FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 151 Bargains! Bargains! Semi-Annual CLEARING SALE Is Now On. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc., At a Big Reduction. Come Without Delay to Refowieh'sWcarWell Clothing anil Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Largest Stocks and Lowest Prices. I WEDDING SIIYET A j No more appropriate gift for a ) wedding than silver. A variety j of handsome pieces specially selected for the purpose is now on exhibition at our store. <•) | Rogers & Bros' j Knives, forks table and tea << spoons and fancy pieces all ,i latest patterns. j BUTTERWICK'S ) Cor. Front and Centre Streets. j Sheet Music nt Cut-Hate Prices. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stook. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. 19. W. Cor. Centre and Front fits., Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES i LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AMD MKDIOINAL P URPOBFB. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods nnd Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Spring Shoes are here in abundance. We have the latest products of the largest manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish 4 Men, Women and Children with footwear at prices as low as any dealer in the county, quality considered. We handle Nothing but Shoes, therefore, we can sell to better advantage and guar antee you better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. When you want footwear, come to the SHOE STORE. HighMalloy,Prop. ooraf V c :S:l. STRIKE ON AT HAZLE BROOK Employes of Wentz A Co. Quit Work Today. Trouble Is Caused by the Firm Refusing to Allow Extra Compensation to Men in Wet Breasts. The employes of the Ilazle Brook colliery of J. S. Wentz & Co. quit work this morning and all opera tions at that place are at a standstill. The cause of the trouble, as near as can be learned from the men, is the action of the bosses in compelling men to work in breasts where the downpour of water is such that the workers cannot stand It for any length of time without risking their health. It is also claimed that the bosses use this method to get square with men who are personally obnoxious to the management. The men havo tried in every honor able way to settle the difficulty and procure extra compensation for the hardships endured in those, breasts, but the company refusod and turned a deaf ear to their appoals. Over 400 men and boys are now idle, several of whom resido in Freeland. NO CIIANGF. IN SHOP STRIKE. There is no change today in the strike of the Drifton shops employes. Both sides are firm and no indications of a settlement are at hand. BTREET EMPLOYES' STRIKE. There is no change in the strike of the employes of the street department of the borough. The men are holding out for an increase from $1.25 to $1.50 per day, and so far thero are no appli cations for their positions. STRIKE AT IIAZLETON. Fifty sets of miners went on strike at Laurel Hill colliery, Hazltton, yester day, asserting it is impossible to load the number of cars required by the com pany officials. School Board Meeting. A special meeting of the borough school hoard was held Wednesday even ing to consider the question of provid ing sufficient room for the Increased number of pupils who will apply for admission to the schools at the opening of iho school term. The financial condition of the district seriously handicaps the directors In making estimates for proper provision for the accommodation of the children, anil, while many suggestions have been ottered, there has not yet been any plan devised by which the problem will bo solved satisfactorily. The board decided that the building committee should havo plans prepared at once for the erection of an addi tional room In the Washington street school. This will utilize all the avail able space in that building. Principal Ilouck was present and gave the board considerable information on the subject under discussion, show ing In what grades the overcrowding will exist and explaining how the opeu- VIISCKI.I.ANKOUN AUVKKTIHKMENTS. IPOR KALE. -lfenley property oil South -I. 1 Rem re street. Apply lo Thus. A. Buckley. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. jJjvOITKKUmMIEipr' JAMES G. HARVEY, of Hazlcton. Subject to the decision of the Hcpublicnn primnricft of Luzerne county. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Frcclund Opera House Co., Lessees. ONE "JFxx.ll "^7-oelc, COMMENCING Monday, June 10. Matinees: Wednesday and ttuturday. Jessie Sawtelle Dramatic Co. in a vuricd repertoire. Friday Night— "Chattanooga in "61." Saturday Matinee— "Heart of Gold.'' Saturday Night— "Ten Nights in a Barroom." Carload of Scenery. Four Big Specialties. A.dmiselon: lO Cents XO to any part of the house. FREELAND, PA, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1901. ing of an ungraded school in the Third Ward or the erection ot an addition to the Fourth Ward building will have but little effect on the congestion, as the pupils to be provided for are mainly in the primary grades. Committees will work upon the ques tion until the noxt meeting, when some satisfactory solution of the difficulty may present itself. The bond of Treasurer McCole was accepted and ordered recorded at Wilkesbarro. The sureties aro Peter Timony, Condy O. Hoyle, James Me- Hugh and Mary Farley. The tax levy for the corning year was fixed at 13 mills for educational pur poses and 13 mills for building pur poses, with a minimum occupation tax of SI. The Sisters of Mercy were given per mission to use the Ilidge street school in accommodating the children who will take part In the entertainments on the evenings of the 18th and 20th Inst. President Slattery transferred Direc tor Shelhamor from tiie text book and supplies committee to the building committee, and Director Bell from khe latter to the former body. Tenth Smali-pox Victim. One more death and one more case of small-pox were reported yesterday at Edwardsville. Miss Julia Keating, who was stricken with the disease about six teen days ago, died at her homo in the Sixth ward. Deceased was about 27 years of age, and was an invalid from infancy. She was recovering nicely and was in a convalescent condition, but was seized with convulsions and those caused her death. Hor demise makes the tenth porson to fall a prey to the disease. The others were: Annie, the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Trimble; James Lyons, Annie Lyons, John Lyons, Mrs. Elias Trimble, Leslie, the little son of Mrs. Leslie Lyons; John Reed, Mrs. Foster, and the child of Mr. and Mrs. John Walzus. The new case is that of Mrs. Morris Worthington, mother of Mrs. Dare, who has just recovered from an attack of the same disease. Death of Mrs. Bonomo. Mrs. Caroline Bonomo, aged 80 years, died last evening at the residence of her son, Frank, on South Washington street. Death was duo to old ago and general debility. Mrs. Bonomo Is sur vived by three sons, Ralph, Frank ami Pascal, all of whom resido in town. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock. A requiem mass will be read at St. Anthony's Italian Catholic church, after which the re mains will be interred in S . Ann's ceme tery. Good Performances. Tho plays produced by the Sawtelle Dramatic Company at the Graid opera house this week have given general satisfaction. The special scenery car ried by tho company helps to make the dramas more attractive and realistic. The specialties introduced aro also a taking feature. Tonight "Chatanooga In 01" will be played. Tomorrow afternoon "Heartof • lold" and tomorrow evening "Ten Nights in a Barroom." Pan-American Exposition. Low faros via the Lehigh Valley Rail road to the fan-American Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round trip. Ten-day tickets will bo sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except tho Black- Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for tho round trip. "A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troub les. If. S. l'ltts, Arlington Tex. Kodul Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Grover's City drug store. Helling Out Sale. Owing to the alterations to he made to the P. O. S. of A. building, the Jos. Neußurger estate is offering their entire stock of clothing, shoes, dry goods, fur nishings, etc., at a large reduction to make room for tho workmen. The entire building Is to be remodeled, and the stock must be disposed of at once. For details of this sale tho reader Is re quested to turn to tho third page. Dyspeptics cannot bo long lived be cause to live requires nourishment. Food Is not nourishing until it Is digested A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing It to rest and regain Its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and It simply can't help but do you good. Grover's (Sity drug store. Watch the date on your paper ROUND THE REGION The Guckivan suit against the Lehigh Traction Company for damages amount ing to $13,000, which bus occupied the attention of the court for two days, was brought to a eloso, fur the present, when the jury yesterday morning returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff In the sum of $3,400 and In favor of the hus band, Mr. Guckivan. in the sum of $l,lOO. The Traction officials have de cided to appeal. News was received at Mauch Chunk Wednesday afternoon of the death of Captain William 11. Wllholm, of the Twenty-first United States Infantry, who was wounded in the shoulder In the engagement with Insurgents at Llpa on Monday. Captain Wilheltn is a son of Lehigh Valley Paymaster James H. Wilhelin. and was born and raised in Mauch Chunk. Itecause his father would not furnish him with money to buy cigarettes, Samuel McSweeney, of Plymouth, aged 13 years, ran away from home. No trace of him can be found, and his parents are much alarmed. The boy said he would go to Philadelphia, get a job and then he could gel all the cigar ettes he wanted. Danger, disease and death follow neg lect of the bowols. Use DeWltt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Grover's City drug store. The managers of the Luzerne County Farmers' Institute have solectcd Cony ngbam, Cuverton and Lehman as the places where institutes are to be held this year. The time they recommend to have institutes is botween the 2d and 21rd of Docomber. An action in trospass for SIO,OOO dam ages for alleged slander was outered yesterday by Mrs. Caroline Stroll, of Ilorranceton, against Sturgess Dor ranee, a son of J. Ford Dorrance. Mrs. Stroh alleges tiiat young Dorrrnce made false statements about her. The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation, will remove the cause of your troubles. Grover's City drug store. In a short while all the composing rooms of the Ilazlcton daily newspaper offices will be equipped with type-setting machines. The Plain Speaker has one machine, and the Standard and Sentinel have ordered two each. William Grampau, a wealthy Phila delphian, who Is spending his vacation looking Into conditions about the mines, created a sensation today at Milnesville by distributing handfuls of coins among the breaker boys of that town. The Lansford trolley which connects Summit Hill, Lansford and Tamaqua, is to be extended to Mauch Chunk by way of Nesquehonlng, a distance of nine miles. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all tiiat expense and never fails. Roware of counterfeits. Grover's City drug store. The Pennsylvania Railroad station at Fern Glen was broken into Wednesday night by burglars, who, with dynamite, blew open the safe, securing about SIOO. George Antonio, aged 33 years, was instantly killed this morning in No. 4 slope, Braver Meadow, by a prop falling on him. Officials of the Lehigh Valley Rail road went over the mountain runs on the big "hogs" yesterday to Investigate the basis for the firemen's assertion that two are needed to run the big engines. A letter containing money, sent from the front by her husband during the Civil war, was delivered to Mrs. Wright, of Allentown, only a few days ago. BASE BALL. Tomorrow the Tigers play at Potts vllle, on the 22d Inst, at llerwlck and on the 24th Inst, at Itloomsburg. A number of other offers to play throughout the State are under consideration. The Tigers are a good drawing card where over they go. and If the shop strike con tinues they will play several games away from home this summer, as many of the players are affected by the strike and are idle. Tho first of the series of games be tween Drifton club and Hazletou Ath letics will bo played Sunday aftornoon at the Tigers park. There Is an In tense rivalry between these toams and the contest Is eagerly awaited by the friends of both clubs. A Drifton picked nine Is playing at White Haven this afternoon. UPPER LEHIGH. Mrs. C. C. Collins la spending tho weak with relatives In Dubois, Clearlield county. Mrs. Mealing will have Ice cream for sale tomorrow. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. A young Polish girl from Foundry villc was discharged yesterday at the Weatherly silk mill and, after walking homeward from 3 to 6 o'clock, reached the Lumber Yard, where she was taken aboard of a Lehigh Valley train and sent home. The child was completely exhausted. From indications a large crowd of people will come to town on Monday to see the boxing contest between Jack Bonner and "Scaldy Bill" Quinn. Both men are in line condition and both are confident of winning tho contest. Owing to the repairs and alterations that are being made to the Fourth ward fire huuse, the fire engine has been removed to tho Municipal building and is quartered with the apparatus of the Citizen's Hose Company. Ice cold soda at Helper's. The Lehigh Traction Company is erecting a station at Oakdale. The patrons of the road were badly In need of better accommodation at that point. Charles Dougherty, a former resident of town, and a brother to Mrs. Edward Doggett and Mrs. Frank Mcßrearty, of Freeland, is dead at Plymouth and will be buried tomorrow. Tho court has confirmed the appoint ment of E. A. Oberrender, George T. Wells and John Ruhlands as officers of the Drifton Humane Association. Special trolley cars will leave town tomorrow evening at 7.12 o'clock to convey to Ilazle Park those who have purchased tickets for the excursion of the Chester base ball club. Freeland beer will be placed on salo for the first time tomorrow. Tho plant is now in full operation and ready to supply the demands of the trade. The finest ice cream in town, all flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. Highland Social Club will picnic at the base ball park In that town tomor row evening. The park Is but a short distanco from Freeland and many peoplo from this place will attend. The engagement of John P. Powell, ehiof clerk for the Upper Lehigh Coal Company, and Mi9s Whiteman, of Scran ton, has been announced. Today is the anniversary of tho adop tion of the Stars and Stripes by the Con tinental Congress as tho official flag of the colonies, and Is gonorally known as Flag Day. Tickets for the entertainment of the parochial school pupils next week are meeting with a ready sale. Eczema, saltrheum. tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeVVltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. The certain pile cure. Grover's City drug store. Daniot Kline, Esq., Is making pre parations to open a lan office in town. Misa Etta Reese, ,of Wilkesbarro, is the guest of the Neußurgnr family. The employes of the Lehigh Trac tion Company have made a demand for semi-monthly pay. Anthony Renkiewlcz and Miss Fran ciszka Roazeka, both of town, will bo married at St. Kasliner's Polish church on Saturday, June 22. The property of August Backor, at the corner of Front and Hirkbeck streets, Is receiving attention from the painters. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs James A. Christy today. PLEASURE June 1 ■>. Picnic of Highland Social Cliil) at Highland ball park. June I.s.—Trolley excursion to Ilazle park by Chester Base Ball Club. Tick ets, 25 cents. June 17.—Fifteon-round boxing con tost between John Honor and "Scaldy Bill Quinn, of Philadelphia, at the (•rand opera house. Prices: 50, 75, sl. June 18 and 20. Entertainment of Pupils of St. Ann's Parochial School at Grand opera house. Tickets, 35, 25 ami 15 cents. June 22.—Picnic of the Crescent Ath letic Club at the Public park. June 29.—Second annual picnic of Good Wills Athletic Association at Pub lic park. June29.—Picuic of Sandy Valley Base Ball Club at Sandy Valley grove. July 3. Picnic of Local Union No. If' 5 . 2 ' u * M- W., of Highland, at the Public park. July 4—Picnic of callous' Hu=e Cum poy No. 1, it Public park. TK I-WEEKLY Our Motto Is No Trouble t Square Dealing Show You All and Satisfaction Our Goods Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Frecland, Pa. No Trouble to If Goods Are Show \ou All Not Satisfactory Our Goods j ; Money refunded £MIAS. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlco: Rooms 1 and 2, liirkbeck Briok, FreeleM JOHN M. CAUU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflicc Building, ... Freelwnd. McLADQHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Jlusiness of Any Description. Brcnnan'g Building, So. Centre St. FreelanA. R. J. O'DONNELL, r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freelaad. T, W . hi i e [l!, .. vrn Offlco, Kane Building. Opposite 1 ostofltoe; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBREAUTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given nroatnS attention. McMcnamin Building, South Centre Street N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVEU BIItKBECK'S STORE. Second Floor. . Birkbeck Brtek S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade I iHiios ol fiu/.eltau Bros., New York city. JJR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 So nth Centre Street. Second Floor Front, . Hcfcwlch Building. '"JpHOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune Building. . Main Street THI* GUN METAI FINISHED FOUNTAIN Ml Fill , FOR ONE HOUR'S WORK. "ONE THIRD ACTUAL SIZE lwy and WlrU. we will Trnit you. Ho loaty fat ririitt yosr fuUaSdnaa'wu"'^'!*nil''? FonnUln r,B you lo ,i,rs ft,,,. Jeweled Top Dead Pandit to Mil at S cMtafseh. Whsn told, you *tn.| US tlia money aid wa wUI mm 4 you th Fountain Pan prepaid. MEGRUt SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New Tart. Wm. Wehrman, "W atclimalrQr. Clocks and Watches for Salt. Repairing a Specially. Next to Neußurger's Store. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Track. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. CAFE. Corner or Centre and Front Htreetg. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, RosenbiuttTs Velvet, of which we hirt EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Muuiin'a Rxtra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Dlackberry, Gins, Wines, ClareU, Cordials, Bto. 11am and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURB. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prep. Choice Broad of All Kinds, Cakes, and Poe try, Dully. Fancy and Novelty Cukes Baked to Order. [OHUTNIDY 9 ItE EIEIM supplied to bullß, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to aU parts of town and surrou tidings every day. M Cough byriip. Tastes Good. DOT H Cm In time. Hold by clnurrlttn. yescosßiaaHap
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