PAGE 12 The Dallas Post SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 ARKEI PLACE Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors Commercial Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Roofing & Siding ANNUITY.COM UNITED BREAST CANCER - LEGAL NOTICE Guaranteed Income For Your FOUNDATION: Jim Harden , ; 5 3 Retirement DONATE YOUR CAR - FAST - - aomial ovules tor £16.95. Avoid market isk & get guar: FREE TOWING S10-2886702. $19.89 and business service nd anteed income for retirement! 24 Hr. Response - Tax Rubber, Slate, Gutters, for $16.53-$31.72. Other LAKE AMERICA REALTY canto PHEE Sony a ou Deduction c G Chimney Repairs. ) us ITED BREAST CANCER redit Cards Accepte es and surcharges NUANGOLA LAND RENTALS Annuity UN Shy FREE ESTIMATES! single party service, touch FOR SALE 1 Month Free Rent Quotes from A-Rated Providing Free Mammograms Ini tone, toll blocking, access to (#3 Summit Street and (Qualified Applicant) companies! 800-423-0676 & Breast Cancer Info long distance, emergency ser- vices, operator assistance, and directory assistance. Use of these services may result in additional charges. Budget or economy services may also be available. If you have any questions regarding Frontier's rates or services, please call us at 1-800-921-8101 for fur- ther information or visit us at 2 adjacent lots): Half acre of ideally located mountaintop corner lots w/ lake views and shared dock. Asking $74.9k; no reasonable offer refused. Call Jennifer at 570-760-1622 for serious offers only. Apartments /Townhouses FORTY FORT RETAIL (GLASS FRONT) STORE. WYOMING AVE. $850. month. 2 YEARS SAME RENT. A MONTH FREE RENT (QUALIFIED) APPLICATION REQUIRED. DETAILS CALL 570-288-1422 Notices JUNK CARS & TRUCKS Vito & Gino’s Free Pick Up 570-288-8995 Attorney FREE Bankruptcy Consultation Payment plans. Carol Baltimore 570-283-1626 Travel Entertainment Black Lake, NY Come relax & enjoy great fish- ing & tranquility at it’s finest. Housekeeping cottages on the water with all the amenities of home. Need A Vacation? Call Now! (315) 375-8962 Money To Lend “We can erase your bad credit - 100% GUARANTEED.” Attorneys for the Federal Trade Commission say they've never seen a legitim- WILKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 1,2,3&4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! Certain Restrictions Apply* Houses For Rent CANADA DRUGS: Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order phar- macy will provide you with sav- ings of up to 75 percent on all your medications needs. Call today 1-800-341-2398 for $10.00 off your first prescrip- tion and free shipping. WILKES-BARRE 72. W. River St. FORTY FORT AMERICA REALTY RENTALS 1ST MONTH FREE RENT (Qualified Applicants) EXCELLENT INVENTORY - CALL 570-288-1422 NO PETS, EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION,. APPLICA- TION, FREE FIRST MONTH (QUALIFY) HOME $900/mo + utilities. Edwardsville/Kingston APT $500 month + utilities. Plains/W-B Call for details, others. LEHMAN IDETOWN ROAD 2 bedrooms, laundry facilities on site. No pets. $900 month. 1st month & security required. Available now. 570-639-0967 or 570-574-6974 DISH: DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where avail- able.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL NOW! 1-800-734-5524 MEDICAL GUARDIAN: Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. Free Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 855-850-9105 Tiny Treasure Chest. 888-928-2362 Want To Buy LEATHER BELT, 16' to 17', 2 ply, 6" wide & 3/8" thick. 570-675-2618 Appliances 1 : : a Repalrs # Maintenance # Construction oo A.R.T. 179 Lewis Ave, Trucksville, PA 18708 Telephone 570.696.1307 APPLIANCE — sons ‘We DEP AIR PHONE: (370) 823-2211 Shop -h All repairs guaranteed FAX: (570) 824-0553 Reick s Body Ji 570-639-3001 Pender Benders & Springhill oY Service SAU OR NICK os Ea PA Ter0s : Parging, Brick Work, Stainless SICEIN®alaela l=), Liners, Chimney Sweep. New Location! 296 Main Street, Dupont. 570-471-3742 Hauling & Trucking J MY COMPUTER WORKS: My Computer Works Computer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.- based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-888-781-3386 OMAHA STEAKS: ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door A.S.A.P Hauling Estate Cleanouts, Attics, Cellars, Garages. Specializing in Wedding Gowns « Prom - Mother of the Bride Gowns Transformed into Fabulous Dresses rn WE Cem Cm Cem Wr Rees? Rann Re Rent ns Wen mn ep? Rens Warmed on $ | ALTERATIONS PLUS : By Lucia 570-709-8582 5. In Home Service & Delivery = 27 Years Experience Free Estimates, Same Day! 570-855-4588 FOSTER PARENTING CONSIDERED IT ? CALL CONCERN 800-654-6180 HAVE YOU SIBLING GROUPS Newly refurbished, large & very charming 3 bedroom dwelling in Historic Mansion in a beautiful neighborhood. Central Air & Heat. Off-street parking, Hardwood floors, new kitchen & appliances. Hot wa- ter included. $1,240 + security. Omaha Steaks! SAVE 74% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The Family Value Combo - Only $39.99. ORDER Today 1-888-721-9573, use code 48643XMD - or 9 ate credit repair operation. No one can legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a con- scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at fic. gov/credit. A message Pets BEAGLE PUPPIES AKC registered. Males and Females, Tri-color, shots, wormed and vet checked. $250 each. 570-467-3683 NATIONAL from The Times Leader and the 570-991-1619 = me MARKETPLACE Drivers & Delivery READY FOR MY QUOTE CABLE: DRIVERS SAVE on Cable TV-Internet- Are You Still Paying Too Much Make the Switch to DISH New Higher Pay! JUNK NL Digital Phone-Satellite. You've For Your Medications? Local Hazleton Runs! Got A Choice! Options from Today and Save CDL-A. 1 yr Exp. Re & TRUC | ( ALL major service providers. You can save up to 75% when you fill your o =3y D. Fee. | prescriptions at our Canadian and U To 50 4 Estenson Logistics h es , Call us to learn more! Pp 0 Apply: Vito & Gino’s Free Pickup CALL TODAY. 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CDL-A 1year Experi- ence Preferred. Whitebread Trucking, Sugarloaf, PA: 570-788-4183 Maintenance / Domestic All offers require 24-month commitment and credit qualification. Call 7 days a week 8am - 11pm EST Promo Code: MB0513 *Offer subject to change based on premium movie channel availability Use of these services is subject to the Terms of Use and accompanying policies at Medical Alert {08 Seniors Flat Roofs ® Shingles ® Siding Free Estimates °® Licensed & Insured Fix Your Computer Now! We'll Repair Your Computer Through The Internet! HIC# PA-005521 Medical Alert ONLY Monitoring % 24/7 Solutions For: month Slow Computers ® E-Mail & Printer Problems MAI NTE NANCE Spyware & Viruses ¢ Bad Internet Connections PERSON *Fre «Easy § Eipment roy otip Affordable Rates © PRM, Inc. located at 102 N. es Fron Shipping Service For Home Main St., Old Forge, is look- LL 5 ing for a part time mainten- - Firep lace & Stove Sho HELP AT THE PUSH & Business ance person to handle main- . tenance in and around our 5 “7 O- EO A Sd py Ap A 6 Pv CI eT Call Now For Immediate Help 7,500 sq. ft. building. Can- ’ good Housekeeping didate must have reliable EELS PA Just off Route 309 es) 888-781-3386 transportation and be willing i Siti x to work a flexible “on-call” Call Today: $2500 Off Service schedule as an independent 1-855-850-9105 Mention Code: MB contractor. Please contact Sherry @570-457-7020 for more details and to set up an interview. Wage is $10 gC Cowm—ry WEARTLAND QUALITY OMAHA STEAKS per hour. 1099 issued at \ Sic year end. hn - The Favorite Medical/Health Feast CAREGIVERS Like us on facebook: www. Deleurs 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons 2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers 4 Stuffed Baked Potatoes 4 Caramel Apple Tartlets 48643XMD List $154.00, Now ons 4999 Omaha Steaks Burgers Limit of 2 packages & 4 FREE burgers per address. Standard S&H will be applied. Free Burgers must ship with orders of $49 or more. Offer expires 11/15/13. ©2013 OCG | 15602 | Omaha Steaks, Inc. Call Free 1-888-721-9573 /mbff69 Looking for compassionate people to assist the elderly in their homes. Personal care and transportation required. All shifts and flexible hours available. Call 338-2681 or visit to apply. Houses For Sale BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Would you like to deliver newspapers as an Independent Contractor under an agreement with THE TIMES LEADER? . Trucksville DALLAS/LEHMAN 2 bedroom, 1 bath, New Windows, Roof, porches and siding. Remodeled kitchen. 5 Acres. $159,000 NEG. 570-675-0498 -888- 929 9254 OPERATORS AVAILABLE 24 / 7 Tn IS YOUR RETIREMENT SAFE Donate Your Car! Call Now 888-928-2362 Count the You will need 2 things when you retire: Money you Fastiree Pick Up + Guaranteed Monthly Income ey 3» Shavertown : og 24 Hour Response ’ — BS « Protection from Market Risk oy PNtteds . Lehman/ Hary veys fle | LJ Glen Lyon Call 7 days a week “ou is iri og EY Lig + Lee Park « South Wilkes-Barre Mariiuin Jay any any Call Jim McCabe to make an appointment Non SunnGrs OK QEALLNOW Se Habla Espanol at 550-970-7450
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