Sunday, October 14, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 11 By MEGAN SCHNEIDER Bill Prall has been killing peo- ple professionally for 19 years. And his critics think he does a great job. “It was my dream and what I wanted to do in life,” Prall told me last Sunday evening, speak- ing about what he does profes- sionally. “And I got to do it.” Prall is owner of Murder on De- mand, a traveling dinner theater murder mystery show. “Tll kill his guy has ‘killed’ hundreds of people over the years anyone you want,” he joked at 1F YOU GO .. He does approximately 125 Prall told me his wife of 44 Metro Bar and Grill’s opening of shows a year, has written 49 yearsasked when he was going to the show. The next Murder on Demand is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. gorintq and performs them as din- retire. “Why?” he asked. The look at the Metro Bar and Grill in the Twin Stacks Center in Dallas. For more The plays are written so that information. call 674-3663. ner theaters and team-building on his face was enough to tell me the audience is the cast. Each au- ; exercises for corporations. he’s not ready to retire because he dience member is given a charac- “I'll perform any place some- loves what he does. Every time ter with a short background and body wants someone murdered,” the crowd laughed, he smiled. is free to embellish the rest. I at- he said. The Metro audience enjoyed tended the dinner theater with alive action version of “Clue.” Ev- the acting is all improvised, the ~~ And he means any place. Prall Prall’s show as much as he en- mother, my father and my hus- ery person had the chance to responses were often not whathe has done shows for Pfizer, Merrill joyed performing it. band, Brian. My father played the guess who did it, how and what expected. The audience laughed Lynch and other corporations I know my family members en- part of the victim's accountant, the motive was. and hissed together throughout and has performed as far away as joyed themselves, and we talked just one of the 22 characters in Prall facilitated the plot by ask- the performance. Budapest, Hungary. But the 70- about returning to see the show that night’s skit. ing questions that led participa- I had the chance to sit with year-old Prall is from Broadhead- again. Prall performs a different At our seats, we each had a ntsdown the storyline totheend- Prall at dinner that evening and sville, not far from where I grew skit each time, so no show is ever card to fill out. It was like playing ing he intended. However, since learn about his show and his life. up in the Pocono Mountains. repeated. SCHOOL BRIEFS Zumbathon benefits PTO A Zumbathon will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 18 at Ross Elemen- tary School, 5148 Main Road, Sweet Valley. All proceeds will bene- fit the Ross Elementary PTO. ‘Boom’ event at MU is Oct. 24 The Misericordia Uni- versity Dead Alchemist Society will present an expanded spectacle for the student organization’s 21st annual “Things that go Boom in the Night!” at: 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24 in the Wells Far- go Amphitheater on cam- pus. he event is open free the public. This event features new experiments, including glowing pumpkins, spooky bubbles and dry-ice po- tions, as well as seasonal favorites like the explod- ing and puking pumpkins and the demise of the gummy bear experiment. Students in the Dead Alchemist Society will also offer new and ex- panded activities for chil- dren, including hands-on experiments with children __making slime and super @®: balls. For more information, call Anna Fedor, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry and biochem- istry, at 674-6769 or e- mail her at afedor@miser- Friedman Gallery plans bus trip The Pauly Friedman Art Gallery at Misericordia University will host a daylong bus trip to tour the Barnes Foundation Museum on Philadelphia’s Museum Mile, with lunch at the famed French res- taurant, Le Bec Fin on Saturday, Nov. 17. The bus will leave at 8 a.m. from the Viewmont Mall in Scranton with a second pick-up at 8:30 a.m. at the Wegmans su- permarket in Wilkes- Barre. The return trip will leave Philadelphia at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $150 per person and include a four- course luncheon at Le Bec Fin. For reservations, call Anne Postupack, Cameo House Tours, at 655-3420. LCCC ALUMNI t, 28 at the PLAN CRAFT FESTIVAL GRURCH BRIBES EE he ch Spanish Bible Study "rer wiommation, can Lake 333-4988. There will be music, danc- Every Sunday ing, children’s karaoke by Ron Back Mountain Harvest ‘ ’ Saba, Goldenfire Music, Tux, Assembly offers a Spanish Trunk or Treat Halloween games, spooky Bible Study from 9:45 to 10:45 story time, grab bags, pump- a.m. every Sunday at the t SUMC kin raffle, gift basket raffle, church, 340 Carverton Road, Shavertown United Metho- face painting, a monster buf- Trucksville. dist Church, 163 N Pioneer fet, beverage and ghostly dess- For more information, call Ave., will hold its annual ert. the church office at 696-1128 Trunk or Treat from 5:30 to 7 Children under 5 years of or Luis/Stefano Rosario at p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21 in the age will be admitted free. Cost 706-1005. church parking lot. for children ages 6 to 12 is $4 Church members will deco- and 13 years and older is $8. Mik L . ll rate their cars and the children For more information, call IKE LEWIS WI are invited to come dressed in Sandra Serhan at 639-3299. 3 their costumes and “trick or sing at HUMC treat’ at the trunks of the cars. . ” BH | Mike Lewis, former WNEP Election Day Café newscaster, will sing his music : The Luzerne County Community College Alumni Association at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 Ham dinner slated set for Nov. b will hold the 23rd Annual Alumni Association Fall Craft Festival at the Huntsville United Meth- ~~ A ham dinner will be held Members of Trucksville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 at the college's cam- odist Church, 2355 Huntsville from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, United Methodist Church will pus in Nanticoke. This year's craft show will feature more than Boa Shavertown. Admission Oct 21 Alderson linfied. Opee San open an Election r ion. The festival ill in- is $5 per person. ethodist Church, Pole 108, ay Café from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Bo yenaors on a n o 4 ne a en's > 3 hii il & For more information, call Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake. on Tuesday, Nov. 6 at the ! : 477-3748. Takeouts will be available. church, 40 Knob Hill Road, sion to the craft show is $2. Children 12 and under are admitted Th ists of baked Trucksville. free. Proceeds from the event will benefit student programs. A a i ruCKSvL ? i ; . ham, scalloped potatoes, vege- The menu will include hot Members of the craft festival planning committee are, from left, Roast beef dinner table, applesauce, rolls and and cold beverages; donuts, Frank Whalen ‘1, Pittston; Gloria Migatulski ‘88, Pittston, craft l d f 0 20 butterpie and beverage. sticky buns, brownies and festival co-chair; Ann Marie Schraeder ‘79, Glen Lyon, treasurer, p annea or ct. Tickets, available at the cookies; sandwiches, home- Alumni Association; Patricia Besermin ‘08, Dallas, member, A roast beef dinner buffet door, are $8 for adults and $4 made soups and chili; hot dogs Alumni Association Board; Bonnie Brennan Lauer ‘87, Shaver- and bake sale will be held for children. and wimpies. A freshly-pre- town, director, alumni relations, LCCC; Carol Dean ‘90, Mountain | from 4:30 p.m. until sold out For more information, call pared Lunch-to-Go can be Top, member, Alumni Association Board: Susan Gilroy-King “0, on Saturday, Oct. 20 at Dy- Nancy at 639-5688 or Barb at ready in just minutes any time Ashley, craft festival co-chair; and Lisa Owens ‘97, Muhlenberg, | mond Hollow United Metho- 639-5496. during the day. : : i toi : : dist Church. Takeouts will be The café, which is complete- wi Ll fun GE Sy more information, call available from 4 to 4:30 p.m. F il H all ly handicapped accessible, has € MMA LYIco 4 § Dinner includes roast beef, dill y oween plenty of seating with table gravy, real mashed potatoes, service if preferred. squash, creamed cabbage, Party slated Proceeds will benefit Moth- ° ® green beans, homemade coles- A Family Halloween Party er Teresa’s Haven, previously 1] Ivan dS we e en law, homemade applesauce, will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. known as V..S.I.O.N. red beets, rolls, pies and bever- ull duate of Sul diothe All | terete, avaliable shih { / Cat Sullivan, a graduate o Sullivan was named to the All- ickets, available at the We E da Lake-Lehman High School, hada Tournament team after totaling door, are $9 for adults, $4 for C arc VEry y big weekend for the RIT women’s 25 kills in the four matches and children between the ages of 5 & In E W: volleyball team as the Tigers be- added 11 blocks. and 12 and children under 5 o h Very ay gan their 2012 campaign. 4 fi Living Assistance Services RIT competed in the Fredonia Up to 24 Hour Care Invitational and earned a split. Meal Preparation Errands/Shopping Hygiene Assistance Light Housekeeping Respite Care Relief Companionship Certified as # provider for the PA Dept. of Bging Waiver program, viting Angels! The Tigers defeated Fredonia and fell to Westminster on the first day of competition. On day two, RIT took down D’Youville before losing to Naza- reth for the second time in the week. The Golden Flyers also beat RIT, 3-2. SAOME oF THE COLOSSAL PIZZA” Takeout - 674-4400 - Delivery Order Online: WWW. POPPYS toh 219 N. Memorial Hwy, Shavertown, PA 18708 Order by Fax: 674-4403 Schedule your fall himney Cleaning TODAY! 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