PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 29,2013 New times for DUMC Sunday School The Dallas United Methodist There are classes for all age groups Church Sunday School has started a and everyone is invited to join the new date and time. Children will now children for this hour of learning and meet at 6 p.m. on Saturdays. fellowship. Children will be involved week and deliver them after church. The Outreach Commission of Prince of Peace Episcopal Church, Dallas sponsored a raffle to take place at the recent Dallas Harvest Festival, benefiting The Back Mountain Food Pantry. Members of the congregation donated funds and gift cards which were artistically arranged by Kimberly Floral into a gift basket which garnered a significant monetary donation for the Food Pantry. The winning raffle ticket was held by Donna Cerza, of Dallas. Donna Cerza wins POP raffle efiting The Back Mountain Floral into a gift basket Children ot the Dallas United Methodist Church Sunday School are 2 Tanner Manzoni, iow Letiloe, Hanna Letukas, Alison oven, Mason Kivler, Audrey Stambaugh, Alexander Liparela and Nikolas Spencer. PEOPLE BRIEFS he Outreach in many projects throughout the year. Children in grades four through eight will prepare meals for shut-ins each t a i Fp | i ¥ bi 1 i b il i] 14 ! sn of Prince of Food Pantry. which garnered a signifi- PERON GRADUATES of Mission Integration. service to Misericordia as appointed dean of students. Peace Episcopal Church, = Members of the congrega- cant monetary donation for ~~ Shavertown resident _ In her new position, Sister assistant to the dean of stu- Since 2006, she has served Dallas sponsored a raffle tion donated funds and gift the Food Pantry. The win- Robert Peron received a Messaros will be respon- dentsin the 1980s. Afterserv- on the president's executive to take place at the recent cards which were artisti- ning raffle ticket was held bachelor of science degree in sible for mission and mercy ing in a leadership role for the cabinet as vice president Dallas Harvest Festival, ben- cally arranged by Kimberly by Donna Cerza, of Dallas. athletic training from King’s integration throughout the Dallas Mercy Community, Student Affairs where College at the college’s sum- university community. She she returned to Misericordia also served for two years as mer commencement cer- Will work closely with faculty, as assistant dean of stu- part-time director of Mission | emony. staff and students to strength- dents and subsequently was Integration. ‘Diptych’ on display at library The September art wall display at the Back Mountain Memorial Library is a diptych oil painting on canvas by Liz Kluesner of Lake Ariel. This “diptych” (which means two pic- tures that form one piece of art) is a first for the library’s art wall. Its size of 4 feet x 6 feet is a pleasant enhancement to the library’s reference room and its timely portrayal of “fall” adds a sense of seren- ity as we approach the autumn season. Liz tells us she is inspired by nature and this currently-displayed diptych rep- resents how she felt standing outside among trees in their full autumn glory with the wind rustling through them. Liz is a graduate of Marywood University where she received a BFA Liz Kluesner, of Lake Ariel, is displaying a ‘diptych’ at the Back Mountain Memorial Library this month. in painting. Presently, she is pursuing a Masters Degree in Library Science from Clarion University. 2013 MODEL YEAR END SALES EVENT All prices exclude special rate finan $27,820 NOW ONLY: 3VW637A14DM239276 | 14 AVAILABLE AT $29,290 40'mrc EPAHIGHWAY ESTIMATE NOW ONLY: IVWBN7A35DC045674 Wyoming Valley Motors Route 11, Larksville, PA 570-288-7411 $22,976 $25973 NAMED TO NEW POST Misericordia ~~ University has named Sister Jean Messaros, RSM, of Dallas, to the position of vice president (Tae N [oP eTale If (oTe [aa MTpYei [016 [Ye MENTS! en the university's commit ment to and understanding of the institution's Catholic and Mercy traditions. A member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy for 47 years, Sister Messaros began her ealer for details Exp res 30) 13 WAS NOW ONLY: 3VWS5P7AT7DM828663 ONLY: 3VWIP7ATXDMé679602 Mo-Chorge Scheduled Maintenonce | Veltman Cores Mebwurames for Yor 24000 Mis ion, Soom smal EY #5 4 PIZZA o AND SHI CLIT HANDIVADERHANDIEAKE $25,950 $22,897 $2260 $18,986 MOREY -. Das Auto.
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