at 10:30. The choir will | n ET 's Co or iin] ite d Mr Fron nex) year, : I . i RES . . to: Pasarela : . ry Panic Te , Qnenca | R€ar Sharpe's Corner visite "ant Thé members of the board always APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT At 8:00-—Now don’t be late. (render Che Early Dawn,” by Spence |r I 0 a es 1 show their interest by accompanying ———— In Mt. Joy Hall, we expect you all ;and “He is Risen” by Pettman. The" 5 rent) 3 Oy. eg he S i fo E ontire Deeds Recorded To witness a play, which we shall; new setting for the Communion ser Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baker, J > 3 » a . > > > : Sy 3 . mo . : witness ay, whie » she ' S g ) ( ser- 2: x the Superintendent for the entire; Benjamin S. Brubaker to Henry F I'he many friends of Mr. Samuel all . s : {vice will be used for the first time jand daughter Esther spent Sunda time. The present members are: H. Starr, 48 ‘es and 15 perches of | II. Miller, of Salunga, but for many “ lav at: . ry Pho settan 2 7D M. will consist | With Mr. Eli Brubaker and family W. Hottenstein, Dr. J. S. Kendie, W 3 : . 3 ; 5 J A Declaration of Independence The service at 7 P. M. will consist! : } . § l - J. OD. Kenalg, jland in East Hempfield township, years a resident of this place, was wi. os. i . 9 TL Fol Faster (Tovale anna ie SCT ol Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kraybill anc Scott Bushone, H. H. Lone and L. H ho i Pt : ! . : Who's giving this play? The Monday | of Easter Carols, solos and scripture! | : Shu : ih o g HB. HL é + 1." $13,200. today appointed district superintend- Night Club. And what is it like? Five | readings by members .of the Main | children of Florin, spent Sunday with Jochenauer, i Tal Catharine D. Hoover to Clayton ent of the Edison Electric Company gifs are in wb ish | school and primary department. The | MT: and Mrs. Charles Ricksecker. County Superintedent Fleisher has Eshleman, building lot in Eliza- and has already taken charge of the °° If you're feeling blue {choir will sing “Why Seek Ye The| Mr. Fred Sweigert of Philadelphia ae A tht 2 the Te, Ye fiionn, 3350 work here, He flis the vaeaney! 3 4% CO riin2 We Living Among The Dead,” by Greene, |SPent the week-end here with his par- meates grantec o schools o e avi I. Shank Fr se 7 the s 2 iss \arance Ty ate FA : } o ? . ‘lents, Rev. and 's. A. M. Sweigert. county are now in the rooms to which David N. Shank to John W. Fry, caused by the sudden disappearance There's nothing about it blue in |All the members of the congregation | tS Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Sweigert they belong. On Wednesday three of the schools of West Donegal were placed in the standard line, the Washington school taught by Miss Mary Rutt; Union, taught by Miss Esther Herr, and the Rheems schools taught by the Misses Elizabeth Greider and Anna Gish. A number of other schools should be in line for the honor next year, Lancaster county should be in the front rank in all things that are de- sirable. The granting of a certificate has a tendency to awaken local in- terest and to stimulate the teachers to effcient work. Only a progressive teacher can meet the requirements. ———,, ee ..,SS,€ EAPL- A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Miss Clara Barlow is visiting her sister here. The Mount Joy Public School chil- dren were given a half holiday on Good Friday. Miss Grace Dietz of Carlisle, is spending her Easter vacation here with her parents. Mrs. Sarah Hossler of Elizabeth- town, visited friends and relatives in town yesterday. Private Ear! Miller, stationed at Camp Meade, Md., spent several days here on a furlough with his father. Mr. Arthur Moyer who is attending Lafayette College, is spending his Easter vacation here with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gab-" 1 Moyer on West Donegal street. ——— Class Elects Officers The Ladies’ Bible Class of the U.| E. Church met on Thursday night for the purpose of electing officers, for the ensuing year. The result of! the election was as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. A. M. Sweigert; Vice President, Mrs. Joseph Weber; Sec- | retary, Miss Sara S. Kramer; Assist- ant Secretary, Miss Mabel Geisweit;| Treasurer, Mrs. Alex Kramer; Teacher, Mrs. A. M. Sweigert; As-: sistant Teacher, Mrs. H. A. Barr. A sociz]l evening was spent. / —— err Fifteen Baptized The Church of the Brethren at Elizabethtown, on Sunday observed | the rite of baptism when fifteen per- | sons were baptized. Rev. H. K. Ober officiating. Those baptized are as follows: Mary Good, Maud Miller, | Martha Hetrick, Mrs. Witmer, Mrs. | Rensel, Mrs. Isaac Hoffer, Violet, Hoffer, Supera Martz, Edna Stout, ! David Seiders, Samuel Heisey, Paul’ Reidenbach, Mr. Witmer, Mr. Isaac Hoffer, Chester Meashey. ——————— FLORIN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. Roy Nissly left | Friday for Atlantic City, where they | will spend several days. ; Messrs. Lloyd and Walter Nissly| of Philadelphia, parents, Mr. and M i | April 13. ! new. 99 Abraham H land in East $3,600. Christian E. Herr, 20 acres of land in Mount Joy township, $2,900. Bulletin on Seed Corn Testing + The necessity seed corn this Spring gives particular Farmers’ of the United States Department of Agriculture, which gives specific di- work by means of the Rag-Doll Seed Tester. It is a pamphlet of seven pages and illustrates at a glance this approved value to rections how for { Bul to do he letin No. the method of testing seed corn. A limited number of these bulletins can be secured from the Department interested Requests should be Congressman 243 Woolworth Build- of Agriculture in the subject. addressed to Griest, Room by those Ww. 2 acres and 123 perches of land, in Conoy township, $3,200. testing of 948 W. ing, Lancaster, Pa. ———-——— Program to be Rendered The United Evangelical Church will observe Easter Sunday with special programs. vice will be held at 10:30, the after- | at 1:45 and the { In the after- will be Patriotic, noon service ing service at 7 service the noon, The o'clock. morning ser- | even the service flag will be unfurled and those from the U. S. service present at this cluding recitations, duets, cello “Calvary” and ous” will be ‘end the Easter is invited to these services. > congregation expected are service. solo and in the to be In the even- ing a program will be rendered, in- readings, several the anthems, | “Great and Marvel- ] . A panto- mime entitled, “A Perfect Day,” will rendered services. — Er Another Big Bee A grand spelling bee will be held in the Independence School, miles east of Landisville, on the Har- risburg pike, on Saturday evening, The program will consist ,of two spelling and a general in-| formation class with three prizes to each class. There will also be music, recitations, dialogues, etc. Admission. 15 cents. toward improvi brary. teacher. ng the Mr. H. M. Showalter is The proceeds will be used school’s li- 2t. —————— Send in Change of Address During the next few weeks there | will be many removals and changes. : To insure the prompt delivery of this { paper, notify this office at once, giv- ‘ing your old address as well as the This is important. —— Harrisburg, March 27—M. M. Leib stock at their of the | April 5th, when they will sell a fine Mount | lot of cows, a few stock bulls and a {lot of home-raised shoats. M. Leib arrived home Fri- | has been appointed Justice day to spend several days with their| Peace of the West Ward of E. L. Nissly. 1 Joy. 1 denier, “What Is A Man Worth”; | Class Song; Granting of Diplomas; | Benediction. | Everybody | two |! i Mixed Quartette; Oration, D. Rufus the | | Class Prophecy, D. Rufus Eby; Male Quartette; Declamation, Jacob Stea- been seen or heard of since Sunday Long to Wallace B.' Mr. Miller formerly held this same Greider, 7 acres and 133 perches of position but resigned several years Hempfield township, ago. He was beyond a doubt the best official in that capacity that ever Risser to Oscar G. had charge of the work here and his many friends and Council will be pleased to learn of his appointment Mr. Miller will move here and give the work his entire attention. ———— Club Entertained T-- lay The Acquaintance Ciav Miss Edythe Bentzel on New Haven street with the present: Mrs. Benjamin Barber, Mrs. Joseph Charles, Mrs. Joseph Her- shey, Mrs. D. E. Long, Mrs,” Simon Snyder, Mrs. Melvin Grove and daughter Mary Catherine, Mrs. Al- len Way, Mrs. Garbriel Moyer, Mrs. Eli Bentzel, Mrs. Fred Farmer, Mrs. Walter Greiner and son Bruce, Mrs. Frank Greenawalt and daughter Mar- tha, Mrs. Roy Preston and daughter Elsie of Lancaster, Misses Edna Her- 'shey and Edythe Bentzel. A very pleasant afternoon was spent and an of Mr. Carl Shoemaker, who has not met on Thursday afternoon at the home of following persons hue. this day Will help the boys across the way The Red Cross needs you and the boys need it. 2 kit. : Grr EASTER PROGRAM BY THE BETHEL SABBATH SCHOOL | | dered by the Church of God Sabbath Music, 163; Music, 153; | Music, 160; 10 minutes to mark at- {tendance and take offering; Scripture ! Reading, Miss Myers’ Class; Son Primary Department; Recitation, Evelyn Smeltzer; Solo, Beatrice {Hawthorne; Exercise, The Rays of | Easter, Mrs. Stark’s Class; Solo and {| Chorus, Miss Greiner's Class; Read- |ing, Miss Myers; Solo, Mrs. Stauffer; Secretary's Report; Song, School; | Benediction. ! Preaching Services Morning—Organ Prelude; Holy I excellent luncheon was served. A | Holy Holy; Invocation; Anthem, “He social time was had by all. Is Risen”; Lesson; Hymn, 314; -—te { Prayer; Easter Response; Hymn, 1322; Announcements; Solo, Mr. April 12 and 26 Arbor Days { Brunner; Sermon; Prayer; Duet, Friday, April 12, and Friday, April 26, were designated by Governor Brumbaugh as the Spring Arbor days for Pennsylvania in a procla- mation in which he made appeal for planting of trees about public places, the planting of fruit and nut trees as well as advancement of general reforestation. el Ce COMMENCEMENT HELD AT MILTON GROVE The tenth annual commencement exercises of the Milton Grove High school was held in that village on Thursday evening, March 28, 1918. Following is the program as ar- ranged by the prineipal, Prof. Becker: Inaugural March; Musie, High School, “Come Thou Almighty King, When the Morning Breaks;” Invocation, Moyer; Salutatory Oration, Lois G.| | “Crossing the Bar;” Offering; Hymn, 1333; Benediction. | Evening—Organ Prelude; Holy Holy Holy; Invocation; Solo, H. S.| MacDannald; Lesson; Hymn, 3-2-2; Prayer; Easter Response; Hymn, 3- 23; Announcements; Anthem, “Sing i For The Day Ts Breaking;”’ Sermon; Baptismal Service; Benediction. AG A A Can Send Chicks By Mail Commencing Monday of last week the Postal officials have granted per- mission to send one day chicks by parcel post which ean be delivered within seventy hours. The chicks Bought a Sedan | Mr. Michael Hossler, who will re-| tire from the farm this week and move into the fine mansion which he | Wolgemuth; Declamation, LeRoy Wittle; Class History, Roy Kaylor; Eby; Declamation, Isaac Koser; Music, High School, “I Will Go A- fishing;” Declamation, Roy Kaylor; ger; Valedictory Oration, Emmert McDonnel; Address, Dr. C. H. Gor- RE eYS rh. Frank & Bro’s. Next Sale Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their next public sale of live yards here on Friday, ter on Sunday where she underwent ! an operation. purchased from Mr. Elam Myers, on Monday bought a Chevrolet he from the local agent, Mr. Enos B.| Rohrer. | ret eee i Change in Market | Beginning next Wednesday the | mid-week market will be held at 8:30 | a. m. every Wednesday during the | Summer instead of in the afterno as heretofore. Taken to Hospital | Miss Fannie Strickler of near town was taken to the Hospital at Lancas- | Marriage Licenses Issued Richard T. Parson and Blanche A. Bailey, both of this place. The money you pay for your ticket | So do your share to help pack a The following program will be ren- School on Easter Sunday, March 31: Prayer; Prayer; Men’s Chorus; Hymn, 32 9;| will be taken without insurance and (C. O. D. privileges. pre from the factory there. |and their friends are specially invited ithe Church year. There will be! . | special decorations for the occasion. etl eee 2 TRAINS LATE NEXT SUNDAY | Leave on Old Schedule, But Clocks | Jump at 2 A. M. Washington, D. C. March 26— 1 Most night trains technically will be {one hour late next Sunday morning jas a result of the changing of time yunder the new daylight saving bill. Director General McAdoo has or- dered railroads to move their clocks ahead one hour at 2 o’clock Sunday morning in conformity with the law. Trains will leave destinations Satur- day night at the old time. ll A Declaration of Independence The third number of the Red Cross Star Course, a home talent entertain- ment will be given in Mount Joy Hall Friday evening, April 5th. This num- {ber consists of a play entitled “A Declaration of Independence” given by ten ladies from the Monday Night Club and two drills, a Japanese Drill and a Pumpkin Drill, by chil- dren from the Primary Schools. The {chart for this entertainment will open iat noon Tuesday, April 2nd at Gar- iber’s Drug Store. | Quite a Bit Better The mail carriers of this place on | their second trip, deliver mail the | entire length of Main street, instead {of just between the LaPierre House on West Main street and the Union | National Bank on East Main street. | They began this on Thursday of last i week, Mar. 21st and it proves of great advantage to those business {places that received mail only twice ja day up to this date. Slow as Years Ago Mr. M. C. Bowman of this place, sent a box containing Christmas goods to his nephew John Bowman, to these most important services of | Mrs. Rupert of Mechanicsburg, and Mrs. Hutton of Lancaster, spent last Tuesday as the guests of Mrs. Bless- ling. | Corporal Omar G. Kramer of Camp Meade, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kramer, here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherbohn and Mrs. Conley of Lancaster, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Pennell. Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. Abram Rhinehold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eichelberger. Mrs. Ed. Wilhelm and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Drace of Elizabethtown, were Sunday visitors to Mr. F. B. Groff and family. Miss Mary Weaver of Cordelia, spent several days here with Harry Beamesderfer and family on New Haven street. ; Mrs. Edward McGee of Philadel- phia and Mrs. Solomon of Harris burg, were guests of Mrs. Amos Gar- ber on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seaman and daughter, Catherine were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Hicker- nell at Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Will Christ and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Geib and children spent Sunday at the home of Irvin Ober. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbel and daughter, Miss Clara spent the week-end at Lancaster, visiting Mr. Fred Schaeffer and family. Miss Minerva Helen Martin, super- intendent of Despondency of the Harrisburg Hospital, spent the week end here with Mrs. E. F. Baker. Miss Gladys Flowers left Monday for Washington, D. C., where she will make her future home. Her mother left last week for the same place. Mr. M. B. Mishey and Miss Sarah Mishey are spending some time in Atlantic City. Mr. Mishey is con- valescing after an attack of erysip- elas. Private William C. Bowman, whe was stationed at Camp Greene, Char- lotte, N. C., visited friends here over who is somewhere in France. The box was sent by mail Nov. 16, 1917! so as to be sure it would reach its destination in time. Word from Mr. | Bowman disclosed the fact that he re-| ceived his Xmas box March 1st, 1918, . just three and a-half months late. ahs ot — i Will Change Jobs Mr. Benjamin Hawthorne, who has been chaffeur on Mr. Clarence Schock’s oil truck for many years, will resign his job April 1st and will accept a similar position with Mr. Ezra Engle, driving his big stone truck. ! tl MEO Are At Toledo, Ohio On Sunday Mr. M. B. Hiestand of | 1 | this place, accompanied by John Bru- [than twenty miles ‘baker of Rapho, and a number of |also receive additional compensation other dealers from this section left for Toledo, Ohio, where they will drive home a dozen or more Over- the week-end. He is now encamped in N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit and daughters, Mabel and Mildred and grand daughter Bernice were guests of Mr. Fred Kuhn and family at Elizabethtown on Sunday. etl THE RURAL LETTER CARRIERS MAY GET AN INCREASE Washington, March 22—Rural let- ter-carriers receiving $1,200 a year or less are granted an increase of twenty per cent. by an amendment tentatively added to the postal in- crease bill to-day by the House. Rural carriers whose routes are more in length would of $24 a year for each mile more than twenty that they are required to travel each day. | has the bill under discussion. The House still
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