FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 149, CRASH SUITS for the little fellows as well as for the men and youths. A large assort ment has just been re ceived. STRAW HATS in abundance. No house in the county can offer you a greater selection. Mowicl'sfwfel Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Ladies: Havo you tried the Queen Quality ? , Are You I Interested <1 New 8-day oak Striking ) Clocks. 50; guaranteed. ) New 8-day hanging Clocks, ' with calendars, $3.25; guar -7 teed. : Alarm Clocks, 75c. ] BUTTERWIOKS J Cor. Front and Centre Streets. Sheet Music at Cut-Ratc Prices. t* T-- T* - - m AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour alwaj'B in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. /?. W. Cor. Centre and Front Stn. % Freeland, T. CAMPBELLT dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES ft LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MKVWINAL PURPOBBB. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. CTJRBT"'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J, Curry, South Centre Street. Spring Shoes are here in abundance. We have the latest products of the largest manufacturers, and are prepared to furnish Men, Women and Children with footwear at prices as low as any dealer in the county, quality considered. We handle Nothing but Shoes, therefore, we can sell to better advantage and guar antee you better value for your money than can he had elsewhere. When you want footwear, come to the STjAK SHOE STOEE. ~l n... Corner Centre and ttgß Mdlloy, Prop. w ß iuut siret. UMPIRED THE GAME OF BALL John L. Sullivan Was the Attraction Yesterday. Ex-Champion Officiated at a Contest Between Read ing and the Tigers—Local Club Won Easily. John L. Sullivan, ex-champlon pugil ist of the world, umpired a game of ball at the Tigers park yesterday afternoon. Owing to the short notice upon which the game was arranged the attendance was small. This was Mr. Sulllvau'e second appearance in town to act In the capacity of umpire for the Tigers, and Ills work was, as a whole, creditable. The opposing club was the State league toam of Reading. The visiters gare a poor exhibition, and If yester day's playing Is a sample of the quality of ball furnished by the State league that organisation is a back number. The score at the end of the contest was 9t03 In faror of the Tigers. The latter played a fine game and outclassed their opponents at every stage of the struggle. Following Is the detailed score: TIOKItS. it. it. P.O. A. p.. Cannon, 2b 0 0 3 1 0 Gillespie, cf 1 1 3 0 0 Chas. McGeeban, 3b ..3 2 2 2 2 Ferry, lb 1 1 7 0 0 Mariey, If 3 3 0 0 0 Con MeGeehan, p 0 1 0 9 0 Cull, ss 2 2 2 3 1 Carlin.c o 0 7 10 O'Donnell, rf ..1 3 0 0 0 Totals 9 13 24 10 3 HEADING. It. 11. P.O. A. E. Rltter, ss 0 12 2 5 Rush, cf 1 0 3 1 0 Macanel, 3b 1 2 3 3 0 Black, If 0 1 2 0 1 Deal, lb 0 0 13 0 1 Shultz, 3b 0 10 3 2 Glube, c 1 3 3 11 McGlll, p 0* 2 0 4 1 Fox, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 10 20 14 11 Tigers ....0 0 0 2 3 1 3 0 I—9 Reading ..0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 x—3 Throe-bate hit —Shultz. Two-base hits—Con MeGeehan, O'Donnell, Mac anel. First base on balls—Off McGlll, 2; off MeGeehan, 1. Struck out—By MeGeehan, 0; by McGlll, 1. Double play—Tigers 1; Reading, 1. Umpire- John L. Sullivan. Time— Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to live requires nourishment. Food is not nourishing until it Is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, It must have assistance. Kodol Dyspop sla Curo digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain Its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the saino as the natural digestive fluids and It simply can't help but do you good. Grover's 3lty drug store. MISCKI.I.ANKOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. I AST ATE OK BRIDGET lIUOOAN, late of Jli Free I find, doceused, Lottero testamentary upon the above named estate having boon granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, mid those bavin# ulaims or demands to present the same, with out delay, to Huirh A. Mhovlin, K. J. O Donnell,nttorne}*. Freeland, I'a. HX)lt SALE.—Henley property on South Centre street. Apply to Tlios. A. Buckley. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. RECORDER— JAMES G. HARVEY, of Ha/.leton. Subject to the decision of tho Republican primaries of Ltizorno county. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. OUSTE F-a.ll Wee Is, COMMENCING Monday, June 10. Matinees: Wednesday and Saturday. Jessie Sawtelle Dramatic Co. In a varied repertoire. Monday Night: "The Victorian Cross." Carload of Scenery. Four Big Specialties. Prices, 10, 20,30 c. MATIN EEB: 10c. Ladies admitted to all parts of tho house on Monday evening for 15 cents if ticket is pur chased before 6 p. m. on June 10. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1901. UPPER LEHIGH A shooting match between Denis Ferry, Jr., and George Hrehm took place on Saturday and was won by the former, Ferry killing 9 and Hrehm 0 out of 11 birds each. William Drasher. a miner employed at No. 5 slope, was severely injured on Saturday by a fall of coal. He was re moved to his home and is suffering very much from the squeeze. Organizer Schlossor will address the mine employes of town at the school house this evening. H. J. Keonan returned last evening from Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, whore he visited his brother John, who returns to work today after an illness of nine weeks. W. E. Martin, of Freeland, was suc cessful in securing the picture of John Mitchell, given by tho local branch of the United Mine Workers. Sunday Fishing Allowed. The n,w fih lews of this state, a synopsl, of which was published in til, Trlbuoo a week ago, aro receiving much attention from the newspapers of the • tate. The Stroud,burg Times has dis covered the fact that the act which the governor has just signed is silent re garding Sunday fishing. The editor wrote to VT. E. Meehan, secretary of the Ssate Fish Commission, asking for in formation on this point, and the secre tary replied as follows: "The now laws aro very much more liberal than the old ooes, I am glad to say. Among other things, you will no lice that there Is 110 prohibition against Sunday fishing." This feature of the law will undoubt edly be welcomod by thoso who cannot find time to fish on week-days. On the other hand, It will be condemned by all who oppose Sunday ploasuro and pas times. "The Victorian Cross." The Lebauon Times, speaking of the "Victoria Cross" says: "The Jessie Sawtolle Dramatic Com pany, comprising a company of ex cellent players, headed by Miss Jessio Sawtolle, opened a successful engage ment in Fisher academy Monday even ing, when tho five act-iulliltary drama, "The Victoria Cross," was presontcd to a packod house. The company Is tho tho best aggregation producing rep tnlre plays that has visited this city this season. Every member of the company from the leading lady down is strong. A car load of special scenery is carried by them." This play will be presented this even ing at the Grand opera house by the Sawtolle Company. Ladles who pur chase their tickets before (i p. m. this evoning can obtain reserved seats for 15 cents. Coming Weddings. At the 10.50 a. 111. mass at St. Ann's church yesterday the bans of marriages of the following were annotiuced for the first time: Miss Kate Tlinony and John J. Mcßrearty, Miss Sarah Gallagher and John Boner and Miss Sarali O'Don nell and Hugh Brogan. Edgar Albert and Miss Emma Zimmer man will be married on Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents In Sun shine, this county. Miss Annie McLaughlin and Michael J. Bergin will be married 011 July 13. George Bechtloft aud Miss Hattie Lewie, both of Sandy valley, will be married this week. John Novak and Mary Olsatskl, both of town, will be married to-morrow by Rev. Pajchlsak at St. John's Slavonian church. His Annual Visit. B'or twenty-nine consecutive years, slnca he graduated, Rev. J. H. Ivorech ner, pastor of St. John's Reformed church, has attended the commence ment exercises of Franklin and Mar shall college, at Lancastor, and tomor row he will leave to pay the Institution his annual visit and attend the exercises. Rev. Kerschnor has novor missed a commencement at the college since he completed his studies there. Excursion to the Exposition. The first of the seriosof Fowler's Com plete Paid-Up Trips to Buffalo, the Pan- American Exposition and Niagara Falls, from Hazleton, Freeland and White Haven, will start Monday, Juno 2t. Tlioy will Include every detail complete, viz: First-class railroad return ticket, meals and lodging at Hotel Alcazar, tickets Into exposition, trip to Niagara Falls, etc. Flvo solid days of pleasuro, making a full weuk for #32—personally conducted by Mr. Fowler. Apply at tho Progress office In person, by telephone, or by mail, tor any further Information. Notice to Flfthermon. A meeting of tho Game and Fish Pro tective Club will be held tomorrow even ing at S o'clock in tho Municipal build ing. Hugh Malloy, president. Ice cold soda at Keiper's. ROUND THE REGION Charles 11. Kreamer, of East Mauch Chunk, was bitten in the hand by a large rattlesnake. While endeavoring to kill the reptile along the road where he was walking it crept under a log. Kreamer reached in under the log to pull away leaves and brush so he could get at It, when it bit him in the hand. His arm is swollen to twice its natural size and fears are entertained. The first step in an effort to reoiovn several justices and alderman who are suspected of swindling the county was made on Friday when a hearing was heard in the case of R. C. Moliska. justice at Duryea. The tesimony will be presented to the senate with the request that he be removed. The funeral of Mrs. Evan R. Jones, of Shamokin, occurred on Saturday. De ceased and the casket weighed 400 pounds. It was necessary to construct a flight of stairs from the second story to the street in order to convey the casket to the hearse. The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation, will remove the cause of your troubles. Grover's City drug store. The Lehigh Valley Railroad firemen of the Wyoming division have made a demand upon the management for an extra fireuian on the big "hog" engines which are used on the mountain divi sions. They say that one man cannot do the work. Gertrude Iteddington. of Scranton, swallowed her false teeth and her life is danger. She was taken to the Lacka wanna hospital, where the X rays re vealed the plate In her stomach. The physicians will perform an operation. The third triplet Iq the quarantined Solak house, Wilkesbarre, died on Fri day. The father has smallpox. The babe was burled at midnight. Mr. James Hrown, of Putsmouth, Va., over 90 years of age, suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help him. DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salvo cured him permanently. Grover's City drug store. The president has appointed the fol lowing Luzerne postinastors: Edwards dale, J. J. Jenkins; Nantlcokc, Samuel Powell; Pittston, W. J. Peck. Glen Summit hotel will open next Saturday for the season. The first mall carriers appointed to act ID Plymouth are William T. Jones, David P. Lewis, Evor R. Jones, Andrew J. Hofforn&n, Thomas Dooley and John L. Philips. Danger, disease and death follow neg lect of tho bowols. Use De Witt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add yoars to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Grover's City drug store. The fire In the Jersey mine, Plymouth, gains steadily each day, and dense colurus of smoke are now pouring from the openings. The fighters are unable to go inside the workings. Mrs. Jano Him, of Hudson, this county, died yesterday, aged 84 years. She was tho mother of twenty-one children, nine of whom survive her. John Padden and Mrs. Catherino T. McCabe, each aged 70, were married at Scranton last week. They have gone on a wedding tour to the Pan-Araorlcan Exposition. Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and ail skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve. The certain pilo cure. Grover's City drug storo. Governor Stone has signed the bill authorizing trolley companies to employ men as officers with full police powers. The employes of the Templeton stocking mills at Plymouth wont on strike Friday afternoon. They demand the same wages as paid at tho Wyoming Valley and the Pioneer mills. Candidates Registered. The time for the registration of Re publican candidates for the county olll ce to be tilled next fall closed at noon on Saturday. No candidate registered for judge, which means that Judge Lynch, Democrat, whose term expires this year, will have, no opposition for election, as he will undoubtedly bo re nominated by his party. For tho other offices the following registered: SherllT—Jonathan R. Davie, Kings ton; Solomon Diebel, Avoca. Recorder—J. G. Harvey, Hazleton; L. B. Holcotnb, West Pittston; Harry Jonee, WilUesbarre. Controller—A. E. Dick, llazloton; William Danox, Hazleton; J. D. Lloyd, Wyoming; Abdoogo Reese, Wyoming. Coroner—J. B. ltlehl, Plymouth; Eu gene Hayee, Wyoming; B. E. Moore Aldon; Edwin Maxwell, Wilkesbarre. Surveyor—N. B. Butler, H. B. Siulth Wilkesbarre. The county convention will be held at Wllkesbarre on July. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. A Central Labor Union was organized yesterday afternoon at the Grand opera house by dolegatea from the several labor unions of town. Temporary offi cers wero elected to serve until next Sunday, when a permanent organiza tion will be effected. Don't fail to read the "Pleasure" an nouncements In the Tribune, if you wish to keep posted on what is going on In amusement circles. These announce ments are compiled from the job print ing department of this ollice, and are always correct. Harry McOee, of Front street, an em ploye of the Tribune office, dislocated his right arm Saturday evening. While running to catch a trolloy car at Drif ton he tripped and fell heavily to the ground, receiving the injury stated. The finest ice cream in town, all llavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt's. Profossor C. M. Crawford, of Lehigh university, has been engaged to teach iu the Mining and Mechanical Institute neit term. Profossor Crawford will conduct a class to prepare young men to enter a university. The boxing contest to come off in town next Monday evening, between Jack Bonner, of Philadelphia, and "Scaldy Bill" Quiun, of Merchantville, N. J., is attracting the attention of the sporting fraternity throughout the re gion. Try Kelpor's 5-cent cigar—best made. Ono of the largest funerals that has left I)rlft,on for some years was that of Mrs. Nora Breslin, which took place yesterday. Friends and relatives from all parts of the region ware prosent. Anthony Demozie, who rosides in the rear of the Capece dwelling on South Ceutre street, was brought home Injured this afternoon from No. 5 mine, Jcddo. Tickets for the entertalnmont of the pupils of St. Ann's parochial schools have boen placed for sale in each town of tho parish. Organizer Schlossor will address Up per Lehigh miners tonight, and Organiz ers Schlossor and James will speak at Sandy Bun Thursday evuning. The first game of a series to decide the amateur base ball championship of the region will be played at tho Tigers . park on Sunday by Uazleton Athletics and Drifton. It Is worth your while to sec McMona tnin's display of straw hats. Tho Columbia Brewing Company, of Shenandoah, Is preparing to ersct an Ice house on the lot of P. M. Sweeney, Washington street. The demand of Drifton shop employes for a nine-hour day has been met by the company asking that a committee be sent to the officials to discuss the sub ject. Councilman and Mrs. J. P. McNeils are entertaining a young son which ar rivedfat their home last week. Rev. F. Mack, of St. Ann'i church, is attending the retreat of tho junior priests of the Scranton diocese at llarvey's lake this week. Miss Annie Carr, of Manayunk, is spending her vacation with Freeland relatives. Mrs. Edward Mcllngh, of the Third ward, Is seriously 111. Undertaker F. 11. Albert has added another hearse to Ills equipment. PLEASURE. June 15.—Picnic of Highland Social Club at Highland ball park June 15.—Trolley excursion to Ilazle park by Cboster liase Ball Club. Tick rts, 25 contJ*. June 17. —Fifteen-round boxing con test between John Honor and "Scaldy Hill'' Quint), of Philadelphia, at tho Grand opera house. Prices: 50, 75, sl. June 18 and 20.—Entertainment of Pupils of St. Ann's Parochial School at Grand opera house. Tickets, 35, 25 and 15 cents. June 22.—Picnic of the Crescent Ath letic Club at the Public park. Juno 29.—Second annual picnic of Good Wills Athletic Association at Pub lic park. June29.—Picnic of Sandy Valley Rase Hall Club at Sandy Valley grove. July 3.—Picnic of Local Union No. 1052, U. M. W., of Highland, at the Public park. .July 4—Picnic of Citizons' llose Com pany No. 1, at Public park. TRI-WEEKLY Our Motto Is NoTroubleto Square Dealing Show You All and Satisfaction Our Goods Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. NoTroubleto If Goods Are Show You Alb iNot Satisfactory Our Goods ! i Money refunded ORION STBOH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllcc: Room.lands. Birkbeck Ilrick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflice Building, ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal liwaness of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freeland. w . h "° ,I: iyen Ollloe, Kane Building, Opposite I oatoihoe; luesilays, Thursdays, Saturdays. JOIIN J. McHREAIITY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. K MeMenamln Building, South Centre Street. J~JR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BJKKBKCK'S STORE, Second Floor. . ■ Birkbeck Brick S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also agent tor the celebrated high-grade I lanos of Hazelton Bros., New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Streot. Second Floor Front, - Rcfowlch Building. A. IIUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, . . Main Street THIS GUN METAL FINISHED FOUNTAIN PEN FKEE .FOB ONE HOUR'S WORK. „ , ..PNC THIRD ACTUAI. SIZE Royt and wis, wp will Trust you. Ko Money in adranre. yonfruu 10 ~ r nnw p " HnU,n ~fn - Send M yo" MtV* flue i|p\vt>l('ll Toil l.fAd ivnrllH ?oTt£ionnuln r ' vWt?,'" 1 ~,o,u> 't tlul " n <* MLGRUI SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New Yorlu Wm. Wehrman, "V\7" a,tol2.m.als:er. Clocks and Watches for Sale. Repairing a Specially. Next to Neußurger's Store. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Ti tick. Fresh Lard a Specialty, Centre Street, near Central Hotel. DePIERRO - BROS. Corner of Centre and Front Blreets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, Rosenbluth's Velvet, of which we hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Chainpairne, Hennossy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Uam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY, B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Bread of All Kinds. Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. CllllCTliltY ® 111 CIEAI supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers