1 i] PAGE 13 k i Sunday, October 14, 2012 THE DALLAS POST i 4 i 906 Homes for Sale | 941 Apartments/ | 941 Apartments/ | 944 Commercial | 953 Houses for Rent | 1024 Building & | (@ TOKE | el =E a f & AVAILABLE RENTALS WYOMING . COOK STREET ist, Quality 8 900 sq. ft. profes- ery nice / 100 KINGSTON: BOE SH ore neighborhood. Construction Co. i High traffic area. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 Roofing, siding, 1 BEDROOM, Off street parking. baths, refrigerator gutters, insulation, ® i 4 DALLAS 2nd floor $460. Tenant pays elec- & stove provided, decks, additions, 1 3 bed I 2 BEDROOM tric. Will remodel to | washer/dryer, off- windows, doors, ‘ ds 1st floor $500. suit. 1 year lease. street parking Big masonry & k apb p 2ND FLOOR UNIT $600 month. yard. $500/month + concrete. : oo raeraryer | "2+ bedrooms $510 570-430-7077 utilities, 1st & last. | Insured & Bonded. Wa S. Hanover St. | street parking, | 3 BEDROOM (570)822-3750 Senior Citizens Discount! # level. This home large front pool 1/2 double $825. Looking for that State Lic. # PAOST320 © d 4% features 2 bed- Sncosec bac WILKES-BARRE special place 5/0-606- Ho rooms, 1 3/4 baths, | POTEN, NEIAWOSS | 4 BEDROOM 950 Half Doubles ai Li 370-406-8438 § With propane stove, | I room in knotty V2. double 5750. Classified will address | g Walk out to a 3 sea- pine, Includes heat PLAINS KINGSTON Your needs. 157Consirielon 4 son porch. Profes- | cas for appli- | 1 BEDROOM $420. | 3 bedroom, 1 bath, | Open the door ° R Slonany iannscansd | | ances. Ne pets. : hardwood, washer / | with classified! 8 non rs age $1100 per month. Appliances, sewer | dryer & stove, close GARAGE ( 4 : , Ne 570-675-2400. included. Utilities by | to schools. No pets. DALLAS | 4 Bppliances: Seiling enan Gredit $700 + Wiles, 3 bedroor: 2.Buth DOOR ° i ; , references, ity, - : , i LCCC. $163,900. DURYEA 2 it required. Seount Y. ase Wow: brick Ranch house Sales, Services, H] Call 570-735-7594 | 5 pedrooms, stove No Pets. ed. 570-283-3086 with attached 2 car n a a on P| | paring; no pote: | 370-555-3407" Shenton Memoria ee The PITTSTON ™ ' bow 3 in for appointment KINGSTON Highway. $1300 per FULLY i ; security deposit FORTY FORT month. Security & INSURED Times Leader . sored Cal | OHNGSTON || cue vor. || I er || CA Search th f | ¥ - uiet nei " - . 4 ! (570)954-1231 183 Zerby Ave ist heightyol : 570-735-8551 edrCc € app siore Classified i I m le - . hd i i EDWARDSVILLE 2 bedrooms, 1 til back yard 3 bed HARVEY'S LAKE e . i bath with shower. | | rooms, 1.5 bath- | [HOUSE ON LAKE and install The Times Leader section § 3 round Nook y No pois. Jers! rooms, all appli- includes partial use ’ Y edroom. W/w month + utilities ances. $675 1 wv carpeting, wash- & security. month + utilities. | | Sot canta view To place your mobile a PP NOW for when 23 Ridge Street Srryer hock, S70:779,9009 727.220.5347 of 4 bedrooms, ail’ | ad Call Toll Free ‘ Cor Bodroany in Porch. $350 . : Rbpliancss: ample 1-800-427-8649 yOu nN eed YO ur news to ag O. Po floe mo es Hi If ro gh utilities. 1135 Hauling & Est ge : 100 Hi 1004 570-822-2992 No Pets. Trucking 8 Credit and back- Electric Heat & 2 pond Shook PLAINS AS.AP Hauling THE TIMES LEADER Central Air, 1.5 oo Ais inn 8. KINGSTON PLYMOUTH Townhouse for rent Estate Cleanouts, i Baths, Large Eat in : An IMPRESSIONS media company i ini 570-779-5218 2 bedrooms, sec- . 2 bedrooms, 2 and 1/2 Attics, Cellars, Kitchen & Dining i Completely reno ’ Room. Double ond floor, nice area, vated 1 bedroom, baths, 1 garage, Hard- Garages, we're | Deck with Hot Tub. eat in kitchen, washer/dryer hook- wood floor throughout, cheaper than : screened porch, up. Living & dining central air, very nice loca- dumpsters. { : heat/water/sewer rooms. eat in tion,$975/ per month + Free Estimates, , FORTY included. No kitchen front & | utilities. (570) 822-5595 Same Day! CAMOVATE pets/smoking back porches &a 570-822-4582 RENUYAILL J $775/per month, yard. $500/month i i Call (570) 332-8765 : utilities. 1st, 1339 Window AFFORDABLE fl | ——r-er—— | noah ocr | - Al 0 \UVRDLL KINGSTON Nopsts of smoking. Service || 0 TE. — es Into Areha Managed 2nd & 3rd Viook 2 evenings LEANING > w | rid jh AMERICA REALTY i hp in ANITORIAL pa oo soriNG ances included, TRUCKSVILLE “SERVICES Richards to BoOR 1 $70-2081400 Sonal ai, of 3 bedrooms, Windows, Gutters, senterics Ap : #2 bedrooms vb ly hos] refrigerator & Carpets, Power 6 Al SHAVERTOWN | | ll Strona swam: Back yard | rye hookup, laun- INSURED BONDED. at $750 + utili- $550 plus utilities. | 40" om, off-street | 1015 Appliance 570-283-9840 =e Sehoal Street ties (Afford- No in A parking, no pets or Service edrooms, ble) for 2 Call 570-287- smoking. $700/ 11/5 vats ahi) for or 570-696-3936 | month + electric, ECO-FRIENDLY LINEUP 15% 900 ya. el gas & hot water, 1 ASUCCESSFUL SALE Call 829-7130 4 Pp renova s month security, (570) 313-5571 2 floors, private Hi TODA gig deny) 5 back APPLIANCE TECH, N C FED) to place an 912 Lots & Acreage | JI 0 roo 570-592-2902 ence fixing major LASHED) employment ad. Maple kitchens, appliances: Washer, Do you need more space? built-ins, gas . Dryer, Refrigerator, fireplaces hid NANTICOKE WILKES-BARRE SOUTH Dishwasher, Com- | A yard or garage sale HARVEYS LAKE EAST UNION ST. room, 1. pactors. Most : i ports, Florida Modern 1 bed- baths, small yard, brands. Free ohona in classified ADE JO PET: front porch, off pl Hg is the best wa ONLY R RARE rooms. NO po room apartment, street parking. advice y J ONE LEADE , /NO SMOKING/ second oor, $615/month guaranteed. No 0 clean out vour closets! . THE TIMES LEADER DDADTHMITV EMPLOYMENT private entrance, security required; service charge for 20 your : OPPORTUNITY VERIFICATION a Sppliances, or Tenant pays visit. 570-706-6577 You're in bussiness timesleader.com Lake ontage smoking, no pets. all utilities. with classified! available with A ARVEYS LAKE LEASE. 570-357-0712 oF Without Small 2 bedroom 570-477 5959. Duiding lors. house, wall to wall t, liances, $200,000 sir rights. Of PARSONS Call street parking. No 570-357-4530 pets. Lease, Securi- 2 bedroom, 1st i Th No Il : . & references. floor New flooring | | © [a C AS w Q - » 76.630-5920 Syoughos, i © a. 0S a i ove, fridge, : : Homes included. + : GLE 5 A SUCCESSFUL SALE utilities & security. : o ER LE Call : : : a Hi 1000 IN CLASSIFIED! 570-650-2494 : wit Henini SN a wi a WIL LANDSCAPING i ifi Quiet neighbor- PITTSTON TWP In classified Twarggh scone APPLIANCES 2 bedroom. Clean. is the best way new construction, Needs he Wok, fo clean out your closets! heat, Slgatrio, 5 RESIDENTIAL LAWN on Remodeled ; i water included. & Iovhook. You're in bussiness aopliances, oif- WASHER / DRYER / RANGE CLEANUP » a $16,000. with classified! street parking, no REFRIGERATOR Swine Finsnang. Pets. Se as/ mon Bring in old part with model # and serial # 570-574-5800 Repairs # Maintenance # Construction 570- a or +1 month security. Leaves, Brush, Etc, ; Telephone 610-767-9456 100 (570)357-1383 APPLIANCE TI SUNY Y i 3% Dotoishue SY SWOYERSVILLE Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 = rree—— TOWNHOUSE HARVEYS LAKE Newly constructed building. 2 bed- ® atin kitchen, | room, 1.5 bathe, al AUTO BODY washer/dryer hook- | appliances incluc- - ed. Garage. Hard- = 5 wp: ly phd Baris wood floors PHONE: (879 823-2211 Retired High School We Do It All! gas heat. throughout, cathe- FAX: 570) 824-0553 Math Teacher . dral ceilings in bed- ’ Auto * Commercial 570-606-7917 Beck so Bady Stet , i rooms. $1,200/ with Master's Degree in Field Residential leave Message month, heat & Fender Sendena Available for Tutoring in all Disciplines 596 Carey Ave,. W-B sone po Trees | Rl Supvtamen sou. a : 570-441-2101 CALL 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. 570-674-41 05 3 822-81 33 TY SEY RICK OR NICK PLAINS, PA 18702 WILKES-BARRE It's that time again! Rent out your wiymmerest || TENN TW, | apermén: ! with the Classifieds SSSI Or rg rm AVAILABLE NOW! 570-829-7130 ASPHALT SEALING Neighborhood Q Pras Toren 2-4 bedrooms, 100 BOB’S BLACKTOP =82 PREFERRED CONTRACTOR Parking 2 full baths, dining Noosa +$750 includes al 5 livi 4 " . Nortessn _ WERE Utites. No pets. room, Kitchen,” Paving: Driveways, Parking Lots, i SINCE 1976 \ es 570-822-9697 Stave, off sweet WEST PITTSTON Patching, Hot Crackfiller Repairs oc | Jab had Residential 8” | WYONNG | "aielinchises | comtumynome,s | | Sesidentisl 836.3587 i 1 bedroom, 2nd SS7s/honth, bedroom, freshly PA# 041254 : se ; ‘ ’ ! floor. No pets. Dru ry painted afd new : free. Nop oe. on 9 check & carpet. Appliances { Pe oF of aii oo ces included. No pets. | ” a 50/] th | moms Bakgroting sasoper mort |B BUNA ERTL AN A gd 4 © ir x Hoa fel references iran +1 required. Call Exterior H vemenisB ] | : (570) 283-3086 or Home Impro y J | 670) 693-2415 NORTHEAST : di : S70) 8832s 11 * Flat Roofs * Shingles * Siding * Replacement Windows | = - Collect WINDOW, INC. Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured I || Cash EE. © RKMANSHIP GUARANTEED | Pas ayn RENOVATED os & Seon Doors re TH WEST PITTSTON i in classified ACNVYARIL « Siding Vinyl Railings ROBERT SMITH, HICH Is the best way JEREE(C TION » Enclosures * Roofin, 655-6710 PA-005521 to clean out your closets! PERIL | : 8 A You're in int Dust a » Fiberglass Doors * And More | ith classi Managed FREE ESTIMATES | Wi classified) 4 WOOD-COAL STOVES /FIREPLACES 941 riments/ Sell it in The AMERICA REALTY 570 654 4220 Nw ortheastindon com 0 Apa eniin 570-288-1422 . : Unfurnished " = - PY T) Vines | oui PITAL ‘DOOR: Gas and Oil Prices...THRU THE ROOF? ASHLEY Classified FLOOR. “1 Bed- Li EEA Hr la 4 5 1 bedroom effi- section. room ciency apt. Heat, market Ri oe tel, (affordable”). tric, sewage & 2 years. New garbage included. interiors, maple i Rental also includes stove, refrigerator, wash- er & dryer. Owner ane, EMPLOYMENT re ac un check & i oro APPLICATION. $540/month. Call ; month. Ca (570) 332-2456 Bac S 14 - . N ) yard or garage sale Call 829-7130 A Fireplace & Stove Shoppe : in classified to place an ad. Hours: Tues. 9-7 « Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 Sat. 9-4 « Closed Sun. & Mon. . is the best way OT WR AAA CCT EY ETH QOL EE Re] | CY EPL Y ONE o — ocean Outyorcioselsl * | ONLY DIME LEADER — — i You're in bussiness a ; with classified!
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