DALLAS POST, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 9 od “THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET” By L. F Van Zw § : IT GoT A GooD | Buily Buzz EAE = MAY ~ GTREET'S hol ER Strata wre. FB S RE 0 —~ FOREMOST NEWSPAPER VEBBE SHE JAN, HE, STAYS WHAT DYA ANT ET - HEAVEN HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES SI OATS COW SICK z SPOSE_SHE'S|| AN" THATS GHE ANT gia Te My ESE WITH TRIS BT. 7 THE TROUBLE HERSELF, = - eee 2 ip PANSY., 51 OATS PRIZE | {I { - LS ; : a COW, TOOK SICK ON ITS j OH F HEAVEN'S L ¢ : HERSELF WAY To THE COUNTY FAR, To AKES ’ | ; FORTUNATELY, DOC GRAYES : WHO RUNS THE DRUG STORE} HAS ALSO MESSED AROUND IN VETIMARY WORK , G0 WITH HIS KNOWLEDGE T0- GETHER WITH THE ADVICE OF THE ONLOOKERS THEY d i Wo - tL NJ WERE ABLE To PULL PANSY oT ; ETE | AROUND O.K. el i Som | 2 LE wet Zens i ——— eet epi, « an vol Ee ES a A et TR Ss i ann TAS + 2 | FILES ACCHPTANCE | —— I sought its grateful shade; Close as thy bark, old friend! | be IN AND ABOUT DALLAS By George Pope Morris In all their gushing! joy Here shall the wild bird sing, | John T. Jeter has filed his a Woodman, spare that tree! Here, too, my sisters played. And still thy branches bend. tance with the Prothonotary of | Touch not a single bow! My mother kissed me here; [Old tree! the storm still brave! zerne county as Justice of the Pe | for Dallas borough. Mr. nad Mrs. Ray Shiber enter-, =—/—— = | In youth it sheltered me tained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Westover and Cl if * d And I'll protect it now. ; ¥ > is . Mr. Peter has received his com con of Kingstos ud Alex Veitch and assirie "Twas my forefather’s hand Forgive this foolish tear, While T've a hand to save sion and will take but same at f That placed it near his cot; But let that old oak stand. The ave shall harm it not. Recorder’s office. : . . flausihter Margaret iat qmnst on Advertisements There, woodman, let it stand, ERE T F = Christmas Day. In the afternoon ig a there was Christmas entertainment. My father pressed my hand— And, woodman, leave the spot; OF SOCIAL INTEREST | WOODMAN, SPARE THAT TREE! When but an idle boy. ry heart-strings round thee cling ko Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, FOR RENT That old familiar tree | | | | 3 os J Seven rooms, all improvements; Whose glory and renown Charles Johnson and Mrs. Elizabeth | ..,¢ $26. Inquire Mrs. E. H. Merring, | Are spread o’er land and sea— Johnson of Scranton spent the week- | 21-R-9, Dallas Garage. 12-28-29-1t And wouldst thou hew it down? end at the home of Earl Monk. Rs SL ‘Woodman, forbear thy stroke! Cut not its earthbound. ties: O, spare that aged oak Now towering to the skies! | CY ea I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans and FOR RENT sons, tSewart and Woodrow of Madi- Five-room house in Dallas Borough, son street Wilkes-Barre, spent | Rear Fernbrook. Inquire Harry An- i derson. 12-21-2t. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clear Waste Case. ; FOR SALE The rows of perforations cut between Mr. and Mrs. Baer of Center Hill Chinohills, Tanbite tor wale. Price postage stamps yield four tons of | road entertained their children and So 1€€ | tiny pinhead disks of paper a month. | ! $2.00 per pair. Orchard Farm. Phone | their respective families at a family | Dallas 209. 12-21-2t which appear to be entirely useless. | reunion on Christmas day. They are ee eae ee 3 ee 3 eB ee Se Be se sR Beis 3K) the parents of eleven children. Four of them are married. EEE BY | Elva, Knecht is spending her vaca- tion with her grandmother in Ed- wardsville. CLEAN Heat At A Double Saving! THIS. furnace not only gives absolutely CLEAN, warm-air heat permanently, but itsexurerage ~ combustion dome and radiator and straight side fire-pot effect a 35% to 50% saving of coal. Cheaper fuel can be burned with equal cleanliness, making possible a saving both in axount and grade "THE WATERBURY SEAMLESS JFURNACK PIPE OR PIPELESS: Mrs. Russell Case entertained Mrs. &. Harold Wagner and daughters, Beverly and Marian, and Mrs. Myron Steele and daughter Merle at dinner on Thursday evening. After Rotary the husbar.ds joined the party for an evening's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. John Garbert spent several days this week in New York City. They met Mr. Garbert’'s sister, Mrs. Mary Dobson and her three chil- dren, who arrived Monday from Eng- land and will make their home at the Howard Warden farm. Charlies iDetrick drove on Sunday to Mehoopany. He was accompanied by Russell Case. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Mt. Zion were guests on Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk. During the evening they became so enthusi- astic over the Bremer-Tully radio they bought themselves a Christmas pres- ent and took it home with them. Any One of the Dozens of Owners In This Section and Thy’ll Tell You Therels No Radio Finer Than the BREMER-TULLY gg 52 Bd Be = = Bg 4 (4 4 Bg 8 Bd i [3 [3g =) =) Bg xg BE eR A ERP PR PRR ERP bb behead H RSG RE FFE RBC Ce RIB] ¥ 1 GRY OW \\ No Need To Tell You That | These Prices Are Less Than Cost FURNAC! No. 321 will heat 9,000 cubic fet. Sold for $138.00. Will Clo Out At 577.00 FURNACE No. 324 Will heat 11,000 cubic feet. Sold for $168.0( Will Close Out At 5104.50 FURNACE No. 327 Will heat 14,600 cubic feet. Sold for $210.00. Will Close Out At This hoes he seamilot el furnace $ 1 3 7 ® 5 0 body with outer casing removed. Sot Due to an error the name of Mrs. Ralph Brickel was omitted from the Post’s account of the dinner given the Dallas high school football team last week at the home of Mrs. James Oliver. Mrs. Brickel and Mrs. Oliver were joint hostesses for this affair. The name of Mrs. Francis B. Smith of Shavertown, associate matron of Dallas Chapter of Easter Star, was inadvertently omitted from the list of ™N REIGEGY N V i, { 1 ~~. - \ 4) an RQ) Bae ES Re) SR 2 2 Ce ES Rs Be EBB WW sy pile 3 ot \ Wy gill! Eastern Star banquet committee mem- bers published in last week's Post. Mrs. Smith was chairman of this com- mittee and was largely responsible for the splendid success of the affair. RR ERE With her on the committee were the persons listed in last week’s account! Se SS) ER RR 0 sR BRIER 5 of the Eastern Star banquet and all of the officers of the chapter who were ex-officio members of the committee. WILL WIMBLE Frank Malkemes inventing a machine to draw various kinds of fowl. John Batey, not breaking his leg opming down off the hill. Parking prohibited on a certain section of Shaver avenue after certain hours at night. People of Shavertown patronizing local usin especially the various church ¥lubs, since local busi- ness men are always on the job when it comes to giving space for advertise- ments in the various programs. Dr. Place’s Bible Class and the Lutheran Brotherhood meeting again in a series of baseball games. A clock on top of the Earl Monk building. A. bigger and better fire department. Joe VanCampen a billiard champ. Scoutmaster Keats with the largest troop in the Dallas district. A. community hall. A. baseball team this summer. Johnny Jones in love. Sam Woolbert our township super- visor and burgess in case we become a borough. (George Shaver arising early. Sam eDWitt serving you better. Harold Wagner back in the court house. A. better Hallowe'en celebration next year. Iake Major dropping in at a fire- men’s meeting occasionally. PRICES ON THE FAMOUS romer-Tully HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO $146.50 “Be There With a Brmer-Tully”’ donk Hardware Shavertown, Pa. FREE DELIVERY FREE INSTALLATION FREE SERVICE FOR ONE YEAR Ee a 3 a 3 a eg ES eR OS EF BE a pe ee a 2 CALL AT THE STORE NOW AND SEE THESE REAL BARGAINS Bi Xl Although we sold some of these heaters this week, we still have a selec- tion left. They are real bargains and if you want heat for your home at low cost—NOW is the time to buy one of these furnaces. EER EE FRI) Watch the Newspapers For Formal Opening Announceme.. The New Dallas Hardware Compa) W. B. RISLEY STUART MAJO] (3) EE ee 3 Be eB eR ee 5) BE EE EEE RRR SERRE EE) ] IF = EEE] 33 BOGE (Rr eR BE Bp ia ) BE Ni ~ i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers