Sunday, September 15, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 11 All-Stars finish as D-31 runnerup BMT’ Navy wins Exeter Tournament \ Al-Stm i wid ay | ALSTAE The Back Mountain Little League 9/10 Softball All-Stars finished as the District 31 runnerup. Back Mountain lost the District 31 championship game to the team from Greater Wyoming Area. From left, first row, are Morgan MacNeely, Emily Smith, Sommer Zier-Norris, Maura Berecin, Carley Kavanagh, Madyson Pendolphi. Second row, Alison Francis, Kaci Hockenberry, Riley Egan, Sydney Hornlein, Brooke Cooper, Julia Kocher, Lyndsey Hornlein. Third row, Assistant Coach Scott Berecin, Coach John Hornlein, Manager Larry Egan, Coach Larry Smith and Assistant Coach Jeff Hockenberry. Back Mountain Navy All Star Team captured the championship of the Exeter8/9 Year Old Tournament. The team undefeatedin the tournament where 23 local teams participated. Back Mountain Navy defeated Kingston/Forty Fort, 7-1, in the championship game. From left, first row, are Jacob Seymour, Ayden Berndt, Braydon Saracino, Nick Nocito, Lilly Lombardo, Ben Bradley. Second row, Will Youngman, Jake Koretz, Ty Federici, Mike Murray, Jackson Wydra and Chris Killian. Third row, Head Coach Chuck Youngman, Assistant Coaches Joe Nocitio, Steve Federici and Jason Killian. The Newberry Ladies’ Golf League held its annual “Pink Ball” Tournament for cancer on Aug. 5. Money raised this year through mem- ber donations was given to Candy’s Place, The Center for Cancer Wellness, Forty Fort. Shown here are co-chairpersons Peg Thomas and Karen Masley (Marsha Paczewski, absent) pre- senting a check for $532 to Chris Ostrowski, director of Candy’s Place. Absent at the time of the photo was Marsha Paczewski, tourna- ment co-chairperson. The league offers thanks to Mary’s Floral, Curves, Pizza Perfect, Sakari and Brian Llewellyn for their donations of goods or services. BMT National All-Stars Members of the Back Mountain National 11-12 All-Star Team are, from left, first row, Dylan Wesley, Freddie Lombardo, Nic Bufalino, Kyle Hromisin, E.J Williams, Justin James. Second row, Alex Kapral, Matt Dillon, Nick Kachur, Zach Bloom, Kris Smiga, Jack Farrell. Third row, Coach Brian Wesley, Manager Anton Kachur, Coach Eric Williams and Coach Ron Hromisin. Absent at the time of the photo was Ian Evans. HIGH SPEED INTERNET available | EVERYWHERE! Get speeds as FAST as 15mbps were aia loR(elr1111)'@ 2-13 {=I dh dat-To Wo [I=] EV] o | RULEEERTED Starting at $49.99/mo INET ET RATA 44 "1 1 33{ HIGH SPEED * INTERNET by SATELLITE 3 \ The Storm of the Back Mountain Little League won the 2013 Minor League Softball championship. Team Storm finished their season with a record of 13-2 and defeated team Lightning, 3-2 in the season’s playoff ¢hampionship game. From left, first row, are Victoria Spaciano, Carolyne Wintersteen, Sophia DePolo, Mallory McGeehan, Emily Smith. Second row, Manager Larry Egan, Grace O’Donnell, Dayna Ulicny, Abby Jayne, Riley an, Amy Supey, Molly Jenkins and Coach Larry Smith. Absent at time of photo was Mimi Bendick. Newberry Ladies hold Pink Ball Tournament CALL NOW and GO FAST! 1-877-358-7040 Mon-Fri 8am-11pm « Sat 9am-8pm + Sun 10am - 6pm EST The Newberry Ladies’ League held its Pink Ball Golf Tournament for cancer on Aug. 5. From left, first row, are Peg Thomas, Joyce Lloyd, Sharron Davis, Marie Kruska, Judy Schall, Ruth Federici, Karen Masley, Jean Brennan. Second row, Joan Britt, Lillian McManus, Marge Schmidt, Peg Mihalick, Emily J. Intelicato, Sandy Richardson, Alice Niskey, MaryLou Evans, Patti Watkins, Beverly Connolly, Libby Sutton, Helen Davis, Sylvia Hughes, Marsha Paczewski. Third row, JoAnn Campbell, Madelyn Hughes, Diana Dreher, Janet Dent, Patty O'Neill, Nancy Silvi, Jane Lloyd, Beth Rosenthal, Sheila McFadden, Betty Ready for the Greismer, Jane Jones and Nancy Brown. e Newberry Ladies’ Schmidt. Longest Drive reague held its Pink Ball Golf Tournament for can- cer on Aug. 5. First-place winners was the foursome Sheila McFadden, Jane Jones, Libby Sutton and Judy Schall. Second place went to Ruth Federici, MaryLou Evans, Jean Brennan and Sylvia Hughes. Third place was captured by Sharron Davis, Alice Niskey, Lillian McManus and Joyce Lloyd. “Pretty in Pink” prize awarded to Marge was by Sheila McFadden. Closest to the line was won by Patti Watkins and closest to the pin was Sheila McFadden. “Closest to the hole on the putting green” was won by Janie Intelicato, second was Judy Schall. Chairpersons were Karen Masley, Marsha Paczewski and Peg Thomas. Members made dona- tions to Candy’s Place, The Center for Cancer Wellness in Fordy Fort. Uherpec td?” FREE! Extended Warranty on 8kW {fo 5 Years=3$495 Value) AN Get a FREE In-Home OTN Estimate today! 6-Month Same~as-Cash 1-888-459-3345 fy Auli Offer good thrpugh 11/1/13. No cash value, limit one offer per household. See website for details. % a oa] tis pee
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