PAGE 12 Sunday, October 14, 2012 THE DALLAS POST ARKEIPLACE*| ster” 300 Personal Services 500 Employment 700 Merchandise 900 Real Estate : 400 Automotive 600 Financial 800 Pets & Animals 1000 Service Directory To place a Classified ad: Call 570-829-7130 or 1-800-273-7130 Email: got A ¥ i y #3 fo i i 100 Announcements 200 Auctions REESE 380 Travel | 412 Autos for Sale | 439 Motorcycles | 533 Installation/ | 554 Proudction/ 744 Furniture & | 758 Miscellaneous 815 Dogs | Maintenance/ perations Accessories | ( . CHURCH PEWS i BEDROOM churc ews for i | GT CONVERTIBLE SCOOTER SUITE. 5 piece sale @ $45/ft or © LAB PUPS 3 Red with black Bassett. Walnut Paws @ $2400 OBO BOO 1 bisek male S2r0 i NYC/ RADIO CITY 10n.8,500 hiles. i D0 iri Spiritual Center 140 | FARK FN IRS Hl 1 Christmas Show One Owner. AEP industries, triple dresser I) S Grant Street 1 Veteran's Day, 11/12 Excellent Condi- Inc., a leading op host Wilkes-Barre, PA i) $85 Lus/tioker. $32 | | tion. $17,500 CRUSHING & SCREENING | suppiier of flexible | || “ia'ers): Set (I | 18702 For more info. | 815 Dogs ¢ bus only. 574-6375 S570-7¢0:5833 EQUIPMENT PRCKaging has drawers) 2 night gall Marilynn g70- : i immediate stands (2 draw- - or - v [ ¢ i ALL JUNK SERVICE TECHNICIAN openings for ers in each). 269-2914. & i $250 Y 4.7 4 * Must have knowl- | All ready to ride, dge of hydraulics, C 870-075-5046 4 VEHICLES BW 00i Lamy |e, IMCHINE * x kk T tic t ission, ° P ibl ight WANTED! FVONDAI 5 | | mate ranemission, | : possivic overnight | (\DEDATORS sinter, FOR SALE 84.000 miles luggage trunk, * Must be flexible Emberglo Vent- + CALL ANYTIME leather, excellent | | under seat storage, | with hours Starting at $ 9/hour CHAIRS, (2) Free Wall Mount P AWS 906 Homes for Sale condition, includes around 100 mpg, Please fax resume | _ pLUS .50¢/hour Genuine Propane Heater. + HONEST PRICES power train Tully street legal, all il. 10/870-270-5792 . | night shift differen leather, cus- 2 Sl IS Having trouble TR warranty. $7,000 Ty any taffi tial; Working Ful. tom made Call 570-417 S070 10 CONSIDER Eanes ig 70) 262-091 ’ . ti 12 i - “@ allin + FREE REMOVAL 406 ATVs/Dune (570) 262-0919 570-817-2952 Mes shih nag % a ir tiinpad “id Lo id! on your . d k ks. lik . $550 i A payments? ou CASH P AID Buggies \"V Ee HARLEY “0 DAVIDSON El ...., Every other Yweek- ? pcg 570-301-3602 ENHANCE may get mail from % 548 Medical/Health | ed 2 must. 570-675-5046 (o/. \ Mf BN § £1 YOUR PET people who promise WRT HAWK 2011 UTILITY ATV ALL SPORTSTER CUSTOM BE TO JUNK CLASSIFIED | to forestall your Ahlen ll Be Ho ; s a Ma - oreclosure for a fee 3() 301 2602 is Loud Pipes. ator ee Pil LINE UP YOUR CAR AD ONLINE in advance: Report 2 ’ i t, em to the Federa y ’ JUN | 4 oa ies» Yeo, T004 hic A oe ASUCCESSFUL AF BEST PRICES Call 829-7130 Trade Commission, d ifi- t tion’ - seventy four uc Loo at IN THE AREA Place your pet ad Bi aon 570-301-3602 CALL US! Gry ; - { SASH owner. $8000. how to use a tape more Picku on A mes- TO JUNK NEW Fy size 2 570-876-2816 CLINICAL DIRECTOR measure and scale, Do youneed space? 570-301 HR 502 This will create a sage from The adu . Strong and be a TEAM seller account Times Leader and YOUR CAR stroke motor. CVT (=7\\ D To place your a oA 4 PLAYER. Previous Ayard or garage sale online and login the FTC. fully automatic ad Call Toll Free | services is seeking | manufacturing in classified 762 Musical | information will be . BEST PRICES transmission with lified A i experience pre- ; emailed to you from Shopping for a INTHE AREA | ‘overse ciecinc | RJIRRIIIERIIIJY | 1-800-427-8649 | Seiied Buccs, | RRei™ sonemt | sthebestuay Instruments | * coe oomn | row spammer? ASH ON THE SPOT, start. Front & rear { to provide clinical Package includes: | CLARINET Artle “The World of Pets Te: : Free Aytime LoS 22ge racks, ; SUZUKI 01 VS 800 support and super- Medical, Dental, ocean outyour cosets solid wood, oi Unleashed” Classified ets, : ickup ng a hams n= | SUBARU ‘04 vision. This position | Vision, Life Insur- You're in bussiness with case & 4 new you compare Costs 570-301-3602 onl wid a FORESTER XT GL INTRUDER Wil be responsible carom, Hol- with classified! reeds. $175. Ar anuse without hassle LOST. Cat, mature lights. Perfect for dig dh iy metrical Garage kept, no Oro a aoe nd Applications EE — Call 570.275.0400 enhance your online or worry! female, microchip- | hunters & trail rid- | ied “4 cylinder | [rust lots off | Wyoming Counties. accepted daily @ 744 Furniture & ad. Post up to 6 Get moving ped, long hair, tan | ers alike. BRAND NEW | pack 'metallic/ black | [chrome, black with| | Please review the | AEP INDUSTRIES, we captioned photos with classified! with black, Chase & READY TO RIDE. grey interior, remote | [teal green flake.|| full description and INC. Accessories | 772 Pools & Spas of your pet ! Corners Area, Jack $1,995 takes it Stertor heated | Nrclides. Storacs apply online. 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Expand your text to HANOVER TWP. son Twp. away. soals alloy wheels : g www.Ki ton 20 Elmwood Ave DEN HOT TUB. Jacuzzi, 6 include more [0 570-696-2797 570-817-2982 . 1 Foon MOY kage. | [2K 2 2 helmets, ET Crestwood FURNITURE person, green with | information, include F OF Sale Wilkes-Barre AM/FM /6-CD. AC. $3600 EOE Industrial Park Wood/cloth. Rea- 1 | cover. 1° jets, 1 hp your contact pl Sher igi 4 : 570-410-1026 Mountaintop, PA Jorn, ned motor, 230 VAC. information such 4 PARK STREET 120 Found \ original owner - P, ular size sofa A Ranch, 3 bedr TOMAHAWK 11 excellent condition, YAMAH A ‘07 Let the Community Email vo chair and pin Codi 1 bath. inlining Fi4000. 70-81 Place Your asian Ar ph ettoman, Gofise $1,200. Avoca. OF Website. Gas heat, 2 car LIKE 4 "1 ROYALSTAR 1300 Ad TODAY! EOE * A drug free 2pble,2 en 570-457-1979 garage. $96 00 NEW 570-829-7130 workplace ‘condition. $325 Say HERE biti) : 12.000 miles. With Soe Sone pion, LINE UP in the Classifieds! | indshield. R for all. : ] TOYOTA 03 NR oy id 570-675-5046 A GREAT DEAL 570-829-7130 Used Tires HGHLANDER | Signer saa INCLASSIFIED! | 250 General Auction 250 General Auction ~~ | unfighter seat, : in leather bags, extra Looking for the right deal CE ad nh (=F Yas-1gl(--0 | ATV, 110 CC. Brand White. pipes. New tires & g 9 New Tomahawk | Original Owner. battery. Asking OFFICE NURSE on an automobile? ; for $20 Kg Quad. Only Garage kept. SPO AI Bucy moicel fr ad Turn to classified. Palletized Bluestone/ 695 takes it away! | Excellent condition. re v i > : . in pri H & Up evo Duay | Excsleidisondtio tice seoking part | |JIELIREIE bibod NS SH is asiowoons pin Flagstone Auction IKE urse. wre 570.677.3802 | 342 RUS & Campers | send resumes to: “NELSON + | the ditectond (550) Pallets of Cut Stone/ VITO’S 409 Autos under : Tie Times Leader | 1920 Mency Team TY RNITURE : Land si St y 550 3 Box 4170 * anascape one s5000 | | TOON ‘04 CELICAGT | | FORESTRVER'GB | Por eet | “We can erase | 1 WAREMOUSE - | 765 Wanted to Buy 3fuiscap 120 & 112K miles. Blue, 5TH WHEEL Wilkes-Barre, PA | your bad credit - | | it choirs from $699 Merchandise For: Johnson Quarries, Inc. 5 speed. Air, 18711-0250 100% GUARAN- New and'Used Le Raysville, PA 18829 [¢] | (\ [@] Ss power Model So2CRLS TEED.” Attorneys Living Room BUYING SPORT L ARDS (Lawton / Wyalusing Area) 949 Wyoming Ave. windows/locks, ounain Top: for a si deral Dinettes, Bedroom Pay Cash for Saturday, October 20, 2012, 9:30 AM Forty Fort I or 570-760-6341 Sly ther Ve Nader 210 Division St baseball, football, Auction To Be Held At Johnson Quarries, 288 8995 roof, new battery. | | — seen a legitimate | og Bra 3507 basketball, hockey 15962 Route 467, Stevensville, PA. From y ) Car drives and 451 Trucks/ credit repair opera- end & non-sports. Lawton: Take Route 706 To 467, Go 2 Miles 0 has current PA : tion. No one can Sets, singles & to Auction Site. From Wyalusing: Take LINE UP F RD 9 inspection. Slight Suvs/¥ans Therapeutic legally feMOve Wai, Also buying Route 706 To Route 467. rust on corner of { accurate and timely : 550) Pallets Of Quality Bluest Pat N 0 assenger door. FORD 02 EXPLORER information from 570-212-0398 ( se ualify Bluestone, Pat: A SUCCESSFUL SALE ol 130 PS Serge By Red, XLT, Original Staff Support your credit report. tern Pavers, Landscape Stone, Etc., (550) IN CLASSIFED! 91K. 4.8 engine, hard acceleration. | | non-smoking owner, | Immediate opening | It’s a process that Including: Thermal Full Colored Pattern, | Do you need more space? auto. Runs i is why its garaged, synthetic | for therapeutic Stat Stats yin you ang FURNITURE SALE Including 1’ x 1’ x 17, I” x 18” x 1” Plus : ; ousands less oil since new, excel- support. Flexible 3 . Di i i : A yard or garage sale Son ow than Blue Book | | lent in and out. New | hours, competitive | conscious effort to | 3 piece reclining ier A ensieny Tail % Fa in classified body with metal value. $6,500 tires and battery. salary, serious pay your debts. | sectional, maroon, O ect 2 4 guar Ju is the best way floor. 570-675- OBO. Make an 90,000 miles. inquiries only. Learn about manag- | cup holder, maga- Color Irregular Tumbled; Lilac Irregular / | 5046. Leave offer! Call $7,500 Competitive wages. | ing credit and debt | ;ihe holder, paid Standup; Lilac Colonial; Lilac Pattern, 1” & fo dean out your closets! message, will 570-592-1629 (570) 403-3016 Send resume to: at ftc. Wg A | $2700 asking $700 as %”, Tumbled Pavers, 1’ x 1’ & 1’ x 18”; You're in bussiness return call. Ati Jane Andrews ti ES or obo. Dark wood din- . Creek Stone; Snapped Colonial; Other Asst. with classified! $4495. 415 Autos-Antique eV Pony For ng ea the FTC. ing room suite 7 Types & Varieties; Palletized Stone To Be ‘ . & Classic | 457 W i Atin: Jane Andrews pieces with match- ot Sold By The Pallet Or By Square Ft. And 150 Special Notices | WERCURY “79 ZEPHYR anted to Buy Or small ing hutch - set Take The Pallet Full. Alike Pallets & T / | i 3 ypes S Cvinder ‘ Auto includes table, leaf, Will Be Offered By The Pallet And Buyer y CHEVY ‘30 HOTROD COUPE (570) 288-8795 4 ch 2 captai : ’ y automatic. $47,000 oi ws gt ain ° Can Take Multiple Pallets. Selling Arrange- 52k original miles. GREAT DEALS! er a Other prank nH Pi ments Will Depend On Types, Varieties And a . ! | k asking DD obo A Way Stone Is Palletized. Types, Sizes, Sell- MERCEDES ‘29 (0 1p] 700 All furniture only > Sell it in The ing Terms & Other Pertinent Info Will Be ; ; In Detailed Catalog On Our Website ADOPT 412 Autos for Sale on TRADE Ca rs & MERCHANDISE Te Pave a Times Leader www.manass 3 he Adopting your AUDI ‘07 A4 2.0 | JUST REDUCED T k moving from Penn- Classified Loading Of Stone: Stone Will Be Loaded newborn is our I | TURBO, "98,000 (570) 655-4884 (gl ¥ [od €3 coupting Sriow || 708 Antiques & | sylvania to Arizona. section For Buyer Free Of Charge For 2 Weeks Fol- onic. snlless milgs, ’ automatic, MAZD A "88 RX 7 VV} rhe Plowing Bids for Collectibles | Brown Lazy Boy ! lowing Auction, From Monday — Friday love, security. periect’;, condition, : a Oakridge and rocker recliner 8:00AM - 3:00PM, By Appointment. Randi & Chuck 1-888-223-7941 on black leather, ory i ! Will Be Charged. Payment In Full Day Of ROK ates, kee, 65k original Hig hest lots. Contact Jim at BED 5335/570-780-0227 Auction. In Cash, Good Check or Major System, Sunroof, grey leather interior, Prices HEADBOARD brass Credit Card, 3% Discount For Payments x Kk ok Kk $9 AL ipa ll more: | all original 2 Never Pai d I for Houble Dadi Sug. Made By Cash Or Check. Nothing Removed 3 p seen snow. » " om made. ake 1 ¥ 949-439-3636 Call 570-237-5119 al n offer 570-675-0460 Uhl Seiad For, Pridav October {6 : FOSTER PARENT(S CASH or S7arirza fusion Ri Seminal | 4 om 0 ay uction g NEEDED MERCEDES-BENZ { ollect From 8AM Until Auction Start Time. ! for teens or sibling \ a mn Auctioneers Note: The Johnson Family i groups. 73 4505L Have Decided To Reduce Their Stone Inven- 1 Compensation, Convertible. ith PICKUP aS b (ite 4800'S) with tory, To Make Room; These Are All Top 3 raining, an emovabpie har: op, - - : i i hour on-call sup- power windows, AM | IAS LIA) matching dresser SOFA Absolute To The Highest Bidder, Plan To ort provided. /FM radio with cas- : and mirror. - i s Pp Plonse call | sette player, CD Shopping for a | Not Additional night- Oy RY cro or. Attend. FRIENDSHIP Tu player, automatic, 4 new apartment? stand included. All love seat & chair. Call 829-71 30 Mel & Matt Manasse HOUSE (570) 342- DODGE 02 new tires. Cham- Classified lets refinished. Excellent | Excellent condition. to place an ad PA Auctioneers License # AUS71L & 8305 x 2058. pagne exterior; ftal- | yo compare costs - us . Soes ition, 59 $600. Pp ! AU3517L . Compensatio ian red leather inte- " . - hy - - y | to $1200.00 or VIPER GTS fior inside. Garage without hassle 5707855 1280 Sales Managers Auctioneers ! month per child. 10,000 MILES V10 ept, excellent con- or worry! J itney Point, 4 6speed, collec- | | dition. Priced to Sell y Sell itin Th ANTIQUE OAK | 78a machinery & ONLY ONE LEADER. 607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE C : Get moving enitin ine " THE TIMES 1 FADER tors, this baby is $23,000. With Classified! : Equipment 5 a” ; 1 of only 750 G18 Call 570-825-6272 : Times Leader HIGHBOY or SNOW sich To | IEP Cased p nit, | Yellow it still wear as i Craftsman. 12 WANTED its original ea = IN CLASSIFIED! section. HP, 32” dual 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ | reird bony | stage. Electric Transportation Transportation Transportation was babied. This | | Looking for the right deal Start. Track car is spotless Gor the 1191 cea Drive. $525. MALE SINGERS throughout and is | | ON 1 automobile? 570-675-5046 bP] | | roccy'for ts now || Tmo casi. CDL DRIVERS WANTED home hs yohicie is a oreo in print! refinished with new 756 Medical : assineas go vintage hardware E appointment ony. | | GasSeds o Sreaent condor equipment | § LOCI, Regional & Shuttle Routes ; : 0. 5701750 236% 427 Commercial 570-466-6499 JAZZY POVIER chair For more than 50 years, CDS has offered drivers Trucks & 10 LINE UP New cost over opportunity, stability, and a balance between 6000 sell for $500. i ivi H DODGE ‘07 Equipment ASUCCESSFUL SALE | 570-822-7015 time at home and driving duties. { CHEVY ‘08 3500 | [emvemrcer NOLASSFED | LINEUP Separy JOWNOURTEAN. CALIBER Food Store Doyounesdmorespace? | A GREAT DEAL enefit package including family health, vision, dental, Wite, HD DUMP TRUCK pS NOW hiring bs A yard or garage sale i holiday and vacation pay. good condition. 2D, automatic, : Locking Tor wd Thai IN CLASSIFIED! Candidates must have a Class A CDL, be 23 years of age Asking $5,900 Vehicle in like spendable anc y 758 Miscella with 1 to 2 years minimum tractor trailer experience. DIVORCE No Fault | 570-709-7065 new condition. orion Gall 829-7130 to clean out your closets! neous $295 : 4 wv VR ous produce to place an ad. You're n bussiness BLUE CALL, STOP IN OR EMAIL! g=y Atty. Kurlancheek Shopping for 2 experience with classified! Ronald Woznock 1 800-324-9748 W-B new apartment: ; required. Apply DOLL in- 3 Classified lets roping 2 at 400 S. Main tage 1950s Style 3 LIGHT/AMBER/WHITE 570-654-6738 3 Froe Bankruptoy you compare costs - Classifiod lots Street, Wilkes ONLY ONE LEADER. | | rooms down, stair- J onsultation without hassle you compare costs - Barre. E.O.E THE TIMES LEADER case, 2 rooms up TAKE DOWN LIGHTS i J Payment blans. or worry! without hassle alin be plus furniture. Make good condition. 3 trans por tation One Passan Drive \ | amore Get moving a or | | offer. 570-675- $600. Call Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 i with classified! with classified! 0460/574-1724 570-704-9838 | original owner, full window tint, black (07: 2 CONVERTIBLE 1 owner, garage miles on the clock, original ASSOCIATE Woodbryn drive- ways and parking be able to do some heavy lifting, know ANTIQUE OAK INCLASSIFIED! CASH ON THE $POT, Free Anytime excellent condition. $75. OBO. 570-687- and provide us your email address agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click Terms & Conditions: 13% Buyers Premium
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