PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 15, 2013 Dallas football team members Greg Miller, right, and Dave Simpson package macaroni and cheese dinners with teammates. BILL TARUTIS/FOR THE DALLAS POST Rotary Golf Classic set The 30th Annual Dallas Rotary Club’s Golf Classic to support Dallas Rotary Charities will be held at the Irem Country Club, Dallas on Monday, Sept. 23 beginning with a shot- gun start at 12:30. Chairman Kevin Smith, co-chair Kerry Freeman and all club members are looking for hole sponsors and players. The sponsor- ship donation is $100 and the players’ entry fee is $110. The format is cap- tain and crew. Individuals are welcome and will be teamed up with others in a group. Call Kevin Smith at 696- 5420 for more informa- PRICED TO SELL! tion and an entry form. Sponsors are asked to respond by Sept. 16 to allow enough time for proper sign printing. Players are also urged to respond by Sept. 16 for the Rotary Club to deter- mine how many will be in attendance at a delicious seafood and steak dinner with all the trimmings fol- lowing the tournament. An awards ceremony and raffle will take place at the end of the day. Chestnut Acres Horses Creating a good trail partner for you Starting Horses « Lessons Exercise Programs e Trail Rides Available « Certified drainer 570- 690- 23 16, Noxen, PA FoR Providing Compassionate Care To You and Your Family Call Today For A Tour At #% Mercy Center 675-2131 Sponsors by the Sisters of Mercy 7. CNW. Org Pierce Street \ MOTORS? PEK MELES ~ LEATHER mac & cheese Dallas High School football players participate in community project E= year the Dallas High School varsity football team participates in a community project. This year, the team participated in the “Mac & Cheese and A, B C’s” sponsored by the United Way, Salvation Army and the | Women’s Leadership Council. Football players came out in full force on a Saturday morning to help pack 46,000 meals for hungry children and improve their opportunities to learn. 822-8158 (570) poze 4 Ws | — SIE LE BECE Rr arm {16 Canericn Reed nly Pre-Owned Inven ry 543 PIERCE ST. » KINGSTON, PA 18704 (570) 288-3000 LINE NEW « JUST SERVICER CLEAN « GREAT MPG LOW IES » JUST SERVICED 4 h ARvalnane = o DEALER *RRYMENTS BAS £D ON 6.9% INTEREST FOR H0 MONTHS WITH $1,000 DOWN TASH OR TRADE. NOT ALL BUY- ERS WiLL QUALIPY. WTEREST RATE BASED DN CREDIT SCORE, FINANCING BASED ON OUR PRIMARY LENDER. roan ow lx 0. |
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