FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 150. CRASH SUITS for the little fellows as well as for the men and youths. A large assort ment has just been re ceived. STRAW HATS in abundance. No house in the county can offer you a greater selection. Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWiCH BUILDING. FREELAND. Ladles: Have you tried the Queen Quality ? j Are You Interested i New 8-day oak Striking ) Clocks, s'.'.so; guaranteed. New 8-day hanging Clocks, ! with calendars, #5.25; guar teed. << :| Alarm Clocks, 75c. ;] BUTTERWICKS i Cor. Front and Centre Streets. jU Sheet Music at Cut-Kate Prices. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. A. W. Cor. Centre and Front Bt*., Freeland. T CAMPBELL, doaler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES H LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MBDIOINAL FUR PORKS. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. CTJBRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions arc among tho finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Cnrry, South Centre Street. Spring Shoes arc here in abundance. We have the latest products of the largest manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish Men, Women and Children with footwear at prices as low as any dealer in the county, quality considered. We handle Nothing but Shoes, therefore, we can sell to better advantage and guar antee you better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. When you want footwear, come to the STAR SHOE STORE. „rfk Mnlt nn d... Corner Centre aud agli Malloy, Prop. w a iuut strut. SHOP STRIKE IS STILL ON Drifton Mechanics Demand Nine-Hour Day. Every Employe at the Big Plant Lays Down His Tools and the Men Come Out in a Body. After waiting ten days for an answer to their request for a nine-hour day the employes of the Drifton shops received a reply on Monday afternoon. This reply was as follows: Mr. P. J. D.:ver, Chairman, Drifton, Penna. Dear Sir.—Core Hroe. and Company, Incorporated, will not grant the petition presented by your committee in behalf of the shop employes, in which they ask for ten hours pay for nine hours work. This company has already voluntarily Increased the wages of all shop employes working by the hour by lo per cent. It has also granted your request for Saturday half holiday and lias Increased the pay of the shop employes leaving Drifton at (5 a. m. and returning at 0.20 p. in., from 11 hours to 11 hours and 37 minutes, lleyond this, this company positively refuses to make any conces sions. Very Respectfully, J. H. Pennington, Superintendent Motive Power. When the answer was read to the employes they adopted the only course open to men who believe they are right, and without a single exception every one of the 280 workers dropped his tools and quietly departed. The strike was inaugurated at 4.30 on Monday afternoon, and since that hour every department of the big plant has been barren of life— except for the prowling about of half a dozen bosses and a few office clerks. The omployes of the shops are all members of Federal Labor Union, No. 8750, American Federation of Labor, and a meeting of the union was held Monday evening in the Municipal build ing. They are a unit on the subject which caused the strike, as they have satisliod themselves that the owners of the Drifton plant are as well able to accede to the short-day demand as the owners of the hundreds of eiinilar estab lishments throughout the country who have met their employes fairly on this question. The strike is being conducted credit ably. The fact that no one is workiog makes it unnecessary for the men to go near the shops, and no disorder is appre hended. The majority of the employes reside, !u Freeland. Good Repertoire Company. The engagemontof the Jessie Sawtelle Dramatic Company has given the people of this vicinity an opportunity to see lirst-class peuple in good standard dramas at popular prices. No company that has appeared here for some time lias offered as much amusement for the money as the Sawtelle troupe. Both in acting and in their specialties they are up to date, and It Is to be regretted that better patronage has not so far been MISCELLANEOUS AIJVEUTISKMKNTS. IjSOlt SALE.—Hcalcy property on South I Centre street. Apply to Thns. A. Buckley. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JfOtt KKCORDEH JAMES G. HARVEY, of Hazleton. Subject to the decision of tho Republican priniMi los ol bur.erne county. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. OISTE IF'all "Wee COMMENCING Monday, June 10. Matinees: Wednesday and Saturday. Jessie Sawtelle Dramatic Co. in a varied repertoire. Wednesday Night: "Checkered Life." Thursday Night: "A Country Courtship." Carload of Scenery. Four Big Specialties. A.cLmission: lO Cents XO to any part of the house. I FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1901 accorded them. On Monday •veiling the company opened in the "The Victorian Cross" and gave general satisfaction. Last evening ' Heart of Gold" was presented and pleased all who were present. A carload of scenery is carried by Mr. .Sawtelle. and almost every act of each play Is set with the company's own ma terial. The costumes are also worthy of mention, while the numerous acces sories required to give a finished pro duction are very complete. Tonight "A Checkered Life" will be rendered, Thursday evening "A Coun try Courtship," Friday evening "Chat tanooga in '01," Saturday matinee "A Heart of Gold" and Saturday evening "Ten Nights in a Barroom." The price of admission for tho balance of the week will be 10 cents to any part of the house. Company Store Bill. The legislative conference committee's report on the Ferr.bee company store bill wis adopted by the senate yesterday afternoon and all that now remain, before tho bill becomes a law is the signature of the governor, tho house having adopted tho report of the con ferees. This makes the third bill the miners' legislative committee has suc ceeded in pushing through, but not without man/ rebuffs and discourage ments. Seventeon other mine hills are stili in committee and the prospects for their enactment into laws are not promising. The general belief is that there will bo no more mine legislation this year, thore being few administration measures left to use as a club with which to drive the administration forces Into line for mine bills. The company store bill as It goes to the governor Is the same as It was origi nally drafted, the amendment exempt ing from taiation checks on chartered institutions having been stricken out and the word "banks" insorted In Its stead. Tho object In striking out this amendment was to prevent corporations from evading the law by chartering their stores. Clash Is Threatened. A clash is threatened at the machine shops of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Wilkesbarre, where the machinists have been on strike since May 20. When the non-union men cuine from work they are followed by large crowds of women, men and children. Soino of the boys throw stones and many of the non-union men have had narrow escapes from per sonal injury. Last night Hon. I'. J. Hoy 10, ex-inem ber of the legislature, swore out war rants fur four detectives employed by the company In and about the shops, charging thein with pointing thoir re volvers and threatening to shoot. The case Is tho outgrowth of the disturbance at the shops Sunday night. Tho de fendants were held in bail for a further hearing. School Board Organized. Hazle township school board organiz ed Monday by electing the following officers: President—J. I). Morgan. Secretary—Jacob Steiner; salary, $.150. Treasurer—Philip Meikrantz; com mission, 2 per cent on moneys exponded, including the bond issue of $17,500; bond, s6o t ooo. Truant officer —James Collins; salary, sls per month. Salicitor—John R. Sharpies*; salary, SIOO. Kxcttrnion to the Kx port It lon. Tho first of the series of Fowler's Com plete Pttid-l T p Trips to Buffalo, tho Pan- American Exposition and Niagara Falls, from Hazleton, Freeland and White Haven, will start Monday. June 24. They will include every detail complete, viz: First-class railroad return ticket, meals and lodging at Hotel Alcazar, tickets into exposition, trip to Niagara Falls, etc. Five solid days of pleasure, making a full week for s32—personally conducted by Mr. Fowler. Apply at, the Progress office in person, by telephone, or by mail, for any further information. Tho bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers, tho famous pills for constipation, will remove the cause of your troubles. Grover's City drug store. Low Fares to Fan-American Exposition. Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five day tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the rate of $7.50 for the round trip. Tick ets good only in day coaches. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for the round trip. Danger, disease and death follow neg lect of the bowels. Use DeWitt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Grover's City drug store. Try Koiper'a 5-ceut cigar—best made. ROUND THE REGION Judge Ferris has approved the finding >f Bishop Charles F. Fowler in the case of the Welsh Baptist church at Wilkes barre. He decided that the pastor can use whatever language or tongue he chooses in the pulpit, and the congrega tion has no right to Interfere. The pas tor had been "engaged to preach in Welsh, but finding that a number of the younger element did not understand that language he preached one sermon a day in Welsh and one iu English, for which ho was ousted. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to live requires nourishment. Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dvspep sia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly tho same s the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't help but do you good, drover's Bity drug store. Josephine Bevelacque. the flrst woman to be placed on trial in Lackawanna county for murder, was arranged at Scranton yesterday. She Is charged with killing Mrs. Mary Paul Rose on November 27, P.tOO. Mrs. Bevelacque, it is asserted, quarreled with Mrs. Rose and shot her. The fire which broke out in the Luke Fidler colliery, Sbamokln, on Saturday morning ignited eeveral large bodies of gas last night, causing the flames to spread so rapidly that the fire was be yond control this morning. Coal Run creek has been turned Into the slope. "The Doctors told me my cough was incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norrls Silver. North Stratford. N. If.—Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't despair, fine Minute Cough Curs has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe aud sure. Grover's City drug store. Five masked burglars raided three places at, Miners Mills and got awav with a wagonful of booty. They enter ed two hotels, one owned by Mrs. James O'Brien and the other by Frank Mulli gan, and a store owned by James Judge. The breaker at colliery No. 5, Lans ford, caught lire from a locomotive spark, and before the flames were ex tinguished a big coal pocket was des troyed. "A few months ago. food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my 'stomach for half an hour. 1 used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now cat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troub les. H. S. Pitts, Arlington Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Grover's City drug store. Lehigh university commencement exercises will begin on Sunday next, when Rev. G. 11. Van de Water, of New York, will preach tlis bacclaureato ser mon to the class of sixty-two graduates. Connelly's hotel and store, three dwelling houses and a bakery were des troyed by fire at Branchdale, Schuylkill county. The loss will reach *30,000. Eczema, saltrheum. tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Narlvc. The certain pile cure. Grover's City drug store. Robert Ferguson, for many years a prominent business man at Marcy, was removed to the Danville asylum today, a raving maniac. Ferguson wandered about at night in the woods near his home for weeks. Adjutant General Stewart has ap proved the selection of Mount Gretna for the encampment of the Third bri gade, which will ha held July 20-27. P. F. Boyle, a well known Hazleton contractor, was married In Philadelphia this morning to Miss Rose McCauley, of that city. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Grover's City drug store. PLEASURE June 15.—Picnic of Highland Social Club at Highland ball park. June 15.—Trolley excursion to Hazle park by Chester Base Ball Club. Tick ets, 25 cents. June 17. —Fifteen-round boxing con test between John Boner and "Scaldy Hill" (Juinn, of Philadelphia, at the Grand opera house. Prices: 50, 75, sl. June 18 and 20. —Entertainment of Pupils of St. Ann's Parochial School at Grand opera house. Tickets, 35, 25 and 15 cents. June 22.—Picnic of the Crescent Ath letic Clul) at the Public park. June 20.—Second annual picnic of Good Wills Athletic Association at Pub lic park. June2o.—Picnic of Sandy Valley Base Bail Club at Sandy Valley grove. July 3. —Picnic of Local Union No. 1052, U. M. W., of Highland, at the Public park. July 4—Picnic of Citizens' Hose Com pany No. 1. at Public park. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. IleiclnniHK with Monday, April IS, A. Onwald will clone lilh ntore at S o'clock every evening except Saturdays and the general pay nights. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words, Reports from Philadelphia are to the effect that Bonner and Quinn, who will box fifteen rounds here on Monday even ing, are In iine condition. It is some time since these men have met in a ring and an exciting scientific contest is promised. A Lehigh Valley Railroad freight car, filled with merchandise consigned to Freeland, was broken open at the Lumbar Yard station early yestorday morning, and several packages and boxes were removed. Deputy Collector Salsbnrg, of the in ternal revenue department, will be here on Monday to receive money from Free land people who are engaged in business which requires payment of internal revenue. A fine picnic ground has been made at Highland ball park. A dancing pavilion, refreshment stands, etc., wore erected this week. The first picnic will he hold there on Saturday evening by Highland Social Club. The price of admission at the Grand opera house tonight and for the balance of tlie week will be 10 cents to any part of the house. The Tigers will play at Pottsville on Saturday afternoon. Postmaster Davis has secured another Western mail connection from town. The new mail closes at 11.20 a. m. and leaves on the 11.51 train. John Meehan, the 1). S. & s. brake man who was injured in the fatal wreck at Blootnsbury, N. J., a few months ago, has returned to his home on Frontstreet from Easton hospital. Ice cold soda at Helper's. Dr. C. W. Iloblitzell, of Philadelphia, who was the first dentist to locate in Freeland, will be married to Miss Mary B. Buck waiter, of that city, on the 18th lost. P. X. O'Donnell, of Drifton, is num bered among tho students of the dental department of the t. nivorsity of Pennsyl vania who graduate today. E. W. Bishop, of Dunmore, deputy, stale factory Inspector, Is making his annual visit to tho industrial establish ments of this vicinity. Friday and Saturday will he pay days at the surrounding collieries. Evan Moses and family, of Upper Le high, are preparing to remove to Buck Mountain, Schuylkill county. The finest ice cream in town, all flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyle have returned from their wedding tour. New sidewalks are being laid in front of the Birkbeck properties on Main street. Edgar Albert, and Miss Emma Zim rnei man, of hreoland, were married today at the home of the bride's parents in Sunshine. Near the Tigers park this morning Oflicer Molik shot a dog which was said to be mad. The Game and Fish Protective Club held an enthusiastic meeting lasj even ing and decided to enforce the now fish law in this section. Miss Ida Shaller, of Allentown, is visiting frionds here. John Dsnnenny, of town, has accept ed a position on tho Reading Railroad as telegraph operator. He will serve as an extra between Wiliiamsport aud Shamokln. Tickets for the trolley excursion of the Chester base ball club to Hazle park on Saturday evening are being sold by members of the club. A special meeting of the borough school board will be hold this evoning. G. L. Hoover has accepted a position as mine foreman at Drifton. An act signed by Gorornor Stone on Monday gives the president of a borough council the authority to exercise the duties of the absence of the latter oflicial. I'. (■. Gallagher returned on Monday from Harrisburg and left again the same evening for that city. There is Import ant labor legislation before the senate, and the Mine Workers' committee Is kept busy combatting the trickery of the politicians who are directing the work in the senate. TRI-WEEKLY Our Motto Is NoTroubleto Square Dealing Show You All and Satisfaction Our Goods Phila. One Price Clothing House. S. SEN IK, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. No I rouble to If Goods Are Show You All; .Mot Satisfactory Our Goods I Money refunded C HAB. ORION STROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW anil NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Hooms land 2, Birkbeck Ilriok, Freelaa* JOHN M. CAIUt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffloe Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Bescription. Brennan's Building, So. Centro St. Freeland. R. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, ... Freeland. White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite I ostofliue; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOIIN J. McBREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tegal Business of every description. Fire attention 6 ' * Conveyancing given prompt McMouamin Building, South Centre Street. N. MA LEY, DENTIST. OVER BIXtKBECK'S STORE, Second I' loor, - . Birkbeck Briok jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable compnuica represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grsds I ianos oi Hu/.clton Bros.. Now Vork city. JJK. S. S. lIESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - ltefewlch Building. 'TMIOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, . . Main Street THIS GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PELTFJFT£E , FOR ONE HOUR S WORK. "*** and fiirli, wr will Trust)on. Ko Money in adruct. yon 2'> •lira flu.- .IPWPIPII Top I . v"i ivnHU TO*HLTT yontI?• nnu'n Pau ' .V"" Ti" '"" " ,oUcy * uU wl " Ml ARIA SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New Tort. Wm. Wehrman, "MAT" a-tclamaolcer. Clocks and Watches for Sale. Repairing a Specially. Next to Neußurger's Store. Geo. H. Hartmr.n, Meats and Green Tinck. Fresh Lard a Specially. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. Corner of Centre and Front .Street*. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Rosenbluth's Velvet, of which we have EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm'g Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Rto. Bam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Kle, MEALS - AT - ALL,- HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERL B. C. LAUBACII, Prop. Choice Bread f All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try I >aily. Fancy and Novelty takes Baked to Older. CDIFICTIIIEIT ® ICE CREAM supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. D -B MaRMiiM-bßrnA
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